Some References Re: Telling Women's Stories List Compiled From
Some references re: Telling Women's Stories List compiled from contributions from Kath McKay and Barbara Beaumont, GSV Writers Group, and Dr Kristy Love, GSV Volunteer, Genealogical Society of Victoria Inc, March 2021 A Vindication of The Rights of Woman, Mary Wollstonecraft, Everyman’s Library London, 1929 Broken Circles: Fragmenting Indigenous Families 1800 - 2000, Anna Haebich, Freemantle Arts Press, 2000 City women Country Women, Crossing the Boundaries, [ed.] Jocelynne A. Scutt, Artemis Publishing, Melbourne, 1995 Country Women at the Crossroads, perspectives on the lives of rural Australian women in the 1990s, Margaret-Ann Franklin, Leonie M. Short and Elizabeth K. Teather, University of New England Press, 1994 Creating a Nation, 1788-1990, Patricia Grimshaw, Marilyn Lake, Ann McGrath, Marian Quartly; McPhee Gribble Publishers, Penguin Australia, 1994 Damned Whores and God’s Police, the Colonisation of Women in Australia, Anne Summers, Penguin, 1975 Dinner with the Devil, Women and Melbourne’s Queen Vic: their pride and same, joy and sorrow, published by Helen Macrae, Melbourne, 2015 Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics, bell hooks, Pluto Press, 2000 Fractured Families, Life on the Margins in Colonial New South Wales, Tanya Evans, University of NSW, 2015 Getting Equal, The history of Australian Feminism, Marilyn Lake, Allen & Unwin, Australia, 1999 Good and Mad Women, The Historical Construction of Femininity in Twentieth- Century Australia, Jill Julius Matthews, George Allen & Unwin, Melbourne, 1984 Heroic Australian Women
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