OUR THEMES OUR LOCAL PARTNERS HOW A WWDP-PROJECT COMES INTO EXISTENCE WORLD : , SOLIDARITY, PARTNERSHIP Improving the living conditions and Whether it is a newly founded In the beginning of a project women are dissatisfi ed with their living conditions • Women’s World Day of Prayer chances of women and girls tangi- grass-roots-initiative or a well in- and feel a strong desire for change. Together with our local partner organisa- WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER (WWDP) is a major global move- bly is the aim of WWDP’s project terconnected human rights organ- tion, they contemplate what should be different. ment of Christian women. isation, a social movement in the support. We support our local part- • Each year Christian women come ners in the following areas of work: capital or a female farmers’ cooper- FROM THE IDEA TO A PROJECT PROPOSAL ative – we work together with very EMPOWERMENT together on the first Friday in The partner organisation supports the women in developing a concrete action different partner organisations. March to observe a common day • Social and political participation plan from their ideas. If resources are needed to implement this plan, they of prayer. Each year the service contact WWDP and submit an application for funding. OF WOMEN AND GIRLS • Women’s health is written by women from a dif- They are all ferent country. Throughout the • Combating violence against • experienced in the work for PERUSAL AND APPROVAL OUR PROJECTS world, women of different Chris- women and sexualised violence women’s rights, The project proposal is reviewed carefully in WWDP‘s project department. The tian confessions work together • Education and professional qual- • well interconnected in their local Committee of WWDP (equivalent to an assembly of members) decides locally to prepare the service and ifi cation environment, once a year about the support of project proposals. Once approved, a contract all people are welcome to attend. • Economic autonomy/Secure live- • on an equal footing with the is signed and the cooperation can begin. • The World Day of Prayer links lihoods in urban and rural envi- women and girls they work with, Christian faith and responsible ronment PROJECT MONITORING • capable as implementers and action for a fairer world. • Food sovereignty The partner organisation submits regular reports about the course of the project aware of project’s long-term im- • With hospitality, prayers and ex- • Women’s perspective in church, and accounts for the appropriate disbursement of funds. If needed, the project pact on the lives of women and perience, people committed to the World Day of Prayer share their ecumenism and interfaith department offers advice to the partner organisations. girls. resources worldwide on equal terms and in solidarity. This is signified dialogue also in the way the collection taken during the service supports women THE PROJECT ENDS, THE COMMITMENT FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS CONTINUES… worldwide. At the end, the project is evaluated jointly by all parties concerned. Together they refl ect on how the concerns of women and girls can be followed up in future. OUR PRINCIPLES FOCUSING ON RIGHTS OF WOMEN a self-determined life. We support CONTACT AND GIRLS them in recognising their strengths and shaping their own ways of life. Please get in touch with us if you have questions with regard to our support We support women and girls, regard- for projects. You may contact us as follows: less of their colour, social origin, age, ACHIEVING MORE GENDER JUSTICE sexual orientation and religion, to Women’s World Day of Prayer - German Committee lead a self-determined life. We believe that gender justice is a Deutenbacher Str. 1; 90547 Stein concern of women and men alike. Tel. +49 (0) 911-68 06 301; Fax +49 (0) 911-68 06 304 TAKING SIDES If both can change ingrained tra- [email protected] There are structural barriers which ditional mind-sets and attitudes, a On our website you will fi nd more information about our project support and marginalize and oppress women and more gender-just interaction will be our annual report, including information on how the offering is being spent: girls and force them to live a life in possible. www.weltgebetstag.de poverty or indignity. We are on their PARTNERSHIP APPROACH side with our commitment to more WWDP is a member of UN Women Sustainable changes need reliable (National German Committee reg. Ass.) social justice and empowerment of women in society. relationships and time. Thus, in our and the Association of German Development co-operation with our partners in Non-Governmental Organisations EMPOWERING WOMEN AND GIRLS the various countries we focus on (VENRO, reg. Ass.). In many parts of the world women mutual exchanges and the willing- For copyrights and enquiries about ©-materials please contact us. and girls lack the opportunity to lead ness to learn from each other. Women’s World Day of Prayer German Committee

Stand 02/14 CHECHNYA COUNSELLING MAKES THE DIFFERENCE WORLDWIDE COMMITMENT Women’s health. In Grosny, capital of Chechnya, still largely in ruins three years after the offi cial end of the war, hardly any functioning health service exists. This affects women especially badly: When 19-year-old Kheda realises FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS that she is pregnant, she has never heard of anything like contraception or antenatal classes. At the centre run by our partner organisation “Women’s Dignity”, Kheda receives gynaecological and psycho-social counselling. Projects of the World Day of Prayer are about breaking structural barri- “Women’s Dignity” also organises workshops for students and further training ers which marginalize, exploit and oppress women and girls. The projects for teachers, so that health and sexual education can take place in the schools. strengthen the social, political and economic rights of women and girls. Kheda is glad to have found a place to go with the many questions she has. With the collection taken during the World Day of Prayer such projects are Before her child is born, she wants to feel ready to care for it. supported worldwide. Some examples:

BANGLADESH TRAINING OPENS UP CHANCES Securing livelihoods. In the region of Batiaghata, poverty and social exclu- sion are everyday experiences for women. At the time when Nilofar fi rst NICARAGUA BIBLE BOLSTERS WOMEN heard about our partner organisation SHARE, she and her neighbours Women’s perspectives in church and ecumenism. “Our churches considered their situation hopeless. Then they attended SHARE’s have done a lot of good work in the social sector. Unfortunately, they training programme and learnt about their rights and how they have not yet tackled the problem of why women in the church as an could build up an economic existence. Step by step not only the institution are made to look small through traditional bible interpreta- income of the families but also the self-confi dence of the women tions”. Lorena is the director of socio-pastoral services in a protestant grew: “Today I can feed my family well and in our group I am re- community. Since taking part in a seminar on feminist pastoral work sponsible for the fi nances”, Nilofar adds happily. at the ecumenical centre CIEETS, she reads the bible differently. Wom- en take responsibility for their belief. They look into religious traditions, church doctrines and bible interpretations and criticise the extrapolation of suppression and injustice, “because the liberating message of the bible encour- SETTLEMENT OF CONFLICTS ages women to realise our gifts and talents in the churches and parishes too.” WITHOUT VIOLENCE Overcoming Violence against Women. For many dec- COLUMBIA NO COMMUNITY PLANNING BENIN COOPERATIVES ARE OPENING ades violent confl icts have prevailed between ethnic groups in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. A WITHOUT WOMEN UP NEW PERSPECTIVES STRONG GIRLS climate of hostility exists and dominates social Political Empowerment: „Many women’s projects fail due Economic Empowerment. Memouna and Mariam, two Education. Poverty, violence, lack of prospects – everyday life in the former relationships: Violence against women and their to the fact that women lack the knowledge of fi nancial farmers in the region of Collines, are working hard to support townships is often depressing. Where do I get help and support? This question family members is widespread. Gloria experienced administration“ explains Cristina from our partner organi- their families with food and daily needs. Despite the important role women was asked seven years ago by Nozipho, a girl from Soweto. At this in her neighbourhood before she heard about sation VAMOS MUJER in Medellín. “So since 2005 we have play in the food production of this fertile region, they are hardly ever involved the Children’s Resource Centre (CRC) she found a home our partner organisation „Voice for Change“ (VFC). been making indigenous women more competent in project in how their products are marketed and distributed. So they are not able to from home at that time. Today she is one of some VFC provides practical support such as counselling management“. Out of these activities a network of 14 women’s get better prices for their products. Our partner organisation CRADIB offers 1.000 girls who are organised in the countrywide services (help desk), and shelter homes for women who groups named Plataforma evolved. “Women’s interests have to women a new perspective on how they can improve their social and economic movement of CRC. “Here we get tips for learning have been victims of violence. Moreover, VFC addresses be part of the community development planning, otherwise they will not be conditions, by growing cashew nuts and developing cooperatives. Up till now and hygiene and learn new sports. In assertiveness the root causes of violence: How can we change traditional values and role realised”, stresses Cristina, so “it is obligatory for all to take their interests into there are about 1.200 women organised in seven cooperatives. They jointly training we practise how to defend ourselves bet- models which support violent behaviour against women? Through courses consideration”. Nowadays Plataforma initiates activities for women’s rights produce, distribute and market their products now. Moreover, by processing ter against sexual violence.” The 18-year-old has women are trained in confl ict resolution and mediation. Gloria has also been and sustainable development all over Columbia. The women are promoting juice and jam out of the cashew fruits the women have access to additional since become a regional coordinator and supports trained and today she is able to mediate confl icts in her community and to especially the human right to food. sources of income. other girls in fi nding their way. solve family disputes.