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S .'r(6ilmcelco ca@o cil(orocur3 .Joflomc(mco (ru6@8mo masr((u) -oil^rDailsoGrD aaJcaJo mo'511 05.06.201 I oel ool.riled' c.alCqlo: 9(016)oo: car:c.5l..61".corcomI o..g1mrai' r,rdt. ee{l ^il, 6rucol. urmacqorlo a<n)olo deldl o(ooil ggqJceb o6rnDel(r'ruilael€d Grdmlrurjld .'o6fiJ c.orc4lo PiUl6){ao 201 7-1 8 (ruofil(oldile oid.si(otoil(i 2017-18 mjc(rurordila ranffuooRil cg<gcero tardfiuos'Ril cud.sirooild 6rgCcelo - ro16 <aramlotrJlq/ ("o) o6n\Deroruiloer o{lo(d)RJco o6mrer(omilcd po5rooilag3os oil<nac"toeonuE ("Jo{ordilaud€oc5rn" "n5n5 GrdolorrJlCcJ'; ojluoocotno <crdmlsruoDo .O tn)1(60 errElac€occa3; rnoSalollcilao3cmS. c$Cceb ronrruo6Qi o6mDel(oroilciooJs n$orDflso (orcr{ordilaud€oc5nt 2016-17 (srdrDl5Mn|o '6nn' @tod (6njl) fiucm(ordila oJd"solUtd "o6fi9 mddlai(a1668(ml. (aro(nlc)ldl4ilo3(md; ojknr:c"tn" er€(oc€oceao? s"e/ ofiuas0D c)odl(rud GI0(E6Ill(RDo - o{) FDR 15-16 Urgent maintenance and improvements to Adakkaputhur- 1 Kalluvazhi road Km.3/ 600-5l600 R.P to ottappalam cherpulcherry road Km.10100-10/600(working ch o/00- 2 10/800) 3 Urgent patch repair to Nagaripuram-Kottakkun road- 0/00-05/160 Urgent patch repairs to Ottapalam-Cherpulassery road km 0 /O0-L04OO Urgent patch repairs to Kadampazhipuram-Cherattimala- vengassery roa( 5 0/0o-5/Loo 6 Urgent Patch repairs to Mangalam - Murukkumpetta road km 4/0O-4/20O 7 Urgent patch repair to varode-chunangad road kmV600-1/800 8 RP f5-16-URW to Vaniamkulam Kothakurissi road Km.2/500-3/500 Urgent rectification works to Nattukal-Palode-Chethallur-Muriyamkanni- Panamkunnu-Erakkingal-Karippamanna-Karimpuzha-Koottilakadavu- 9 Pezhumatta- Chulliyode-Vakkadapuram-Thumbakanni-Kadambazhipuram road km.11/00-12/600 Urgent rectification works to Nattukal-Palode-Chethallur-Muriyamkanni- 10 Panamkunnu-Erakkingal-Koottilakadavu-Pezhumatta-Chulliyode- VakkadaDuram- Thumbakanni-Kadambazhipuram road km.7200-10/500 Premonsoon work 20L6-17 - Vaniyamkulam- Kothakurssi road km0/00 - 6/080 Vaniyamkulam-Mannanur Railwaystation road km 0/00-4/600 11 Kothakurssi-cherumpettakkavu-Chalavara Road km 0/00-5/100 Ambalapara- Melur-Kizhur road km 0/00-9/200 Premonsoon work 2016-17 Ottapalam-Perinthalmanna road km 0/00- 17l9oo Varode-Murukkumpetta road km 0/00-3/00 Mangalam- 72 Murukkumpetta road km 0/00-a/600 Manissery- chorottur road km 0/00 3/00 Page 1of 6 GD(:D6[r|(T\Do - d) Urgent patch repairs to Pathiripala chanda-Kripalani road km 0/00-3/00 in Palakkad District Premonsoon work 16-17 Ambalappara-Mannur road km 0/00-10/825 Nagarippuram-Kottakkunnu road km 0/00-5/600 Pathirippala chanda Kripalani road km o/OO-4/00 Lakkidi Railway station road kmol00-4/oo Kadampazhippuram Chirattimala road km 0/00-5/00 UPR to Palakkad-Ponnani road km 2210045/00 Urgent repairs to Vaniyamkulam-Kothakurssi road km 0/00-6/060 in Palakkad District UPR to Vaniyarnkulam -Mannanur Railway station road km 0IOO-4/5O} Urgent patch repairs to Varode-Chunangad road km 0/00-3/00 in Palakkad District Urgent patch repairs to Ottapalam-Perinthalmanna road km O/0O0-t71900 in Palakkad District UPR to Nagaripuram-Kottakkunnu Road km 0/00 to 5/600 Providing monsoon rectification works to palakkad-Perinthalamanna foad km.27loo-43/880 Alanallur-Arakkuparamba road km.0/00-21200 Alanallur- Kannamkundu-Kodiyamkunnu road km.0/00-4/400 Alungal-Kombamkallu- Olapara road km.0/00-1/800 Ariyur- Ambazhakko Providing monsoon rectification work to kalladikode-Sreekrishnapuram road km.10/400-15/080 ottapalam-Mannarkkad road km.18/600-3U34o Kodakkad-kundurkunnr-pazhanieeri road 0/00-5/00 Kulikkiliyad UP schoo Kulapadam road km.0/00-3/500 RP to Kadampazhipuram-Chirattimala road Km.0/000-0/100 0140O-O1600 2 | ooo-21 5o0 3 | 000-3 / s00 Page 2 of6 Gn<FSDmDo - o$ Urgent BT Rectification works to Palakkad Perinthalmanna road km 271000- 24 27l2OO & 27 lsoo-zglo0o 25 UPR to Lakkidi Railway station road km 0/00-4/000 Urgent path repairs to Ongallur-Vadanamkurssi road Via Karakkad- zo Cherikkallu km0/000-7/450 OR 201-17 UPR works to Ambalappara-Melur-Kizhur road between km 5/00- 27 9/2oo (Kizhur - Thrikkaderi iunction) OR Providing Road marking using Thermo plastic paints in various MDRs in 28 Ottapalam Section 29 UPR to Kothakurissi-cherampattakkavu Roadkm 0/00-5/160 in Palakkad Dt lnvestigation for imp. to palapuram kuthiravazhi road and construction of 30 bridge across mulanjurthode in palakkad dt oR -Providing Hectometer and Kilometer Stones in Various MDRs in Ottapalam Section 32 OR providing traffic sighn in various MDR in Ottappalam section 55 OR 2016-17 UPR Works to Ambalappara-Mannur Road km 5/000 to 10/700 54 UPR to Ambafappara-Mannur Road km 0/000 ro 101726 CONSTRUCNON OF MINI CIVIT STATION OTTAPPALAM PATAKKAD . SITC 35 PASSANGER LIFT Construction of additional building for Govt. Higher Secondary School at 36 Kadamboor Ottappalam in Palakkad District LAC-ADF- Ottappalam- Construction of building for PHC Kadambazhipuram 37 Palakkad District Page J oro Gb(E5Ill(RDo - oO Construction of building for Mini Civil Station at ottappalam in Palakkad 38 District- Providing fire fighting arrangements Urgent repair works to Internal road of PWD RH ottapalam CC 1st and final 39 bill 40 UsR to PwD RH ottapalam CC first and final PANTHAT STAGE MUL[ CLOTH SEATING AND CHAIRES CC FIRST 4t PROVIDING AND FINAL Special Repairs to Sub collectors quarters Ottapalam Providing inter lo€k 42 tiles in the front Yard CC First and final Special Repairs to Sub colle€tors quarters Ottapalam construction oftoe wall-replacing gateand providing drain cc first and final Construction oftoilet block at first classjudicial Magistrate office compound 44 OttaDalam cc First and final Construction of new Septic tank for newly constructed boys hostel at GVHS for Deaf CC First and final 46 USR to Car porch at court complex at Ottapalam CC first and final USR TO KITCHEN DINING HALLAND CONFERENCE HALLTOITET AT PWD RESl HOSE OTTAPATAM CC FIRST AND FINAT 48 SPECIAL REPAIR TO MUNSSIFF QUARTERS OTTAPALAM CC FIRST AND FINAL Construction of building for lTlat Elumbulassery Karimpuzha in Palakkad 49 District SR WORKS TO TILE FI.OORING TO NEWLY CONSTRUCTED BOYS HOSTEL AT 50 GOW DEAF SCHOOT OTTAPATAM CC FIRST FINAL Balance work of lab building under Xll FC Award for GoW Higher Secondary School Kadambur Palakkad Page 4 of6 610{D61lI(Ir,Do - d) SRTO MPTITED BUILDING ATGOVTVHSS FOR DEAF OTTAPALAM CC FIRST 52 AND FINAL 53 Urgent repairs to El of PWD rest house at Ottapalam 54 Providing 3 phase service connection to sub collectors office at Ottappalam' 55 Urgent repairs to El in Pre-Matric Hostel Manisseri Palakkad tNVEST|GAT|ON WORK FOR CUNSTRUCTION OF lrl BUItDING(SCOND 56 PHASE}ELUMBULASSERI KARIMBUZHA SR TO OLD BLOCK BUILDING TEAK PROOFING AND PAINTING WORKS AT 57 GOW DEAF SCHOOT OTTAPATAM CC FIRST AND FINAT 58 NH966-2016-17 Urgent Premonsoon work in between km 871000 to 95/000 NABMRD RIDF XVII CONSTRUCTION OF CHECK DAM ACROSS BHARATHAPUZHA AT CHlVOO FROM OLD PARALI BRIDGE AT 59 MUNDIANKADAVU AT PALI.AMTHURUTHU IN TEKKIDI PERUR GP IN PATAKKAD NABARD RIDF XVII. CONSTRUCTION OF CHECK DAM ACROSS 60 BHARATHAPUZHA CH 11/OO KM FROM OLD PARATI BRIDGE AT MUNDAYAN KADAVU AT PALLAMTHURUTHU IN LEKKIDI PERUR GRAMAPANCHAYAT NABARD RIDF-XX CONSTRUCTION OF CHECK DAM ACROSS o-L BHARATHAPUZHA AT CH 13/9OO KM FORM OLD PARALI BRIDGE AT BHOOTHAKAYAM IN TAKKIDI PERUR PANCHAYAT PAI.AKKAD DISTRICT KPIP-AIBP-PMRP-Forming varode Distributory from ch 1/600 km to 1/920 62 km including rectification work bet ch 1/600 km to 1/700 km KPIP-AM-Removal silt and other obstructions from LBMC between chainage 63 321400 km to 33/00 km for the year 2014-15 KPIP-Annual Maintanance-Removal of silt and other obstructions from Mannampatta No 2 distributery PaEe 5 of6 GrotbsnKruo - d) KPIP-Annual maintanance improvement works to Eswaramangalam 65 distributary between chainage 2/OOkm to tail end for the year 2O74-I5 KPIP AMC urgent rectification works to field bothies 0 between Ch 0/000Km 66 to tail end starting from Ch V664 Km Veeramangalam Distributory iFlp -ntvt- R".t*u.t of atl obstructions and providing arrangements for ensuring smooth water distributories in LBMC and its distributories 67 between ch 23lOO to 32l4OO KM including supplying fixing painting kilometer stones and Dls FB for the year2oL4-Ls KPIP urgent rectification work to breached portion of veeramangalam 68 ditributory b/w ch.5/000 km to5/300km KPIP-ANNUAI. MAINTENANCE CONSTRUCTION OF DRAIN FOR ARRESTING 69 LEAKAGE BETWEEN CHAINAGE 231600 TO 23l7OO KM OF RIGHT BUND OF tBMC KPIP-Annual maintenance-2015-l6Jmprovements to Karumanamkkurissi 70 Distributory between Ch 0/000 to V500 Km KPIP-AMC Removal ofslipped earth floating bodies clearing of blocked culvert siphons putting up ring bunds closing leakages and breaches using 7L earth filled bags and engaging labours etc. Ch. 33/000 Km to 32000 Km of LBMC and its distr.for 15-16 KPIP-AM removal of all obstructions and providing arrangements for ensuring smooth water distribution in LBMC and its distributeries between chainage 23lookm to 33/00km including supplying fixing painting kilometer stone and Dls/FB 2015-16 KPIP Urgent rectification works for the canal breach occured at Ch 980 M of 73 ottapalam Distributory starts at ch 46/530 of I-BMC at Kizhoor road MP.RBC-AM.MAINTANENCE OF PAIAPURAM BRANCH CANAT AT 74 cH.10/000KM To TAILEND FOR20L6-17 Section Officer Page 6 of6 GD(E6Iu(I\Do - snll mpts and providing Bm & BC to cherplassery town km 161500-17/900 I palakkad ottapalam cherplasssery road km 16/00-17/00 in padakkad road km 0/00- LAC ADF impts to valapeedika perumbalapara 0/900 1/500-3/00 3 providing SDBC for Thiruvegappura pallippuram road km 3rd Heaw maintenence to ottappalam mannarkkad road km 0/00-31/400 cc 4 Dart bill Flood work 2013-14 impts to nattukkkal palode kunipuram naruukkode chamaDarambu road km 0/00-6/350 Urgent patch repairs to Ambalappara Melur Kizhur road Km 2 /4AO - 9/25O 6 and Magalam Murukkumpatta road Km O/OO - 4/600.
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