
Cannabis use and risk of in later life

Published in this week’s Lancet is the most comprehensive in the UK could be prevented through cessation of See Editorial page 292 meta-analysis to date of a possible causal relation cannabis consumption. Since more European countries See Articles page 319 between cannabis use and psychotic and affective are seeing an increase rather than a decrease in the illness later in life.1 The authors conclude that the risk of prevalence of cannabis consumption, this finding is a psychosis increased by roughly 40% in people who have cause for concern.6 used cannabis, and that there is a dose-response effect, The ultimate proof of a causal relation would be leading to an increased risk of 50–200% in the most a large-scale placebo-controlled randomised trial of frequent users. delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (the principal psychoactive The most important problems in studying the component of cannabis) exposure in healthy young people relation between cannabis use and psychosis are with long-term follow-up. Since cannabis is illegal in most reverse causality and the transitory intoxication effect. countries and its harmful effect on cognitive function If individuals with imminent psychotic disorder start to is already well established,7,8 such a trial cannot be done use cannabis to alleviate symptoms, the psychosis could because of practical and ethical reasons. However, there be causing the cannabis use, rather than the other way are a few small, short-term trials comparing cannabis and around. In most of the studies included in the present placebo in psychotic and non-psychotic people who were meta-analysis, Theresa Moore and colleagues were regular cannabis users. Until now, only two trials have been able to adjust for the effect of psychotic or imminent published9,10 that indicated that cannabis is responsible for psychotic symptoms and they were able to ensure that transient exacerbation in psychotic core features. On the psychotic outcomes were not due to the transitory basis of such trials, the long-term effects could not be effect of intoxication. In observational studies, even the established, but the results indicate that there is at least a most thorough analysis cannot definitely rule out the transitory psychotic effect, which theoretically correlates possibility that confounding or bias can be responsible with the results of observational studies. for the association between cannabis exposure and Results from both observational and experimental psychotic symptoms. However, in the present paper, studies warrant investigation of whether dysfunction the assessment of adjustment for confounding factors of the cannabinoid receptor system contributes to the and transitory effects of cannabis intoxication is done pathophysiology of psychotic disorders in the range of more thoroughly than in previous reviews, and the .9 odds ratio results for psychosis are more reliable and In the public debate, cannabis has been considered a also more modest than seen in previous publications. more or less harmless drug compared with alcohol, central We therefore agree with the authors’ conclusion that stimulants, and opioids. However, the potential long-term there is now sufficient evidence to warn young people hazardous effects of cannabis with regard to psychosis that cannabis use will increase their risk of psychosis later in life. Current estimates of lifetime cannabis use among young adults in the UK are around 40%.2 If there is a true causal relation, the increased risk of 40% would mean that 14% of psychotic outcomes in the UK might not occur if cannabis was not used.3 This finding has tremendous implications for young people, their families, and society. Based on the results of a Danish study, we estimated the incidence rate of schizophrenia among 15–34 year olds to be around 37 per 100 000 person-years.4 With a 14% population attributable risk fraction, and around 15·5 million 15–34 year olds in the UK,5 this estimate

means that around 800 yearly cases of schizophrenia Science Photo Library Vol 370 July 28, 2007 293 Comment

seem to have been overlooked, and there is a need to 4 Thorup A, Waltoft BL, Pedersen CB, Mortensen PB, Nordentoft M. Young males have a higher risk of developing schizophrenia: a Danish register warn the public of these dangers, as well as to establish study. Psychol Med 2007; 37: 479–84. treatment to help young frequent cannabis users. 5 National Statistics online. National Statistics ; estimated resident population by single year of age and sex; mid-2005 population estimates. *Merete Nordentoft, Carsten Hjorthøj 4696,4819&D=4949&DCT=32&DT=32#4949 (accessed July 17, 2007). 6 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. World drug report 2007. Vienna, Department of Psychiatry, Copenhagen University Hospital, Austria: United Nations Publication, 2007. Bispebjerg 2400, Copenhagen, Denmark 7 Solowij N, Michie PT. Cannabis and cognitive dysfunction: parallels with [email protected] endophenotypes of schizophrenia? J Psychiatry Neurosci 2007; 32: 30–52. 8 Solowij N, Stephens RS, Roffman RA, et al. Cognitive functioning of long-term We declare that we have no conflict of interest. heavy cannabis users seeking treatment. JAMA 2002; 287: 1123–31. 1 Moore THM, Zammit S, Lingford-Hughes A, et al. Cannabis use and risk of 9 D’Souza DC, bi-Saab WM, Madonick S, et al. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol psychotic or affective outcomes: a systematic review. Lancet effects in schizophrenia: implications for cognition, psychosis, and 2007; 370: 319–28. addiction. Biol Psychiatry 2005; 57: 594–608. 2 European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. Statistical 10 Henquet C, Rosa A, Krabbendam L, et al. An experimental study of bulletin 2006. catechol-o-methyltransferase Val ¹⁵⁸Met moderation of (accessed July 17, 2007). delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced effects on psychosis and cognition. 3 Armitage P, Berry G. Statistical methods in medical research, 2nd edn. Neuropsychopharmacology 2006; 31: 2748–57. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1987.

Minimal access surgery for pneumothorax

See Articles page 329 A Lancet editorial once compared surgical research mix, anything from a third to a half of patients were to comic opera.1 Surgeons commonly report non- never destined to have another pneumothorax. The randomised series from single institutions that provide threshold for surgery has decreased as the intervention weak evidence for comparisons of effectiveness. Even becomes less invasive,4 so a possibly less effective randomised studies are frequently underpowered for procedure, which is used in a population with a lower the clinical outcome, and surrogates are often used. In probability of recurrence, might have an apparently today’s Lancet, Allanah Barker and colleagues describe similar success rate to a more effective procedure. a method of combining randomised and observational In a review of randomised trials of video-assisted studies.2 Their research question was whether minimal thoracic surgery for pneumothorax, we identified access video-assisted thoracic surgery is as effective as four randomised trials (a total of 179 operations with open surgery (thoracotomy) in preventing recurrence of 11 documented recurrences).5 We concluded that spontaneous pneumothorax. there were too few events to attribute effectiveness In primary spontaneous pneumothorax, the to one surgical approach over the other. By including underlying cause is localised bullous disease in the lung non-randomised studies, Barker and co-workers apex. A breach of the pleura allows air into the thoracic add 3466 patients.2 They satisfied themselves that cavity and the lung collapses under the force of its own there is consistency between the randomised and elastic recoil. This disease affects men about three times non-randomised populations, and concluded that the as often as women, predominately those aged from difference in event rates is real. The difference is four mid teens to early twenties. The problem is usually times, from a 1% recurrence rate after thoracotomy to self limiting—the air is reabsorbed naturally and only 4% after video-assisted thoracic surgery. Not everything about a third of patients have subsequent episodes. The can be or has to be subjected to randomisation, so if the internationally agreed estimates for recurrence are that conclusion feels secure to them, why do the authors state after a second pneumothorax, 50% will recur and after the need for an adequately powered randomised trial?2 a third procedure, about 70% will. A well-established Much as I am impressed by the ingenuity of the standard of care is that patients who have had at least method and its economy in not wasting data, I have two episodes (in practice it is often three or more) should two reservations. The first series of video-assisted be offered a procedure to fuse the pleural space and hold thoracic surgery operations (100 mixed indications) was the lung up in the event of future leaks.3 However, there reported in 1992.6 15 of the 29 studies used in Barker is a challenge in defining success. Depending on the case and co-workers’ analysis, including well over half the

294 Vol 370 July 28, 2007 Editorial

Rehashing the evidence on psychosis and cannabis

As cabinet ministers in the UK fall over themselves Lancet is the most comprehensive meta-analysis to to tell all about their cannabis-taking younger days, date of a possible causal relation between cannabis Gordon Brown’s Government begins its review of the use and psychotic and affective illness later in life”. In classification of cannabis, with the probable outcome their systematic review, Theresa Moore and colleagues of relabelling it a class B drug of misuse. Possession found “an increase in risk of psychosis of about 40% in would then become an offence likely to lead to arrest participants who had ever used cannabis”, and a clear and perhaps a jail sentence. Cannabis was downgraded dose-response effect with an increased risk of 50–200% to class C in 2004, which meant that the penalties for in the most frequent users.

Science Photo Library possession, production, or supply were reduced. In 1995, we began a Lancet editorial with the since See Comment page 293 The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs will much-quoted words: “The smoking of cannabis, even See Articles page 319 examine the evidence for harms caused by cannabis long term, is not harmful to health.” Research published including those associated with the increasingly since 1995, including Moore’s systematic review in this available strains such as skunk. In January, 2006, after issue, leads us now to conclude that cannabis use could its last review, the Advisory Council recommended that increase the risk of psychotic illness. Further research is the class C status for cannabis should remain, but that needed on the effects of cannabis on affective disorders. resources should be put into education about the risks The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs will of cannabis and into further research on its effects on have plenty to consider. But whatever their eventual For “Deglamorising cannabis” see Editorial Lancet 1995; mental health. recommendation, governments would do well to invest 346: 1241 As pointed out by Merete Nordentoft and Carsten in sustained and effective education campaigns on the DOI:10.1016/S0140- 6736(95)91853-1 Hjorthøj in a Comment, “published in this week’s risks to health of taking cannabis. ■ The Lancet

Progress in preventing violence

Historically, many policymakers did not think that abuse, and sexual and reproductive health problems. preventing violence was possible or a legitimate public Child sexual abuse alone accounts for 6% of cases of health activity. Violence was typically addressed within depression, alcohol abuse, and illicit drug abuse. the criminal justice system. But, since the landmark The economic burden of violence is substantial. WHO World Report on Violence and Health was published Violence-related injuries alone take up more than 4% in 2002, progress has been made in changing these of gross domestic product in some countries. Investing attitudes and momentum is gathering in the global in proven interventions to prevent violence therefore campaign against violence. makes sound financial sense for governments. Last week, WHO published its latest progress report in However, although strategies to reduce violence— WHO the field of violence prevention. The Third Milestones of a such as parent training, reducing alcohol and firearms Global Campaign for Violence Prevention Report shows that availability, and changing cultural norms that condone 14 countries now have plans of action on violence and violence—have been proven effective in developed health, 18 have produced national reports on this topic, countries, similar evidence is lacking in developing and more than 100 health ministry officials have been nations. appointed to coordinate violence prevention activities. Scaling-up proven interventions in developed For the 2002 WHO World Report on Violence and Health see Although these developments indicate that political countries and evaluating promising approaches in will to take action against violence is growing, there is low-to-middle income countries—where the burden of injury_prevention/violence/ world_report/en/full_en.pdf no time for complacency. Around 1·6 million people die death and injury from violence is greatest—will make For the Third Milestones report every year as a result of self-inflicted, interpersonal, or the next milestone in the global campaign an even more see collective violence. Millions more live with the effects of significant one. Preventing violence is possible and is our blications/2007/978924159547 6_eng.pdf non-fatal violence, such as injury, depression, substance collective responsibility. ■ The Lancet

292 Vol 370 July 28, 2007 Articles

Cannabis use and risk of psychotic or affective mental health outcomes: a systematic review

Theresa H M Moore, Stanley Zammit, Anne Lingford-Hughes, Thomas R E Barnes, Peter B Jones, Margaret Burke, Glyn Lewis

Summary Background Whether cannabis can cause psychotic or affective symptoms that persist beyond transient intoxication is Lancet 2007; 370: 319–28 unclear. We systematically reviewed the evidence pertaining to cannabis use and occurrence of psychotic or affective See Editorial page 292 mental health outcomes. See Comment page 293 Academic Unit of Psychiatry Methods We searched Medline, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, ISI Web of Knowledge, ISI Proceedings, ZETOC, (T H M Moore MSc, BIOSIS, LILACS, and MEDCARIB from their inception to September, 2006, searched reference lists of studies selected S Zammit PhD, A Lingford-Hughes PhD, for inclusion, and contacted experts. Studies were included if longitudinal and population based. 35 studies from G Lewis PhD) and Department 4804 references were included. Data extraction and quality assessment were done independently and in duplicate. of Social Medicine (M Burke MSc), University of Findings There was an increased risk of any psychotic outcome in individuals who had ever used cannabis (pooled Bristol, Bristol, UK; Department of Psychological Medicine, adjusted odds ratio=1·41, 95% CI 1·20–1·65). Findings were consistent with a dose-response effect, with greater risk in Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK people who used cannabis most frequently (2·09, 1·54–2·84). Results of analyses restricted to studies of more clinically (S Zammit); Department of relevant psychotic disorders were similar. Depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety outcomes were examined separately. Psychological Medicine, Findings for these outcomes were less consistent, and fewer attempts were made to address non-causal explanations, Imperial College, London, UK (T R E Barnes DSc); and than for psychosis. A substantial confounding effect was present for both psychotic and affective outcomes. Department of Psychiatry, Cambridge University, Interpretation The evidence is consistent with the view that cannabis increases risk of psychotic outcomes Cambridge, UK (P B Jones PhD) independently of confounding and transient intoxication effects, although evidence for affective outcomes is less Correspondence to: strong. The uncertainty about whether cannabis causes psychosis is unlikely to be resolved by further longitudinal Dr Stanley Zammit, Department of Psychological Medicine, studies such as those reviewed here. However, we conclude that there is now sufficient evidence to warn young people Cardiff University, Cardiff that using cannabis could increase their risk of developing a psychotic illness later in life. CF14 4XN, UK Introduction data.15–19 We have systematically reviewed longitudinal Cannabis, or marijuana, is the most commonly used studies of cannabis use and subsequent psychotic or illegal substance in most countries, including the UK affective mental health outcomes, and we have assessed and USA.1–3 About 20% of young people now report use the strength of evidence that cannabis use and these at least once per week or heavy use (use on >100 occa- outcomes are causally related. sions).4,5 Use has increased particularly during early ado- lescence, when the developing brain might be especially Methods susceptible to environmental exposures.6 Experimen- Study selection and data collection tal studies7–10 and surveys of users11–13 provide strong Studies were included if they were population-based evidence that cannabis intoxication can produce transient, longitudinal studies, or case-control studies nested and usually mild, psychotic and affective experiences. Of within longitudinal designs. We excluded cohorts of greater concern are chronic symptoms that persist people with mental illness or substance-use-related beyond, or occur independently of, intoxication effects. problems, studies of prison populations, and RCTs of Whether cannabis increases the incidence of estab- cannabis for medical use.14 lished syndromes such as schizophrenia or depression is Diagnostic outcomes for psychosis included unclear, but this question is important because these schizophrenia, schizophreniform, schizoaffective, or disorders lead to substantial distress for individuals and psychotic disorders, non-affective or affective psychoses, their families, and to public burden from health-care psychosis not otherwise specified, psychotic symptoms, costs. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of cannabis delusions, hallucinations, or thought disorder. Presence for medical use14 are unlikely to be helpful in addressing of delusions, hallucinations, or thought disorder was a the question of causality because there are substantial requirement for all psychosis outcomes. Affective, mood, differences between the pharmacokinetic profiles of such or bipolar disorder, affective disorder not otherwise preparations and of cannabis used as a recreational drug. specified, depression, suicidal ideation or suicide The typically short follow-up periods of such trials also attempts, anxiety, neurosis, and mania were included for substantially hinder interpretation of results. affective outcomes. Previous reviews in this field have not been very We searched the following databases from their systematic, have examined broad psychosocial outcomes inception to Sept 5, 2006: Medline, Embase, and the rather than mental illness, or have included cross-sectional Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature Vol 370 July 28, 2007 319 Articles

(CINAHL) on OVID; PsycINFO on WebSPIRS; ISI Web statistic.21 Presence of publication bias was investigated of Knowledge and ISI Proceedings; ZETOC (a British by use of funnel plots and Egger’s Test.22 A summary of library database of journal and conference contents); compliance with MOOSE guidelines23 is available on GL’s BIOSIS on EDINA; and Latin American and Caribbean departmental website. Health Sciences (LILACS) and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (MEDCARIB). We searched using the format Role of the funding source “([psychosis or schizophrenia or synonyms] or [affective The sponsor of the study had no role in study design, disorder or depression or synonyms]) and (cannabis or data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or synonyms)”, using text words and indexing (MeSH) writing of the report. The corresponding author had full terms (full details are available on GL’s departmental access to all the data in the study and had final For Glyn Lewis’s departmental website). responsibility for the decision to submit for publication. website see The search was restricted to studies on human beings Psychiatry/research/psychotic. but was not limited by language or study design. We Results html searched reference lists of included studies, and wrote to Searches of electronic bibliographic databases, expert experts in the field and researchers responsible for advice, and searches of reference lists of included studies studies to find other published and unpublished studies and other reviews yielded 4804 references. On the basis of relevance. We examined all titles and abstracts, and of their titles and abstracts, we judged that 175 (3·6%) of obtained full texts of potentially relevant papers. Working these references potentially contained enough detail to independently and in duplicate, we read the papers and be relevant. 143 of these references were excluded as not determined whether they met inclusion criteria using relevant when we had read the whole paper. Details of eligibility record forms (available on the corresponding the studies that were excluded at this stage, including author’s departmental website). We resolved disagree- those that we regarded as near misses, are available on ments by consensus, and extracted data independently GL’s departmental website. and in duplicate. We found 11 studies of psychosis; these reports We assessed study quality by recording how potential presented data from seven cohort studies. There were non-causal explanations, particularly bias and confound- five adult population-based cohorts: the Epidemiological ing factors, were accounted for in each study. We assessed Catchment Area (ECA) study based in the USA;24 the information on sampling strategy, response rates, missing Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology (EDSP) data, attrition, and attempts to address reverse causation, study based in Germany;25 the Netherlands Mental Health intoxication effects, and confounding factors. Survey and Incidence Study (NEMESIS);26 the National Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (NPMS) based in the UK;27 Data synthesis and the 1969 Swedish Conscript Cohort.28–30 There were Where study characteristics were judged reasonably also two birth cohorts, from Dunedin31,32 and Christchurch homogeneous, we grouped studies together and pooled (CHDS)33,34 in New Zealand. For the Swedish conscripts data in a meta-analysis; otherwise, we present a narrative and CHDS cohorts, data from the most recent reports29,34 synthesis of data. We pooled studies using the were included in each case because these had longer DerSimonian and Laird random-effects model20 and the follow-up to cover more events, and had more metan command in Stata (9·0). Where studies presented comprehensive analyses to keep reverse causation and data only in subgroups, these were incorporated as confounding effects to a minimum. Omission of separate studies. We assessed heterogeneity using the I² individuals with schizophrenia simplex made no difference to results for schizophrenia in the study of Swedish conscripts (Zammit S, unpublished). However, Study (symptom of psychosis) Odds ratio (95% CI) results for non-schizophrenia psychoses from this cohort CHDS (any)* 1·28 (1·04–1·57) were not included because the diagnostic codes that were Dunedin (schizophreniform)* 2·91 (1·20–7·04) used potentially included many people without psychosis ECA (any) 1·30 (0·98–1·73) EDSP (any) 1·67 (1·13–2·46) as defined in this study. NEMESIS (any) 2·11 (0·78–5·71) Three of the eligible studies examined psychotic NPMS (any) 0·72 (0·30–1·74) disorders, which were defined as the presence of Swedish (schizophrenia)† 1·50 (1·11–2·02) Overall 1·41 (1·20–1·65) psychotic symptoms with concurrent evidence of impaired functioning (Dunedin,31 NEMESIS,26 and 29 0·01 0·10 0·25 0·50 2 4 10 Swedish conscripts ), and six studies used the broader Reduced risk Odds ratio Increased risk outcome of psychotic symptoms with no requirement for impaired functioning (CHDS,34 Dunedin,31 ECA,24 EDSP,25 Figure 1: Forest plot showing adjusted odds ratios and 95% CI for any psychosis outcome according to ever NEMESIS,26 and NPMS27). use of cannabis in individual studies For affective outcomes, 24 reports were identified from Exposure was ever use of cannabis in all studies except for the NPMS, in which the measure was ever use over the past 1 year only. *Additional data were provided by investigators in these studies.31,34 †Results were unaltered when 15 cohort studies: two birth cohorts from New Zealand the 4% of cases with simplex schizophrenia were omitted. (CHDS35–37 and Dunedin31,32,38); six adult population-based

320 Vol 370 July 28, 2007

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Editor Editor name: HB Axis Break €$£¥∆Ωµ∏π∑Ωαβχδεγη κλμτ†‡§¶√+−±×÷≈<>≤≥˚C Author Author name: Tick Marks Shaker 6·5 roman Created by Ella Kilgour

Section Section name

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cohorts, from the USA (Berkely,39 ECA,40,41 and NY Study (use) Odds ratio (95% CI) state42,43), the UK (NPMS [Haynes J, , personal communication]), Australia (Northern Rivers CHDS (daily) 1·56 (1·20–2·03) ECA (daily) 2·00 (1·27–3·16) 44 45 Mental Health Study, NoRMHS ), and Colombia; and EDSP (daily)* 2·23 (1·30–3·83) seven school-based cohorts, from Australia (Victoria46) NEMESIS (weekly)* 6·81 (1·79–25·91) and the USA (AddHealth,47,48 Baltimore,49 Chicago,50 LA NPMS (dependence)* 1·47 (0·55–3·93) Swedish (>50 times) 3·10 (1·72–5·58) 51,52 53 54,55 schools, LAT, and NY schools ). Various outcomes Overall 2·09 (1·54–2·84) were examined, including depression (ten studies), depressive symptoms (six studies), suicidal ideation or 0·05 0·10 0·25 0·50 2 4 10 20 suicide attempts (six studies), anxiety disorders (five Reduced risk Odds ratio Increased risk studies), and anxiety symptoms (one study). We identified one study that had data on mania, though there was only Figure 2: Forest plot showing adjusted odds ratios and 95% CI for any psychosis outcome according to most one event in the whole sample.44 frequent use of cannabis in individual studies *Results were not adjusted for other drug use. Results for the seven studies included for psychosis are summarised in webtable 1 and figure 1. There was no evi- there remained an increased risk of a psychotic outcome See Online for webtable 1 dence to support the presence of publication bias (Egger in people who used cannabis most frequently (odds test, p=0·48). The unadjusted results of all studies reported ratio=1·92, 1·50–2·47; heterogeneity p=0·26; I²=25·0%), evidence of an increased risk of psychosis in people who and also an increased risk of psychotic disorders in used cannabis compared with non-users. These associa- people who had ever used cannabis (odds ratio=1·82, tions were reduced, but nevertheless persisted, in six of the 1·01–3·30; heterogeneity p=0·16; I²=48·3%). studies after adjustment for confounding factors. Two studies have examined differential effects of Estimates were pooled under the assumption that cannabis on psychosis according to age of first use of this measures of psychosis were on a continuum of symptoms drug. In the Dunedin study, a stronger effect of cannabis from mild (self-report of psychotic symptoms) to severe on psychotic symptoms was reported for individuals who (clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia). There was an first used cannabis before, as opposed to after, 16 years of increased risk of a psychotic outcome in individuals who age.31 There was much weaker evidence for this age effect ever used cannabis (adjusted odds ratio=1·41, 95% CI for schizophreniform disorder, although the CIs were 1·20–1·65; heterogeneity p=0·28; I²=19·2%). very wide. In the Swedish conscripts study, there was no Of the six studies that either examined a linear trend evidence that the effect of cannabis on risk of across cannabis use frequencies25,26,29,34 or compared schizophrenia differed for people who first used cannabis higher with lower frequency categories,24,27 all reported before, as opposed to after, age 16 years.30 findings that were consistent with a dose-response effect. Other putative interactions were also reported. A Figure 2 shows the associations reported for people with further report on the Dunedin cohort32 described a strong most frequent cannabis use compared with non-users of effect of cannabis on risk of schizophreniform disorder cannabis in each study where such data were available. in people homozygous for the valine allele at Val158Met In the pooled analysis, there was an increased risk of a within the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene psychotic outcome in individuals who used cannabis (crude odds ratio=10·9, 2·2–54·1), with no apparent most frequently (adjusted odds ratio=2·09, 1·54–2·84; effect in methionine homozygotes (crude odds ratio=1·1, heterogeneity p=0·11; I²=44·1%). 0·21–5·4) and an intermediate effect in heterozygotes. We also examined the specific relation between This potential interaction was observed only in people cannabis use and risk of developing a psychotic disorder. who first used cannabis before age 18 years, with no The narrowest definition of psychotic disorder was in evidence of interaction in those who first used it after this the Swedish conscripts study,29 which reported an age. increased risk of schizophrenia in individuals who used In the EDSP study, the effect of cannabis on psychosis cannabis. Studies of schizophreniform disorder from outcome was stronger in groups described as psychosis Dunedin31 (additional data unstratified by age at first use prone than in non-prone groups.25 However, were supplied by the researchers) and needs-based psychosis-prone individuals already had evidence of diagnosis of psychotic disorder from NEMESIS26 also psychotic features at baseline, and this study was showed associations with cannabis use. Pooled data therefore not examining differences in the effects of from these studies show an increased risk ofRef psychotic number cannabis on RMTSpsychosis number incidence06TL0741206TL07412_2 between these groups.Palette Special Characters disorders in individuals who had ever usedEditor cannabis We assessedEditor the name: quality HB of the studies included for Axis Break €$£¥∆Ωµ∏π∑Ωαβχδεγη (adjusted odds ratio=2·58, 1·08–6·13; heterogeneity psychosis. Because reverse causation, intoxication effects, κλμτ†‡§¶√+−±×÷≈<>≤≥˚C p=0·049; I²=66·9%). Author and confoundingAuthor name:factors could have led to overestimation Tick Marks Shaker 6·5 roman We repeated the pooled analyses for mostCreated frequent by of the true causalElla Kilgour association between cannabis use and cannabis use and for psychotic disorders but omitted the psychosis, we assessed the degree to which the potential results from NEMESIS because this had theSectio greatestn effect of theseSection was name kept to a minimum within each study effect on heterogeneity. In these sensitivity analyses, (table 1). 2mm spacer Text retyped Urgent Vol 370 July 28, 2007 321 Image redrawn Special instructions Articles

Four studies24,26,27,29 excluded participants who had Attempt to limit reverse Attempt to limit intoxication effects Approximate causation change from crude experienced psychosis at baseline. In the Swedish to adjusted OR (%)* conscripts study,29 reverse causation was limited further CHDS33,34† Adjusted for psychotic Used SCL-90 to measure outcome. This 65% ↓ by analysis restricted to patients admitted for symptoms at previous does not allow identification of schizophrenia at least 5 years after conscription; this assessment and used SEM symptoms caused by drug intoxication analysis produced similar results to the main analysis. to address direction of 25,31,34 causation Three studies adjusted in the analysis for psychotic Dunedin31† Adjusted for psychotic Used DIS to measure outcome. 10% ↓ symptoms at baseline. Although this approach partly symptoms at age 11 years Excluded symptoms caused solely by addresses the problem of reverse causation, it averages (cannabis measures at age drug use the association between cannabis and psychosis incidence 15 and 18 years) with that between cannabis and symptom chronicity or 24 ECA Excluded people with Used DIS to measure outcome. 30% ↓ relapse. In CHDS,34 structural equation modelling results psychotic diagnosis at Excluded symptoms caused solely by baseline drug use suggested that cannabis use was significantly associated EDSP25 Adjusted for predisposition Used M-CIDI to measure outcome. 15% ↓ with subsequent increase in risk of psychotic symptoms to psychosis measured at Stated that no symptoms were due to rather than vice versa. baseline acute effects of drug use Intoxication effects were not specifically mentioned in NEMESIS26 Excluded people with Used CIDI to measure outcome. Excluded 50% ↓ reports of the ECA24 and NEMESIS26 studies, but the psychotic symptoms at symptoms caused by drug use outcome assessment (also used in Dunedin31 and EDSP25) baseline instructs the interviewer to exclude psychotic symptoms NPMS27 Excluded people with Used PSQ to measure outcome. This 80% ↓ psychotic symptoms at does not allow identification of that arise solely from drug use. The questionnaires used baseline symptoms caused by drug in CHDS34 and NPMS27 do not allow intoxication to be intoxication assessed. However, exclusion of intoxication effects in Swedish Excluded people with Used ICD clinical diagnosis of 60% ↓ those who use cannabis every day is likely to be very 29,30 conscripts psychotic diagnosis at schizophrenia as outcome, suggesting 29 baseline intoxication effects unlikely difficult. In the Swedish conscripts study, use of WHO International Classification of Diseases criteria suggests OR=odds ratio. SEM=structural equation modelling. SCL-90=symptom checklist 90. DIS=diagnostic interview that misclassification of a cannabis-intoxication psychosis schedule. M-CIDI=Munich version of CIDI. CIDI=composite international diagnostic interview. PSQ=psychosis screening questionnaire. ICD=International classification of diseases. ↓=decrease. *Change between crude OR and that after was unlikely; the same is probably true for the Dunedin 31 adjustment for confounding factors was calculated as (crude OR–adjusted OR)/(crude OR–1). †Additional data, to allow study, in which psychosis was defined by the presence estimation of change between crude and adjusted estimates, kindly provided by the researchers. of symptoms of schizophreniform disorder for longer

Table 1: Information on possible alternative causes for associations reported between cannabis use and than 1 month. psychosis outcomes in seven cohorts The studies listed in table 1 adjusted for about 60 different confounding factors, including other substance use, personality traits, sociodemographic markers, intellectual ability, and other mental health Study Odds ratio (95% CI) problems. For all studies, fully adjusted estimates were AddHealth 1·56 (0·91–2·67) attenuated, compared with crude results, by an average CHDS 1·18 (1·01–1·38) Colombia 1·31 (0·95–1·80) of about 45% (range 10%–80%). In the CHDS, use of Dunedin (Cb age <15 years) 0·93 (0·27–3·19) fixed-effects regression to adjust further for unmeasured Dunedin (Cb age 15–18 years) 1·59 (1·06–2·39) non-varying confounding factors made little difference to ECA 4·00 (1·23–12·99) 34 NoRMHS* 1·39 (0·32–6·02) results. Adjustment for other substance use led to a NPMS (depression and anxiety) 0·77 (0·38–1·57) substantial attenuation of effect in the ECA study24 and NY schools* 1·12 (0·87–1·45) NEMESIS,26 whereas in the Swedish conscripts study29 NY state 1·17 (1·04–1·33) the strongest confounding factors were IQ score, urban Victoria (depression and anxiety) 1·40 (0·96–2·04) upbringing, and other mental health disorders. 31 27 0·05 0·10 0·25 0·50 1 2 4 10 20 Loss to follow-up occurred for between 4% and 32% Reduced risk Odds ratio Increased risk of the cohorts we included for psychosis. No data on attrition were available from the Swedish conscript 29 26,34 Figure 3: Forest plot showing adjusted odds ratios and 95% CI for any depression outcome according to study. Sensitivity analyses from two of the studies cannabis exposure in individual studies suggest that attrition might have had small effects on Depression outcome measures: centre for epidemiological studies (CES-D) score >22 (AddHealth); diagnostic and results, although reclassification of outcome in NEMESIS statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM; CHDS, Dunedin, and NY state); WHO international classification of diseases 10th revision (ICD-10; NoRMHS); DSM symptom lasting ≥2 weeks (ECA); clinical interview did not differentiate between people with different schedule—revised (CIS-R) score ≥12 (NPMS, Victoria); symptom checklist 90 assessment (SCL-90) upper quartile cannabis use at baseline. (Colombia); and SCL-90 >median score (NY schools). Subgroup data from the Dunedin study were incorporated as Depressive outcomes were examined in 15 cohorts separate studies. Exposure to cannabis (Cb): ever use (AddHealth, Dunedin, NPMS); current use (NY schools); use (webtable 2). There was no evidence to support the less than once per week in the past 6 months (Victoria); use at least once per month (Colombia); frequency of use (a linear trend across frequency categories; CHDS, NY state); cannabis misuse disorder (ECA, NoRMHS). The point presence of publication bias (Egger test, ten studies; estimates of odds ratios (squares) are not visible for studies in which the variance was very high. *Unadjusted p=0·13). Of ten studies that examined a diagnosis of results calculated from data in tables in the original studies.44 depression or above-threshold rating scores (figure 3),

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Editor Editor name: HB Axis Break €$£¥∆Ωµ∏π∑Ωαβχδεγη κλμτ†‡§¶√+−±×÷≈<>≤≥˚C Author Author name: Tick Marks Shaker 6·5 roman Created by Ella Kilgour

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five reported evidence of an association with cannabis depression increased with earlier age of first use of See Online for webtable 2 use that persisted after adjustment.31,37,40,43,46 However, in cannabis. However, in the Dunedin cohort, there was no two of these,31,46 significant associations were observed evidence for a greater risk of depression in people who only in subgroup analyses, and in the Dunedin study31 no first used cannabis before, as opposed to after, age baseline measures of depression were accounted for. 16 years.31 Weak evidence for association was reported by two further studies,45,48 and an association observed in NPMS Study (use) Odds ratio (95% CI) (Haynes J, personal communication) was eliminated after adjustment. In view of the heterogeneity across CHDS (≥weekly) 1·70 (1·03–2·79) Colombia 1·31 (0·95–1·80) these studies in relation to measures of cannabis ECA 4·00 (1·23–12·99) exposure (which included ever use, frequency of use, and NoRMHS* 1·39 (0·32–6·02) cannabis misuse disorder), we did not think a NPMS (dependence) 0·90 (0·22–3·63) NY state (heavy†) 1·62 (1·11–2·36) meta-analysis of these data would be appropriate. Using Victoria (≥weekly: men) 0·47 (0·17–1·30) average values from these studies—of 35% having ever Victoria (≥weekly: women) 1·90 (1·10–3·29) used cannabis and 15% having developed depression— Overall 1·49 (1·15–1·94) we estimated that a sample with more than 230 events would be required for 80% power to detect an odds ratio 0·05 0·10 0·25 0·50 1 2 4 10 20 for depression of 1·5 (a larger effect than was observed in Reduced risk Odds ratio Increased risk most studies). Thus, about half the studies probably had Figure 4: Forest plot showing adjusted odds ratios and 95% CI for depression outcomes according to most insufficient power to observe an association of this size. frequent use of cannabis in individual studies Six studies32,38,51–54 from five cohorts examined Depression outcome measures: DSM diagnosis (CHDS, NY state); ICD-10 diagnosis (NoRMHS); DSM symptom depressive symptoms on a continuous scale. Evidence lasting ≥2 weeks (ECA); CIS-R score ≥12 (NPMS, Victoria); and SCL-90 upper quartile (Colombia). Subgroup data 38 from the Victoria study were incorporated as separate studies. *Unadjusted results calculated from data in tables in of association was observed in the Berkeley and LA the original study.44 †Results for the heavy use category were calculated from results for linear trend across four 51,52 schools cohorts (webtable 2). However, in the categories of frequency of cannabis use. Berkeley study only crude results were presented, and 39 the association was observed in men but not women, Study Odds ratio (95% CI) whereas in the LA schools cohort an increased risk Baltimore 1·80 (1·02–3·17) observed in an early part of the study51 was not replicated CHDS 1·43 (1·22–1·67) in a later wave.52 Chicago (men)* 1·21 (0·54–2·71) Of the studies that examined a linear trend across Chicago (women)* 0·64 (0·14–2·88) 37,41,51,52 cannabis use frequencies or that compared higher ECA 4·55 (1·37–15·11) with lower frequency groups46 (Haynes J, personal Ref number RMTS number 06TL0741206TL07412_4 Palette Special Characters communication), four reported findings that were 0·05 0·10 0·25 0·50 1 2 4 10 20 consistent with a dose-response effect on depressionEditor Editor name: HB Reduced risk Odds ratio Increased risk Axis Break €$£¥∆Ωµ∏π∑Ωαβχδεγη outcomes (webtable 2). Figure 4 shows the associations κλμτ†‡§¶√+−±×÷≈<>≤≥˚C Author Author name: Figure 5: Forest plot showing adjusted odds ratios and 95% CI for suicidal ideation according to cannabis reported for participants with most frequent cannabis Tick Marks exposure in individual studies Shaker 6·5 roman use compared with non-users, with some evidenceCreated for by an Ella Kilgour Cannabis exposure: ever used before age 16 (Baltimore); used >40 occasions (Chicago); frequency of use (linear increased risk of depression in a pooled analysisRef (adjusted number trend across frequencyRMTS categories;number 06TL0741206TL07412_5 CHDS); cannabis misuse disorder (ECA). *UnadjustedPalette results; subgroup data Special Characters Section Section name odds ratio=1·49, 1·15–1·94; heterogeneity p=0·192; incorporated as separate studies. Editor Editor name: HB I²=29·6%). Axis Break €$£¥∆Ωµ∏π∑Ωαβχδεγη Seven studies assessed suicidal ideation or suicide Study Odds ratio (95% CI) κλμτ†‡§¶√+−±×÷≈<>≤≥˚C2mm spacer TeAuthorxt retyped AuthorUrgent name: 10,37,47,49 attempts. Four of these reported an association CHDS 1·20 (0·51–2·84) Tick Marks Shaker 6·5 roman between cannabis use and increased risk inImageCreated adjusted redrawn by Colombia EllaSpecial Kilgour instructions 1·48 (1·10–2·00) analyses and one50 showed little evidence of an association ECA (OCD) 2·90 (1·11–7·57) Section name (figure 5). A reduced risk of attempts51 but increasedSection risk NoRMHS* 0·77 (0·18–3·28) of ideation52 were reported from the LA schools cohort NPMS (depression and anxiety) 0·77 (0·38–1·57) NY state 1·16 (1·00–1·35) (webtable 2). 2mm spacer Text retyped Victoria (depressionUrgent and anxiety) 1·40 (0·96–2·04) Of the seven studies that specifically examined anxiety outcomes (figure 6),35,41,42,44,45,51,52 two reported an associationImage redrawn Special instructions 0·10 0·25 0·50 1 2 4 10 with cannabis use that persisted after adjustment for Reduced risk Odds ratio Increased risk confounding factors.42,45 In the ECA study of obsessive–compulsive disorder, an association was Figure 6: Forest plot showing adjusted odds ratios and 95% CI for anxiety outcomes according to cannabis observed in a matched sample, but there was little exposure in individual studies evidence for association in the whole sample when a Anxiety outcomes: DSM diagnosis (CHDS, ECA, NY state); ICD-10 diagnosis (NoRMHS); CIS-R score ≥12 (NPMS, more valid unconditional analytical approach was used.41 Victoria); SCL-90 upper quartile (Colombia). Cannabis exposure: use in past year (ECA, NPMS); use less than once per week for the past 6 months (Victoria); use at least once per month (Colombia); frequency of use (linear trend Several studies reported putative interactions. In the across frequency categories; CHDS, NY state); cannabis disorder (NoRMHS). OCD=obsessive-compulsive disorder. NY state study,43 there was a suggestion that risk of *Unadjusted results calculated from data in tables in the original study.44 Vol 370 July 28, 2007 323

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Editor Editor name: HB Axis Break €$£¥∆Ωµ∏π∑Ωαβχδεγη κλμτ†‡§¶√+−±×÷≈<>≤≥˚C Author Author name: Tick Marks Shaker 6·5 roman Created by Ella Kilgour

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There were single reports of interactions between Attempt to limit reverse causation Attempt to limit Approximate 37 46 intoxication effects* change from crude cannabis use and age and sex. As with the results for to adjusted OR (%)† psychosis, an interaction between cannabis use and AddHealth47 Not reported. Assessed, but did not Not reported Only adjusted COMT genotype was observed in the Dunedin cohort for exclude or adjust, for baseline suicidal results presented depression, but not for anxiety.32 behaviour We assessed the quality of the studies included for AddHealth48‡ Excluded people with depression at Not reported. Used CES-D to 45% ↓ affective outcomes by assessing the degree to which the baseline (CES-D score above threshold) measure outcome potential effects of reverse causation, intoxication effects, Baltimore49 Adjusted for childhood depression at Not reported. Used NIMH 40% ↓ to 60% ↑ age 8 years interview to measure outcome and confounding factors were kept to a minimum within each study (table 2). Only four studies40,41,48 (Haynes J, Berkeley39 Not reported Not reported. Used CES-D to Only crude results measure outcome presented personal communication) excluded participants with 35,37,38,42,43,45,46,49,51,55 CHDS35 Adjusted for anxiety and depression Not reported. Used DIS and 50–60% ↓ affective symptoms at baseline. Ten reports at baseline DISC to measure outcome adjusted for the baseline measure of the outcome in the CHDS37 Adjusted for anxiety and depression Not reported. Used DISC and 25% ↓ analyses but, as discussed earlier, this potentially mixes at baseline CIDI to measure outcome the effects of cannabis on incidence of affective outcome Chicago50 Not reported Not reported Only crude results with those on symptom chronicity or relapse. In seven stu presented dies,31,39,44,47,50,52,53 there was no exclusion of affected Columbia45 Adjusted for distress (anxiety and Not reported. Used SCL-90 to Only adjusted depression) at baseline measure outcome results presented individuals or adjustment for baseline measures in the analyses. Three papers42,43,45 from two cohorts reported that Dunedin38 Adjusted for baseline Not reported. Used DIS and 93% ↓ for all DISC to measure outcome mental disorders adjustment for baseline measures of the outcome had a Dunedin31 Not reported. Screened, but did not Not reported. Used DIS to Only adjusted negligible effect on results. Attempts to exclude intoxication exclude or adjust, for depression at measure outcome results presented effects were not explicitly mentioned in any of the baseline 24 studies, although the questionnaires and interviews ECA41 Excluded people with history of OCD Not reported. Used DIS to 215% ↑ used for ten of these studies could have enabled raters to at baseline measure outcome exclude symptoms attributed to drug intoxication. ECA40 Excluded people with lifetime ever Not reported. Used DIS and 10% ↓ DSM-III-R symptoms of depression symptoms present most days About 50 different confounding factors were reported. >2 weeks for >2 weeks Most of these were related to family and peer relationships, LA schools51 Adjusted for previous emotional Not reported. Used CES-D and Only adjusted adverse life events, criminality, mental health problems, distress, including depression HSC to measure outcome results presented sociodemographic markers, and other substance use. LA schools52 Not reported Not reported. Used CES-D to Only adjusted Five studies39,44,50,53,54 presented only unadjusted results, measure outcome results presented whereas one55 made no mention of the confounding LAT53 Not reported. Assessed, but did not Adjusting for cannabis use at Only crude results factors adjusted for. exclude or adjust, for baseline outcome made no difference presented depressive symptoms to results. Used CES-D and For six of the eight studies in which both crude and CIDI to measure outcome adjusted results were presented, adjustment led to NoRMHS44 Not reported. Did not exclude or Not reported. Used CIDI to Only crude results attenuation of associations with cannabis use, ranging adjust for baseline measures measure outcome presented from 10% to 100% reduction. Adjustment for a NPMS§ Excluded people with baseline CIS-R Not reported. Used CIS-R to 80–100%↓ comprehensive set of confounding factors in the CHDS ≥12 Adjusted for CIS-R <12 measure outcome eliminated reasonably strong associations with 54 NY schools Results calculated by us are with Not reported. Used SCL to Only crude results depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation,35 although exclusion of people with baseline measure outcome presented depressive symptoms associations for depression persisted after adjustment in 37 NY schools55 Adjusted for depression score at Not reported. Used HSC to Only adjusted a longer follow-up of this cohort. In one study of the baseline measure outcome results presented Dunedin cohort,38 adjustment for a more comprehensive NY state42 Adjusted for previous depression or Not reported. Used DISC to Only adjusted set of confounding factors than in a more recent report31 anxiety measure outcome results presented reduced the association between cannabis use and all NY state43 Adjusted for previous depression Not reported. Used CIDI to Only adjusted mental disorders by 90%; however, effects specifically for measure outcome results presented affective outcomes were not presented. In the Baltimore 46 Victoria Adjusted for previous depression and Not reported. Used CIS-R to Up to 40% ↓ study, both an increase in effect size for suicidal ideation anxiety measure outcome and an attenuation of association with suicide attempts OR=odds ratio. CES-D=centre for epidemiological studies—depression scale. DIS=diagnostic interview schedule. were observed following adjustment.49 DISC=diagnostic interview schedule for children. CIDI=composite international diagnostic interview. SCL-90=symptom Attrition from the studies included for affective outcomes checklist 90. OCD=obsessive-compulsive disorder. DSM-III-R=diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, third 31 51 edition, revised. CIS-R=clinical interview schedule—revised. HSC=Hopkins symptom checklist. ↓=decrease. ↑=increase. ranged from 4% to 70%, with a median of 20%; loss to *DIS, DISC, and CIDI potentially allow exclusion of intoxication effects, although none of the studies states explicitly that follow-up was not reported for two of the studies.39,45 this was done. CES-D, CIS-R, HSC, and SCL do not allow attempts to exclude intoxication effects. †Change between crude Cannabis use disorder at baseline was associated with OR and that after adjustment for confounding factors was calculated as (crude OR–adjusted OR)/(crude OR–1). ‡Additional data on crude and adjusted estimates were provided by the researchers.§Haynes J, personal communication. increased attrition in NoRMHS, although weighting of the analyses to account for this made little difference to Table 2: Information on possible alternative causes for associations reported between cannabis use and the results.44 Attrition was associated with baseline alcohol affective outcomes in 15 cohorts use and disorganised thinking in the LA schools study,52

324 Vol 370 July 28, 2007 Articles

but was not associated with baseline substance use in the An association seen in an observational study does not LAT study.53 However, in the ECA study individuals with necessarily reflect a causal relation. Because most of the baseline depression and cannabis misuse were both more studies for psychosis excluded people with psychosis at likely to be available for follow-up.40 baseline, the observed associations are unlikely to reflect reverse causation. However, the majority of studies for Discussion affective outcomes did not adequately address the We found a consistent increase in incidence of psychosis problem of reverse causation as a possible alternative outcomes in people who had used cannabis. There was no explanation for any association observed. For cannabis statistical evidence of publication bias, although this and psychosis, there was evidence of confounding effects, finding was based on only seven studies. The pooled but the associations persisted in almost all studies, even analysis revealed an increase in risk of psychosis of about after adjustment for comprehensive lists of variables, 40% in participants who had ever used cannabis. However, including markers of premorbid disturbances that are studies tended to report larger effects for more frequent commonly observed in patients with schizophrenia. All use, with most studies showing a 50–200% increase in risk of the studies that reported an association for psychosis for participants who used most heavily. A dose-response adjusted for other drug use, although two of the studies26,31 effect was observed in all studies that examined the relation made no adjustment for alcohol use. Furthermore, three to increasing cannabis exposure. Only three studies26,29,31 studies25,26,31 for psychosis made no adjustment for other examined psychotic disorders as an outcome; the presence mental health disorders at baseline, and measures of of functional impairment makes these studies relevant to disorders adjusted for in the other studies24,25,29,34 are clinical practice. The results from these studies were also unlikely to have accurately captured all mental health consistent with an increased risk in people who used symptoms at baseline given the scope of the assessment cannabis. tools generally used. Studies included in the pooled analyses used different Residual confounding by these or other factors can methods to measure cannabis exposure and to assess never be eliminated from observational studies. outcome. For example, use of the symptom checklist Adjustment for confounding factors in studies of affective 90 assessment in the CHDS34 might have led to inclusion outcomes seemed to be more important than in studies of participants without psychotic symptoms as defined in of psychotic outcomes, and in some studies such this review. This heterogeneity was reflected in the large I² adjustment explained all the observed association. There values for some of the pooled results. The features of was also more variation for affective outcomes than for NEMESIS26 that caused this study to increase between-study psychosis, with increases in crude estimates reported in heterogeneity to a greater extent than the other studies are two studies.41,49 Furthermore, roughly half the studies not clear, but heterogeneity decreased when this study was made no adjustment for alcohol or other drug use. omitted from the sensitivity analyses, even though results Confounding factors seem more likely to explain the were largely unchanged. reported association between cannabis and affective Arguments for why earlier use of cannabis might have outcomes than that between cannabis and psychosis. more harmful effects are intuitively compelling, but no Most studies of psychosis made some attempt to reduce robust evidence supports this view. The increased risk of the chance that the outcome examined was due directly psychosis in people using cannabis from a younger age to effect of intoxication with cannabis, although this can observed in the Dunedin cohort could indicate a greater be a difficult judgment in people who use cannabis cumulative exposure to cannabis rather than a sensitive frequently. Misdiagnosis as cannabis intoxication was period of exposure.31 In the Swedish conscripts study, in unlikely in the Swedish conscripts study,29 in which the which cumulative use of cannabis was examined, no outcome was admission to hospital with schizophrenia, difference in risk according to age at first use was or in the Dunedin cohort,31 in which the outcome was observed.30 Similarly, evidence for effect modification presence of schizophreniform symptoms for longer than between cannabis use and COMT variation on psychosis 1 month. The possibilities of intoxication and withdrawal risk is very weak: this effect was observed in only a effects were not considered in any of the studies of subgroup of people within the Dunedin cohort,32 and affective outcomes, although both of these can result evidence for such an interaction in an experimental setting from cannabis consumption.7,57 was also observed in only a subgroup of participants.56 We would expect both confounding factors and Almost all studies reported an increased risk of affective intoxication to lead to an increase in the observed outcomes in people who used cannabis, although CIs were association. However, underestimation of effects could generally consistent with null effects. However, effect sizes also have occurred. Measurement of cannabis use is were small, and many studies were probably underpowered. especially difficult because there is almost certainly large For example, odds ratios for depression ranged from variation in biologically available cannabinoid concen- 1·3 to 1·6 for the highest exposure categories of weekly or trations, resulting from different sources of cannabis and monthly cannabis use, with one exception (the ECA study from different intake practices; self-reported frequency of of cannabis misuse disorder).40 use is also prone to error. Such misclassification, if ran- Vol 370 July 28, 2007 325 Articles

Review type Methods Studies included in Meta-analysis review Semple Systematic review of Search strategy specified databases, search terms used, Cross-sectional and Included cross-sectional and longitudinal data et al19 cannabis use and and dates of search longitudinal studies of Results from this meta-analysis are not consistent with our results; psychosis Stated criteria for inclusion of studies high-risk groups however, use of unadjusted estimates in this meta-analysis, and Did not assess study quality combining effects for ever-use of cannabis with those for Did not provide statement of compliance with MOOSE dependence, makes it difficult to compare directly with our findings guidelines Macleod Systematic review of Search strategy specified databases, search terms used, Longitudinal studies None et al18 cannabis and other illicit and dates Examined several broad drugs and psychological Stated criteria for inclusion of studies psychosocial outcomes, and social harm Assessed study quality one of which was Did not provide statement of compliance with MOOSE psychological problems guidelines Arseneault Narrative review of Search strategy specified databases searched, but not Cross-sectional and Meta-analysis was of longitudinal studies only. Included duplication et al15 cannabis and psychosis search terms used or dates of search longitudinal, although of Swedish conscript data and one stratum of subgroup data for the Stated criteria for inclusion of studies results were reported Dunedin study. Combination of effects for ever-use of cannabis with Did not describe methods used to assess study quality separately those for dependence makes it difficult to compare with our findings Henquet Narrative review of Did not describe search strategy Cross-sectional and Included cross-sectional and longitudinal data et al17 cannabis and psychosis Did not state criteria for inclusion of studies longitudinal Combination of effects for ever-use of cannabis with those for Did not describe methods used to assess study quality dependence makes it difficult to compare with our findings

Table 3: Summary of previously published systematic reviews or narrative reviews with meta-analyses

dom, would usually make detection of an association data might mean that changes in schizophrenia incidence more difficult. However, differential misclassification are not yet fully apparent.61 could lead to overestimates of association. For example, Even seemingly robust findings from observational stimulant use is more common in people who use studies have sometimes not been confirmed by RCTs.62 cannabis than in those who do not, so under-reporting of However, in some situations RCTs are not feasible, and stimulant use might differentially affect the results from reliance must be placed on interpretation of results from cannabis users. the best available evidence from observational studies.63 Attrition in cohort studies is more likely in people who The neurobiological sequelae of cannabis use, including use drugs and in those who develop mental health modulated activity of dopaminergic, GABAergic, and problems than in other participants,58,59 and this would glutamatergic neurons,64–66 are consistent with abnormal- also lead to underestimates of association. Evidence for ities described in people with psychotic disorders.67 Further- such a pattern of attrition was present in NoRMHS44 and more, evidence that cannabis can produce transient the LA schools study.52 In the ECA study,40 participants psychotic and mood-altering symptoms in experimental with baseline depression were more likely to remain in studies7–10 lends support to a causal explanation for the the study, although pattern of loss in relation to incident associations between cannabis use and more chronic depression is unknown. The extent to which such bias psychotic and affective disorders. would affect the results is unclear, although modelling We are not aware of any other systematic reviews that for attrition in CHDS,34 NEMESIS,26 and NoRMHS44 focus on the relation between cannabis and affective suggests that bias caused by attrition had little effect on outcomes. A previous systematic review of cannabis use the overall findings. and psychosis included cross-sectional studies and did not Recent estimates of the proportion of adolescents and address study quality.19 Another systematic review young adults in the UK who have ever used cannabis are examined broader psychosocial outcomes,18 but the lack of around 40%.2 If having ever used cannabis increases risk focus specifically on psychotic or affective disorders meant of a psychotic outcome by 1·4 times (as suggested from that the explanations for associations could not be the pooled analysis), we can estimate that about 14% examined in detail. Previous meta-analyses from both (95% CI 7–19) of psychotic outcomes in young adults systematic19 and narrative15,17 reviews (table 3) have included currently in the UK would not occur if cannabis were not cross-sectional data17,19 or used unadjusted results,19 and consumed. However, such estimates rely heavily on the combined effects for ever-use of cannabis with those for assumption that the association between cannabis use dependence.15,17,19 As might be expected, all report larger and psychosis is causal, and that the pooled relative risk effects than observed in this study, although direct is an accurate estimate of this causal effect. comparison of these effects with our findings is difficult. Projected trends for schizophrenia incidence have not There are potential problems with meta-analyses of paralleled trends in cannabis use over time, and this observational data.68 However, we applied robust apparent mismatch has been used as an argument methods to identify as many publications as we could, against causal effects.60 However, other projections and attempted to interpret the findings as appropriately suggest that time lags and a lack of reliable incidence as possible by including a thorough critique of individual

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studies, and by doing a comprehensive assessment of Acknowledgments alternative explanations for associations reported. We thank Helen Davies for assistance with the retrieval of papers, and Even if the methods of future longitudinal studies are the authors of the papers we considered for inclusion and the experts we contacted for assistance with the search for suitable papers— more robust, these studies are likely to encounter similar Louisa Degenhardt, Wayne Hall, Jonathan Haynes, Robert Ferdinand, limitations to those discussed here. However, John Macleod, Robert Pandina, Robin Murray, Jean Paul Selten, improvement in the measurement of cannabis exposure Jim van Os, Helene Verdoux, and Mark Weiser. We also thank and elimination of intoxication effects might reduce Louise Arseneault, David Fergusson, and David Pevalin for providing us with data from additional analyses for our review. This work was some of the uncertainty. Animal models of long-term funded by the Department of Health, UK. SZ is funded through a effects of cannabis on neuropsychological domains Clinician Scientist Award funded by the National Assembly for Wales. relevant to psychotic or affective states could also improve References knowledge.69 Further study is needed to establish whether 1 NSDUH. Results from the 2004 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: national findings. Rockville: Substance Abuse and Mental cannabis is more harmful in younger age groups, and Health Services Administration, 2005. whether risk is modified by genetic or other factors. The 2 EMCDDA. The state of the drugs problem in Europe: annual report question of whether cannabis causes psychotic or 2005. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, affective disorders is perhaps the wrong one to be asking, 2005. 3 WHO. Cannabis: a health perspective and research agenda. World because it will be difficult to answer with any degree of Health Organization, 1997. certainty. What is more pertinent is whether the evidence 4 Webb E, Ashton CH, Kelly P, Kamali F. Alcohol and drug use in UK that is now available can justify policy implications, such university students. Lancet 1996; 348: 922–25. as public education campaigns to alert people to the 5 Fergusson DM, Horwood LJ. Cannabis use and dependence in a New Zealand birth cohort. N Z Med J 2000; 113: 156–58. possible risks associated with cannabis. 6 Schneider M, Koch M. Chronic pubertal, but not adult chronic In conclusion, we have described a consistent cannabinoid treatment impairs sensorimotor gating, recognition association between cannabis use and psychotic memory, and the performance in a progressive ratio task in adult rats. Neuropsychopharmacology 2003; 28: 1760–69. symptoms, including disabling psychotic disorders. The 7 D’Souza DC, Perry E, MacDougall L, et al. The psychotomimetic possibility that this association results from confounding effects of intravenous delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in healthy factors or bias cannot be ruled out, and these uncertainties individuals: implications for psychosis. Neuropsychopharmacology 2004; 29: 1558–72. are unlikely to be resolved in the near future. Despite the 8 Isbell H, Gorodetzsky CW, Jasinski D, Claussen U, von Spulak F, inevitable uncertainty, policymakers need to provide the Korte F. Effects of (--)delta-9-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol in man. public with advice about this widely used drug. We Psychopharmacologia 1967; 11: 184–88. 9 Melges FT, Tinklenberg JR, Deardorff CM, Davies NH, Anderson RE, believe that there is now enough evidence to inform Owen CA. Temporal disorganization and delusional-like ideation. people that using cannabis could increase their risk of Processes induced by hashish and alcohol. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1974; developing a psychotic illness later in life. 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