Ohio Wesleyan Magazine OWU VOLUME 89 ISSUE NO.3 r FALL 2012 r Measuring Success OHO I WESLEYAN alumni SHARE THEIR STORIES anD OWU CONNECTIONS The Opposite VOLUME 89 ISSUE NO. 3 r FALL 2012 of Ordinary www.owualumni.com Ohio Wesleyan Alumni Online Community Editor Pamela Besel Class Notes Editor Andrea Misko Strle ’99 OWUOhio Wesleyan Magazine
[email protected] Designer Sara Stuntz FEATURES // Contributing Writers Pam Besel Andrea Misko Strle ’99 Mark Cooper Amanda Zechiel ’09 9 Finding Success Gretchen Hirsch Twenty-nine OWU alumni portray in words and deeds, the true meaning of success. OWU Contributing Photographers outcomes that rock. Nannette Bedway Chris Keeney Sara Blake Paul Molitor Alex Crump ’13 Mark Schmitter ’12 Robert Erdmann Richard Watherwax Interim Director of Marketing and Communication Cole Hatcher Marketing and Communication Office (740) 368-3335 Director of Alumni Relations Brenda DeWitt Alumni Relations Office Phone: (740) 368-3325 Fax: (740) 368-3328 Email:
[email protected] Web site: www.owu.edu OWU Magazine: http://magazine.owu.edu The Ohio Wesleyan Magazine (ISSN 0030-1221) For more of their is published in Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring stories, visit by Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. www.owu.edu/ alumnisuccess Periodicals postage paid at Delaware, Ohio and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Magazine, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio 43015. General University telephone number: (740) 368-2000. ED ITORIAL ADVISORY Pam Besel, Marketing and Communication Roger Ingles,