Volume 08, October, 2017 A SAMENA Telecommunications Council Newsletter www.samenacouncil.org SAMENA TRENDS EXCLUSIVELY FOR SAMENA TELECOMMUNICATIONS COUNCIL'S MEMBERS BUILDING DIGITAL ECONOMIES Nokia’s 5G FIRST Solution 40 Delivering Value Where it Works 52 Exclusive Interview Ihab Hinnawi Group CEO Batelco THIS MONTH FAIR TAXATION NETS FOR OTTS AND TELECOM OPERATORS Convergence 4th December, 2017 Creating New Advantages THE for Industry SAVE Stakeholders DATE! Convergence to Kuwait 2017 will corroborate the need to engage stakeholders and delineate the roles that now need to be played by regulators and policy makers as an incentive for carrying out digital development investments, and for realizing new unique advantages that Chief Patron each stakeholder group should work toward achieving. In this highly competitive industry, it is important to take the lead and collaborate to allow the industry to continually push innovation to the next stage. It is crucial also to ensure that all spheres of the industry are analyzed, explored and tapped to identify a road map for progression. Telephone: +971.4.364.2700, Fax: +971.4.369.7513 Email:
[email protected], www.samenacouncil.org VOLUME 08, OCTOBER, 2017 Contributing Editors Subscriptions Izhar Ahmad
[email protected] SAMENA Javaid Akhtar Malik Advertising TRENDS Contributing Members
[email protected] Huawei Editor-in-Chief Nokia SAMENA TRENDS Bocar A. BA
[email protected] Publisher Tel: +971.4.364.2700 SAMENA Telecommunications Council CONTENTS 04 EDITORIAL 06 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Ihab Hinnawi 13 REGIONAL & MEMBERS Group CEO UPDATES Batelco Members News Regional News 54 SATELLITE UPDATES Satellite News 64 WHOLESALE UPDATES The SAMENA TRENDS newsletter is Wholesale News wholly owned and operated by The SAMENA Telecommunications Council 68 (SAMENA Council).