Comment on the Commentary of the Day by Donald J. Boudreaux Chairman, Department of Economics [email protected]

Disclaimer: The following “Letters to the Editor” were sent to the respective publications on the dates indicated. Some were printed but many were not. The original articles that are being commented on may or may not be available on the internet and may require registration or subscription to access if they are. Some of the original articles are syndicated and therefore may have appeared in other publications also.

13 December 2009 Each of our 36 full-time changes in society without faculty members is being directed by anyone, Friends, committed to teaching and and how this order is researching in the broad affected -- usually to the I write to ask if you might tradition of Hayek, Milton point of being malformed -- consider making a year- Friedman, Vernon Smith, by political interventions. end, tax-deductible and GMU's own Jim contribution to GMU Buchanan and Gordon Although located only a Economics. Any amount - Tullock. Methodologically, few miles from the small, middlin', or large; GMU Econ is the most Potomac, NO one on our two-figures, three-figures, diverse economics Economics faculty suffers whatever you can afford - department on the planet, from Potomac fever. I will be much-appreciated but in our world-views my think of our Department and used effectively. colleagues and I all share and our programs as a an understanding that powerful inoculant against We at GMU Economics economics is NOT about that dastardly disease. carry out the mission of creating a guidebook for sound economic education, social engineering to be GMU Econ also excels on outreach, and research carried out by Philosopher the education front. We better than any other Kings and Queens. attract students literally academic department in from around the world who the world. Far better. Instead, economics is want to study at GMU about understanding how because of our worldwide order emerges and reputation for doing and theorist of "free - Russ Roberts's economics. banking." A blogger over "EconTalk" podcasts have at "The Division of Labour," established themselves as Private financial assistance we were thrilled to be able THE leader in that genre - enables us to do this work to bring Larry into our a genre increasingly more effectively. ranks from his previous popular as a means of position in the Hayek Chair conveying lots of economic Here's only some of what's at the University of insights in short periods of happened recently at GMU Missouri – St. Louis. (My time. Econ: goal is to now hire -- another great - GMU econ - With the help of the monetary scholar -- away undergraduate Adam Bitely , we've from the University of pioneered NetRight Daily - totally revamped our Georgia, and then launch an informative daily e-mail Masters-degree program. here at GMU a Center for blast with lots of great pro- It's now explicitly aimed at the Study of Money and liberty links. (Here's the training young men and Banking [or some such link: women interested in doing title] built around Larry and ) economics policy work but George....) I add that Larry who don't wish to do the - like five of the past six - Finally, I am working more esoteric studies new hires we've made in now to collect my letters-to- required of doctoral our Department - was hired the-editor into a book form students. The PhD is with privately raised funds, that will be appealing to chiefly a degree for not with state funds. broad audiences. persons who want to teach at the collegiate level; we - We continue to We do all that we do with have about 170 students excel in the blogosphere. surprisingly little money currently matriculating 's and Alex from the state (despite the toward their PhDs – and, Tabarrok's "Marginal fact that GMU is indeed a hence, toward teaching Revolution," Bryan state school). Well over 90 and research posts. We Caplan's "EconLog," Pete percent of our graduate- have now about 50 Boettke's and Pete student funding comes students in the two-year Leeson's "The Austrian from privately raised funds; Masters program, with a ," Larry White's close to 100 percent of the goal of eventually getting "Division of Labour," Robin funds used to pay for that number up to 100 Hanson's "Overcoming faculty travel to students. These Masters Bias," and Russ Roberts's professional meetings students will eventually do and my "Café Hayek" all comes from privately good work for get lots of media attention - raised funds; and, as I said organizations such as which only helps to move earlier, over the past Cato, Reason, and John the ball forward on the several years nearly all of Stossel's new shop at Fox liberty front (or, these days, our new hires was done News. to keep that ball from with privately raised funds moving as far back as it (some of which, of course, - We hired Larry otherwise would). were generously White, the great historian contributed by your check. You can mail it to government bureaucrats. mother). me at the address below. If he means what he says (The GMU Foundation is a in your pages, then his Also paid for with purely tax-exempt 501(c)(3) reply would go something private funds are things organization.) like this: "Wonderful idea! such as our annual Privately owned and Undergraduate Awards Either way, thanks for operated newspapers are Ceremony (where we considering and for giving run solely to maximize the award prizes named after me the honor of having you bottom line, so the public Hayek, Mises, Jim read my daily missives. I'm gets screwed. But with Buchanan, and Vernon thrilled that you do. government bureaucrats Smith); a full-time research running newspapers, assistant for Jim Buchanan Here's hoping for a freer reporting and all other (who, although now 90 and more prosperous newspaper operations will years old, is still actively 2010! surely improve. Because researching, writing, and government bureaucrats teaching a seminar); NYU's 11 December 2009 ultimately must answer to Mario Rizzo coming down the people, we can be to Fairfax in the Spring to Editor, St. Petersburg confident that newspaper teach our graduate courses Times operations will be efficient in Austrian Economics; and and unfailing serve the lab equipment for our Dear Editor: public." experimental-economics group. Former Miami Herald Now, if Mr. Steinback employee Robert would reply differently - Private contributions free Steinback, pleading for that is, if he would object to us from much of the State greater government control government operation of and University bureaucracy of health-care markets, newspapers - I then that would otherwise writes: "I don't understand wonder what has become encumber our mission. people who fear of his inability to government bureaucrats - understand those of us I hope that you'll consider who have no profit motive who distrust government contributing to our efforts and ultimately must answer bureaucrats. here at GMU Economics. to the people - yet feel fully Again, any amount will be at ease with corporate 10 December 2009 welcome and used to bureaucrats whose sole further economic education interest is the bottom line Editor, The Wall Street of the sort that the U.S. and answer only to Journal sorely needs. shareholders" ("Matter of 200 Liberty Street life, death," Dec. 9). New York, NY 10281 If you do contribute, you can make your check I wonder how Mr. To the Editor: payable to "GMU Steinback would reply to a Foundation," and write proposal that newspapers Edward Short offers one of "Economics" in the lower be run, not by profit- his favorite quotations from left-hand corner of the seeking owners, but by Thomas Babington Macaulay (Letters, Dec. Friends, 10). Has Mr. Wilbon taken 10). I here offer one of my leave of his senses? own; it is the final Here's the transcript of paragraph of Macaulay's GMU Russ Consider, for example, his brilliant and timeless 1830 Roberts's testimony today assertion that this essay "Southey's on Capitol Hill. My friend Congressional intrusion Colloquies on Society": Fred Young describes it puts the Bowl appropriately: "terrific". Championship Series "on "It is not by the notice that somebody its intermeddling of Mr. blication/job-market-and- size is watching." What?? Southey's idol, the great-recession Uncle Sam has armies, omniscient and omnipotent navies, nuclear weapons, State, but by the prudence Russ's conclusion and prisons; it has the and energy of the people, deserves singling out: "F. power to tax; its annual that England has hitherto A. Hayek said that “the budget now exceeds 3.5 been carried forward in curious task of economics TRILLION dollars; its civilization; and it is to the is to demonstrate to men civilian workforce numbers same prudence and the how little they really know 2.8 million people. The same energy that we now about what they imagine BCS is a puny system, run look with comfort and good they can design.” It would by a handful of people, hope. Our rulers will best be good to recognize our used by the NCAA to promote the improvement limits about what we choose which college of the nation by strictly imagine we can design. football teams play in confining themselves to We cannot steer the which holiday bowl games. their own legitimate duties, economy. Or the labor by leaving capital to find its market. Recognizing our To suggest that the BCS is most lucrative course, limitations is a step in the a looming monster commodities their fair right direction." threatening harm to price, industry and Americans unless an intelligence their natural 10 December 2009 agency of comparable size reward, idleness and folly and influence – Uncle Sam their natural punishment, Editor, Washington Post – establishes itself as a by maintaining peace, by 1150 15th St., NW countervailing power is defending property, by Washington, DC 20071 ludicrous. It's also diminishing the price of dangerous, for it invites law, and by observing strict Dear Editor: promiscuous intrusions by economy in every the largest and most department of the state. Sports columnist Michael powerful entity that history Let the Government do Wilbon applauds has ever known into ever- this: the People will Congressional efforts to more aspects of our lives. assuredly do the rest." determine how collegiate Mr. Wilbon should not [ football playoffs are pardon such intrusions. ary/Essays/macS1.html ] conducted ("Alabama's in the title game, but is the 9 December 2009 10 December 2009 BCS tide turning?," Dec.

Editor, The New York that the benefits of Republicans is as well- Times windmills, solar panels, known as it is justified. But 620 Eighth Avenue and battery-powered from your interview we New York, NY 10018 electric cars will exceed the learn that he believes also costs of making - will that today's To the Editor: exceed in value that which overwhelmingly must be foregone to make Democratic Congress is, in Thomas Friedman writes: - these green fetishes a his words, "extremely "If we prepare for climate reality? dysfunctional." change by building a clean- power economy, but Of course, he cannot be I'd like to ask Prof. climate change turns out to sure. Like so many other Krugman why he's so keen be a hoax, what would be pundits, Mr. Friedman to entrust vastly more the result? ... [G]radually simply ignores, or money and power to an we would be driving arbitrarily discounts, the agency that, even when in battery-powered electric costs of turning his oh-so- the command of the cars and powering more lovely daydreams into political party that shares and more of our homes quotidian actuality. his values and worldview, and factories with wind, is "extremely solar, nuclear and second- 9 December 2009 dysfunctional." Why is he generation biofuels. We optimistic that an entity that would be much less Ms. Judy Woodruff can, and does, so easily dependent on oil dictators PBS Newshour malfunction will who have drawn a bull’s- nevertheless - when vested eye on our backs; our trade Dear Ms. Woodruff: with greater power - work deficit would improve; the selflessly and smartly to dollar would strengthen; I enjoyed your interview improve the lives of and the air we breathe yesterday with Bruce ordinary Americans? would be cleaner. In short, Bartlett and . as a country, we would be But I wonder if you're as 9 December 2009 stronger, more innovative baffled by Prof. Krugman and more energy as I am. Editor, The Wall Street independent" ("Going Journal Cheney on Climate," Dec. On one hand, Krugman is 200 Liberty Street 9). today's most prestigious, New York, NY 10281 loud, and insistent voice in Lovely. America for concentrating To the Editor: greater power in Lovely, that is, until one Washington. On the other Andrew Roberts's review of asks: compared to what? hand, he is forever Robert Sullivan's biography From where do all the complaining that Uncle of Thomas Babington resources come that Sam is a tool of destructive Macaulay splendidly produce these wonderful special-interest groups or exposes the blinding benefits that Mr. Friedman is under the influence of biases that Sullivan brings foresees? How can Mr. stupid ideas (or both). Of to Lord Macaulay and his Friedman be so cocksure course, his distrust of times ("An Eminent Victorian on Trial," Dec. 7). progress of science have Persons interested in benefited the few at the Macaulay should avoid expense of the many." Sullivan's screed and [From the chapter entitled instead study John Clive's "The Delusion of masterful 1973 biography, Overrating the Happiness "Macaulay: The Shaping of of Our Ancestors," in T. B. the Historian." Although Macaulay, The History of Clive, like Sullivan, England (1847)] indulges in too much psychoanalysis for my 8 December 2009 taste, he paints a rich and compelling portrait of Friends, Macaulay. This portrait reveals Macaulay to have My GMU colleague Russ been, if flawed, a truly Roberts explains on great and good man - a yesterday's NPR's show man whose realism and "Planet Money" why much genuine liberalism would of what passes itself off as serve us well today. "economics" is the equivalent of palm reading: Macaulay was also prescient. Writing in the oney/2009/12/podcast_the 1840s, he refused to _folly_of_economic_foreca romanticize past times sts.html when (as he described matters) "to have a clean Enjoy -- and learn! shirt once a week was a privilege reserved for the higher class of gentry" and when "men died faster in the purest country air than now die in the most pestilential lanes," Macaulay foresaw that "It may well be, in the twentieth century ... that numerous comforts and luxuries which are now unknown, or confined to a few, may be within the reach of every diligent and thrifty workingman. And yet it may then be the mode to assert that the increase of wealth and the