Board's Report 2 the Composition of the CSR Committee - Mr
STRATEGY & STRUCTURE BOARD’S REPORT To the Members, Your Directors are pleased to present the 26th Annual Report and the audited Financial Statement of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 2020. 1. Financial performance The financial performance of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 2020, is summarized as below: (` crore) Standalone Consolidated Particulars 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 Total Income 4,511.89 5,481.11 8,559.69 9,505.56 Profit before Interest, Depreciation, Tax and Exceptional 1,092.07 1,167.09 3,243.84 3,221.09 Items Finance Cost 321.95 411.79 1,051.07 1,192.40 Depreciation and Amortisation Expense 369.27 365.02 1,168.05 1,163.69 Share of Profit / (Loss) of an Associate / Joint Venture - - 28.04 31.93 Exceptional Items (23.02) - (61.46) - Profit before Tax 423.87 390.28 1,114.22 896.93 Tax Expense (73.94) 138.83 33.04 212.44 Profit for the year attributable to: Owners of the 497.81 251.45 1,099.92 695.13 Company Profit for the year attributable to: Non-controlling - - (18.74) (10.64) interest of the Company Other Comprehensive Income (1,075.85) 31.47 (1,088.18) 12.02 (attributable to Owners of the Company) Other Comprehensive Income - - 6.93 ** (attributable to Non-controlling interest of the Company) Total Comprehensive Income (578.04) 282.92 11.74 707.15 (attributable to Owners of the Company) Total Comprehensive Income - - (11.81) (10.64) (attributable to Non-controlling interest of the Company) ** Less than `50,000 2.
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