EDITOR Peter H. Byers, M.D
EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR Peter H. Byers, M.D. Roberta Wilkes University of Washington University of Washington School of Medicine Seattle, WA Seattle, WA ASSOCIATE EDITORS Ranajit Chakraborty, Ph.D. Roderick R. McInnes, M.D., Stephen T. Warren, Ph.D. University of Texas Health Ph.D. Emory University School of Sciences Center The Hospital for Sick Children Medicine Houston, TX Toronto, Ontario Atlanta, GA Terry J. Hassold, Ph.D. Jeffrey C. Murray, M.D. Bruce S. Weir, Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University University of Iowa Hospitals North Carolina State University Cleveland, OH Iowa City, IA Raleigh, NC Lynn Jorde, Ph.D. Richard M. Pauli, M.D., Ph.D. Barry Wolf, M.D., Ph.D. University of Utah University of Wisconsin Medical College of Virginia School of Medicine Madison, WI Richmond, VA Salt Lake City, UT Barbara J. Trask, Ph.D. Ronald G. Worton, Ph.D. Mary-Claire King, Ph.D. University of Washington The Hospital for Sick Children University of California Seattle, WA Toronto, Ontario Berkeley, CA Business communications in connection with nonmember subscriptions and advertising should be addressed to the publisher: The University of Chicago Press, Journals Division, 5720 South Woodlawn, Chicago, IL 60637. FAX: (312)753-0811. E-mail: subscriptions~journals.uchicago.edu Remittance for nonmember subscription is payable to the publisher on a calendar-year basis. For domestic nonmember individuals and institutions, the single-copy rate is $23.00 and the calendar-year rate is $275.00; for foreign nonmember individuals and institutions, the single-copy rate is $23.00 (U.S. currency) and the calendar-year rate is $275.00 (U.S.
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