Aws/Tr-79/006 the Skew T, Log P Diagram
.P AWS/TR-79/006 Revised THE USE OF N THE SKEW T, LOG P DIAGRAM 00 IN ANALYSIS AND FORECASTING ,~ TI,. DECEMBER 1979- Revised March 1990 (This printing Includes all errata and revisions to date) APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED. AIR WEATHER SERVICE (MAC) Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, 62225-5008 90 05 24 076 Revised March 1990 REVIEW AND APPROVAL STATEMENT AWS/TR-79/(X)6, December 1979 (revised March 1990), The Use of the Skew T, Log P Diagram in Analysis and Forecasting, has been reviewed and is approved for public release. There is no objection to unlimited distribution of this document to the public at large, or by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). RO C. WHITON, Lt Col, USAF Dir 'torate of Aerospace Development FOR THE COMMANDER ES W. OVERALL, Col, USAF kS/Technology O ii Revised March 1990 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 2. Report Date: December 1979 (Revised March 1990) 3. Report Type: Technical Report 4. Title: The Use of the Skew T, Log P Diagram in Analysis and Forecasting 7. Performing Organization Name and Address: HQ AWS/XT, Scott AFB, IL 62225-5008 8. Performing Organization Report Number: AWS/TR-79/006 (Revised) It. Supplementary Notes: Reprinted in March 1990 to incorporate the following: November 1987 revision that updates obsolete references and adds new stability indices and formulas; August 1988 and March 1989 errata; and a March 1990 revision that adds new stability indices and fog forecasting techniques. Supersedes AD-A 195862. 1-2. Distribution/Availability Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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