Planning Application Number:P15/1289
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PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER:P15/1289 Type of approval sought Outline Planning Permission Ward Castle & Priory Coseley East Applicant Mr G. Willson, Skelton Midlands Ltd Location: LAND AT BIRMINGHAM NEW ROAD AND, SEDGLEY ROAD WEST, COSELEY/TIPTON Proposal OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION FOR THE DEMOLITION OF ALL BUILDINGS (EXCLUDING THE BUILDING OF LOCAL INTEREST ON SEDGLEY ROAD WEST). RESIDENTIAL REDEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE TO FORM COSELEY PARK COMPRISING UP TO 925 RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS AND PROVISION OF B1(A) OFFICE AND RETAIL CONVENIENCE (A1) STORE (ACCESS TO BE CONSIDERED) Recommendation APPROVE SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS AND 106 Summary: SITE AND SURROUNDINGS 1. The application site consists of the Newey Business Park and the former Bean Foundry site (south), Bean Road Industrial Estate (central), and the Wellington Industrial Estate (north). The site is bounded to the west by the Birmingham New Road, to the north Sangwin Road, to the east the Birmingham Canal Navigation and the former Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton railway alignment (although, the site does exclude the existing Biffa and Chemviron Carbon Ltd sites), and Sedgley Road West to the South and the dwellings along that road. The total site runs to 28.07 hectares. 2. The site is comparatively level, and is generally set lower than the surrounding road levels apart from the south east of the site which is at grade with Sedgley Road West. The site contains a number of industrial units dating from the mid 20th century. The northern part of the site is known as Wellington Industrial Estate. The former Bean Road Foundry part of the site was cleared in 2008, with temporary storage uses now present. The southern part of the site still contains industrial buildings, largely disused. This part of the site includes a two storey office building which has previously been used as offices to the Bean motor car factory and which was later used as the municipal offices for Tipton and Coseley UDC and a college. Immediately to the west of the building is an existing playing field, although that has not been used for a number of years. 3. Beyond the immediate confines of the site the area is principally residential in nature with interwar and post war house types dominating. However, to the east of the canal, there is the West Coast mainline, with a modern industrial estate beyond. 4. Vehicular access to the site is principally from Bean Road, via Birmingham New Road (BNR), although there is a secondary access from Sedgley Road West (SRW). There is also a separate pedestrian access to the Wellington Industrial Estate close to the pedestrian crossing to Birmingham New Road, near the junction with Sangwin Road. PROPOSAL 5. Outline planning permission for the demolition of all buildings (excluding the former Bean Motor car offices on Sedgley Road West). The following development is proposed; • Residential redevelopment of the site to form Coseley Park comprising up to 925 residential dwellings. • Provision of B1(a) office. This would take place in the former Bean Motor car offices which front Sedgley Road West). • Up to 2,787 sq m (30,000 sq ft) of retail floor (A1) convenience floor space (to accommodate the likely requirements of discount food retailers). 6. The only matter to be considered as part of this development is access; all other matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) are reserved for future approval. 7. There would be three main vehicular access points serving this development. The submitted plans show an upgrade to the junction of Birmingham New Road with Bean Road, with a new signal controlled junction at Bean Road and Birmingham New Road. A new access point in the form of a priority junction is shown from Sedgley Road West, this will become the principal access/egress to the residential development on the southern side of the site. Finally, an existing access adjacent to the former Bean Motor car offices would be retained. 8. There would only be an Emergency access onto Central Drive, this also providing a pedestrian and cycle linkage. 9. A Screening Opinion request under Regulation 5(1) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 1999 was issued on 14th August 2015 indicating that the application did not fall as an EIA development requiring an Environmental Statement. 10. This outline planning application is supported by the following documents; • Design and Access Statement (DAS) which also addresses heritage and sustainability - Statement of Community Involvement (produced by Local Dialogue); • Statement on Loss of Employment Land • Retail Assessment • Transport Assessment • Pre-development Tree Condition Survey • Preliminary Ecological Assessment • Report on Existing Noise Climate • Flood Risk Assessment • Geo-Environmental Assessment Report & Outline Reclamation Strategy • Foxyards Landfill, Coseley – Surrender Report 11. The following plans have been submitted with this application; • Existing Site Plan • Site Constraints Plan • Planning Red Line Plan • Land Use Zones and Indicative Masterplan • Indicative Phasing Plan • Tree Removals Plan These plans would broadly guide the scope of future reserved matter applications for the site. 12. Within both the Planning and Design and Access Statement the applicant lists the amount of units or proposed floor space. These figures are also referred to in the Transport Assessment. 13. The site contains, or adjoins a number of constraints, including an existing playing field, the presence of a protected species, a Site of Local Interest for Nature Conservation (SLINC), a locally listed building, a disused railway line, coal mining, mains sewers, a culvert, contamination and a high pressure gas main. 14. During the course of the application, due to highway safety concerns, vehicular accesses from Central Drive and Sangwin Close were removed from the proposal. HISTORY APPLICATION PROPOSAL DECISION DATE No. P11/1336 (Outline Planning Permission) Approved 20/09/12 Demolition of all buildings subject to (excluding building of local S106. interest in Sedgley Road West). Mixed use redevelopment to form Coseley Eco Park comprising employment (B1, B2, B8), residential (C3), retail (A1), community hall (D1), football pitch (D2), car showroom, trade wholesale, household waste recycling facility (OSG) with associated access, roads and car parking. 15. The above planning application is still extant, but has not been implemented. 16. There is also an extensive planning history relating to the use of the site for industrial and employment uses. An outline planning application was made on the southern part of the site (P08/1918) for the demolition of the existing structures and change of use for residential development (access to be considered) in 2008. This was refused due to the loss of employment land, (without any sufficient evidence being offered to allow its loss), loss of a heritage asset (former Council Offices) and the lack of an undertaking to enter into a legal agreement for the required planning obligations. PUBLIC CONSULTATION 17. Direct notification was carried out to 353 adjoining and adjacent premises, 10 site notices were posted and an advert was published within a local newspaper. In addition, all Ward Councillors for Coseley East and Castle & Priory were directly notified. As a result of the above, 9 representations were received summarised as follows; • Biffa site should be safeguarded as a sustainable waste management facility, applicant must demonstrate that the proposed development would not have a detrimental effect on the viability of our existing business or on our ability to expand. • Housing close to existing employment site will affect existing businesses. • Ability to operate on a unrestricted 24 hour basis should not be compromised by new residential development • Acoustic screening measures should be included by the applicant in the detailed design and site layout, ask that a suitable condition is included in the outline planning permission • Noise generated by commercial vehicles outside daytime hours also needs to be considered as part of the detailed site layout. • Introduction of 925 houses feeding significant additional traffic on to Bean Road, which is already very busy and causes delay for our vehicles. • Noise survey was taken when adjoining employment site was operating under capacity • Proposal needs to maintain satisfactory access for HGV’s to adjacent commercial site 24/7, where traffic is to be mixed with proposed residential movements. • Proposal would have significant impact on traffic and lead to further and more severe congestion in the area. • Proposal will increase traffic and journey times • Further consideration required about infrastructure • Object to residential to north and east of site, and ask that this remain industrial in use. • Local road run at capacity in peak (including Sedgley Road West) • Increase in traffic pollution • The access off Sedgley Road needs to taken farther from the lights on the Five Ways. Extra volume of traffic, needs more exit and access roads. • The development ignores the fact that this is a river basin and a river flows within a culvert beneath Bean Road. De-culverting the natural river would be a better proposal than the swales and basins proposed for flood water retention • Significant demand upon local school and health provision • Previous application allowed residential development only to make the wider scheme viable. • Environmental surveys do not provide accurate assessment of proposals • Value of land increased, so development