Ed . by the Anthropos Institute

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Ed . by the Anthropos Institute INTERLINK ed. by the Anthropos Institute No 10 Sankt Augustin, April 1998 Willi Muller is back from China and works at the Pro- Personnel ofthe Anthropos Institute paganda Fide in Rome, responsible for Chinese and Mongolian issues . His Chinese visa has not been Mario I. Aguilar was named by the last General renewed due to ideological divergence. Assembly of the Institute associate member of the Anthropos Institute. He is Head of Department of Karl Muller suffers from renal insufficiency. This Social Anthropology at the University of St. Andrews, evokes some other troubles like balance disturbances Scotland, and did his anthropological studies at the etc. Since half a year, he lives in St. Augustin's infir- School of Oriental and African Studies, University of mary. London (PhD 1994). He is married with Laurel Birch de Aguilar, whose PhD-thesis "Inscribing the Masks" Jacek J. Pawlik spent four months in Togo (Dec. 96 - appeared in the Studia Instituti Anthropos, No 47. Apr. 97) in order to do fieldwork among the Bassar. His research subjects were "Twins, Spirits of the Andrzej Bronk was appointed Professor (Chair) of Water, and Dwarfs of the Bush." Theory of Science at the Catholic University ofLublin. Arulsamy Lourdu Rayappan and Ivan Nelson In December 1996, he received the Price of Rector Lobo, our two ATP-Students from India, finished the from the same University. ATP in June 1997 and returned to India. After one year of language learning, they began the special program Stephen Fuchs received the order "Osterreichisches in the Institute in September 96: practical editorial Ehrenkreuz fur Wissenschaft and Kunst I. Klasse" work supervised by the department editors and theo- from the Austrian Government at March 26, 1998. retical units in cultural anthropology, religious stud- This decoration recognises his fifty year long dedica- ies, and context-oriented theology. We hope that their tion to research among the tribes of India. sojourn at the Institute left some effective impressions. CEEBA, Bandundu, in Hermann Hochegger left Activities ofthe Institute 1995, and has been transferred to St. Gabriel's, Aus- tria, due to health problems. Nevertheless, he contin- Anthropos 92.1997 has a total of 705 pages. It ues the work on his former CEEBAresearches . includes 24 main articles [368 pages], 11 short articles [66 pp.], and 129 detailed book reviews [177 pp.]. 127 Ennio Mantovani has been transferred to authors contributed to the volume. 13 of them are mis- St. Augustin's. He joined the staff of the Missiological sionaries or SVDs and 69 live outside Germany. 14 Institute and collaborates with the Anthropos Institute. articles [190 pp . of 434] fit into anthropology of reli- During this European summertime, he gives lectures in gion andreligious studies respectively. 20 articles are the Philippines and Papua New Guinea. Last summer, published in English, 9 in German, 5 in French, and 1 he also lectured in PNG and at Dorish Maru College, in Spanish; 51 reviews in English, 68 in German, 7 in Australia. French, and 4in Spanish. Anthropology & Mission N° 15 appeared in July Without doubt, the seminar achieved what it set out to 1997 . It presents 15 new books and 9 articles. A&M do: besides examining the current situation in Central N° 16 was despatched in January 1998 and presents and Eastern Europe and facing up today's challenges, 18 new books and 10 articles. A&M had a good it indicated reference-points and orientations for the response, i.e. 34 requests for books and articles dur- process ofreforming the democratic fabric ofCentral ing 1997. An increasing number of demands comes and Eastern Europe by re-founding a culture which also from non-SVD readers. safeguards true democracy. It gives a clearer defini- tion to the role Christians have in building young Gift Subscriptions. In 1997 the Institute received 42 democratic societies in Central and Eastern Europe in gift subscriptions for Anthropos. We offer these to order to permeate that part of the world with the true seminaries and ethnological institutions outside West- values ofthe Gospel. ern Europe and North America. Since 1994, the Insti- tute participates with 5 subscriptions in the "East & Consultation on future developments of the Anthro- Central Europe Journal Donation Project" of the New pos Institute had a feedback of 16 responses . That are, School for Social Research in NewYork. subtracting the elderpersonnel, more than 50% of par- ticipation. At least, a sign that the Institute does not The Library. In 1996, the Institute acquired 1156 new consist only of the editorial staff. The result will be titles. The inventory ofthe Library executed during the sent to all members as soon as possible. months ofFebruary and March 1997 resulted in the fol- lowing stock (December 31, 1996) : Books 68.761, Reviews 21 .516 (totalling 90.277 volumes). The num- The Other Institutes ber of missing books was about 50. The library sub- scribed to 2 new periodicals (Eco Andino, Oruro, The Institute of Indian Culture (IIC), Bombay, Bolivia, and Social Analysis, Adelaide, Australia). The received the recognition as a postgraduate research number of subscribed periodicals is at present 307 . centre in anthropology and sociology from February 13, 1997 by the University of Mumbai (Bombay). Internet. The Institute's English homepage is avail- Admissions for the degrees of MA (by research) and able at http://www.raps.com/anthropos , the homepage PhD in Sociology and Anthropology have commenced in German at steyler.de. The E-Mail address is: anthro- from July 1997. As research guides have been recog- pos @t-online .de. nised Prof. Ferreira, Prof. Bopegamage, E Kanjamala, and Ms Leela D' Souza. International Conferences. Jacek Pawlik of the Insti- tute attended the Conference "Nova Evanjelizacia" at AFestschrift in honour ofFr Stephen Fuchs, a pioneer Bratislava (15-17 Sept. 1997) and took an active part in in "Sociology of the Dalits" (Untouchables) in India the International Colloquium "Cultural Policy, was edited by S . M. Michael. On September 8, 1997, Democracy, and Christian Values in Central and East- an interdisciplinary workshop on "Dalits in Maha- ern Europe . The Current Situation, Challenges, and rashtra: Challenges Ahead" was held at the Institute. Orientations" (November 09-13, 1997 in Cadenabbia) 12 Intellectuals from Neo-Buddhists, Mantangs, Char- organized bythe Pontifical Council of Culture (Rome). makars, and Christians participated in the delibera- In his paper on multiculturality, he emphasized on the tions that tried to guide the future course of action of need to be committed to being open to all cultures and the Dalit Movement. living alongside other nationalities. "It is inconceiv- able that the nation-state should be an ideal model, in Apilot project on the effect of an ethnomedical formu- Western Europe any more than in Central and Eastern lation on Kala-azar (Visceral leishmaniasis), sponsored Europe. The reality facing every state in Europe in by the Catholic Health Association of India and run by future seems to be a multicultural society. The problem the staff of the Institute, in collaboration with medical of the encounter with foreign cultures must be solved experts and other voluntary agencies in the affected on a political level sooner or later. It is impossible to areas, has been successfully concluded. This was the separate culture from religion when one meets a for- first time in India that a herbo-mineral formulation has eigner. The dialogue between religions takes place been shown to be effective on Kala-azar. A monograph against the broader horizon of cultures." on Kala-azar is expected to be published soon. The Melanesian Institute, Goroka started in 1997 with TICCS, Tamale has been obliged to shut down for a six new people of staff. SVD-members are the directorFr six month period from January to July, 1997 due to Nick de Groot SVD (Australian) and Fr Franco Zocca new staff members who (inclusively the Director) had (Italian) . The research project "Young Melanesians: to learn the local language Dagbanli. Alternatives forthe Future" has reached the stage where the firstfindings, some preliminary analysis, and all the The Pew Charitable Trusts-funded research project on basic data have been published in POINT 21. The com- "Popular Catholicism in Dagbon," lasting over three ing research project will be on "Land." This has wide years, has been completed. Vincent Boi-Nai, the pro- implications and is of great concern to the churches and ject leader, has been appointed General Councilor in to the state in running and planning of social and com- Rome and left Ghana in March, 1998 . The result will mercial development. As a very extended issue, the Insti- appear as a chapter in Amaladoss/Bamat: Popular tute will first focus on "Church and Land issues." Catholicism in the Emerging Global Church. Mary- knoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books. Fr Franco Zocca's work with Irian Jayan refugees is providing information of a particular socio-economic from May issue which he will continue to report on from his per- Two seminaries about witchcraft were held 26-29 and from December 8-11, 1997 . The Second spective as a pastor and sociologist. He has also shown SVD Missiological/Anthropological Consultation was special interestin monitoring the development ofNew Religious Movements within and outside the main held from December 1-7,1997. The topic was "Doing churches of PNG. Inculturation in Africa." A gathering of 23 missiolo- gists, anthropologists, and linguists from 10 African and beyond participated in the consultation Two major courses of cultural orientation run from countries talking about January 4-18 and August 2-30, 1997, with 25 and 18 about doing inculturation rather than just participants respectively from 11 different countries it. and 3 Christian denominations. Franco Zocca was the main organiser and lecturer.
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