Sell Your Property in 30 Days 190 Mile End Rd London E1 4LJ Free Valuation: 020 7791 5333 *Terms & Conditions Apply Lucky Escape for No
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25 years of The quirks of Confusing life saving St Katharine world of Sen London’s Air Ambulance A fascinating walk from the Royal Play about asylum seeker leads charity looks to the future Mint to Wilton’s Music Hall audience on its own journey see page 10 see pages 18 & 19 see page 21 ISSUE 993 20–26JANUARY 2014 WWW.TOWERHAMLETS.GOV.UK NEWS FROM TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL AND YOUR COMMUNITY Barts Trust report is ‘tough but fair’ BY JESSICA ODUBAYO A team of inspectors from by a number of people who acted upon; that there are suf- the Care Quality Commission were dissatisfied with the trust’s ficient staff with the right skills BARTS Health NHS Trust has pledged to redouble its efforts to make improve- (CQC) – including doctors, nurs- response to their complaints. mix on wards to deliver safe and ments, after an independent report found that some of its services had placed es and specialists – scrutinised Areas of good practice were effective care; that equipment patients at risk of harm. services at the Royal London also identified, including caring, is readily available when RAISE YOUR GLASSES TO THE ELEANOR Hospital, the London Chest committed and compassion- needed; and that all patients Hospital, Barkantine Birthing ate staff; good practice in chil- receive nutritious food in suffi- Centre and other hospitals in dren’s services; equal treatment cient quantities. central and east London in during the day and night for Barts Health said the CQC November last year. heart attack patients; and good report was tough but fair: “The Generally, the team found support for relatives when pa- report recognises that Barts that services run by Barts Health tients were in a life-threatening Health is a relatively new were safe, but staffing levels situation or when difficult organisation, and we have work were variable and equipment decisions needed to be made to do to develop leadership in was not always readily available, about continuing care. our new teams, and on our which put patients at risk. The CQC has asked the trust organisational culture.” The findings, published last to ensure that risks identified are I Continued on page 3 week, also said staff morale was low across the trust, the culture was not sufficiently open and that some staff felt unable to raise concerns. Inspectors also identified problems with patient flow, bed occupancy and planning patient discharges. “While the majority of patients said that staff were caring and compassionate, and the team saw people treated with dignity and respect, some people complained that LONDONLONDONPHONECOMPANYPHONECOMPPAANY.COM.C. OM they did not feel listened to,” the ELEANOR Arms managers Lesley and Frankie Colclough have been celebrating after the report says. 105 Bow pub was voted Greater London Pub of the Year. Read the full story inside. Inspectors were contacted Sell your property in 30 days 190 Mile End Rd London E1 4LJ Free valuation: 020 7791 5333 *Terms & Conditions Apply Lucky escape for no. 78 Keeping one’s feet on the ground In 1952 a no. 78 bus had to leap from one The bridge’s high-level walkways were designed so that the public bascule to the other when the bridge could still cross the bridge when raised. They were closed in 1910 began to rise with the bus still on it. due to lack of use as pedestrians preferred to remain on the ground. News East End Life is produced by Tower Hamlets Council, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, E14 2BG. Birthday celebration for iconic bridge Tel: 7364 3179 Fax: 7364 4917 Email: [email protected] Editor Laraine Clay Tel: 7364 3179 Deputy Editor Helen Watson Tel: 7364 3173 Reporter Jessica Odubayo Tel: 7364 4365 Photos Tel: 7364 3253 Advertisement Manager The bridge is raised about 1,000 times a year The engine room at the bridge Sharan Ahmed Tel: 7364 4061 BY JESSICA ODUBAYO Senior Advertising Sales Executive Christine O’Doherty ONE of the most striking structures Tel: 7364 4994 in the borough and one of the cap- 120 years of Senior Advertising Sales ital’s major tourist attractions marks Executive its 120th anniversary this year. Fatima Khan Built by the Victorians, Tower Bridge Tel: 7364 4623 attracts hundreds of thousands of Senior Advertising Sales ups & downs visitors who flock to the area, to see the Executive Laura Andru’s world famous landmark, which is raised Tel: 7364 0946 about 1,000 times a year to allow tall ves- Advertising Production sels to pass through. Controller The bridge took 432 construction work- Terri - Leigh Knight ers eight years to build using more than Tel: 7364 4682 11,000 tons of steel for the framework. Distribution Manager & Finance When it was built, it was the largest and Abdul Miah Tel: 7364 0474 most sophisticated bascule (French for see- saw) bridge ever completed. The bascules were operated by hydraulics, using steam East End Life is published by to power the pumping engines, but are now Tower Hamlets Council with a driven by oil and electricity. print run of 99,000 copies delivered to homes, organisations This winter, the public are being given and businesses in the borough an opportunity to see behind the scenes, every week. as part of engi- neering tours tak- ing place every weekend during The official independently audited January and Opening day at Tower Bridge in 1894 and (left) men working on construction door-to-door delivery is 83,428 March. Photo: Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archive Audit Bureau of Circulation The tours will (ABC Regional) July-December 2012. give people a rare below river level where pumping engines, an insight into the bridge’s history and insight into the boilers and accumulators still gleam in their construction. East End Life was the first weekly East End Life is also available on newspaper produced by a local bridge and its original settings. To book a place on the tour, call 7407 9191 audio tape – if you know authority in the UK with a net engine rooms Experienced guides will give visitors or email [email protected] someone who would like to cost of 4.6p per copy per week to receive it in this format call produce. Paid-for advertisements 25 years of The quirks of The confusing 7364 4309 or email life saving world of Sen Inside this week’s issue are carried to keep costs to a St Katharine London’s Air Ambulance A fascinating walk from the Royal Play about asylum seeker leads charity looks to the future Mint to Wilton’s Music Hall audience on its own journey see page 10 see pages 18 & 19 see page 21 [email protected] minimum. ISSUE 993 20 – 26 JANUARY 2014 WWW.TOWERHAMLETS.GOV.UK Printed by Trinity Mirror. Information included in the NEWS FROM TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL AND YOUR COMMUNITY Community music feature...................................4 Walk of the Month.......................................18 & 19 newspaper is not necessarily Barts Trust report Distributed by London endorsed by Tower Hamlets is ‘tough butfair’ Mayor’s page...............................................................6 Out & About Guide......................................20 & 21 Letterbox Marketing, Unit 6, Council. BY JESSICA ODUBAYO A team of inspectors from by a number of people who acted upon; that there are suf- the Care Quality Commission were dissatisfied with the trust’s ficient staff with the right skills BARTS Health NHS Trust has pledged to re-double its efforts to make improve- (CQC) – including doctors, nurs- response to their complaints. mix on wards to deliver safe and ments, after an independent report found that some of its services had placed es and specialists – scrutinised Areas of good practice were effective care; that equipment patients at risk of harm. services at the Royal London also identified, including caring, is readily available when RAISE YOUR GLASSES TO THE ELEANOR Hospital, the London Chest committed and compassion- needed; and that all patients Crescent Court Business Centre, Hospital, Barkantine Birthing ate staff; good practice in chil- receive nutritious food in suffi- Useful information..................................................8 Eating out, eating in..............................................23 Centre and other hospitals in dren’s services; equal treatment cient quantities. central and east London in during the day and night for Barts Health said the CQC November last year. heart attack patients; and good report was tough but fair: “The Generally, the team found support for relatives when pa- report recognises that Barts that services run by Barts Health tients were in a life-threatening Health is a relatively new E16 4TG. Tel: 8940 0666 East End Life were safe, but staffing levels situation or when difficult organisation, and we have work is printed were variable and equipment decisions needed to be made to do to develop leadership in was not always readily available, about continuing care. our new teams, and on our which put patients at risk. The CQC has asked the trust organisational culture.” The findings, published last to ensure that risks identified are I Continued on page 3 week, also said staff morale History..........................................................................13 Property.................................................................25-30 was low across the trust, the on recycled paper – when culture was not sufficiently open and that some staff felt inhibited in raising concerns. Inspectors also identified problems with patient flow, you have finished with bed occupancy and planning If you know someone who does patient discharges. “While the majority of patients said that staff were caring and compassionate, and East End Life the team saw people treated Council information....................................14 & 15 Recruitment & training.............................31 & 32 not receive call the newspaper, please recycle it. with dignity and respect, some people complained that LONDONLONDONPHONECOMPANYPHONECOMPPAANY.COM.C.