Economic and Demographic Profile of Northern Alberta Economic and Demographic Profile of Northern Alberta Prepared by: Northern Development Branch October 1998 Northern Development Branch 206 Provincial Building 9621-96 Avenue, Postal Bag 900-14 Peace River, Alberta T8S 1T4 Tel. (403) 624-6274 (Toll free 310-0000) Fax. (403) 624-6184 E-mail
[email protected] Web Site Note: The area code for Northern Alberta will change from 403 to 780 in January 1999. October 1998 The Northern Alberta Development Council is pleased to present this updated Economic and Demographic profile of Northern Alberta. This profile contains statistical information that provides an overview of the North’s economy and social make up. As time progresses new information will become available. If more detailed or more recent information is desired, readers may contact the Northern Development Branch or the appropriate government department. Mike Cardinal, M.L.A. Chair Table of Contents NADC Area at a Glance....................................................6 Map of the NADC Region..................................................7 Economy Agriculture Agriculture Indicators................................................8 Farm Receipts for the NADC Area......................................9 Farm Data for the NADC Area........................................10 Farm Land Use, Alberta & NADC Area.................................11 Farm Land Use, NADC Area.........................................12 Livestock Production, Alberta & NADC Area.............................13