Formal Languages and Automata Stephan Schulz & Jan Hladik
[email protected] [email protected] L ⌃⇤ ✓ with contributions from David Suendermann 1 Table of Contents Formal Grammars and Context-Free Introduction Languages Basics of formal languages Formal Grammars The Chomsky Hierarchy Regular Languages and Finite Automata Right-linear Grammars Regular Expressions Context-free Grammars Finite Automata Push-Down Automata Non-Determinism Properties of Context-free Regular expressions and Finite Languages Automata Turing Machines and Languages of Type Minimisation 1 and 0 Equivalence Turing Machines The Pumping Lemma Unrestricted Grammars Properties of regular languages Linear Bounded Automata Scanners and Flex Properties of Type-0-languages 2 Outline Introduction Basics of formal languages Regular Languages and Finite Automata Scanners and Flex Formal Grammars and Context-Free Languages Turing Machines and Languages of Type 1 and 0 3 Introduction I Stephan Schulz I Dipl.-Inform., U. Kaiserslautern, 1995 I Dr. rer. nat., TU Munchen,¨ 2000 I Visiting professor, U. Miami, 2002 I Visiting professor, U. West Indies, 2005 I Lecturer (Hildesheim, Offenburg, . ) since 2009 I Industry experience: Building Air Traffic Control systems I System engineer, 2005 I Project manager, 2007 I Product Manager, 2013 I Professor, DHBW Stuttgart, 2014 Research: Logic & Automated Reasoning 4 Introduction I Jan Hladik I Dipl.-Inform.: RWTH Aachen, 2001 I Dr. rer. nat.: TU Dresden, 2007 I Industry experience: SAP Research I Work in publicly funded research projects I Collaboration with SAP product groups I Supervision of Bachelor, Master, and PhD students I Professor: DHBW Stuttgart, 2014 Research: Semantic Web, Semantic Technologies, Automated Reasoning 5 Literature I Scripts I The most up-to-date version of this document as well as auxiliary material will be made available online at ˜sschulz/fla2015.html and ˜hladik/FLA I Books I John E.