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The task of rendering into English which we translate would be regarded the Classics of the Chinese has been there as fit only for the amusement of accomplished by Western Sinologues, children, or for whiling away a leisure so that the world is now tolerably well hour. An English boy would no more acquainted with the thoughts of the credit the adventures of King Ancient Kings. It is a mistake, how than he would those of Jack the Giant ever, to suppose that these books which Killer. compel the admiration of every truth- In China it is different. The people seeker, form the mainspring of Chinese believe a story like this as thoroughly as popular thought and action ; for, except we do the history of George Wash ing the outward observance of a few ington, for superstition which is credu forms, the teaching of China's Sages is lous as well as cruel and cowardly lias now a dead letter. Practically, the crowded out most of the truth from the genius of the Classics is gone and all that Chinese mind. The Classics are never remains is a serio-comic imitation of read for pleasure by the old ; they offer ancient ceremony. no attraction to the young, and few The further a people advance in women read. It is a sad commentary the intellectual apprehension of truth, on human wisdom to find that these without a knowledge of the Bible, the boasted Classics are merely studied to be more silly and puerile their objects used for examinations, the successful of worship become. This is illustrated pussing of which will secure for the win by the Ancient Egyptians who rever ner a wide field for the practice of lying, enced the scarabauis beetle, and by the treachery, and deceit. While compara Hindus who worshipped the cow. In tively few people study Confucius, all this country the pitiful sight is often classes, men and women, old and young, witnessed of high Chinese officials, whose rich and poor, eagerly devour and literary degrees would cover a page, digest stories like the " Golden-Horned marching out in their dignified robes of Dragon King." For centuries this state to devoutly greet a little wriggling assimilation has been going on until snake whom they believe to be the the popular thought has crystallised Dragon King. in the most grotesque and inconceivable So strong has been the influence of shape. Christianity in the West, that the story t (ji01htt-0ne!tr A STORY OF THE T'ANG DYNASTY. - * - CHAPTER I. for mine would bo jumping from the THE FISHEKMAN AND THE WOODCUTTKR. frying-pan into the fire. You speak of Fill up the Golden Censer with fragrant the drought. Why do you not consult incense and draw near while I relate au the celebrated fortune-teller of our great ancient tale. country, Merak Longrobe ? He will tell A drought was upon the land of you exactly when to expect rain." Saying Chanua and the people were suffering this, the woodcutter departed. intensely for food. On the banks of The fisherman was overjoyed, and Golden River dwelt a poor fisherman prepared immediately for a journey to who for mouths had been endeavouring the city to interview the famous Merak. by dint of hard labour to secure enough Leaving the old fishwife in charge of the food to keep his family alive : but the house, and with only a few cents in his river bed was dry, the people poor, girdle, he made his way towards the and his nets were lying useless on the metropolis and was soon within the shore. One day after giving up in despair walls, threading his way among the and resigning himself and his family to narrow streets to the place where the fate he spied a woodcutter carrying a fortune-teller had pitched his tent. load of faggots to the town. Calling When he got near he found crowds of loudly to him to stop, he rushed up to people, men and women, coming and him and desperately clutched his arm, going. Some were enquiring about exclaiming piteously, " Oh, Sir, your money, some about their farms, some business is flourishing and you have abun about the prospect of posterity, while dance of food to eat while we are starving. others who had diseases were asking For three years there has not been a drop whether they would recover. Although of rain in the land. We are indeed very the tent was thronged, the fisherman wretched, can you not help me, or let me entered and made his way up to where go with you to the hills aud learn the the fortune-teller sat. Making a respect trade of the woodman ? Pity, oh, pity ful bow he told his name and stated me." his pitiable case, exclaiming excitedly, The woodcutter quickly replied, " When, oh teacher, will this dreadful " Listen, fisherman, I am poorer than famine end, and when will the rain come you, I am compelled to work every upon the parched earth ? " day without rest ; for were I to stop The fortune-teller replied, '' To get an an hour the supply of my food answer to your question requires only a would be cut off — you are too old to few cents. Pay these, and burn some learn my trade. Besides, the hills where incense, kneeling reverently the while, I go to cut wood are a most lonely and and I will consult the gods." The fisher desolate place. My only companions are man did so aud Merak retired, but pre the yellow-haired tigers and the white- sently returned saying joyfully, " I con faced monkeys.* To leave your trade gratulate you, old Longbow," for that was the fisherman's name, "on your * WhenthenavigationoftheUpperYangtze good luck. To-night about eleven was under consideration the Chinese officials o'clock the sky will become cloudy aud made the objection that these baboons would by six to-morrow morning a typhoon stone the steamers and thus destroy them. How could the Government be made respon will prevail followed by a heavy rainfall sible for the action of monkeys ? at a quarter past one. But this rain will be limited to the Chauna district, and words of Longbow. The wrath of1 the no more than three feet and three inches Dragon broke out in curses. " Merak ! will fall. After the rain the sun will a lying devil, trying to deceive the suddenly burst out in ruddy beams." simple people of Channa," he exclaimed, Hearing this, Longbow could scarcely the sparks flying from his temples as he repress a shout of joy. He saluted the spoke. " I'll go to the city and settle the fortune-teller and left the tent, and was matter with him myself." So saying, soon on his way home. Upon arriving, he called his Dragon sons and charging the old woman was soon made acquainted them to guard the sea in his absence, with the success of his mission, and they he rose to the surface, leaped upon a lost no time, but began to prepare at passing cloud and was soon soaring off once for fishing. Longbow led the way in the direction of the metropolis. with the stakes and ropes, while his Arriving there he took the shape of a wife followed with the nets, to the young student. Decked out in raiment mouth of Golden River. The stakes were of the red goose yellow hue, sup soon set, and Longbow began to drive ported by a girdle of crimson silk, them into the ground. Now, it so hap his glossy white-soled shoes on his feet, pened that these stakes had been placed and his gold be-sprinkled fan in his just above the Palace of the Dragon King hand, he swaggered slowly along the who at that moment was sitting peace street, three struts* to a step, until in fully within. Crash ! crash ! came the time he readied the great street on sturdy blows of the fisherman, who little which was pitched the tent of the dreamed of the possibilities beneath, and fortune-teller. the commotion he was making in the Dragon's yamen. The King could stand CHAPTBR II. it no longer. His red ears standing on end and his crimson face puffing with THE WAGEK. anger, he loudly roared out to his under With head erect the Dragon King lings. Two sprites, called Pitchforks, entered the noisy tent and loudly called, appeared. " What is the meaning of tbis " Sir Merak Dignus, fortune-teller of noise above ? " he yelled, as the blows of Channa, I demand that you foretell me Longbow continued to rain upon the three things. First, when will we have stakes. " Go above and find out at rain ? Second, will I be Senior Wrang once." Hastily assuming the shape of ler at the next examinations? Third, young men the Pitchforks rose to the where do I live ?" surface just in time to see Longbow Merak looked up with dignity and, gathering his strength for another blow. without betraying it, recognised at once " Hold," they shouted, " what are you the Dragon King of Golden River. scoundrels doing there?" "We are " Does the gentleman really wish to preparing to fish," said Longbow. "To enquire of me, or does he come for fish," they exclaimed with an oath, braggadocio?" said he. " when you know the bed of the river " I come to have my fortune told," is as dry as dust. You fools, you had said the King. better go home and soak your heads." . "Then I'll consult the God of Litera The heart of the fisherman waxed hot ; ture," replied Merak, and retired. He " You villains," he cried, " what do you soon returned with a smile upon his clas mean by speaking to ns in tbis way ? It is sic face and gave the answer. "You your youth only that saves you from a good are to be congratulated upon your good punching. But as you wish to know luck," he said, " for to-morrow at about what we are doing. I will tell you. The twelve noon a great rain will fall — three black tigar has descended the hills, and feet three inches, no more no less, and the great Merak of Chanua has declared * It has been remarked that the people of there will be rain to-morrow." all nationalities when feeling their impor Hearing this the sprites hastily re tance strut ; the young literate of the T'ang turned to their master and reported the Dynasty was no exception to the rule. ttie rainfall will be confined to the dis golden mouth, and speaks : " T have trict of Chanua." before me from the Great White Golden " You are a liar," shouted the Dragon ; Star an urgent petition for rain in the "how can any one who lives on earth Channa district. What Dragon rules that foretell the will of Heaven ? I will be locality." willing to bet you any amount of gold "The Dragon of Golden River," re and silver against that lying sign-board plied a retainer. that it will not rain any three feet three " Then order the two sprites who at inches to-morrow. See here, if it does tend to this business to proceed at once not rain I will come and smash your to Golden River and command the sign and make you close your shop and Dragon King to begin to rain to-morrow quit deceiving the good people of Chau- at noon, and pour out three feet three na. If it does rain," said he contemp inches of water, no more no less, to tuously, "then I'll plank down the shekels. relieve the drought of that region." What say you ? " The two sprites receiving the decree Merak softly smiled : " Silver, gold, and quitted the august presence and in Bign-boards are nothing compared with their cloud chariot flew swiftly across reputation, why not bet our heads 1 the thirty-three heavens through the What say you, yonng gentleman, to sky until they came to the palace of morrow if no rain falls, then hang my the Dragon King. Standing on the edge head ou this street ; but if there does of the cloud they called, "Dragon King of come a shower, I will decorate the Golden River, there comes a decree from avenue with your honorable pate." the Great Emperor of Pearls. Quickly '' A bargain," said the Dragon King, receive the messengers." Hearing these and the two, standing the one on the words the King ordered two of his un east of the street and the other on the derlings to go above and admit the two west shook hands. sprites, while preparation was made in Meanwhile a large crowd had gathered the palace for the reception of the from all classes, poor and rich, sick and mandate.* Before the lighted incense well, eager to behold the men who would the Dragon King hastily broke the thus rashly hazard their lives on such an Imperial seal and began to read line issue. The tall people got the front by line, his face growing paler and place, which obliged those of low stature paler towards the end. In black and to peer under their arms, or stand ou white the order from the Pearly tiptoe. Tlie short of breath came puffing Emperor for rain on the morrow lay to the spot and the " fatties " sweated, before him. He grew more excited whilst the deaf were yelling in the ears each moment until at last in sheer des of the bystanders and asking what peration, with the tears rolling down his the row was, and the blind were sprawl face, he beat his breast. The Princes ing on the ground in their haste to hear came in : " Why, what is the matter, the outcome. Soon the elders of the Father King?" they exclaimed in dis town appeared and exhorted the adver may, " that you weep so and tear your saries to peace. "Why discuss this matter? hair?" To rain or not to rain is a prerogative of "Alas! my children," said the unlucky Heaven," said they. Thus they cajoled King, " I am unbound." He then re the parties and advised that Merak return lated to them his meeting with Merak to his tent and resume his business, and and the wager he had made. " And now," "You, young sir," they sternly said, "go said lie, " the order has come from the to yonr home." Pearly Emperor for rain to-morrow in Let us now shift the scene to the the Chauna district. What shall I do?" Court of the Pearly Emperor who pre The heir apparent became excited, the sides over the affairs of men. The god is sitting ou his throne, his trusty * In China the reception of an Imperial servants standing before him ready to Decree is attended with the same reverence do his bidding. The divinity opens his that the Emperor himself would receive. second Prince hung down his head aud whisk of his ample tail he swept clea*1 said nothing. Only the third son replied : the ink from the slab unbeknown t° " Father," said he, " dry your tears and Buddha, and winged his flight from the cheer up. The fortune-teller bet you Western Heavens to his palace. that three feet three inches would fall in The time for the rain had now arrived Chanua ; why not rain six feet of water and over the six districts of Shantung in Shantung and you will win the bet the unnaturally bright sky which be and hang old Merak's head on the street tokens the rain illuminated the earth. after all?" "Son, thou art the Prince Then from the west a black cloud arose, of Wisdom," replied the King, "you then another from the south-east. These, know more than the rest of us all put approaching each other were met in the together. Now this excitement has middle by a dark purple cumulus from weaned me and I will enter the recesses the north-east. The deep thunder rolled of the palace and retire to rest in pre and the lightning flashed. The porten paration for the events of the morrow." tous stillness of the atmosphere was Aurora was jnst adorning the eastern disturbed by a fierce wind which blew hills with ruddy light when the great gently at first but soon increased to a iron drum of the palace beat three to hurricane. Huge trees were blown up summon the sea hosts offish and by the roots, and carts, sheds, and to prepare for assisting in the arduous branches flew about in the air like labour of making rain. Soon they came butterflies, while people were whirled bearing aloft their various banners, the about and tossed bleeding to the ground. soldier fish leading the van. Presently Mothers were shrieking for their the Wind Goddess appeared attended by children. " Mercy on us ! " said the old the God of Thunder who descended with men, " never within our memory has a crash, and the Lightning- Mother darted there been such a typhoon." from the clouds; others followed in quick Soon the rain began to fall, softly at succession, until a large number of the beginning but gathering intensity powerful deities had assembled at the each moment. From early morning till Dragon Palace, fully equipped to bring noon, from noon to a quarter-past one, the much-needed rain. In the mean three feet three inches of white water time the King had left his Court and fell and the drought was over. was now coursing his flight to the abode But the rain did not cease. The black of Buddha to receive from him the water began to descend upon the already three drops of heavenly water that submerged fields. It reached the willow were to serve as stock for the three tops, the houses became flooded, and the feet three inches of earth water that people took refuge in the second stories. were to be poured out on the drought- Corpses of men, pigs, dogs, oxen, and smitten district of Chauna. sheep, beaten about by the waves, filled the air with unwholesome odours. The deluge was over and the devastation was CHAPTER III. complete. The local deities looked upon THE FLOOD. the scene with awe aud wonder. "Why After receiving the drops necessary for were we not apprised of this flood 1" the rain, the Dragon King continued to said they. Soon they framed a petition kneel before the throne of Buddha. to the Pearly Emperor aud sent it on in " August Sovereign," he implored, " the hot haste. drought in Channa has been unusually The Emperor's wrath knew no bounds. severe for three years and the black- " How dares the Dragon King thus to haired people have suffered intensely. thwart the decrees of Heaven?" he Can you not add a few drops." Buddha thundered, and hastily seizing his pen paid no heed and remained immovable. he wrote and signed the death warrant The King lifting his eyes perceived the of the offender. " Hand this to Minister inkslab of the god lying on the desk. Demonde of the present T'ang Dynasty Watching the opportunity, with one and order him to decapitate the Dragon King on the festival of the fifth moon," When the Dragon heard this, his heart said he. was rejoiced. He handed Merak a fee, King Dragon had returned to his thanked him profusely, and hastily re palace and was quietly sleeping off turned home. Arriving at the palace, he the fatigues of the day. After some sounded the great drum to awaken his time he awoke refreshed and suddenly attendants. Soon the princes appeared. remembered his bet with the fortune " What is it, father ?' exclaimed they, teller. Calling the Crown Prince to " why do you sound the alarm ? " govern the sea in his absence, he flew " Matter enough," returned he, " I was off to Channa where Merak was, and advised by one of you to thwart the once more assuming the shape and garb decrees of Heaven, and now for my folly of the young scholar, he stood at the I am to lose my life, unless I can prevail door of the tent. " Sir Merak," he con upon the Emperor of China to intercede temptuously called, " I have won the for me. So open quickly the treasury bet." Saying this he tore down the doors, go in and bring forth those things fortune teller's sign-board and overthrew that will move the avaricious heart of the the table, thus scattering the tickets and Son of Heaven." bamboo slips. The money rolled into The Princes disappeared and soon re the street. Merak caught his arm saying, turned carrying with them the enormous " Sir, listen to me. I knew from the first wealth of the Dragon King. Ten large that you were one of the immortals, boxes of gold, ten of silver, bushels of the Dragon King of Golden River. pearls, rubies, diamonds, amethysts, to I am also aware of the fact that pazes, with every other kind of precious you stole ink water from Buddha and stones all sparkling and flashing in the flooded the six districts of Shantung light were exposed to view. Besides, although no rain was needed in that there were the soul transforming cap and quarter, and strewed the shore with shoes, with the pillow and bed which could corpses until the stench has ascended to produce marvellous results. All these heaven. Do you know that the local the King hastily gathered up and leaving deities have petitioned the Pearly Em his underground palace he ascended the peror, that lie is very angry, and has ethereal. Passing through the sky with issued your death warrant, and that he inconceivable rapidity he arrived at the has sent the Prime Minister to execute Emperor's abode where the Son of you to-morrow." Heaven was sleeping, and kneeling down by the pearly bedside, thus addressed The heart of the Dragon King stood the sovereign in his dreams. still. He grew exceedingly pale and fell at the feet of the fortune-teller, ex claiming, "Oh, save me, immortal Merak, CHAPTER IV. you have the power, for you are one of THE EMPEROR'S PROMISE. the gods come down to earth. I will give you untold treasures if you will " August sovereign of Ten Thousand save me." Years, you behold kneeling at your feet a pitiful and miserable creature, I am "You waste your words," replied the Dragon King of Golden River. Merak, "in thus beseeching me to de By mistake, I rained upon Shantung liver you. I am only a man and no instead of Ch'anna, and for my fault I human being can interpose in this mat am to be decapitated to-morrow. Oh, ter. Only the Emperor of China, the save me from this dreadful fate. You . Son of Heaven, can do anything for are the Son of Heaven and have the you. T'ang is very avaricious, and your power. I promise you the highest pro executioner is his Minister. I would sperity to your Kingdom, and the untold advise you to take your treasure to him wealth of the sea — treasures of gold, and seek his aid in your behalf. But exact silver and precious stones." a promise from him that he will exert The Emperor in his dream replied : himself to save you." " Dragon King, make your heart easy. 8 I have long heard of your wealth. I will chess to divert my mind." The Premier intercede for you. Go home in peace started. " What," said he, " a humble and let the burden rest upon me." man like myself play chess with the " But what guarantee can you give V an Emperor? Impossible!" "Why do swered the doubting Dragon. Emperor you say impossible, when I command it," T'ang, the Son of Heaven, opened his returned he. So without more ado he golden mouth. " If Minister Demonde ordered a eunuch to set out the chess decapitates yon, I will answer for it with table. The pieces were quickly placed, my life." The Soul of the Dragon leapt first the red, then the black. The game with joy. He prostrated himself before proceeded, first the pawns were moved the Emperor, arose, and left the capital out and the knights and bishops fol for the sea. lowed. The combatants grew excited. When the Sovereign awoke he per Soon the Premier got his castle down ceived that what had happened was no on the Emperor's King line. "Check!" mere dream. He was all excitement The King was moved, but the other and the perspiration poured down upon castle checked him again and the re his body and drenched his Imperial treat began. The king moving in vain clothes. Hastily summoning the eunuchs to escape the attack of the castles fell of the Palace he commanded them to within reach of a hostile knight and search the grounds at the outer gate. the game was over.* " Bravo ! " cried They immediately reported with wonder the Emperor clapping his hands, " what and astonishment, that countless millions a player you are ! But one game of chess of gold and silver with precious stones, is not sufiicienfc to test our skill. Let us were piled up at the gate. The Em play two more." peror rushed out and sure enough, The chessmen were replaced and there was the promise of the Dragon another game begun. It did not last long, King literally fulfilled 1 His eyes were however, for the Premier by an unex dazzled and he was overcome with joy, pected move checkmated his adversary's and commanded the servants to bring King, causing the Emperor to clap his the treasure in and deposit it in the im hands again, and smile, but more feebly perial chest. than before. But how was he to save the Dragon " Set them up again, two games are not King? Should he relate the whole oc enough ; let us keep on playing. I pro currence to the Minister and bribe him mise you," said he, excitedly, " that if with half the proceeds 1 The avaricious you beat me again you shall be Emperor heart of the Emperor could not enter for three days ; but if I beat you I will tain such a thought. He meditated. At degrade you from the high position you last a better plan suggested itself. " I now occupy, and send you home to your will engage the Minister in a game of native village." chess until after the hour appointed for Demonde trembled, but there was no the execution," said he aloud, " and then help for it. So he began the trial with by the Ivtws of justice the offender can go extreme caution. The Emperor, too, free. All this wealth will then belong was on his guard and the game pro to me." ceeded. They played from the early Six o'clock on the morning of the morning till the hour was approaching execution had arrived. The Emperor when the execution of the Dragon King arose and passing through the host of was to take place. civil and military officials who prostrated Meanwhile the six gods who preside themselves, ascended the throne. The at the decapitation of criminals be Sou of Heaven opened his golden mouth. gan to bestir themselves for the ap " Mandarins of the Presence," said he, proaching event. The Pearly Emperor " my heart is overburdened with the commanded them to look up the execu- serious business of State, and I long for relaxation. Let Minister Demonde re * In describing this game of chess the trans main and engage with me in a game of lator does not exactly follow the original. 9 tloner. They flew to earth — to the Em sword? It was the feast of the fifth peror's palace where the interesting game moon and the calamus was growing'by the of chess was being played, and loudly river. So of the root he made a sword called above : " Minister Demonde, Min and with the same material twisted some ister Demonde, why do you not proceed ropes.* Having done this, he rushed un at once to Golden River and apprehend ceremoniously into the palace and dragged the Dragon King ? The time will soon out the astonished King. "What are you arrive for you to execute him — the hour doing?" said he, weeping and trembling of twelve is nearly here." violently. " I have paid the Emperor The Premier was appalled and trem to intercede for me." " Be quiet," bled with fear. What should he do ? He answered Demonde. " You know you was commanded by the Son of Heaven have offended Heaven and deserve the to play chess, and at the same time he punishment we expect to inflict upon you. was ordered by the powers above to Who then can interpose ? " decapitate the Dragon. In his dilemma So without further parley they bound he heard the six gods calling out more the unfortunate King and led him loudly than before : " Why do you not struggling away. The execution ground obey the command of the Pearly Em was soon reached, the headsman stood peror ? " ready, the sun reached the meridian, and The unfortunate Minister knew not the sword descended. The powerful what to do. Twelve o'clock had nearly stroke required no repetition, for the arrived, the gods were impatient, and a Dragon head rolled to the earth and the most momentous game of chess was on blood spurted up and sprinkled the sand. the board. The six gods finding that The two pieces hopped about the ground, he hesitated, brought out the " sleeping quivered and then were still, and the worm" and casting it upon his body " flying blood "f ascended to Heaven. awaited the result. The Minister quickly In the south-east the sound of the celes became drowsy, and in making a move tial drum was heard, and the Dragon star by accident he swept one of the chess fell to the earth. The Princes, who had men off the board with his sleeve. He followed, took up the corpse and, weep essayed to pick it up, but in bending ing and wailing as they went, carried it down the spirit of sleep overcame him, back to the palace. his arms dropped listlessly down, and his head fell heavily upon the chess board. The Premier was fast asleep.* CHAPTER V. The Emperor was elated and used AT THE DEMON HARRIER. every means in his power to get the With the head in his hand, the execu Minister to sleep past the hour of twelve. tioner ascended to the Hall of Heaven, He hastily summoned the officers of and gave his report to the Pearly the court and commanded a complete Emperor. silence thoughout the palace until " Star-born guardian of China's Sover Demonde should awake, little suspecting eign," said the god, "I approve your that his true soul had gone out of the report and now I delegate you to carry body. For indeed it had. Gurgling the head of the Dragon King to earth up through the seven openings in the head, it flew out into empty space in the full possession of all its faculties and * The people of China hang calamus over powers untrammelled by the incubus of their doors on the 5th of the fifth month to keep off demons and evil influences. The the body. Demonde soon reached the festival also takes place on this Dragon palace, led by the six gods. But day. It is one of the three great feus is of the where should he find an executioner's year. t It is commonly believed that if a drop of a criminal's blood falls upon a person his * When the Chinese believe in such things death will soon follow. The clapping of as the sleeping worm, it is no wonder that hands at executions in China is done to ward they are afraid of foreign physicians. off the «' flying blood." 10 and fix it to the Meridian Gate of the cheated me out of my treasure and re Emperor's Palace." fused to intercede for me. I have come The Minister received these instruc for revenge ; I charge you with being an tions with reverence, bowed himself, and avaricious scoundrel." returned swiftly to the world. Unseen As he spoke, his anger increased, and by the guard, he entered the Palace and soon worked itself up to a perfect fury. hung the head in the place indicated. With the head he began to beat the Having accomplished its mission, the conscience-stricken Emperor until he true soul of Demonde then returned to shrieked aloud, " Help, help, guards of the body in the same way that it had the door, come quickly."* The attend left it, and the Minister awoke. Real ants appeared and interposed. "Never ising the gravity of the offence of mind," yelled the disappointed King, sleeping in the Emperor's presence, he overcome with rage and cursing with all fell at the feet of his Sovereign and his might, "if I cannot get justice on begged for mercy, on the gouud that he earth, I will take the case to the Infernal had been called away to execute the Regions before Yenlo, the God of Dark Dragon King. ness." As he said this, a gust of wind hot "The offence is forgiven," said the from the spirit world blew past the Emperor, thinking the Minister 'had been Palace, and tlie Dragon, head in hand, dreaming, and feeling sure that the slowly melted from view. Smoothly, Dragon would now escape and the trea gently and swiftly it carried him on and sure would be his. His pleasant manner, on through the trackless death regions however, soon changed, for at this until it bore him within sight of the ment one of the guards rushed in and Demon Barrier, f Arriving there, and announced with terror, that by the swinging the tear-and-blood-stained head Meridian gate a headless demon was in his hand, ready to burst with mingled shrieking for redress, while his head, anger, pain, and disappointment, the dripping blood, was hanging above. The headless Dragon began to scream his wrath of the Emperor waxed hot; with grievances to Yenlo, the Ruler of the an oath he charged the Minister with spirit world. unfaithfulness in not announcing before " Stop that clatter, you headless hand the execution of the Dragon King. devil," shouted Oxhead and Horseface, "I have received his treasure and the keepers of the Barrier. " What are guaranteed his safety," said he, " and you walking to and fro before this gate notwithstanding your long service to the with that thing in your hand for ? Get Empire you shall answer for this murder." out." The Minister replied, " 0 Sovereign, " Have pity on me," said the wretch, your Majesty commanded me to play " I am not an orphan soul or a souless chess and I had no opportunity to com ghost, but the Dragon King of Golden municate with yon. If a Minister de River, who for a small error was be ceives his Prince there is crime, but if a headed. I come for justice on the Prince deceives his Minister, what then?" Emperor of China for commanding his The Emperor deigned no reply but waving his hand impatiently, ordered the * On the official residences of Chinese man Minister from his presence. Demonde darins these " Door Gods " are painted to retired, and the Emperor was left alone day, to keep off evil spirits. It is needless to to nurse his disappointment, but not for say that they are inefficient ; for the late war with Japan has proved that the mandarinate long for — oh ! horrible sight ! the headless is utterly rotten and corrupt. Dragon carrying in his hand the gory t These are matters of practical belief, and head leapt into the Hall. The tears cause untold mischief among the poor ignorant were running down the face mingling with Chinese. Thousands of angry women every the blood, and the lips were moving as if year commit suicide in the hope of working ruin to their husbands or mothers-in-law in to speak. The hands clutched the terrified the manner described in the story. The Emperor who then understood what was "spirit wind " is an object of much fear, and said. "Treacherous villain, you have to it sickness and disease are often attributed. 11 Minister to decapitate me when I had I'll send the demon sheriffs, Oxhead and paid him to intercede in my behalf." Horseface* , to apprehend him," he ex When the guards heard these words they claimed. uttered the vilest imprecations. " You One of the criminal judges standing lying villain," they yelled, "the Emperor by, hastily replied : "Oh, King of of China is the Son .of Heaven and Darkness, the Emperor of China is the Demonde is his Minister. How dare ruler of all men, why do you send you accuse him when we know your ac such coarse, rough fellows ,as Oxhead cusation is false 1 You are wasting your and Horseface to arrest him like a breath here, so make yourself scarce, you common criminal? Would it not be miserable headless ghost, and don't trou better to send servants with your ble us with your noise." The Dragon card inviting him to visit you ? " began to weep afresh and scream in a "It would be better," said Yenlo. louder key, so load indeed that the So he despatched at once two of his sound reached the ears of Yeulo. The trusted officers, wearing close-fitting God asked the Registrar of Accusations caps and azure garments, to the Palace. what it meant. He was told, and im Let us now turn our attention to the mediately ordered the accuser to appear. affairs of earth where the Emperor was The Dragon prostrated himself before peacefully sleeping at midnight in the the Vermilion Steps and repeated the Palace. Suddenly the Sovereign's rest charge. " I am not a desolate spirit * was disturbed by a wonderful dream. but the Dragon King ; for years I have He beheld the Imperial tree turned sent the rain in the sixth moon and the upside down. While he was gazing upon snow in the twelfth, and given prosperity this wonder, one of the golden beams of the to the Empire. And now the Emperor is Palace was broken, the plum blossoms peacefully seated on his throne enjoying were blown off by a wind, and a staff himself, whilst I withal am suffering this held by an unseen hand struck asunder awful punishment." the pair of Imperial birds. Yenlo swore a fearful oath, " Do you T'aug awoke with a start, and tried know whom you accuse ? The presump in vain to discover the meaning of the tion is that you are lying and I cannot dream. The Court Soothsayers, Merak admit the charge." Dignus and another, were summoned, " Bring him here, then, oh, bring him the dream told, and the Emperor awaited here," screamed the Dragon, " and hear the interpretation. It was this : " The all the evidence." uprooted tree is your Imperial sway, " Perhaps the Emperor has been avari the broken beam is your priceless body, cious," mused Yenlo. " At any rate I'll the scattered plum blossoms an invitation see." to visit the Infernal Regions, and the So he issued a warrant for the arrest separated birds are yourself and your of the Emperor of China. wife. August Sovereign, your days are numbered, you must soon die." CHAPTER VI. When the Emperor heard this he AD INFEROS. grew very angry and commanded the The god's anger burned. " He had jailer, Golden Claws, to seize the Sooth no right to take bribes in any case, and sayers and carry them off to the Imperial prison, saying : " If your interpretation * Homeless beggars and people who die of the dream is not fulfilled within three without issue are supposed to wander to and days, you shall die." fro in the spirit world without rest. To this inordinate desire for sons to burn money, The Minister, who had been forgiven etc., at the graves of deceased ancestors, and was still in the Palace, learned of may be attributed the enormous population the fate of the Soothsayers, and feeling of China. Mencius said: " There are three unfilial crimes ; to be without issue is the greatest ; " but we cannot hold the Sage en * Images of these monstrosities can be seen tirely responsible for the horrible beliefs that at the city temples. People who die violent are now entertained by the Chinese. deaths are supposed to be seized by them. 12 sure that their interpretation of the cannot, cannot, accompany you. My portent was true, humbly approached sons are too young to govern the the Emperor. "Sovereign," said he, Empire, and who will shield China "the Dragon' King is at the bottom against the attacks of foreign countries of this. He has appealed to Yenlo, if I leave? Excuse me to Yeulo Ring of the Infernal Regions, and I and I will reward you bountifully with hear that the demon sheriffs are silver and gold." even now on their way to arrest you." The officers smiled blandly. •'' Listen, The Emperor trembled at the words of Emperor of China, if money could buy Demonde, and said pitifully : " How can life only the poor would die. Your I go and leave my wives and sons? time has come ; the boat has started, it The Princes are not yet grown, and who is too late to long for the shore. Mortal, will govern the Empire if I die?" come with us." With that they seized The faithful Minister replied : " If it is upon the soul of the weeping and un true that you must go, I have a plan willing Emperor. His eyes closed, he through which you may return to the uttered no sound, but fell heavily back earth. A relative of mine named Des upon the Imperial couch — dead. patch is one of the Judges of the Demon The inmates of the Palace entered Court. I can give you a letter of re and with affrighted faces commenced to commendation* to him and I know he bewail the deceased Sovereign. De will exert himself to save you." " Let monde commanded silence and related me have it quickly then," said the Em to them briefly the occasion of the peror. Emperor's decease, adding, "In three " You shall," said Demonde, and pro days your father, youug Princes, will ducing a sheep's hair pencil, he wrote : return to the earth." " To Judge Despatch : So they laid the corpse on the soul- " My dear relative — The bearer of transforming bed and ordered the Court this is the Emperor of China, and at Physician to embalm it. The eldest present I am his Minister. I hope you son kept the watch and the whole Palace will do your best for him and if possible was clothed in the habiliments of grief. secure his return to the earth. Any But what of the Emperor ? He had other favour you can do him will be followed the officers of Yenlo out of the gratefully received. city escorted by the presiding deity of "DEMONDE." the City Temple. From the city they The letter was sealed, three corners made straight for the border line of the burnt to insure haste, and it was hung seen and the unseen. Soon the border around the Emperor's neck. This being stone was passed and they sped more done, the Sovereign made his will and swiftly towards the Demon Barrier. The settled up his accounts, then seven gates were opened, when out rushed the pieces of baked cake were put in his Dragon King with the bloody head and sleeve to quiet the fierce animals of attacked the accused with the greatest Mad Dog Village on the way to the land fury. The Emperor screamed with of shades. terror; but the Dragon continued the Meanwhile the servants of Yenlo had blows, and it would have gone hard with arrived and hung up the name of their the unfortunate Sovereign had not an victim in the City Temple. They pre other actor appeared upon the scene. sented the card of their master. The An ancient officer wearing a camellia Emperor turned pale. " Officers from in his cap, and holding in one hand the the spirit world," he said piteously, " I hoop of heaven and earth, and in the other a wolf-tooth staff, caught the * The foreign resident in China knows the assailant by the arm and said angrily : great value set upon letters of recommendation " Why do you assault the Emperor of by the natives. Even though I he applicant China, and make this disturbance ? The may be most unworthy he seems to think the case has not been tried and how dare you letter ought to be written. Certainly their ideas on this subject are antipodal to ours. act before it is?" 13 Saying this, he struck the Dragon do your best for him and if possible King to the ground. secure his return to the earth.' Well, that may be difficult but I will consult the Associate Judges." So, bidding the Em CHAPTER VII. peror follow, he led the way to the Hall THE RESCUE. where the Court sat. The Judges saluted " Who are you that comes to my aid the Emperor, and Despatch having read in such a timely way 1" said the agitated the letter presented the case. When he Emperor. had finished, one of the number, a worthy The officer replied: " My father's name official named Dewlap, the Registrar of was Bubo and he lived in the Celestial Life and Death, arose and said: "Fellow Star Street of Yangchow. He was very Judges, it will be impossible to save the wealthy and married rich. When quite Emperor of China iu this emergency, young I accidentally fell into a vat of much as we may desire to oblige the indigo and was drowned. My body, you President; for by the records, I find see, is of a sky blue colour and my hair that it has been appointed to the present has turned red.* Yenlo, seeing that I sovereign of earth to live thirteen years. was honest and faithful, appointed me This time has passed and the Emperor one of the Judges of the Criminal ought to die. Court in the spirit world. Hearing that "The records also show that thirty-three your Majesty was coming to this land, years were allotted to the Dragon King. I hastened out to receive you." He has lived only thirteen so that there The Emperor felt more secure, and are twenty more for him to live on earth, gratefully followed his rescuer in silence. and he has come too soon to the land of They had not proceeded far before they shades." met another official wearing a cap of The Judges sighed. " Then the Em black gauze and holding a tablet iu his peror cannot be saved," they all exclaim hand. ed. Judge Rubo, who was always ready " Who is this that approaches'!" asked iu au emergency, arose. " We can yet the Emperor. secure his return," he cried, excitedly. The new-comer hastily replied: "On " We can easily alter these records. For earth I was a Minister of the Court and tunately the numerals are written iu was so badly treated that I died of anger. simple Chinese characters. By adding When I came here I presented my case two strokes of the pen to the Emperor's to Yenlo, who soon found out my merits allotted time we can make it read thirty. and made me the Chief Judge of the By erasing two from that of the Dragon Court. I am the President of the Judicial we can change it to thirteen."* Court which consists of thirty-six mem bers. I am also the Ruler of Life and The plan was universally applauded, Death. Finding out that you were and the necessary changes made. These coming, I left my business to greet you. things being done, the Court arose and My name is Despatch." led the way to the Palace of Yenlo. The The Emperor grasped his hand. "I arrival of the Emperor with the Judges have a letter for you," he cried, and was announced, and the King of the eagerly produced the recommendation Infernal Regions appeared in person and from Demonde. bowed his respects, saying, "You are the The Judge broke the seal and carefully Ruler of the Seen, and I of the Unseen. scanned the contents. "Aha," said he Both governments are on the same prin- reading slowly, " ' The bearer of this is the Emperor of China, I hope you will * The heathen mind cannot comprehend the iniquity of the above transaction, although the moral obliquity i« detected. If their ob * In some parts of China foreigners are jects of worship are confessedly so dishonest, known as " red-haired devils," and all light- what can we expect from the Chinese but haired people are regarded with wonder and craftiness and deceit in every department of astonishment everywhere. life ? ciple. You have your mandarins under time, whilst the Emperor of China stil 1 you, so have I." has twenty years in the world. The So saying, he invited the Emperor Judges of the Court unanimously recom in, but apologised for his lack of mend that the Sovereign return to earth courtesy, remarking, " I cannot ask you and resume his position as Emperor of to have a cup of tea or wine in this place, China." for you have come on a visit, and those Yenlo examined the Register. " So who taste these things here can never it is written," he said, and turning to return to earth, for their destiny then is the affrighted Emperor he said with a unalterably fixed." * smile, " Excuse my behaviour ; I had not With these ceremonies the business in heard the case when I spoke. Had it hand proceeded. Three departed souls not been for Judge Despatch I fear me appeared against the Emperor, charging you would have suffered. You have my him with high crime and misdemeanour. permission to return home and govern These accusations were written out and the Empire for twenty years more. placed on the heads of the accusers. " But the Dragon King has met a The first two were for murder, the last, dreadful fate. You must promise me that of the Dragon King, for covetousuess. that on your return you will obtain the Yenlo immediately changed countenance. Buddhist Classic and engage priests to His polite demeanour disappeared and a say mass for the repose of his soul." stern look settled upon his countenance. " If you will only let me return," " Unfaithful Prince of Earth," he cried, cried the sovereign, almost beside himself in anger, " why are these charges made with joy, " I will give you my solemn against you 1 You have had it your own promise to do this, and more." way for years in the world, but I am the "Go then," said Yenlo, "and you master here and you are the culprit." Despatch accompany him to the border." Then turning to his attendants : " Call The Emperor with his escort hastily Oxhead and Horseface to seize this withdrew and was soon on the way to crimiual."t the earth. Swiftly they moved until At Yenlo's side stood the faithful they came in sight of Mad Dog Village Judge Despatch. " Listen, oh King," through which they must pass. The dogs said he, " while I answer these charges at once attacked them. With gaping for the Emperor of Earth. The first jaws the furious creatures sprang upon two are for murder. The men were the travellers. Despatch they could not decapitated for crime against the go hurt, but the Emperor knew his danger. vernment. Has not the sovereign a He started back appalled et vox hcesit in right to uphold the law of the realm? faucibus. He quickly recovered, and As for the Dragon King, I cannot see bethought him of the cakes. Hastily how the accused has anything whatever taking them out he threw them to the to do with him. He openly thwarted beasts by whom they were soon being the decree of Heaven and drowned greedily devoured. While the dogs were out a whole district, and deserves engaged with the cakes, the two brushed the punishment he has got." Having swiftly past and were soon at a safe stated the whole transaction he closed distance from the place. his argument with these remarks: " I But hardly had they escaped this find in the Register of Life and Death danger than another and a greater awaited that the Dragon has lived out his allotted them.

* Chinese often visit iis, but mauy refuse CHAPTER VIII. to take any refreshment in the belief that by so doing they would be changed into Chris THE RETURN TO EARTH. or foreigners. "Deception tea" is very much feared. For they had now arrived at the City t A picture of most mandarins, who nearly of the Lost Dead. This is the locality always assume this bullying manner which is where decapitated criminals, wretched both sublime uud ridiculous. beggars, and sonless souls dwell, and a 15 horrible place it is. The Emperor was " Oh, the Emperor has come," screech soon beset by a mob of headless, footless, ed the old creature. " I cannot by and armless demons who cursed and any means let him have money for he is hooted him on the way. The crowd in different from other men." creased and soon became violent and " Why not ? " said Despatch, remon refused to allow him to pass. " Unfaith strating with her for her disrespect. ful Prince," they shouted, "You are . " Because the Emperor must make going back to earth where you will be obeisance to me and he has not yet done happy with your children. We, on the so. If he will make his respects to me contrary, are wretched souls who are I will lend him the money at the inter destined to live here ; you must help us. est he offers." Give us money or it will be the wors'e " Why should I, the Emperor of China for you.* Out with the silver and make obeisance to you, you wretched let each of us have something, or else creature. I " "Don't forget you shall not go back." Terrified be where you are," interrupted the Judge. yond measure, the Emperor replied, "I think to secure your safety you would " You shall have money ; I am the Ruler better do as she bids." of the Earth and my treasury is full, but " Is there no help for it ? " said he. being here on a visit I have brought "None," impatiently replied his com none with me." panion. So the Emperor made a The clamour increased, and the mob bow, and the hag paid the money. grew more violent. " Is there no money "Ha, ha," she chuckled, "the So lender in the Infernal Regions?" he vereign of China bows to a woman. tremulously asked his guide. "I will pay Why should I henceforth fear even the good interest ; one hundred chests of Im King of Devils ? "* A large sum of money perial treasure I will give for ten here." was borrowed and distribution being made His guide answered, " There is a tem to the eager and persistent spirits, the ple kept by an old woman where you can two were allowed to proceed. Through perhaps get what you want. Shall I con a trackless reach of territory they passed duct you to it?" until they came to the district which lies "By all means," said the Emperor; on the border. Here Judge Despatch so he led the way followed by the mortal, said : " I cannot accompany you any and the unsightly crowd. It was some farther, and as I know you are anxious distance out of the way but they went to return to the earth I must leave you. rapidly along and in a short time reached Before bidding you goodbye, I have a the spot. The Judge called out and an favour to ask." " State it," said the old hag appeared. " Here is the Em Emperor. peror of China come to borrow money for distribution to the Lost Dead ; he pays " My kinsman Demonde, your Minister, good interest," said he. has served you faithfully and long, I wish you to reward him. Should he some times offend you, and I fear he will as he * So strong is the belief that the dead have is getting old, forgive him and continue wants similar to those of the living that him in office as long as he lives." " Make millions of dollars are annually wasted in yourself easy on that score," quickly re burning paper sycee, houses, boats, etc., for sponded the other, "my Minister Demonde the supposed use of the dead. A whole month ia set apart for saying prayers for lost shall never want so long as I am alive." souls, and Buddhist priests are hired by While this conversation was going the public to perform this ceremony called on, the Spirit Judge began to grow uneasy. "passing over." Lonely roads, grave-yards and execution grounds are visited and un They had arrived at the bridge and the limited paper money burnt to supply the air of earth seemed to unsettle him. dead. The Chinese are very much afraid of offending these imaginary spirits, as will be seen by the crookedness of their streets, the *The story states that since that time the construction of their houses and many other men of the world (China) are afraid of old things. women. "Look over and see the young dragons dom, and make you the Ruler of a sporting in the water," he cried. tributary State. Instead of standing in Pleased to behold such a sight, the the Imperial presence, as other officials Emperor leaned over the bridge, when do, I give you a seat of honour. The the Judge gave him an unexpected push military officers when they meet you and over he fell, down, down into the shall dismount. You are exempt from depths below. Suddenly he struck punishment. These Imperial favours I he knew not what, but he heard the bestow upon you because you have saved words, "The Emperor has come to life," your Sovereign's life." uttered by some familiar voice. He The Minister was overjoyed. opened his eyes expecting to see the " Most grateful am I, oh Sovereign," Judge, when behold ! there was the he replied. Saying this, he bowed him identical room in which he had received self and quitted the Palace, escorted by a the summons to appear before Yenlo. whole traiu of high officials — a deservedly The Princes, led by Demonde, rushed promoted man. into the room with tears of gladness The next day when the Court was and embraced the Sovereign. The civil assembled, the Emperor announced that and military mandarins also appeared he had made a promise in the Infernal and congratulated His Majesty on his Regions, and consulted with his Cabinet return. The house of sorrow and mourn as to the best way to fulfil it. In the ing was quickly changed to one of glad end, one of his trusted followers was sent ness and joy. to the west for the Buddhist Classic and The Emperor spoke first to the Minis a company of priests were invited to come ter : "You have saved my life and I and chant prayers for the release of the extend to you my heartiest thanks. To Dragon King who was suffering for his show you that I am sincere, I give you misdemeanour in raining upon Shantung the title of Duke of the Peaceful King instead of the district of C'hauna.