View A720 ES Chapter 11. Road Drainage And
AECOM A720 Sheriffhall Roundabout Transport Scotland 11. Road Drainage and the Water Environment This chapter considers the impact of the Proposed Scheme upon the water environment of the River Esk (Lothian) catchment, taking into account the potential for adverse and beneficial impacts upon surface waters, drainage network assets, groundwater and flooding during both construction and operation (including maintenance). The assessment was informed by consultation, desk-based assessments, site walkovers and topographic surveys. The main water features identified include the River North Esk, the Dean Burn, the Esk Valley sand and gravel aquifer, the Dalkeith bedrock and localised sand and gravel aquifers, and the Scottish Water drainage network. The River North Esk is the main watercourse within the River Esk (Lothian) catchment, of which, the Dean Burn is a minor tributary. With a catchment of approximately 6.2km2, the Dean Burn flows in a south-west to north-east orientation, running largely parallel to, and to the immediate south of the A720 Edinburgh City Bypass. It is the only watercourse within the study area, though includes a number of features of note within its catchment area, including Lugton Bogs (a small standing waterbody adjacent to the A720) and a functional floodplain. Whilst the Dean Burn is not classified under the Water Framework Directive (WFD), it is within the catchment area for the reach of the River North Esk, which is classified as being of Poor overall status. No protected areas (identified as those requiring special protection under existing National or European legislation, either to protect their surface water or groundwater, or to conserve habitats or species that directly depend on those waters) would be affected.
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