APPENDIX B: LETTERS to Corporanons
APPENDIX B: LETTERS TO CORPORAnONS 115 .-. IIU;\lt\N RIGIITS W A TCII 1630Connecticut Avenue. N. W. Suile 500 Washington.DC 20009 Tclcphone:202-612-4321 Facsimile:202-612-4333 E-mail: hrwd ,\:\IERICASDlVISIO:li 1,,-.;~li~u,,1 Yiv",1\.-O E,.,uri"Direct'" I"..,u",~Iari."'r Dq'"fyDirerr", ),.,,1s.,"""", lI"xell,rhDjr""", C"r.,JP~ 1I,',ell,rher S"t-a"iOJ'B",!! C I L . Rot-i"Kirk ar In d er ~::~..~~'~~;'l)Cillt'X Chief Executive Officer Eliz"to:!hHolk"b""k Ch " . B d I . A""r;Ilte, Iqulta ran s nternatlona, I Inc. ADVISORYCO:\.IMITTEE 250 East Fifth Street S"'pl.",L K",s,ChIli' M..,i""Pi,,!o Koufn"'" Cincinnati OH 45202 OavKJNo.:lullOl' ' 1';,'eChll;'s Via Fax: 513-579-2580 Rola"JAlg'OJ,t P"!,,,DB"I\ Mar",,".B,u"",,"o Pa,,1CI.,vi~"y Jul R,.t.,rt"cu"u", y 13 ' 2001 o..rulhyCulll""" T"," 1 F"",r p""""'"jOJI.!",.G:&rru HO\;,," Dear Mr, Linder: Ro"alJG H"III",," IIla"""J""j;"r ~larkK"rIOJ' Human Rights Watch is preparing a report on child labor and freedom of ~I"'g""'! A l:ll'g K""""!hM..,w,,U association in the banana sector in Ecuador. Human Ri g hts Watch is an Jo""IY'IM..-coU" Bru""Ro~ independent, nongovernmental organization that since 1978 has conducted ~f",I~1 Shift"r , G"O'j;"Soros investigations of human rights abuses throughout the world. Juli,,"S!u.lky Ro", Styron Javi", Ti,!.:"""" JII.oIh.r""k,Y",bitskyZ"I'Kju"t! Attached are questions reoardinob b Chi quita's contractual relationshi ps with HL,;\I,\:IiRIGHTS WATCII specific Ecuadorean banana producers and plantations and Chiquita's general K"I1I",thRoth I b I..
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