Transcription of the “Eurovision Debate“ in the Run-Up to the European Parliament Election 2014 Jürgen Maier Thorsten Faas No. 2/2014 Working Paper and Documentation of Research Focus ”Communication, Media and Politics” ISSN (Online): 2195-6030 The working papers of the research focus „Communication, Media and Politics“ appear at irregular intervals to document intermediate results. All rights reserved especially (also in extracts) for translation, reprinting, reproduction by copying or other technical means. Publisher/Editors Members of Steering Committee of the Research Focus „Communication, Media and Politics” Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Grimm (Faculty 4: Informatics) Prof. Dr. Jürgen Maier (Faculty 6: Cultural and Social Sciences) Prof. Dr. Michaela Maier (Faculty 8: Psychology) Prof. Dr. Manfred Schmitt (Faculty 8: Psychology) Transcription of the “Eurovision Debate“ in the Run-Up to the European Parliament Election 2014 Jürgen Maier Thorsten Faas No. 2/2014 Contact Information Jürgen Maier Department of Political Science Institute of Social Sciences Faculty 6: Cultural and Social Sciences University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau Kaufhausgasse 9 76829 Landau E-Mail:
[email protected] Thorsten Faas Empirical Political Science Institute of Political Science Faculty 2: Social Sciences, Media, and Sports Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Hegelstr. 59 55122 Mainz E-Mail:
[email protected] Transcription of the “Eurovision Debate“ in the Run-Up to the European Parliament Election 2014 About the Debate On May 15, 2013 the first TV-debate between all leading candidates for the Presidency of European Commission, the “Eurovision Debate” took place. Participating candidates were Jean-Claude Juncker (EPP), Martin Schulz (PES), Guy Verhofstadt (ALDE), Ska Keller (European Greens) and Alexis Tsipras (PEL).