4755 Hon. Heath Shuler Hon. Ron Paul Hon
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March 30, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 4 4755 be no art talk,’’ he wrote. ‘‘The only poem you Swain County community. He is a member of IN RECOGNITION OF THE 142ND will hear will be the spearpoint pivoted in the the Vietnam Veterans of America, Smoky ANNIVERSARY OF THE SHILOH punctured marrow of the villain.... There- Mountain Chapter 994 as well as a member of BAPTIST CHURCH fore we are the last poets of the world.’’ Veterans of Foreign Wars in Bryson City. He So Abiodun Oyewole and founding mem- regularly attends events throughout the com- bers Umar Bin Hassan, Jalal Mansur Nuriddin, munity. An avid football fan, he can be seen HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Felipe Luciano, Gylan Kain, David Nelson and watching many Swain High School football OF VIRGINIA percussionist Nilaja Obabi formed The Last Poets on May 19, 1968, Malcolm X’s birthday, games as a member of the ‘‘Fence Walkers.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at Marcus Garvey Park (formerly Mount Morris I am grateful I have selfless, brave, and Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Park) in the East Harlem/El Barrio neighbor- dedicated veterans like Mr. Brendle in our hood part of my Congressional District in New community. His service to our country is a Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, it York. great source of pride to me and to Western is my great honor to recognize the 142nd An- These young radical poets and musicians North Carolina. I ask my colleagues to join me niversary of the Shiloh Baptist Church in rose to become the rappers of the civil rights today in recognizing Specialist Fourth Class Mason Neck, Virginia, and to celebrate the un- era. During the late 60s and early 70s, Dockie Brendle for his service and sacrifice to veiling of its historical marker. Abiodun and members of The Last Poets con- nected with the violent factions of the SNCC our great nation. The mission of Shiloh Baptist is to be a (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Com- ‘‘beacon of light’’ within the community, bring- mittee), the SDS (Students for a Democratic f ing hope, spiritual guidance, and a loving spirit Society), and the Black Panther party. They to those it serves. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW- went through confrontations with the FBI and MAN CHAPEL UNITED METH- On November 18, 1879 Relius Allen and Ar- police, arrests for robbing the Ku Klux Klan ODIST CHURCH chie Gilliam, Trustees, purchased one acre of and various other ventures with Revolution in land on Gunston Road, where the first Shiloh mind. Abiodun Oyewole received a 12- to 20- Baptist Church was built. This humble log year jail sentence, but served less than four HON. RON PAUL structure became the spiritual home to local years. families including the original organizers Post the revolutionary Civil Rights era, OF TEXAS named Gilliam, Berries, Gant, Blackburn and Abiodun went into teaching. He was a Colum- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Williams. A small cemetery was also estab- bia University Fellow, where he taught biology, lished on the original property. In 1900, an- and also spent 15 years with the New York Wednesday, March 30, 2011 other one-acre parcel was purchased directly City Board of Education teaching children. across the street; this parcel included a build- The Last Poets have been cited as one of Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to ing, the Gunston white school, which served the earliest influences of what would become congratulate the parishioners of Newman as a second meeting house. In 1927, a vesti- hip-hop music and for paving the way for all Chapel United Methodist Church of Kendleton, bule and steps were added to the building, socially committed Black and diverse emcees. Texas, on the opening of their new multipur- which is still in use today. So, Mr. Speaker, I ask that today we pay pose worship center. The Center opened this Since that time, the Church has witnessed homage to Abiodun Oyewole, Umar Bin Has- past Sunday, March 27th. san, Felipe Luciano and percussionist Don many changes. August 11, 1984 marked the Babatunde Eaton. Without fame or fortune, Established in approximately 1872, Newman groundbreaking of the New Edifice to the they continue to raise the consciousness of Chapel was the first Methodist Church orga- Glory of God, which was dedicated the next America and influence the world through the nized in the Kendleton. Originally, parishioners year. In 1999, a 6-acre addition was dedi- spoken word of the ‘‘Legendary Last Poets.’’ meet by the San Bernard River under the old cated. In 2004, two trailers were installed, pro- viding additional room for classes, administra- f oak trees. Services were held at the river until 1874 when the parishioners constructed a log tive offices, prayer rooms, and a library. Also HONORING VIETNAM VETERAN in 2004, two additional acres were purchased, cabin that served as both a place for worship DOCKIE BRENDLE FOR HIS SERV- increasing the total Church property to 10 ICE AND SACRIFICE IN THE and a school. acres. The house on the original Parson’s VIETNAM WAR Newman Chapel may have come a long Property has been set aside for use as a way from its roots in a gathering of believers ‘‘House of Helps and Hope’’ to serve the HON. HEATH SHULER by the San Bernard River, but what has never needs of our less fortunate neighbors, as well OF NORTH CAROLINA changed is the parishioners’ and staff’s com- as a nursery. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mitment to the mission of building a spirit-filled It is believed that Reverend John Webb was Wednesday, March 30, 2011 community church of believers. The new wor- the first pastor of the church and since its ship center will enhance the Church’s ability to founding, 16 pastors and three interim pastors Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to carry out this mission by providing a more have served the Shiloh Baptist congregation. honor Specialist Fourth Class Dockie Brendle spacious and comfortable location for worship In 2002, the Reverend Doctor Luther M. Bailey for his valiant service and sacrifice during the and other traditional church activities. The new became Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, Vietnam War. where he continues to serve. Under his lead- In 1967, Mr. Brendle started his tour of duty multipurpose center will also be used for new ministries and needed services to all the peo- ership, new programs have been implemented as an Armored Track Commander with the and membership has grown to 146. 11th Armored Calvary Regiment in Swan Loc, ple of Kendleton. Some of the new programs South Vietnam. In 1968, Mr. Brendle was planned include a Sunday morning breakfast The significance of Shiloh Baptist Church wounded four times. Due to his service and and bible study, a senior daycare center, after has been recognized with the placement of a sacrifice Mr. Brendle received various medals school tutorials and programs to provide nutri- historical marker presented by the Fairfax County History Commission. This Church has and accolades, including a Silver Star, a tious food to Kendleton’s low-income popu- witnessed great transformations in our country Bronze Star with ‘‘V’’ Device for Valor, an lation. Army Commendation Medal with ‘‘V’’ Device from its beginnings shortly after the end of the In conclusion, I once again extend my con- for Valor, four Purple Hearts, a Combat Infan- Civil War to the election of our Nation’s first try Badge, a President Unit Citation, a Viet- gratulations to the parishioners and staff of African-American President, Barack Obama. nam Service Medal with three Bronze Stars, a Newman Chapel United Methodist Church on Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Vietnam Gallantry Cross, and a Vietnam Cam- the opening of their new multi-purpose wor- in recognizing the 142nd Anniversary of Shiloh paign Medal. ship center. I am certain all of Newman Chap- Baptist Church, and in recognizing the histor- Although he is now a 100 percent disabled el’s parishioners as well as the community of ical significance and contributions to the com- veteran, Mr. Brendle is an active part of the Kendleton will benefit from the worship center. munity made by this Church and its members. VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:58 Feb 18, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR11\E30MR1.000 E30MR1 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.