Invitation for Comment on The Vines Affordable Subdivision

The Vines Affordable Subdivision is a Referred Project under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020

Application name The Vines Affordable Subdivision

EPA reference FTC000022

Applicant/s Jason and Ange Mudgway

Comments due by 14 June 2021

Accessing the application affordable-subdivision/the-application/

An application has been made by Jason and Ange Mudgway under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast- track Consenting) Act 2020 (the Act) for resource consent for The Vines Affordable Subdivision.

To comment on the The Vines Affordable Subdivision application using the form below, please fill in the details and:

• Email the form to [email protected]. Please mark in the subject line: “Comments on The Vines Affordable Subdivision Fast Track Application (Your name/organisation) by 14 June 2021 ; or • Post the form to The Vines Affordable Subdivision Fast Track Application, Environmental Protection Authority, Private Bag 63002, Waterloo Quay, 6140 in time for the form to be received by the 14 June 2021; or • Deliver in person to Environmental Protection Authority, Grant Thornton House, Level 10, 215 Lambton Quay, Wellington by 14 June 2021. Please note that due to potential changes in COVID-19 Alert Levels our reception may not be open to the public. We suggest phoning ahead to check.

Comments must be received by the EPA, on behalf of The Vines Affordable Subdivision Expert Consenting Panel, no later than 14 June 2021.

If your comment is not received by the EPA by 14 June 2021 the Panel is not required to consider your comment (although it may decide to). Under the Act 2020 there is no right to seek a waiver of the time limit.

If you are an authority you may share the consent application with hapū whose rohe is in the project area in the application, and choose to include comments from the hapū with any comments you may wish to provide.

The Vines Affordable Subdivision Page 1 of 4 Important information

Your personal information will be held by the EPA and used in relation to The Vines Affordable Subdivision consent application process. You have the right to access and correct personal information held by the EPA.

A copy of your comments, including all personal information, will be provided to the Expert Consenting Panel and the applicant.

All comments received on the application will be available on the EPA website.

If you are a corporate entity making comments on this application, your full contact details will be publicly available. For individuals, your name will be publicly available but your contact details (phone number, address, and email) will not be publicly available.

Please do not use copyright material without the permission of the copyright holder.

All information held by the EPA is subject to the Official Information Act 1982.

More information on the fast-track consenting process can be found at track-consenting/about/.

The Vines Affordable Subdivision Page 2 of 4 hangi or ovens, garden soils pit depressions, occupation evidence, burials, , etc.) you are required under the Heritage Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 to cease the works immediately until, or unless, authority is obtained from Heritage New Zealand under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014.

And replaced with a standard Heritage New Zealand accidental discovery protocol:

New Condition to replace advice note: Cultural heritage: Accidental Discovery Protocol

During the works, if the contractor or workers suspect archaeological material has been uncovered, the following applies: a) Work shall cease immediately at that place and within 20 metres around the site. b) The contractor must shut down all machinery, secure the area, and advise the Site Manager. c) The Site Manager shall secure the site and notify the Heritage New Zealand Regional Archaeologist. Further assessment by an archaeologist may be required. d) If the site is of Maori origin, the Site Manager shall notify the Heritage New Zealand Regional Archaeologist, Christine Barnett (ph 04 494 8323 / 027 217 8903) and the appropriate iwi groups or kaitiaki representative of the discovery and ensure site access to enable appropriate cultural procedures and tikanga to be undertaken, as long as all statutory requirements under legislation are met (Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act, Protected Objects Act). e) If human remains (kōiwi) are uncovered the Site Manager shall advise the Heritage New Zealand Regional Archaeologist, NZ Police and the appropriate iwi groups or kaitiaki representative and the above process under d) shall apply. Remains are not to be moved until such time as iwi and Heritage New Zealand have responded. f) Works affecting the archaeological site and any human remains (kōiwi) shall not resume until Heritage New Zealand gives written approval for work to continue. Further assessment by an archaeologist may be required. g) Where iwi so request, any information recorded as the result of the find such as a description of location and content, is to be provided for their records. h) Heritage New Zealand will determine if an archaeological authority under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 is required for works to continue.

Advice Note: It is an offence under s87 of the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 to modify or destroy an archaeological site without an authority from Heritage New Zealand irrespective of whether the works are permitted or consent has been issued under the Resource Management Act or other legislation.

This proposed condition is based on the accidental discovery protocol condition attached to the granted Kohimarama Comprehensive Care Retirement Village fast-track consent.

Thank you for your comments

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