MARGARETTING NEWS January/February 2019

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MARGARETTING NEWS January/February 2019 MARGARETTING NEWS January/February 2019 BENEFICE OF MARGARETTING, MOUNTNESSING AND BUTTSBURY SUNDAY SERVICES ST. MARGARET’S CHURCH ST. GILES’S CHURCH ST. MARY’S CHURCH MARGARETTING MOUNTNESSING BUTTSBURY 6th January and 3rd February 9.30am Morning Prayer 8:30am Holy Communion NO SERVICE 13th January and 10h February 9.30am Holy Communion 11.15am Plough Sunday and Matins NO SERVICE 20th January and 17th February 10.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Morning Prayer 3.30pm Evensong with Communion 27th January and 24th February 9.30am Holy Communion 3.30pm Evensong NO SERVICE Everyone is very welcome to join us for any or all of our services For all enquiries contact Revd Patrick - telephone number 01277 352562 NEW YEAR THANK YOU NOTES St Margaret’s Bell Ringers Christmas Fayre A big thank you to our loyal bell ringers, Bev, Jennie, Margaretting Friends would like to thank those companies Michael, Patricia, Peggy, Peter, Petra and Susan, who and people who donated raffle prizes and supported the 2018 ring St Margaret’s bells for our Sunday service, festivals Christmas Fayre. and other special services year in and year out. In par- Forest Lodge Farm Turkeys, Calcotts Farm Shop, ticular for ringing the bells on Remembrance Sunday Ray Reece Property Maintenance, Ingatestone Saddlery, 2018 when they were rung half muffled before 10:30am The Black Bull, Kennadys, Budgens, Patrick Green and unmuffled at 12.30pm to celebrate peace. Walter Henderson, Caroline Quilter, Ann Gunn St Margaret’s Church Flowers Thank you to everyone for your generous support in 2018. St Margaret’s PCC would like to thank Margaret Boxall and the members of the St Margaret’s Flower Team for Charity Bingo their continued support in arranging flowers for church A big thank you to all who supported the Charity Bingo on festivals, services and special occasions. Thank you. 5th December. A sum of just over £300 was raised on the Community Carol Singing night to which was added £170 contributed by the players who attend the Bingo evenings throughout the year. A gener- Monday, 17th December 2018 was the sixth year run- ous donation was then added which brought the total up to ning that Julie in the Black Bull and Jon in the Red Lion £500. This was divided between ‘The British Heart Founda- kindly acted as ‘mine hosts’. A huge thank you is owed tion’ and RSPCA. These charities were chosen by the players to both of them and to everyone who took part and gave during the evening. generously to the collection for CHESS - a local based The date of the next Bingo is Wednesday, 10th April. charity which gives support and shelter to the homeless in Chelmsford. Thank you Bishop Stephen for leading Margaretting News the carol singing. A special thank you is long overdue to Paul Beresford and the Beresfords Ingatestone office for printing the newsletter each INSIDE THIS ISSUE: month. Paul’s generosity and Secretary/Administrator Tina’s Pages 2 and 3 support are appreciated. Parish Council Update - December 2018 meeting Last but not least a big thank you to all our volunteers who Parish Council Elections - May 2019 each month distribute the newsletter to every household in the Community Speed Watch,, Maldon Road Allotments village. Margaretting In Need Trust The Tye (Harry and Sheila) Maldon Road (Peter, Maurice, Betty, Jean, Petra and Peter) Pages 4 and 5 Orton Close (Edna and Lynn) Tony Smith - Address given by Canon John Brown Main Road (Helena, Penny, Jennie and Michael) Great Baddow Flower Club, Lost and Found, Pennys Lane (Angela) Newspaper Deliveries, DofE Award - Community Service Wantz Road and Writtle Road (John) The Coptfold Estate (Caroline) Diary Dates, Local Clubs and Fund Raising Events Ivy Barn Lane (Roger) Page 6 Church Lane and London Road (Penny) Dates for Village Hall Events, Council Recycling Killigrews (Beryl), Private Road (Sarah and Andy) Parish Council Surgery, Mobile Library and Trust Bus MARGARETTING PARISH COUNCIL - THURSDAY, 13 DECEMBER MEETING Please note: The full and official parish council minutes can be viewed on the Margaretting Community website. A copy of the signed minutes is also placed on the notice board outside the parish office at the village hall. The office telephone number is 01277 350887. This telephone is checked weekly on a Tuesday for messages. Alternatively, you can contact the parish council via email. Email address: [email protected] A parish councillor will be on duty in the parish office Saturday, 19th January and Saturday, 16th February - 10:30am to 12:00noon. DEMOCRATIC TIME PARSONAGE LANE down. See next page for election Two members of the public present. A request made by a local resident that info. Parsonage Lane: Complaints about the Highway rights be removed from part of COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH water leaks at the top of this lane and this lane was received for comments No new volunteers have come for- lack of action by the Water Company from Essex Highways. ward. It was agreed to put a remind- were noted and discussed. It was noted concerns have already aris- er in the newsletter. See next page. THREE MILE HILL en regarding this request due to the lack ACCOUNTS Occupation of the hut: This matter has of pedestrian refuge. Expenditure agreed this month: now been deemed a planning issue. It OVER 60S CLUB £600 - Churchyard maintenance has been referred to Chelmsford City A request for a grant towards the run- £500 - Clerk’s salary/expenses Council’s Planning Team for action. ning costs of the club was discussed. £100 - Charity donation in memory SWAN LANE It was noted the club provides a much of Tony Smith Local residents’ concerns about the needed and appreciated social activity £77 - Broadband (village hall) increase of traffic since the lane has for the older members of the community £50 - Playing field rent been designated a ‘quiet lane’ were and that the club is pursuing all practi- £50 - Chairman’s honorarium noted as were the complaints about the cable help to prevent it from closing. £25 - Poppy wreath damage to the road caused by the After discussion it was unanimously 2019/2020 PRECEPT heavy vehicles using this lane. agreed the parish council would help This was set at £12,420. It was not- towards the cost of the hire of the meet- WANTZ ROAD ed this is the fourth year running the It was agreed not to install a dog waste ing room for the club for the forthcom- precept has not been increased. It ing year. (red) bin at the cross roads with Main was noted also that the parish council Road and Wantz Road. Advice from DOORSTEP SELLING will be carrying forward adequate Chelmsford City Council confirmed it The parish council is to contact Trading reserves (general and earmarked) for is acceptable for dog walkers to place Standards to see what evidence is re- unforeseen and emergency expendi- their dog waste bags in the existing quired to obtain a cold calling free area ture and planned projects. waste bins at the cross roads. These status for the village. PLANNING bins are emptied regularly by the City VILLAGE POND Planning enforcement notices on var- Council’s refuse collection team. A Ideas put forward by the residents who ious sites in the parish were dis- notice to this effect will be placed by attended the village pond meeting were cussed and noted. Concerns were these bins. Dog walkers are to be re- noted. These included: expressed about the lack of follow up minded not to place dog waste bags in • Draw up an annual maintenance action to ensure the notices are com- the rubbish bins in the playing fields as programme plied with. these are not emptied by the City • Employ a Conservation Pond Group The following applications were Council’s refuse team. to clear the debris from the pond received for comment: MALDON ROAD PLAYING FIELD • Decrease the size of the pond 18/01888/CLOPUD - 1, Green Cot- No reported incidents. Reports of a • Remove the pond dipping platform tages, Ivy Barn Lane: Proposed de- tent being pitched at the far end of the • Dredge the pond (last done in 2004) tached garage. allotments have been thoroughly inves- • Construct a path round the pond to tigated. The table and chairs together 18/01939/FUL - Land south of Four allow ease of access to keep it clear Oaks, Ivy Barn Lane: Proposed sta- with a piece of sheeting used for a of debris. make do tent have been removed. ble block with associated hardstand- • Cut back the tall trees surrounding ing. VILLAGE HALL the pond to allow more light. Income from the hire of the hall is 18/01976/FUL - Canford House, proving to be higher than anticipated. It was agreed to contact Chelmsford Wantz Road: Demolition of part The Christmas Fayre 2018 was a suc- City Council’s Parks Department to see existing dwelling, construction of cess even though numbers attending what advice and help they are able to single/double storey extensions, in- were down. offer. ternal reconfiguration, new roof with DEFIBRILLATOR MARGARETTING RELIEF IN NEED loft conversion and dormers, replace- It was agreed to go ahead and place an TRUST ment window, material change to order (£1,000) for a defibrillator. P&P The parish council unanimously agreed elevations, new garage, alterations to Motors and the Black Bull have con- to nominate Patrick Wreathall as a Trus- front drive and new entrance gates. firmed they would have no objections tee to fill the vacancy caused by the 18/01643/FUL - River Mead, Private to a defibrillator being housed on their death of Tony Smith.
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