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Medical College of Virginia Richmond, Virginia

Mathilda 9ue Merker,

Editor Joan Vaughn, Business Manager iittMrfl

.^mr^r .\ ^ »»«-

f Uf^ <...«l '**^4iil! We are a part of this, you and I . . . The cicada-like rise and fall of city Sounds, the hurry, scurry, buzz of

Morning traffic, and the quiet whoosh

Of midnight travelers . . .the greedy Tinkle of the cash register, and The subdued whispers of a church Congregation.

We are a part of all this and more.

And, somewhere a siren whines . . .

We are a part of this, you and I . . .

... a part of our own world, separate and apart

from the human flood that flows around us . . .

Separated by a wall of white and a vocabulary as formidable. Separated from each other by disci-

plines, misconceptions, misunderstandings . . .

Variations in white with little time for harmony. But, separated as we are, we are the parts that

make the whole . . . The team that functions to meet man's need for mental, physical and emotional well-being.

We are a part of this, student members of this

team . . . We began with a dream— a dream that is as varied as we our- selves—a dream that gels or shatters with reality as we plow through hours of classes and laborato-

ries peering through mi-

croscopes at root tips, bac-

teria, and human tissues or labor over dissection

until we reek of our la- bors.

We listen and write. Capture knowledge—and perhaps life-with pen

and paper. We fill a small mountain of notebooks and papers with' accumu- lated knowledge and pe- riodically review them to

prove to professors, in- structors, and ourselves that this knowledge on

paper is a part of us as well. We are a part of this, you and I— a part of this team. And, as members of this team we learn the principles, concepts, and duties of our own profes- sion. We learn how our specific skills fit into the total health picture like pieces in a puzzle. The terms we use to describe the picture may be differ- ent but our goals ultimately are the same.

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€JFj^H<*Hn^ . . . Friendship We are a part of this, you and I ... a part of good times and bad ... a Coke shared in the lounge, a quick card game, dances, long talks at night, a hastily eaten sandwich, a favor given with none asked in return. We share this and this becomes an integral part of our learning here.

15 16 Our ties are closest to the students of our own profession . . . the people who we spend our wak- ing hours with and who share our learning experi-

ences . . . good and bad. These ties expand to in- clude casual acquaintances and lasting friendships in other schools.


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IfiJuce vomiting

^ave all m<^^r ,,, .„ ™

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We are a part of f his . . . The parts that make the whole



^ --.f^ijit^ ADMINI9TRATI0N

32 33

Medical College of Virginia M C V STATION RICHMOND 19, VIRGINIA


To our graduates of 1965:

Your completion of long and difficult studies marks an important milestone in your professional careers that is symbolized by the graduation ceremony. Your alma mater joins with you in observing this occasion and hopes that the knowledge you have gained will serve well and faithfully those to whom you will minister.

You, and the many alumni you now join, have attained your goal through the efforts of a devoted faculty and staff who take pride in your achievement and will follow your professional careers with great interest. The College will be judged by your efforts and the contributions you make to the professions you have chosen.

Congratulations! Your graduation is an event in which we all may rejoice. Those of us who remain to carry on the work of teaching will always need your loyalty and support, to the end that those who follow may enjoy a heritage as worthy of pride as that handed down to us.

Sincerely, (770^a*X-*«. v^^^^.

R. Blackwell Smith, Jr President The Board of Visitors

Samuel M. Bemiss Richmond C. Francis Cocke Roanoke

Mrs. Anne F. Mahoney Richmond Eppa Hunton, IV Richmond Dr. Richard A. Michaux Richmond Dr. Edward Meyers Norfolk

William T. Reed, Jr. Sabot

R. Reginald Rooke Richmond

VIrginius R. Shackleford, Jr. Orange Stuart Shumate Richmond

E. Hutson Titmus, Jr. Petersburg

Dr. Arthur L. Van Name, Jr. Urbanna Woodrow W. Wilkerson Richmond

The Board of Visitors shall manage the affairs of the corporation, care for its property, conduct Its business, control its finances, and shape its policy." (Statutory Charter of MCV)

36 Pi^fll ^H

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I i

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The Adminis+r'ative Council

The Administrative Council "acts to coordinate

the activities of the several schools". (AACV Bulletin, 1962-1964)

Dr. R. Blackwell Smith, Jr. .__. President

Colonel John H. Hell, Jr. -- Assistant President

Dr. Charles P. Cardwell Vice-President and Director of College- Hospitals

L. Daniel Crooks Comptroller Dr. Ebbe C. Hoff — - ..Dean, School of Graduate Studies

Dr. Harry Lyons . Dean, School of Dentistry Dr. Kinloch Nelson Dean, School of Medicine Dr. Warren Weaver Dean, School of Pharmacy Dr. Doris B. Yingling .....Dean, School of Nursing

Franklin Bacon . Dean of Students Qtudent Health

To promote and maintain the health of all students, "a physician and nurse are available for treatment, conference, and guidance relative to health and adjustment problems". (The Beacon, 1964-1965)

This is the purpose of the Medical College of Vir- ginia's Student Health Service.

The Student Health Service includes a physician.

Dr. William Kay and a nurse, Miss E. West, who are available for treatment, conference, and guid- ance relative to health and adjustment problems.

The Student Health office is located on the first floor of MCV Annex.

Karen Fluckiger visits the Student Health Office

38 Karen waits in the new Student Health office. Dr. Kay and his staff begin the day's work

39 To guide students toward the fullest

participation in college life . . .

Dean of Students FRANKLIN BACON

Assistant Dean of Students MISS BETTY MORROW

40 To provide campus homes for stu- dents in the several schools . . .

Director of Housing


To assure that no one shall be denied an education in the healing arts for

financial reasons . . .

Financial Aid Officer CHARLES W. HILL


42 43 Registration

The Dean of Students Office which has much of the responsibility for coordinating the varied activities of Orientation for first year students reported that the smoothness of the operation was possible only because of the outstanding cooperation of adminis- tration, faculty, students and staff of the entire college. As usual, student govern- ment, especially the Honor Council and Tour

Committee, made a large contribution to the success and pleasantness of the events of the week.

The first day students were welcomed by the President of the College, after which

the President of the student government in-

troduced its officers and explained how the honor system works. A tour of the college followed.

44 Orientation

Orientation was a busy time for new stu- dents at AACV. One of the big events held was a picnic and combo party at Kamp Kent- wood. Students also had an opportunity to attend Campus Vespers conducted by reli- gious leaders of Richmond at Monumental Church and the reception that followed. The Dean of Students also greeted the new stu- dents and introduced them to the Assistant Dean of Students, the Director and Nurse in Student Health, and the President of the MCV Alumni Association. Representatives of the various, schools were introduced and made brief remarks on "What's New at MCV"

M 1 Ed DerAAartirosian Larry Sharps Robert Harre David Layman Joe Jacumin Martin Horenstein

William Hubbs, Jr-.

James Gibbs Micheal Hakala Richard Goldburg Kirke White Richard Atkinson William Wentz Joe Waff ^^ J^m^ dHI

Ralph Hodges Robert Wilkerson Albert Dalola Pete Trager Ralph O'Horrow James Corbin Carol Ouillen

Phin Wood Robert Allen Sandra Long Jane Owen Beth-Davison Patricia Hill Jackie Tyree T

(Top Row) Carol Love, Donna Burner, Marcia Allerdice (Second Row) Pat Powers, Judy Clayton, Kermit Gresham (Third Row) Patricia Reid, Susan Bowman, Richard AAcGerry; (Fourth row) Nabil Azzam, Joanne Southworth.

MCV gfudenf Council

The Student Couricil of the Medical College of Vir-

ginia is composed of members elected from each of the different schools composing the college. Each year the student body officers are elected from the members of the Student Council. The number of representatives

from each class is determined by the size of the classes. The function of the Student Council is the representa- tion of the student body and in this manner to plan and coordinate the activities, publications, and events for

the year. This is accomplished by the creation of com- mittees. This year the social committee planned two major dances having as entertainment some well known celeb- rities. Also a number of informal events were held. The X-RAY staff worked assiduously this year to pre- sent an excellent yearbook. The Tour Committee has helped with orientation and assisted in promoting the school to the public. Other committees such as the music committee, ath- letic committee and the religious committee have helped to promote a closer atmosphere among the students.

47 .

The Honor Council

Ever since man has had a society he has made certain laws and

mores for his society to follow. The same is true of the Honor Sys-

tem at the Medical College of Virginia. The Honor System is a system of self-government whereby the students, themselves, elim-

inate from the Student Body those students who fail to deport

themselves as honorable men or women in all of their college matters.

The Honor Council is composed of a member from each of the classes at AA.C.V. who has been elected by his fellow classmates. The vice-president of the Student Council serves as chairman of the Honor Council.

It is of utmost importance for each student to realize his duty

as a part of the Honor System and that part is in upholding the cherished tradition of honor among a community of self-govern- ing students. Without the cooperation of each student there would

be no Honor System, for each student is a basic part of our Honor Archie Beebe, Chairman System



(Top Row) James Thrasher, Jr., Robert Pruner, Jack Yaffa, William Blaylock, James Little, J. W. Glore; (Second Row) Jonas Spiegel, Robert Reid, Henry Sekerka, Boyd Clements, James Bailey, Ruth Johnson; (Third Row) Priscilla Yeung, Ann Coleman, Eve Tucker, J. E. Levasseur, James Dalton, Janet Vey (Fourth row) Leslie Ussery.

48 The Villagers were the featured performers at the Fall Hootenanny

John Basset sang a medley of folk tunes. The Hootenanny

The "AACV Social Committee started its functions with a Hootenanny held in the Student Union Building in October. Infor- mality was the keynote of the evening. Stu- dents brought blankets and sat on the floor while they enjoyed the folk music of the Villagers, John Basset, Linda Vicker, 'Raleigh Powell and other popular groups in the Rich- mond area.

Raleign Powell, a freshman med student, sang.

^b^ ^lis ^86.^^^

The School of Dentistry (Left to right) The School of Medicine. (Left to right) Ed DerAAartirosian, President; Ran- John Timmerman, President; Ralph dolph Halloran, Secretary-Treasurer; James Thrasher, Vice-president. Hodges, Secretary. The School

The School of Nursing. (Left to right) Jane Owen, President; Louise Walker, Treasurer; Lana Waite, Secretary; PattI Stover, Vice-President.

MaUWiUM The School of Physical Therapy. (Left to Right) Wyoma Garber, Newspaper Editor; Kermit Gresham, President; Pat Ricketts, Athletic Representative; Jeanne Schairer, Secretary-Treasurer. Officers

The School of Pharmacy. (Left to Right) Marsha Hannlett, Secretary-Treasurer; Richard Jacobs, President. Christmas Dance

Lionel Hampton and his orchestra swang into "Hello Dolly" and the Christmas Dance shifted into

overdrive. The Mosque Ballroom was filled to ca- pacity as AACV students and faculty danced to the throbbing viobes. The Christmas Dance, which was sponsored by

the Social Committee, was a swinging success. Credit goes to Gail Ford, Social Chairman, and Richard

Jacobs, Student Body Treasurer, for all their hard work.


Frug, dog, watusi, things were really swinging at Cardiac Capers. (Below) Dr. Feelgood and the Interns were featured.

Cardiac Capers

The third major event of the year was Cardiac Capers, an infornnal Valentine Dance held in the Mosque. It was sponsored by the MCV Social Committee. The nationally known singers the Shirelles headlined a program that included Dr. Feel- good and the Interns and The Checkmates.

Malcom, the singer with The Checkmates, is a dental student.

Social Committee plans for the Spring in- clude a weekend that includes an informal dance, fraternity open houses, and foreign film features. Ably headed by Gail Ford the Social Com- mittee has enjoyed a very successful year. . the music. . fringe Students crowded around the stage as the Shirelles sang. Swinging . the green and The Checkmates.

55 Culfural Opportunities

Throughout the year students of the Medical Col- lege have had many opportunities to pursue their

interest in the fields of art, music, and literature. Their interest has been encouraged by the Student

Government as a result of its sharing in the cost of season tickets to presentations of the Virginia Mu- seum, the Celebrity Series, or the Richmond Sym- phony Orchestra. Two popular events of the Celebrity Series were Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra and Zizi Jeanmaire. The Virginia Museum Theater offered the oppor-

tunity to see live performances of such plays as "Guys and Dolls" and "Tartuffe".

Ballet Folklorico of Mexico,

Zizi Jeanmarie The Virginia Museum Art Galleries.

56 A scene from the Virginia Museum Theatre production "Guys and Dolls". Eugene Ormandy, conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra.

57 Infer- Faith Committee

The Inter-Faith Committee is a relatively new

venture at MCV. It is composed of students from each of the schools from the major faiths and de-

nominations represented on campus. Its purpose is to promote religious activities on campus and to create a better understanding betv\/een the various

faiths. The main goal this year is to decide hov\/ best this can be done, by discussion and by experimenta- tion v^ith various media: bull sessions, speakers,

campus vespers. The role of this committee is to

become even greater as it is discovered how MCV can help meet the spiritual needs of the students on campus.

Judy Allen, Chairman of the Inter-Faith Committee.

58 Joseph Levasseur, Chairman of the Visiting Scholars Committee introduces Dr. Woodrow Wilson Sayre.

Visiting Qcholars

A passing thought, a casual chat, a brief discussion between two men, and thus was born a new educational experience, at the Medical College of Virginia. The year was

1958 and the two nnen were Dr. E. Hoff

and Dr. W. T. Sanger, respectively the Dean of the Graduate School and the Chancellor of the Medical College of Virginia. Until then, there were practically no public as- semblies and only a few opportunities for the students to meet distinguished scholars, except perhaps by attending occasional for- mal lectures. This was the beginning of The Visiting Scholars Committee and thus there was a new educational experience for and by the students.

The Medical College of Virginia is an ever

progressive institution and it seeks the ad-

vancement of its students toward many in- tellectual wonders. The Visiting Scholars

Joe Levasseur and Dr. Sayre have an informal chat. Committee program plays a part in this role.

59 The Alumni Associafion

The Alumni Association is its seventh-sixth year welcomes the graduates of the class of 1965 as

members. The Association is a growing corporation with over twenty-seven hundred members of the more than nine thousand graduates or 31% which exceeds the national average.

A continuing project of the Association is the pay- ment of $10,000 each year to the College for the alumni lounge for students in the dormitories.

The Association is housed in the Maury House which was purchased and renovated by them in 1947. The house was built by Dr. Scorates Maupin,

one of the founders of AACV, in 1 853. A warm wel-

come awaits alumni in this historic house.

Maury House

Future Alumni study in Tompkins McCaw Library.



v'-v\ George Parsons, Chairman, Athletic Committee.

Intramural Qporls

With all the lectures, labs, and long hours of study, the students of the Medical College of

Virginia still found time for intramural sports. Members of the classes of each school partic-

ipated in the program. During the winter quar- ter, basketball and volleyball teams vied for the top position. In the spring, there were soft-

ball teams. Tennis, golf and badminton were conducted on an individual basis. The credit for the success of this year's pro- gram goes to George Parsons, MCV Athletic Committee Chairman and Mr. Arlie Brockweli,

Jr., Coach at John Marshall High School.

61 The X-Ray

Black and blue are not only the colors of this year's cover. They are the colors of the editors and staff as the book goes to press. Much work has been done in an attempt to equal or surpass

last year's book. We have ridden out the storms of contract problems, picture problems, and com- munications problems. We could not have done

it without the assistance and support of the Board of Publications and Mr. Pete Peterson of Taylor Publishing Company. As we complete our task there just seems to

be one word that fits and sums up our feelings

. . . SUPERCALIFRAILISTICEXPIAADOCIOUS What do you think? The Editors.

Mat AAerker, Editor in Chief (Top) Lana Waite, Activities and Organizations Editor and Karen Fluckiger, Publicity Chairman. (Bottom) Luis Wilson, Faculty and Administration Editor and Janet Wooley, Fraternities and Honoraries Editor.

Joan Vaughan, Business Manager Barbara Bixby, Nursing, ed.; Rose Tate, Medicine The hard working members of the staff whose efforts help make ed.; Margaret Whitley, Med. Tech., Hosp. Ad. and the X-RAY possible. Grad. Studies ed.

Bob Alpern, photographer; Ginger Bell, Dentistry and P.T. ed.; Judy Elliot, Pharmacy ed.

63 Linda Cohen, photographer; Suzanne Neal, Managing editor; David Kessel, photographer; Gail Ford, Editor-in-Chief; Ira Kaye, News Editor, Lance Berkowitz, Feature Editor.

The Qynapse

Communicating is great! This year the college newspaper, MCV SYNAPSE,

born in the minds of a handful of students, became

a tangible reality. In the beginning much ground-work was laid before any thought of going to press was enter- tained. The opinions of faculty, administrative lead- ers and students were weighed carefully.

The first edition of the paper was distributed on

February 12th and interest in the new innovation gained momentum. The emphasis of the publication continued to remain on improving communications within the college structure and on providing a medium for thoughtful student expression.

Members of The Synapse wait for the meeting to begin. If response to the newspaper continues to be fav-

orable, it will be continued next year.

64 The Beacon

The Beacon is the handbook for the nursing stu-

dents at MCV. Particularly useful to freshmen, it contains the School of Nursing Constitution and By-

Laws, in addition to the AACV Honor Code and Dormitory Regulations. The Beacon editor or co-editors are elected each year by ballot from members of the rising senior class. This year the co-editors elected were Bobbi

Gaither and Gail Ford. It is their responsibility to submit suggested changes to the constitution, by- laws or dormitory regulations for student and facul- ty approval at the end of the year. Traditionally pictures of the student government officers are found in the very middle of the hand- book, which helps to acquaint the new students with their school leaders. Other valuable informa- tion such as holiday and vacation schedules are also printed within this publication.

Bobbi Gaither and Gail Ford.

The Beacon (Left to Right) Dennis Nofsinger, President; Dave Daniels, Secretary; Rufus Gordon, Treasurer; Bill Blaylock, Vice-President.

Qtudent American Medical Association

The Student American Medical Association

(SAMA) was founded in- in December, 1950. Although sanctioned by the American

Medical Association, the SAMA is an autono- mous organization operating independently in

the best interests of its membership. The constitution of the Association clearly de-

fines the reason for its existance . . . "The objects of this Association shall be to advance the profession of medicine, to contribute to the welfare and education of medical students, in-

terns and residents, to familiarize its members with the purposes and ideals of organized'medi-

cine, and to prepare its members to meet the social, moral and ethical obligations of the pro- fession of medicine."

Joe Jacuman reads the "Pulsation", the SAMA newsletter of the AACV School of Medicine.

66 (Left to Right) John Timmerman, President; Fred Ridenhour, Vice-President; Tony Hemingway, Secretary-Treasurer.

I Student works in the laboratory.

Qtudent Dental Qociety

The Student Dental Society at the Medical College of Virginia serves to familiarize the ^tudent with an organization of grea+ importance in his chosen

field. There is unanimous participation in member-

ship to this society by the School of Dentistry. The

chapter's executive committee is comprised of two representatives and the officers from each of the

four classes.

The Society serves to tie together the various

groups in the School of Dentistry by a bond of pro- fessional interest. Membership affords each stu-

dent with a monthly copy of The Journal of the American Dental Association. The two main objectives of the Society are the promotion of scholarship and professionalism

among its members.

67 American Pharmaceutical Association

The Student Chapter of the American Pharmaceutical Association at the Medical

College of Virginia is one of many such chap-

ters throughout the Schools of Pharmacy in

the , all of which are directly affiliated with their parent organization, the American Pharmaceutical Association.

Through this organization, the pharmacist of tomorrow learns today of the challenges

to be confronted in the practice of pharmacy, the exacting professional responsibilities and the significant part played by the phar- macist on the allied health professions team.

(Left to Right) Bernard Schutt, Vice-President; David Jones, Presi- dent: Carey Gordon, Secretary; Tom Futrell, Treasurer and His- torian.

Virginia Pharmaceutical Association

The Virginia Pharmaceutical Association's

main purpose is to improve public health by promoting high standards of professional

practice. It carries out programs essential for the student's professional future. Meetings and discussions led by profes-

sional men from all fields, are held to help prepare the Pharmacy students of MCV for the moral, ethical, and social obligation as citizens and as members of the Pharmaceu-

tical profession. Basically, the Student Branch of V. Ph. A. unites the students of Pharmacy, so that through participation and observation, they (First Row) Dr. Lowenthal, Faculty Advisor; Kay Denny, Recording will develop pharmaceutical talent and ele- Secretary; Dave Cox, Vice-President. (Second Row) Ralph O'Harrovi^, vate the standard of professional thought. Treasurer; Ted Green, Corresponding Secretary; Jim Powers, Presi- dent.

68 (Left to Right) Elise Mobberly, junior representative,- Donna Clark, senior representative,- Joyce Miller, sophonnore representa- tive,- Nancy Bitner, sophomore representative.

Student Nurses Association

District III of the Student Nurses Association

of Virginia is designed to help each mennber increase her knowledge and understanding of

her role as a future nurse. The programs for this year included a State

and National Convention, a Christmas party, a

talent show, a program on "The Legal Aspects of Nursing", plus discussions, speakers and elec-

tions. The District's programs, held once a month with a different school as host, better prepares the nursing student as a future member of her professional organization, the American Nurses Association, and of her profession.

(Left to Right) Carol Harrison, SNAV Representative and Jean Boxley, freshman representative.


70 71 MEMBERS '~'_>-7 ( Ricardo Alexander Hilton AInnond Sigma

Fred Beller Preston Chandler Zeta Alan Cohen

Martha Dickerson Marvin Frank

Lloyd Green Elizabeth Haff Marsha Hamlett

Not pictured: John Barlow, Allen Davis, Ted Robert Howell George, Don Kern, Robert Myse.

Standing: Leonard McGaha, President. Seated: Martha Dick- erson, Secretary, John Barlow, Vice-President.

Neil Hutcher

Gerald Lutz Leonard McGaha

Stacy McMarlin

Sigma Zeta Honorary Science Fraternity was

founded at Shurtleff College in Alton, Illinois in Oc- tober, 1925, by three science professors, Elmer E.

List, J. Ellis Powell, and Ralph K. Carleton. Their intention was to provide a local society for the recognition of outstanding science and mathematics students. However, the organization captured the attention of neighboring schools and at the first

conclave held in Alton, the national character of Sigma Zeta was formally announced.

72 Donald Perkins John Salmon

Henry Sekerke Luis Wilson Janet Woolley


L. to R.: Row 2. Robert Harrell, Dave Jones, Lon Keim, Tom Kelly, AAelvin Kessler. R. 3. Paul Kvale, T. W. Mostiler, John Moyer, Patsy Page, Cliff Parker, R. 4. Ken Passamaneck, Estill Caudill Jim Powers, Jim Price, Jim Repass, Jane Rollins, R. 5. John Smith, Joe Waff, Chester Wilson, Ron Yatteau, Priscilla Yeung

Charles Clough William Gayle James Graham Wayne Hague Aubrey Ha Charles Harre

Boiling Field Carol Frame

AACV received the charter for the formation of

its Gamma Chapter the following year and the official gavel of the national organization contains in it a piece of the flooring from the Egyptian Build-

ing. Since its inception, Sigma Zeta has grown and

is presently represented in 21 colleges and univer-

sities throughout the country. Its purpose today is to encourage and foster the attainment of a knowl- edge of the sciences and to recognize in its member- ship the attainment of high scholarship in this field. M.

73 Alpha Qigma Chi

Left to Right: Frank Ferrier, treas.; Gail Ford, sec.,- John Timmerman, pres.; John Wright, vice-pres.

Alpha Sigma Chi is an honorary leadership so- Charles Clough ciety organized to serve the college and student body, and to grant recognition to those students who through meeting high standards of leadership, scholarship, and character, have demonstrated abil-

ity and v\/illingness to play prominent roles in carry- ing on student activities. Kay Denny selected from the school of Medi- Members are Frank Ferrier cine, Dentistry, Nursing, and Pharmacy. An honor-

ary member is chosen annually from among the faculty. Alpha Sigma Chi has existed at MCV since 1938, and purports to provide for the school an organiza- tion of highest ideals and standards, and to create

a spirit of fellowship and cooperation among stu-i

dents in the four schools.


Samuel AAcConkey C. E. Foy Mat Merker William Kennedy Harry Plunkett Marrianne Krop

James Repass Bernard Schuft Norman Smith

Jo Anne Spauls Hong Yup Chi

Not Pictured; Gail Ford, Ralph Hodges, Patti Stover, John Timmerman, John Wright


Russ Aylor Larry Blevins Donna Burner Robert Burner

David Cox Martha Dickerson Paul Dove Kenneth Dwyer William Gayle

Marsha Hammett Charles Harrell Richard Jacobs Joe Jacumin Ruth Johnson William Johnson

Rose Tate James Thrasher Lana Waite Jody Wimberly Janet Woolley Pat Worre

75 W. F. Gayle, Jr

Left to Right: W. F. Gayle, Jr., President; F. J. Allen, Secretary; Ted George, Vice-President and Treasurer.


P. J. Chandler H. R. Almond E. L. Caudill

A. B. Cohen AA. G. Frank

Alpha C. L. Parke

Omega JUNIOR INDUCTEES Denis Campbell

Alpha Not pictured: Ted George, N. E. Hutcher, John Smith

76 -

In 1902 the heart of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor

Medical Society crystalized in the minds of six medi- cal students who were fighting both a national rift

in medical education and poor student attitude and ideals. Since that time AOA has become firmly established and chapters exist in most major medical

schools in the country. Being selected is one of the

h^hest honors a student can be awarded as it dem- onstrates the highest scholarship and ideals, accept- ance of responsibility and leadership, and scientific approach. Beta of Virginia or Brown-Sequare Chapter was founded twenty-five years ago at the Medical Col- lege of Virginia and organized by Dr. William Branch

Porter. In celebrating our twenty-fifth anniversary, Brown Sequard Chapter was highly honored by hav- ing Dr. Willia/n H. ReMine, graduate of the class of 1942 and presently Associate Professor of Surgery at the Mayo Clinic, discuss the "Surgical Diseases of the Pancreas." A formal banquet was held at the John Marshall Hotel for the new members.

F. B. Garner


77 Rho Richard Allen in. Chi

Archie Beebee, Vice President Paul Collins, President

Paul Collins and Dr. Milton Neuroth, Faculty Advisor

The Lambda Chapter of Rho Chi, National Phar- Elizabeth Haff, Secretary-Treasurer maceutical Honor Society was founded at the Medi-

cal College of Virginia in 1929. The national or- Jimmy Powers, Historian

ganization, which is a member of the Association

of College Honor Societies, has as its objectives the

promotion and recognition of high attainments in the pharmaceutical sciences.

Eligibility for membership in the Lambda Chapter

is based on excellence in scholarship, leadership, Chester Wilson character, and personality.

78 Phi W. Brownstein A. Cohen Delta Epsilon

Not pictured: M. Frank, P. Left, J. Yaffa

The Phi Delta Epsilon Fraternity was originally founded at Cornell Medical College in 1904. In 60 years it has grown to include 40 undergraduate chapters and as many graduate clubs which will perpetuate the fraternity's goals after graduation.

The Alpha Mu chapter at MCV is the smallest fra- ternal group at the school but one whose record is envied by all other fraternities. Scholastically speak- ing, the organization has always placed at least one L. to R.: M. Frank, Hist.; W. Brownstein, Pres.; member in Alpha Alpha and occasionally Omega Myron Levine. two or more members have achieved this honor, as this year. This is indeed a record to be proud of, J. Hirsch considering that the fraternity rarely carries more than twelve members on its rolls each year. Besides scholastic achievement. Phi DE is also proud of its annual lectureship program which is responsible for inviting well-known men of Medicine to share their AA. Levine knowledge with the students and faculty at MCV. L. Mendelsohn The past speakers have included such distinguished men as Honer Smith and William B. Schwartz. Although less active socially than some of our twisting colleagues. Phi DE has other important accomplishments such as a new National Scholar- M. Novick ship program. Every year from now on, a scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate member of the fraternity. This new plan will supplement the loan program which has already been in existence for several years. All this has been made possible through the efforts of the most active alumni group

in medicine. C. Salsbury

79 Officers: Carroll Petty, Rufus Gordon, Kenneth Dwyer, and John Altobelll.

Fred Alpern

John Altobelll Charles Beorn Steve Bowles Robert Brown John Cametas

Dennis Campbell Robert Campbell Bruce Cattiy Hong Yup Chi James Daniels William Davis

Kenneth Dwyer Gerald Ezekiel Fred Garner O O !??>. Tom Gates Joel Goozh Rufus Gordon Stuart Grandis Willfam Gray Steve Irwin William Jennings Wade Johnson Allen Katz David Katz Kyle Kiesan Steve Kramer

80 Phi Chi, National Medical Fraternity, was founded

at the University of Vermont in 1889. The Theta

Eta Chapter was established at the Medical College

of Virginia in March, 1889. Phi' Chi is the largest national and international medical fraternity, both in number of chapters and total membership. The. fraternity was founded to promote the high ideals

of scholarship and brotherhood among its members

and all of medicine.

Phi Chi at MCV also has a very active Wives Club which has about 30 active members who sponsor several projects each year with Ginny Woodell as president.

Harry Mesie Larry Miller Dennis Nofsinger Ken Passamanek Carroll Petty

Donald Paretz Robert Pruner Donald Pryor William Passman Randolph Raymaker Gilbert Robertshaw

Tom Robinson Arlen Schwilm Norman Smith Gernat Spaliek Robert Stacks Aaron Storch John Stover

Edward Sung Walter Waldman Thomas Wells Peter Wick Steve Winesett Jeff Woodell Ronald Yatteau i^^ Allen Yung In 1888, a group of students at the Dartmouth Medical School organized the Alpha Kappa Kappa

Medical Fraternity. Their union was based on the

principles of "social intercourse, mental develop- ment, scholarship, mutual assistance." Today, these

concepts are basic not only to AKK but to the foun-

dations of modern medical organizations. Here, at

MCV our chapter was chartered in 1906, and since

then has been an asset to national AKK.

Our chapter, Alpha Kappa, has been particularly Seated: Burnett, Vice Pres.; Jacumin, Pres.; Dorey, Hist.; Stand- in active the past several years, owing to the re- ing: Coniglione, Co-Rush Chm., Corr. Sec.; Blaylcxk, Soc. Chm.

sourcefulness, cooperation, and ambition of its brothers, officers, and alumni. At present, our mem- Alpha bership numbers 135, a figure of unprecedented

dimensions in the history of Alpha Kappa. The academic year, and our Fall Rushing Program Kappa commenced simultaneously and with equal vigor. Rush parties were sandwiched between exam sched-

ules. These functions met with a success that was Kappa

glorious to behold. The first one, at the John Marshal ing with the final exam in Cell Biology was our third Hotel, exposed the new medical students to the extravaganza, this time in the "plush" Roof Garden accepted method of relaxation for a medical stu- of the John Marshal.

dent; cacophonic music, the limbo, pulchritudinous The Fall Rushing Program was a satisfying ex-

women, and a heavy head the next morning. periment resulting in 43 rushees. In the Spring sev-

Having recovered sufficiently, the first year medi- eral more rushees were accepted.

cal students were treated to another such affair This Program combined the talents and efforts of

three weeks later, at Schrafts Virginia Inn. Coincid- several committees and many individuals. The re- sults were attributed to these qualities which have been AKK's reputation at MCV.

The program for the rest of the year included a

Christmas Party at the Elks Lodge. For this affair

the Wives Club performed in their traditionally fine fashion with an exquisite set of decorations. Short-

ly after the new year was ushered in, we once

again visited the John Marshal to continue our

social schedule.

In March, we had our annual alumni sponsored

initiation party, preceded by an initiation ceremony

at the Richmond Academy of Medicine. Several other functions extending to the end of the school

year included a party sponsored by one of our local

alumni at his home. This year has certainly been one of excellence G, Burnett and achievement for AKK. We firmly hope that the J. Campbell brotherly instincts of cooperation and sharing, ex- E. Caudill T. Coniglione emplified so well this year, will continue to prevail, not only within AKK, but also, without and beyond.

82 ,

W. Credle J. Daly W. Daniels T. Day E. Der-Marferosian

L. Dorey J. Dowd

D. Scott

F. Shaia

J. Sharpe

L. Sharpe

^^^ R. Sneaa /^^1 J. Thrasher R. Thurman I» 'si ) Sj R. Willard -—f T. Yarbrough Np D. Yerger R. Young

83 AKK Pledges

Ted Abernathy Peter Goodman Bruce MacDonald John Thorn Richard Atkinson Howard Hanna Robert Miles Harrison Turner Robert Baker James Harkrader John Montgomery Robert Vermillion Earl Burton Jesse Hellman Boby Nelson David Walton Edward Butts James Hess Kenneth Olshansky Harold Weiler Stephen Cenedella James Hickman Louis Pastore James Wells Albert Clairmont Kenton Holden Michael Pollak George White Roger Copenhaver Martin Horenstein Ralph Pollock Lucien Wilkins Richard Dean Douglas Kells Giles Robertson Robert With row Robert DeAngelis Walter Kilby Eli Rose Einar Wulfsberg Earl Fuller Edwar'd Lilly Clarence Royster

Front Row; Ellen Fitzhugh, Emily Miller, Cheryl Hamilton, Delores Williams, Jane McConkey, Anne Lee Sharp. Row 2: Mary Alice Gibson, Vera Spencer-Strong, Betty Mistr, Margaret Mayer, Mary Bivens, Susan Kvale, Dottie Melton. Row 3; Sonny Neal, Pat Scott, Pan Flournoy, Bunny McCormick, Ruth Gayle, Peal Harrell.

AKK Wives

84 Alpha Omega

David Glassman Harvey Click Alan Goldfarb

Lawrence Grand Lawrence Helden Stanley Kaufman

Leonard Kessler f^"©T"

Stanley Legum L. to R. Leonard Kessler, Sec.; Dave Glassman, Sgt. at Fred Leviton Arms; Stanley Legum, Pres.; Lawrence Heiden, Vice Pres.; Larry Grand, Treas.

Alpha Omega, National Dental Fraternity, v^as founded at the Philadelphia College of Dental Sur- gery in 1907. Alpha Beta Chapter was established at MCV in 1928. Nineteen-sixty five has been a good year for Alpha Beta Chapter of AO. Through the efforts of devoted officers and members we continue to sail forward. Some of our recent graduates have remained at the Dental School. Dr. R. C. Kahn now sits at the other side of the blackboard as a full time instructor. Drs. Larry Schwartz, Hal Horwitz, and Fred Rosen- blaum are pursuing graduate studies here. Our annual kick-off affair—the Fall Barbecue, was held at the home of our chapter deputy. Alpha PLEDGES Omega has neither the asset nor the liability of a Bob Alperin fraternity house. We welcomed our current class of Al Birch pledges in the staid and traditional William Byrd Hotel. In keeping with custom, our meetings have been educationally directed. We have not infrequently invited faculty members to address us on subjects Harry Conn Ronald Ruth of interest not previously covered in class. Alpha Beta Chapter will close the year with its annual dinner-dance as a tribute to our seniors who have reached a pinnacle of educational and professional attainment.

85 Delta Sigma Delta

L. to R.; R. AA. Hodges, Pres.; B. J. Pritchett, Vice Pres.; J. H. Haley, Treas.; R. AA. Howell, Sec.

Joe Alfonso Hans Burg Joe Cox

Below Charles Ehle Henry Gonsouiln

James Haley Ralph Hodges Robert Howell Robert Ingram

Bradley Johnson Donald Kern Henry Kraski

Delta Sigma Delta is the oldest nationa4 dental

fraternity being founded in 1882 at the University

of AAichigan. Omicron Onnicron chapter of MCV is

34 years old and was founded by Dr. Paul L. Cheva-

lier. The fraternity house is located at 2806 Idle- wood Avenue. DSD has the objective "to keep high the standards

of dentistry by inculcating in the minds of dental

students and practitioners a spirit of fraternal co- operation toward scientific, ethical and professional progress." The fraternity strives to prepare the un-

dergraduate for professional life as well as to main-

tain the high ideals of the profession.

86 PLEDGES: R. Bancroft, N. Bevan, E.

Bowen, K. Bowman, D. Grabiel, R. Hylton, J. Howell, G. Petrasy, R. Plow- den, G. Stirmer, E. Strickler.

Carmine Priore Ben Pritchett George Raborn Donald Reynolds

A social atmosphere is provided for the under- graduate to acquire the "know-how" or social amenities that will prevail in his later professiona practice. The fraternity maintains and enlarges so- cial and professional comradeships for the graduate. The program of our local chapter mixes fun with the more serious aspects of the fraternity. Frequent parties are given in the basement "Bunny Room" of the fraternity house. Our Wives Club meets regularly on the first floor. Each Christmas toys are given to the children of the Methodist Home at a special party at the house. Educational meetings are part of the strive to- offer unlimited opportunity for professional growth.

87 Dentistry's largest national fraternity was Sur- MEMBERS launched at the Baltimore College of Dental gery in 1892, and since then alumni and our na- J. M. Alexander tion's dental schools have accepted and proliferated R. Alexander Psi Omega into Dentistry's best.

Men in dentistry have chosen their life's work and Psi Omega does not divert from this but aug- G. R. Aylor ments it by the establishment of professional fel- C. L. Brinser J. W. Culclasure lowship and pride projects, parties, and every fra-

ternity activity to further instill concern and incen-

tive in the Dental Profession.

The object of Psi Omega quoted from our con- stitution— The object of the fraternity shall be to cultivate

the social qualities of its members; to surround each member with friends to whom he can turn for ad- vice and assistance when needed; to secure by co- operation benefits and advantages out of individual

reach; by means of a journal to keep its members in

touch with other members in all parts of the world;

to assist its members in all their laudable under-

takings; and to exert its influence untiringly for the

advancement of the Dental Profession, in methods of teaching, practice, and of juris-prudence.

Psi Omega is a service to, and a fraternal find

among its members and is not a political organiza- tion. At MCV our local chapter, "Gamma Omicron,"

is particularly proud of its members and their atti- J. M. Hicks is in J. C. Hillier tudes, not only highly professional its structure and execution but has been "known" to enjoy a

party. Each meeting is distinguished by speakers who are also available for informal discussions. Not to be forgotten are the "Psi Omega Wives" of whom

our local chapter is also quite proud. The wives Left to Right; C. W. Paul, Vice-Pres.; J. M. Hicks, Treas.; C. E. have their meetings and elections and each Foy, Social Chair.,- W. B. Wray, Sec.; W. P. Kennedy, President. own Christmas provide clothes, food, and toys for some Richmond family.

We have pride also in this year's pledges and may they perpetuate the intangible factors that sup-

plement the "D.D.S." Degree and are such an in- tegral part of the betterment of the Dental Profes- sion.

Not pictured; C. E. Clough, L. A. Green, C. A. Harrell, A. R. Lyerly, R. F. Peery, D. W. Smith, J. H. Forsee, H. A. Jones.

88 G. A, Jenkins W. H. Johnson

W. p. Kennedy Psi W. N. Lay J. E. Little Omega

D. A. Reid W. H. Rentz J. H. Revere

F. L. Ridenhour AA. G. Runion H. H. Shiflet

H. P. Bozard B. A. Brown H. C. Burnett R. W. Cocke C. D. Cox

J. L. Cumbey J. H. Dalness T. D. Edwards C. D. Griffin C. R. Harris D. W. Hunt J. J. Lacy C. W. AAcGahee T. W. Mostiler G. B. Roque E. F. Ross H. F. Selden S, W. Sheftall W. P. Smith L. E. Shepard R. W. Smith C. T. Snidcw J. B, Spiegel W. P. Stalker W. S. Talbot M. S. Towery G. D. Connors, associate member

89 Phi MEAABERS Delta Chi Bob Burner Downer Clore Jim Corbin

Wayne Hague Danny Herbert Paul Iwanik Mickey Keim John Knapp

7 >

Ron Redman Richard Self Below, left to right: Larry Blevins, Pres.; Fred Beller, Vice- Pres.; Wayne Hague, Sec.; Bob Burner, Corres. Sec; Daniel Herbert, Treas.

Ken Stone

Not pictured; Fred Beller

90 Not Pictured: Fred Seller, Jim Bailey PLEDGES

William Baughman Lance Berkowitz Blaine Dougherty

Jim Gregg Larry Harting Jim Harris Andy Johnson

Phi Delta Chi, National Pharmacy Fraternity, was founded at the in 1 883 with its ob|ectives being to advance the profession of Jesse Lennon pharmacy and its allied interests, and to foster and promote a fraternal spirit among its members.

Alpha Delta Chapter was established at the Medi- cal College of Virginia in 1925 and since then has functioned to maintain the basic beliefs of the prac- AAowles ^% Don tice of pharmacy. ^ Doug Saunders Throughout the United States there are 45 chap- ters and 28 alumni or graduate chapters. It is the fraternity instrumental in the founding of Rho Chi, ^tk^ the national honorary scholastic fraternity of phar- macy and the Professional. Inter-fraternity Confer- ence. Phi Delta Chi was the first Professional Frater- nity of Pharmacy organized by Pharmacists for Phar- Brent Sharf macists.

As well as the informal parties and formal spring banquet, the chapter has several worthwhile com- munity projects. It participates each year in National

Pharmacy Week by placing a suitable window dis- Bill Shaver play in one of the local pharmacies. For our Christ- Angelo Tompros mas project this year we presented a party to 22 of the less fortunate children in Richmond, complete with gifts and refreshments and Ole St. Nick. Efforts US. Both joined the faculty of the School of Phar- such as this are possible because of the spirit of macy this year. brotherhood in the fraternity. This chapter would like to wish many happy days Pledging a fraternity gives a person responsibility in the future and say many thanks to Mr. Frank P. and the opportunity to make decisions which are Pitts, Assistant Dean of the School of Pharmacy and important in the maturing and character develop- a long-time Brother of Phi Delta Chi. Mr. Pitts has ment of every man. We are indeed proud to wel- served this chapter both as advisor and as a symbol come the 14 new brothers who pledged our frater- for the Profession nity this year and hope to pick up more good mem- what of Pharmacy means to many bers next year. We also are proud and fortunate to of us. He is currently completing his 43rd year in have Mr. C. Eugene White and Mr. Sam Jeter, both teaching, of which 35 of these has been spent on

alumni of this chapter, to serve as co-advisors for the faculty of MCV. Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity was founded MEMBERS at the Russell Military Academy in New Haven, Con- necticut, May 30, 1879, by F. Harvey Smith. The Butch Austin at Uni- Dick Barnes first collegiate chapter was that of Delta the versity of Maryland on November 18, 1898. Beta

Chapter was chartered in 1 900 at the University Col-

lege of Medicine in Richmond, Virginia; it was the fourth collegiate chapter formed. On March 19, Theta Chapter installed at the Medical Richard Chaney 1904, was David Cox College of Virginia as the eighth collegiate chapter. .In 1913, when the UCM merged with MCV, Theta Chapter remained as the active chapter of Kappa Psi. In 1903, Kappa Psi was incorporated as a na- Allen Dahl tional fraternity for both medical and pharmacy Tommy Futrell Wayne Gray students. In 1924, there was a division and the medical branch became "Theta Kappa Psi." A professional fraternity offers the chance for men that will be working together after graduation to build up bonds that will last throughout life. We Ted Green as Brothers in Kappa Psi endeavor to develop men Richard Hancock Ken Hawley Kappa Psi

David Jones Mike Kent 39^ 0^^ Richard Martin Tom Middlebrooks Ralph O'Harrow Lee Parrish ^

Row 1. J. Sekerke, 1st Vice Regent; J. Powers, Regent; W. Stafford, Chaplain; R, 2. H. Parrish; 2nd Vice Regent; R. Hancock, Treas.; M. Kent, Sec; R. 3. D. Jones, Hist.; C. Green, 3rd Vice Regent

92 with a finer sense of values and to encourage schol- arship, integrity, leadership, and service. We attennpt to broaden outside interests through extra-curricul- Bernard Schutt ar activities and to increase social poise as we main- Joe Sekerke tain a professional spirit. The privilege of membership in Kappa Psi carries

with it certain responsibilities, such as responsibili- ties to the fraternity, to brotherhood, to the college, to fellow students and to the profession. We believe Doug Smith that men who assume these responsibilities will George Snead make a greater contribution to pharmacy and to the society in which we live. This year Kappa Psi had thirty active brothers, but, though few in number, Theta Chapter func- Wayne Stafford tioned with 100% effort from each brother. We are Dick Stotler certainly proud of our eleven new pledges which Leroy Wilson came into Theta Chapter this year and hope to in- crease our number by a greater extent next year. Whether socially, academically, or with leader-

ship. Kappa Psi is prominent in the School of Phar- Dick Workman macy. John Wright PLEDGES Roger Akers

Randy Davis

Bob Gardiner Bill Gunn Richard Jacobs Jim Neal Brad Pack ^ki^w Russ Rogers

93 MEMBERS Kappa Barbara Ambrose •^ Epsilon

Barbara Brooks Sharon Brown

Chaplain; Barbara Ambrose, Secre- L. to R. Betty Haff, President; Lucy Townsend, Elizabeth Brown, Vice President tary; Barbara Brooks, Historian; Judy Lillard, Treasurer; Sharon Haff

Marty Hamlett Judy Lillard Martha Ann Miller

94 Kappa Epsilon, founded at the State University of

Iowa on May 13, 1921, is a national professional fraternity for women students in pharmacy. The Lucy Townsend purposes of Kappa Epsilon are to unite women stu- dents in pharmacy; to cooperate with the faculties of the colleges where chapters established; to stim- ulate in its members a desire for high scholarship; to foster a professional consciousness; and to pro- vide a bond of lasting loyalty, interest, and friend- PLEDGES ship. Paula Campbell Each year the members of Tau Chapter engage in Donna Clark many activities. This year new girls in pharmacy were introduced to KE through a picnic in early Oc- tober. In December, KE with Phi Delta Chi, gave a Christmas party for the children of Cary Street Bap- tist Church. Rush came in January, bringing with it the traditional parties to welcome the pledges and ending with an impressive pledge initiation. KE closed the year with its annual banquet honoring the new members and departing seniors.

Santa Hands Out Presents at Christmas Party

Virginia Clark

Kay Denny

Mary Ellen Garrett jKi .< a^ Cary Gordon Carol Lambdin

Jo Anne Wade

95 the school of MEDICINE



The Class of 1965, School of Medicine, dedi- cates their section of the yearbook with pride to

Dr. Richard G. Lester and Dr. H. St. George Tucker. Their vast academic knowledge, stimulating lec-

tures, crisp conference presentations, enthusiasm to teach and close faculty-student relations prompts our class to bestow this dual dedication as an ex- pression of our gratitude.

98 It has been said our goals. Thus our personalities have developed 'Tis well to be merry and wise, and we are better enabled to understand the sig- 'Tis well to be honest and true; nificance of our lives. Thus our individual destinies 'Tis well to be off with the old love, will reflect this basic architecture without the orna- Before you are on with the new. mentation and decorations which will follow. Four years ago our class signalized the end of The sustaining strength, so necessary to achieve an old love, and those who followed were on with the ultimate goal, has been maintained through an the new. unswerving dedication to a purpose. As we seek The curtains upon this stage of formal academic new truths may we learn to deal with our fellow study are being closed. As this phase of our educa- human beings with kindness, with understanding, tion—so strenuously obtained— ends, we know that with tact, with honor, and with dignity. May we we are not really at the end of anything . . . but always be considerate of the feelings of others and at the beginning of everything. may we show respect for the dignity of every man, With the passing of each year has come a better regardless of his station in life. understanding, a clearer vision of our desires and

(Left to right:) Jane Wooton, historian,- Bill Gayie, vice-president; Paul Kvale, secretary-treasurer; Ernie Kolen- drianos, president. The Class of 1 965

FREDERICK JAMES ALLEN Richmond, Virginia Medical College of Virginia, School of Pharmacy, B.S.

Sigma Zeta; Alpha Omega Alpha, Secretary. Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos-

pitals, Richmond, Va.

HILTON ROBINSON ALMOND Locust Grove, Virginia University of Richmond, B.S. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Sigma Zeta; Student American Medical Association, Secretary-Treas-

urer, 2. Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Va.

JAMES DUNCAN ASHE, JR. Newport Nev;/s, Virginia Duke University, A.B.

Basketball; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Appointment: Duke Hospital, Durham, N.C.

MATTHEW JOHN BARLOW, JR. Norfolk, Virginia College of William and Mary, B.S.

Sigma Zeta; Phi Chi, Corresponding secretary; Student American Medical Association. Appointment: William Beaumont General Hos-

pital, El Paso, Tex.

ROBERT EUGENE BEATLEY Gonyon, Virginia University of Richmond, B.A. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Appointment: Fitzsimons General Hospital, Denver, Colo.

ROBERT DURWOOD BLANKENSHIP Moseley, Virginia University of Richmond, B.S. Appointment: Mercy Hospital, Springfield, Ohio.

100 Qchool of Medicine

BERNARD JAY BORTZ Richmond, Virginia

University of Tennessee, B.S.

Appointment: Mercy Hospital, Springfield, Ohio

ALTAMONT HART BRACEY, III South Hill, Virginia M.I.T., Davidson, B.S.

Student American Medical Association, presi- dent, 2.

Appointment: Cincinnati General Hospital, Cin- cinnati, Ohio


University of Richmond, B.S.

Phi Delta Epsilon, consul.

Appointment: University Hospitals, Columbus, Ohio

ALPHONSE HENRY LEO BRUNO, JR. Norfolk, Virginia Norfolk College of William and Mary, B.S.

Laenas Society, 1, 2; basketball; softball; foot- ball; Athletic representative, 2, 3, 4; Tour Committee, 2, 3; Alpha Kappa Kappa.

Appointment: United States Naval Hospital,

Great Lakes, III.

JAMES GRAYSON CAMPBELL Enfield, Virginia College of William and Mary, University of Virginia, A.B., M.A.

Class president, I, 2, 3; student body presi- dent, 4; Visiting Scholars Committee, 3; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Sigma Chi, secretary, 4. Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Va.

ESTILL LEFTRAGE CAUDILL, III Elizabethton, Tennessee Vanderbilt University, B.A.

Student American Medical Association, 1; A.D. Williams Award, 3; A. D. Williams Research Fellowship, 3; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Sigma Zeta.

Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Va.

101 \

L In the ancient days they did blood letting. Now


University of Richmond, B.S.

Sigma Zeta; A. D. Williams Fellowship, 2;

A. D. Williams Award, 3.

Appointment: Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, Mo.

ALAN BRENT COHEN Newport News, Virginia Duke University, A.B.

Sigma Zeta; Phi Delta Epsilon; Bryan Prize in Pathology.

Appointment: A/ledical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Virginia

JAMES SNEAD CRANFORD Arlington, Virginia Virginia Military Institute, B.A.

Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Virginia

JAMES KEARNEY DALY Redington Beach, Florida Virginia Military Institute, B.S. Student American Medical Association; Alpha

Kappa Kappa, rush chairman, vice-president, 3.

Appointment: Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlan-

ta, Ga.

102 Qchool of Medicine

WILLARD FLOYD DANIELS, JR. Huntington, West Virginia Marshall University, B.S. Alpha Kappa Kappa.

Appointment; Cabell Huntington Hospital, Hunt- ington, W. Va.

EDWARD DER-MARTIROSIAN Chevy Chase, Maryland George Washington University, A.A-, B.S.

Class President, 1, 2; Medical School President,

4; Dormitory hall manager, 2, 3, 4; Student American Medical Association; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Sigma Chi; A. D. Williams Fel- lowship.

Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Va.

JAMES GRAFTON DOWD, JR. Columbia, South Carolina University of South Carolina, B.S.

Student Council, 1; A. D. Williams Fellowship,

2; Alpha Kappa Kappa.

Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Va.

JOSEPH LEONARD DUNFORD Newport News, Virginia College of William and Mary, B.S.

Softball; basketball.

GERALD ABRAHAM EZEKIEL, JR. Richmond, Virginia University of Richmond, B.S.

Phi Chi.

Appointment: Mercy Hospital, San Diego, Cali- fornia

EDWARD WILCOX FEATHERSTON Charlottesville, Virginia University of Virginia, B.S.


Appointment: Church Home and Hospital, Bal- timore, Maryland

103 The Class of 1 965

FRANK LOUIS FERRIER Atlanta, Georgia Virginia Military Institute, B.A., Univer- sity of Virginia, M.S.

Class secretary-treasurer, 1, 2, 3; Student Amer- ican Medical Association, 1; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Sigma Chi.

Appointment: Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, Ga.

MARVIN GARY FRANK Newark, New Jersey Rutgers College of Pharmacy, B.S.

Phi Delta Epsilon, historian, 3; Sigma Zeta; Student American Medical Association.

Appointment: Maimonides Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y.

ELEANOR RIDOUT FREED Roanoke, Virginia Mary Washington, B.S., Medical College of Virginia, Medical Technology

Appoi ntment: Bernalillo County Hospital, N. Mex.


University of Richmond.

Alpha Kappa Kappa; Softball

Appointment: Mercy Hospital, Springfield, Ohio

WILLIAM EARLE GAYLE, JR. Chesapeake, Ohio Davidson, B.S.

Class vice-president 1, 4; tennis, I, 2; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha, president 4.

Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Va.

GENE ARTHUR GODWIN Roanoke, Virginia Roanoke College, B.S. Appointment: Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke, Va.

104 School of Medicine

ROGER THORPE GREGORY RANDOLPH MURRELL HALLORAN ROBERT RIDDICK HARRELL Rocky Mount, North Carolina Beckley, West Virginia Suffolk, Virginia Duke University, B.A. West Virginia University, B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, B.S., M.E. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Alpha Kappa Kappa, treasurer, 3; Medical Alpha Kappa Kappa; Sigma -Zeta; Student Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- school secretary-treasurer, 4. Council Representative; basketball. pitals, Richmond, Va. Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- Apnointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Va. ,pitals, Richmond, HUBERT BLAND HUDGINS Va. Mathews, Virginia DAVID CHARLES HUGHES NEIL EDWARD HUTCHER Virginia Military Institute, B.S. Lester, Pennsylvania Norfolk, Virginia

Softball, basketball. Pennsylvania Military, B.S. University of Richmond, B.S. Appointment: Appointment: Norfolk General Hospital Nor- George F. Geisinger Hospital Sigma Zeta; Softball; basketball; Student Amer- folk, Va. ican Medical Association; A. D. Williams Fel- lov^ship.

Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Va.

105 The Class of 1 965

BETTY WELBORN HYDRICK LEWIS DANIEL JOHNSON ERNEST THOMAS KOLENDRIANOS Greenville, South Carolina Bedford, Virginia Danville, Virginia Furman University, B.S. Lynchburg College, B.S. University of Virginia, B.A.

Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Alpha Kappa Kappa. president, 4; Alpha Kappa Kappa, presi- pitals, Richmond. dent, corresponding secretary, 2; Residence Va. Appointment: Mercy Hospital, Springfield, 3, Ohio hall nanager, 2, 3, 4; Student American Med- PAUL ARTHUR KVALE Falls Church, Virginia DAVID ARTHUR LAYMEN Appointr nt: Grady Me Hospital, At- Capital University, B.S. Rocky Mount, Virginia lanta, Ga Alpha Kappa Kappa; Class secretary*tre. Bridgewater College, B.A. Alpha Kappa Kappa; Student American Medical JOHN ALBERT LEGETT Arlington, Virginia Appointn He Ford Hospital, Detroit Association; Student Council, 2, 3, 4. Georgetown University, B.S. Appointment: Johnston Willis Hospital, Rich- mond, Va. Student American Medical Association, 1 4; Laenac Society, 1, 2; Softball; Alpha Kappa.

Appointment: St. Joseph's Hospital, Colo.

106 School of Medicine

EUGENE RUSSELL McDANNALD, JR. STACY LEE McMARLlN LOUIS MOSES MENDELSON Virginia Beach, Virginia Springfield, Virginia Portsmouth, Virginia Virginia Military Institute, B.A. William and Mary College, B.S. Vanderbilt, University A. D. Williams Fellowship; Softball; Alpha Sigma Zeta; basketball. Phi Delta Epsilon; Student Ameri Kappa Kappa. Appointment: Tripler General, Honolulu, He Association. Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- Appointment: Bronx Municipal Hos Center, pitals, Richmond, Va. N. Y. PATSY ROONEY PAGE

JERRY LEE MILLER Marietta, North Carolina LOUIS DANIEL PARHAM, JR. Lebanon, Virginia Medical College of Virginia, School o Kegsville, Virginia University of Richmond Pharmacy, California College of Med University of Richmond, Southeast Bap- Alpha Kappa Kappa. B.S. tist Theological Seminary, Hampden-Sid- ney College, A.B., B.D. Appointment: Mercy Hospital, Springfield, CI, historian, 3; Student An Medical Ohio Association, I, 2, 3, 4. Basketball, 1, 2.

Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos' Appointment: Petersburg General Hospital, pitals, Richmond, Va. Petersburg, Va.

107 The Class of 1 965

CLIFTON LINWOOD PARKER Virginia Beach, Virginia University of Richmond, B.S.

Alpha Kappa Kappa; Student Council, 2. Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Va.

DONALD FRANCIS PERKINS Briclctown, New Jersey Rutgers University, B.S.

Sigma Zeta. Appointment; Temple University Hospitals, Philadelphia, Pa.

HARRY GORDON PLUNKETT, JR. Vinton, Virginia Medical College of Virginia, School of Pharmacy, B.S.

Honor Council, 1, 2; Class President, 3; Alpha Sigma Chi. Appointment: Norfolk General Hospital, Nor- folk, Va.

JOEL RICHARD POOLE Norfolk, Virginia University of Richmond, B.A.

Appointment: United States Naval Hospital, Newport, Rhode Island

JAMES ALBERT REPASS Salem, Virginia Hampden-Sidney College, B.S.

Class vice-president, 2, 3, 4; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Sigma Chi.

Appointment; Grady Memorial Hospital, At- lanta, Ga.

GARY MEADE RICHARDSON Barhamsville, Virginia Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Appointment: University Hospital, Columbus, Ohio

108 School of Medicine

PETER ROSANELLI, JR. Richmond, Virginia

Hampden-Sidney College, B.S. Alpha Kappa Kappa.

Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Va.

ALF HANS RYDELL San Francisco, California Stanford University, B.A.

Appointment: Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco, Calif.

CARL ALLEN SALSBURY Richmond, Virginia Duke University, B^A. Phi Delta Epsilon.

Appointment: Grady Memorial Hospital, At- lanta, Ga.

DAVID ALLEN SANDRIDGE Roanoke, Virginia University of Richmond, B.S.

Appointment: Mercy Hospital, Springfield, Ohio

'The price of thought .

109 The Class of 1 965

DANNY LEROY SCOH FRED THOMAS SHAIA LARRY ODELL SHARPE Lynchburg, Virginia Cleveland, Ohio Portsmouth, Virginia Lynchburg College^ B.S. University of Notre Dame, B.S. College of William and Mary, Norfolk Division, Alpha Kappa Kappa. Basketball; baseball; football; Alpha Kappa B.S. Student Council, Appointment: Mercy Hospital, Springfield, Kappa. 1, 3, 4; Alpha Kappa Kappa.

Ohio Appointment: St. Luke's Hospital, Cleveland, Appointment: Norfolk General Hospital, Nor- Ohio folk, Virginia AARON SHELDON STORCH New York, New York MARY AGNES BROWN TAHERSALL JAMES WINFIELD THRASHER, JR. Randolph-Macon Staunton, Virginia Randolph, New York

Basketball; Softball; Phi Chi. Bridgewater College, Georgetown Vis- College of William and Mary, B.S. itation College, B.A., A.A. Appointment: Bellevue Hospital, New York Honor Council; School vice-president, 4; In- Class historian, 1, 2. ternship Committee; basketball; Softball; Alpha Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- Kappa Kappa. pitals, Richmond, Va. Appointment: United States Naval Hospital, Charleston, S.C.

no School of Medicine

ROGER ZAION THURMAN JAMES THOMAS WADDILL, III GARY WENTWORTH W/AKE Christiansburg, Virginia Victoria, Virginia Lynchburg, Virginia

Virginia Polytechnic Institute, B.S. University of Virginia, B.A. Lynchburg College, B.S.

Softball, 1, 2, 4; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Appointment: Petersburg General Hospital, Student Council, 1; Alpha Kappa Kappa. Petersburg, Va. Appointment: Grady Memorial Hospital, At- Appointment: Norfolk General Hospittil, Nor- lanta, Ga. folk, Va. RUSSELL STUART WEEKS Greensville County, Virginia RUSSELL BARBORIE WAYLAND, III EARL DOWDY WHITE, II Portsmouth, Virginia University of Richmond, B.S. Norfolk, Virginia

University of Richmond, B.S. Softball. University of Richmond, B.A.

Basketball, Softball, Alpha Kappa Kappa. Appointment: Baltimore City Hospital, Balti- Student American Medical Association.

Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- more, Md. Appointment: Mercy Hospital, Spri ngfield. pitals, Richmond, Va. Ohio


III The Class of 1 965

YARBROUGH STERLING RUDOLPH WILLIAMSON JANE PENDLETON WOOTTON TERRY PINCKNEY Richmond, Virginia Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania Richmond, Virginia of Richmond Otterbein College, Georgetown Univer- Salem College, B.A. University

sity, Graduate School, B.A., B.S. Student American Medical Association, 1, 2, 3, Alpha Kappa Kappa.

Phi Chi, 1, 2, 3, 4, vice-president, 2. 4; Class historian, 4; American Medical Wom- Appointment; University of Texas Medical en's Association. Branch Hospital Appointment; University of Washington Hos- pitals Appointment: Medical College of Virginia Hos- pitals, Richmond, Va. DAVID HACK YERGER Colonial Heights, Virginia RAYMOND ARTHUR YOUNG Virginia Military Institute Arlington, Virginia University of Richmond, B.A. Alpha Kappa Kappa. Alpha Kappa Kappa, Marshal. Appointment: Medical College of South Caro- lina Hospital Appointment; Mercy Hospital, Springfield, Ohio JAMES THEODORE RATLIFF 1941-1964

The Senior Class of the School of Medicine dedicates this page of the yearbook in memory of its beloved classmate, James Theodore Ratliff, whose sudden passing leaves an unforgettable void. We shall remember him as a highly motivated, sincere and dedicated student of medicine.

113 Class of 1 966

Junior Class officers: Ken Dwyer, Vice-President; Norman Smith, President. Not pictured Sally Abbott, Secretary-Treasurer.

Sally Ann Abbott

Frederick Philip Alpern

Jerri Barden

Stephen Martin Bowles

Robert E. Brown John Henry Bumgarner

Gerald Grain Burnett

Denis Patrick Campbell

114 Qchool of Medicine

Robert Richard Campbell

Carolyn Dale Chandler

Hong Yup Chi

Richard Burton Coover

James David Daniels

William Vaughan Davis

Kenneth Lee Dwyer

Arnold Alfred Effron

Boiling Jones Feild

Stephen Lawrence Ferlazzo

William Garth Fitzhugh

John Eppes Flournoy

Fredric Bruce Garner

Burt Richard Goldburg

William Gilman Gray

Aubrey Carlyle Hall, Jr.

Lunch in the Student Un- ion gives juniors a chance to rest weary bones.

115 Class of 1 966

Jack Samuel Hirsch

Henry Davis Holland

Harold Ezra Huffman

Walter Joe Jacumin

Samuel Kernekllan

Archie Dean Kesler

Ronald Lester King

Barry Vincent Kirkpatrick

James E. T, Laningham

Pre-Med School and class officers met with Dean Nelson at the Downtowner.

116 School of Medicine

Aftermath of Exams

Edward Mann Litz

Vernon Lee Lynch, II

Samuel Allen McConkey

William McCormick, III

John Paul Moyer

Walter Ernest Neal, Jr.

Dennis Erwin Nofsinger, Jr.

Kenneth Passamaneck

Lawrence William Penniston

117 Class of 1 966

Carroll Thomas Petty

Donald Martin Poretz

James Henry Price

Robert Alvin Pruner

Donald Charles Pryor

William Richard Rassman

Herbert Paul Rhodes, Jr.

Thomas Hilliard Robinson

Arnauld Frederick Scafidi

Robert William Schimpf

John Morton Smith, Jr.

Norman Eugene Smith, Jr.

"Take a deep breath."

118 Qchool of Medicine

Robert Perkins Snead

Robert David Stacks

Brian Edward Stakem

Thomas Johnson Wells

Ruth Catherine Wilkerson

Richard Norman Willard

William Jeff Wooddell

Ronald Francis Yatteau

Allan Ka-Lun Yung

Juniors line up for tuberculin tests. The Class of 1 967

(Left to right:) Gilbert Robertshaw, vice-president; Eli Rose, president; John Nuckols, secretary-treasurer.

John Anthony Altobeili

John Joseph Bagley, Jr.

Charles Frederick Beorn

Carl Hill Bivens, Jr.

William AAcGehee Blaylock

PaOl Elwood Bowles

Bruce Edward Cathey

Albert Anthony Clairmont School of Medicine

Thomas Christy Coniglione William Frontis Credle Gene Grant Davidson

Thomas Gordon Day, Jr. William George Eddins Thomas Jarman Gates

James Samuel Gibbs Jeffrey Stuart Goldblatt Charles Jay Goldman

Matthew Kirk Gooding Joel Lee Goozh Phillip Ralph Gordon

Rufus Henry Gordon, Jr. Stuart Henry Grandis Martin Taylor Greenberg

Michael Wayne Hakala Stuart Henry Hamilton Stanley Elmer Heatwole The Class of 1 967

Charles Newton James William Mason Jennings, III Wade Lane Johnson

Allan Robert Katz David Harvpy Katz Glenward Thomas Keeney

Douglas Ulring Kells Bennett Ira Kemper David Kessel

Kyle Frank Kiesau Robert James 'Kohler Stephen James Kramer

Joel Allen Laster Barry Alan Leonard Myron Max Levine

Steven Matthew Marcus Russell G. McAllister, Jr. Reuben H. McBrayer, Jr.

122 Qchool of Medicine

Wesley Edward McEntire

John Wesley Melton, III Harry Randolph AAesic Larry A. Miller

Ernest Noel Mistr Bobby Wayne Nelson Richard A. Nicholls Maurice Novick

John Thomas Nuckols C. Paul Pascarosa James David Perry John Ernest Reed

"And what can I do for you, young lady?" Dr. Pitsenberger talks with Rufus Gordon and his daughter.

123 The Class of 1967

Gilbert E. Robertshaw Dennis Hardesty Robinson, Jr.

Eli Lawrence Rose

Roman Sachno, Jr. George David Schare Bruce Alan Schorr

Arlen Lee Schwilm John Robert Sharpe Gemot F. Spaliek

Time for Captain Kangaroo!

124 School of Medicine

Warner by night

William H. Spencer-Strong Edward Lung Sung Angelo Joseph Villani, Jr. Wallace Waldman

David Clark Walton George Franklin White Newton Kirke White Peter Lawrence Wick

Lucien Sanders Wilkins John Richard Wolfe Frank Grove Wray Benjamin F. Zambrana

125 Class of 1 968

CLASS OFFICERS: President, Dick Hickman; Vice-President, Bob Vermillion; Secretary-Treasurer, Ken Olshanski; His- torian, James Lampros

Ted Roger Abernathy

Theodore Gerard Aldhizer

Henry Alperin

Richard Lee Atkinson, Jr.

Robert Earl Baker

Jeffrey Allen Berstein

Luther Roy Boone

Philip Hansford Brandt Qchool of Medicine

Paul Edward Brown, Jr.

Patrick Kendall Burke

Earl Edward Burton, Jr.

Edward Barfield Butts

John Gus Cametas

Wesley Byrd Carter

Boyd David Cave, Jr.

Stephen Charles Cenedella

Jenifer Dixon Chaffee

Garland Wesley Childress, Jr.

Joel Floyd Clingenpeel

John David Coan

Barton Alan Cohen

Roger Donald Copenhaver, Jr.

Robert Heal DeAngelis

Brian AAollen Dorsk

Earl Washington Fuller, Jr

Arnold Ernest Gellman

Peter Lewis Goodman

Keith Elwood Hanger

James Brook Hess-

James Richard Hickman, Jr.

William Alexander Hobbs, Jr

Kenton Roy Holden

127 Freshman Medical Students Study in the Pathology Lab.

Martin Horenstein

Charles Mac Huber

Edward Richard Isaacs

Harry Keirn Jeroy

Melvin N. Kien

Walter Bluford Kilby

Jim Nicholas Lampros

Trina Kay Lane

Paul Roland Layman

Edward Lewis Lilly

George Everette Long

Pearl Pik-Chung Mo

128 School of Medicine

Bruce Raymond AAacDonald

Sheldon Michael Markowitz

Robert Milton Miles

Roger Dale Neal

Stephen Michael Niessen

Samuel Garrett Ogle

Philip Okun ^^^ Kenneth Olshansky

Louis Thomas Pastore

Robert Carroll Patton

Ralph Stanley Pollock

Donald Edgar Pryor

"The head bone connected to the . "Oh well, there's always next year

Giles AAebane Robertson, Jr.

Theodore Charles Rowe, III

Clarence Edward Royster

George Earle Siegfried

Joseph Lawrence Sippe ^ ^ x-f Ronald Wilson Snead Cassius Miller Stanley III

Lynn Paul Stockberger

Elam Ray Stolzfus

John Oliver Stover, Jr.

John Early Thorn, Jr.

130 "YA!"

William Harrison Turner, III

Robert Lee Vermillion

William Ray Walker

Harold Houser Weiler

James Morgan Wells

Herbert Lloyd Widener

Preston Steve Winsett

Robert Parker Witherow

James Corder Woofter

Einar John Wulfsberg

Jack Ber Yaffa

Harroll Taylor Yates

131 132 school of DENTISTRY

133 A gentleman and scholar an educator is;

The two in combination is rarely seen indeed.

Such men in greater number we do need, And when we have one with us— how thankful we should be.

With this in mind the Dental Class of 1965 wishes to acknowledge the

professional manner in which Dr. Philip J. Modjeski has shared his knowl-

edge and dental skill. Proudly and sincerely we dedicate our portion of the X-Ray to him.

134 (Left to right:) Ed McGaha, Vice-President; Richard Smith, Secretary-Treasurer; Charles Harrell, President; Don Reynolds, Historian.

These words shall be a chronicle of the many Gradually real confidence came with the completion young men who on a very hot day in September, of successful amalgams, inlays, and dentures. We 1961, assembled together for the first time in the found that the day passed quickly; and that, in spite Wood Memorial building. We as a group were very of the short lunch breaks and our fatigue at the end unsuspecting of what lay ahead for us, for we had of the day, life was not bad at all. We remember the an immense pride in our past accomplishments and lecture in periodontics in which the slide review was in our present good fortune. interrupted by a brief digression on daffodil ar- Our first year was an introduction into the mys- rangements. teries of the human body. We were schooled in When our senior year began we realized that we both gross and microscopic courses and asked to had only just begun to learn dentistry. We found perform as we had never done before; yet our that organization of work and time was essential. class was never to lose its humor. We shall not We did major rehabilitation work, collected sizeable forget Dr. Brashear's slide travelogue of what to see fees for the clinic and labored over the same three in Pompeii or of that dissected piece of string in survey patients for many clinical hours. gross lab that turned up on a slide practical in As the end is in sight we plan for future. For histology. some it will be an immediate step into a private

Pathology and physiology greeted us our second practice; for others it will be the service or advanced year, and in pharmacology we were honored to be training. Whatever it may be, it will be a future of the last class of Dr. Weatherby. Our class will al- opportunities. We can indeed look with pride over ways think highly of the deceased Doctors Brashear our past accomplishments and delight in our present and Weatherby, who both held a special regard for good fortune. However, we realize that although the dental student. education may be a short cut to experience we have In the summer of our first clinical year, we dis- only begun to learn. covered that we were actually going to be dentists.

135 Class of 1 965

RICARDO ALEXANDER Daytona Beach, Florida University of Florida, B.S. Student American Dental Association, Sigma Zeta, A. D. Williams Merit Award 1, American Cancer Society Pathology Award 2, N.I.H. Fel- lowship 3, 4, PsI Omega, Secretary 3.

GEORGE RUSSELL AYLOR, JR. Arlington, Virginia Virginia Military Institute, B.A. Student American Dental Association; A. D. Williams Grant 1; N.I.H. Grant 2, 3, 4; Stu- dent Council Representative 3, 4; Student Gov- ernment Secretary 4; Honor Council 3, 4, Clerk

EDGAR S. BRADLEY Akron, Ohio Kent State University Student American Dental Association; Ameri can Cancer Society Fellowship 2, 3, 4.

LARRY MARK BURNETT Miami, Florida University of Miami Student American Dental Association; Intra

HENRY MORTON CHERRICK Miami, Florida University of Florida Student American Dental Association; Fellowship 3, 4.

GERALD DORAN CONNORS Hamburg, New York Virginia Military Institute Student American Dental Association; mural Softball, Volleyball 4; Psi Omega

136 School of Dentistry

JOSEPH CLINTON COX DANIEL HARRIS CRAWLEY III JAMES WISE CULCLASURE Richmond, Virginia Danville, Virginia Saint Matthews, South Carolina University of Richmond, B.A. University of Richmond Clemson College, B.S. Student American Dental Associatio Student American Dental Association. Student American Dental Association. Sigma Delta. WALLACE SHARON EDWARDS GERALD ARTHUR FLATEQUAL CHARLES ALISON DRESCHER Hopewell, Virginia Springfield, Virginia Virginia Beach, Virginia University of Richmond, B.A. Randolph-Macon College, B.S. Virginia Military Institute, B.A. Student American Dental Association. Student American Dental Associatio Student Amer Omega. ship 4.

137 Man, dig those crazy molars! And her hair hung down in ringlets.

COLIN MEAKINS GALLANT Richmond, Virginia University of Virginia University of Richmond

It American Dental Association.

HARVEY ALLEN CLICK Norfolk, Virginia College of Willie and Mary in Nor- folk, B.S.

Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Cla reasurer, 3; Alpha

ALLAN GOLDFARB Richmond, Virginia University of Richmond

Historian, 2; X-Ray, 4; Student Americi tal Association, 1-4; Volleyball, 4; Hille

dation. 1-4; Tour Committee, 4; Alpha i

HENRY TOUTANT GONSOULIN Crestv Flo Washington and Lee, B.S.

Athletic Representative, 3, 4; Student Ameri can Dental Association, Delta Sigma Delta, In tramural Sports 1-4.

138 Class of 1 965

LLOYD ALLEN GREEN Norfolk, Virginia University of Virginia, B,A.

Psi Omega; Sigma Zeta; Student A Dental Association; NIH Fellowship; Williams Award.

JAMES ALBERT HALEY Fort Lauderdale, Florida University of Notre Dame, B.S,

Honor Council, 2; Student Council, : Sigma Delta-Treasurer; Student A Dental Association.

CHARLES AUBURN HARRELL Auburndale, Florid University of Flor da, B.S.

Pr esid ent, 4; Secretary-Tre asurer, 2; Psi Onlega St ude t A merican Dental Associat

WESTER GERALD HARRIS Graceville, Florida Florida State Univ ersity University of Geo gia, B.S.

Ps O meg a; Softball, 1, 2, 4; Va sity Basket

ba II, -4; Athletic Repre entative, 2; Student A can Dental Associa tion.

ROBERT THORNTON HAWKINS Waverly, Virginia Richmond College, B.S. mega; Student American Dental Asso-

LAURENCE NEIL HEIDEN Lake City, South Carolina Rollins College

Alpha Omega; Softball; Student Dental Association.

139 JAMES MILEY HICKS JOSEPH CHARLES HILLIER RALPH MAYNARD HODGES Hartsville, South Carolina Chester, Virginia Boone, North Carolina Clemson University HampcJen-Sydney College, B.S. Appalachian State, B.S. Student American Dental Association, Psi Student American Dental Association, Psi Student American Dental Association; Cla Omega. Omega. Vice-President, 2; Class President, 3; Pre dent. School of Dentistry; Delta Sign Delta, President, 4; Alpha Sigma Chi; Be ketball.

Looks like vi/e'll have to treat this medically! (left)

Who called me Hawk-Shaw? (below) Class of 1 965

ROBERT MacARTHUR HOWELL Sumfer, South Carolina University of South Carolina Student American Dental Association; Delta Sigma Delta, Secretary, 4; Sigma Zeta; Re- search Fellowship, 4; Softball, 4.

GEORGE ALEXANDER JENKINS, JR. Columbia, South Carolina University of South Carolina, B.S.

Student American Dental Association, Psi Omega, Basketball.

THOMAS WILLIAM KELLY, JR. Spartanburg, South Carolina Wofford College, B.S. Student American Dental Association.

WILLIAM PHILIP KENNEDY Manning, South Carolina Clemson College, B.S.

Class President, 1; Psi Omega, President, 4; Student American Dental Association; Softball.

MALCOLM HENRY KERSTEIN Charleston, West Virginia West Virginia University

Student American Dental Association, Al- pha Omega; Inter-faith Committee Presi-

141 Class of 1 965

LEONARD PAUL KESSLER mu ch, Florida University of Miami, A.B.

Student American Dental Association; N.I.H. Fellowship, 3, 4; Alpha Omega, Secretary.

HENRY EDMUND* KRASKI Daytona Beach, Florida University of Florida, B.S. Student American Dental Association; Inter- faith Committee, 3, 4; Delta Sigma Delta.

WOOD NEBLETT LAY Coeburn, Virginia College of William and Mary

Student American Dental Association; Psi Omega; YMCA Representative, 1; MCV So- cial Committee, 3; Basketball; Softball.

STANLEY HOWARD LEGUM Norfolk, Virginia University of Virgin ia, B.A. Student American Dental As ociat on; Class

Historian, 3; Alph< Omega, Tre r, 3; Presi- dent, 4.

JAMES EDWARD LITTLE Neptune Beach, Florida Emory University Student American Dental Association; Psi Omega; Laennec Society, 1, President, 2; Honor Council Representative, 4; Tennis Team,


EDWARD YOUNG LOVELACE, III Bedford, Virginia University of Richmond, B.A. Student American Dental Association; NIH Re- search Grant, 4; MCV Social Committee, 3; X-Ray Representative, 2; Psi Omega, Social Chairman, 3, Chaplain, 4; Softball.

42 Qchool of Dentistry

GERALD WHISNANT LUTZ Polkville, North Carolina

North Carolina State, Bachelo r of Geo- logical Engineering

Stude t American Dental Associat on; NIH Fellow ship, 3, 4; Class Vice-Presiden , 3; Delta Sigma Delta; Sigma Zeta.

WILLARD KAUFFMAN LUTZ Mt. Jackson, Virginia Bridgewater College, B.A.

Studer t American Dental Associati on; Delta Sigma Delta; Softball; Basketball.

ALAN RAY LYERLY Salisbury, North Carolina Elon College, B,S.

Stude nt American Dental Associi

BOBBY EUGENE McBRIDE Ninety-Six, South Carolina University of South Carolina

Student American Dental Association; Athletic Committee Representative, 1; Student Coun

cil, 2; Softball; Basketball.


Greenville , South C arolina University of North Carolina, B.A. Student Americc n Dental Association, Clas Vice-President, 4 NIH Fell jwship, 3, 4; Sigm. Zeta, President, 4.

THOMAS GLEN Mc KENNA Newport News, Vi ginia Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Studer t America n Dental Associatic n; Delta Sigma Delta.

143 Class of 1 965

WILLIAM LOWNDES MEADOR, JR. Portsmouth, Virgin a College o William and Mary, B.S.

St udent America n Dental Associatio i; Delta Si jma Delta; Baseball; Ba ketball. KENNETH WAYNE MORRIS Farmville, Virginia

University of Virgir ia, B.A.

St jdent America n Dental Association; Soft-

ba II.

ALVA NORMAN O'STEEN Chipley, Florida University of Florida

Student American Dental Association; Student )

Council, 1; A.D. Williams Fellowship, 3; Ameri- I can Cancer Society Fellovi'ship, 4; Psi Omega. I

THOMAS RITCHIE PEERY i " Roanoke, Virginia Virginia Polytechnic Institute Student American Dental Association; Psi Omega; Basketball; Softball.

GEORGE WAYNE RABORN Gainesville, Florida University of Tennessee University of Florida Student American Dental Association; Class Vice-President, I; Delta Sigma Delta; Softball,

1, 2. MAX GLENN RATCHFORD Gastonia, North Carolina Wofford College Student American Dental Association.

144 Advanced manual dexterity

DAVID ALAN REID Arlington, Virginia University of Richmond

Student American Dental Association; Psi Omega.

JAMES HALL REVERE, JR. Kenbridge, Virginia University of Richmond, B.A.

Student American Dental Association; Psi Omega.

DONALD FLOYD REYNOLDS Blacksburg, Virginia Virginia Polytechnic Institute, B.S. Student American Dental Association; Class Historian, 4; Delta Sigma Delta.

IVAN BERYL ROBERTS, JR. Tampa, Florida University of Florida, B.S. Student American Dental Association; Class Secretary-Treasurer, 1; Class President, 2.

145 Class of 1 965

ADRIAN ANDREW ROBERTSON Moneta, Virginia University of Richmond Ferrum College Student American Dental Association; Delta Sigma Delta.

ROBERT KENNETH ROSENBERG Miami, Florida University of Miami, B.S. Student American Dental Association; Delta Sigma Delta, Secretary, 3; Softball.

MARION GILMER RUNION Radford, Virginia Virginia Military Institute, B.A. Student American Dental Association; ADA; Southwest Virginia Club; Psi Omega, Editor; Vf Volleyball; Softball; Basketball; DOM, 4.

JOHN McCLURE SALMON, III Richmond, Virgini, Emory University Student American Dental Association; Sign Zeta.

STEPHEN HENRY SCHWARTZ North Miami Beach, Florida University of Florida Student American Dental Association; Softball Alpha Omega.

STANLEY WARING SHEFTALL Gaffney, South Carolina Furman University, B.S. Student American Dental Association; Softball Basketball.

146 Class of 1 965

HARVEY HATCHER SHIFLET Norfolk, Virginia University of South Carolina, B.S.

Student American Dental Association; Psi Omega; Basketball; Softball.

HAROLD ELLIS SMITH Newport News, Virginia University of Richmond, B.A. Student American Dental Association: Alpha Omega.

RICHARD ELBERT SMITH Troutville, Virginia Roanoke College, B.S.

Student American Dental Association; Class Sec.-Treas., 4; Delta Sigma Delta.

GEORGE ALBERT STERMER, JR. Norfolk, Virginia Old Dominion, B.S. Student American Dental Association; Honor Council, 3, 4.


Richmo nd. Virgin ia

Univers,ity of No rth Carol ina, A.B.

t Amer icar> Dentiil Associ atiorV Teni 1, 2. JOHN HODGES TIMMERMAN Hartsville, South Carolina Clemson University

Student American Dental Association; Sec.- Treas., School of Dentistry, 4; Alpha Sigma Chi, President, 4; Student Dental Society,

Representative, 1; Sec.-Treas., 2; Vice-Presi-

dent, 3; President, 4; Softball, I, 2.

147 Class of 1 965

ROBERT EDWARD WILKERSON Charlottesville, Virginia University of Virginia Student American Dental Association; Student Council, 3, 4; Honor Council, 3, 4; Basketball,

3, 4.

GEORGE LEIGH WILLIAMS Mt. Airy, North Carolina High Point College Student American Dental Association; Delta Sigma Delta; Basketball.

WILLIAM BARTON WRAY Lexington, Virginia University of Richmond, B.A. Student American Dental Association; Omega, Secretary, 4.

GEORGE STEVEN YEATRAS Winchester, Virginia American University, B.S. Student American Dental Association.

Smile, you're on Candid Camera!

148 Class of 1 966

Junior Class officers; Stan Kaufman, Historian; Paul Dove, Vice-President; Bill Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer; Gordon Prior, President.

John Morten Alexander

Joseph Richard Alfonso

Lewis Armistead, III

Richard Donald Bancroft

Henter Lee Blevins

Thomas Otis Bowen

Chester Lee Brinser

Hans Adolf Burg

Douglas Duane Burnett

Kenneth Welsh Carson

Charles E. Clough

Robert Wilford Cocke

149 Class of 1 966

Harry Stephen Conn

Phillip Milton Cook

Charles Lynum Cuttino

Bobby Nelson Dai!

Albert Joseph Dalola

Paul Douglas Dove

Charles Edward Ehle

Samuel Feiler

Crawford Edward Foy

Robert Eugene Gilliam

David Maron Glassman

Lester James Godfrey

Lawrence T. Grant

Clinton Duke Griffin

John Nevin Howell

Thomas Randall Hudson

A new insight into dentistry. School of Dentistry

Richard Day Hylton

Robert Carroll Ingram

Bradley Gray Johnson

William Harvey Johnson

Stanley Mark Kaufman

Donald Frank Kern

Melvin Lionel Kessler

Kenneth Bryan Knight

Frederic Ronald Levitin James Nathan Mcintosh

Thomas Wayne Mostiler

Robert Newell Myse

Wilson Reynolds Nichols

Crispin Warner Paul

Eugene Alexander Petrasy Ramon Gordon Plowden

Douglas Jan Pollack

Gordon Prior

Benjamin Jackson Pritchett

William Henry Rentz

Fred Little Ridenhour

Ronald S. Ruth

William Preston Smith, Jr.

Jonas Barry Speigel

151 Class of 1 966

William Parmenter Stalker

Sherrill Worth Stockton

Roy E. Strickland, Jr.

Edmund Root Strickler

William Shafto Talbot, Jr.

Michael Samet Towery

Joseph Judson Waff

Edward Robert Whittington

Thomas Wendell Willis

Alfred Nelson Yarbrough

The eyes of an eagle The heart of a lion

And a toast to the Ipana girl. The hands of a woman.

152 Class of 1 967

Sophomore Class officers: Pat Worrell, Secretary-Treasurer; Tony Hemingway, Historian; Hoyt Burnett, Vice-Presi- dent; Jody Wimberly, President.

Donald Edward Adams

Ira Robert Alperin

Hubert Coleman Baker

James Gerald Baughcome

Ronald Adrian Baughman

Preston Howard Beattie

Norman Milton Bevan

Keith Stuart Blevins

Donald Steven Bolick

Elmo Bowen, Jr.

Kenneth Darrell Bowman

Henry Plowden Bozard

153 Son, do you know what a tooth looks like? Which pathogen do you recommend Dr. Gerstein?

George Allen Brooks Bernard Andrew Brown

Joseph Cary Bryant

Alan Irwin Burch

Hoyt Cromwell Burnett

Bcbby Dean Burnette

John Busciglio

Clyde Norman Carroll

James Lynn Carroll

Lee AAorse Casler

Anthony Lloyd Colasanto l^ML Charles Drummond Cox James Lloyd Cumbey

John Henning Dalness

Charles Daniel Dean, III Thomas Duke Edwards

154 Class of 1 967

Dick Douglas Gardner

William Mark Gares

Roger Ewell Gibson

James Winfield Glore

Lloyd Malcolm Gordon Bobby Gene Gore

Daniel Edward Grabeel

Owen Daughtery Graves

Herbert Scott Gregory

Charles Rogers Harris

Ralph Wilson Haywood

David Fredric Helsel

Robert Edgar Heltzel

Anthony Alfred Hemingway

Donald Wayne Hunt

John Joseph Lacy, Jr.

James Allen McElveen

Charles William McGahee

Stanley Watson McGhee

Thomas Joseph Milewski

Robert Edison Osbon

George Sterling Parsons

Paul Edwards Peters, Jr.

Carmine Anthony Priore

155 Class of 1 967

Benjamin Owen Ravenel

Holman Calvin Rawls, III

Sandra Jean Richardson

Alan Barry Richter

Gerald Bias Roque

Edward Freeman RoSs, Jr.

Harvey Owen Sargent, III

Sol Martin Schwartz

Harvey Fitzgerald Selden

Louis Ervin Shepard, Jr.

Dennis M. Smith

Ronald Wayne Smith

Conley Trigg Snidow, Jr.

Peter B. Sobel

Marshall Douglas Spoto

David W. Stone, Jr.

Fred Bernard Thomas

Paul Roger Van Ostenberg

Walter Keith Walker

Willard William Wentz

Joseph Wesley Wimberly

Henry Patterson Worrell

156 (L-R): Buster Woodruff, Vice-President; Mike Riddle, Treasurer; Dean McKinney, Secretary; Charles Zaglin, President.

Richard B. Abrahamian

James W. Adams, Jr.

John Q. Adams, IV

Glen W. Alexander

Buzz Birzenieks

Frank J. Brown, III

Peter V. Browne

Stephen Burch

Stephen F. Chase

Cephas N. Christian, III

Lucious Henry demons, Jr.

James E. Crockett, Jr.

David G. Edmondson ^1 ,(^ Wilford Frank Falls, Jr. Robert A. Fernandez

David A. Francis, Jr.

157 Class of 1 968

James I. Gilbert

Julian C. Gills

Arthur L. Click

Marshall P. Gordon, III

Oscar B. Hash, Jr.

Richard C. Hayes

Larry D. Hensley

Ralph W, Hines

Lanny C. Hinson

John A. Hodge

Edward G. Howe

Michael N. Hunter

Jerry L. Jenkins

James D. Keith

Wayne T. Kennedy

Robert J. Kirkman

John E. Knox, Jr.

Frank A. Lasley, II

158 Qchool of Dentistry

Jeffrey Levin

Jerry B. Levy

Clarence D. Lindahl

Alexander S. Macaulay

Dean G. McKinney

Larry C. Miller

Marshall V. Miller

Sam P. Napoli

William E. Overcash, Jr.

James H. Pauley

Harold E. Plaster, Jr.

Robert M. Reid

Fred T. Renick, Jr.

Wyatt L. Richardson

MikeW. Riddle

Thomas W. Riley

Gosh, my finger is caught! Now this is the way to stuff a chicken.

159 Class of 1 968

Richard E. Ruble

Martin 1. Sachs

Peter E. Sanders

John V. Sawicki

John D. Semones

Robert E. Shannon, Jr.

Harvey Silverman

Bill A. Simpson, Jr.

Thomas E. Spillers

Roland E. Stecher

Russell K. Street

Ronald L. Tankersley

Jack F. Thompson

Thomas K. Tompkins

Jeff S. Topf

Peter S. Trager

Ryland T. Traynham

Elmer J. Vaught, Jr.

160 School of Dentistry

Byron E. Verkauf

Bruce Watferson

Leslies. Webb, Jr.

WiJIiam H. Webb

William J. Williamson

Mark B. Winnick

1^*4 ^-1 ^^1'^ ^ ~T HarveyC. Woodruff, III <^ \ . Neil F. Wyss "" Charles F. Zaglin *

Welcome to the intersanctum, boys. school of PHARMACY

162 163 For his straightforwardness, his enthusiastic sup-

port of student activities, his untiring efforts to bet-

ter our school and his loyalty to the M. C. V. School of Pharnnacy, we, the Senior Class, with the deepest feeling of admiration, respect and appreciation,

dedicate this our section of the 1965 annual to you,

Mr. Frank Pitts, assistant Dean of the School of Pharmacy.

164 {L. to R.:) Carolyn Coleman, Sec.-Treas.; David Cox, Pres.; Jim Corbin, Vice-Pres.; Jesse Lennon, Hist.

In the headlong rush that composes life for most extremities, nervous twitches among others. We of us, there needs take a pause, a reflection, a mo- even tolerated the griping action produced by a ment of quiet memory. disease called Galenicolitis with stiff upper lips.

Today marks a new chapter in the history of the We were taught in Pharmacy Math and Dispens- class of 1965. We are completing five years of hard ing that most heart ailments, such as flutters and work, frustration, good and bad times, all of which extra fast beats could always, even before exams, were designed to develop minds that will serve be cured by a good dose of Digitalis. humanity with skill, patience, and the vast knowl- We feel we have earned the privilege of being edge acquired within these walls. called Seniors. Each of us leaves here with the sin- We met the challenge of Pharmacy, Organic cere desire to give something good and vitally im-

Medicinal, Specialties, and the myriad of interrelated portant to the world in which we live.

subjects with brave hearts and many side effects Time is an endless river and no man can stay its

such as pre-test nausea, apoplexy, numbness of the course. But we all have the power to steer.

165 School of Pharrnacy

RICHARD CHARLES ALLEN Ridgefield, New Jersey George Washington University Rho Chi.

WILLIAM JAMES BAUGHMAN Vienna, Virginia George Washington University, A. A.

Basketball; Softball.

FREDERICK TERRY BELLER Norfolk, Virginia Old Dominion College

American Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, 3,

4; Virginia Pharmaceutical Association I, 2, 3, 4; Student Council Representative 2; Inter- Fraternity Council 4; Phi Delta Chi 2, 3, 4; Secretary Phi Delta Chi 3; Vice-President Phi Delta Chi 4; Sigma Zeta 3, 4; Basketball; Base- ball.

LANCE WALLACE BERKOWITZ New Hyde Park, New/ York George Washington University


Secretary-Treasurer Junior Class.


Virginia Pharmaceutical Association; V. Ph. A. Student Branch President 3; Recipient A. D. Williams Award 1; Athletic Representative 2; Phi Delta Chi; President Phi Delta Chi 4; Bas- ketball; Softball.

166 Class of 1 9G5

ANDREW DOWNER CLORE Brightwood, Vifginia University of Richmond

Student Council 1; Honor Council 2; Phi Delta Chi, Sergeant at Arms, Pledge Master, CAROLYN COLEMAN Roanoke, Virginia RoanokeN College

Virginia Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, 3,

4; American Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, 3, 4; Bridge Committee 3.

JAMES BRIGHT CORBIN Covington, Virginia University of Virginia, B.A.

Student Council 3, 4; Vice-President 4; Phi Delta Chi. DAVID NORMAN COX Lynchburg, Virginia Lynchburg College

Vice-President of Class 3; Secretary Virginia Pharmaceutical Association 3; Virginia Pharma-

ceutical Association 2, 3, 4; Honor Council 3; President of Class 4; Vice-President V.Ph.A. 4; Kappa Psi.

BLAINE STINE DAUGHERTY Annandale, Virginia George Washington University

FRANKLYN WAYNE GRAY Petersburg, Virginia Hampden Sydney College

American Pharmaceutical Association 3, 4;

4; Virginia Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, 3, 4; Kappa Psi.

167 School of Pharrnaoy

ELIZABETH L. HAFF MARSHA SUE HAMLETT RICHARD WEST HANCOCK Roanoke, Virginia Orange, Virginia Creeds, Virginia University of Richmond Roanoke College Treasurer Sigma Zeta; Secretary of Freshman

American Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, 3, Class; Secretary-Treasurer of Senior Class; American Pharmaceutical Association 3, 4; 4; Virginia Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, Kappa Epsilon; Vice-President 3. Virginia Pharmaceutical Association 3, 4; Soft- 3, 4; President Kappa Epsilon 4; Historian 3; ball 2, 3; Treasurer, Kappa Psi. Chaplain 3; Secretary-Treasurer Rho Chi 4.

Was that 254 or 255 . . . !?!

Lubb-Dubb Lubb-Dubb! Class of 1 9G5

JAMES RAY HARRIS Norfolk, Virginia Old Dominion College

PAUL ALEXANDER IWANIK Annandale, Virginia Chowan College

American Pharmaceutical Association I, 2, 3,

4; Virginia Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary American Pharmaceutical Asso- ciation 3, Class Historian 3; Phi Delta Chi.

RICHARD TUNSTALL JACOBS Richmond, Virginia Campbell College University of Richmond, A.A.

erican Pharmaceutical Association 2, 3, jinia Pharmaceutical Association 2, 3, 4; sident School of Pharmacy 4; Treasurer :.V. Student Government 4; Historian A. Ph. 3; Delegate A.Ph.A. National Convention 4; r Committee; Baseball; Kappa Psi.

WILLIAM CHARLES JENNINGS Occoquan, Virginia East Carolina College University of Virginia

erican Pharmaceutical Association; Virgi, rmaceutical Association; Basketbc

; Kappa Psi.


Randolph-Mace College University of chmond THOMAS ALWYN MIDDLEBROOKS Alexandria, Virginia George Washington University, A.A.

appa Psi.


169 School of Pharmacy

MARTHA ANN MILLER Charlottesville, Virginia Virginia Polytechnic Institute

American Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, 3, 4; Virginia Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, 3, 4; Inter-Fraternity Council; Kappa Epsilon.

JAMES MELVIN POWERS, JR. Hopewell, Virginia Richmond Professional Institute Virginia Pharmaceutical Association; Vice-Presi- dent V.Ph.A. 3; President V.Ph.A. 4; Class Athletic Representative; Rho Chi; Sigma Zeta; Kappa Psi; President 4; Softball; Basketball.

FRANCES BEAVERS RAYFIELD Winchester, Virginia Madison College

Virginia Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, 3, 4; American Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, 3, 4. GARY RONALD REDMAN Norton, Virginia Clinch Valley College

President of Class 4; Athletic Representative 4; Tour Committee; Phi Delta Chi; Secretary Phi Delta Chi 4; Basketball; Softball.

HENRY JOSEPH SEKERKE, JR. Newport News, Virginia College of William and Mary

American Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, 3,

4; Virginia Pharmaceutical Association 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Secretary-Treasurer 2; Honor Coun- cil 4; Kappa Psi; Treasurer 3; First Vice-Presi- dent 4; Sigma Zeta.

RICHARD LORAN SELF Roanoke, Virginia University of Richmond

American Pharmaceutical Association 2, 3, 4; Virginia Pharmaceutical Association 2, 3, 4; Phi Delta Chi; Vice-President Phi Delta Chi.

170 As juniors we spent many hours in many labs!

BRENT ALViN SHARP Hampton, Virginia William and Mary College-

HAL KENNETH STONE Norfolk, Virginia Old Dominion College, A A.

Phi Delta Chi.

RICHARD ELMO STOTLER Washington, D. C. George Washington University

Kappa Psi.

CHESTER LeROY WILSON, JR. Arlington, Virginia George Washington University

Kappa Psi; Rho Chi.

171 9chool of Pharmacy

L-R Ken Holly, vice-pres.; Robert Burner, pres.; Kay Denny, sec.-treas.; Dick Workman, hist.

Barbara Sparry Ambrose

Richard Earle Albert

Hayden Lowell Austin III

Patrick Bowler Baldwin

Richard Harrison Barnes

Joseph Daniel Beck Jr.

172 Class of 1 966

Barbara Melba Brooks

Sharon Elaine Brown

Robert Lee Burner

Nancy Grey Clay

Allen Louis Dahl

William Ashby Dannet

Janet Kay Denny

Dennie Odell Dishner

Junior Pharmacy- Advanced pen- pushing.

Carol Ann Frame

Anne-Marie Garfield

James Edgar George, Jr

James Lee Graham

Charles Edward Green, II

Wayne Marshall Hague

Everette Kenneth Hawley

Albina Kathrine Hendrick

173 Daniel Anthony Herbert

David Eugene Jones John Pearman Jones

A smiling professor means

time to hit the books . . .

Lon William Keim

David Michael Kent

John Franklin Knapp

Judith Dare Lillard

William Fewell Merchant

Winifred Coleman Mosley

James Rountree Mulling Ralph Edward O'Harrow

Howard Lee Parrish, Jr.

Robert Jay Pekarsky

Gerald Gene Plotkin

Allen Julian Polon

174 Charles Abernafhy Rainey, Jr

Emmett Lee Saunders

Marvin Douglas Saunders Bernard Wren Schutt

175 9chool of Pharmacy

L-R Donald Mowles, vice-pres.; Carey Gordon, sec; Lucy Townsend, treas.; Andy Johnson, pres.; Dan Hancock, hist.

Douglas Kermit Acree

George Roger Akers

Bobby Jay Bailey

James Alvin Bailey, Jr.

Julian Ronald Beck

Hernnan Baer Bloom

AAelvin Douglas Brannan

Charles Barry Bush

176 Class of 1 967

Allen Neal Butterfleld

Paula Jean Campbell

Kermit Ingall Carter, Jr.

Linwood Lee Childress

Donna Lee Clark

Virginia Tucker Clark

Danny Lee Counts

William Edwin Cundiff

Joel Elliott Davids

Student Union Building . . . leads to registration.

177 James Willard Philip Randolph Gordon Burnley Robert Henry Davis Davis Eubank, Jr. Gardiner

If only Authur Murray could see me now!


178 Carey Blair Gordon

Seniors Learn to label

Andrew William Gunn, Jr.

Nabil Antoine Habra

Daniel Walter Hancock

Larry Joe Harting

James Henry Hawks, III

Larry Lee Heath

James Michael Hester

Judy Carol Hileman

Priscilla May Hulbert

Andrew Carson Johnson, Jr.

Carol Nell Lambdin

Farrell Paul Lambert

179 I Give Up!

School of Pharrnaoy

Authur really started something!

Beverly Richardson Long Emmett Burton Matthews

Donald Luther Mowles

Talmage Thomas AAusgrove, III

James Dallas Neal

George Michael Nicholson

Henry Broderick Pack, III

Jean Carol Parker

Caroll Lee Quillen

180 Class of 1 967

According to our old family recipe

Donald Wayne Rawlings

James Douglas Robbins

Roger Clayton Robinson

William Russell Rodgers, Jr.

John Garland Russell, III

Miles Curtis Saunders, Jr.

Charles Frederick Schorman, Jr.

William Thomas Shaner

William Harold Shaver

181 Qchool of Pharrnacy

Nelson Lee Showalter

Steven Lynn Silverman

Edwin Elmore Smith, Jr.

Ginger Lynn Steel

David Bruce Steffen

James Keith Thomson, Jr.

Robert Carl Tisdale

James William Tolley

Lucy Kate Townsend

Jo Anne Wade

William Philip Wade Thomas Walker AlV William

Bernard Weiss

Willoughby Glenn Wilson

Phinehas Leath Wood

182 Class of 1 968

Cecil Jamison, pres.; Joan Black, hist.; Harold Haraway, vice-pres.; Peggy Daniels, sec-tres.

Robert Jay Allen

Joan Elizabeth Black

Sharon Dale Brads

George Dewey Brittle

Dean Joel Casper

Jerry Weathers Clary

Boyd Mawhinney Clements

Linda Gale Cohen

183 Qchool of Pharmacy

William Leighman Covington

Peggy Deau Daniels

Robert Eason Dedrick

A thundering horde heads for Joe's.

Carolyn Rebecca Hurt

Charles Edward Hutcheson, Jr.

Cecil Olando Jamison, II

David Alan Kirby

George Steven Knott

Richard Bonnie Lakes

184 Class of 1 9G8

Thomas McDowell Orange

Robert Louis Powell

Philip Dorr Richard

Time for small talk before lab begins.

Raymond Asby Tarkington, Jr.

Danny Lee Walls

Sharon Yowell

185 school of NUR9IN6

186 187 For true understanding and real and sincere inter- est; for being our friend, for encouragement, con- fidence, and guidance— For these things and many

more we, the Graduating Class of 1 965, proudly and gratefully dedicate our portion of THE X-Ray to a wonderful person who we will long remember— MISS AAN MAE FOWLER.

188 "For yesterday is but a dream and psychology kept our minds busy. When were going to get in the hospital nurses? And tomorrow is only a vision" we and be Our sophomore year brought this question to From The Sanskrit reality. At last we knew what it was to get up at

Let us pause and look back over the past four 6:00 A.M. and take care of a patient. Our sopho- years. We have worked hard and long. Many times more year also brings to mind our blue uniforms, we felt ready to give it all up. We have encountered the never ending tests, our fragmented babies, and seemingly unsurmountable obstacles and yet some- those pesky fruit flies. how as we passed over them the road seemed a The happy days of Pediatrics and Obstetrics and little shorter and easier. We have griped and com- the exciting days of the Operating Room and Psy- plained but we always stopped to realize that each chiatry comprised our junior year. step was bringing us closer to our goal— to be good Then we reached the final plateau— our senior nurses. And we realized that nowhere else could year, filled with the excitement of graduation and we receive any better preparation for this goal. plans for the future. Surely, we'll remember fondly We recall the happy, carefree and innocent days our days atM.C.V. of our freshman year. Chemistry, biology, English

CLASS OFFICERS: Martha Koonce, Vice-President; Barba ra Batey, Secretary; Joan Vaugfian, Historian; Betty Bahl- man, Treasurer; Marianne Krop, President

189 The Class of 1 965


JANE MUELLER ALLISON ELIZABETH HUNTER BAHLMAN MARY JANE BALUCH Draper, Virginia Bethesda, Maryland Richmond, Virginia Radford College SNA, 2, 4; Parents Day, 2, 4; Class Treasurer, SNA, 1, 2; Student Council, 2; Honor Council,

SNA, 1, 2; Westminster Fellowship, 1, 2. 4. 3; House Council, 3.

BARBARA JOAN BATEY DONNA LEIGH CLARK BARBARA JEAN CUSTALOW Belpre, Ohio Culpeper, Virginia Bluefield, West Virginia Bluefield College, B.A. Basketball, 1; Cabaniss Hall House Council, 2; BSU, 1, 2, 3, 4; BSU Secretary, 2; BSU Vice- Cabaniss Hall Vice-President, 3; Class Secre- President, 5; SNAV, 2, 3, 4; SNAV Class Lifetime member, Phi Theta Kappa Honorary;

tary, 4; SNA, 1, 3. Representative, 4. Dames Club, 2, 3, 4. School of Nursing

SANDRA ELLEN DALE Covington, Virginia College of William and Mary

SNA, I, 2, 3, 4; Musical, 1; Parents Day, 2.


Class Historian, 1, 2; X-Ray Staff, I, 3; Musical, 1; SNA, 2; Student Association Vice-President, 3; House President, 4; Sigma Zeta Secretary, 4.

KAREN SONYA FLUCKIGER Springfield, Virginia

Tour Committee, Parents Day, 2; Freshman Orientation, 3; Publicity Editor, X-Ray, 3, 4; House Council, 4; Athletic Representative, 4.

BONNIE FAYE FORD Petersburg, Virginia

SNA, 2, 4.

EMILY GAIL FORD Chapel Hill, North Carolina University of North Carolina

Class Treasurer, 1; Co-Chairman Parents Day, 2; X-Ray Typing Editor, 3; Beacon Co-Editor, 4; Social Committee, 3, 4; Publicity Chair- man, 3, Co-chairman, 4; Alpha Sigma Chi.

ROBERTA LYNN GAITHER Great Falls, Virginia

Honor Council Representative, 2; Co-Editor of Beacon, 4. The Class of 1 965

KATHRYN ROSE HALL Prospect, Virginia

lA, 2.

LINDA CAROL HALL Marion, Virginia

sl^etbail, 1, 2; BSU, 1; House Council

REBECCA ALICE HOLT Bluefield, West Virginia Bluefield College

Baptist Student Union President, 3, 4; HouS' Council, 4; Interfaith Committee, 4.

JOAN ELIZABETH IRWIN Dover, Delaware Basketba

3, 4,

Far left: Seniors march in at the First Annual School of Nursing Convocation.

Karen Fluckiger spoke about the past year of school. School of Nursing

RUTH R. JOHNSON Hot Springs, Virginia

Musical, 1; Wesley, 1; SNA, 1, 2, 3, 4; SNA Class Representative, 2; SNA Representative for MCV, 3; NSNA Convention Representa- tive, 3; Student Council, 3; Miss Student Nurse, 3; Honor Council, 4.

MARY ELEANOR JONES Annandale, Virginia George Washington University George Mason College

Class Vice-President, 1; House Council, 2;

Cabaniss Hall President, 3; SNA, 1, 2, 3.

MARTHA CORINNE KOONCE Trenton, North Carolina

Musical, 1; Wesley, 1; SNA, 1, 2, 3, 4; NSNA Convention Representative, 3; Class Vice-Presi-

dent, 4.

MARIANNE ELIZABETH KROP Arlington, Virginia Rutger's University

Class President, 1, », 4; Co-Chairman Parents

Day, 2; Student Affairs Committee, 1; Stu- dent Council, 1, 2, 4; House Council, 3, 4; Athletic Representative, 3; President, Student Body, 4; Alpha Sigma Chi. The Class of 1 965

SANDRA ANNE LONG Prospect, Virginia

Wesley Foundation, 1; SNA, 1, 2, 3, 4; Stu- dent Council, 3, 4.

JANICE E. McDANIEL Chicago, iliinois

Class Vice-President, 2, X-Ray Representative,

1, 2; X-Ray Photography Editor, 2.

MATHILDA SUE MERKER Roseburg, Oregon Bridgewater College

Honor Council, 1; Student Council, 2; X-Ray Organizations Editor, 2; Co-Editor, 3; Editor, 4; Class Secretary, 3; School Social Chairman, 4; Alpha Sigma Chi, 3, 4. MARY MARGARET NASH Arlington, Virginia

Methodist Student Movement, 1, 2, 3, 4; MSM Representative, 1; Publicity Chairman, 2, 3; Secretary, 4; SNA, 1, 2, 3; Honor Council, 1.

JANE SANFORD OWEN Jarratt, Virginia

X-Ray Staff, 1, 2, 3, 4; Organizations Editor, 3; Class Secretary, 2; Parents Day Committee, 2; Class President, 3; President, Student Asso ciation, 4; Alpha Sigma Chi, 4.

LOIS MAE PLAUGER Bentonville, Virginia

Class Historian, 3; SNA, 1, 2, Parents Day Publicity Chairman, 2. School of Nursing

FRANCIS VICTORIA REED PARKER JANE WHITE TIMMA JOAN VAUGHAN Leesburg, Virginia Amelia, Virginia Richmond, Virginia

Wesley Foundation, 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary, Ho Council, 2; SNAV Representati\ Basketball Manager, 1, 2; SNA, I; Musical, 2; Vice-President, 3; President, 4; Tour Comn X-Ray Assistant Business Manager, 3; Busi- LUIS OLIVER tee, 1, 2; Parents Day Planning Committee, WILSON ness Manager, 4; Class Historian, 4. Norfolk, Virginia SNA, 2, 3, 4; Class Social Chairman, 4. Westhampton College JANET ANN WOOLLEY LOUISE Wallingford, Pennsylvania LANA WAITE House Council, 2; Musical, 2; Sigma Zeta, 3, Cumberland, Maryland 4; Musical Co-chairman, 4; Class Social Chair- Musical, 1; Class Social Chairman, 2; Student Musical, I, 2; SNA, 1, 2, 3; Class Vice-Pr< man, 3; X-Ray Copy Editor, 3; X-Ray Ad- Council Representative, 3; Musical Co-Chair-

dent, 3; X-Ray Staff, 3, 4; Activities and i ministrative Editor, 4. man, 4; X-Ray Honoraries and Fraternities Edi- ganizations Editor, 4; House Council, 4; S tor, 3, 4; Sigma Zeta, 3, 4; SNA, 3, 4. retary. Student Association, 4. Junior Class Officers: Janice Stimson, Secretary; Pat Potter, Treasurer; Alene Haas, Historian; Linda Long, President; Bonnie Smith, Vice-President.

Judy Allen

Carol Ayres

Suzanne Baranowski

Barbara Bixby

Nancy Anne Breinig

Catherine Crist

196 9chool of Nursing

Biilie Daniels

Judy Ellett

Marsha Eubanks

Harriette Ford

Alene Haas

Janet Hill

Patricia Hill

Carole Jones

Ira Kaye

Suzanne Kidwell

Sandra Kimes

Tovia Koontz

Linda Lee Long

Bonnie MacCallum

Courtney McKay

Linda J. Meserve

Elise Mobberley

Claudette Moore

Suzanne Neal

Mary Pherson

Rebecca Poole

Elizabeth Ann Porter

Pat Potter

Dixie Redman

197 Class of 1 966

Student nurses gather in Cabaniss living room for an evening of fun.

Jane Rollins

Becky Sadler

Melanie Shalloo

Shellie Simpson

Bonnie Smith

JoAnne Spauls

Janice Stimson

Marcie Stogner

198 The Dean's Advisory Council, (seated) AAelanie Shalloo, junior representative,- Martha Dickerson, Randolph-Minor House President; Jane Owen, School President; Janice McDaniel, senior representative, (standing) Sandy Kimes, Ca- baniss House President; Jo Gregg, freshmen representative; June Faidley, sophomore representative.

Patricia Stover

Jackie Tyree Anne West Of?^ ^> Margaret Anne Whitley \' ^

Vicky Willms

Pat Wingert

Priscilla Yeung Brenda Young

199 Class of 1 967

Sophomore Class Officers; Carol Hack, Historian; Carolyn Ethridge, Vice-President; Debbie Ross, President; Nancy Cole, Treasurer; Not pictured: Dottle Greenwood, Secretary.

Alice Ashenden

Patsy Bateman

Diane Beets

Nancy Bitner

Lita Bolin

Martha Booker

200 School of Nursing

Nancy Bowman

Judy Bradsher Martha Browne

Janet Browning

Carol E. Buckman

Donna Burner

Lois Caldwell

Georgia Carbaugh

Ellen Carney

Martha Cloe

Linda Coble Ann Coleman

-^ Nancy Dawson

Kathleen Ellison

Carolyn Ethridge

June Faidley

Phyllis Fugate

Clara Goodman

201 Class of 1 967

Judy Goodrich

Ruth Gorham m ^ Lois Grau

Dorothy Greenwood

Shirley Guffey

Carole Hack

Dianne Hagood

Robin Hedrick

Karen Henderson

Jamison Holdren

Judith Houstan

Ann Kashner

Kathy Kent

Nancy Kincaid

202 9chool of Nursing

Barbara King Merlynn Kunze

Winnie Lang

Brenda Lankford Mary Lindamood

Carol Love

Mary Martin

Joyce Miller

Dixie Lee Moore

Everyone gathered around the piano to sing carols at the Christmas Party.

203 Class of 1 967

Leta P. Nobles

Verna Ann Perry

Diana Pefitt

Rosetta Phlegar

Ruth Fleet

Nancy Powell

Maureen Pucci

Nancy Repass

Patricia Richardson

Deborah Ross

Karen Schneider

Jane Scott

Ellen Janine Sherfy

Karen Sfrickler

Beverly R. Storr

Rose Marie Tate

Dr. Myra Thornton Williams discusses the anatomy of the heart with sophomores.

204 School of Nursing

The sophomore knitting circle meets in fourth floor lounge prn.

Margie Terwey

Joy Turpin

Jean Vawter

Linda Vicker

Anne Vore

Marjorie Webb

Betty Wimberly

Gail Wine

Patricia Sue Yates

Not pictured: Joyce Najjum

205 Class of 1 968

Freshman Class Officers: Suzanne Hood, Vice-President; Linda Goode, Historian; Penny Dollar, Treasurer; Cheryl Scott, Secre- tary; Frances Hix, President.

Marcia Allerdice

Carolyn Ashton

Catherine Babb

Donna Ball

Nancy Barlow

Sheila Battle

Libby Baydush

Beverly Baynes

206 School of Nursing

Patricia Belcher

Pam Bergstrom

Caroline Blake

Katherine Botts

Mike Bower

Jean Boxley

Donna Brantley

Jane Bray

Sharon Brown

Betty Lee Carr

Winter comes to AACV

Barbara Carwile

Karia Churn

Barbara Clark

Constance Clark

Mildred Clark

Judith Clayton

Judy Coffelt

Joan Cordle

Patricia Cotton

Judy Crabill

207 Class of 1 968

Patricia Curies

Glenda Custis

Sharon Dennis

Penny Dollar

Nancy Ergenbright

Cheryl Finnell

Linda Fisher

Betty Fletcher

Sara Galbreath

Kit Gault Mary M. Gaunt

Anne Giberson

There are always volunteers to put up the mail. Waging war with accuracy.

208 Mrs. Martin, housemother of Cabaniss Hall, makes Cabaniss a gracious home.

Linda Goode Joanne Gregg Judy Haddock

Diann Hill

Shirley Hillers

Frances Hix

Carol Holt Suzanne Hood

Brenda Hove Ann Hubbard

Gail Johnson

Valerie Jones

Kay Kibler

Faye Kuhn

Mabel Lawrence

Harriet Lazarus

209 Class of 1 968

Joan Leggett

Kathy Lester

Carol Lewis

Martha Link

Patricia Little

Susan Logan

Vickie MacDonald

Linda McClelland

Eletta McDaniel Nancy McGee

Kathleen Mays

Deirdre Midgett

Linda Mae Miles

Jean Morris

Susie Nelson

Marsha Newell

Karen O'Flaherty

Patsy Overstreet Daphne Owen

Lynn Marie Padgett

Carol Pendleton

Sheila Perkins

Pat Powers

Georgianna Price

210 School of Nursing

Patricia Reams Nancy Redmond

Lynn Repass

Phyllis Roach

Rose Marie Saft

Janet Schmidt

Cheryl Scott

Elaine Scott

Janet Sette

Traditionally, Freshmen present the Christmas program at Student Association meeting.


211 Class of 1 968

Carolyn Simpson

Linda Paige Smith

Irene Spangler

Carol Spencer

Linda Staffon

Janie Sterling

Pam Stokes

Katherine Strother

Sharon Talley

Through the alley and up the hill . . . the hospital seems miles away to freshmen.

Everyone exchanged presents at the Christmas Party.



i :

^^k^ School of Nursing

So that's where they hide the medical students! Anatomy lab!

Sharon Tarpley

Kathryn Taylor

Eve B. Tucker

Vivian Vance

Susan Vann

Alice Wenger

Peggy Winall

Sara Winn

Sharon Young

213 Graduation approaches and now the "die is cast." How to be patient—Just because that sweet boy We look toward new horizons and yet cannot fail on 9-South bit you, stole your scissors and cut holes to look back and recall with doubt and wonder the in your $4.95 supp-hose (as well as in your leg)— unforgettable experiences we have had in these two that's no reason to lose your temper. long years. Whoever thought that in this time span How to be resourceful—When the doctor asks we could even begin to learn how to be nurses as you for a sterile gown and you've just run out of well as just learn "how to be." For example: them, give him a strait jacket. The autoclave can How to be strong— strengthen the pollicis muscles sterilize almost anything. /l^ to tactful— Don't say your "favorite per- so you won't contaminate 1 pairs of gloves after How be scrubbing. son" just flew over the rotunda on her broom. Say How to be happy— Don't worry about getting she just stopped by to sweep things up (mainly

D's ail three quarters in anatomy. After all, it's only you!) 21 quarter points. How to be discreet— This statement is self-ex- How to be brave—Your follow-up patient is only planatory after completing Advanced AAed-Surg!!! a 480 pound wrestler who hates the entire medical Seriously, though, it has been a tremendous two profession. years. The learning experiences, the friendships, the How to be organized— Don't get upset because frustrations, and the joys have afforded, us with ir- you have nine patients in the second stage of labor replaceable wealth which shall be treasured through- and only three delivery rooms— remember, Librium out our lives. comes in five, ten and twenty-five milligram cap- We, the last graduates of the Associate Degree sules. Save those empty bottles, girls! You'll need Program, leave with heavy yet joyful hearts, carry- them for refills in learning. ing with us the knowledge that has been taught us, How to be tranquil— In psychiatry, when the the courage that has been given us, and the determi- goals. focus is on you and the patient with no opportunity nation to strive ever forward in fulfilling our to "hide behind a bedpan." "If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind."

Kahilil Gibran

We the last graduating class of the Associate De- gree Program would like to express our sincere ap- preciation to the following faculty members:

Miss Harriette Patteson

Mrs. Jan Vultee

Mrs. Elizabeth Thompkins

Mrs. Elizabeth Maupin

Mrs. Alice Boothe

Through their timeless efforts we feel more pre- pared to meet the future in fulfilling our role as nurses. The Class of 1 965

ELVA ADKINS HARRIET LEE BAILEY NANCY LEE COLE Boston, Virginia Fieldale, Virginia Wellesley, Massachusetts South Meredith College Majorii? Webster Junior College, A. A. rer of Sophomore Class. SNA. nan Class Treasurer; ELIZABETH ANNE DAVISON LINDA DALE DAWSON CATHERINE TILSON COMER Sterling Park, Virginia Hurt, Virginia Richmond, Virginia SNA 1; Student Council Representative 2 House Council 1, 2. Qchool of Nursing

JO ANNE DIX Danville, Virginia Medical College of Virginia, School of X-ray Technology

Student Association Representative I; House

Council 1; MCV Student Council I.

JANET LOUISE GILLIAM Silver Springs, Maryland Eastern Baptist College Philadelphia General Hospital

SNA 1; SA Representative 1; Campus Vespers Choir 1, 2; Newspaper 2; BSU 1, 2.


CAROL JOYCE HARRISON Arlington, Virginia

SNA Representative 1; MCV SNA Represent, tive 2; SNA 1, 2; Student Council 2; Wesle

Foundation I, 2.




MAY RUTH POWELL Ashland, Virginia

Honor Council Co-representative 1; SNA 1. PATRICIA ANNE QUINN Huntington, West Virginia


SNA \, 2.


Teusler Fellowship 1; SNA 1.

B.J. has done it again. Susan Tredway and Cathy Comer chat while their tod- dlers play.

MARTHA M. STAINBACK Ridgewood, New Jersey Womans College Greensboro, North Carolina

LOUISE AUDREA WALKER Norfolk, Virginia Student Council; Treasurer, School of Nu

MARY-JORDAN WHITE Leesburg, Virginia

X-ray 2; Orientation 2; SNA 2; Soci mittee 2.


President Teusler Fellowship 1. school of PHYSICAL THERAPY

220 221 To you, Miss Shirley A. Stockmeyer, we the Class within us a respect for accurate and safe techniques of 1965 are indeed grateful. You have instilled by your devotion in working with us to develop our within us a sense of pride and responsibility in our skills and minds. With admiration and deep affec- future roles as physical therapists by your dedica- tion we wish to dedicate our section in the X-Ray tion to the profession and your constant challenge to you—our professor and friend. in meeting the highest standards. You have created (Sitting:) Peggy Bradley, President; Nora Shenk, Historian;*'( Standing:) Shearer Luck, Vice-President; Carol An- derson, Secretary-Treasurer.

September 1963 ... 26 innocents made their to third floor Memorial where several choice illusions

. were speedily shattered . . . had a little talk with way to fourth floor Memorial for orientation . . We "You can't define physical therapy? It's that thing last year's seniors and they were very emphatic on

point. I think last you all wrote about sooooo beautifully on your one Now know when you back on find your year you're filled with a sense of accomplishment entrance forms . . . Now everybody

stand and and satisfaction . . . What? You've got the Senior ischial tuberosities . . . Got 'em? Now up

in patient blues? and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet . . . Se- DON'T LOSE THEM! . . . Tragedy is a "C" years and curity is knowing the sarah-poitical value of ooo-we care . . . You went to school for fourteen

no one taught you how to think? It's amazing! on earwoims ... 11 :30 a.m.— a surreptitious cardiac

January 1964 ... 24 scholars were learning to arrest in the middle of a smeared kymograph . . .

. January 1965 . . . the goal farther . away distinguish between the so-what phenomenon . seemed

Oh, you won't mind the cadavers; it's not absolutely than ever . . . After 5:00 it's nibble the nodoze, sip

compulsory. Of course NO ONE HAS REFUSED YET the air wick, sniff the glue and hit the books . . . P.T. I'm going to go An hour of free time? a gross oversight on the part . . . When I flunk out of school

I of the faculty . . . Tragedy is hunting for all 22 . then to Hawaii and be a beachcomber . . But

just shut my eyes and think, 'But we need physical pieces of your bed at 2:00 a.m., and finding them

on the roof . . . Revenge is a room filled with news- therapists so badly' . . .

April 1964 ... 22 bedraggled juniors were living papers . . . Our special thanks to Danny Boy for

reminding us of that other side of life . . . only for June . . . You'll have to teach him a faster gait too. How do you expect him to cross Broad April and May passed in a jumble of job appli- cations, sleepless nights and groggy days, picnics Street doing a swing-to . . . Everytime I think of and Senior Day, sunbaths on the roof, clinics and that anatomy oral my sympathetics go haywire . . . chronaxies and finally a diploma and a handshake Happiness is a FIRM bed in a dark room ... If you

spell diaphragm without a 'g' you flunk this course at the Mosque . . . and the discovery that REAL

happiness is having it all behind you . . .

September 1964 ... 19 seniors made their way Class of 1 965

I should have known better than to take a prize from a senior!

SHERIDAN ANN AKERS CAROL MARIE ANDERSON MARGARET LOUISE BRADLEY Bluefield, West Virginia Richmond, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Concord College Mary Washington College University of Georgia

A.P.T.A. 3, 4; Social Committee 3. A.P.T.A. 3, 4; Class Secretary 4. A.P.T.A. 3, 4; Class Vice-President, 3; Class President 4.

224 Qchool of Physical Therapy

MARTHA ANNE CLENDENIN Charlotte, North Carolina Womans College-UNCG

A.P.T.A. 3, 4.

BRENDA JOYCE COCKE Richmond, Virginia Richmond Professional Institute

A.P.T.A. 3, 4, Representative 4.

JENNIE LEE EVANS Richmond, Virginia Richmond Professional Institute

A.P.T.A. 3, 4.

ELIZABETH ANN FRONENBERGER Spartanburg, South Carolina Averett College

A.P.T.A. 3, 4; Editor of Baruch Scoop 4.

WYOMA MARY GARBER Reliance, Virginia Shenandoah College

A.P.T.A. 3, 4; Class President 3.

KERMIT ELSWORTH GRESHAM Richmond, Virginia Virginia Union University

A.P.T.A., 3, 4; PT Student Body President 4; Basketball 3.

225 Class of 1 965

SUE ELLEN HELTZEL SHEARER TROXELL LUCK PATRICIA ANN REID Bridgewater, Virginia Asfiland, Virginia Orange, Virginia Bridgewater College Mary Baldwin College Wake Forest College

A.P.T.A. 3, 4. A.P.T.A. 3, 4; Honor Council Representativ.e 3; A.P.T.A. 3, 4; Student Council Representative 4; Class Vice-President 4. 3, 4.

I see it, I see it, a 27 y.o.W.AA.!

226 Class of 1965

Good-by cruel world and Dr. Fischer.

PATRICIA ELIZABETH RICKETTS Falls Church, Virginia George Mason College

A.P.T.A. 3, 4; Athletic Representative, 3, 4.

PATRICIA SUZANNE SALE Richmond, Virginia Westhampton Colleg

A.P.T.A. 3, 4.

JEANNE EVELYN SCHAIRER Chevy Chase, Maryland Penn State

A.P.T.A. 3, 4; Class Treasurer 3; Secretary of PT Student Body 4.

NORA ELIZABETH SHENK Harrls/Dnburg, Virginia Eastern Mennonite College

A.P.T.A. 3, 4; Class Historian 4.

227 Class of 1 965

BETTE YVONNE SPILKER HARRIET SYDNEY WILSON JANET ELIZABETH VEY Colonial Heights, Virginia Richmond, Virginia Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Virginia Intermont College Marv Washington College Duquesne University

A-.P.T.A. 3, 4. A.P.T.A. 3, 4. A.P.T.A. 3, 4.

Plush living of AAcRae—wall to-wall paper.

That's the best those smocks ever looked!

228 School of Physical Therapy

Joan Graham, Historian; Robin Kreamer, Secretary-Treasurer; Mike Higginbotham, President; AAary Hutt, Vice-President.

Shirley Faye Atchley Sandra Gene Bell

Ginger Bell Robert Emerson Brown

229 Class of 1 966

Betty Bryan

Juanita Christian Caldwell

Elizabeth Jo Cowan

Jeanne Dixon

Sara Ann Emerson

Shannon Francis

Joan C. Graham

AAike Higginbotham

Guess Who?

Living, or is it loving anatomy?

230 Class of 1 966

Any friend of Zorro's is a friend of nnine.

I'll wait for '66!

Mary Hutt

Tom Jones

Sharon Dell King

Robin June Kreamer

Nancy Steptoe Lee

Stanley Woodrow Mason, Jr.

Carolyn Musselman

Benedict V. Peszka

Diane Lee Smither

Sandra Cornell West

Jo Ann Wood


232 OZ^O % 1 ^^

^ J i fC

233 I m %

(Left to right:) James R. Bobb, Vice-President; Herman Muilins, President; Donald Broas, Treasurer.

." "We are pleased to notify you . . That was how Associations with the capable people who com- the letter began which announced our acceptance as pose our faculty are highly valued. During the aca- graduate students in hospital administration and demic year, the Class of 1965 chose to honor Mr. heralded two years of stimulating experiences and Benjamin Cullen for his contributions to the enrich- associations. ment of our professional education, and presented

In the beginning, callowness obscured our per- to him the School's silver honor pin. spective; but soon there came with forceful con- Residencies, theses, and oral examinations are viction the full awareness that we had chosen an now behind us. We turn from the past to the fu- extremely demanding profession. Under the tute- ture. Many are the problems to be solved and lage of experienced administrators, our perspective numerous are the lessons to be learned, but prob- was brought into focus. Gradually the challenge of lems and lessons we welcome. We earnestly desire administration presented itself: the administrator that our preparation will serve us well as we meet makes his administration what he wants it to be; the demands of a new and challenging profession. and, in a sense, he makes it what he is. We re- "Give me a lever long enough flected upon the menace of mediocrity and the and a fulcrum strong enough, power of purpose. We faltered and forged, but and singlehanded, I can we always learned. It was Stygian and it was move the world."

Elysian. -Archimedes, 287-212 B.C. It is with genuine gratitude and respect that the Class of 1965 dedicates this section of the X-RAY to Dr. AA. Leigh Rooke. Because of her influence we shall be able to serve our profession better. She showed us how to see patients through eyes of compassion and understanding. She taught us how

to fail constructively. Her open door was an invi- tation to counsel which despised ordinary achieve- ment and inspired greater accomplishment.

r Class of 1 965

JAMES RUSSELL BOBB Richmond, Virginia University of Richmond, B.S.

ROBERT ALLEN BOISSONEAU Detroit, Michigan Eastern Michigan University, A.!

DONALD SANFORD BROAS Poughkeepsie, New York Springfield College, B.S.

GORDON MORRIS DAVIS Beaufort, North Carolina. Wake Forest College, B.S.

Hospital Administration students spend long hours working on their thesis.

236 9chool of Hospital Adminisfration


-^mi ^^ ROBERT EUGENE DRISNER Racine, Wisconsin Spencerian College, B.B.A.

SAMUEL FRANCIS LILLARD Norfolk, Virginia Lynchburg College, A.B.

Come on! Have a heart! Class of 1 965

FRANK HALTON MAYS Lovlngston, Virginia University of Virginia, B.A.

JAMES MELVIN MERCHANT Spartanburg, South Carolina University of South Carolina, B.S.

HERMAN LUTHER MULLINS (CAPT., USAF) Oakwood, Virginia University of Omaha, B.A. GEORGE POZEGA Charleston, West Virginia West Virginia University, B.S.

Hospital Administration students waW for lecture to begin. J B^ J^fi U "^ ol s^— f J^v^fe W-^ J^^J&L m^JH^ iftil 9 ^^H 1 al 9chool of Hospifal Administration

PHILIP BENTON PRICE RUSSELL LEE PROFFITT ROBERT LINDSAY SHUFF Van Wert, Ohio Johnson City, Tennessee. Pulaski, Virginia. Malone College, B. Rel. Ed. Steed College, B.S. Randolph Macon College, B.A.

The Medical Education Building

The stuffed briefcase— characteristic of Hospital Administration.

239 Class of 1 966

(Left to right:) Allen B. Heilig, Athletic Representative; Lee F. Sayre, Vice President; Tom Hall, President; Robert Willner, Historian; Jan Hart, Secretary-Treasurer.

Rueben A. Baybars

Gerald R. Brink

James E. Dalton, Jr.

Eugene L. Elliott

Samuel G. Feazell

James B. Foster

Thomas F. Hall

Jan E. Hart School of Hospital Administrafion

Alan B. Heilig

Jerome W. Krautkramer

James T. Moses

Ronald L. Nielsen

Carrie V. Parsons

Jack W. Richardson

Lee F. Sayre

Amos L. Tinneil

Not pictured:

Frederick B. Sperry

Informal discussion before class.

Dietetics is also the administrators concern. fr


242 243 To one who has exposed us to knowledge, pa- tiently endured our ignorance and understood our cause while never forgetting that she was once a student, we proudly dedicate this section of the X-RAY to Miss Hazel Irvin. (Left to right: Front row:) Linda Kittrel, Treasurer; Kathy Strangeland, Secretary; (Second row;) Hannah Leibowitz, Social Chairman; Betsy Jones, Vice-President; Sue Bowman, President; Leslie Ussery, Honor Council; (Third row:) Margaret Calles, Historian; Shay Bradley, Social Chairman.

We, as Medical Technologists, are members of

the medical team, assisting physicians in diagnosing and treating medical illnesses by performing var- ious laboratory procedures, chemical, bacterjologic, and microscopic that ferret out the cause and cure

of the disease. This our profession calls for a high

degree of skill as well as intellectual integrity, sense of responsibility, and the ability to remain calm and

efficient in the presence of patients.

Having lived for the past three years in a typical-

ly collegiate atmosphere, entering the medical field

has brought many changes to our daily lives. Feel-

ing like freshmen starting on a completely nev\/ way

of life, wearing the traditional white, hearing un- familiar terms such as "Para-dimethylaminobenzal-

dehyde" and "Ever heard tell of the tourniquet test" are memories we shall keep for the remainder of our careers. But, amid the frustration of daily lectures and

labs, of long hours studying for our weekly tests and learning new techniques as well as perfecting old ones, we can finally visualize our aspirations:

to find our role in life and perhaps 43reserve the health and happiness of our fellow man. Perfection

is our aim, for there is no room for error. Class of 1 965

SHIRLEY ANN ALM Hampton, Virginia College of William and Mary

SUSAN STEELE BOWMAN Alexandria, Virginia George Washington University Marietta College

BRENDA SHARON BRADLEY Salem, Virginia Madison College

MARGARET ROBERTA CALLIE Norfolk, Virginia Old Dominion College

CAROL MARTHA CARPENTER Kensington, Maryland Lebanon Valley College CAROLYN MARIE CLARK Chesterfield, Virginia Richmond Professional Institute

( / / School of Medical Technology

CAROL ELIZABETH COX Richmond, Virginia Susquehanna University

SHARON LEE CRAMER Falls Church, Virginia Mary Washington College

Whatever it is, it must taste good.

it? Why does it always iool< so easy when she does Class of 1 965

SANDRA GAH. HICKS Newport News, Virginia AAary Washington College

SARA NETA HOLDING Big Stone Gap, Virginia Wintfirop, College

CAROL DIANE HUBER Moorestown, New Jersey Mary Washington College

ELIZABETH LACY JONES Highland Springs, Virginia Longwood College

Medical Technology means many hours with a microscope.

248 Qchool of Medical Technology

LEE RICHMOND KATZ Richmond, Virginia Maryland University

Richmond Professional Instil

LINDA ANN KITTRELL Springfield, Virginia Madison College

HANNAH LEIBOWITZ Norfolk, Virginia Old Dominion College BEVERLY SPENCE LOCKWOOD Stone Mountain, Georgia The Women's College of Georgi;

ANNA PRIESTLEY South Charleston, West Virginia Morris Harvey College

NANCY WEBB ROSS Roanoke, Virginia Mary Washington College Class of 1 965

FRANCES JEAN SCOTT ArlingtQn, Virginia Radford College

JEAN BYRD SMITH Richmond, Virginia Richmond Professional Institute, B.S.

MERLE JANE SMITH Bedford, Virginia Madison College

JANET FAYE SNITZ Virginia Beach, Virginia Old Domonion

Med Techs take a study break

250 School of Medical Technology

ELLENE BOGGS SNYDER Norfolk, Virginia Old Dominion College Longwood College

KATHRYN ELIZABETH STANGELAND Petersburg, Virginia Madison College

MARTHA McCORKLE TAYLOR Farmville, Virginia Longwood College, B.A.

LESLIE JOANNE USSERY Virginia Beach, Virginia Mary Washington

YVONNE S. H. WANG Hong China, China New York University

SANDRA ECKBERG HAZEN Santa Barbara, California University of Arizona

HARRIET SYDNEY WILSON Richmond, Virginia Mary Washington College

""^^^-BS* school of GRADUATE 9TUDIE9

252 253 Throughout his entire career at the Medical Col- lege of Virginia, Dr. Ernst Fischer has set an example

as a dedicated scientist and teacher. It is with a feeling of real sadness that we look to next year

knowing that he will no longer be in his familiar

role. In appreciation for all his work on our behalf, the graduate school dedicates this section to you, Dr. Fischer.

254 (Left to right;) Dick AAcGarry, President; Joseph Levasseur, Vice-President; Paul Collins, Secretary-Treasurer; Cherry Grubbs, Historian.

School of Graduate Sfudies

The graduate school has an enrollment of fifty- edge, through our formal studies, projects, depart- five students for the current year. These persons mental seminars, and interdepartmental seminars, come from twelve states and six foreign countries. the graduate student also finds time for occasional

They are pursuing studies and projects in thirteen relaxation and companionship. The first of our so- different disciplines leading, hopefully, to Masters cial events was a picnic at Dr. Edwards' farm, where or PhD degrees. those of athletic tendencies had an opportunity to

Degree programs first became available in 1957, play soccer and horseback ride, while those given however, work at the graduate level has been of- more to less strenuous pursuit had opportunity for fered since 1934. pleasant visiting—everyone feasted. Graduate students follow individual course plans The graduate school affords the college graduate, determined by their advisors in conference with who has been exposed to just enough knowledge to the student. These tentative course plans, which appreciate how vast is the storehouse, how little he can be adjusted if reason for so doing becomes evi- knows, and the numerous areas open.for explora- dent, are based on the p/ior educational background tion, an opportunity for mental growth and develop- of the student, his educational needs and the field ment under the instruction and guidance of out- of his interest and endeavor. standingly knowledgeable and capable persons.

In addition to the very serious pursuit of knowl-

255 Graduate Qfudies

Natalie Sayre and Jim Winn examine equipment in the pharma cy research laboratory.

Archie Beebe reviews for coming finals. ^

Rama M. Aiyawar

Nabil A. Azzam

Chandra Banerjee, M.D.

Archie J«y Beebe

Nai Shin Chu, M.D. Ho Chuna

Jeanne W. Clabough

Paul W. Collins

Robert L. Duncan, Jr.

Michael L. Edwards

Robert M. George, Jr.

William R. Grigsby

257 Baseball and a cook out were part of the Graduate School Picnic.

Cherry Grubbs

Philip E. Hamrick

J. T. Ingram

William E. Keefe

Hermes A. Kontos, M.D.

Joseph E. Levasseur

Patricia A. Long

Roger J. M. McCarter

258 Qchool of Graduate Qiudies

Mastering the machines is half the battle in Graduate School.

Richard J. McGarry

Charles E. O'Rear

Andrew Lee Richardson

C. B. Sabiston, Jr., M.D.

Natalie Sayre

Joanne G. Southworth

Preston G. Stern

Allen K. Wright

Jim Wynn

259 M.C.V. Faculty

SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Dr. Richard P. Elzay, Chairman Departmental Chairmen Division of Oral Pathology Dr. Saul Kay, Chairman Dr. Eriing S. Hegre, Chairman, Division of Surgical Pathology Department of Anatomy Dr. William E. Laupus, Chairman Dr. Williams E. Pembleton, Chairman, Department of Pediatrics Department of Anesthesiology Dr. Paul S. Larson, Chairman Dr. Lynn D. Abbott, Jr., Chairman Department of Pharmacology Department of Biochemistry Dr. C. J. Vincent, Chairman Dr. Roscoe D. Hughes, Chairman Department of Pedodontics Department of Biology, Genetics Dr. Milton I. Neuroth, Chairman Dr. Samuel J. Kelpatrick, Jr., Chairman Department of Pharmacy Department of Biophysics, Biometry Dr. John B. Redford, Chairman Dr. J. Doyle Smith, Chairman Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation Department of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Dr. Ernst Fischer, Chairman Department of Physiology Dr. R. L. Simson, Chairman Department of Crown, Bridge Prosthodontics Dr. Frederick J. Spencer, Chairman Department of Preventive Medicine Dr. P. J. AAodjeski, Chairman Department of Dental Materials Dr. Henry D. Lederer, Chairman Dr. H. T. Knighton, Chairman Department of Psychiatry Department of Dental Research Dr. Ebbe C. Hoff, Chairman Dr. D. H. Bell, Jr., Chairman Division of Psychiatric Research Department of Denture Prosthesis Dr. Richard G. Lesterm, Chairman Dr. F. B. Wiebusch, Chairman Department of Radiology

Department of Diagnosis and Therapeutics Dr. E. Richard King, Chairman Dr. Geoffrey T. Mann, Chairman Division of Radiotherapy Department of Legal Medicine Dr. David M. Hume, Chairman Dr. W. T. Thompson, Jr., Chairman Department of Surgery Department of Medicine Dr. Levels H. Bosher, Jr., Chairman Dr. Allen Pepple, Chairman Section of Thoracis, Cardiovascular Surgery Department of Medicine, Dermatology Dr. William F. Colling, Chairman Dr. Gary G. Suter, Chairman Division of Neurological Surgery Department of Medicine, Neurology Dr. M. Josiah Hoover, Chairman Dr. J. Douglas Reid, Chairman Division of Orthopedic Surgery Department of Microbiology Dr. Albert Pincus, Chairman Dr. H. Hudnall Ware, Jr., Chairman Division of Podiatry Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. George R. Prout, Jr., Chairman Dr. Wendell Clough, Chairman Division of Urology Department of Operative Dentistry

Dr. DuPontGuerry, III, Chairman SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY Department of Ophthalmology Dr. Claud R. Armistead Dr. Randolph H. Hoge, Chairman Assistant Clinical Professor of Periodontics Department of Gynecology Dr. John D. Beall Dr. S. Elmer Bear, Chairman Assistant Professor Operative Dentistry Department of Oral Surgery Dr. S. Elmer Bear Dr. James E. Mclver, Chairman Associate Professor of Oral Surgery Department of Orthodontics Dr. Dewey H. Bell Dr. Peter N. Pastore, Chairman Professor of Denture Prosthesis Department of Otology, Rhinology, Laryngology Dr. Donald S. Brown Dr. Fairfield Goodale, Jr., Chairman Assistant Clinical Professor of Orthodontics Department of Pathology Dr. George W. Burke Dr. George P. Vennart, Chairman Professor of Operative Dentistry, Oral Department of Clinical Pathology Anatomy Dr. Geoffrey T. Mann, Chairman Dr. Jack W. Chevalier Division of Forensic Pathology Associate in Denture Prosthesis

260 )r. Paul L. Chevalier Professor of Orthodontics Professor in Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics Dr. Louis D. Mitchell

)r. O. W. Clough Professor of Oral Roentgenology Professor of Operative Dentistry, Oral Dr. Philip J. Modjeski Anatomy Professor of Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics )r. W. D, Crockett Dr. Douglas B. Nuckles Associate Professor in Operative Dentistry Instructor in Operative Dentistry, Dental Materials

)r. Gilbert F. DeBiasi Dr. Philip B. Peters Associate in Denture Prosthesis Assistant Professor of Oral Surgery

)r. George W. Duncan Dr. High R. Rankin Assistant Professor in Operative Dentistry Associate in Denture Prosthesis

)r. Marshall C. England Dr. James E. Rayhorn Instructor in Denture Prosthesis Associate in Denture Prosthesis

)r. J. R. Eshleman Dr. Marvin Reynolds

Instructor in Operative Dentistry, Prosthodontics Associate Professor of Crown and Bridge

)r. Charles L. Eubank Prosthodontics Assistant Professor of Denture Prosthesis Dr. David C. Richardson Assistant )r. N. B. Evens Professor of Operative Dentistry Assistant Professor of Crov\/n and Bridge Dr. Lewis T. Rogers Prosthodontics Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry

)r. William B. Fitzhugh Dr. F.W.Salisbury Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry Professor of Denture Prosthesis

)r. L. T. Flippen Dr. R. L. Simson Instructor in Denture Prosthesis Professor of Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics

)r. Harry Fore Dr. Richard W. Slatten Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry Associate Professor of Oral Diagnosis, and Oral Anatomy Therapeutics )r. Major D. Gayle Dr. Harold M. Syrop Assistant Professor of Denture Prosthesis Professor of Oral Diagnosis, Therapeutics

)r. F. C. Hamer Dr. David L. Via Assistant Professor Orthodontics Instructor in Dental Materials and Crown )r. R. F. Harman and Bridge Prosthodontics Instructor in Dental Materials and Crov\/n and Dr. Charles J. Vincent Bridge Prosthodontics Professor Pedodontics

)r. W. T. Haynes Dr. Donald E. Wheless Clinical Professor Orthodontics Instructor in Dental Materials and Crown )r. Charles M. Heartwell and Bridge Prosthodontics

Associate Professor Denture Prosthesis Dr. F. B. Wiebusch )r. Harry L. Hodges Professor of Oral Diagnosis and Therapeutics Instructor in Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics Dr. R. C. Woods )r. M.A.Hubbard Instructor in Denture Prosthesis

Instructor in Oral Diagnosis and Therapeutics Dr. J. Marion Woolard )r. G. A. C. Jennings Associate in Crown and Bridge and Dental Assistant Professor of Pedodontics Materials )r. S. B. Jones Dr. Hugh O. Wrenn Instructor in Dental Materials and Crown Associate Clinical Professor of Orthodontics and Bridge Prosthodontics NEW FACULTY MEMBERS )r. Samuel P. Kayne Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry Dr. H.R.Boyd, Jr. )r. Holmes T. Knighton Dr. P. A. Brown Professor Microbiology Dr. F. A. Cavedo )r. Max D. Largent Dr. W. D. Covington Associate Professor of Pedodontics Dr. Richard P. Elzay

)r. William J. Longan Dr. F. J. Filipowicz Associate Professor Oral Surgery Dr. Robert W. Goode )r. Harry Lyons, Dean Dr. R. K.Green School of Dentistry Dr. Gordon Hearne )r. Bennett A. Malbon Dr. E. F. Irish Instructor in Oral Surgery Dr. R. C. Kahn )r. J.E. Mclver Dr. N. D. Large

261 Dr. G. R. C. McGuire Mr. RalphM. Ware, Jr. Dr. Glenn Pearson Instructor in Pharmacy Dr. F. R. Richardson Mrs. Frances R. Perkins Dr. E. C. Sanders Assistant Professor of Liberal Arts Dr. J. M. Shepherd SCHOOL OF NURSING Dr. D. G. Shannon Doris B. Yingling, Dean Dr. R. D.Wilson School of Nursing SCHOOL OF PHARMACY L. Frances Gordon, Director Baccalaureate Program Dr. Warren E. Weaver, Dean Marguerite G. Nicholson School of Pharmacy Professor Mr. Frank P. Pitts, Assistant Dean Jean M. Hayter Professor of Chemistry, Biology, Genetics Associate Professor White, in Mr. C. Eugene Instructor Pharmacy Louise Wiedmer Administration Associate Professor Dr. Roscoe D. Hughes, Chairman Helen W. Wiesmann and Professor of Biology and Genetics Assistant Professor Dr. J. Ives Tov\/nsend Eleanor M. Browning Associate Professor of Biology and Genetics Assistant Professor Dr. Richard M.Cribbs, Mary Wileen Coulson Assistant Professor of Biology and Genetics Assistant Professor Dr. C. Theresa Cali, Joan E. Eanes Interim Assistant Professor of Biology Assistant Professor Mrs. Caroline Goode Jackson Frances Fernandez Instructor Biology and Genetics Assistant Professor Dr. J. Doyle Smith Patsy Grant Professor Chairman and of Chemistry Assistant Professor Dr. John Andrako Doris H. Hines Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Assistant Professor Dr. Alfred J. Richard Faith J. Hohloch Assistant Professor Chemistry Assistant Professor Mr. James Fiske Stubbins, Betty Joyce Moore Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Assistant Professor of Nutrition Chemistry Marion E. Nicholls Dr. Bartholomeus van't Riet, Assistant Professor Associate Professor of Chemistry Mary Patrica Small Mrs. Audry Carr, Assistant Professor Instructor in Chemistry Ann P. Steigleder Miss Lucy M. Harvie Assistant Professor Instructor in Chemistry Patricia Sullenberger Mrs. Annie S. Leeper Assistant Professor Instructor in Chemistry Mary J. Gordon Dr. Milton L. Neuroth, Instructor in English Chairman and Professor of Pharmacy Joan M. Mancini Mr. Russell H. Fiske Instructor Associate Professor of Pharmacy Edward H. Peeples, Jr. Mr. Norman L. Hilliard Instructor in Sociology Instructor in Pharmacy Mr. S. Bayard Jeter, Anna Mae Fowler Instructor in Pharmacy Assistant Instructor Dr. Nancy King Ann Ryland Instructor in First Aid Assistant Instructor Dr. Oscar Klioze Harriette A. Patterson Lecturer in Pharmacy Associate Professor Dr. Irwin Lippmann Elizabeth Maupin Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Assistant Professor Dr. Werner Lowenthal Alice Booth Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Instructor Mr. G. Kenneth Miller, Elizabeth Tompkins Instructor in Business Law Instructor

262 NEW FACULTY MEMBERS Chester M. Zmijewski Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology Winifred Bennett SCHOOL Assistant Professor OF HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION Blanche Boettger Roberts. Hudgens Assistant Professor Professor of Hospital Administration Beauty Crummette Charles P. Cardv^ell, Jr. Assistant Professor Professor of Hospital Administration Gloria Frances Geoffrey T. Mann Assistant Professor Professor of Legal Medicine Barbara Munjas Louree Pottinger Assistant Professor Professor of Nursing Juanita Smith Mabel Leigh Rooke Assistant Professor Associate Professor of Hospital Gail Burdsall Administration Instructor Ronald B. Almack Assistant Professor of Hospital SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY Administration

Susanne Hirt Clarence F. Cauble Technical Director Assistant Professor of Medical Records- Margot Trimble Terminology, Hospital Administration Assistant Professor A. Gibson Hov^ell Marianne McDonald Assistant Professor of Hospital Assistant Professor Administration Albred Szumski Thomas D. Jordan Assistant Professor Assistant Professor of Hospital Law, Carlton Jones Hospital Administration Assistant Professor Emmet K. Reid Shirley Stockmeyer Assistant Professor of Hospital Instructor Administration Elizabeth Fellows Robert H. Thomas Instructor Assistant Professor of Hospital SCHOOL OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Administration Roberto. Williams Marvin J. Allison Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Grace Cashon Physiology, Hospital Administration C. Instructor in Medical Technology Evelyn Bacon Lyman M. Fisher Associate of Hospital Administration Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology Benjamine T. Cullen, Jr. Juliet Florence Associate in Personnel Management C. Denzler Instructor in Medical Technology Robert Associate in Hospital Administration Miles E. Hench Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology Thelma Vaine Hoke Hazel Irvin Associate in Communication Carl R. Parrish Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology in Administration Henry G. Kupfer Associate Hospital Harold Prather Professor of Clinical Pathology Associate in Hospital Administration Robert L. Lynch Cecil B. Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology Sanders David H. Miller Associate in Purchasing Robert Instructor in Medical Technology Gordon Instructor in Hospital Administration Abram L. Rosenzweig William R. Harton Instructor in Medical Technology Simon Russi Instructor in Community Medicine Bernard Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology Maslan John G. dos Santos Instructor in Hospital Administration Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology Thomas S. Temple Lena B. Thomas Instructor in Construction and Associate Professor of Medical Technology Maintenance B. Nelson F. Young Joseph Ahlschier Professor of Clinical Pathology Assistant in Hospital Administration

263 In Memoriam

ARTHUR S. BRINKLEY 1887-1964 Emeritus Professor of Clinical Surgery

LUTHER C. BROWNER 1924-1965 Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery

HENRY GEISHON KUPFER 1909-1964 Professor of Clinical Pathology

JOHN ROBERT AAASSIE, JR. 1909-1964 Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery

THOMAS WHITEHEAD MURRELL 1880-1964 Emeritus Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology

DR. AND MRS. JAMES GERHARDT RICE AND FAMILY February 25, 1965 Assistant Resident Physician in Obstetrics and Gynecology ' 11 s n 'a

Abbott, Sally A., M. 3, 916 Crescent Street, Roanoke, Va. Baynes, Beverly J. N. 1, 21 Green Court, Newport News, Va. Abernathy, Ted R., M.l, 2717 Abbey Rd, Oklahoma City, Okla. Beam, Myra L., N. 5, 2307 Capehart Road, Richmond 29, Va. Abrahamian, Richard B., D. 1, 1621 Keswick Drive, Norfolk, Va. Beatley, Robert E., M. 4, BIdg 7, Apt. 6 MCV Apts, Richmond, Va. Acree, Douglas K., P. 2, Box 343, Gate City, Va. Seattle, Preston, Jr., D. 2, 3012 Carolina Ave, Hartsville, S.C. Adams, Donald E., D. 2, 4603 Forest Hill Ave, Richmond 25, Va. Beck, Joseph D. Jr., P. 3, Diesel Apt BIdg 3, Apt 15, Richmond, Va. Adams, James W. Jr., D. 1, 2324 Hampstead Ave, Richmond, Va. Beck, Julian R., P. 2, 427 Westover Hills Blvd, Richmond, Va. Adams, John Q., D. 1, 1423 Sweetbriar Ave, Norfolk, Va. 23509 Bederka, John P. Jr., G. 3, 1008 Floyd Ave, Richmond, Va, Adkins, Elva, N. 2, Box 63, Fieldale, Va. Beebe, Archie J., G. 4, East Church Street, Chincoteague, Va.

Aiyawar Rama M., G. 1, 2001 W. Grace St. Apt. 4, Richmond, Va. Beets, Diane 1, N. 2, 310 Wasp Lane, McLean, Va. Akers, George R., P. 2, 6012 Piedmont Place, Lynchburg, Va. Beirne, Edward B. Jr., M. 3, 657 Westover Hills Blvd, Apt H. Richmond. Akers, Sherian A., PT 4, Rt. 1. Box 167A, Bluefield, W.Va. Belcher, Patricia L., N. 1, 4303 Croatan Road, Richmond 35, Va. Albert, Richard E., P. 3, P.O Box 1546, Petersburg, Va. Bell, Sandra G., PT 3, 584 W. Shore Trail, Sparta, N.J.

Aldhizer, Theodore G., M. 1, 2907 Chamberlayne Ave, Apt. 6 Richmond, Bel, Virginia A., PT 3, 301 E. Hunting Towers, Alexandria, Va. Va. Seller, Frederick T., P. 4, 134 Granby Park, Norfolk, Va.

Alexander, Glen Wm., D. 1, Eagle Rock, Va. .Beorn, Charles F., M. 2, 110 Morningside Circle, Parkersburg, W.Va. Alexander, John M., D. 3, Diesel Apts, BIdg 6. Apt 13, Richmond, Va. Berger, Nancy B., N. 2, 2532 Stratford Road, Richmond, Va.

Alexander, Ricardo, D. 4, 127 nI. Peninsula Dr. Daytona Beach, Fla. Bergstrom, Pamela A., N. 1, 2542 Harlo Drive, Allison Pk, Penn. Alfonso, Joseph R., D. 3, 117 McGuire Va. Hosp. Richmond, Va. Berkowitz, Lance W., P. 4, 47 Center Drive, New Hyde Park, N.Y.

Allen, Frederick J. M. 4, 4201 Forest Hill Ave, Richmond, Va. Bernstein, Jeffrey A., M, 1, 506 Butler Ave, Suffolk, Va. Allen, Judith A., N. 3, 10 Normandy Road, Fort Lee, Va. Bevan, N. M. Jr., D. 2, MCV Apts, BIdg 5, Apt. 4, Richmond, Va.

Allen, Richard C, P. 4, 699 Day Avenue, Ridgefield, N.J. Birzenieks, Uldis, D. 1, 1429 E. 19th Street, Brooklyn 30, N.Y.

Allen, Robert J., P. 1, 699 Day Avenue, Ridgefield, N.J. Bishop, Norma R., M. 3, 2410 Drake Street, Richmond, Va.

Allerdice, Marcia A., N. 1, 1 Chestnut St. Camp Hill, Penn. Bitner Nancy J. N. 2, 2209 Landan Drive, Louisville, Ky. Allison, Jane M., N. 4, 4 Ridge Hollow Farm, Draper, Va. 24324 Bivens, Carl H., M. 2, 4221 Brook Road, Richmond, Va. Aim, Shirley A., MT 4, 214 Greenbriar Ave, Hampton, Va. Bixby, Barbara A., N. 3, 5205 26th St, North, Arlington, Va.

Almond, Hilton R., M. 4, Locust Grove, Va. Black, Joan E., P. 1, R:. 1, Box 117, Chase City, Va.

Alperin, Henry, M. 1, 1710 Mt, Vernon Ave, Petersburg, Va. Blake, Caroline L., N. 1, Waterford, Va.

Alperin, Ira R., D. 2, 3630 S. W. 28th St, Mi; mi 33, Fla. Blarik, Grace J., 5

Alpern, Frederick P., M. 3, 458 Westover Hil Blvd, Richmond, Va 23225 Blankenship, Robert D,, M. 4, Rt, 1, Moseley, Va,

Alphin, Reevis S., G. 4, 815 Westham Parkw ly, Richmond, Va. Blaylock, Cheryl K., XR I, 1418 Spencer Ave, New Bern, N,C. Altobelli, John A,, M. 2, 5604 Crenshaw Rd, Richmond, Va. Blaylock, Sandra F., XR 1, 1418 Spencer Ave. New Bern, N.C.

Ambrose, Barbara S., P. 3, Box 193, Middletown, Va. Blaylock, William M., M. 2, 9337 Russell Road, Richmond, Va. 23234 Anderson, Carol M., PT 4, 1606 Michaels Rd, Richmond 29, Va. Blevins, Caria P., P. 4, 1411 W. Laburnum Ave, Richmond, Va.

Armistead; Reginald L., D. 3, 332 Florida Ave, Portsmouth, Va. Blevins, Henter L,, D, 3, 3240 N, Abingdon Street, Arlington, Va, Ashe, James D. Jr., M. 4, 17 Elm Ave, Newport News, Va. Blevins, Keith S„ D, 2, 3240 N, Abingdon Street, Arlington, Va, Ashenden, Alice V., N. 2, 1608 Preston Rd, Alexandria, Va. Blevins, Larry A,, P, 4, 1411 W, Laburnum Ave, Richmond, Va, Ashton, Carolyn V., N.l, R.R. 2, Box 237, King George, Va. Bliley, Antoinette C„ XR 2, 3716 Moss Side Ave, Richmond, Va, 23222

Atchley, Shirley F., PT 3, Rd. 1, Box 293, Lambertville, N.J. Bloom, Herman B,, P. 2, 706 N. Belmont Ave, 4. Richmond, Va.

Atkinson, Richard, Jr., M. 1, 1603 Randolph Ave, Petersburg, Va. Bobb, James R., HA 2, 107 Rose Hill Road, Richmond, Va.

Austin, Hayden L. Ill, P. 3, 745 N. 2nd St, Wytheville, Va. Boissoneau, Robert A., HA 2, 15816 Cheyenne, Detroit 27, Michigan Aylor, G. Russell, Jr., D. 4, 906 N. Larrimore St, Arlington, Va. Bolick, Donald S., D. 2, Rt. 2, Box 416, Hickory, N.C.

Ayres, Mary C, N. 3, Rt. 1, Cana, Virginia Bolin, Ruth G,, N, 2, 125 Central Ave, Rye, NY, 10580 Azzam, Nabil A., G. 3, Amman, Jordan Booker, Martha C„ N, 2, 308 Marshall St, Hampton, Va.

Babb, Catherine J., N. 1, 213 S. Main Street, Suffolk, Va. Boone, L, Roy, M. 1, 3711 Boiling Road, Richmond, Va, 23223 Babb, John R., M. 4, Ivor, Va. Bortz, Bernard J„ M, 4, 2321 Stuart Ave, Apt 2, Richmond, Va,

Bagley, John J. Jr., M. 2, 4513 Newport Drive, Richmond, Va. Bost, Robert G„ G, 1, 507 East H, St, Erwin, N, C, Bahlman, Elizabeth H., N. 4, 8910 Honeybee Lane, Bethesda 34, Md. Botts, Edna K-, N. 1, 809 E. Piedmont St, Culpeper, Va. Va. Bailey, Bobby J., P. 2, 7120 Mamie Blvd, Norfolk, Va. Bowen, Elmo Jr., D. 2, 2296 Hampstead Ave, Apt 1, Richmond,

Bailey, Harriet L., N. 2, 58 Bristol Rd, Wellesley Hill, Mass. Bowen, Thomas O. Jr., D, 3, 20 Mason Croft Drive, Sumter, S.C, Bailey, James A. Jr., P. 2, 1661 Wilton Road, Petersburg, Va. Bower, Mary M., N. 1, 1500 Dauphine Drive, Falls Church, Va. Baker, Hubert C, D. 2, 200 N. Keith Street, Timmonsville, S.C. E., 3

Baker, Robert E., M. 1, 1556 Ohio Ave, Va. Beach, Va, Bowles, Paul E., M. 2, 402 Elm Street, Petersburg, Va. Baldwin, Patrick B., P. 3, 139 Wythe Pkwy, Hampton, Va. Bowles, Stephen M., M. 3, 105 Warner Hall, MCV. Richmond, Va. Baldwin, Robert Y., 5, 318 Palmola, Lakeland, Fla. Bowman, Kenneth D., D. 2, 1625 Wake Forest Drive, Richmond, Va.

Ball, Donna R., N. 1, Gen Del. Richlands, Va. 24641 Bowman, Nancy E., N. 2, Rt. 4, Rocky Mount, Va. Alexandria. Baluch, Mary J., N. 4, 1003D N. Hamilton, Richmond, Va. Bowman, Susan S., MT 4, 4701 Kenmore Ave, Apt. 1210,

Bancroft, Richard D., D. 3, 802 Briny Ave, Pompano Beach, Fla. Boxley, Hazel J., N. 1, 122 Hemlock St, Marion, Va. Banerjee, Chandra, M., G, 5, 245 J K Pal Road, Calcutta 23, Indi; Bozard, Henry P., D. 2, 106 S. Brooks Street, Manning, S. C. Va. Bang, Gary R., D. 2, 48 Woodland Drive, Staunton, Va. Bracey, Altamont, III, M. 4, 2606 Kensington Ave, Apt 4, Richmond, Baranowski, Suzanne A., N. 3, 1025 Ensor Drive, Joppa, Md. Bradley, Brenda S., MT 4, 425 Idaho St, Salem, Va. Va. Barden, Jerri A., M. 3, 1005 Hill Top Drive, Richmond, Va. Bradley, Edgar 5., D. 4, MCV Apts, BIdg 6, Apt 5, Richmond, Richmond, Va. Barker, Janet S., N. 5, 518 Amherst Road, So. Hadley, Mass. Bradley, Margaret L., PT 4, 3505 Chamberlayne Ave, Apt 8, Heights, Va, Barlow, Matthew J. Jr., M. 4, 1101 W. Grace St, Richmond, Va Brads, Sharron D., P. 1, 204 E. Ellerslie Ave, Colonia St, Arlington, Va, Barlow, Nancy S., N. 1, 37 Greenwood Rd, Newport News, Va. Bradsher, Judith A,, N, 2, 1559 N, Bryan Richmond, Va, Barnard, Marlene B., 7 Brandt, Philip H,, M, 1, 7318 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, Va. Barnes, Richard H., P. 3, 3900 W. Broad Sreet, Richmond, Va. Branham, George W. Jr., G. 2, 3907 Elba St, Apt 1, Va. Bateman, Patsy A., N. 2, 9 Shirley Road, Newport News, Va. Brannan, Melvin D., P. 2, 5101 W. Franklin St, Richmond, St, S.E. Washington, D.C. Batey, Barbara J., N. 4, 820 Westview Drive, Belpre, Ohio Brantley, Donna S., N. 1, 71 14 Elmhurst St, Columbia, S.C. Battle, Sheila B., N. 1, Rt. 1, Box 52, Strasburg, Va. Brantley, Joseph E., D. 2, 3524 Wheat Christchurch, Va. Baughcome, James G., D. 2, 1802 Harvard Road, Richmond, Va. Bray, Jane A., N. 1, Christchurch School, Lane, RFD, Plainfield, N.J. Baughman, William J. P. 4, Rt. 5, Box 91M, Vienna, Va. Bray, Margaret L., XR 2, 1 Emerson Lane, Romney, W.Va. Baybars, Reuben A., HA 1, Rt. 3, Box 271 A, Powell, Tenn. Breinig, Nancy A., N. 3, 340 W. Gravel Street, Richmond, Va. Baydush, Libby S., N. 1, 1500 Meads Road, Norfolk, Va. Bridgforth, Lewis W., M. 4, East 4th 265 Brink, Gerald R., HA 1, 1143 E. Airport Rd, Muskegon, Mich. Coan, John D., M. 1, 461 Hariton CT., Norfolk 5, Va.

Brinser, Chester L. Jr., D. 3, 171 Chestnut St., Camden, S.C. Coble, Linda, N. 2, 137 No.Van Dorn St, Alexandria, Va.

Brittle, George D., P. 1, 2410 Oakland Ave, Richmond, Va. 23224 Cocke, Brenda J., PT 4, 3208 Gaulding Lane, Richmond, Va.

Broas, Donald S., HA 2, 29 Meyer Ave, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Cocke, Robert W., D. 3, Gretna, Virginia Brooks, Barbara M., P. 3, 3754 Nichols Ave, S.E. Washington, D.C. Coffelt, Judy A., N. 1, 1 High Street, Edinburg, Va. Brooks, George A., D. 2, 2436 Wilmot Ave, Columbia, S.C. Cohen, Alan B., M. 4, 1325A 16th Street, Newport News, Va. Brown, Bernard A., D. 2, 601 Beaver Dam Road, Raleigh, N.C. Cohen, Barton A., M. 1, 8356 Woody Ct, Norfolk, Va.

Brown, Eugene L. Jr., M. 3, 5830 Forrest Lane, Dallas, Texas Cohen, Linda G., P. 1, 5108 Harlan Circle, Richmond, Va.

Brown, Frank J. Ill, D. 1, 305 Corbin Drive, Newport News, Va. Colasanto, Anthony L., D. 2, 404 E. Custis Avenue, Alexandria, Va. Brown, Paul E. Jr., M. 1, Box 69, Chilhowie, Va. Cole, Nancy L., N. 2, Rt. 2, Box 293, F, So. Boston, Va. Brown, Robert E., PT 3, Rt. 1, Box 101, Mannboro, Va. Coleman, Carolyn, P. 4, 3617 Brandy wine Ave, S.W. Roanoke, Va. Brown, Robert E., M. 3, 3449 Howard Road, Richmond, Va. Coleman, Natalie A., N. 2, 301 N. High St, Blackstone, Va. Brown, Sharon E., P. 3, 102 Federal St, Sandston, Va. Collins, James D., M. 3, Main Street, Trail City, S.D. Collins, Paul W., 1313 East North Street, Greenville, S.C. Brown, Sharon J., N. 1 , 24 E. Gray St, S3ndston,Va. G. 3, Browne, Martha R., N. 2, P.O. Box 236, 4000 Kenwood Ave, Cherryville, Comer, Catherine E., N. 2, BIdg 2, Apt 8, MCV Apts. Richmond, Va. N.C. Compher, Jennifer, XR 1, 421 Lyric Lane, Falls Church, Va. Browne, Peter V., D. 1, 200 South Drive, Miami Springs, Fla. Coniglione, Thomas C, M. 2, 142 Crowell Ave, Staten Island, N.Y. Browning, Janet E., N. 2, 3018 New Kent Ave, Richmond, Va. Conn, Harry S., D. 3, 42 Brandon Road, Newport News, Va. Brownstein, Willis E., M. 4, 7746 Enfield Ave, Apt. 203, Norfolk. Va. Connors, Gerald D., D. 4, 98 Division St, Hamburg, N.Y. Bruno, Alphonso H. Jr., M. 4, 725 W. 36th Street, Norfolk, Va. Conway, Celestia, C, XR 1, 2917 Barton Avenue, Richmond, Va. Bryan, Florence E,, PT 3, Rt 1, Luray, S.C. Cook, Phillip M., D. 3, Burkeville, Va. Cooper, Linda E., 91, Rt. 1, Box 160, Chesterfield, Va. Bryant, J. Cary, D. 2, New Canton, Va. XR Buckman, Carol E., N. 2, 1434 Dolley Madison Blvd, McLean, Va. Coover, Richard B., M. 3, 3315 Edgewood Ave, Richmond, Va. Bumgarner, John H., M. 3, Rt. 2, Box 31, Conover, N.C. Copenhaver, Roger, Jr., M. 1, 420 Louise Ave, Marion, Va.

Burch, Alan I., D. 2, 4301 Columbia Pk, Arlington, Va. 22204 Corbin, James B., P. 4, 131 N. Maple Ave, Covington, Va.

Burch, Stephen E., D. 1, 4301 Columbia Pk, Arlington, Va. 22204 Cordle, Joan L., N. 1, 6638 Elkhardt Road, Richmond, Va. Burg, Hans A., D. 3, 604 14th St, So. Lanfana, Fla. Cotton, Patricia V., N. 1, Rt. 3, Box 235, Franklin, Va. Burke, Patrick K., M. 1, MCV Apts 15, BIdg 8, Richmond, Va. Counts, Danny L., P. 2, Abingdon, Va. Burner, Donna J., N. 2, 2304 Rockcliffe Drive, Hagerstown, Md. Covington, William L., P. 1, 220 Claremont, Petersburg, Va.

Burner, Robert L., P. 3, Montross, Va. Cowan, Elizabeth J., PT 3, Highway 74, Spindale, N.C. Burnett, Douglas D., D. 3, 3376 Westover Drive, Danville, Va. Cox, Carol E., MT 4, 3214 Seminary Ave, Richmond, Va. Burnett, Gerald C, M. 3, Buffalo Junct, Va. Cox, Charles D., D. 2, 604 Woodland Street, Spartanburg, S.C. Burnett, Hoyt C, D. 2, Box 146, State Park, S.C. Cox, David N., P. 4, 748 Sherman brive, Lynchburg, Va. Burnett, Larry M., D. 4, 4141 Reynolds Ave, Miami, Fla. Cox, Joseph C. Jr., D. 4, 2710 Lincoln Ave, Richmond, Va. Burnette, Bobby D., D. 2, RFD 2, Gretna, Va. Crabill, Judy A., N. 1, Rt. 1, Box 6, Manassas, Va.

Burton, Earl E. Jr., M. 1, 3405 Dogwood Drive, Greensboro, N.C. Cramer, Sharon L., MT 4, 310 Strathmeade St, Falls Church, Va. Busciglio, John A., D. 2, 5209 E. Columbus Drive, Tampa, Fla. Cranford, James S., M. 4, 5458 Remuda Dr, Richmond.Va. Bush, Charles B., P. 2, 8323 Mark Lawn Drive, Richmond, Va. Crawley, Daniel H. Ill, D. 4, 147 Forest Lawn Drive, Danville, Va. Butterfield, Allen N., P. 2, 3800 Seminary Ave, Richmond, Va. Credle, William F., M. 2, 2911 Banbury Road, Raleigh, N.C. Butts, Edward B., M. 1, 153 Lewis Avenue, Salem, Va. Crist, Catherine F., N. 3, 2310 N. Kenmore St, Arlington, Va. Byers, John G. Jr., M. 1, 1700 Lanham Road, Falls Church, Va. Crockett, James E., D. 1, 360 East North St, Wytheville, Va. Caldwell, Junaita C, PT 3, 2204 Benbow Road, Greensboro, N.C. Culclasure, James W., D. 4, St. Matthews, S.C. Caldwell, Lois S., N. 2, RFD 1, Fincastle, Va. Cumbey, James L., D. 2, 105 Townsend St, Bennettsville, S.C. Callis, Margaret R., MT 4, 5007 Colonial Ave, Norfolk, Va. Cundiff, William E., P. 2, 207 Dunmore Ave, Danville, Va. Cam<*tas, John G., M. 1, 2208 Dartford Road, Richmond, Va. Curies, Patricia A., N. 1, 3420 Brest Ave, Norfolk, Va. Va. Campbell, Denis P., M. 3, 3310 N. Trinidad St, Falls Church, Va. Custalow, Barbara J., N. 4, BIdg 4, Apt 6, MCV Apts, Richmond, Campbell, James G., M. 4, 4308 Shirley Road, Richmond, Va. Custis, Glenda A., N. 1, 34 North St, Onancock, Va. Sumter, Campbell, Paula J., P. 2, 941 1 Ohio Ave, Marmet, W.Va. Cuttino, Charles III, D. 3, 222 Evans Terrace, S.C. Campbell, Robert R., M. 3, Box 848, Marion, Va. Dahl, Allen L., P. 3, 2210 Staples Mill Rd, Apt. 2, Richmond. Candler, Carolyn D., M. 3, 519 Belvedere St, Lynchburg, Va. Dail, Robert N., D. 3, 1524 Slater Ave, Hampton, Va.

Cantrell, Sallie L., Dl 1, 109 Park Drive, Easley, S.C. Dale, Sandra E., N. 4, Clearwater Park, Rt. 1, Covington, Va. Carbaugh, Georgia N., N. 2, Stephens City, Va. Dalness, John H., D. 2, 1621 Springhill Ave, Apt 205, Mobile, Ala. Va. Carney, Mary E., N. 2, 4 B. Pine Tree Walk, Newport News, Dalola, Albert J., D. 3, 126 Clinton Ave, Cortland, N.Y. Carpenter, Carol M., MT 4, 4401 Saul Road, Kensington, Md. Dalton, James E. Jr., HA 1, Box 6, Gretna, Va. St. Fla. Carr, Betty L., N. 1, 1710 Rosewood Drive, Greenville, N.C. Daly, James K., M. 4, 101 170th Ave, Petersburg, Va. Carroll, Clyde, N. Jr., D. 2, MCV Apts, Apt 7, Richmond 24, Daniels, Billie L., N. 3, 1600 Chestnut Street, Lumberton, N.C. Dr. Huntington, W.Va. Carroll, James L., D. 2, 2106 1st Ave, Apt. 5, Richmond, Va. Daniels, James D., M. 3, 1700 Spring Valley Carson, Kenneth W., D. 3, Richland St, Kershaw, S.C. Daniels, Peggy D., P. 1, P.O. Box 106, Rt. 4, Blackstone, Va. Richmond, Va. Jr., Valley Dr. Huntington, W.Va. Carter, Kermit I. Jr., P. 2, 2909 Edgewood Ave, Daniels, Willard F. M. 4, 1700 Spring Va. Carter, Wesley B., M. 1, 2729 Garland Ave, Richmond, Va. Dannenbrink, Allan, XR 1, Rt. 2, Box 166, Ashland, Carwile, Barbara A., N. 1, 4525 Fairmont St, Lynchburg, Va. Danner, William A., P. 3, 7004 Thornrose Ave, Richmond, Va. easier, Lee M., D. 2, 7920 West Drive, Miami Beach, Fla. Daugherty, Blaine S., P. 4, 8268 Branch Road, Annandale, Va. Richmond, Va. Casper, Dean J., P. 1, 424 King Street, Portsmouth, Va. Davids, Joel E., P. 2, 5216 Wythe Ave, Apt 6, Va. Cathey, Bruce E., M. 2, 1360 Brunswick Ave, Norfolk Va. 23508 Davidson, Gene G., M. 2, 5005 Old Midlothian Pk, Richmond, Richmond Caudill, Estill L. Ill, M. 4, 4806 N. Crestwood Ave, Apt. 1, Davis, Allan S., P. 3, 1016 Wrell PI. N.E. Washington, DC. Cavacos, Theodore A., P. 2, 1001 W. 36th Street, Baltimore 11, Md. Davis, Gordon M., HA 2, 216 Live Oak St. Beaufort N.C. Va. Cave, Boyd D. Jr., M. 1, 2916 Scarsborough Drive, Richmond, Davis, James W., P. 2, P. O. Box 56 Amelia, Va. Cenedella, Stephen C, M. 1, 306 Leesburgh Pk, Falls Church, Va. Davis, Philip R., P. 2, Box 386 St. Paul, Va. Chaffee, Jenifer D., M. 1, Lyme, New Hampshire Davis, William V., M. 3, 621 Day Ave. S W Roanoke, Va. Sterling, Va. Chandler, P. J. Jr., M. 4, 14 Diesel Apts, Richmond, Va. Davison Beth A,, N, 2, 709 W Holly Ave.

Chando, Elizabeth L., Dl 1, 27 Morningside Ave, So. River, N.J. Dawson, Linda D., N. 2, RFD 1 Box 139, Hurt, Va. Va. Charles, James L., M. 1, 2919 Bensley Rd., Richmond, Va. Dawson, Nancy J. N. 2, 721 Moly Dr. Falls Church, W.Va. Chase, Stephen F., D. 1, 9533 Bay Drive, Miami Beach, Fla. Day, Thomas G. Jr., M. 2, 304 Karen St., 50 Charleston, S.C. Cherrick, Henry M., D. 4, 8280 N. W. 1st Place, Miami, Fla. Dean, Charles D. Ill, D. 2, 119 Marion Ave,, Summerville, Chi Hong Yup, M. 3, Box 254, MCV, Richmond, Va. Dean Lynnette S., XR 2, 519 Elm Ave. S W Roanoke, Va. Childress, Garland, Jr., M. 1, 3903 Elba St, Apt 1, Richmond, Va. Dean, Nancy E., N. 3, 1704 Beverly Ave., McLean, Va. Va. Childress, Linwood L., P. 2, 212 Cambridge PI. Colonial Heights, Dean, Richard H., M. 1, Westover Hills Apts 104 Va. Christian, Cephas N., D. 1, 145 3rd Ave, N.E. St. Petersburg, Fla. Deangelis, Robert N., M. 1, 3717 N. Glebe Rd., Arlington 7, Chu Nai Shin, G.l, 12 Tsau Yong Rd, Feng Shan Taiwan Dedrick, Robert E., P. 1, Rt. 2, Waynesboro, Va. Chung Ho, G. 1, 22 Yuk Sau St, Happ Valley, Hong Kong DeHart, Rufus M. Jr., M. 4, MCV Apts. Apt 3 BIdg 7 Churn, Karia B., N. 1, Wardtown, Va. Dennis, Sharon E., N. 1, 922 E. Church St. Salisbury, Md. Clabough, Jeanne W., G. 1, 2 Little Brook Lane, Richmond, Va. Denny, Janet K., P. 3, Brightwood, Va. Md. Clairmont, Albert, Jr., M. 2, 21 18 Westerly Drive, Lynchburg, Va. Der Martirosian Edw., 4, 4515 Cumberland Ave., Chevy Chase 15,

Clark, Barbara A., N. 1, Rt. 2, Box 204, Prince Geo, Va. Dickerson, Martha E., N. 4, Sunset Dr., Stuart, Va., Clark, Carolyn M., MT 4, Rt. 2, Box 179, Chesterfield, Va. Dishner, Dennie O., P. 3, Rt. 1, Clinchport, Va. Clark, Constance M., N. 1, 182 Parkside Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. Dix, Jo Anne, N. 2, 107 Canterbury Rd, Danville, Va. Rd,, Mount, N.C. Clark, Donna L., N. 4, 901 Nottingham St, Culpeper, Va. Dixon, Frances J., PT 3, Rt. 3 Goldrock Rocky Rd., Richmond, Va. Clark, Donna L., P. 2, Box 385, Fieldale, Va. Dorey Lee Roy, M. 2, Rt. 6 Box 448 Darbytown Clark, Mildred A., N. 1, 4516 Golf Park Drive, Lynchburg, Va. Dollar, Penny C, N. 1, P.O. Box 126, Holland, Va. Va. Clark, Virginia T., P. 2, 42 Craig Avenue, Salem, Va. Dorsk, Brian M., M. 1, 1019 Northampton Rd., Petersburg, Pkwy, Richmond 1, Va. Clary, Jerry W., P. 1, Lawrenceville, Va. Doucet, Winifred M., XR 1, 4002 Hill Monument Va. Clay, Nancy G., P. 3, Charlotte Ct Hse, Virginia Dove, Paul D., D. 3, Deisel Apts, 2 1 1 E 4th St., Richmond, Va. S.C. Clayton, Judith A., N. 1, 6229 Sagewood Drive, Va. Beach, Dowd, James Jr., M. 4, 1200 Honeysuckle St., Cayer, Lane, Va. Beach, Va. Clements, Boyd M., P. 1, 1 S. Sunset Lane, Warsaw, Virginia Drescher, Charles A,, D. 4, 2041 Lynncove Richmond, Va. demons, Lucious H. Jr., D. 1, 622 Ratcliffe Ave, Richmond 22, Va. Duncan, Robert L. Jr., G. 3, 871 1 Gradenia Dr. Clendenin, Martha A., PT 4, 132 Scofield Road, Charlotte, N.C. Dunford, Joseph L., M. 4, 220 38th St., Newport News, Va. Richmond, Va. Clingenpeel, J. Floyd, M. 1, Burkeville, Va. Dwyer, Kenneth L., M. 3, 5428 Remuda Ave., St., Galax, Va. Cloe, Martha L., N. 2, 1412 Franklin St, Fredericksburg, Va. Eddins, William G,, M. 2, 310 W. Grayson Clore, Andrew D., P. 4, 2426 Columbia St, Richmond 24, Va, Edmondson, David G., D. 1, Purcellville, Va. PI,, Va. -Clough, Charles E., D. 3, 7104 Pinetree Road, Richmond 29, Va. Edwards, Michael L., G. 1, 128 Cambridge Hampton, Edwards, Thomas D., D. 2, 234 S. Hull St., Montgomery, Ala. Gordon, Carey B., P. 2, Rt. 2, Orange, Va. Lloyd M., Edwards, Wallace S., D. 4, 2432 Columbia St., Richmond, Va. Gordon, D. 2, 2808 Stepp Drive, Columbia, S.C. Effron, Arnold A., M. 3, 607 W. Laburnum Ave. Apt 8 Gordon, Marshall III, D. 1, 3511 Stuart Ave, Richmond, Va. 23221 Gordon, Phillip R., Ehle, Charles E., D. 3, 700 Laurel Leaf Lane, Fairfax, Va. M. 2, 959 Harrington Ave, Norfolk, Va. Gordon, H. Jr., Elko, John W. Ill, P. 1, 706 Conduit Rd., Colonial Hgts., Va. Rufus M. 2, Diesel Housing 7 2 E 4th St, Richmond, Va. Ellett, Judith C, N. 3, 8448 W. Bon View Dr., Bon Air, Va. Gore, Bobby G., D. 2, Rt. 2, Loris, S.C. Gorham, Ruth E., Elliott, Eugene L", HA 1, 2550 Bryden Rd., Bexley 9, Ohio N. 2, 307 Treva Road, Sandston, Va. T., Ellis, Frances G., Dl 1, P. O. Box 183, Churchland, Va. Gousoulin, Henry D. 4, 131 Anderson Street, Crestview, Fla. Grabeel, E., D. Ellis, Robert H. Jr., 5, Box 622, Georgetown, S.C. Daniel 2, Diesel Housing, Bldg 8, Apt 2, Richmond Ellison, Mary K., N. 2, 7922 Lake Shore Dr., Bon Air, Va. Graham, James L., P. 3, 601 Hamlin St, Newport News, Va. Emerson, Sara Ann, PT 3, 304 College Ave., Ashland, Va. Graham, Joan C, PT 3, 525 Donna Lane, Annandale, Va. 22003 T., D. England, Marshall Jr., G. 2, 503 St. Christophers Rd., Richmo ,d, Va. Grand, Lawrence 3, 2425 Flamingo Place, Miami Beach, Fla. Grandis, Stuart V., M. 2, 4504 St, Engle, Charles R., P. 1, 5906 Hanover Ave., Springfield, Va. W. Franklin Richmond 21, Va. Grau, Lois D., Ergenbright, Nancy G., N. 1, 119 Piedmont Ave., Charlottesvi le, Va. N. 2, Box 368, Wise, Va. Graves, D., D. Laley Springs, Va. Etheridge, Carolyn S., N. 2, 8004 Pythian Ave., Norfolk, Va. Owen 2, Gray, Franklin W., P. 4, Street, Eubank, Gordon Jr., P. 2, 565 Boyd St., Chase City, Va. 1841 Arch Petersburg, Va. Gray, William G., M. 2308 E. St, Va. Eubanks, Marsha D., N. 3, Qters L 6 Mcs, Quantico, Va. 3, Grace Richmond, Green, Charles E. Ill, P. 3, 1316 Beverly Drive, Richmond, Va. 23229 Evans, Jennie L., PT 4 4203 Thomas Dr., Richmond, Va. Green, Lloyd A., D. 4, 1215 Cloncurry Road, Norfolk, Va. Ezekiel, Gerald A. Jr., M. 4, 1010 Beveridge Rd., Richmond, Va. T., Ave, Norfolk, Va. Faidley, June A., N. 2, 1404 Frederick Ave, Salisbury, Md. Greenberg, Martin M. 2, 5106 Studely Greenwood, Dorothy B., N. 2, 1209 Rittman Road, Virginia Beach, Va. Fajans, J. Stefanie, P. 1, 54 Bayview Ave., Amityville, N.Y. Gregg, James D., P. 2, 1216 Apex Road, Bon Air, Virginia Falls, Wilford F. Jr., D. 1, 2111 Oak St., Palatka, Fla. Gregg, Joanne C, N. 1, 2311 N. 18th Street, Arlington 1, Va. Farley, Jean L., P. 4, Regional Rd., Annadale, N.J. Gregory, Harberf S., D. 2, N. 9th Street, Quincy, Fla. Featherston, Edward W., M. 4, 4714 Colwyck Lane, Richmond, Va. 336 Gregory, Roger T., M. 4, 110 Braswell St, Rocky Mount, N.C. Feazell, Samuel G., HA 1, 201 Park St., Beckley, W. Va. Gresham, Kermit E., PT 4, 1513 Roane Street, Richmond, Va. Feild, Boiling J., M. 3, 1520 Quarrier St., Charleston, W.Va. Griffin, Clinton D., D. 3, 9630 Hammett Parkway, Norfolk, Va. Feiler, Samuel, D., 315 So. Shore Dr., Miami Beach, 41, Fla. William R., 1, 3047 S. Claude Ct, Denver, Colorado Frntress, Irvin W., P. 2, 207 Laburnum Ave, Richmond, Va. Grigsby, G. Grubbs, Chareen G., G. 1, 8910 Tresco Road, Richmond, Va. Ferlazzo, Stephen L., M. 3, Fuller Heights Rd., Quantico, Va. Guffey, Shirley A., N. 2, 501 Belvedere Dr, Chesapeake, Va. Fernandez, Robert A., D. 1, 703 W. Braddock, Tampa 3, Fla.

' Gunn, Andrew W. Jr., P. 2, 4710 Millers Lane, Richmond, Va. Ferrier, Frank L., M. 4, 3909 Chamberlayne Ave 4, Richmond, 'a. Haas, Alene G., N. 3, 3365 Brothers PI. S.E. Washington, D.C. Finnell, Cheryl E., N. 1, 11811 Timber Lane, Rockville, Md. 20853 Habra, Nabil A., P. 2, 4 El Sheikein Gemayel St. Beirut, Lebanon Fisher, Linda J., N. 1, 3422 Manor Rd.,, Chevy Chase, Md. Hack, Carole A., N. 3, Bridgeton, N.J. Fitzhugh, William G., M. 3, 3437 Howard Rd., Richmond, Va. 2, Rd Haddock, Judy N. 1, 812 Seward Lane, V. Beach, Va. Flatequal, Gerald A., D. 4, 6403 Julian St., Springfield, Va. C, Elizabeth K., P. 1519 Brandon Ave, S.W. Roanoke, Va. Fletcher, Betty L, N. 1,513 Avalon Ave, Va. Beach, Va. Haff, 4, Hagood, Leiia D., N. 2, Clover, Va. Flournoy, John E., M. 3, 3309 W. Grace St. Apt 6, Richmond, Va. Hague, Wayne M., P. 3, 4306 Reedy Ave, Richmond, Va. Fluckiger, Karen S., N. 4, 6715 New Hope Dr., Springfield, Va. Hakala, Michael W., M. 2, 450 Croatan Road, Richmond 35, Va. Ford, Bonnie F., N. 4, 303 Grigg St., Petersburg, Va. Haley, James A., D. 4, 631 Middleriver Dr. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Ford, Emily G., N. 4, Box 1052, Chapel Hill, N.C. Hall, Aubrey C. Jr., M. 3, 603 Laburnum Ave, Apt 8, Richmond, Va. Ford, Harriette E., N. 3, 3901 Genacre Lane, Richmond, Va. Hall, Kathryn G., N. 4, Box 57, Prospect, Va. Forrer Susan W., N. 4, 200 Sycamore Rd,, Franklin, Va. Hall, Linda C, N. 4, 10 Graybeal St, Box 822, Marion, Va. Forsee, James H. Jr., D. 4, 5207 Falmouth Rd. Washington, D.C. Hall, Thomas F., HA 1, Pemberton Drive, Greenville, S.C. Foster, James B., HA 1, RFD 1, Winsted, Conn. Hallaba, Moheb A. S., 1, 4205 Springhill Ave, Richmond 25, Va. Foy, Crawford E. Jr., D. 3, 3224 Devereaux Rd., Columbia 5, S.C. Halloran, Randolph M., M. 4, 525 Woodlawn Ave, Beckley, W. Va. Frame, Carol A., P. 3, 5010 Forestville Rd., Washington 28, D.C. Hamilton, Stuart H. Jr., M, 2, MCV Apts, Bldg 7, Apt 5, Richmond, Va. Francis, David A. Jr., D. 1, 118 Hawthorne St., Mt. Pleasant, S.C. Hamlett, Marsha S., P. 4, 2000 1st Ave, Apt. 6, Richmond, Va. Francis, Patricia S, PT 3, 609 Buffalo St, Farmville, Va. Hamrick, Philip E., G. 3828 Howard Road, Richmond 23, Va. Frank, Marvin G., M. 4, 37 Dewey St., Newark 12, N.J. 3, Hancock, Daniel W., P. 2, Rt. 2, Box 55, So. Hill, Va. Freed, Eleanor R., M. 4, 2405 Carolina Avenue, Roanoke, Va. Hancock, Richard W., P. 4, Buzzard Neck Road, Creeds, Va. French, Virginia L. XR 2, 2819 Sherbourne Road, Richmond 34, Va. Hanger, Keith E., M. 1, 2954 3rd Ave, Huntington, W.Va. Friedman, Carl S., D. 2, 140 N. E. 128 Terrace, No. Miami, Fla. Hanna, Howard M. Jr., M. 1, 7101 Thorpe Ave, Apt. 4, Richmond, Va. Friedman, Ruth T., G. 4, 2412 Buford Ave, Richmond, Va. 23234 Hansen, Peter F., G. 1, 125A Stelle Ave, Plainfield, N.J. Froneberger, Eliz. A. PT 4, 539 Woodland St. Spartanburg, S.C. Haraway, Harold H., P. 1, 134 Canterbury Road, Danville, Va. Fugate, Phyllis E., N. 2, Rt. 3, Box 325, Ridgeway, Va. Hardie, Edith L., G. 5, 2 Kent Road, Apt 3. Richmond, Va. Fuller, Earl W. Jr., M. 1, RFD, Boykins, Va. Harkrader, James C, M. 1, Futrell, Milton T. Jr., P. 3, P.O. Box 217, Courtland, Va Harrell, Charles A., D. 4, 603 Ash Street, Auburndale, Fla. Gaither, Roberta L., N 4, Rt. 1, Box 443, Great Falls, Va. Harrell, Patricia L., XR 1, 2804 Williamsburg Road, Richmond, Va. Galbreath, Sara E., N. 1, 234 W. Magnolia Ave, Auburn, Ala. Harrell, Robert R., M. 4, MCV Apts, Bldg 4, Apt. 2, Richmond 24, Va. Gallant, Colin M., D. 4, 8401 Glendale Drive, Richmond 29, Va. Harris, Charles R. Jr., D. 2, 7323 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, Va. Garber, Wyoma M., PT 4, Reliance, Va. Harris, James R., P. 4, 7707 Gloucester Ave, Norfolk, Va. Gardiner, Robert III P. 2, 78 Old Orchard Lane, Warrenton, Va. Harris, Wester G., D. 4, 901 Smith St, Graceville, Fla. Gardner, Dick D., D. 2, MCV Apts, Apt 13, BIdg 5, Richmond, Va. Harris, William W. Jr., M. 3, Box 409, Covington, Va. Gates, William M. Jr., D. 2, 203 Locust Ave, Hampton, Va. Harrison, Carol J., N. 2, 3729 N. Woodrow St, Arlington, Va. 22207 Garfield, Anne-Marie, P. 3, 5137 N. 9th St, Arlington, Va. Hart, Jan. E., HA 1, 614 Locust St, Johnson City, Tenn. Garner, Fredric B., M. 3, 4806 Old Brook Road, Richmond, Va. Harting, Larry J., P. 2, 619 Georgia Ave, Bristol, Tenn. Gaunt, Mary M., N. 1, Front Royal Rd, Winchester, Va. Va. Harvey, Connie M., XR 1, 201 N. Kalmia Ave, Highland Springs, Garrett, Stockton F., P. 2, 421 Westover Hills Blvd, Richmond, Va. Haselwood, Sue W., XR 1, Rt. 4, Triple Oaks, Piedmont, S.C. Gates, Thomas J., M. 2, 900 Westbrook Ave, Apt. 21, Richmond, Va Hash, OscafiB. Jr., D. 1, 1317 Chapman St, Norton, Va. Gault, Kathleen S., N. 1, 1002 Virginia Ave, Alexandria, Va. Hawkins, Robert T., D. 4, Box 102, Waverly, Va. Gaunt, Mary M., N. 1, Front Royal Rd, Winchester, Va. Hawks, James H. Ill, P. 2, 1747 Lamar Ave, Petersburg, Va. Gayle, Sigsby W., M. 4, Bldg 7, Apt 11, Diesel Apts, Richmond, Va. Hawley, Everette K., P. 3, 115 Cherry Lane, Christiansburg, Va. Gayle, William E. Jr., M. 4, Box 379, MCV, Richmond 19, Va. S.C. Hayes, Richard C, D. 1, 148 Applewood Lane, Spartanburg, Gellman, Arnold E., M. 1, 554 E. 26th St, Brooklyn 10, N.Y. )nd, Va. Haynie, Wendell G., P. 1, Box 18, Reedville, Va. George, James E. Jr., P. 3, Diesel Apts, Bldg 8, Apt 10, Richm- Haywood, Ralph W., D. 2, 805 Hughes Ave, Chesapeake, Va. George, Robert M., G. 1, 1722 Devers Road, Richmond, Va. Va. Hazen, Sandra E., MT 4, 454 Westover Hills Blvd, Richmond, George, Theodore, M. 4, 440 Fitzhugh Ave, Richmond, Va. Healey, Thomas L., P. 1, 3413 Howard Road, Richmond, Va. Gibbs, James S., M. 2, 1011 Crescent Drive, Reidsville, N.C. Heath, Larry L., P. 2, 2010 Opal Street, New Bern, N.C. Giberson, Anne H., N. 1, 204 Ridgewood Drive, Annandale, Va. Va. Heatwole, Stanley E., M. 2, Rt. 2, Pratts Woods, Waynesboro, Gibson, Roger E., D. 2, 410 N. Joanna St, Tavares, Fla. Greenlav* Ave, N.W. Roanoke, Va. Lick Road, Roanoke, Va. Hedrick, Roberta F., N. 2, 4002 Gilbert, James I III, D. 1, 4133 Mud Heiden, Laurence N., D. 4, Lake Dale Ave, Lake City, S.C. Gilliam, Janet L., N. 2, 700 Northwest Drive, Silver Spring, Md. Heilig, Alan B., HA 1, 710 Rountree Ave, Kinston, N.C. 28501 Gilliam, Robert E., D. 3, 20 Wharfside Road, Richmond, Va. Heinemann, Richard J., 6, Gills, Julian C, D. 1, Box 607, Appomattox, Va. Hellman, Jesse M., M. 1, 10 Devon Road, Great Neck, N.Y. Glassman, David, D. 3, 1801 South Surf Road, Hollywood, Fla. Richmond, Va. Helsel, David F., D. 2, 3914 Rd Henrico Tpk, Apt 6 Click, Arthur L., D. 1, 530 Garren Ave, Norfolk, Va. Va. Heltzel, Robert E. Jr., D. 2, 1307 Handley Ave, Winchester, Glick, Harvey A., D. 4, 530 Garren Ave, Norfolk, Va. Heltzel, Sue E., PT 4, 100 Broad Street, Bridgewater, Va. Glore, James W., D. 2, 1081 Ovington Road, Jacksonville, Fla. Helwig, Alan S., 5, 220 Maplewood Road, Richmond, Va. Godfrey, Lester J., D. 3, Diesel Housing, Bldg 2, Apt. 5, Richmond Hemingway, Anthony A., D. 2, 302 Palm Street, Georgetown, S.C. Godwin, Gene A., M. 4, 6813 Carnegie Drive, Richmond, Va. Henderson, Hilda K., N. 2, Rt 4, Box 278, Gate City, Va. Goldblatt, Jeffrey S., M. 2, 24 Broad Street, Norwich, Conn. Hendrick, Albina K., P. 3, 7219 Hermitage Road, Richmond, Va. Goldburg, B. Richard, M. 3, 620 Lincoln Drive, Macomb, III. So. Hill, Va. 5305 Wythe Ave, Richmond, Va. Hensley, Larry D., D. 1, 821 Windham Street, Goldfarb, Allan, D. 4, Va. Herbert, Daniel A., P. 3, 2319 Spencer Road, Apt 2, Richmond, Goldman, Charles J., M. 2, 402 West Road, Portsmouth, Va. Hess, James B., M. 1, 508 Pike Street, Shinnston, W.Va. Goode, Linda A., N. 1, Box 485, Dillwyn, Virginia Hester, James M., P. 2, 18 Davis Street, Portsmouth, Va. K., M. 2, 437 Lincoln Ave, Lima, Ohio Gooding, Matthew W.Va. Hickman, James R. Jr., M. 1, 120 Fairfax Drive, Huntington 5, Goodman, Clara E., N. 2, Rt. 3, Box 103, Bassett, Va. Va. Hicks, James M., D. 4, 100 Federal Street, Sandston, Va. Goodman, Peter L., M. 1, 3923 Cutshaw Ave, Richmond, Hicks Sandra G., MT 4, P.O. Box 599, Newport News, Va. Goodrich, Judy L., N. 2, RFD 2, Wakefield, Va. Higginbotham, John M., PT 3, 2616 Van Dyke Ave, Raleigh, N.C. 267 Goozh, Joel L., M. 2, 5602 Crenshaw Road, Richmond, Va. Kerneklian, Hileman, Judy C, P. 2, Rt. 1, Castlewood, Virginia Samuel, M. 3, 5704 Bromley Lane, Richmond, Va. Kerstein, Malcolm H., D. Drive, Hill, Diann F., N. 1, 519 N. Livingston Street, Arlington, Va. 4, 1885 Shore So 325, St. Petersburg Kesler, Archie D. Jr., 3, Midlothian Pk, Hill, Janet L., N. 3, 73 Hugo Street, Norfolk, Va. M. 10400 Richmond, Va. Kessel, David, Street, Hill, Patricia A., N. 3, Rt. 4, Box 221, Lynchburg, Va. M. 2, 1512 William Fredericksburg, Va. Kessler, Leonard P., D. 4, 1382 N.E. 178 St. Beach, Fla. Hillers, Shirley A., N. 1, 384 Simpson Street, Norfolk 13, Va. No. Miami Kessler, Melvin L., D. 3, 1382 NE. 178 St. No. Miami Beach, Fla. Hillier, Joseph C, D. 4, 1 1 Brook Lane, Chester, Va. Kibler, Kay E., N. 1, RFD 2, Strasburg, Va. Hines, Ralph W., D. 1, 506 Orcutt Ave, Newport News, Va. Kidwell, Suzanne E., N. 3, Custis Dr. Va. Hinson, Lanny C, D. 1, 205 E. Church Street, Kershaw, S.C. 3535 Martha Alexandria, Kiesau, Fyle F., M. 2, 4222 Old Brook Road, Apt. 4, Richmond, Va. Hirsch, Jack S., M. 3, 2750 Harvie Road, Richmond, Va. Kilby, Walter B., M. 1, Sperryville, Va. Hix, Frances A., N. 1, AAontview Ave, Rocky Mount, Va. Killen, Clyde P., 5, 4728 Trenholm Road, Columbia, S.C. Hobbs, William A. Jr., M. 1, 22400 McCauley Road, Shaker Hgts, Ohio Kim, Kyoung S., G. 4, 379 Choong Ang Doug, Pohanz, Kyungbuk, Korea Hodge, John A., D. 1, Dinwiddle, Va. Kimes, Sandra L., N. Lane, Phila., Pa. Hodges, Ralph M., D. 4, 1720 Wake Forest Drive, Richmond, Va. 4, 136 Haws 19118 Kincaid, Nancy E., N. 2, 1318 Vanceright Circle, Winchester, Va. Hoffman, Gene A., N. 2, 904 Crutchfield St, Falls Church, Va. King, Barbara A., N. 2, 1st Place No. Arlington, Va. Holden, Kenton R., M. 1, 1133 Gypsy Lane, West, Towson, Md. 3119 King, Ronald L., M. 3, 3427 Franklin St, Richmond, Va. 23221 Holding, Sara N., MT 4, 111 N.E. 1st St, Big Stone Gap, Va. W. King, Sharon D., PT 3, 4311 Fauquier Ave, Richmond, Va. Holdren, Jamison, N. 2, 5218 Devonshire Road, Richmond, 25, Va. Kirby, David A., P. 1, 1305 Fullview Mechanicsville, Va. Holland, Henry D., M. 3, 4406 Fitzhugh Ave, Richmond, Va. Ave, Kirkman, Robert J., D. 1, 240 Burgoyne Rd, Norfolk 3, Va. Hollister, Marjorie I., N. 2, 4416 Medford Drive, Annandale, Va. Kirkpartick, Barry V., M. 3, 2315 N. Florida St, Arlington 7, Va. Holloway, Sue C, P. 2, Box 72, Chatham, Va. Kittrell, Linda A., MT 4, 6800 Front Royal Rd. Springfield, Va. Holt, Carolyn S., N. 1, Wards Road, Lynchburg, Va. Knapp, John F., P. 3, 129 Ave, Highland Springs, Va. Holt, Rebecca A., N. 4, Box 914, Bluefield, W.Va. Ash Knight, Kenneth B., D. 3, 213 Arrowhead Circle, Spartanburg, S.C. Hood, Suzanne, N. 1, Andes Copper Mining Co, Potrerillos, Chile Knott, George S., P. 1, 1609 Dennison Ave, Staunton, Va. Horenstein, Martin, M. 1, 1024 Spotswood Ave, Norfolk, Va. Knouff, Margaret L., N. 2, 4824 Peachtree Drive, N.W. Roanoke, Va. Horwitz, Sidney H., 5, 414 N. Sheppard Street, Richmond 21, Va. Knox, John E. Jr., D. 1, 10400 Midlothian Pk, Richmond, Va. Houston, Judith AA., N. 2, 2514 Chapel Hill Road, Durham, N.C. Kuhler, Robert J., M. 2, 3037 Lischer Ave, Cincinnati 11, Ohio Hove, Brenda L., N. 1, 160 Augustine Ave, Fredericksburg, Va. Kolendrianos, Ernest, M. 4, 229 Alpine Drive, Danville, Va. Howe, Edward G., D. 1, 116 N. Rogers Ave, Endicott, N.Y. Kontos, Hermes A., G. 1, 601 C Westover Hills Blvd, Richmond, Va. Howell, John N. 2nd, D. 3, 3407 Stuart Ave, Richmond, Va. Koonce, Martha C, N. 4, Box 172, Trenton, N.C. Howell, Robert M., D. 4, 108 N. Washington St, Sumter, S.C. Koontz, Tovia L., N. 3, 8814 Commodore Dr., Norfolk 3, Va. Hubbard, Ann M., N. 1, RD 1, Brockport, Pa. Kramer, Stephen J., J. 2, 6 Hanover Circle, Lynn, Mass. Huber, Carol D., MT 1, 53 Wagon Bridge Run, Moorestown, N.J. Kranitzky, Maureen E., XR 2, 2201 Spider Drive, Richmond, Va. Huber, Charles M., M. 1, 2200 Chalfonf, Apt 31, Richmond, Va. Kraski, Henry E., D. 4, 704 S. Beach Street, Ormond Beach, Fla. Hudgins, Hubert B., M. 4, 4921 N. Crestwood Ave, Apt. 2, Richmond Krautkramer, 1, 106 E. Laburnum Ave, Apt 8, Richmond, Va. Hudson, Thomas R., D. 3, 3601 Montridge PI, Lynchburg, Va. Jerome, HA Kreamer, Robin J., PT 3, 27 N. Park Drive, Bridgeton, N.J. Huffman, Harold E., M. 3, 2020 2nd Ave Richmond, Va. Krokidas, Peter J., 34 Terr. Springfield, 4, Mass. Hughes, David C, M. 4, 307 Seminole, Lester 13, Pa. M. 3, Carew Krop, E., N. 4, 4901 Seminary Rd. Apt 1219, Alexandria, Va. Hulbert, Priscilla M., P. 2, 410 Crescent Road, Lynchburg, Va. Marianne Krumm, Janice L., XR 1, 2630 Jackson St, Hollywood, Fla. Hunt, Donald W., D. 2, 3904 Pilots Lane, Richmond, Va. Kuhn, D., N. 1,5 Hillcrest Circle, Hampton, Va. Hunter, Michael N., D. 1, 7932 Garden Drive, No. St. Petersburg, Fla. Faye Kunze, Merlynn K., N. 2, 19 Emrick Ave, Newport News, Va. Hurt, Carolyn R., P. 1, Box 215, Lebanon, Va. Kushner, Floyd H., M. 3, 802 Beechwood Ave, Apt 612, Richmond, Va. Hutcher, Neil E., M. 4, 6115B Granby Street, Norfolk, Va. Kvale, Paul A., 4, Diesel Apts 1 6 E 4th St, Richmond, Va. Hutcheson, Charles, Jr., P. 1, 12 S. Daisy Ave, Highland Springs, Va. M. Lacy, John J. Jr., D. 2, Box 117, McGuire Va. Hosp., Richmond, Va. Hutt, Mary B., PT 3, 369 Rotary Street, Morgantown, W.Va. Hydrick, Betty W., M. 4, 2420 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville, S.C. Lakes, Richard B., P. 1, 100 Porter Road, Portsmouth, Va. Franklin, Va. Hylton, Richard D., D. 3, Bowling Green, Va. Lambdin, Carol N., P. 2, Sycamore Rd, Lambert, Farrel P., P. 2, Nora, Va. Ingram, James T., G. 1, 503 Hamilton Street, Roanoke Rapids, N.C. Lampros, Jim 1, Cantle Lane, S.W. Roanoke, Va. Ingram, Robert C, D. 3, MCV Apts, BIdg 1, Apt 14, Richmond, Va. N., M. 1902 Land, Bettie L., XR 1, Clay Street, Hamlet, N.C. Irvin, Stephen B., M. 1, Box 58, Blacksburg, Va. 300 Lane, Trina K., M. 1, 2522 4th Avenue, Big Stone Gap, Va. Irwin, Joan E., N. 4, 51 Park Drive, Dover, Delaware Winifred A., N. 2, 3500A St, S.E. 204, Washington 19, D.C. Isaacs, Edward R., M. 1, 702 Kathleen Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Lang, North Main, Pennington Gap, Va. Iwanik, Paul A., P. 4, 108 Willow Drive, Annandale, Va. Laningham, James E. T., M. 3, 609 Lankford, Brenda J., N. 2, 317 Grove Avenue, Franklin, Va. Jacobs, Richard T., P. 4, 1211 Warren Ave, Richmond 27, Va. Lasley, Frank III, D. 1, 1320 N. Augusta St, Staunton, Va. 24401 Jacumin, Walter J., M. 3, 207 Menole Ave, 4, Richmond, Va. Laster, Joel A., M. 2, 1203 Westmoreland St, Richmond 26, Va. James, Charles N., M. 2, 9115 Mapleview Ave, Richmond, Va. Lawrence, Mabel M,, N. 1, 1625 Barron St, Portsmouth, Va. James, David E. Jr., 5, Rockville, Md. Lay, N., D. 4, Main St, Coeburn, Va. Jamison, Cecil O., P. 1, Rt. 1, Box 146, Boones Mill, Va. Wood Layman, Anne M., N. 4, 1500 Westbrook Ave, Richmond, Va. Jenkins, George A. Jr., D. 4, 453 Westover Hills Blvd, Richmond, Va. Layman, David A., M. 4, Rt. 4, Rocky Mt., Va. Jenkins, Jerry L., D. 1, 3807 McGuire Dr. Apt D. Richmond, Va. Layman, Paul R., M. 1, 228 Lucas Creek Road, Newport News, Va. Jenkins, Merry D., XR 2, 500 McCormick St, Clifton Forge, Va. Layton, Mary S., XR 2, 425 Ave M. Potomac Pk, Cumberland, Md. Jennings, William C, P. 4, Occoquan, Va. Lazarus, Harriet Y., N. 1, 612 Georgia Ave, Norfolk, Va. Jennings, William III, M. 2, 3450 Gallatin Road, Toledo 6, Ohio Lee, Nancy S., PT 3, RFD 2, Box 333, Fredericksburg, Va. Jeroy, Harry K, M. 1, 2706 Keller Ave, Norfolk, Va. Leff, Peter B., M. 2, 167 Wheelmeadow Drive, Longmeadow, Mass, Johnson, Andrew C. Jr., P. 2, Rt. 14, Box 133, Richmond, Va. 26th Rd, Arlington 7, Va. Johnson, Bradley G., D. 3, 3501 Stuart Ave, Apt 303, Richmond, Va. Legett, John A., M. 4, 5301 N. Legett, Joan G., N. 1, 219 Bank St, Suffolk, Va. Johnson, Gail S., N. 1, 209 S. Winchester Ave, Waynesboro, Va. Stanley D. 4, 6371 Hampshire PI. Apts, Richmond, Va. Johnson, Lewis D., M. 4, 2801 Laflin PI. Richmond 28, Va. Legum, H., Lehew, Richard A., 5, 76 Alleghany, Clifton Forge, Va. Johnson, Ruth R., N. 4, RFD 1, Box 62, Hot Springs, Va. Leibowitz, Hannah, MT 4, 1225 Westover Ave, Norfolk, Va. Johnson, Wade L., M. 2, 410 Botetourt St, Norfolk, Va. Lennon, Jesse S. Jr., P. 4, 2512 W. Grace St, Richmond, Va. Johnson, William H., D. 3, Diesel Housing, BIdg 3, 10 Leonard, Barry A., M. 2, 811 Brighton St, Phila, Penn. Johnston, Sandra C, N. 1, 109 Magnolia Ave, Franklin, Va. Lester, Ramona C, N. 1, 416 Laurel Ave, Waynesboro, Va. Jones, Cardie L., N. 3, 5705 Offut Drive, Suitland, Md. Levasseur, Joseph E., G. 4, 3501 Carolina Ave, Richmond, Va. Jones, David E., P. 3, 209 Cherward St, Collinsville, Va. Levin, Jeffrey, D. 1, 7240 S. W. 83rd St, Plaza, Miami, Fla. Jones, Elizabeth L., MT 1, 3823 Boiling Road, Richmond, Va. Levine, 2, Box 524, Alfred, N.Y. Jones, Hubert A., D. 4, Box 7373, Reynolds Branch, Winston Salem Myron, M. Levitin, Fred R., D. 3, 205 Riverside Drive, Portsmouth, Va. Jones, John P., P. 3, 623 Madison St, Emporia, Va. Levy, Jerry B., D. 1, 1432 W. Princess Anne Road, Norfolk, Va. Jones, Mary E., N. 4, 4111 Annandale Road, Annandale, Va. Lewis, Carol R., N. 1, 303 Hemlock Drive, Chesapeake, Va. Jones, Thomas H., PT 3, 918 Kenbrook Court, Silver Spring, Md. Lillard, Judith D., P. 3, Box 185, Madison, Va. Jones, Valerie M., N. 1, 2003 Birchwood Drive, Rockford, III. Lillard, Samuel F., 2, 6300 Hampton Blvd, Norfolk, Va. Jordan, Barbara, N. 2, 19001 N.W. 12th Court, Miami, Fla. HA Lilly, Edward L., M. 1, 312 Burleigh Ave, Norfolk, Va. Kashner, Ann S., N. 2, 946 S. Royal Street, York, Pa. Lindahl, Clarence D., D. 1, 660 So Road, Boynton Beach, Fla. Katz, Allan R., M. 147 17 78th Rd, Flushing, N.Y. Lindamood, Mary O., N. 2, Rt. 1, Box 182, Forest, Va. Katz, David H., M. 2, 509E Hamilton St, Richmond, Va. Link, Martha A., N. 1, Qts F, USN Hosp. Great Lakes, Illinois Katz, Lee R., MT 1, 509E Hamilton St, Richmond, Va. Little, James E., D. 4, 410 Seagate St, Neptune Beach, Fla. Kaufman, Stanley M., D. 3, 1832 Elm Road, Lakeland, Fla. Little, Patricia W., N. 1, 8603 Irvington Ave, Bethesda 14, Md. Kaye, Ira H., N. 3, 7503 River Road, Richmond, Va. Litz, Edward M., M. 3, 69 Maple Ave, Welch, W.Va. Kazimierczak, Anna, G. 1, 478 Westover Hills Blvd, Richmond, Va. Lockwood, Beverly S., MT 1, 613 Westover Hills Blvd, Richmond, Va. Keefe, William E., G. 4, 4612 Hanover Ave, Richmond, Va. Logan, Susan E., N. 1, Rt. 1, Bridgewater, Va. Keeney, Glenward T., M. 2, 2032 10th St, N.W. Roanoke, Va. Long, Beverly R., P. 2, 626 Pine St, Vinton, Va. Keim, Lon W., P. 3, 705 Silver Spring Dr., Richmond, Va. Long, George E., M. 1, 306 Kent St, Falls Church, Va. Keim, Melvin N., M. 1, Oak Park, Va. Long, Linda L., N. 3, Rt. 6, Harrisonburg, Va. Keith, James D., D. 1, 2211 Oak Ave, Hartsville, S.C. Minn. Long, Patricia A., G. 2, 5801 Lee Ave, Richmond, Va. Kells, Douglas U., M. 2, 4729 Colfax Ave, So. Minneapolis 9, Long, Sandra A., N. 4, Box 66, Prospect, Va. Kelly, Thomas W. Jr., D. 4, 315 Wheeler St, Spartanburg, S.C. Love, Carol J., N. 2, Rt. 2, Box 82, Meadows of Dan, Va. Kemper, Bennet 1., M. 2, 8310 Burningwood Road, Pikesville, Md. Lovelace, Edward III, D. 4, Dogwood Lane, Bedford, Va. Kennedy, Wayne T., D. 1, 410 Major Drive, Manning, S.C. Lowry, Catherine L., XR 1, 702 Woodberry Rd, Richmond, Va. Kennedy, William P., D. 4, Major Drive, Manning, S.C. Luck, Shearer T., PT 4, 303 N. Thompson .St, Richmond, Va. 23221 Kent, David M., P. 3, 208 Franklin St, N.W., Rocky Mount, Va. Lutz, Gerald W., D. 4, Polkbille, N.C. Kent, Kathryn M., N. 2, 527 Carol St, Dover, Dela. Lutz. Willard K., D. 4, Mt. Jackson, Va. Kern, Donald F., D. 3, 21 1 Carlisle Way, Norfolk, Va. 2, 632 Aberdeen Road, Hampton, Va. Lyerly, Alan R., D. 4, Rt. 3, Box 202, Salisbury, N.C. Nelson, Bobby W., M. Nelson, Susan E., N. 1, 1144 N. Illinois St, Arlington, Va. Lynch, Vernon L. II, M. 3, Church Street, Rocky Mt. Va. Netzer, Dorothy I., Dl 1, 1616 Taylor St, Arlington 7, Va. Ma, Pearl P. C, M. 1, 10th & Leigh Streets, Richmond, Va. Newell, Marsha K., N. 1, 550 N. Braddock St, Winchester, Va. MacDonald, Bruce R., M. I, 1930 Windsor Road, Petersburg, Va. Nicholls, Richard A,, M, 2, Apt 4, 10 MCV Apts, Richmond, Va. Macaulay, Alexander S., D. 1, 12 Clement Road, Columbia, S.C. Nichols, Wilson R. Jr., D. 3, 1337 Evergreen Ave, Richmond, Va. Maccallum, Bonnie B., N. 3, Manor Road, Box 230, Phoenix, Md. Va. Nicholson, George M., P. 2, 74 Huber Road Newport News, Va. MacDonald, Victoria I, N. 1, 4814 Brawner, McLean, Nielsen, Ronald L., 1, Box 896, Monticello, Utah Magill, David H. Jr., P. 1, Richmond, Va. 2101 Grove Ave, Apt. 1. HA Niesen, Stephen M., M. 1, 2106 1st Ave, Apt 3, Richmond, Va. Mahan, Ruby H., XR 1, 1702 Presson Blvd, Richmond, Va. Nixon, William P. Jr., M. 1, Rt. 2, Hertford, N.C. Mann, Margaret R., XR 2, Rt. 4, Box 18, Powhatan, Va. Noble, Susan 3801 Tomacee Road, Richmond, Va. Manuel, Patricia A., N. 2, 115 Polk Ave, Front Royal, Va. C, XR 2, Nobles, Leta P., N. 2, 3314 Granby St, Hopewell, Va. Marcus, Steven M., M. 2, 1141 E. 24lh Street, Brooklyn 10, N.Y. Va, Nofsinger, Dennis, Jr., M. 3, Box 111, Midlothian, Va. Markov^itz, Sheldon M., M. 1, 3412 Ellwood Ave, Richmond 21, North, Carolyn S., XR 1, Box 298, Dahlgren, Va. Martin Mary E., N. 2, 7419 Midlothian Pk, Richmond, Va. Va. George J., 2, Martin, Richard D., P. 3, 332 Cherry Hill Road, N.W. Roanoke, Norwood, City, N.Y. Novick, Maurice, M. 2, 5604 Crenshaw Apt. 1512, Richmond, Va. Mason, Stanley W. Jr., PT 3, 102 Huntington Road, Garden Nuckols, John T., M. 2, 4010 Fauquier Ave, Richmond, Va. Masters, Stewart R„ P. 2, 307 Miller Street, Winchester, Va. Oakley, Richard S., M. 3, 5456 Remuda Drive, Richmond, Va. Matthews, Emmett B., P. 2, RFD 2, Lawrenceville, Va. Oflaherty, Karen P., N. 1, 2010 Sycamore Drive, Falls Church, Va. Mays, Frank H., HA 2, Rt. 1, Box 104, Lovingston, Va. Va. Ogle, Samuel G., M. 1, Rt, 4, Hillsville, Va. Mays, Kathleen L., N. 1, 9203 Lydell Drive, Richmond, Calif. Oharrow, Ralph E,, P. 3, 2214 Staples Mill Road, 3, Richmond, Va. Maze, Patricia D., Dl 1, 2912 E. 6th Street, National City, Va Okun, Philip, M. 1, 4007 Monument Ave, Richmond, Va. McAllister, Russell G., M. 2, 3416 Hawthorne Ave, Richmond, Oley, Jacqueline A,, XR 1, 3105 Park Avenue, Richmond, Va. McBrayer, Reuben H. Jr., M. 2, Box 215, Chatham, Va. Olsan, Russell G., M. 1, 2420D Marina, Richmond, Va. McBride, Bobby E., D. 4, 101 Liberty St, Ninety Six, S.C. R Penn, Olshansky, Kenneth, M. 1, 1208 Garden Drive, Newport News, Va. McCann, Judith K., Dl 1, 115 White Oak Road, No. Wales M Johannesburg, S. Olsteen, A. N., D. 4, Rt. 2, Chipley, Fla. McCa[te'r, Roger J., G. 1, 161 Mendelssohn Road, Orange, Thomas M., P. 1, 109 4th Street, Blackstone, Va. Africa Orear, Charles E., G. 1, 1014 Orchard Road, Richmond, Va. McClelland, Linda A., N. 1, 4614 Alabama Ave, Lynchburg, Va. Osbon, Robert E., D. 2, Diesel Apts 6 7, Richmond, Va. McConkey, Samuel A., M. 3, 1418 Kingswood St, Richmond, Va. Va. Richmond, Va. Overcash, William, Jr., D. 1, 2530 Marina Dr, Apt 8, Richmond, McCormick, William C, M. 3, 3432 Howard Road, Overstreet, Helen P., N. 1, 607 Lee St, Bedford, Va. McDaniel, Andrew, 5, 26 E. Chapman St, Alexandria, Va. Owen, Daphne B,, N. 1, Rt. 2, Jarratt, Va. McDaniel, Eletta L., N. 1, Rt. 1, Cascade, Va. Illinois Owen, Jane S., N. 4, Jarratt, Va. McDaniel, Janice E., N. 4, 1704 Woodland Ave, Chicago, Va. Beach, Va. Pack, Henry B. 3rd, P. 2, Appomattox, Va. McDannald, Eugene Jr., M. 4, Box 5000, Gammon Rd, Padgett, Lynn M., N. 1, 6030 N. 21st St. Arlington, Va. McElveen, James A., D. 2, Box 241, Olanta, S.C. Richmond, Va. Page, Patsy R., M. 4, Marietta, N.C. McEntire, Wesley E., M. 2, 3916 Rd. Henrico Tpk, Apt 4, Keysville, Va. S.C. Parham, Louis D. Jr., M. 4, P.O Box 94, McGaha, Leonard E., D. 4, 3 Broadmoor Drive, Greenville, Beach, Va. Parker, Clifton L., M. 4, 4833 Brigadoon Drive, Va. Charles W., D. 2, 400 Myles Ave, Columbia, S.C. McGahee, Salem, N.C. Parker, Jean C, P. 2, 1100 S. Hawthorne Road, Winston Richard J., G. 2, Rt. 3, Tahlequah, Oklahoma McGarry, Va. Parrish, Howard L. Jr., P. 3, 2502 Dickens Road, Richmond, McGee, Nancy J., N. 1, Rt. 3, Gate City, Va. Parson,' Faye D,, N. 4, 507 Gardner St, Franklin, Va. Stanley W., D. 2, 2519 E. Grace Street, Richmond, Va. McGhee, Va. Wilmington, N.C. Parsons, Carrie V., HA 1, 3320 Maryland Ave, Richmond, Mcintosh, James N., D. 3, 4612 Long Leaf Hills Drive, S.C. Parsons, George S., D. 2, 102 Hillcrest Ave, Columbia, Adelaide C, N. 3, 3102 Manor Circle, Richmond, Va. McKay, Va. News, Va. Pascarosa, Carmen P., M. 2, 8 7 Diesel Apts, Richmond, McKenna, Thomas G., D. 4, 310 55th Street, Newport Cir, Danville, Va. S.C. Passamaneck, Kenneth, M. 3, 199 Howeland McKinney, Dean G., D. 1, 242 Fairforest Road, Spartanburg, Drive, Richmond, Va. Va. Pastore, Louis T., M. 1, 5503 Riverside McKihney, Karen A., P. 1, 9513 Lester Lane, Richmond, Richmond Va. Patton, Robert C, M. 1, Box 326, Clinchco, Va. McLeod, Harry R., M. 1, 7933 Whitworth Road, 35, Rt. Box 371, Rock Hill, S.C. 4th St, Richmond, Va. Paul, Crispin W., D. 3, 2, McMarlin, Stacy L., M. 4, Diesel Apts 7 13 E. Bayside, Va. Richmond, Va. Pauley, James H., D. 1, 2447 Hermitage Road, Meador, William, Jr., D. 4, MCV Apts, BIdg 6, Apt 14, Payne, Nancy J., Dl 1, Tazewell, Tenn Ill, 2, 3202 Noble Ave, Richmond, Va. Melton,' John W. M. Va. Peery, Thomas R., D. 4, 2906 Stephenson Ave, Roanoke, Mendelson, Louis M., M. 4, 204 Riverside Dr. Portsmouth, Va. 3018 Park Avenue, Richmond, Va. 118 Pinehaven Drive, Ninety Six, S.C. Pekarsky, Robert J., P. 3, Merchant, James M. HA 2, Va. Carol A., N. 1, 106 Pinewood Court, Woodbridge, 447 N. Grant Ave, Manassas, Va. Pendleton Merchant, William F., P. 3, Arlington Va. Penniston,' Lawrence W., M. 3, 1706 N. Jefferson St, 5, N. 4, Box 1182, Roseburg, Oregon Merker, Mathilda S., N.J. Donald F., M. 4, 379 Iroquois Drive, Bricktown, 101 N. Aspen Ave, Sterling Park, Va. Perkins, Meserve, Linda J., N. 3, Alexandria, Va. Va. Perkins, Sheila E., N. 1, 2410 Coventry Road, Mesic, Harry R., M. 2, 2910 Maplewood Road, Richmond 28, Apts, Richmond, Va. Beach, Va. Perry, James D., M. 2, BIdg 8, Apt 8, Diesel Messick, Frances A., MT 4, 601 Livingstone St, Colonial Perry! Verna A., N. 2, Rt. 2, Box 17, Hertford, N.C. Dr., 8264 Midlothian Pk, Richmond, Va. Metts, Julian C. Jr. 5, Penn. Peszka, Benedict V., PT 3, 329 Lyceum Ave, Phila 28, Michael, Mary C, XR 1, 5009 Dollard Drive, Richmond, Va. 2. 1026 N 22nd St, Gainesville, Fla. 914 Enderby Drive, Alexandria, Va. Peters, Paul E., D. W Middlebrooks, Thomas, P. 4, Norfolk, Va. Peterson, Thomas W. Dr., 5, 1453 Sweet Briar Ave, Midgett, Deirdre D., N. 1, 1116 Sycamore Road, Va. Beach, Va. Greenfield Ave, Hampton, Va. Martinsville, Va. Petitt Diana R., N. 2, 16 S, Miles, Linda M., N. 1, Rt. 3, Box 122, Va. Apt 1 1 Richmortd, Petrasy, Eugene A., D. 3, 1112 Roseneath Road, , Robert M., M, 1, Rt. 1, Lynch Station, Va. Miles, Ave, Richmond, Va. Va. Petty, Carroll T., M. 3, 2016 S. Kinsley Milewski, Thomas J., D. 2, 2522 Columbia St, Richmond, St, Adington, Va. Pherson, Mary E., N. 3, 3525B S. Stafford Miller, Abbe L., M, 2, 4853 Parkside Ave, Phila, Penna. Phleger, Rosetta M., N. 2, Rt. 1, Forest, Va. Miller, Jerry L., M. 4, Honaker, Va. George J., 4, 124 Gates Ave, Winchester, Va. Piasecki, Miller, Joyce E., N. 2, Shelby, N.C. Plaster, Harold E., D. 1, 608 Forest Hill, Miller, Larry C, D. 1, 70B Lamar Apts, Savannah, Ga. Plauger, Lois M,, N. 4, Bentonville, Va. Marshall V., D. 1, Santa Rosa Ct, Cape Coral, Fla. Miller, Strathmore Ave, Baltimore, Md. Charlottesville, Va. Pleet Ruth E N. 2, 2814 W. Miller, Martha A., P. 4, 1616 Cambridge Circle, Richmond, Va. Plotkin, Gerald G., P. 3, 5611 Crenshaw Avenue, L., PT Bloxom, Virginia Mills, Carolyn 3, Groveland, Fla. Va. Plowden, Ramon G, D. 3, 414 S. Main Ave, N., M. 2, Diesel Apts 7 9 E. 4th St, Richmond, Mistr, Ernest Hills Blvd, Richmond, Va. Plunkett Harry G. Jr., M. 4, 499 Westover 1, 308 Southampton St, Emporia, Va. Mitchell, Betty W., XR Parkway, Richmond, Va. Va. Pollack, 'Douglas J., D. 3, 401 Westham Mobberley, Beverley E., N. 3, 4117 N. 3rdd Road, Arlington, 138 33 Jewel Avenue, Flushmg, N.Y. Paul, Virginia Pollsk, Michael J., M. 1, Molinary, Samuel V,, G, 2, Box 114, St. Richmond, Va. Pollock, Ralph S., M. 1, 208 S. Boulevard, Moncure, Charles W., G. 2, 1812 E. Grace St, Richmond, Va. Lane, Richmond, Va. Polon, Allen J., P. 3, 4415 Bromley John E. Jr., M. 1, 120 Church St, Rocky Mount, Va. Montgomery, Road, Richmond, Va. Poole, Joel R., M. 4, 6321 Three Chopt 2424 Tillett Road, S.W., Roanoke, Va. Moore, Dixie L,, N. 2, Lynchburg, Va. Poole, Rebecca 1., N. 3, Boonsboro PI. Moore, Eunice P., Dl 1, 1117 Wiggins St, Jackson, Miss. 5422 Remuda Drive, Richmond, Va. Va. Poretz Donald M., M. 3, Moore, Netta C, N. 3, Box 464, Grundy, Norfolk, Va. N. 3, 3808 Craven Circle, 4144 Dorset Court, Richmond, Va. Porter, Elizabeth A., Morris, Jean L., N. 1, Drive, Greensboro, N.C. Potter, Patricia F,, N. 3, 3210 Edgewater Morris, Kenneth W., D. 4, 410 4th Avenue, Farmville, Va. N. 2, Rt. 1, Box 140A, Quinton,Va. Ave, Rock Hill, S.C. Powell, May R, Moses, James T-, HA 1, 333 N. Confederate Avenue, Petersburg Va. Nancy W., N. 2, 1636 Mt. Vernon 1112 Harwall Road, Baltimore 7, Md. Powell, Mosley, Winifred C, P. 3, Vernon Ave, Petersburg, Va. Powell, Raleigh C, M. 1, 1636 Mt. T. Wayne, D. 3, BIdg 1, Apt 10, MCV, Richmond, Va. Mostiler, Baldwin Ave, Portsmouth Va Richmond, Va. Powell, Robert L,, P. 1, 120 Mowles, Donald L., P. 2, MCV Apts, BIdg 5, Apt 11, Va. 4, 132 S. 13th Ave, Hopewell, Howard Road, Richmond, Va. Powers James M Jr P. Moyer, John P., M. 3, 3436 Hall Lane, Alexandria, Va. Patricia F., N. 1, 416 Sherwood Marshall St, Richmond, Va. Powers' Mull, J. Dennis, M. 4, 1200 E. ChaHeston, W. Va. George, HA 2, 4700 Venable Ave, Box 351, Orange, Va. Pozega Mulling, James R., P. 3, Tenn. Ave, Crewe, Virginia Price Georgianna B., N. 1, 302 E. Mullins, Herman L., HA 2, Box 147, Oakwood, Va. 18th Street, Richmond, Va. Petersburg, Va. Price' James H M. 3, 620 E, Musgrove, Talmage T., P. 2, 1859 Monticello St, 2920 Oak Crest Ave, S.W. Roanoke, Va. Balboa Canal Zone Price' John R P. 2, Musselman, Carolyn, PT 3, Box 1616, Wert, Ohio Philip B., HA 2, 408 Euclid Ave, Van 31 2D N. Tilden St, Richmond, Va. Price! Myse, Robert N., D. 3, Kanawha Ave, So. Charleston, W.Va. Priesiley, Anna R., MT 1, 4521 2, 2165 Deyerle Road, Roanoke, Va. Naiium, Joyce E,, N. Road, Richmond, Va. Prior Gordon, D. 3, 615 Conley P., D. 1, 309 E. Oak Ave, Tampa, Fla. Napoli, Sam St. Richmond, Va. Priore Carmine A D. 2, 3902 Delmont 1, Nash, M-, N. 4, 3805 S. 7th St, Arlington, Va. Mary Charles St, Fredericksburg Va^ Pritch;tt, Beniamin J,, D. 3, 1905 Neal, James D., P. 2, Box 536, Liberty, N.C. Cty, Tenn. 301 E. Holston Ave, Johnson Drive, Abingdon, Va. Profitt, Russell L., HA 2, Neal, Margaret S., N. 3, Morningside Virginia Robert A., M, 3, Box 415, Lebanon, Valley St, Abingdon, Va. Pruner Neal, Roger D,, M. 1, 171 W. Portsmouth, Va. Pryor 'oonald C, M. 3, 900 Shell Road, 269 Neal, Walter E., M. 3, Box 536, Liberty, N.C. Pryor, Donald E., M. 1, 214 W. Jefferson St, Falls Church, Va. Schorman, Chas. F. Jr., P. 2, 108 Clifton St, Hampton, Va.

Pucci, Maureen L., N. 2, 48 E 19th St, Huntington Stat, N.Y. Schorr, Bruce A., M. 2, 214 Shore Blvd, Brooklyn 35, N.Y.

Qurllen, Caroll L., P. 2, 2317 Forest Drive, Waynesboro, Va, Schutt, Bernard W., P. 3, 2919 4th Ave, Richmond, Va. Quinn, Patricia A., N. 2, 3406 Ginger Drive, Huntington, W.Va. Schwartz, Laurence D., 5, 877 80th St, Miami Beach, Fla. Raborn, George W., D. 4, 20 S.W. 23rd Terrace, Gainesville, Fla. Schwartz, Sol M., D. 2, 8843 Emerson Ave, Surfside, Fla. Raff, James C, M. 1, Diesel Apts 5 12 E. 4th St, Richmond, Va. Schwartz, Stephen H., D. 4, 865 N.E. 179 Terrace, No. Miami Beach, Fla.

Rainey, Charles A. Jr., P. 3, Rt. 2, Box 113, Dinwiddle, Va. Schwilm, Arlen L., M. 2, 1708 N. Quesada St, Arlington, Va. Passman, William R., M. 3, 5524 Fillmore Ave, Brooklyn 34, N.Y. Scott, Cheryl A., N. I, 708 Worsham Road, Bon Air 35, Va.

Ratchford, Max G., D. 4, 2101 Garland Ave, Gastonia, N.C. Scott, Cynthia J., N. 2, Box 97, Fair Bluff, N.C.

Ratliff, James T., M. 4, Rt. 2, Box 61, Grundy, Va. Scott, Danny L., M. 4, 1500 Westbrook Ave, Richmond, Va. Ravenel, B. Owen, Jr., D. 2, 55 Legare Street, Charlestori, S.C. Scott, Frances J., MT 4, 5500 N. 24th St, Arlington 5, Va

Rawlings, Donald W., P. 2, 7104 Lakewood Drive, Richmond, Va. Scott, Lucy E., N. 1, Rt. 3, Lexington, Va.

Rawls, Holman C. Ill, D. 2, 4106 Nine Mile Road, Richmond, Va. Sekerke, Henry J. Jr., P. 4, 2220 Chalfont Drive, Apt. 22, Richmond.

Rayfield, Frances B., P. 4, 1314 Vanceright Ave, Winchester, Va. Selden, Harvey F., D. 2, 101 Beauregard Ave, Highland Springs, Va.

Raymaker, Rudolph L., M. 1, 3914 Hanover Ave, Richmond, Va. Self, Richard L., P. 4, 213 Crittendon Ave, Roanoke, Va.

Reams, Patricia A., N. 1, 303 Dundee Ave, Richmond, Va. Semones, John D., D. 1, 508 7th Street, Radford, Va.

Redman, Dixie L., N. 3, Troy, Virginia Sette, Janet M., N. 1, Rd 2, Box 196, Jackson, N.J. Redman, Gary R., P. 4, 602 Kentucky Ave, Norton, Va. Shaia, Fred T., M. 4, 2614 Milford Road, Cleveland 18, Ohio

Redmond, Nancy L., N. 1, Rt. 2, Box 184C, Midlothian, Va. Shalloo, Melanie L., N. 3, 3001 Branch Ave, Washington 25, D.C. Reed, F. Victoria, N. 4, 159 Edwards Ferry Rd, Leesburg, Va. Shaner, William T., P. 2, Drawer 460, Richlands, Va.

Reed, John E., M. 2, 3317 Garland Ave, Richmond, Va. Shannon, Robert E., D. 1, Box 19, Blackstock, S.C.

Reese, Pearle E., N. 2, 604 Pate Street, Monroe, N.C. Shapshay, Stanley M., M. 1, 2669 Hubbard St, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Reid, David A., D. 4, B 2 A 1 MCV Apts, Richmond, Va. Sharf, Brent A., P. 4, 200 Regent St, Hampton, Va. Reid, Patricia A., PT 4, Little Skyline, Orange, Va. Sharpe, John R., M. 2, 1938 Atlee Road, Mechanicsville, Va. Reid, Robert M., D. 1, 901 2nd Ave, New Smyrne Beach, Fla. Sharpe, Larry O., M. 4, 119 Amherst Drive, Churchland, Va.

Reinecker, Rita J., N. 1, 222 7th St, Garden City, N.Y. Shaver, William H., P. 2, 515 E. Washington St, Lewisburg W.Va.

Reisch, Robert F., G. 1, 4060 Forest Hill Ave, Richmond, Va. Sheftall, Stanley W., D. 4, 901 College Drive, Gaffney S.C.

Renick, Fred T. Jr., D. 1 224 Rives Road, Martinsville, Va. Shenk, Nora E., PT 4, 879 College Ave, Harrisonburg, Va. Rentz, William H., D. 3, 1309 Woodlawn Ave, Columbia, S.C. Shepard, Louis E. Jr., D. 2, Vennings-Gourdine St, St. Stephen, S.C.

Repass, Harriet L., N. 1, 2720 Terrace Rd, S.E. Washington 20, D.C. Sherfy, Ellen J., N. 2, 306 Broad St, Bridgewater, Va. Repass, James A., M. 4, RED 2, Salem, Va. Shiflett, Harvey J., D. 4, MCV Apts, BIdg 6 Apt 1, Richmond, Va.

Repass, Nancy J., N. 2, 363 Oakland St, Abingdon, Va. Shope, Ann C, XR 1, Rt. 1, Jarratt, Va.

Revere, James H. Jr., D. 4, Kenbridge, Va. Showalter, Nelson L., P. 2, Broadway, Va.

Reynolds, Donald F., D. 4, 504 Airport Road, Blacksburg, Va. Shuff, Robert L., HA 2, 1123 Prospect Ave, Pulaski, Va.

Rhoades, Shirley F., XR 2, 811 W. 47th Street, Richmond, Va. Shumaker, Anne L., N. 1, 129 Prince Street, Leesburg, Va. Rhodes, Herbert P. Jr., M. 3, 432 W. Leicester St, Winchester, Va. Siegfried, George E., M. 1, 2805 Harvie Road, Richmond, Va.

Richard, Philip D., P. 1, 1752 S. Talbott PI. Waynesboro, Va. Silverman, Harvey, D. 1, 7030 Suburban Arch, Norfolk, Va.

Richardson, Andrew L., G. 1, 4716 Augusta Ave, Richmond, Va. Silverman, Steven L., P. 2, 844 14th St, Newport News, Va.

Richardson, Gary M., M. 4, Barhamsville, Va. Simpson, Carolyn J., N. 1, 1312 Oak Drive, Blacksburg, Va.

Richardson, Jack W., HA 1, 1207 Greystone Ave, Richmond, Va. Simpson, Shellie L., N. 3, 414 Hariton Court, Norfolk 5, Va. Richardson, Patricia, N. 2, P.O Box 92, Calverton, Va. Simpson, Williams A., D. 1, 306 Jennings St, Greenwood, S.C.

Richardson, Wyatt L., D. 1, 1301 Leicester Road, Richmond, Va. Sippe, Joseph L., M. 1, 327 Grove Avenue, Charleston, W.Va.

Richter, Alan B., D. 2, 19001 N E 20th Ave, No. Miami Beach, Fla. Smith, Alfred D. Ill, P. 3, 201 Oronoco Ave 3, Richmond, Va.

Ricketts, Patricia E., PT 4, 18 Ridge Road, Falls Church, Va. Smith, Bonnie R., N. 3, Box 34, Oak Hall, Va. Riddle, Wilbur M., D. 1, 119 Pinehaven Street, Laurens, S.C. Smith, Dennis M., D. 2, 1315 Oak Knoll Drive, Cincinnati 24, Ohio

Ridenhour, Fred L. Jr., D. 3, 119 Broad Street, Georgetown, S.C. Smith, Donna G., P. 1, 8627 Trevillian Road, Bon Air, Va.

Riley, Thomas W., D. 1, 100 Live Oak Road, Summerville, S.C. Smith, Edwin E. Jr., P. 2, Box 344, Brodnax, Virginia

Roach, Phyllis J., N. 1, 113 Tower St, Tazewell, Va. Smith, Harold E., D. 4, 65 Buxton Ave, Newport News, Va. Robbins, James D., P. 2, 833 Banks Road, Martinsville, Va. Smith, Jean B., MT 4, 1607 Dena Drive, Richmond, Va.

Roberts, Fabian O. Jr., P. 1, P.O. Box 125, Hungary Road, Laurel, Va. Smith, Jeffery O., P. 1, 3121 E. Weyburn Road, Richmond 35, Va. Roberts, Ivan B., D. 4, 431 Westover Hills Blvd, Richmond, Va. Smith, John M. Jr., M. 3, Sea Island, Ga. Robertshaw, Gilbert E., M. 2, 3601 Edgewood Avenue, Richmond, Va. Smith, Linda P., N. I, McGaheysville, Va.

Robertson, A. Andrew, D. 4, Rt. 2, Moneta, Va. Smith, Merle J., MT 4, Rt. 2, Bedford, Va. Robertson, Giles M. Jr., M. 1, 1119 West Ave, Richmond, Va. Smith, Norman E. Jr., M. 3, 3433 Howard Road, Richmond, Va. Robinson, Dennis H. Jr., M. 2, Bedford, Va. Smith, Richard E., D. 4, 9306 Staples Mill Road, Richmond, Va. Robinson, Roger C, P. 2, Rt. 4, Hillsville, Va. Smith, Ronald W., D. 2, 809 Pine Creek Drive, Greenville, S.C. Robinson, Thomas H., M. 3, 3142 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, Va. Smith, William P. Jr., D. 3, 516 Market Street, Cheraw, S.C.

Rodgers, Wm. R.'Jr., P. 2, 105 4th Avenue, Lawrenceville, Va. Smither, Diane L., PT 3, 1905 Wood Lane, Camden, S.C. Rollins, Jane E., N. 3, 1603 Franklin St, Fredericksburg, Va. Snead, George M. Jr., P. 3, Locust Hill, Virginia Roque, Gerald B., D. 2, 310 N. Albany, Tampa, Fla. Snead, Robert P., M. 3, 5307 Matoaka Road, Richmond, Va.

Rosanelli, Peter, Jr., M. 4, 106 Old Bridge Lane, Richmond, Va. Snead, Ronald W., M. 1, 824 N. Rockbridge Ave, Covington, Va.

Rose, Eli L., M. 2, 28 Shadowlawn Drive, Livingston, N.J. Snidow, Conley T. Ill, D. 2, 364 Conn Avenue, Spartanburg, S.C.

Rosenberg, Robert K., D. 4, 280 N. E. 53 St, Miami, Fla. Snitz, Janet F., MT 4, 200 70 St, Virginia Beach, Va. Rosenblum, Fired H., 5, 1030 Manchester Ave, Norfolk, Va. Snyder, Doris E. B., MT 4, 3518 Patterson Ave, Apt 3, Richmond, Va. Ross, Deborah, N. 2, 7402 Floyd Ave, Springfield, Va. Sobel, Peter B., D. 2, 7835 S.W. 98th Ct, Miami, Fla. Ross, Edward F. Jr., D. 2, 3706 Western Branch Blvd, Portsmouth, Va. Southworth, Joanne G., G. 3, Diesel Apts, BIdg 6, Apt 12, Richmond, Va.

Ross, Mary L., XR 2, 3101 Napoleon Street, Richmond, Va. Spaliek, Gemot F., M. 2, 79 Lilienthalstr, Dortmund, Germany

Ross, Nancy W., MT 4, 3426 Pittsfield Ave, N.W. Roanoke, Va. Spangler, Gladys 1, N. 2, 1933 Denniston Ave, S.W. Roanoke, Va. Rowe, Theodore C. Ill, M. 1, 2010 Colorado Ave, Portsmouth, Va. Spauls, Joanne, N. 3, 1414 N. Johnson St, Arlington, Va.

Royster, Clarence E., M. 1, Cluster Springs, Va. Spencer, Carol E., N. 1, 5581 Odessa Dr, Virginia Beach, Va. Ruble, Richard E., D. 1, 1902 Arlington Rd, S.W. Roanoke, Va. Spencerstrong, Wm. H., M. 2, 109 Witherspoon Road, Baltimore 12, Md. Ruffner, Joan E., N. 2, Leaksville Rd, Rt. 1, Luray, Va. Sperry, Frederick B., HA I, Trenton Trust BIdg, Trenton, N.J. Runion, IWarion G., D. 4, McGuire Va. Hosp. Box 117, Richmond, Va. Spiegel, Jonas B., D. 3, MCV Apts, BIdg 8, Apt 5, Richmond, Va. Russell, John G. Ill, P. 2, Box 2, Flint Hill, Va. Spilker, Bette Y., PT 4, 1208 Oakwood Drive, Colonial Hgts, Va.

Ruth, Ronald S., D. 3, 1215 Normandy Drive, Apt. 4, Miami, Fla. Spillers, Thomas E., D. 1, 6907 Vale Street, Alexandria, Va. Rydell, Alf H., M. 4, 143 Skyvlew Way, San Francisco, Calif. Spoto, Marshall D., D. 2, 436 Lucerne Ave, Tampa 6, Fla. Sabiston, Charles, Jr., G. 1, 633 Westover Hills Blvd, Richmond 25, Va. Stacks, Robert D., M. 3, 3435 Howard Road, Richmond 23, Va.

Sachno, Roman Jr., M. 2, 3139 Grove Ave, Richmond, Va. Staffon, Linda L., N. 1, 304 Edgewood Drive, Portsmouth, Va.

Sachs, Martin I, D. 1, 3144 S W 26th St, Miami, Fla. Stafford, Alfred W., P. 3, P.O. Box 4582, Richmond 29, Va. Sadler, Rebecca E., N. 3, 6252 Mechanicsville Pk, Mechanicsville, Va. Stainback, Martha M., N. 2, 466 Grove St, Ridgewood, N.J. Saft, Rose M., N. 1, 1621 Dahlgren Road, Dahlgren, Va. Stakem, Brian E., M. 3, 2500 N. Jefferson St, Arlington, Va. Sale, Patricia S., PT 4, 3311 Florida Ave, Richmond, Va. Stalker, William P., D. 3, 300 Westwind Court, Maitland, Fla. Saleeby, Saleem N. Jr., D. 4, Main Street, Dillon, S.C. Stangeland, Kathryn E., MT 4, 1762 Berkeley Ave, Petersburg, Va. Salmon, John M. Ill, D. 4, BIdg 3, Apt 9, Diesel Apts, Richmond, Va. Stanley, Cassius III, M. 1, 125 Lady Astor St, Danville, Va.

Salsbury, Carl A., M. 4, 4310 Kensington Ave, Richmond, Va. Stanton, Patricia L., P. 1, 5 Rollingwood Place, Newport News. Va.

Sanders, Peter E., D. 1, Forest Hills, Greenwood, S.C. Stecher, Roland E., D. 1, 705 S. Wayne St, Arlington, Va.

Sandridge, David A., M. 4, 5210 Wythe Ave, Richmond, Va. Steele, Ginger L., P. 2, Evergreen Hills, Bristol, Va. Saunders, Emmett L., P. 3, P.O Box 187, Holland, Virginia SteHen, David B., P. 27, W. Berry St, Sandston, Va.

Saunders, Marvin D., P. 3, 6919 Jeff. Davis Hgwy, Richmond, Va. Stephens, Dianne L., XR 1, 8217 Ireton Road, Richmond, Va.

Saunders, Miles C. Jr., P. 2, P.O Box 424, Jarratt, Va. Sterling, Janie L., N. 1, 513 Southwick St, Fairfax, Va. Sawicki, John V., D. 1, 404 Bayer Road, Mattituck, L.I., N.Y. Stermer, George A. Jr., D. 4, 1001 Wilmer Avenue, Richmond, Va. Sayre, Lee F., HA 1, 308 Campbells Creek Dr. Charleston, W.Va. Stern, Preston G., G. 1, 182 Kneeland Ave, Yonkers, N.Y. Sayre, Natalie, G. 1, Fort Defiance, Va. Steves, Gale C, Dl 1, 137 Southdown Road, Huntington, N.Y. Scafidi, Arnauld F., M. 3, 303 Oronoco Ave, Apt 8, Richmond, Va. Stimson, Janice A., N. 3, 516 N. Wash. Ave, Pulaski, Va. Schaufer, Paul E., P. 3, Rt. 1, Box 164, Linville, Va. Stockberger, Lynn P., M. 1, 9313 Lester Lane, Richmond 29, Va. Schairer, Jeanne E., PT 4, 3604 Thornapple St, Chevy Chase, Md. Stockton, Sherrill, Jr., D. 3, 3410 Stuart Avenue, Richmond 21, Va.

Schare, George D., M. 2, 416 Westover Hills Blvd, Richmond, Va. Stogner, Marcie L., N. 3, 2106 Rolling Road, Greensboro, N.C. Va. Schimpf, Robert W., M. 3, 1 1 N. Ligonier St, Latrobe, Pa. Stokes, Pamela A., N. I, 508 Holbrook Road, Virginia Beach, Schmidt, Janet L., N. 1, 2108 Sorrel St, McLean, Va. Stoltzfus, Elam R., M. 1, Rd. 1, New Columbia, Penna. 270 Schneider, Karen J., N. 2, 408 Bader Ave, Waynesboro, Va. Stone, David W. Jr., D. 2, 1737 Mulmar St, Charleston, S.C. Spring View Farm, Jarratt, Va. Stone, Hal K., P. 4, 4674 Hampshire Ct, Norfolk 13, Va. Weeks, Barbara D., XR 2, Rt. 1, Jarratt, Va. Stone, Philip D., P. 2, 824 Arizona Drive, Richmond, Va. Weeks, Russell S., M. 4, Harold H., 1, 1st Street, Fairfax, Va. Storch, Aron S., M. 4, 1607 Westbrook Avenue, Richmond 27, Va. Weiler, M. 714 W. Avenue, Richmond, Va. Storr, Beverly R., N. 2, 828 City Park Ave, Portsmouth, Va. Weiss, Bernard, P. 2, 3553 Grove D.C. Jr.n M. 1, 209 Westhampton Ave, Danville, Va. Stotler, Richard E., P. 4, 5403 Hawthorne PI. N.W. Washington, Wells, James M. Wells, 4th Ave Ext. Farmville, Va. Stover, John O. Jr., M. 1, 2602 York Road, Raleigh, N.C. Thomas J., M. 3, A., N. 1, Rt. 3, Box 248, Williamsburg, Va. Stover, Patricia E., N. 3, Tyndal Drive, Gloucester Point, Va. Wenger, Amanda Willard W., D. 2, 810 Ferry Road, Danville, Va. Street, Rusell K., D. 1, Grundy, Va. Wentz, J., P. 3, 3208 Gainesville St, S.E. Washington, D.C. Strickland, Roy E. Jr., D. 3, Rt. 1, Box 37, Wewahitchka, Fla. Wesley, Robert Rt. 2, Box Fincastle, Va, Strickler, Edmund R., D. 3, 801 Linbay Drive, Virginia Beach, Va. West, Betty A., N. 3, 171, Rt. Staunton, Va. Strickler, Karen Z., N. 2, Stephens City, Va. West, Sandra C, PT 3, 3, Elizabeth L., XR 2, 1640 N. Woodstock Street, Arlington, Va. Stringer, Llewellyn, M. 3, Hunton Hall, MCV, Richmond 19, Va. Whisman, Earl D. II, M. 4, 4918 Suburban Ave, Richmond, Va, Strother, Katherine, N. 1, Texas Farm, The Plains, Va. White, F., Box 217, Danville, WVa. Struntz, Estella A., XR I, 246 National Hgwy, Lavale, Md. White, George M. 2, White, Mary J., N. 2, Box 970, Leesburg, Va. Stubblefield, Va. E., XR 1, Rt. 1 Box 172, Gloucester, Va. K., M. 2, Rt. 1, Abingdon, Va. Sung, Cherry, P. 1, 40 Kadoorie Ave, 1st Fl. Kowloon, Hong Kong White, Newton Kong White, Raymond C. Jr., G. 3, 715 New York Avenue, Norfolk, Va. Sung, Edward L,, M. 2, 40 Kadoorie Ave, 1st Fl. Kowloon, Hong Margaret A., N. 3, 2416 Bryan Park Avenue, Richmond, Va. Sylvia, Bruce G., D. 4, 3201 French St, Richmond, Va. Whitley, Va. Whittington, Edward, D. 3, BIdg 2, Apt 7, MCV Apts, Richmond, Va. Talbot, William S., D. 3, 2306 Brockway Lane, Richmond 23, Peter L., M. 2, 2219 N. Military Road, Arlington, Va. Talley,' Sharon P., N. 1, 23 S. Grove Ave, Highland Springs, Va. Wick, Herbert L., M. 1, Box 14, Marion, Virginia Tankersley, Ronald L, D. 1, 175 Dennis Drive, Williamsburg, Va. Widener, Robert E,, D. 4, MCV Apts, 85, Apt 11, Richmond, Va. Tarkington, R. A. Jr., P. 1, 115 W. Queen Street, Edenton, N.C. Wilkerson, Va. Wilkerson, Ruth C, M. 3, iJ6 Hill Street, St. Albans, W.Va. Tarpley, Sharon L., N. 1, 559 Arlington Road, Danville, Va. Wilkins, James F,, G. 1, Dumont Apt, 7, Lynchburg, Va. Tate, George S. Jr., 5, 5201 King William Road, Richmond, Wilkins, Lucien S., M. 2, 346 Carthage St, Sanford, N.C. Tate, Rose M., N. 2, 2210 E. 3rd Ave, Big Stone Gap, Va. Wilkinson, Marsha L., XR 1, 4625 Norborne Road, Richmond 34, Va. Tatfersall, Mary A., M. 4, 50 Ridgeview Road, Staunton, Va. N.C. Willard, Richard N., M. 3, Rt. 14, Box 326, Richmond, Va. Taylor, Carole J., XR 2, Honey Pod Farm, Washington, Va. Williams, Anderson F., 5, Taylor, Jane T., P. 1, 4012 Walmsley Blvd. Richmond, Va. Williams, Anne B., XR 1, 631 E. Main Street, Marion, Va. Taylor, Joyce R., XR 1, 627 N. 33rd Street, Richmond, Williams, Daniel H., M. 2, 6316 Roosevelt Ave, Pennsauken, N.J. Taylor, Kathryn P., N. 1, Rt. 1, Appomattox, Va. Williams, George L., D. 4, Rt. 2, Mt. Airy, N.C. Taylor, Martha M., MT 1, 804 1st Ave, Farmville, Va. Va. Virginia Beach, Va. Williams, Martha S,, N. 2, 1015 80th Street, Newport News, Terwey, Margaret A., N. 2, 4321 Two Woods Road, Va. Williams, Robert B., P. 3, 613 E. Main Street, Marion, Va. Thomas, Fred B. Ill, D. 2, Rt. 3, Box 197, Chester, Va. Williamson, Sterling, M. 4, 7121 Cherokee Road, Richmond, Va. Thompson, Jack F. Jr., D. 1, 3901 Caulder Cf, Richmond, Va. Richmond, Va. Williamson, William, D. 1, 6103A Hampstead Ave, Richmond, Thomson, James D. Jr., P. 2, 2304 Buckingham Ave, W., D. 3, RFD 3, Box 186, Gainesville, Fla. 1 Ave, Ft. Launderdale, Fla. Willis, Thomas Thorn, John E. Jr., M. 1 , 41 7 N E 2th Charleston, S.C. Virginia Willms, Victoria J., N. 3, 469 Trapier Road, Thorpe, Mary J., XR 1, Box 344, Waverly, N.J. St, Richmond, Va Willner, Robert F., HA 1, 826 Bishop Street, Union, Thrasher, James W. Jr., M. 4, Diesel Apts, Apt 6, 4th Va. Wilson, Carol S., Dl 1, 4290 Lamar Street, Decatur, Ga. Thurman', Roger Z., M. 4, 3903 Pilots Lane, Apt 8, Richmond, St, Arlington Va. Wilson, Chester L. Jr., P. 4, 403 S. Abingdon 4, Timma, Jane W., N. 4, Rt. 1, Box 74, Amelia, Va. Va. S.C. Wilson, Harriet S., PT 4, 2835 Bicknell Road, Richmond, Timmerman, John H., D. 4, 1013 Prestwood Drive, Hartsville, Va. Wilson, Jennings L., 5, 820 W. 47th St, Richmond, Va. Tinnell, Lambert A., HA 1, 402 Sandston Ave, Sandston, Southern Pines N.C. Wilson, Judith A., Dl 1, Becky Branch Rd, Box 866, Tisdale, Robert C, P. 2, 192 Barbour St, Orange, Va. Va. Wilson, Louis O., N, 4, 3611 Ronnie Ave, Richmond, Va. Tolley, James W., P. 2, 100 Alleghany St, Christiansburg, Texas Wilson, W. Glenn, P. 2, 849 Paxton Ave, Danville, Va. Tompkins, Thomas K., D. 1, 417 Ridgemont, San Antonio, Va. Washington, D.C. Wimberly, Elizabeth A., N. 2, 2814 Arl Ridge Rd, Arlington, Tompros, Angelo C„ P. 3, 616 Nicholson St, N.W. S.C. Fla. Wimberly, Joseph W. Jr., D. 2, Rt. 2, Bowman, Topf, Jeff S., D. 1, 3925 Riviera Drive, Coral Gables, News, Va. Sumter, S.C. Winall, Peggy J., N. 1, 28 Sanford Drive, Newport Towery, Michael S., D. 3, 720 Cardinal St, Gail I., N. 2, Rt. 3, Box 16, Manassas, Va. 2, 118 Lynchburg Ave, Colonial Hgts, Va. Wine, Townsend, Lucy K., P. Richmond, Va. Flushing N.Y. Winesett, Preston S., M. 1, Diesel Apts, Unit 2, Apt 13, Trager, Peter S., D. 1, 64 IOC 186th Lane, 65, S.C. Wingert, Patricia A., N. 3, 5643 Devine St, McLean, Va. Traynham, Ryland T., D. 1, Rt. 2, Box 521, Greenwood, Charlottesville, Va. 25, Va. Winn, Sara E., N. 1, 745 Lexington Ave, Tredway, Susan S., N. 2, 6908 Tulane Ave, Richmond Va. News, Va. Winnick, Mark B., D. 1, 412 Acres Circle, Portsmouth, Tucker, Doris M., XR 1, 20 Rutledge Road, Newport Va. R.I. Withrow, Robert P., M. 1, 2000 Hicks Road, Richmond, Tucker, Eve B., N. 1, 500 Indian Corner Road, Slocum, Drive, Lynchburg, Va. Blvd, Richmond, Va. Wolfe, John R., M. 2, 1 106 Westview Turner, Marilyn J., XR 1, 450 Westover Hills Owensboro, Ky. Martinsville, Va. Wood, Jo Ann, PT 3, 2224 Griffith P. West, Turner, William H., M. 1, 208 Oakdale St, Allen, Va. Wood, Phin L., P. 2, Rt. 4, Box 435A, Glen Turpin, Joyce A., N. 2, Goode, Va. Road, Richmond 23, Va. Mechanicsville, Va. Wooddell, William J., M. 3, 3409 Howard Margaret J., N. 3, 1108 Atlee Road, Tyree, Churchland, Va. Virginia Beach, Va. Woodruff, Harvey C, D. 1, Rt. 1, Box 1 77A, Leslie J., MT 4, 4212 Bounty Road, Ussery, Richmond, Va. Petersburg, Fla. Woody, Raymond A., D. 1, 7401 Three Chopt Rd, Van Ostenberg, Paul, D. 2, 6120 5th Ave. No. St. Washington Ave, Parkersburg, W.Va. Va. Woofter, Joseph C, M. 1, 1 81 Vance, Vivian C, N. 1, P.O. Box 222, Scottsville, Street, Richmond, Va. Wooldridge, Carolyn J., PT 3, 1204 N. 28th N. 1, 200 Queen Street, Strasburg, Va. Vann, Susan C, Penn. Va. Woolley, Janet A., N. 4, 303 Colonial Dr. Wallingford, Varsel, Charles, G. 4, 7825 Granite Hall Ave, Richmond 25, Richmond, Va. Wootton, Jane P., M. 4, 701 F N. Hamilton St, Vaughan, Joan, N. 4, 6209 Dustin Drive, Richmond, Va. Ave, Richmond, Va. Drive, Richmond, Va. Workman, Richard R., P. 3, 2923 Kenwood Vaught, Elmer J., D. 1, 1630 Brittwood Marion, S.C. Va. Worrell, Henry P., D. 2, 400 Woodland Drive, Vawter, S. Jean, N. 2, 715 Park St, S.E. Vienna, Richmond, Va. Wray, Frank G., M. 2, 3905 Delmont St. Apt. 10, Verkauf, Byron E., D. 1, 72 Adalia, Tampa, Fla. Pilots Lane 5, Richmond, Va. PI. Hampton, Va. Wray, William B., D. 4, 3912 Vermillion, Robert L., M. 1, 3507 Spottswood Road, Richmond, Va. Pa. Wright, Allen K., G. 4, 5401 Raleigh Vey, Janet E., PT 4, 106 Oft Drive, Pittsburgh, Va. Wright, Frances L, XR 1, Rt. 1, Box 139A, Powhatan, Vicker, Linda M., 2216 S. Columbus St, Arlington, Va. Wright, John W., P. 3, Pound, Va. Villani, Angelo J. Jr., M. 2, 293 Va. Ave, Welch, W.Va. Blvd, Arlington, Va. Richmond, Va. Wulfsberg, Einar J., M. 1, 5518 Williamsburg Volgyi, Clara A., XR 1, 706 N. Belmont Ave, Va. Cornwallis Ave, Roanoke, . Fairfax, Va. Wyatt, Betty S., M. 3, 2401 Vore, Anne L., N. 1, 517 Prosperity Ave, Newport News, Va. Va. Wynn, James E., G. 1, 443 Morrison Aven Waddell, Carol S., M. 1, 1208 Nelwood Drive, Richmond, Va. Wynn, Joyce S., P. 3, Drakes Branch, Va. Waddill, James T. Ill, M. 4, Rt. 3, Box 149, Chester, Drive, Gaffney, S.C. News, Va. Wyss, Neil F., D. 1, 209 Lansdale Wade, Jo Anne, P. 2, 13 Paddock Drive, Newport Apt Richmond, Va. Richmond, Va. Yaffa, Jack B., M. 1, 2010 Redman Rd. 19, Wade, William P., P. 2, 3966 Fauquier Ave, Clarksville, Va. Va. Yancey, Franklin D., P. 3, Rt. 2, Box 151, Waff, Joseph J., D. 3, 515 4th St, Shenandoah, Richmond, Va. Va. Yarbrough, A. Nelson, D. 3, 5437 Snead Road, Wagner, Alice K., XR 2, 729 Park View Ave, Staunton, Road, Richmond, Va. Cumberland, Md. Yarbrough, Sandra J., 2, 5437 Snead Waite, Lana L., N. 4, 716 Louisiana Ave, Ave, Richmond, Va Richmond, Va. Yarbrough, Terry P., M. 4, 3305 Monument Wake, Gary W., M. 4, 3203 Chamberlayne Ave, St, Arlington, Va. Passaic, N.J. Yates, Harold T. Jr., M. 1, 2339 S. Nash Waldman, Wallace E., M. 2, 269 Terhune Ave, W.Va. Yates, Patricia S., N. 2, 104 Ewart St, Hinton, Walker, Louise A., N. 2, 108 Afton Ave, Norfolk,_Va. Richmond 23, Va. Yatteau, Ronald F., M. 3, »750 Byron St, Walker, Walter K., D. 2, 121 Irby Ave, Laurens, S.C. 101X, Fredericksburg, Va. Raleigh, N.C. Yeager, Sandra L., N. 3, Rt. 1, Box Walker, William R., M. 1, 5101 Newcastle Road, St, Winchester, Va. Chase City, Va. Yeatras', George S., D. 4, 162 N. Loudoun Walker, William T., P. 2, 607 Virginia Avenue, Box 218AA, Colonial Hgts, Va. Danville, Va. Yerger, David H., M. 4, Rt. 1, Walls, Danny L., P. 1, 314 Walker'Streef, Lane, Herndon, Va. Va. Yeung, Priscilla E., N. 3, 514 Pickett David M. 2, MCV Apts, BIdg 1, Apt 15, Richmond, Walton, C, Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio Kong York, Shirley J., Dl 1, 1926 Stevens H., ^^T 1, Embassy Court, Apt 22, Hong Wang, Yvonne S. Altavista, Va. Young, Brenda L., N. 3, 809 9th St, Warren, Joan S., XR 1, Quinby, Va. 202 Lee Street, Appalachia, Va. Monument Ave, Richmond, Va. Young, Neva S., N. 1, Watlington, Charles O., G. 3, 2338 Arlington Va. Raymond A., M. 4, 2037 N. Underwood St, 13, Street, Richmond, Va. Young, Watterson, Bruce C, D. 1, 6304 W. Franklin 506 S. West Street, Culpeper, Va. Portsmouth, Va. Yowell, Sharon P. 1, Wayland, Russell B., M. 4, 201 Bidgood Drive, Yung, Allan Ka Lun, M. 3, MCV P O, Richmond, Va. 11 Malvern Ave, Apt 6, Richmond, Va. Webb, Leslie S. Jr., D. 1, Greenville, S.C. Zaglin, Charles F., D. 1, 301 Rollingreen Rd, Webb, Marjorie E., N. 2, Sea Level, N.C. Benjamin F., M. 2, La Pax, Bolivia, S.A. Richmond 35, Va. Zambrana, 271 Webb William H., D. 1, 2309 Woodmont Drive, ADVERTISEMENTS

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285 A Djelta Sig Bunny Girl

Yes, I'm sure this is a senior course.

Various stages of obliviori

Oh, all right, it was only this long.



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