Hugust, 1940 THREEPE CE
VOL. xv. No. Jl. Hugust, 1940 THREEPE CE GLENDALOCH. THE VALLEY OF THE TWO LAKES. At Glendaloch, in the heart of Mountainous Wicklow, Saint in the sixth century founded a monastery which subsequently became a renowned European centre of learning. Its ruins, now eloquent of former glory, lie in a glen romantic with the beauty of its dark wild scenery. IRISH TRAVEL August, 1940 CONNEMARA HEART OF THE GAELTACHT. Excellent \\'hite and Brown Trout fishing leased by Hotel-free to visitors-within easy walking distance. Best ea Fishing. Boating. Beautiful Strands. 60,000 acres shooting. Best centre for seeing Connemara and Aran BANK OF IRELAND I lands. A.A., LT.A., R.LA.C. appointments. H. and C. running water. Electric Light. Garages. Full particulars apply:- FACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS MONGAN'S AT Head Omce: COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN : HOTEL:~ BELFAST .. CORK .. DERRY AID 100 TOWRS THROUOHOOT IRELARD; Carna :: Connemara IRELAND EVERT DJ:80RIPTION 01' FOREIGN J:XOHANG. I BU8INJ:8S TRAN8AO'1'J:D ON ARRIVAL OF LINERS I! Telegrams: :.\Iongan's, Carna. 'Phone, Carna 3 BY DAT OR NIGHT AT OOBH (QUEEN8TOWN) I CONNEMARA'S CHIEF FISHING RESORT AND GALWAY DOOXS. 'DUBLIN The , GreShaIll Hotel Suites with Private Bathrooms. Ballroom. Central Heating. Telephone and Hot and Cold Running .. I VISITORS TO Water in every Bedroom. .. invariably make their way to Clerys-which has Restaurant, gamed widespread fame as one of the most pro Grill Room, gressive and beautiful Department Stores in Europe. § Tea Lounge and Clerys present a vast Hall of modern merchandise Modern Snack of the very best quality at keenest prices.
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