Dillard's in Bellevue Center to Close; Meeting August 28 on Mall Future

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Dillard's in Bellevue Center to Close; Meeting August 28 on Mall Future Wednesday, August 22, 2007 WIN FREE Vol. 31 No. 37 MOVIE TICKETS To Bellevue Regal 12 Cinema Play “Where’s Wally” to win two free movie passes. See the “Where’s Wally” ad on Entertainment Page for details. Your Community NEWS Paper since 1978 Dillard’s in Bellevue Center to close; meeting August 28 on mall future Dillards in Bellevue Center Bellevue will have an opportu- for its redevelopment. p.m. at the Bellevue Middle Mall has announced that it will nity to get a firsthand update on Foursquare Properties, Inc., School auditorium. The pur- be closing its doors on October the plans and progress on the based in Carlsbad California pose of the meeting is to update the 16th. sale of the Bellevue Center will host a community meeting the neighborhood on progress Next Week, Tuesday, Mall to a California based for the citizens of Bellevue on of the purchase of the Bellevue Free concerts August 28, the residents of developer, and share their ideas Tuesday, August 28, at 6:30 Center mall property, and to solicit ideas from the communi- at RCP ty for the mall’s renovation. Come enjoy the Friday The Wall That Heals escorted from This meeting will provide evening free concerts at the Bellevue residents with the Red Caboose Amphitheater in Bellevue to Dickson for viewing most accurate and current Bellevue, corner of Highway updates about the future of 70 South and Colice Jeanne Bellevue Center. Please make Road. Concert times are 7:00 every effort to attend. to 9:00 PM. “We appreciate the oppor- Aug.24 Nashville Community tunity by the prospective devel- Concert Band oper to involve the community 60 piece Orchestra in its plans to revitalize this sig- Aug.31 Chief Smiley Ricks nificant commercial area of our Mardi Gras, Cajun/ community,” said Gayla Pugh, Indian Celebration Executive Director of the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce. “It’s important for Writers Night every Bellevue resident who cares about the future of our in Pegram community to attend this meet- ing – to get a progress report The August 25th FOPP and share ideas.” Writers Night has a very spe- The Bellevue Chamber of cial lineup including Dave Commerce represents the inter- The Wall That Heals is transported from um and a variety of other materials, such as a Parks, Karen Moore & Trio, ests of Bellevue by supporting community to community by a 73-foot semi book about MIA’s. Larry Sandlin, Jean Ann Hand, the Bellevue community and truck and trailer. A 10-foot x 20-foot white can- It has visited more than 250 cities and and The Coles Liles Project. promoting Bellevue area busi- vas tent is attached to the trailer and serves as towns throughout the nation and even traveled Music starts at 7pm at the nesses. Membership is com- an information center where visitors can find Canada and then to Ireland to honor the Irish- beautiful downtown Joyce’s prised of small businesses, fam- names. The tractor trailer was escorted from born casualties of the Vietnam War and the Coffee & Deli Shop in Harpeth ily owned businesses, organiza- Bellevue Center Mall to Dickson on Tuesday, Irish-Americans who served. Plaza on Hwy 70 in Pegram. tions, big businesses, and indi- August 21, where it will be on display until This will be the only stop in the state of Please join us for an evening of vidual members. The Chamber Monday, August 27. There will be an opening Tennessee for 2007. music for everyone! You can endeavors to promote the inter- ceremony on Friday, August 24, at 10 a.m. and Go by VFW Post 4641 in Dickson to show find detail and directions at ests, concerns and needs of its a candlelight ceremony on Saturday, August your respect for the all Veterans, lost soldiers members. http://www.friendsofpegram- 25, at dusk with Rolling Thunder Chapter One and those currently serving. For more information and park.org/10.html. Also, see Tennessee. Call (615) 479-6632 for more information updates on the mall, go to article on the Entertainment The Wall That Heals also features a muse- or directions. www.bellevuenow.com Page. Rockabilly Band Really Rocks At Red Caboose Park By Sharon Satterfield There were people walking style”… Park next Friday night when the Band, a sixty piece orchestra, “If you’re not here…you their dogs, some riding bikes, “I like this fast paced, ener- Nashville Community Concert will perform for the crowd. should be here in these great and others lounging on the lawn getic music,” commented snow surroundings,” Marion Irwin while the music played on…” I cone salesman, Vince said as Hillbilly Casino played got cat class, and I got cat McHollin. for the folks at RCP last Friday While Hillbilly Casino night. played famous songs like There was a nice breeze Jailhouse Rock, and some of blowing and the American flag their original tunes, they was flying above the play- advised everybody to go to the ground while this talented band mountaintop and yell as loud as performed great tunes by such they can in the key of A. This legends as Elvis Presley, entertaining group also per- Johnny Cash and Ray Charles. forms on Friday nights at The “It’s very groovy,” Pat Bluegrass Inn and will be at the Ruskin said. “This music makes Mercy Lounge on August 31st. me feel young, and the band is Don’t miss the fun and very refreshing on a hot night.” great music in Red Caboose All ages love the free concerts at Red Caboose Park. Westview Calendar Premier 60's Tribute Band, nashville.org or VFW Post 1970 BOOMERANG, will play all [email protected] Hamburger Steak oldies music all evening. A cocktail reception begins CHADD Dinner at 6:00 p.m., followed by a VFW Post 1970 and its group photo shoot at 7:00 p.m. meetings in A sit down dinner will be Ladies Auxiliary, 7220 served at 7:30 p.m. The food Franklin Charlotte Pike, will be having a will be prepared and served by Hamburger Steak Dinner on Old Natchez Country Club. A Do You Have a Child with Saturday, August 25. Serving cash bar will be available. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity will be from 5-7 p.m. The For further information Disorder? menue will include: fries, green regarding this reunion, please Do You Want to Learn More beans and salad. Cost will be $7 contact Faye Combs at 615- about AD/HD? per plate. There will also be a 662-1744, or email her at CHADD of Franklin invites Kids Hotdog Plate for $3. On [email protected]. You you to join us: Friday, August 24, world class can also get all the information Thursday, August 23, 2007 bluegrass band will be perform- you need as well as a reserva- 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the ing from 8 p.m. till midnight. tion form on the reunion web- Williamson County Public Please visit our website at site at http://www.backtothesix- Library VFWPOST1970.com for other ties.net. 1314 Columbia Pike upcoming events. For other Franklin , TN information or directions, call http://lib.williamson-tn.org 352-9933. Thank you for your YMCA /Turner "Getting the School Year Off To A Good Start." continued support of local vet- We will be discussing erans. Center seeks homework strategies, effective volunteers for communication with your Cohn class of classes child's teacher, suggested 1967 celebrates accommodations in the class- The Bellevue Family room and much more! Snacks are provided, but with 1966 & 1968 YMCA and J. L. Turner child care is not. Lifelong Learning Center will Meeting dates and times Old Natchez Country Club offer a fall learning series at the at 115 Gardengate Drive, are subject to change. * Visit beginning of September. Turner our website for more informa- Franklin, TN, will be the scene Center members (age 50 and of a 3 class reunion for the tion. up) have continued to ask for Meetings are free and open classes of 1966, 1967 and 1968 courses in computers and tech- of Cohn High School. The class to the community. nology. Several instructors of 1967 is celebrating its 40 For more information, con- have begun teaching night year reunion and is hosting tact: Co-Facilitator Cathy reunions for the classes of 1966 classes in eBay and Digital Gomez at 615-516-8024 or and 1968 in addition to its own. Photography. However, volun- Email: [email protected] The evening is themed "Back to teers with morning or afternoon www.chaddoffranklin.com the Sixties," and Nashville's availability to teach basic com- puting courses (Windows XP 101, Preserving and Sharing BellyDance on Memories Digitally, and a Budget Internet Research) are needed This fall, Hillwood/ to meet the demand. Anyone Bellevue Community Educa- experienced with computers tion is offering some exciting and who wants to share his/her classes. Belly Dancing Basics knowledge with eager learners on both Monday or Wednesday should call Benjamin Surmi, nights, Adventures in mixed Turner Center program director, media art, "Change a Lightbulb, 615-646-9622. Change the World" (a way to trace your carbon (energy) foot- print---how to conserve ener- Fun in the Son gy), Office Yoga, Partner Yoga, picnic Yoga for Runners, Yoga Fundamentals, Flow Yoga, Fourth Annual Fun in the Kid's Yoga, Meditation, Son Picnic on August 25, 2007 ABC's of Investing, Easy from 3 pm to 7 pm. Gardening Workshop, guitar Mark your calendars for workshops and more. The cost Redeemer Lutheran Church's of these classes fits most budg- Annual Picnic that features ets.
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