Meninges and dural folds

P.Ravishankar Senior Lecturer in Anatomy SRM Dental college SRM University Ramapuram Campus,Chennai,INDIA and are surrounded by

1. Outer layer-Duramater

2. Middle layer –

3. Inner layer-Piamater Meninges covering brain Meninges covering spinal cord • Epidural /extradural space:- space between the dura and the

:- space between the dura and the arachnoid mater

• Subarachnoid space:- space between arachnoid and piamater ,filled with CSF Cerebral duramater

2 layers of Duramater

• Endosteal layer

• Meningeal layer The Meningeal layer of • Falx cerebri • Tentorium cerebelli • • Diaphargma sellae Falx cerebri • Sickle shaped,present at median between two cerebral hemispheres 2ends- Anterior end – attached to Posterior end – attached to tentorium cerebelli 2 margins Upper margin- attached to lips of sagittal sulcus Lower margin-free 2 surfaces-right and left surfaces Falx cerebri Dural venous sinuses related to Falx cerebri

• Inferior sagittal sinus

Dural venous sinuses related to Falx cerebri Superior sagittal sinus enclosed by Falx cerebri Tentorium cerebelli • Tent shaped fold of duramater forming the roof of posterior cranial fossa Attachment:- Free margin- U shaped- attached to anterior clinoid process Attached margin:-Lips of transverse sulcus, posteroinferior angle of , superior border of petrous part of temporal bone, posterior clinoid process Tentorium cerebellai Dural folds Dural venous sinus related:-

• Superior petrosal sinus

• Straight sinus

• Transverse sinus Falx cerebelli:- Small sickle shaped ,present at the posterior cerebellar notch, Base:-tentorium cerebelli Apex:-sides of foramen magnum Posterior margin:- Internal occipital crest Anterior margin:- free Dural venous sinus related :- occipital sinus Falx cerebellai Diaphargma sellae:- • Circular , horizontal fold , roofs hypophyseal fossa

• Anteriorly attached to tuberculum sellae

• Posteriorly attached to Dorsum sellae Blood supply:- • Supratentorial space-Middle meningeal artery • :-meningeal brs. Of anterior ethmoidal artery, posterior ethmoidal artery, ophthalmic artery • Middle cranial fossa:- Middle meningeal artery, accessory middle meningeal artery, internal carotid artery,meningeal br. Of ascending pharyngeal artery • Poserior cranial cavity:-meningeal br. Of Vertebral ,occipital and ascending pharyngeal artery Nerve supply:- Dura of vault-ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve Dura of floor:- • Anterior cranial cavity-anterior ethmoidal nerve,maxillary nerve • Middle cranial cavity-maxillary nerve and brs. From mandibular nerve • Posterior cranial cavity:- recurrent brs. from C1,C2,C3 and meningeal brs of 9th and 10th Applied anatomy • Pterion is the weakest point of skull any fracture to pterion will tear middle meningeal artery and results in epidural hematoma. ( epidural hematoma is arterial in nature)

- bleeding from the veins Subdural and epidural hematoma may be caused by • Dilatation of intracranial arteries • Dilatation of extracranial arteries • Traction or distraction of intracranial pain sensitive structures • Infection and inflammation of intracranial and extracranial structures