2012-2016 Five Year Management Strategy

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2012-2016 Five Year Management Strategy ALDERNEY WILDLIFE TRUST Alderney West Coast and Burhou Islands Ramsar Site Management Strategy 2012 – 2016 Alderney Wildlife Trust 51 Victoria Street Alderney Channel Islands GY9 3TA Tel: 01481 822935 Email: [email protected] Website: www.alderneywildlife.org May 2012 1 Alderney West Coast and Burhou Islands Ramsar Management Strategy 2012 – 2016 Report compiled by: Aurélie Bohan (Alderney Wildlife Trust)1 Reviewed by: Charles Michel (Alderney Wildlife Trust)1, Roland Gauvain (Alderney Wildlife Trust)1 1 Alderney Wildlife Trust, 34 Victoria Street, St Anne, Alderney, GY9 3TA, Channel Islands. 2 Alderney West Coast and the Burhou Islands Ramsar Management Strategy 2012 - 2016 1. Introduction 7 1.1 Executive Summary 7 1.2 Background 7 1.3 Changes affecting the Alderney Ramsar Site 8 1.4 Alderney West Coast and the Burhou Islands Ramsar Process 9 1.5 Alderney West Coast and the Burhou Islands Ramsar Site Outline 10 2. Strategy Targets 14 2.1 Strategic Focus 14 2.2 Strategic Aims 14 2.3 Strategic Objectives 15 3. Work Areas 19 3.1 Marine 19 3.1.1 Intertidal ecology 19 3.1.2 Benthic Ecology and topography 19 3.1.3 Pelagic Ecology and geography 19 3.1.4 Marine Mammals 20 3.2 Seabirds 3.2.1 Internationally important species 21 3.2.2 Nationally important species 21 3.2.3 Locally important species 22 3.2.4 Predators 25 3.2.5 Monitoring and management 25 3 3.2.6 Associated birds 26 Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) 26 Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) 26 3.3 Terrestrial 26 3.3.1 Fauna 26 Rats 26 3.3.2 Flora 26 3.4. Invasive species 27 3.4.1 Slipper limpet (Crepidula fornicate) 27 3.4.2 Japweed (Sargassum muticum) 27 3.4.3 Hottentot fig (Carpobrotus edulis) 27 3.5. Education & Publicity 28 3.5.1. Public 28 3.5.2. Education 29 School sessions 29 University projects 29 PhD project 29 3.6 Advisory & Legislation 31 3.6.1 Stakeholder Engagement 31 3.6.2 Development of Policy & Legislation 33 4. Planned Works 34 4.1. Timetable of Works 2012 34 4.2. Outline of Works 2012-2016 36 5. Costs and Resource Requirements 38 6. Appendix 42 4 List of Tables and Figures Table 1. Showing the criteria and justification for the Alderney West Coast and the Burhou Islands Ramsar designation p. 12 Table 2, showing bird numbers for specific species covering Seabird 2000 and 2005 to present p. 24 Table3, Resolutions relating to the incorporation of cultural values in The Ramsar Convention p. 32 Table 4, showing a guideline for work to be carried out over the five years of the Alderney Ramsar Strategy p. 36 Table 5, showing the initial estimate costs for the five year period of this p. 39 Alderney Ramsar Strategy 2012 -16 Figure 1. Map showing the Alderney West Coast and the Burhou Islands Ramsar boundaries p. 13 Figure 2, Preliminary results from GPS tagging of Northern Gannets on Les Etacs, Alderney p. 31 Figure 3. Timetable showing the weeks during which surveying will occur p. 35 5 Abbreviations ACRE Alderney Commission for Renewable Energy AON Apparently Occupied Nests ARS1 Alderney West Coast and the Burhou Islands Ramsar Management Strategy 2007-11 ARS2 Alderney West Coast and the Burhou Islands Ramsar Management Strategy 2012-16 AWT Alderney Wildlife Trust BAP Biodiversity Action Plan BTO British Trust for Ornithology EIA Environmental Impact Assessment GSC General Steering Committee HAP Habitat Action Plan IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature JNCC Join Nature Conservation Committee RIS Ramsar Information Sheet RSG Ramsar Steering Group RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds SSG Stakeholder Steering Group 6 1. Introduction 1.1 Executive Summary This management strategy has been prepared by the Alderney Wildlife Trust with advice and expertise from relevant parties, on behalf of the States of Alderney. The management and monitoring work will be under taken by Alderney Wildlife Trust, working in the role of advisor to the States of Alderney. This is the second Alderney West Coast and the Burhou Islands Ramsar Management Strategy covering 2012-16 (here after referred to as ARS2), the first covered the period 2007-2011 (ARS1). ARS2 will continue with the high level of seabird monitoring, established in ARS1, whilst extending the wider ecological monitoring to establish a baseline for the marine and terrestrial environments, resulting in a broader range of focus (see 2.1). The ARS2 will attempt to investigate the spread of invasive species within the Ramsar site, with specific attention given to hottentot fig (Carpobrotus edulis), japweed (Sargassum muticum), and slipper limpets (Crepidula fornicate). The development of an educational programme which will look to establish work from school age groups to PhD level. Renewed efforts will be put into engaging with the community and stakeholders to involve people with the Ramsar process and area. Efforts will be made to connect with similar conservation efforts within the geographical area, for data and idea sharing, such as the other Channel Islands with Ramsar sites or the French Normand-Breton Marine Natural Park. 1.2 Background In 2005 Alderney’s West coast and the Burhou Islands were designated as wetlands of worldwide importance. As a participant of the Ramsar Convention, the States of Alderney are required to develop a framework for the conservation and wise use of the Ramsar site. On behalf of the States of Alderney this management strategy has been prepared by the Alderney Wildlife Trust with advice and expertise from relevant parties. The management and monitoring work will be under taken by Alderney Wildlife Trust, working as a government advisory group. 7 This is the second Alderney West Coast and the Burhou Islands Ramsar Management Strategy, covering 2012-16 (here after referred to as ARS2), each of which are created covering a five year period. The first ARS (ARS1), covering 2007 -11 primarily focused on seabird monitoring work, as seabirds are one of the main reasons for Alderney’s Ramsar designation. Alderney supports locally, nationally and internationally important populations of seabirds. ARS2 will continue with the high level of seabird monitoring whilst extending the ecological monitoring, resulting in a broader range of focus (see 2.1). Alderney Wildlife Trust will continue to manage the strategy on behalf of the States of Alderney, drawing upon a range of scientific expertise where necessary. Alderney Wildlife Trust will also advise the States with regard to the issuing of licenses for those individuals/groups who apply to the States of Alderney to carry out research or management work on Alderney’s seabird populations or within the Ramsar site. However, the responsibility for granting the licence will remain with the States of Alderney. This will ensure the strategy’s objectives are adhered to and any environmental management within the site is carried out appropriately. Progress of the ARS2 will be reviewed and a presentation put towards the States of Alderney annually, with a full review of the ARS2 at the end of the five year period. 1.3 Changes affecting the Alderney Ramsar Site There have been no changes to the Ramsar policy since the production of ARS1. With the Ramsar Convention mission being, "the conservation and wise use of all wetlands through local and national actions and international cooperation, as a contribution towards achieving sustainable development throughout the world.” (‘The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands’, n.d.). Neither have there been any physical changes to the Alderney Ramsar site with regard to area, with only a change in focus and updated objectives, as outlined within ARS2. It is of interest to note here that during the five year term covered by the ARS1, as a result of the potential for tidal power in the Race and Swinge, the Alderney Commission for Renewable Energy (ACRE) was established by the Renewable Energy (Alderney) Law 2007 and its related Ordinances. ACRE is the regulatory body for renewable energy and is responsible for licensing and regulating the operation, deployment, use or management of all forms of renewable energy in the island of Alderney and its territorial waters. The Commission's licensing process involves the comprehensive examination of an applicant’s technical and financial proposal. The Commission is responsible for ensuring that any development; is not a danger to human life or detrimental to the environment including, without limitation, the land, marine and air environment and natural habitats including the seabed, 8 does not interfere with shipping, fishing and any other lawful activities within the Island of Alderney and the territorial waters of Alderney, or of any other place. In this context, the Commission is a formal Consultee of the Ramsar Site Management Strategy. The Commission’s consenting process is robust, transparent and straightforward. It is reviewed regularly and updated to meet with current best practice. The requirement therein for an Environmental Statement is fully detailed in the Commission’s “Guide to the Consents Process – Marine” which is available to download (http://www.acre.gov.gg/library.php). 1.4 Alderney West Coast and the Burhou Islands Ramsar Process The ARS2 is prepared on behalf of the States of Alderney by the Alderney Wildlife Trust (AWT) with the advice and support of the Ramsar Steering Group (RSG). This is a semi- formal voluntary group made up of professional practitioners from the Channel Islands and UK including: Charles Michel Alderney Wildlife Trust (AWT) Helen Booker Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Jamie Hooper Societe Guernsaise and Environment Guernsey Paul Veron Channel Island Ringers Phil Atkinson British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) Dan Laffoley International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Marine Vice Chair IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Areas The Strategy, once drafted is considered and approved by the States of Alderney General Services Committee (GSC), once approved an annual Timetable of Works is prepared and put to the GSC for approval.
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