THE LONDON GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY, 1932. 291 Wells Avenue,}Upper Perm; The Urban District Council: Reddall Hill Road, Old Hill; Clerk's Office, .Stevens Park, Quarry Bank, Thorns Road, Quarry Bank; . Bank Street, ; The Urban District Council: 31, High Street, ; Clerk's Office, The Council Offices, Old Hill, and at the following addresses:— Staffordshire. " Roseleigh " The Paddock, Ooseley. The Urban District Council: The , Sedgley. Clerk's Office, The Council House, Sedgley, 53, High Road, Lane Head, Short Heath. near , . 5, High Street, . 62, King William Street, . The Short Heath Urban District Council: "Halibon" Bentley, near . Clerk's Office, 33, Market Place, Willenhall, 2B, Foundry Road, Wall He'ath, Kings- Staffordshire. winford. The Wednesfield Urban District Council: Bank Ohambers, High Street, Lye, iStour- Clerk's Office, 44, Queen Street, Woilver- bridge. hampton. 2, Lilac Road, , Dudley. The Willenhall Urban District Council: The Post Office, Claverley. Clerk's Office, The Town Hall, Willenhall, And notice is hereby further given that in Staffordshire. accordance with the Electricity Commissioners The . Urban District Council: Special Orders &c. Rules 1930, a copy of the Clerk's Office, The Public Offices, Owen draft Order, and a map shewing the proposed Street, Tipton, Staffordshire. area of supply, and the .streets in which it is The Bridgnorth Rural District Council: proposed that electric lines shall be laid down Clerk's Office, High Street, Bridgnorth, within a specified time 'have been deposited Salop. for public inspection with the Clerk of the The Rural District Council: Peace for the County of at his office Clerk's Office, , Stourbridge, at County Buildings, Stafford, with the Clerk Worcestershire. of the Peace for the County of Worcester at The Rural District Council: his office at Shirehall, Worcester, with the Clerk's Office, 24, Darlington Street, Wolver- Clerk of the Peace for the County of Salop hampton. at his office at Shirehall, Shrewsbury, and at The Rural District Council: the undermentioned offices of Local Autho- Clerk's Office, Darwell Street, Walsall, rities : — Staffordshire. The Borough of Stourbridge: Town Clerk's Office, Mary Stevens Park, Stourbridge, and a copy of the Order and of the said Map Worcestershire. have been deposited with the Clerk to the The Borough of : Town Joint Electricity Authority at Clerk's Office, The Town Hall, Wednesbury, his office at Phoenix Buildings, Dudley Road, Staffordshire. . The Borough of Dudley: Town Clerk's And Notice is hereby further given that any Office, The Municipal Buildings, Dudley, Authority, Company, Body, or Person desirous Worcestershire. of bringing before the Electricity Commis- The Amblecote Urban District Council: sioners any objections respecting this applica- Council Offices, Platts Crescent, Amblecote, tion must do so by letter .sent by registered Staffordshire. post addressed to the Secretary, Electricity The Urban District Council: Commission, Savoy Court, Strand, London, Clerk's Office, The Town Hall, Bilston, W.C., and despatched on or before the 20th Staffordshire. day of February 1932, and that a copy of such The Brierley Hill Urban District Council: objections must at the same time be forwarded Clerk's Office, The Council Offices, Brierley to the Midland Electric Corporation for Hill, Staffordshire. Power Distribution Limited, 27, Temple Street, The Urban District Council: (the Applicants for this Order) or Clerk's Office, The Council House, Co&eley, to Rest'all, Round and Gloster of 21, Waterloo Bilstoo, Staffordshire. Street, Birmingham, their Solicitors. The Urban District Council: Clerk's Office, The--Town Hall, Darlaston, Dated the Sixth day of January, 1932. Staffordshire. The Lye arid Wollescote Urban District RESTALL, ROUND AND GLOSTBE, 21, Waterloo •Council: Clerk's Office, Bank Chambers, Street, Birmingham, Solicitors for the Lye, near Stourbridge, Worcestershire. (058) Company.