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ED 107 102 Leslau, Wolf TITLE Intermediate Amharic Cultural DOCUMENT RESUME ED 107 102 FL 005 091 , AUTHOR Leslau, Wolf TITLE Intermediate Amharic Cultural Reader. Final Report. SPONS AGENCY Institute of International Studies (DREW /OE), Washington, D.C. BUREAU NO BR-1-1015 PUB DATE Oct 73 CONTRACT OEC -0 -71 -2395 (823) 357p.; Not available in hard copy due to marginal NOTE . legibility of original document EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 BC Not Available from EDRS. PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Afro Asiatic Languages; *Amharic; *Cultural Background; Instructional Materials; Language Instruction; *Reading Materials; SemiticLanguages; Sociocultural Patterns; Student Developed Materials; Teacher Developed Materials; *Textbooks;Uncomaoily Taught Languages; Vocabulary IDENTIFIERS *Ethiopia; NDEA Title VI ABSTRACT This reader is intended to provide material for the intermediate-level student of Amharic as well as tointroduce the student to the cultural and social life ofEthiopia. Tie 39 texts were each-prepared by adifferent student at Haile Selassie I University, thus providing the reader with a varietyof language styles. The Amharic texts are followed bytheir English translations, which are as close as possible to the original, andrhich retain Amharic technical terms. An Amharic-English glossarycompletes the volume. (AM) Final Report Contract No. OEC-0-71-2395 (823) INTERMEDIATE AMHARIC CULTURAL READER Wolf Leslau University of California Los Angeles, California October 1973 The research reported herein was performed pursuant to a contract with the Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Contractors undertaking such projects under Govern- ment sponporship are encouraged to express freely their professional judgment in the conduct of the project.' Points of view or opinions stated do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Office of Education position or policy. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE .t% Office of Education Institute of International Studies 0 U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, 1 EDUCATION WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO 0 DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN 0 ATING IT POINTS Of VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NI CE SSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LL EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY INTERDIATE AXHARIO CULTURAL READER WOLF LESLAU INTRODUCTION There is at present no Amharic Reader available to students who have completed the study of Amharic grammar and are in the intermediary stage of the study of Amharic.The Intermediate Amharic Cultural Reader is intended to fill this gap. At the same time, the Reader pro'ides the studentwith texts that -de- scribe the material culture as well as the social institutions of Ethiopia, thereby introducing him to the cultural life of the country. The texts were prepared under my direction by students of the Haile Selassie I university, eachtext by another student. I adopted thiS procedure, rather than having all the texts written by the same writer, in order to provide the student of Amharic with a variety of styles, The English translation is as close as possible to the Amharic oriOnal. Amharic technical terms are retained in the ,English text, and the meaning of these terms is given in the vocabulary. The notes refer to the English translation. The vocaou- lary contains all the words of the Amharic text. 4 TABLNF CONTENTS 0), TEXTS ,1 -3, .hvislr:rfrt? 4-5 6-7 .ffaciF 8-9 eimr 10-12 13-13a .'nE-115 14-15 -7/111--.54117 16-17 wC9 18-21 22-24 peri iro in en 25-26 28 29-30 31-33 34-36 37-39 40-41 42-44 45-46 47-48 49-51 52-54 55-60 61-62 63-65 66-67 68-69 p-72a 73-75 76-77 78-81 82-84 83 -87 n 7ofur.Hi: H3Pend-. ASP/ 88-90 .-11.P.1411t?:41%e4T-(10-1,'Ibitil 410- 91-92 e hold4: icier 93-96 . rPirriofpriqp-t7 tn hilet4.go/ 97 -98 -.4n(P...h.Es..ffvehnr tnniv.trvAre:Y1.714S11:4411-2-'"ibh 99-101 fAlla'. TV 1u2-103 i:1353 W. TRANSLATIONS Addis Ababa 104-106 The city of Gondar 107-109 Harar 110-112 Nercato 113-115 Country market 116-120 Christening 121-123 Naming 124-126 Wedding 126-130 Burial ceremony 131-134a Food anddrink 135-138 House construction in Amhara country 139-141 The manner of wearing the 5iimma 142-144 tiahb:.dr '145-147 Credit. society. 148-150 Burial society 151-155 Communal labor o 156-159 Communal inquest 160-161 Fukkara 162-165 PrieSt 166-168 DHbtHr-a 169-171 Nonkhood 172-175 Clerical education 176-179 Divination 180-186 -Fasting 187-189 Christmas 190-193 Epiphany 194 -196 Easter 197-199 NEscial 200-203 St. John's Day 204-207 c-rchants 208-210 Artisans 211-215 . ninstrel 216-219 the daily duties of an Amhara farmer 220-223 Lcadholding -man.; the Amharas 224-229 What is the daily work of an Ethiopian woman? 230-232 Iginctions of an elder in society 233-237 A person of breeding and '-r-,00d upbringing 238-241 Just what is an Ethiopian girl of good character? 242it245 Beauty 246-249 NOTES 250-253 Vocpbulary 254-343 f> L, (, TK - t. -,'"". 41 14 . ,., a TEXTS -'a c 8 Ci 5 a ;Pe 4 (pc0, 474-: :\ AsPz.f):IdZ 'r PhrIP-A': azis7;F:.71Ao'9: 95)2 9n):*4 : 40, /ZIW q.Y ev.-hq- Wel P1a/6-;7C /intoft 1.M09012: Oh yr : -A/71: rapiidsr- $7ice79: 952 foei>P, /201/1-r%:h.641:MC A ,?4. 7/71n73-. 141-*7. Py47/1/g, /7.971a1tzgvy1-:..efloydq$:, PY71(.09q,c,ncY harAe: hi.vM, mai), A vim,9: 4,5e4- neea"),77- eb- 17/04 :014 5.71 04 97a3- (Pt.? poR Ausr, tYov:560-.17740U atieV>.: /7,02737g.: Qc.-en)470A 622y1av5f, 5/4 ;f: 7taz)44b7:t "iaq .e(10.-24.4:.0,9,.,/) Mr2:apk9r:/3#: 412: Ag:ife.Y.-477-Agze:A . AP: on6,71 .,721- 2"; g . o P/h 7,#)? :lemb, g3 7, g..31 76) g : 7 .e..26,4),064 : . : 724' pot) Vz): eociiPaz; )a 12," .01 2 it"," 01, 4/) X-1,.1241)-s 71 =a g i79 ci:IP24:P7-4/7 3 40Plah: P7'4 P av a),1, P"13 : pal 0, P.f go, 9, 2 4,D =/7/i11134 4-1-)4: 4(064...e.24-aBiA, ;sow?: 0.e9v.i24:..27, a-81VA PS/ : :P4& 'Pee 4224, AQ/14 :C14./74'4 t pbo,ezt: 4 0: ,74 /044 i-eli>r .14%)1/74..t -a7 FA:: n'eA t ; (2,5i 13-r. po 40,9e g '9V C M 04-e t 07)94- I .(2/13 gaill;'--fien- .Q0= f0" 4V.f)OP. 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