District Handbook Murshidabad
CENSUS 1951 W.EST BENGAL DISTRICT HANDBOOKS MURSHIDABAD A. MITRA of the Indian Civil Service, Superintendent ot Census OPerations and Joint Development Commissioner, West Bengal ~ted by S. N. Guha Ray, at Sree Saraswaty Press Ltd., 32, Upper Circular Road, Calcutta-9 1953 Price-Indian, Rs. 30; English, £2 6s. 6<1. THE CENSUS PUBLICATIONS The Census Publications for West Bengal, Sikkim and tribes by Sudhansu Kumar Ray, an article by and Chandernagore will consist of the following Professor Kshitishprasad Chattopadhyay, an article volumes. All volumes will be of uniform size, demy on Dbarmapuja by Sri Asutosh Bhattacharyya. quarto 8i" x II!,' :- Appendices of Selections from old authorities like Sherring, Dalton,' Risley, Gait and O'Malley. An Part lA-General Report by A. Mitra, containing the Introduction. 410 pages and eighteen plates. first five chapters of the Report in addition to a Preface, an Introduction, and a bibliography. An Account of Land Management in West Bengal, 609 pages. 1872-1952, by A. Mitra, contajning extracts, ac counts and statistics over the SO-year period and Part IB-Vital Statistics, West Bengal, 1941-50 by agricultural statistics compiled at the Census of A. Mitra and P. G. Choudhury, containing a Pre 1951, with an Introduction. About 250 pages. face, 60 tables, and several appendices. 75 pages. Fairs and Festivals in West Bengal by A. Mitra, con Part IC-Gener.al Report by A. Mitra, containing the taining an account of fairs and festivals classified SubSidiary tables of 1951 and the sixth chapter of by villages, unions, thanas and districts. With a the Report and a note on a Fertility Inquiry con foreword and extracts from the laws on the regula ducted in 1950.
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