for just such an occasion. So, I got busy placing Ringing In the New candles strategically—both so I could see well enough to continue with setting up, and also to Year: Hogmanay provide adequate lighting for volunteers and early guest arrivals. Having arrived myself with 2014-15 what would normally be enough time to set up By David Campbell and prepare for Hogmanay, we would now be stretched to pull it all off. For the first 45 min- Note: The Hogmanay review was written for utes of setting-up, we had no further informa- the newsletter, but we decided rather tion other than that the power to both upstairs to include it in this one. and downstairs was simply not on. Fortunately, ave you ever planned a party or important however, shortly thereafter our tenant Michael Hevent in the middle of a power outage? and his lovely wife (and mother-to-be) Laura Imagine this: you arrive at the firehouse, open were just returning from errands, and were the door, you flip the light switch…and no able to confirm that there was, in fact, in the power! My first thought was—it’s a joke, right?! neighborhood—a PG&E power outage. The On second thought it occurred to me that we location of which was literally right around the must be having electrical problems again with corner—on Leavenworth Street, just down our lighting in the main meeting hall. Fortu- towards Fisherman’s Wharf. The report was nately, we had about a dozen votive candles on that power had been out since early morning, hand, and I had another dozen or so as backup Hogmanay, continued on page 6

The Grand Tours of June 6th to 20th 2015 HARP will be running a new Archaeology field school investigating the 18th Century of Highland Scotland. The project will focus on the changing social and cultural landscapes of Scotland at this time, and aims to record the historical and archaeological sites dating to this period. The location of the project is inspired by a series of historical ‘Grand Tours’ that were being undertaken in Scotland at that time by a number of individuals including Thomas Pennant’s tours of the Highlands, Joseph Banks tour to Staffa and Johnson and Boswell’s tour to the Hebrides. The Tours were often facilitated by the construction of new military Highlands Field School, continued on page 4

MARCH 2015 ~ Vol. 152, NO. 2 Ringing in the ...... 1 Local Magazine Shows Off Our Finery...... 5 Hogmanay Celebration 2014-15 A few members grace the pages of SF Magazine Grand Tours of Scotland...... 1 San Francisco’s Statue...... 3 An opportunity to investigate 18th century Scotland A request for its history and background President’s Letter...... 2 Davie Scott...... 6 His Life’s Story Officer Installation 2015-16...... 2 The transfer of the presidential collar Upcoming Events...... 8 President’s Letter – March 2015 First I think we should all congratulate David For example our society phone number— Campbell for putting on a spectacular Burns which we have on our stationary and on our Supper. I felt the evening was well run, some- website—rings in the elevator and has no how very intimate and at times moving. voicemail attached to it. Nobody remembers the password to the account so AT&T will not Kathleen Kimura MBE gave a nice overview of speak with us. This is the kind of small item the British Benevolent Society and since they that has slipped through the cracks for ten are a similar size group I think there is a lot we years now. can learn from them. In summary the EA would provide secretarial One thing the BBS does a little differently and administrative work to the Society as an in- from us is that they use a part time paid Ex- dependent contractor, attend monthly Trustee ecutive Assistant to help keep them running meetings and Interface and support the Of- smoothly. This is an arrangement that we are ficers, Trustees and other active members (I.e. taking a look at ourselves. Webmaster etc) as a back-up resource. As an all-volunteer group everyone pitches in We hope to work out the kinks in this idea and and we are all very appreciative of the efforts take a vote in the near future. of so many members who contribute their time and talents for the benefit of our little Society. Yours Aye At the same time over the past ten years I Jaeame I. Koyil have seen that small items can fall through the President cracks.

In February, with Gerry Sample unable to be present to per- Officer Installation 2015 form again the duty of installation—immediate Past President By David Campbell David McCrossan read text provided by Gerry, as he ceremoni- ally installed our new President Jaeame Koyil for the 2015-2016 s President Koyil was unable to attend January’s meeting Adue to a prior obligation regarding professional training, this year’s slate of officers was installed in two parts (January and February). In January—Past President Gerry Sample was on hand to read into office (with his usual great imagination and flair) the follow- ing lineup: First Vice President...... David Campbell Second Vice President...... Francesca McCrossan Secretary...... Jean Allen Treasurer (Interim)...... Ian Baird Chaplain...... Marilyn Van Story Piper...... Jek Cunningham Bard...... Marjory Matic Physician...... vacant Past President David McCrossan ceremonially Librarian...... Roger Weed installs New President Jaeame Koyil (right) Historian...... Tom Kasinger term. As such, President Koyil is the rightful bearer of the Membership Secretary...... Kent Walker presidential collar—which he then donned, accordingly. So, we Newsletter Editor...... Gary Ketchen now take the opportunity to welcome President Koyil and the Trustees (5)...... Sandy Corbett whole slate of officers to their roles…we wish them well and the Stewart Hume, Norman Macleod, best of success—all for the good of the order! David McCrossan, James Robertson Board of Relief (3)...... Biz Obley Robert Blair Jr., Marilyn Van Story Board of Student Assistance (6)...... J Robert Logan, Chair William Cummings Sr., William Cummings Jr., Jean Allen, James Robertson

2 MARCH 2015 a one-time associate of Earl San Francisco’s Cummings. As you will know when the Robert Burns Statue San Francisco statue of Burns Dear Members, was raised in 1908 it was re- garded as a palpable symbol of My name is Gordon Ashley, cultural revival and commit- and I’m writing to you from ment by a city resurging from Melbourne in Australia in the the 1906 earthquake and fire. hope you may hold, or know I’ve pieced together much where any are held—archival of the story, but certainly not materials relating to San Fran- all, as there are many gaps cisco’s 1908 statue of Robert that only the records of the Burns. Monument Committee could I am particularly interested possibly fill, and, that, not- in ascertaining whether you withstanding the reservoir of happen to have any records information the San Francisco relating to the activities of the Call provides on relevant Burns Monument Commit- events for the years 1895-1908. tee (minutes and correspon- I am mindful of the possibil- dence)—the body responsible ity the Monument Commit- for both raising the funds to Statue of Robert Burns located in Golden Gate Park tee’s records may have been secure the statue and for the destroyed in the fire that planning and conduct of the is a direct consequence of followed the earthquake. And unveiling ceremony. I know my 2009-10 research which I wonder, also, if there might that the St Andrew’s Society established that the oldest to be a biography on John was one of many Scottish surviving statue of Robert Duff McGilvray and/or the associations in San Francisco Burns is an 1830 Scottish McGilvray Stone Company. which had representatives on sandstone sculpture which He was certainly a member the committee. was shipped to Australia by its of the Monument Committee owner in 1883. It was a to In May 2013 I searched in from ca 1904-5, but with the his adopted town—Camper- vain for records of various press reports nowhere near as down—located in the State of Scottish associations in San fulsome from 1900 through Victoria, about 130 miles west Francisco Public Library. I’ve to 1908 than they were in the of Melbourne, in Victoria. since contacted the Caledo- previous decade, it is difficult nian Club, but they hold no As a result of my findings, to determine who really were such records. Geoffrey Craig- the Camperdown statue was the “movers and shakers” dur- head advised me to contact rescued from the public park ing its final years. Mr Roger Weed who, in turn, where it had been located I plan to return to San Fran- recommended that I ap- between 1883 and 2009 for cisco in mid-July to try to pull proach both the San Francisco repair and conservation. It the various loose threads to- Historical Society and the now stands (out of harm’s gether, so any help and guid- California Historical Society way) on a turntable in Cam- ance you might be able to give as he was confident a fond of perdown’s civic centre where would be deeply appreciated. Caledonian Club documents it is on exhibition daily for the I would also be able to pass on does exist. The latter may benefit of locals and visitors to you the brimming docu- yet produce something, but from within Australia and ment of material I have been the former appears to have overseas—and where, only able to knit together on the nothing. a fortnight ago, it was vis- different Scottish associations ited by a couple from the St My interest in the San Fran- in San Francisco from the 20 Andrew Society of Greater St cisco Burns relates to my work years of reports generated by Louis—the couple with whom on a manuscript for a book local newspapers. I stayed in May 2013 when which is intended to provide I researched that city’s 1928 Yours sincerely, an account of the often amaz- Burns statue (which, inciden- ing stories behind each of the Gordon Ashley tally, was designed by Califor- 50+ public statues of Burns ([email protected]) nian, Robert Ingersoll Aitken, across the world. This project

the st. andrew’s society of san francisco 3 February 2015 Speaker Accompanying Scotty that evening was long time friend and fel- David Scott: Blood, Sweat, low Caledonian Floyd Busby. Floyd also happens to be Scotty’s Editor…and has had this to say: “This book will take you with Gypsies, and Dreams Scotty, on his improbable journey, across the world, through- By David Campbell out countless hardships and obstacles, yet he survived all, t our monthly meeting to tell a tale that is humor- Ain February, in addition ous and absolutely true…join to President Koyil taking of- Scotty on his real life adven- fice, we had the good fortune ture, this is not just about of hearing from long time racing motorcycles, it is about Caledonian and friend of real life lived on the edge” St. Andrew’s Society: David Scott. Davie shared with us Also of note are two upcoming his unlikely, but ever eventful significant anniversaries: 2015 life story! is the sesquicentennial year for the Caledonian Club of Davie’s story begins: “I arrived San Francisco; and 2016 will on the scene on September be the centennial for the Ers- 18th, 1936, the first born of kine Trust with whom Davie is Winston and Mary Scott, doing great work. in the district of Milton, , Scotland…” Thanks for joining us Da- David Scott shares his life’s story with Society members vie and Floyd! Davie’s book Continuing…reading from the Blood, Sweat, Gypsies, and back of the book: “Scotty, a Dreams is available for purchase through the contact informa- hardy little Scotsman raised in the tenements of Glasgow, grew tion indicated below. Please have a look…give it a read! up during the murky days of World War II, under the stern upbringing of his Grandparents. A good student, he always Weekend Racer Publishing, LLC believed that there had to be a better life out there, compared 1201 Monument Blvd, Ste 14 to the drudgery endured by average working class Glaswegians, Concord, CA 94520 and he set out to find it. His skill riding racing motorcycles T: 925.332.8161 brought him to America, where a series of remarkable con- nections, propelled him to the top of his field. His success did not come easy, good times were often followed by disaster and tragedy, but throughout his adventurous quest for his dream, he always managed to recover, many times helped by friends all over the world.”

From Front Cover Highlands Field School roads in Scotland, which were coming of sheep and the start survey will trace and record built in an attempt to ‘open of the . by historical research, pho- up’ the Highlands following Our survey will identify and tography, technical drawing, the Jacobite uprisings. These compare what was seen by the building recording and GIS, new roads were constructed tourists and surveyors of the the visible remains of these by the likes of General Wade, time compared to what can routes including sections of and new mapping projects still be seen today. Wade’s Road and its bridges. and surveys were undertaken It will also record a selection The 2015 project will focus by the likes of William Roy. Taymouth Castle of contemporary settlements on sections of the routes The project aims to follow and architecture. undertaken by Pococke in ited Blair Castle, and both of the routes of these tours and 1760 (Blair Castle to Crieff these tours visited Taymouth Amongst other sites, the military surveys to identify via General Wade’s Military Castle and its grounds, where survey will visit the site of the changing landscape of the Road), and De Saint-Fond in the Earls of Breadalbane were 18th Century, from the Jaco- 1784 (Kenmore to Dunkeld significant figures in this pe- Highlands Field School, bite uprisings, through to the via Aberfeldy). Pococke vis- riod of Scotland’s history. Our continued on page 5

4 MARCH 2015 Highlands Field School, survey and record the chang- build a portfolio, along with area at their leisure. Local from page 4 ing settlement patterns that full training and copies of soft- highlights include the estate were taking place at this time ware, used during the course, grounds at Blair Atholl, Blair the Battle of Killiecrankie as a result of social change that they can take away with Castle, The Blair Atholl Dis- and will take in the grounds and enforced agricultural and them at the end. For partici- tillery etc.. of Taymouth Castle (www. economic change following pants who are completing an The total cost for the field where the Jacobite uprisings. Archaeological Skills Passport school is £650 (GBP) per per- we will identify and record all relevant sections will be Along with visiting the histori- son and includes accommoda- the archaeological remains, signed off. as well as conduct a photo- cal remains of an integral part tion, all meals on workdays, graphic survey of the castle of Scotland’s history, partici- The field school will be based transport on all workdays and itself. We will be surveying pants of the field school will in the Perthshire and Tay- site visits. Transport to and sections of the military road receive training in historical side region of the Central from the field school is not Highlands, and accommoda- included but free pick-ups will tion will be based near Blair be arranged between Blair Atholl. Accommodation will Atholl and the field school be provided in a traditional, accommodation. A limited luxury, hunting lodge on the number of transfers to/from Atholl Estate (www.atholles- will be available, a great for an extra fee and informa- opportunity to experience the tion on this will be provided . Partici- on request. pants will have full access to For more information or to the Lodge facilities, which apply for a place please email includes wifi, entertainment Ian at ian.harparchaeol- facilities, payphone, and beau- [email protected] tiful grounds. Twin shared Forest Lodge on the Atholl Estate Heritage and Archaeological rooms will be provided, and Research Practice, Confer- research, historic map analy- the lodge has full catering fa- that still survive to this day, as ence House, 152 Morrison sis, archaeological field survey, cilities where we will prepare well as surveying a number of Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8EB, monument recording, GIS our meals. All meals will be the bridges built as part of the Tel: 07856208076 training, Photographic survey provided on workdays of the road construction scheme. We email: harparchaeology@ and Historic Building survey. project. The middle weekend will visit and survey Drovers of the fortnight will be free Inns that were an integral part Every participant will receive web: www.harparchaeology. time allowing participants of an 18th Century Tour- a course book to work through to explore the surrounding ist itinerary, and will assess, during the field school to

Looking our Best in San Francisco Magazine By David Campbell ou might recall that the SF Maga- Yzine photographer Antonio De Lucci attended our to photograph the event, and ultimately to piece together (along with writer Lauren Murrow) a pictorial essay for the magazine entitled “Af- finities: Leave Your Dirks at the Door.” Well, we did indeed “make the cut”! We are featured on page 152 of the March 2015 edition, now available for purchase. And, while they didn’t get the comments on the Sporran quite right, it was nonetheless, good coverage, you might say. Well done High- make us look good!

the st. andrew’s society of san francisco 5 From Front Cover Hogmanay and there was no reliable estimate of when it would be coming back on. Nevermind…it would take more than the lack of electricity to deter the guid Saint Andrew’s Society of San Fran- cisco from hosting its annual end of the year Hogmanay celebration! In candle-lit ambience —slowly the firehouse filled with warm bodies, good holiday cheer, and a most festive spirit. Enjoyed by all were great company, a sumptuous potluck buffet, and more than enough single malt to go around. The afternoon though would not have been complete without the musical offerings of a trio well-known to us from the Peninsula Scottish Fiddlers. Christy and Jim Tillotson, were joined by David Lange…the mood and their music was even more magical by candlelight. And finally YES, by some stroke of magic—or good luck—the lights did indeed come back on, well before the stroke of midnight! The event was very well attended, including several Past Presidents: John Allison, Fred Rutledge, Bill Blair, Iain Macdonald, and Tom McGlaughlin. Also in attendance—in addition to many of our regular monthly meeting and special event attendees—were also quite a few new faces…all welcomed guests! Well, no Scottish special occasion would be quite the same without the Haggis. Robert Burns Ode to the Haggis was rendered expertly—and with good contextual explanation—provided by Fred Macondray Thanks also goes to Alec Henderson (Caledonian Club of San Francisco), our usual source and provider of the Haggis!

6 MARCH 2015 t John Allison’s prompting, we also held a raffle—with several items of mostly wine and some good single Amalts—going to the lucky ones. Notable was a most generous raffle item provided by Iain Macdonald (a gorgeously packaged—and expensive, I might add—bottle of Dalmore Reserve). The grand prize Dalmore was won by Connie Brons (guest of Marilyn Van Story, I believe). Turns out that Connie and her husband Ron will also be joining us for Burns Night. So, there you have it! Best of all though was the worthy cause: $169.00 raised to benefit The Erskine Trust—a for which has already been sent to Davie Scott (Caledonian Club) on behalf of the trust. As the appointed hour 4:00 PM (midnight GMT) approached, the PSF fiddler trio led the whole group in a rous- ing round of holiday songs. After a traditional countdown to midnight, The Saint Andrew’s Society welcomed and rang in the New Year with a toast. And who then was that tall, dark-haired stranger knocking on the door? Well, it was none other than President David McCrossan, “First Foot” to cross the threshold of the New Year and into the “home” of host Jaeame Koyil (1st VP)! Before saying our final goodbyes to 2014 and to each other, we joined hands and sang out the old year to . And now lastly, a toast to greet the New Year: wishing us individually and collectively as one society —a happy and most prosperous 2015…Slainte Mhath!

the st. andrew’s society of san francisco 7 Upcoming Events

John Muir Birthday–Earth Day Celebration Saturday, April 18th, 2015 John Muir National Historic Site For more information visit

Tartan Day Scottish Day Saturday, April 18, 2015 Ardenwood Historical Farm Fremont, California Presented by the East Bay Scottish Association For more information visit

Tartan Ball Saturday April 4, 2015 San Ramon Marriott San Ramon, California Presented by the Caledonian Club of San Francisco For more information visit

8 MARCH 2015 Meeting & Events Schedule Date Event / Topic Location / Notes

2015 Mon. Mar. 16 Member Meeting...... 1088 Green St., SF (Guest Speaker: Philip S. Huff, Vice Consul, British Consulate, San Francisco) Sat. April 18 18th Annual Tartan Day Scottish Faire...... Ardenwood, Fremont Sat. April 18 John Muir Association / Earth Day celebration...... Martinez Mon. April 20 Member Meeting...... 1088 Green St., SF (Guest Speakers: Kathleen Kimura and Karen Thomas, British Benevolent Society) Mon. May 18 Member Meeting...... 1088 Green St., SF Mon. June 15 Member Meeting...... 1088 Green St., SF Mon. July 20 Summer Break – no meeting Mon. Aug. 17 Summer Break – no meeting Sept. 5–6 150th & Gathering...... Pleasanton Mon. Sept. 21 Member’s Dinner...... 1088 Green St., SF Mon. Oct. 19 Member Meeting...... 1088 Green St., SF Sun. Nov. 8 Remembrance Day Service...... Grace Cathedral, SF Mon. Nov. 16 Member Meeting...... 1088 Green St., SF Sat. Nov. 28 153rd Annual Banquet & Ball...... Marine’s Memorial Mon. Dec. 21 no Meeting due to Hogmanay Potluck on 12/31 Thur. Dec. 31 Hogmanay Potluck...... 1088 Green St., SF 2016 Mon. Jan. 18 Member Meeting...... 1088 Green St., SF Inauguration of 2016 Office Bearers Sat. Jan. 23 Burns Supper (The Family)...... 545 Powell St., SF Mon. Feb. 15 Member Meeting...... 1088 Green St., SF

About Us The Saint Andrew’s Officers of Trustees Board of Student Society of the Society vacant - Chairman Assistance San Francisco Jaeame I. Koyil, Norman McLeod,OBE J. Robert Logan, 1088 Green Street President Chairman David McCrossan San Francisco, CA David Campbell, First VP William Cummings, Sr. 94133-3604 Stewart Hume Francesca McCrossan, William Cummings, Jr. 415-885-6644 James Robertson, AIA Second VP Jean Allen www.saintandrews Ian Baird, Treasurer Sandy Corbett James Robertson Jean Allen, Secretary Board of Relief Editor: Gary Ketchen Roger Weed, Librarian Marilyn Van Story E-mail: ketchen.gary@ Marilyn Van Story , Chaplain Biz Obley Robert Blair, Jr. Membership Meetings Marjory Matic, Bard Meetings are held the Jack Cunningham, Piper 3rd Monday of the Thomas E. Kasinger, month, at 7:30 p.m. Light Historian supper served before Kent Walker, the meeting. (Free valet Membership Secretary parking is provided for members’ meetings. muni: vacant – Physician one block east of Hyde St. cable car).

the st. andrew’s society of san francisco 9 The Saint Andrew’s Society of San Francisco 1088 Green Street San Francisco, CA 94133-3604
