
Next-generation biocontainment systems for engineered organisms

Jeong Wook Lee 1,2,10, Clement T. Y. Chan3,4,5,6,7,10, Shimyn Slomovic 1 and James J. Collins1,3,4,5,8,9*

The increasing use of engineered organisms for industrial, clinical, and environmental applications poses a growing risk of spreading hazardous biological entities into the environment. To address this biosafety issue, significant effort has been invested in creating ways to confine these organisms and transgenic materials. in synthetic involving genetic circuit engineering, , and gene expression regulation have led to the development of novel bio- containment systems. In this perspective, we highlight recent advances in biocontainment and suggest a number of approaches for future development, which may be applied to overcome remaining challenges in safeguard implementation.

major goal of is to design and construct This Perspective article joins other recent reports16–18 in an effort genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with novel func- to capture the many challenges of GMO safeguarding and further tions and biological behaviors that can be used for biomedi- offers directions for overcoming them. Here, the main focus is to A 1–3 cal, industrial, and environmental applications . In addition to discuss how emerging technologies may be harnessed to create new their potential use in technological applications, GMOs serve as biocontainment methods that complement existing systems in order powerful research tools for studying biological processes and prin- to improve the safety of GMO practices. We first detail the general ciples and have become prevalent in many science and engineering requirements of an effective biocontainment system and present a fields. Depending on the purpose, GMO release into the environ- number of synthetic biology approaches that are leading the race ment may be deliberate, such as in waste treatment, or uninten- toward effective GMO safeguarding while discussing their advan- tional. While many GMOs are safe for release, as their engineered tages and limitations. We then outline the latest developments and functions reduce cellular fitness and render the spread of transgenic apply insight gathered from existing approaches to propose strate- material unfavorable, biocontainment measures become necessary gies for building next-generation biocontainment systems. to constrain proliferation when GMOs are able to outcompete nat- ural organisms and negatively affect the environment and human Criteria for effective biocontainment health. Key safeguard requirements must be met to prevent the release and Since the 1970s, scientists and the general public have voiced proliferation of GMOs in natural environments and their ensuing concern that the intentional or accidental release of GMOs may lead interaction with ecosystems. GMOs are living entities that can grow to an unexpected impact on the environment4–6. Although there are and self-replicate; therefore, any embedded biocontainment system no reports of biological hazards caused by GMOs thus far, many must be extremely robust to prevent the release of even a small frac- studies have shown that the use of engineered organisms can result tion of organisms that could grow to dominate an ecosystem. The in the invasion of transgenes into the natural environment7–12. One National Institute of Health has presented a guideline stating that a alarming example regards the spread of antibiotic-resistance genes GMO escapee rate below 1 in 108 cells is considered to be acceptably that are often incorporated into GMOs. A report revealed that resis- safe6, and a number of existing biocontainment systems have met tance genes were found in water polluted by farmland fecal waste this goal. However, with an ever-increasing scale in GMO deploy- and could be transferred to natural bacterial species by bacterio- ment, the containment and/or killing efficiencies of these systems phages13. Such transgene leakage can directly impact human health may not be sufficient to prevent a buildup of GMOs in the environ- by increasing drug resistance among pathogens. ment. Therefore, continuous improvements in system robustness With the rapid rise in the design and deployment of GMOs in and efficiency are needed to ensure biosafety. recent years, the chance of engineered organisms influencing eco- Long-term system stability is another key criterion for effective systems and human health is expected to increase14,15. Therefore, safeguarding, as GMOs are often designed and expected to repli- continuous effort has been invested in designing safeguard measures cate through many generations and different growth phases. To to prevent GMO escape14,16,17 (Fig. 1). The resulting biocontain- maintain robustness and stability, genetic safeguard systems must ment strategies focus on the engineered prevention of self-repli- take into account the potential undermining effects of genetic cation, synthetic auxotrophism, genetic circuit–actuated killing, silencing mechanisms, such as DNA recombination and muta- and horizontal gene-transfer blocking involving a wide range of genesis. Moreover, the biocontainment systems themselves often cellular mechanisms. place a metabolic burden on engineered hosts or cause background

1Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA. 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea. 3Institute for Medical Engineering & Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA. 4Department of , MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. 5Synthetic Biology Center, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. 6Department of Biology, The University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, TX, USA. 7Department of Chemistry and , The University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, TX, USA. 8Harvard–MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. 9Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA. 10These authors contributed equally: Jeong Wook Lee, Clement T. Y. Chan. *e-mail: [email protected]

530 | VOL 14 | JUNE 2018 | 530–537 | © 2018 Nature America Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. NaTurE ChEmIcal BIology Perspective

Biocontainment research 1,500

Programmable biocontainment circuits34 Number of publications

Synthetic 2,000 examples27,28

First active genetic NIH guideline for Multivector systems for viral First biocontainment example 73 6 22 77 containment biocontainment particle production for clinical use 500

1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016

Asilomar First biocontainment First patent for GURT Biocontainment system Multilayered conference4,5 example in bioremediation36 in agricultural use19 to confine plasmids72 biocontainment30,31

Fig. 1 | Biocontainment research timeline. A chart representing the number of published articles found on PubMed using the search terms “biocontainment,” “biosafety,” and “biosecurity”. toxicity, which may limit the desired cellular performance and GMOs that depend on noncoding amino acids (ncAA) to survive. further increase the selective pressure to disrupt the biocontain- In these strains, all naturally occurring amber stop codon sites ment apparatus. To address this problem, safeguard systems must (UAG) have been replaced with an ochre stop codon (UAA). The be tightly regulated when GMOs are under permissive conditions. strains express a non-native tRNA and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase Lastly, as engineered cells may be required to function in a variety pair that incorporates an ncAA into amber codons that have been of environments for different applications, rapid customization is a strategically placed within the coding sequences of essential genes. beneficial trait. To meet these criteria, various promising biocon- The maintenance of critical cellular activities therefore requires tainment strategies have been developed, as described below. the presence of the ncAA, which is only supplied in the designated environment26,27 (Fig. 2b). To restrict GMOs from circumventing Pioneering biocontainment strategies this mechanism by nonspecifically incorporating natural amino Biocontainment via engineered prevention of self-replication. acids into the amber stop codon, Mandell et al. structurally rede- Some of the earliest examples of biocontainment focused on the signed essential to depend on the ncAA’s residue for enzy- concept of blocking self-replication in GMOs. One such example, matic activity28. This strict synthetic-molecule dependency leaves Genetic Use Restriction Technology (GURT), was developed in the the resulting auxotrophs with extremely low escapee frequencies late 1990s to restrict the unintended and unauthorized spread of (10−12). Unfortunately, implementing this type of strategy requires engineered plants by disabling their reproductive ability19. Generally, extensive genome editing in the microbial strain, which limits its this approach involves placing seed development genes under the availability. Additionally, synthetic auxotrophy cannot prevent the control of chemically inducible promoters such that when the engi- release of transgenic elements through various biological activities neered crops are grown in open environments the lack of inducing such as . chemicals leads to infertile seed formation. Of note, GURTs are still broadly used in the agricultural industry. Biocontainment using synthetic gene circuits. Another major Genetic separation is a second replication-prevention strategy strategy for biocontainment involves the use of synthetic gene cir- that is commonly employed in virus engineering and was estab- cuits to control cell proliferation based on the presence of envi- lished to prevent the uncontrolled replication of engineered len- ronmental signals, which are detected by allosterically regulated tiviruses that serve as gene delivery tools20–22. In this approach, transcription factors that modulate gene expression29. In some essential genes involved in viral particle synthesis are distributed designs, an exogenous supply of specific molecules is required to among multiple vectors, and only the transgene-containing vector is induce the transcription of genes that are essential for cell sur- packaged into the resulting replication-null viral particles. Though vival30–32. In others, endogenous signaling molecules support sur- such engineered infertility and controlled replication have been vival. For example, an strain was engineered such effective safeguard approaches in plants and viruses, they are not that essential gene expression was dependent on the presence of applicable for that reproduce through independent the quorum-sensing molecule acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) at a self-replication. concentration that is only achievable in high-cell-density environ- ments33; thus, escapee proliferation is prevented because of low lev- Biocontainment through auxotrophy. One of the most com- els of AHL in the nonpermissive environment (Fig. 3a). mon biocontainment approaches is engineering GMOs to become Other biocontainment gene circuits use a two-layered gene dependent on an exogenous supply of a metabolite for growth and expression regulation architecture, in which the first inducible regu- survival (Box 1). To facilitate this, auxotrophic GMOs have been latory element represses the expression of a second regulator that is generated through the deletion of essential genes responsible for responsible for repressing a toxic output that triggers cell death34–36 producing key metabolites, such as nucleosides23,24 and amino acids25 (Fig. 3b). Cell survival requires the controlled, constant presence of (Fig. 2a). However, this auxotrophic strategy is not foolproof, as the the first regulatory element’s inducer to repress expression of the organisms may still survive in natural environments by obtaining toxic output. An important benefit of using genetic circuit–based essential metabolites generated by other organisms. Additionally, biocontainment systems is the ability to tune the mechanism and GMOs may regain deleted essential genes via horizontal gene trans- employ different small-molecule sensors to control confinement fer, which incapacitates the biocontainment system. conditions for each specific application. A recently reported circuit- The strength of auxotrophy-based biocontainment has been based system known as the Passcode switch implements such repro- improved upon by the recent development of synthetic auxotrophic grammability by using hybrid transcription factors that can rewire

Nature Chemical Biology | VOL 14 | JUNE 2018 | 530–537 | 531 © 2018 Nature America Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. Perspective NaTurE ChEmIcal BIology

a Metabolic auxotrophy Box 1 | Signaling molecules that actuate biocontainment Thymidine Cytidine systems ++– – Escape Diferent biocontainment strategies are designed to use specifc Escape ∆thyA ∆thyA ∆pyrG ∆pyrG sets of factors to defne biocontainment conditions because of the varying biological properties and environmental settings found b Synthetic auxotrophy in each GMO application. One main category of biocontainment Reassign TAG for TAG for stop circuits depends on the use of allosterically regulated transcrip- ncAA incorporation tion factors to detect signaling molecules in designated environ- Convert ments. In these systems, the signaling molecules modulate tran- all genomic scription factor behavior, and an absence of signal leads to cell TAG to TAA death via the activation of toxin expression or the inhibition of Natural Engineered essential gene expression. Such ‘signaling molecule–transcrip- genome genome tion factor’ pairs include tryptophan-TrpR73, IPTG–LacI34,74–76, benzoate derivatives–XylS25,36, ATc–TetR30,34, galactose–GalR30,34, estradiol–estrogen receptor hybrid protein31, cellobiose–CelR34, and homoserine lactone–luxR33. Another common biocontain- Permissive Nonpermissive ment strategy involves the engineering of cellular dependence (+ncAA) (–ncAA) on an exogenous supply of an essential metabolite. Tradition- ncAA ally, this is achieved by knocking out genes that are involved None in the biosynthesis of an essential metabolite. Such nutrient- essential gene pairs include thymine/thymidine–thyA23,77 and biotin–bioA30. A recent study demonstrated a diferent form of synthetic auxotrophy by using synthetic amino acids that are not common in natural systems, including l-4,4ʹ​-biphenylala- 28 27 27 STOP nine , p-acetyl-l-phenylalanine , p-iodo-l-pheylalanine , and STOP p-azido-l-phenylalanine27. Other eforts have expanded the col- Normal translation Premature truncation lection of potential biocontainment molecules by creating hybrid 78,79 transcription factors , engineering transcription regulators for Fig. 2 | Biocontainment through auxotrophy. a, Two examples of metabolic 80 50 a new ligand , and developing new ncAAs . auxotrophy: deletion of the thyA gene (left) or pyrG gene (right) in L. lactis limits engineered cells to environments containing an exogenous supply of thiamine or cytidine, respectively23,24. b, A synthetic, auxotrophic strain was developed by replacing all amber stop codons (TAG) with ochre stop 34 input–output connections . This circuit confines engineered cells to codons (TAA) and using the amber codon sequence to incorporate an environments that must contain two small-molecule signals but lack ncAA into essential enzymes in the permissive environment27,28. Lack of a third. The respective roles of the three signals can be shuffled by the supplemented ncAA leads to lethal truncation of the changing the positions of the hybrid transcription factors (Fig. 3b). in escapee GMOs. Thus far, however, GMOs equipped with circuit-based contain- ment systems have displayed escapee frequencies (10−6 to 10−8) that are higher than the ideal as a result of circuit deactivation by functional redundancy—that may complement these methods and genetic recombination and mutagenesis. offer improvements on robustness and efficiency.

Prevention of horizontal gene transfer. Many prokaryotes have Transgene-specific targeting to reduce fitness cost to hosts. developed pathways for horizontal gene transfer. In the context of Many biocontainment strategies aim to kill escapees or inhibit their GMOs, this leads to the risk of distributing engineered genes to growth, which often leads to background cytotoxicity even under natural organisms. Therefore, in addition to the development of confined conditions, reducing their growth rate and cell fitness. biological measures to control GMO proliferation, several strategies Potentially, this fitness burden can be reduced by targeting engi- have been implemented to prevent the transfer of transgenic mate- neered genes for removal instead of eliminating the entire organ- rials. One strategy is to use toxin–antitoxin pairing systems37–39, in ism. CRISPR technologies allow for in vivo, sequence-specific DNA which a toxin gene is incorporated into a plasmid whose recipi- editing, which could be harnessed for target-specific degradation ents must express the appropriate antitoxin. Another strategy is of transgenes incorporated in GMOs42 to revert engineered cells to to use a conditional origin of replication that only allows plasmid their wild-type states. This approach prevents the spread of trans- replication by bacteria with a specific set of replication initiation genic materials but does not hamper cell fitness, as transgene deg- proteins40,41. These technologies can be used to minimize the release radation does not impede natural biological activities. Furthermore, of genes encoded in a plasmid or other mobile DNA elements, but this strategy might enhance genetic stability because it minimizes not within chromosomal DNA. the burden on the GMOs and any resulting evolutionary pressure to deactivate the biocontainment system. Although this CRISPR- Future directions for biocontainment based safeguard has important benefits, it may only be suitable for As described above, many pioneering approaches have been devised GMOs harboring a transgene function that exhibits a low fitness to address the issue of biocontainment. However, these approaches cost. CRISPR-mediated transgene removal in GMOs containing all have limitations that prevent them from serving as highly effi- a transgene function that exacts a high fitness cost may accelerate cient safeguards, which leads us to explore additional mechanisms the loss of transgene function in the entire GMO population due to that could be developed to further enhance biosafety. Below, we takeover via natural selection. describe a number of strategies—transgene inactivation, gene- integrity surveillance, mutagenesis reduction, transgene compart- Monitoring genetic integrity for kill-switch maintenance. Our mentalization, genetic-code encryption, cell-free production, and previous work has shown that mutagenesis is one of the major

532 Nature Chemical Biology | VOL 14 | JUNE 2018 | 530–537 | © 2018 Nature America Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. NaTurE ChEmIcal BIology Perspective

a Microbial swarmbot High density AHL = permissive Low density no AHL = nonpermissive

AHL β-Lactamase Carbenicillin

LuxR LuxR blaM blaM PluxI PluxI

b Two-layered gene circuits Deadman switch Passcode switch Input Input Input

TF B TF A Protease TF A TF B TF C Protease

Toxin Essential Input Toxin Essential Input abc

Permissive Nonpermissive (0,0,0) (1,0,0) (0,1,0) (0,0,1)


(1,1,0) (1,0,1) (0,1,1) (1,1,1)

Permissive signal molecule

Fig. 3 | Biocontainment using synthetic gene circuits. a, Schematic of a microbial swarmbot33. High cell density leads to accumulation of quorum-sensing molecules (AHL) in the confined environment, inducing expression of β​-lactamase, which confers resistance to carbenicillin. At low cell density, β​-lactamase is not expressed, leading to cell death by carbenicillin. b, Schematic of two-layered kill switches34. In the Deadman switch (left), the absence of a permissive signal allows the repression of transcription factor (TF) B by TF A, thereby allowing toxin expression, as well the expression of a protease that targets an essential enzyme (and any remaining TF B), causing cell death. In the Passcode switch (right), hybrid TFs are applied to rewire input–output connections in the genetic circuit such that a specific input combination (eight different passcodes shown below) determines whether there will be cell survival or death. In the presented case, cell survival occurs only if two signals, a and b, are present and a third, signal c, is absent. causes of safeguard-system breakdown34, and thus the robustness machinery in E. coli reduced the escapee rate by 3–5 orders of mag- of biocontainment could be improved by restoring mutated circuits nitude34. This result suggests that the stability of biocontainment back to their original genetic sequences. Recently, Chavez et al. systems could be further improved by eliminating all mutation- developed a mutation recovery system in which Cas9 is used to related factors from the host genome, though there may be yet monitor specific changes in a DNA sequence and convert the unknown contributors. A more extreme, future approach might be sequence back to a preset composition, preventing undesired muta- to construct a synthetic cell containing a minimal and well-defined tions43. The researchers demonstrated that this system has the pro- set of genes of which none are involved in mutagenesis. Supporting grammable flexibility to protect selected sequences in a specific this concept, a synthetic cell with 473 well-characterized genes was gene and is capable of simultaneously monitoring multiple muta- recently created44, and the minimal genome was used as a research tions. Potentially, this platform could be applied to target mutation platform to accurately predict how changes in genetic composi- hotspots in a biocontainment circuit, facilitating long-term mainte- tion affect biological activities. Adopting a synthetic cell strategy to nance of the system. eliminate mutagenesis may improve the stability and effectiveness of genetic safeguard systems. Reduced host mutagenesis in synthetic organisms. As mentioned above, innate mutagenesis mechanisms commonly lead to the break- Multispecies consortia as a biocontainment strategy. The emerging down of genetic safeguard systems in GMOs. Appropriate modifi- understanding of microbial signaling pathways has begun to allow the cations of intrinsic cellular DNA-repair and mutagenesis pathways design and engineering of customizable intercellular interactions and can thus complement all biocontainment approaches by decreasing the development of multispecies communities for novel technological the escapee rate27,31. For example, in a genetic circuit–based biocon- applications45,46. One may also envision the possibility of harnessing tainment study, deletion of genome-encoded insertion-sequence synthetic microbial consortia to confine synthetic biological func- elements, mutagenic DNA , and other genome repair tions. Many synthetic biological applications, such as the biosynthesis

Nature Chemical Biology | VOL 14 | JUNE 2018 | 530–537 | 533 © 2018 Nature America Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. Perspective NaTurE ChEmIcal BIology

GMO Natural organism a GMO Natural organism Unnatural Xenonucleotides Engineered 23S rRNA Native 23S rRNA base pairs and tRNA-AA (or ncAA) pair and tRNA-AA pair Undesired gene transfer

(!!) Functional ncAA Dysfunctional enzyme enzyme Engineered (compatible) polymerases Natural (incompatible) polymerases

(!!) or or Undesired Replication Transcription No replication No transcription DNA transfer

Correct translation Mistranslation b GMO Natural organism Fig. 5 | Unnatural prevent access to transgenic information. Quadruple decoding-ribosome Native ribosome and tRNA-AA pairs and tRNA-AA pair A schematic showing how unnatural nucleotides are replicated or

STOP transcribed in the engineered hosts (left sides), prohibiting undesired gene transfer and gain-of-synthetic function in natural organisms (right sides). Examples include the use of xenonucleotide sequences of noncanonical sugar backbones or unnatural base pairs paired with their engineered, Undesired compatible polymerases, such that the synthetic fragments DNA transfer cannot be replicated or transcribed by natural organisms.

Correct translation Premature truncation or frame-shift Biocontainment using additional xenobiological approaches. Xenobiology aims to completely control the flow of genetic informa- Fig. 4 | Orthogonal translation to confine transgenic functions. tion by creating organisms whose survival is dependent on unnatu- a,b, A schematic showing how orthogonal translation systems can ral synthetic molecules, such as nucleic acid analogs and synthetic only function in the intended, engineered hosts (left sides), preventing amino acids. This approach eliminates the possibility of escape, pro- undesired DNA transfer and gain-of-synthetic function in natural liferation, and cross-feeding, and renders gene transfer impossible, organisms (right sides). Examples include (a) the use of engineered as the xenobiological genes cannot be used in natural organisms. 23S rRNA and tRNA pairs to reassign amino acids to existing codons49 Several studies have shown that engineered tRNA–aminoacyl- and (b) the use of engineered tRNAs that utilize four nucleobases in tRNA-synthetase pairs and ribosomes can be used to massively a single codon47,48. modulate codon interpretation, including codon reassignments and the generation of quadruplet codons47–50 (Fig. 4a,b). Xenobiology- based synthetic auxotrophs have been established at the protein level of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, involve multiple synthetic genes and may also be extended to the DNA and RNA levels. Marliere et that only produce an end product when combined. It may be possible al. adaptively evolved a thymine biosynthesis-deficient E. coli strain to prevent biosynthetic products from influencing the environment that can substitute chlorouracil for thymine51. The engineered cells by compartmentalizing the individual necessary biological activities can survive in the presence of chlorouracil by integrating A, G, into different strains, with product generation only occurring if the C, and chlorouracil into their DNA. In another study, researchers complete multispecies consortium is present. Careful pathway design showed that ‘xeno-nucleic acid (XNA)’ polymers containing various and species subgrouping would prevent exposure to potentially toxic sugar-molecule backbones can functionally replace DNA and RNA intermediaries. This approach could be further bolstered by introduc- containing deoxyribose and ribose, respectively, in order to store ing an element of auxotrophy, wherein different engineered strains retrievable genetic information that is unreadable in natural cellular are forced to coexist through mutual dependency by designing each entities52 (Fig. 5). Another group developed ‘unnatural base pairs’ strain to supply an essential nutrient to the community46. Because that can be replicated and amplified by engineered DNA polymer- these engineered auxotrophic organisms require multiple nutrients, ases both in vivo and in vitro, and demonstrated that the base pairs each supplied by a different member of the consortium, obtaining the cannot be removed by natural DNA-repair mechanisms53 (Fig. 5). entire collection of essential nutrients after leaving their designated These successes show much promise for the use of orthogonal environment would be extremely unlikely. biological systems as an effective strategy for biocontainment. With The concept of multispecies consortia could also potentially be future developments on XNA-based replication and propagation harnessed to improve the genetic stability of biocontainment cir- for in vivo use, one may envision nucleic-acid-level xenobiological cuits without sacrificing the fitness of hosts. Though eliminating safeguard systems in which engineered hosts can utilize unnatural mutagenic activities in hosts could prevent circuit breakdown, it nucleic acids to encode genetic information that directs functional may also block many cellular stress-response pathways, which in activities. Any released XNA fragments cannot be replicated or turn could reduce cellular growth together with the engineered transcribed by natural organisms, and XNA-based cells similarly activities required for a designated application. A consortium cannot read genetic codes in canonical nucleic acid sequences. Of approach may be used to avoid this problem by separating engi- note, Although such orthogonality in processing nucleic acid infor- neered biological processes and biocontainment activities into mation would provide a unique advantage in genome-wide preven- different hosts. One strain with a low mutation rate may host the tion of horizontal gene transfer, this concept is currently limited by biocontainment circuit and actively donate the circuit to com- a technological barrier. Similar to the unnatural amino-acid-based panion strains via horizontal gene transfer. With such a design, synthetic auxotroph approach, building xenobiological systems the low-mutation strain would serve as a stable resource that pro- requires extensive genetic modification, and the challenge of engi- vides frequent replenishment of the safeguard measures to other neering specific survival conditions restricts both the scalability members of the consortia. and flexibility.

534 Nature Chemical Biology | VOL 14 | JUNE 2018 | 530–537 | © 2018 Nature America Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. NaTurE ChEmIcal BIology Perspective

Cell-free systems to avoid transgene release. One way to prevent transcriptional regulation and DNA recombination31. This two- the unintentional spread of transgenic components is to entirely layer expression-control design reduces the escapee rate to <​10−10, decouple biological operation from the living cell by using cell-free which is significantly lower than the rate observed in systems that systems, which can generate biological molecules and compounds utilize just one of the two layers of control (10−6). while remaining innately abiotic and sterile. Recent studies have Redundancy-based biocontainment improvement is gov- demonstrated the use of this format for molecular diagnostics and erned by the rationale that engineered cells must obtain genomic therapeutic biomanufacturing, suggesting that in many instances, or epigenomic mutations at multiple specific loci to deactivate all cell-free systems can replace living organisms conventionally used parallel safeguard pathways and escape. With several independent in biological applications50,54–59. Unlike GMOs, which are intrin- biocontainment pathways in place, both the amount of time and sically linked to genetic duplication, mutagenesis, and cell divi- the number of generations required for cells to incapacitate the sys- sion, cell-free systems lack such activities. Recently, Adamala et al. tem increase, and the escapee rate is substantially reduced. Though encapsulated cell-free transcription and translation into small lipid early biocontainment systems have employed one or two safeguard vesicles to enable compartmentalization of genetic circuits and cas- approaches, future systems may include multiparallel pathways to cades, which improves modularity and controllability of genetic synergistically reduce the escapee rate of GMOs. circuits54. The use of cell-free systems encapsulated in a well-iso- lated environment indicates their potential to replace living cells in Concluding remarks broader practical applications. Cell-free systems may even be cou- Advances in molecular and synthetic biology have contributed pled with xenobiological approaches to avoid any possible uptake immensely to rapid biotechnological development and have fueled of transgenic functions by natural organisms (Fig. 5). Additionally, the development of GMOs for many purposes, but this comes with researchers have been using cell-free systems as test beds to incor- the risk of unintentional spread and the responsibility to prevent it. porate ncAAs into target proteins via codon reassignment47–50,53,60. A Fortunately, these same advances have provided us with the means to cell-free system possessing reassigned codon usage would further create modular and multilayered biocontainment systems, and their prevent natural organisms from implementing genetic information implementation is now at a critical stage, as technologies are being encoded in its transgenes. Overall, for appropriate bioprocesses transferred from laboratories to real-world use. Moving forward, that can be implemented by cell-free systems, this strategy has the researchers will need to learn how to introduce biocontainment potential to avoid the risk of GMO escape as well as the undesired systems that were originally demonstrated in standard laboratory transfer of transgenic components. strains into GMOs of interest. Biocontainment efficiency will also need to be evaluated in GMO strains under a broad range of environ- Appropriating GMO biocontainment tactics to bioremediate mental conditions, as the behavior of any biological entity will likely natural organisms. Researchers have begun to develop systems that change in different circumstances. The potential impact of synthetic appropriate genetic circuit–based concepts intended for biocontain- biocontainment systems on the environment and on human health ment to modulate the proliferation of unmodified organisms in must also be evaluated, as some biocontainment strategies, such their natural environments. 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