Countryside Estate Management Review
COUNTRYSIDE ESTATE MANAGEMENT REVIEW Prepared: March 2015 1 Key Facts and Figures Site Details 1.1 The countryside estate totals about 6000 acres comprising: • 6 main country parks; • 9 picnic areas and a number of smaller sites; • 3 disused railway lines. 1.2 All of the main country parks have protected habitats and sites. 1.3 Cannock Chase Country Park is the largest of the main country parks and is designated a Special Area of Conservation, lying within the Cannock Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 1.4 Approximately 3,000,000 million visits each year. Staffing Arrangements 1.5 The management, and maintenance, of the estate is mostly delivered in-house by: • Rural Access Manager • 2 Head Rangers • 1 Works Unit Manager • 14 Rangers • 17 Estate Workers • 1 Development Officer 1.6 The Works Unit Team is trained and skilled to carry out most of the practical work on the Estate and also, well-resourced in terms of plant and equipment. Therefore, external contractors are only employed for large-scale woodland management and engineering works. 1.7 The Service Area is also supported by a team of Environmental Specialists and a significant voluntary contribution of about 25,000 hours per annum (equivalent to an additional 13 FTEs). Financial Information The combined budget for running the countryside estate and rights of way service is: Capital - £180,000 per annum Net expenditure - £ 1, 875,980 Income – C. £418,200 per annum (includes £185,000 from HLS schemes). Contract Arrangements The cleaning and maintenance of the on-site buildings and the operation of the catering facilities at Cannock Chase and Chasewater Visitor Centres are under contract to Entrust.
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