Rheem Shopping Center Survey June, 2016 Execuve Summary Chamber Mission

To advance economic vitality by providing advocacy, informaon, and services to our members and the Moraga community. Purpose of Survey

• To aain feedback from local cizens (Moraga and other communies) on their desires for Rheem Shopping Center changes

• To provide feedback to the community and U.S. Realty Partners on community desires for shopping, and eateries

• To separately get input from Saint Mary’s College students on their desires for Rheem Shopping Center since they are an acve, vital part of the Moraga community Survey Design and Overview

• Survey was designed on Survey Monkey using various types of quesons and answer styles to try to get more specific informaon from the community on preferences (starng from more general preferences to more specific preferences/opinions about the Rheem Shopping Center) • Mulple choice • Force ranked preference • Open-ended • Matrix of choices • In total, from May 9, 2016 (launch) to May 31, 2016 (close of survey) 1,084 people parcipated through the online survey • There were also over 50 comments on NextDoor and an email with specific suggesons • A drawing for eight $25 gi cerficates to anywhere in the Rheem Shopping Center were selected randomly from parcipants who gave their contact informaon (572 respondents) to be contacted for the drawing Demographics of Moraga*

Census Data Populaon 17,256 (July 1, 2015) Number of Households 5,719; persons per household 2.55 (2010-2014) 98.4% > 25 years of age are high school graduates; 74.5% in same age bracket have Bachelor or Educaon Level higher degree vs (81.5% and 31% respecvely for all of CA) (2010-2014) $132,651; median per capita income $60,576 vs ($61,489 and $29,906 respecvely for all of CA) Median Household Income (2010-2014) Median Owner-Occupied $902,600 (2010-2014) vs ($371.400 for all of CA) (2010-2014) Housing Value Persons in Poverty 4.7% vs (16.4% for all of CA) (2010-2014) Businesses (all firms) 1729 Square Miles 9.43; populaon per square mile – 1,698 Hawaiian/Pac. Is White 76.2% Hispanic/Lat 7.0% Asian 14.9% Af.-Am./Black 1.7% Nave Am. 0.2% Ethnic Diversity (2010) 0.2% Age and Sex (2010) < 5 yrs old 3.5% < 18 yrs old 21.7% ≥ 65 yrs old 19.1% Female 52.9%

* US Census Data Demographics of Saint Mary’s College

• Overview of Saint Mary’s College community populaon • Students – Total ~4,000 (~2,750 undergraduate and ~1,280 graduate) • Faculty - 219

Ethnic Diversity White Hispanic/Lat. Asian Af.-Am./Black Nave Am. Int. and Other 46.9% 25% 15.7% 6.3% 1.2% 2% and 1% Gender Female 62% Male 38% Geographic Northern CA Southern CA Out of State Internaonal Diversity 70% 13% 16% 2% Percent of Freshman and Upper classmen Freshman undergrads. 55% 99% Living on campus Demographics of Parcipants (n=1084)

Gender Female 74% (807) Male 24% (264) Prefer Not to Answer 1% (13) Residence Moraga – 79% (848) Lafayee – 4% (38) Orinda – 4% (45) Saint Mary’s College 11% (119) Other – 2% (26) < 18 - 1% 18 to 21 - 15% 22 to 30 – 31 – 40 (17%) 41 – 50 26% 51 – 60 – 15% 61 – 65 - 7% Over 65 - 15% Age (yrs) (9) (164) 4% (41) 182 (287) (162) (72) (167) < 20 – 6.5% 20 to 99 – 11% 150 to 199 – 11% > 200 – 34% Prefer Not to Answer 23% 100 to 149 – 13% (145) Income ($ K) (70) (113) (121) (371) (254) Saint Mary’s College Student – 17% (179) Faculty - 0.3% (3) Staff - 2% (21) Chrisan Brother – 0.2% (2) Other - 2% (18) (19%) Percent with Yes – 84% (755) No – 16% (141) Children The majority of respondents were women. Age range was broad, with many respondents under 21 being students from Saint Mary’s College. Annual income for the majority of respondents was over $100 K [59% (637)]. The majority of respondents had children, and a good representaon of the students of Saint Mary’s College took the survey. Overall Input for Survey - General

• Comments were posive for conducng the survey • Some doubt as to how or what would change • Glad the survey was being conducted in such a thorough manner • Most did the survey in under 20 minutes • 93% of respondents rated the importance of child- or family-friendly businesses as somewhat (31%), very (50%), or can’t do without (12%) • Although many view the shopping center as “just a place to shop,” many want the shopping center to be more to the community • Events were mostly aended for the children • The Moraga Community Faire was popular • Not enough adversing for the events • Many wanted more of a meeng place – outdoor eang areas with landscaping, restaurants • Potenal for music, art, etc. to bring folks together • Movators to shop at the center would be/are wide selecon of store, free parking, and proximity

Slides 22, 27, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 comments Overall Input for Survey – Eang Out

• Eang Out – many folks (79%) out over 4 mes per month, with 23% eang out more than 10 mes per month • Eang habits varied, but dinner seemed to be the most popular meal for eang out • Both the general public and students wanted more choices • Healthy, local food (86%) • Mexican restaurant (89% on queson of ethnic types of restaurants) • Brewery/pub or sports bar type restaurant (79%) • Bakery (82%) • Many wanted children/family friendly eateries • Most importantly for the majority of the respondents – quality!!!

Slides 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, comments

Overall Input for Survey – Eang Out

• When asked for suggesons of “chain” restaurants, many of the suggesons were restaurants found in Lafayee (Chipotle, Jamba Juice, Noah’s Bagels, Peet’s Coffee) and Walnut Creek or Pleasant Hill (, Tender Greens) or Concord area

• Comments on the restaurants included • Don’t need more fast-food restaurants • Have enough Asian food restaurants in Moraga • Want outdoor eang areas in a nice seng for restaurants

Slides 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, comments Overall Input for Survey – Current Businesses Frequented or Important • CVS, TJ Maxx Tangelo, , and Dollar Tree are among the businesses most frequented • Of the most frequented, 8 were food establishments/restaurants

• CVS, Rheem Theater, Home Goods, TJ Maxx, Starbucks, and the Post Office (all had over 100 menons each) are among the businesses considered most important to the respondents • 9 different restaurants were menoned more than 34 mes by respondents

By far – the most comments (write-in) and selecons for businesses were for restaurants. It is clear that most all respondents want more and (beer) quality restaurants. Services ranked less important among current businesses or future businesses. Slides 28, 29, 30, 31, comments Overall Input for Survey – Culture

• By far, this queson had the most interesng input from “what do you mean by culture?...” to “no culture – it’s a shopping center…” to “ could be…it’s been there forever…” • Most of the comments focused on wanng a “center” of town that was nice enough, with restaurants and stores at which people would want to gather, to just walk, meet, and look around • As it is now, many commented on how “run down” the center is • Some gave examples of other towns with outdoor shopping centers they like to visit with their family [Corte Madera, Carrboro’s Front Yard (Carborro, NC)] There is a certain kind of “schizophrenia” in the respondents that longed for a newer, more appealing center, but at the same me wanng to preserve the “semi-rural” environment of Moraga.

Slides 54, 55, 56, comments Overall Input for Survey – Culture

• Many believed that the Rheem Theater was/is part of the culture of Moraga

• Many wanted to do whatever it takes to preserve the theater’s presence

• Negave comments included: • Some felt that the theater needed to be updated, cleaned, and have beer service • Some respondents menoned that the theater is part of the history of Moraga • Not having enough first-run, popular movies, it being run-down, not clean, and not appealing at all

Slides 57, comments Overall Input for Survey – Saint Mary’s College Students – Eang Out • 44% of student respondents ate out more than 7 mes in the past month • More than 25% ate out more than 10 mes per month • 48% of student respondents selected dinner as their favorite meal to eat out, and 41% selected “Happy Hour” as their least favorite me to eat out • Quality was rated the most important aspect of eang out (by 47%) • Price was menoned as second most important by over 30% • 58% of students said they would spend < $5.00 for snacks and coffee, $5.00 to $15.00 at a bar, or for breakfast or lunch, and for dinner ~60% were willing to spend $10.00 to $20.00. Only 9% of students were willing to spend over $25.oo for any meal. • Not surprisingly, most students do not eat out before 7 AM (87%). Times they eat out most oen are aer 1 PM. This confirms their favorite meal choices of dinner, and less so snacks/coffee. • Currently, many of the students go to Lafayee and Walnut Creek (79% and 96% respecvely) to eat

Slides 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, comments Overall Input for Survey – Saint Mary’s College Students – Other Factors • Public transportaon was not a factor in influencing students choice to go to the Rheem Shopping Center (70% said no effect)

• Top three most frequented businesses of students – CVS, Starbucks, and Dollar Tree Store

• Top three most important businesses to students – CVS, Starbucks, and TJ maxx

• Factors movang students to go to the shopping center were similar to all of respondents (free parking, proximity, variety of businesses)

Slides 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, , comments Overall Input for Survey – Saint Mary’s College Students – New Businesses • Overwhelmingly – the students wanted more restaurants (second choice was a coffee/beverage shop) • Services were least important (ranking of 54% of students) • Banking was menoned (49%) as somewhat important • Although many selected fast-food among their most frequented eateries, many preferred adult, sit-down, healthy/gourmet, or café as their preferences for new eateries • A bakery ranked number one with 80% and healthy, local, fresh food was chosen by 73% of students as a place they might frequent • was chosen double the proporon as compared to the other respondents • Chain restaurant suggesons – were similar to the rest of the respondents • Asian, Italian, and Mexican ethnic restaurants were most selected for new ethnic restaurant choices

Slides 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 comments Overall Input for Survey – Saint Mary’s College Students – Other • Only 15% of students parcipate in any special events mostly due to lack of publicity or the events being “children-centric” • Some aend the Community Faire (as volunteers) • Events they might like to have • Saint Mary’s Day Celebraon (84%) • Job Fair (52%) • Cook-off contests (53%) • Cra Fair (40%) • Establishments they would like to have • Restaurants!!! • “Target type store” • Sports bar/brewery/pub • Bowling (like Plank in Oakland???) • Bookstore • Specialty grocery (like Whole Foods)

Slides 88, 89, 90, comments Overall Input for Survey – Saint Mary’s College Students – Culture • 68% of students think the center is part of the culture of Moraga • Comments included – “only going to school here,” “old,” “could be,” “not sure,” “boring and bland,” “it’s been there forever”

• Negave comments included – Moraga has no culture, not relevant, just a bunch of shops • “No culture about [it]. When you think of culture you think of different, excing tradion. Rheem Shopping Center is boring and bland, no culture.”

Slides 91, 92, comments Overall Summary

• One gets the feeling of a great desire (1084 respondents to a 20 minute survey is one clue) to enhance the community (quality of life) by enhancing the shopping center • Although “art” in itself was not selected by many as a movang factor to visit the center, many menoned nicer outdoor surroundings as an imperave • Many viewed the center as possibly being a community gathering area where special events are more frequent and in a beer seng (music, performers, etc.) – a parking lot is not conducive • From a “Shop Moraga First” this center could add value to the community (only a few folks wanted to do away with the center and build something from which the tax base of the Town could be enhanced All Respondents Importance of Child or Family-Friendly Shops or Services (Q7) (n=895)

8% (69)

31% (275)

50% (448)

12% (103)

For the majority of respondents, family-friendly shops/service are important [93% (1,274)] Frequency of Eang Out (Anywhere) (Q8) (n=819)

1% (11)

20% (161)

33% (272)

23% (186)

23% (189)

The majority of respondents [79% (647)] eat a meal out at least once a week, with 23% (189) eang out more than 10 mes per month. Favorite Meal to Eat Out (Anywhere) (Q9) (n=819)*

* Force Ranked Favorite Meal to Eat Out (Anywhere) (Q9) (n=819)*

The majority of respondents [62% (509) selected dinner as their favorite meal to eat out. 50% (410) respondents ranked “Happy Hour” as their least favorite me to eat out vs 5% (37) that selected this me as their favorite to eat out.

* Force Ranked Aspects Important to Eang Out (Q10) (n=819)*

* Force Ranked Aspects Important to Eang Out (Q10) (n=819)*

The majority of respondents [79% (643) selected quality of food as their most important aspect of eang out. Price was most oen menoned aer quality as second most important [33% (270)]. Hours of service was ranked least important by [48.7% (399)] respondents.

* Force Ranked Top Three Most Frequented in Rheem Shopping Center (Q11) (n=810)

CVS TJ Maxx Tangelo Starbucks Dollar Tree Naons Post Office Rheem Theater Graze Royal Siam Rheem Pet Shop Lamorinda Pizza Sushi Fighter CVS was by far the number one menoned business most frequented (out of 810 respondents and a total of 1683 separate menons). Out of those most frequently menoned, 8 were food establishments/restaurants. Top Three Most Frequented in Rheem Shopping Center (Q11) (n=810) Establishment Percent Number CVS 43% 473 TJ Maxx 20% 219 Tangelo 19% 212 Starbucks 15% 169 Dollar Tree 10% 112 Naons 7% 74 Post Office 6% 70 Rheem Theater 6% 66 Graze 5% 56 Royal Siam 4% 43 Rheem Pet Shop 4% 41 Lamorinda Pizza 4% 39 Subway 3% 38 Sushi Fighter 3% 37 China Moon 3% 34

Many establishments were rated among the top 3 most frequented, but the other menons were below 20 each. Top Three Most Important in Rheem Shopping Center (Q12) (n=804)

CVS Rheem Theater Homegoods TJ Maxx Starbucks Post Office Tangelo Dollar Tree Naons Rheem Pet Store Lamorinda Pizza Subway CVS again was among the most important businesses in the center. Rheem Theater, Home Goods, TJ Maxx, Starbucks and the Post Office all had over 100 votes each for most important. Top Three Most Important in Rheem Shopping Center (Q12) (n=804) Establishment Percent Number CVS 28% 449 Rheem Theater 11% 182 Homegoods 11% 172 TJ Maxx 10% 166 Starbucks 8% 136 Post Office 7% 117 Tangelo 6% 95 Dollar Tree 5% 73 Naons 4% 65 Rheem Pet Store 2% 33 Lamorinda Pizza 2% 31 Subway 2% 30 Graze 2% 29 Amoroma 2% 27 Out 1605 menons, 7 were restaurants/food. CVS, Homegoods and TJ Maxx (anchor stores) were menoned in the top 5. Movators to Shop at Rheem Shopping Center (Q13) (n=764)

The top reasons to shop at Rheem Shopping Center were wide selecon of stores [75% (575)], proximity of locaon [72% (551)], and free parking [68% (519)]. Least movang were motorcycle parking, electric car charging ports and bike racks. Movators to Shop at Rheem Shopping Center (Q13) (n=764) Types of New Businesses Preference for Rheem Shopping Center (Q14) (n=764)*

* Force Ranked Types of New Businesses Preference for Rheem Shopping Center (Q14) (n=764)*

* Force Ranked Types of New Businesses Preference for Rheem Shopping Center (Q14) (n=764)* • Overwhelmingly, 72% (553) of respondents chose restaurants as their most desired new addion to the shopping center • Retail (large) and specialty ranked no more than around 20% to 30% of responses in second through sixth choice spots • Services and beauty or health ranked highest in least preferred types of new businesses

* Force Ranked Types of Eateries Preferred (Anywhere) (Q15) (n=764)*

* Force Ranked Types of Eateries Preferred (Anywhere) (Q15) (n=764)*

* Force Ranked Types of Eateries Preferred (Anywhere) (Q15) (n=764)* • Adult sit-down and family-friendly restaurants were among the top ranked choices for types of restaurants • All other categories (except for fast food) of restaurants ranked second among choices • Of all the choices, ranked last more oen than any other choice available

* Force Ranked Importance of Services at Rheem Shopping Center (Q16) (n=764)

Wen comparing this queson to other quesons, far fewer people rated any of the services important vs not important. Banking and car repair were most oen selected as important, most probably because those services already exist in the shopping center. Importance of Services at Rheem Shopping Center Types of Restaurants for Rheem Shopping Center that the Parcipant Might Frequent (Q17) (n=764)

82% 79%


For this queson the respondent could choose as many opons as they wanted. The top three picked were healthy, local fresh food opon, bakery, and gastropub/brewery. Types of Restaurants for Rheem Shopping Center that the Parcipant Might Frequent (Q17) (n=764) Chain Restaurant Suggesons for Rheem Shopping Center (Q18) (n=764) • Analysis of the write in responses included • Chipotle (18%) (n=140)* • Jamba Juice (11%) (n=82)* • Noah’s Bagels (5% ) (n=32)* • Panera Bread (4%) (n=30)+ • Peet’s Coffee (4%) (n=30)* • Tender Greens (3.8%) (n=29)+ • Baja Fresh (3.7%) (n=28)* • Chili’s (3%) (n=24)^ • Olive Garden (2.6%) (n=20)^ • Other restaurants menoned (less than 20 mes each) included: Olive Garden, , , Zachary’s Pizza, Black Bear , Chick Filet, Fresh Choice, Mixt Greens, , Spaghe Factory, Buffalo Wild Wings, and Pasta Pomodoro

Locaons close by * Lafayee + Walnut Creek ^ Concord Ethnic Restaurant Interest (Q19) (n=763)

63% 67% 89%


For this queson the respondent could choose as many opons as they wanted. The top four picked were Mexican/Spanish/South Am., American, Italian, and Asian. Ethnic Restaurant Interest (Q19) (n=763) Parcipaon in Special Events at the Rheem Shopping Center (Q20) (n=763)

Answers were equally split on the queson of aending special events at the center. Aend Events – Yes (Q22) (n=382)





90% (351) of respondents aend the Community Faire. Aend Events – No (Q21) (n=380)






About one third of respondents each, who do not aend special events gave the reason of them being children-focused or not well publicized. Aend Events – No (Q21) (n=380) Selected Comments (n=167) • I go to shop only – no interest in events • Busy/not enough me • Not related to kids normal acvies (sports/school/etc.) • No kids – grown out of most of the events • Not good surroundings for events – no “green space” • Low quality events/not appealing • Too crowded/don’t like crowds Interest in Other Events at the Rheem Shopping Center (Q23) (n=761)

Potenal events of interest would include a cra fair (57% /381), local arsts show (45%/ 342), cook-off contest (43%/327), and anque fair (29%/220). Interest in Other Events at the Rheem Shopping Center (Q23) (n=761) • Other suggesons for events at the shopping center (n=144 or 19% of total respondents for this queson) • Car and coffee regular weekend events • Cooking demonstraons, other demonstraons (sports, cras, etc.) for learning, disaster awareness • Summer night events – music, food, summer carnival with rides • Food trucks • Wine and music and/or epicurean delights; “Taste of Moraga” local food and wine • Other holiday celebraons – Earth Day, St. Patrick’s Day, etc. • Beer/brewery fesval • Animals on parade Establishments at the Shopping Center (Q24) (n=760) • Specialty grocery (Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Berkeley Bowl, Lunardi’s, Diablo Foods) • Restaurants - bouque restaurant – more restaurants in general, Panera Bread, Brewery/pub; sports bar; bar and grill; good quality Mexican restaurant; Chipotle • Bakery • Nice, outdoor café (coffee, light food, nice outdoor seang) • Others Rheem Shopping Center a Part of the Culture of Moraga? (Q25) (n=750)




Overwhelmingly, respondents (541) felt that the Rheem Shopping Center was part of the culture of Moraga (even though, some quesoned what is the “culture” of Moraga. The comments were varied, some being rather long, which shows a great deal of interest in the queson. Rheem Shopping Center a Part of the Culture of Moraga? (Q25) (n=750) • Comments (10% of respondents or 74 responses) – many of those wring in responses thought it was a difficult queson to answer or “silly” or was part of the culture only by default • Only somewhere to shop out of necessity not choice; not “hang-out” or not a “place of gathering” • Run-down, inexpensive stores, needs rejuvenaon – just a “strip mall”

• Could have potenal – like other towns of the same economic demographics, could support higher end stores/restaurants/open green space areas • Could be the “town center” if redone Part of the Culture – Yes (Q26) (n=616) Part of the Culture – No (Q27) (n=136) • As menoned above, these two quesons are reflected in the summary slide 42. • Just a shopping center/strip mall • Old, out-dated • No atmosphere; no “heart”

• Central locaon could be a “town center” if redone • Want higher end shops and restaurants Rheem Theater Part of Culture of Moraga? (Q52) (n=862) • 86% or 743 respondents answered “yes” to this queson • Reasons given (n=791): • It’s a fading industry (going to the movies) • Remember going to it when I was a teen • Yes – but dilapidated and service lacks • “So important to Moraga culture” – “YES!! YES!! YES!!” • Serves every age group - family • Iconic, art deco, part of history, safe (can drop kids off), local landmark • Special events they host • Only theater in town • Only good thing le in “BORAGA” • Of those who answered “no” (8% or 72 respondents), 73 shared their thoughts • Old; not kept up; “junky” • Never go there…like a “ghost theater” • Not very many movie opons • “Dated” and “small” • Always at risk of closing Saint Mary’s College Students Frequency of Eang Out (Anywhere) (Q28) (n=159)

44% of students ate out more than 7 mes in the past month. 27% ate out 4 to 6 mes in the past month – slightly more than once a week. Frequency of Eang Out (Anywhere) (Q28) (n=159)

Saint Mary’s College Greater Moraga Favorite Meal to Eat Out (Anywhere) (Q29) (n=159)*

48% of students selected the dinner meal to be their most favorite to eat out. 41% selected “Happy Hour’ as their least favorite “meal” to eat out.

* Force Ranked Favorite Meal to Eat Out (Anywhere)*

Saint Mary’s College Greater Moraga

* Force Ranked Aspects Important to Eang Out (Q30) (n=159)

Quality was rated as most important to eang out by 47% of students, followed by price (24%). Variety was ranked least important by 40% of students.

* Force Ranked Aspects Important to Eang Out

Saint Mary’s College Greater Moraga

* Force Ranked Affordability of Eateries (Q31) (n=159)+


58% of students said they would spend less than $5.00 for snacks and coffee. At a bar, they would spend anywhere from $5.00 to $15.00. Breakfast and lunch for the majority of students would be in the range of $5.00 to $15.00. Dinner would be in the range of $10 to $25, with only 3% of the students saying they would spend $25 or more for dinner. + Saint Mary’s student queson only Hours of Going Out to Eat (Q32) (n=159)+

Not surprisingly, most students do not eat out before 7 AM (87%). Times they eat out most oen are aer 1 PM. This confirms their favorite meal choices of dinner, and less so snacks/coffee. + Saint Mary’s student queson only Locaons of Eang/Entertainment (Q33) (n=159) +

Students mark all that apply in answer to where they go to eat – Lafayee and Walnut Creek were menoned most (79% and 96% respecvely). Moraga was only chosen by 36% of students. “Other” choices were mostly Berkeley (some Oakland, Pleasant Hill, and Concord). + Saint Mary’s student queson only Influence of Public Transportaon on Going to the Rheem Shopping Center+

70% of Saint Mary’s students replied that public transportaon had no effect on their choice of going to the Rheem Shopping Center. + Saint Mary’s student queson only Top Three Most Frequented in Rheem Shopping Center (Q35) (n=152)

CVS Starbucks Dollar Tree TJ Maxx Naons China Moon Tangelo Royal Siam Sushi Fighter Other

The anchor stores, CVS and Dollar Tree were among the top most frequented by Saint Mary’s student respondents. Starbucks, TJ Maxx and 6 restaurants were also menoned. Top Three Most Frequented in Rheem Shopping Center (Q35) (n=152) Establishment Percent Number CVS 20% 74 Starbucks 21% 81 Dollar Tree 8% 32 TJ Maxx 8% 31 Naons 6% 23 China Moon 6% 23 Taco Bell 6% 21 Tangelo 3% 10 Royal Siam 3% 10 Sushi Fighter 3% 10 Other 8% 32 Top Three Most Frequented in Rheem Shopping Center (Q35) (n=152) Saint Mary’s College Greater Moraga

CVS TJ Maxx Tangelo Starbucks Dollar Tree Naons CVS Starbucks Dollar Tree Post Office Rheem Theater Graze TJ Maxx Naons China Moon Royal Siam Rheem Pet Shop Taco Bell Tangelo Royal Siam Lamorinda Pizza Subway Sushi Fighter Other

With the excepon of CVS and Starbucks, the profiles of most frequented businesses in the shopping center is as you would expect, different for students. Within the 9% “Other” are 5 eang businesses. Top Three Most Important in Rheem Shopping Center (Q36) (n=150)

Establishment Percent Number CVS 22% 67 Starbucks 20% 61 TJ Maxx 8% 26 Dollar Tree 8% 26 Mountain 6% 19 Naons 6% 18 Taco Bell 4% 11 Homegoods 3% 10 Other 12% 36 Top Three Most Important in Rheem Shopping Center (Q36) (n=150)

CVS Starbucks TJ Maxx

Dollar Tree Mountain Mikes Naons

Taco Bell Homegoods Other CVS, Starbucks and TJ Maxx were most important to the Saint Mary’s students. Within the 9% “Other” are 5 eang businesses. Top Three Most Important in Rheem Shopping Center (Q36) (n=150)

Saint Mary’s College Greater Moraga

CVS Rheem Theater Homegoods TJ Maxx Starbucks Post Office CVS Starbucks TJ Maxx Dollar Tree Tangelo Dollar Tree Mountain Mikes Naons Naons Rheem Pet Store Lamorinda Pizza Taco Bell Homegoods Movators to Shop at Rheem Shopping Center (Q37) (n=130)

Most important movators to shop at Rheem are free parking, variety of businesses, and proximity of locaon (very similar to all of Moraga). Movators to Shop at Rheem Shopping Center (Q37) (n=130)

Saint Mary’s College Greater Moraga

Most important movators to shop at Rheem are free parking, variety of businesses, and proximity of locaon (very similar to all of Moraga). Types of New Businesses Preference for Rheem Shopping Center (Q38) (n=130)*

Restaurants are the highest ranked choice by far by the majority of respondents (65% or 84 students). Second choice was coffee/beverage shop by 42% or 55 students. 54% ranked services least important. * Force Ranked Types of New Businesses Preference for Rheem Shopping Center (Q38) (n=130)* Saint Mary’s College Greater Moraga

The students of Saint Mary’s College were similar in choice of importance of restaurants for the shopping center. * Force Ranked Types of Eateries Preferred (Anywhere) (Q39) (n=130)*

* Force Ranked The students of Saint Mary’s College first choice rank was spread among adult, sit-down, family, sit- down, healthy or gourmet, or café. Interesngly, they felt lile preference for fast food, although many student respondents selected fast-food in the center as among their most frequented. Types of Eateries Preferred (Anywhere) (Q39) (n=130)* Saint Mary’s College Greater Moraga

* Force Ranked Importance of Services at Rheem Shopping Center (Q40) (n=130)

Overall, services are of lile importance to the students. Banking was ranked “somewhat important” by 49% of students (64). Importance of Services at Rheem Shopping Center (Q40) (n=130) Saint Mary’s College Greater Moraga Types of Restaurants for Rheem Shopping Center that the Parcipant Might Frequent (Q41) (n=130)

Food…bakery ranked number one with 80% (104) of students selecng this choice. Also, healthy, local fresh foods was chosen by 73% (95 students). Types of Restaurants for Rheem Shopping Center that the Parcipant Might Frequent (Q41) (n=130) Saint Mary’s College Greater Moraga

Food…choices of the Saint Mary’s students were very similar to those of general residents of Moraga. Chain Restaurant Suggesons for Rheem Shopping Center (Q42) (n=130)

Despite the students not ranking fast-food very high (Q39), many of their suggesons for this queson suggest otherwise. • Chipotle • Pick Up Sx • Chick-Fil-A • IHOP • Vitality Bowl • Round Robin • CPK • Jamba Juice • In-N-Out (several mes) • Tender Greens • Cheesecake Factory • Tomana • Panera • Outback, Chili’s, Chevy’s • • Wing Stop/Buffalo Wild Wings • McDonalds • Peets • Five Guys • Jamba Juice • Ikes Ethnic Restaurant Interest (Q43) (n=129)

A Mexican restaurant garnered most votes from the students (85% or 109 students). Next most chosen were Italian (76% or 98 students) and Asian (73% or 94 students). Ethnic Restaurant Interest (Q43) (n=129) Saint Mary’s College Greater Moraga

Again, the students reflected the Moraga residents on this queson. Some noted too many Chinese restaurants in the area. Parcipaon in Special Events at the Rheem Shopping Center (Q44) (n=129)

Saint Mary’s College Greater Moraga

Only 15% of students aend any special events at the shopping center, vs almost half of those responding for Moraga as a whole. Aend Events – Yes/No

• 19 students answered the queson on what events they aended • 95% of these students (18) aend the Community Faire (perhaps as volunteers) • Other events are not aended because (n=110): • They are not well publicized (84% or 92 students) • Children-centric events (25% or 27) • Not enough different types of events (23% or 25) • Events the students might like to have (n=128) • Saint Mary’s Day Celebraon (84% or 108 students) • Job Fair (52% or 66 students) • Cook-off contests (53% or 68 students • Cra Fair (40% or 51 students) and local arsts show (38% or 49 students) Establishments They Would Like to Have at the Shopping Center (Q48) (n=116) • The majority of the students named various restaurants as their first choice of businesses • Others menoned a “Target type store” (many mes) • Sports bar or other type bar was also a frequent menon • Bowling (like Plank in Oakland ???) • Bookstore • Specialty grocery, like Whole Foods Rheem Shopping Center a Part of the Culture of Moraga? (Q49) (n=116)

68% of students think the shopping center is part of the culture of Moraga (vs Q25 in which 72% of general respondents felt it is part of the culture of Moraga) . Comments included “only going to school here”, “old”, “could be”, “not sure.” Part of the Culture – Yes (Q50) (n=89) or No (Q51) (n=28) • Many of the students menon locaon (middle of Moraga) as why they selected “yes” on the culture queson (Q49) • Other reasons stated: • Lack of opons – only 2 shopping centers in Moraga • Everyone goes there • It’s been there forever • CVS, TJ Maxx and Home Goods make it good • Small and ght knit, like community • For those that selected “no” the following reasons were given: • Moraga has no culture • Not relevant • Just a bunch of shops • “No culture about [it]. When you think of culture you think of different, excing tradion. Rheem shopping is boring and bland, no culture”