Celebrating 75 years of Press Photography in Southern California e Press Photographers Association Just of Greater Los Angeles One August 2011, Volume 75, Number 2 Downloadable edition Check our web site at www.ppagla.org for complete More, Jr. monthly contest results and judges comments

Andy Holzman/Los Angeles Second Place, Feature, May: An LAPD officer spends some time at the Police Memorial Wall during the Los Angles Police Memorial Ceremony in Los Angeles. The annual ceremony at the LAPD Headquarters facility is held to remember the 204 fallen LAPD officers. In this issue

3President’s 20104 Final Contest 6Awards 20118 Contest 11Contest Message Point Standings Dinner Point Standings Photos See, Touch and GeT The FacTS

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ith summer now upon us, I’d like to share an update on several PPAGLA projectsW your Board of Directors has been involved with these past several months and what’s coming down the road! On March 19, almost 200 PPAGLA members and guests gathered at the Queen Mary in Long Beach to celebrate our 75th Anniversary and 2010 Annual Awards Dinner. For those of you that were not able to attend the Awards Dinner, the consensus is that you missed a fun-filled evening! Our guests included many longtime PPAGLA members including Stan Troutman and Garry Watson, former LAPD and now Long Beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell, and Los Gerard Burkhart Angeles City Councilman Tom Past President’s gathered for a group photo at the Queen Mary in Long Beach. LaBonge, who was presented with an Honorary PPAGLA Membership Chair Rick Meyer Your current Board of Direc- phers and videographers that Membership. are offering a special offer for tors and I are just caretakers in work in the Los Angeles area KNBC’s reporter John Cadiz new members to join PPAGLA. an Association founded a long and surrounding communities Klemack shared ‘Master of Cer- For new members only, the time ago — just as photojour- (within 100 miles of LA City emony’ duties with our Chair- Board of Directors has agreed to nalists have done for decades Hall) that should be a member man of the Board, John McCoy. extend your membership for 1.5 before us. of PPAGLA, but for whatever The PPAGLA 75th Anniver- years — until December 2012 PPAGLA was born in the reason they aren’t. This includes sary Historical Photo Exhibit if your application arrives at middle of the Great Depression staff photographers and videog- onboard the Queen Mary has PPAGLA Offices by Aug. 1 with and before World War II. Our raphers for L.A.-based news- been extended beyond its payment for only one year. members have seen and photo- papers, television stations and original May 31 closing date. In addition, PPAGLA will graphed history as it unfolded freelance photojournalists and New management at the Queen also waive the Membership Ap- for more than 75 years. History videographers that contribute on Mary offered to continue the plication Fee for new members. and PPAGLA members will a regular basis to media organi- photo exhibit onboard in In recent years, membership be around for a long time with zations and publications. Deck Gallery through the sum- numbers have been on a decline members documenting daily life There are many great pho- mer months — which is great! due to our national recession and events in Los Angeles to tographers and videographers Guests visiting the Exhibit have and reduction in our nation’s anywhere in the world. ‘out there’ that would be a great come from all over the world newsrooms and freelance clients Last year, I made a simple addition to our membership and with favorable comments written coast-to-coast. request to each of you to recruit Association as a whole, maybe in our guest book. Whether it’s capturing a one new student, professional or someone just needs to ask them Your Board of Directors millisecond in time within a still associate member to apply and — and that person to ask them is also looking for additional photo or telling a story through join PPAGLA. I am asking each is you! locations that would be inter- moving images and sound, our of you to once again invite those ested in exhibiting the photos membership is based on profes- journalism students, professional and video clips after the Queen sional photojournalists — still journalists and individuals that Sincerely, Mary exhibit ends. If you know and video. This Association will may qualify, to join our Associa- of a location or museum that be around a long time after you tion. It’s as simple as that and would be willing to display our or I will be dead. We all must do takes about one minute of your 75th Anniversary Photo Exhibit, our part now to support the As- time. Our bylaws and qualifica- please let me or a Board Mem- sociation and help build towards tions to join PPAGLA are all bers know! the Association’s future and all online at www.ppagla.org. Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 The Board of Directors and its members. There are many photogra- Bob Riha, Jr. 3 4 Just One More, Jr. • August 2011 Watchara Phomicinda Jane Oncea Marilyn Chung Jennifer CappuccioMaher Carlos Delgado Eric Tom Mark J.Terrill Sean Hiller John Valenzuela Danny Moloshok Ringo H.WChiu Paul Roa John McCoy David Pardo Karen QuincyLoberg Thomas R.Cordova Christina House Hans Gutknecht Keith Birmingham Stan Lim Will Lester Terry Pierson Mark Zaleski 2010 Contestpointsfinal Steven Felschundneff LP_AllPro_Press Photo:LP_AllPro_PressPhoto1/28/101:03PMPage1 Through December2010 Point st A d v a n c e V d i P d i

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c t you e ot r glit i l a u o b n i her n n . n . e - ® ribune 5 Free adsareavailabletoPPAGLAmembers 40 pp Contact JoelLugaveretoplaceyouradintheJOMJr. who areinterestedinsellingtheirgear agla Joel P. Lugavere, [email protected] classified ads 115 295 245 30 The Press-Enterprise Mark Zaleski Honorable Ment ion Christina House,Freelance Third Place Inland Valley Daily Bulletin Will Lester Second Plae The Press-Enterprise Mark Zaleski First Place News Glenn Stube. Peterson, KyndellHarknessand Tribune photographersBrian Judges: MinneapolisStar December 2010 be rescued from theirvehicles. Roadinedlands.Sixvehicleswere stuckinthemudanddebrisfromflood thatwashedoutSanTimoteo to the flashfloodandseveralpeoplehad First place, news, Decmber:CityofRedlandsfirefighter EngineerChrisRandolphrescues awomanfrom hercaraftershegot strandedinaflash L.A. Times CommunityNews Raul Roa First Place Sports Inland Valley Daily Bulletin Thomas R.Cordova Honorable Mention Inland Valley DailyBulletin Will Lester Third Place Los Angeles DailyNews Hans Gutknecht Second Plae The Press-Enterprise Terry Pierson First Place Fea ture The Press-Enterprise Mark Zaleski Mention Honorable The Press-Enterprise Terry Pierson Third Place Pasadena Star-News Keith Birmingham Second Plae The Press-Enterprise Terry Pierson Second Plae The Press-Enterprise Mark Zaleski First Place Portrait Monthl The Press-Enterprise Terry Pierson Mention Honorable The Press-Enterprise Mark Zaleski Third Place The Press-Enterprise Stan Lim Third Place The Press-Enterprise Mark Zaleski Second Plae The Press-Enterprise Mark Zaleski First Place Photo Essa y contestresul Mark Zaleski/ThePress-Enterprise y ts 5 Just One More, Jr. • August 2011 Awards dinner Student Letters To the Past Presidents and Retired Members Scholarship Fund, I wanted to write to thank you for your generous support in sponsoring the student scholarship. It was an honor to win and be recognized by so many people in the industry and the scholar- ship money has greatly supported me through school. I would also like to thank Sara Moos- burger and the folks at Nikon for their generous donation of a camera. You can be assured that it has already been put to good use. Being a member of PPAGLA has Winners Myung Chun, Terry Pierson and Christina House with their awards. pushed me to develop my skills and eye towards photojournalism through seeing the great work of others and their successes. I am very honored to receive the stu- dent scholarship and look forward to what this coming year will bring. Thank you, Khai Le

Dear Past Presidents and Retired Mem- bers Scholarship Fund, Thank you to the members of the PPA- GLA for your support and acknowl- edgment as the runner-up recipient of this year’s student photojournalist of the year award. I am honored and grateful for having been a part of the 75th-year celebration of members and members past. I am proud to receive a scholarship, as it has quickly assisted me in the pur- chase of another lens for my repertoire. I have been hired since this award to shoot environmental portraits for the Canon’s Amy Kawadler biggest issue of Pasadena Magazine’s with Video Photographer Top Doctor’s issue — already this new of Year Arturo Quezada lens is hard at work!! PPAGLA  I hope one day to be giving this award President and many others like it to students of Bob Riha photography and photojournalism. welcomes Thank you ALL for your inspiration, Lifetime recognition and the opportunity for my recipient dreams to become a reality. Carlos Schiebeck All the best and thank you again, to the Monique Michaels, Santa Monica stage.

Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 College 6 Awards dinner

Angels needed for scholarship fund The PPAGLA Schol- arship Fund still needs $600. Our goal is to raise $1,500. Every year we give $1,000 to the Student Photojournalist of the Year and $500 to the runner-up. The Past Presidents and Retired Members Scholarship Fund are co-sponsored by Sara Moosbruger, NIKON NPS and PPAGLA Past Presidents, Retired and Professional members. In the past years, the Scholarship Fund has Past presidents Bonnie Burrow and Rick Meyer with student winner Khai Le from the Art Center College of raised and donated more Design and Nikon’s Sara Moosbrugger. than $29,500 to dedi- cated Photojournalism students. Past Presidents Joanne Matos, Bonnie Burrow and Rick Meyer do the fundraising. All the money goes to the winner and runner-up of the College Photo- journalist of the Year competition. As of press time, the following members have made generous contributions to the 2011 campaign: Bonnie Burrow, Rick Meyer, Jim Har- Honorary Membership went to Los Angeles City ris, Ringo Chiu, Bill Councilman Tom LaBonge. Beebe, Stan Troutman, Jim Ober, Dan Madden,

 Still Photographer of the Year Mark Zaleski with Scott Harrison, Richard Nikon’s Sara Moosbrugger. Smith, Tom Neerken. Hal Garb, George Fry, Nancy Newman, Bill Mochon and Joanna Matos. Any PPAGLA member can donate to the scholarship fund and

 President’s even amounts of $25 or Award winners $50 can make a differ- Myung Chun ence. If you would like and Board to contribute, write a Member Edna check payable to PPA- Simpson with GLA and send it to: Rick PPAGLA Presi- dent Bob Riha. Meyer, 861 E. Brown Drive, Burbank, CA

Photos by 91504-1838. Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 Gerard Burkhart 7 xxxxxxxxxxxPoint standings 2011 Contest points Through may 2011

Terry Pierson The Press-Enterprise 400 Stan Lim The Press-Enterprise 210 Mark Zaleski The Press-Enterprise 180 Thomas R. Cordova Inland Valley Daily Bulletin 100 Ringo H.W. Chiu Freelance 95 Raul Roa Glendale News-Press 80 Jennifer Cappuccio Maher Inland Valley Daily Bulletin 50 Eric Tom Redlands Daily Facts 40 Keith Birmingham Pasadena Star-News 40 Jonathan Pobre Santa Clarita Valley Signal 35 Danny Moloshok Freelance 30 Will Lester Inland Valley Daily Bulletin 20 Hans Gutknecht 20 Andy Holzman Los Angeles Daily News 20 Frank Bellino The Press-Enterprise 10 Armando Brown Freelance 10 David Pardo Daily Press 5

Third Place January 2011 Terry Pierson Judges: The staff of the Tulsa The Press-Enterprise World from Tulsa, Okla. Honorable Mention Stan Lim News The Press-Enterprise First Place Mark Zaleski The Press-Enterprise Sports Second Place First Place Eric Tom Ringo H.W. Chiu Redlands Daily Facts Freelance Third Place Second Place Stan Lim Terry Pierson The Press-Enterprise The Press-Enterprise Honorable Mention Third Place Mark Zaleski Mark Zaleski Terry Pierson/The Press-Enterprise The Press-Enterprise The Press-Enterprise Second place, sports, January: Hemet’s Sarah Hopper heads the ball in front of San Jacinto’s Sidney Shoemaker during a game in Hemet on Honorable Mention Jan. 21, 2011. Hemet defeats San Jacinto 1-0. Feature Will Lester Inland Valley Daily Bulletin First Place Danny Moloshok Second Place Glendale News Press Freelance Portrait Terry Pierson Honorable The Press-Enterprise Second Place First Place Mention Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 Terry Pierson Mark Zaleski Third Place Ringo H.W. Chiu 8 The Press-Enterprise The Press-Enterprise Raul Roa Freelance Monthly contest results

Third Place Second Place March 2011 Mark Zaleski Terry Pierson Judges: The Santa Bar- The Press-Enterprise The Press-Enterprise bara News-Press Honorable Mention Third Place Mark Zaleski Eric Tom News The Press-Enterprise Redlands Daily Facts

First Place Honorable Jonathan Pobre Mention Santa Clarita Valley Signal Sports Eric Tom Second Place First Place Redlands Daily Facts Raul Roa Terry Pierson Glendale News Press The Press-Enterprise Photo Essay Third Place Second Place Ringo Chiu Stan Lim First Place Freelance The Press-Enterprise Mark Zaleski The Press-Enterprise Terry Pierson/The Press-Enterprise Honorable Mention Third Place First place, sports, February: Canyon Springs’ Karen Quincy Loberg Stan Lim Second Place Michael Salazar looks to the sky in thanks as he cele- Ventura County Star The Press-Enterprise Ringo H.W. Chiu brates after 1-0 victory over La Quinta to the wildcard Freelance playoff game in Moreno Valley on Feb. 16, 2011. Feature Honorable Mention Eric Tom Third Place February Sports First Place Redlands Daily Facts Mark Zaleski Stan Lim The Press-Enterprise First Place 2011 The Press-Enterprise Portrait Terry Pierson Honorable Judges: The Baltimore The Press-Enterprise Second Place First Place Mention Sun Terry Pierson Terry Pierson Keith Birmingham Second Place The Press-Enterprise The Press-Enterprise Pasadena Star-News News Jennifer Cappuccio Maher First Place Inland Valley Daily Terry Pierson Bulletin The Press-Enterprise Third Place Second Place Stan Lim Stan Lim The Press-Enterprise The Press-Enterprise Honorable Third Place Mention Hans Gutknecht Thomas R. Cordova Los Angeles Daily News Inland Valley Daily Honorable Mention Bulletin Hans Gutknecht Los Angeles Daily News Portrait Feature First Place First Place Terry Pierson Raul Roa The Press-Enterprise Glendale News Press Second Place Second Place Ringo H.W. Chiu Stan Lim Freelance The Press-Enterprise Third Place Third Place Will Lester Raul Roa Inland Valley Daily Glendale News Press Bulletin Honorable Mention Honorable Mention

Raul Roa Stan Lim Mark Zaleski/The Press-Enterprise Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 Glendale News Press The Press-Enterprise Third place, feature, March: An aircraft flies past the moon during its closest time to the earth. 9 Monthly contest results

Inland Valley Daily April 2011 Bulletin Judges: Ruben R Ramirez, Photo Editor Sports of El Paso Times First Place Terry Pierson News The Press-Enterprise First Place Second Place Stan Lim Mark Zaleski The Press-Enterprise The Press-Enterprise Second Place Third Place Ringo H.W. Chiu Thomas R. Cordova Freelance Inland Valley Daily Third Place Bulletin Thomas R. Cordova Honorable Mention Inland Valley Daily Hans Gutknecht Bulletin Los Angeles Daily News Honorable Mention Jonathan Pobre Santa Clarita Valley Portrait Armando Brown/freelance Signal Third place, feature, may: Paul Casas walks through L.A. Live before Wednesday’s First Place Lakers vs Mavericks playoff game at Staples Center. Feature Thomas R. Cordova Inland Valley Daily Honorable Mention First Place Bulletin May 2011 David Pardo Keith Birmingham Daily Press Pasadena Star-News Second Place Judges: Photo Editor David Gott- Terry Pierson schalk and the staff of the Arkansas Second Place The Press-Enterprise Democrat-Gazette Sports Stan Lim The Press-Enterprise Third Place News First Place Terry Pierson Stan Lim Third Place The Press-Enterprise First Place The Press-Enterprise Frank Bellino Honorable Mention Jennifer Cappuccio Maher Second Place The Press-Enterprise Inland Valley Daily Bulletin Will Lester Terry Pierson Honorable Mention Inland Valley Daily Second Place The Press-Enterprise Thomas R. Cordova Bulletin Mark Zaleski Third Place The Press-Enterprise Terry Pierson The Press-Enterprise Third Place Mark Zaleski Honorable Mention The Press-Enterprise Keith Birmingham Pasadena Star-News Honorable Mention Raul Roa Portrait Glendale News-Press First Place Thomas R. Cordova Feature Inland Valley Daily Bulletin First Place Second Place Terry Pierson Terry Pierson The Press-Enterprise The Press-Enterprise Second Place Third Place Ringo H.W. Chiu/freelance Andy Holzman Thomas R. Cordova Second place, news, April: Los Angeles Police Depart- Los Angeles Daily News Inland Valley Daily Bulletin ment officers fire tear gas into an apartment unit as they search for a suspect after a gunman with a high-powered Third Place Honorable Mention Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 rifle shot a police helicopter, forcing it to make a success- Armando Brown Thomas R. Cordova 10 ful emergency landing April 24, 2011, in Los Angeles. Freelance Inland Valley Daily Bulletin December contest photos

Thomas R. Cordova/Inland Valley Daily Bulletin Honorable Mention, Feature, December: Shoppers brave the rain as they attend the Pomona Winter RV Show at the Fairplex in Pomona on Dec. 29, 2010. Consumers can find new and used models of every type of recreational vehicle along with information about trade-ins, financing and more.

Will Lester/Inland Valley Daily Bulletin Third place, feature, December: A marine holds a up a portion of the American flag prior to the Holiday Bowl on Dec. 30, 2010, in San Diego. The Nebraska Cornhusk- ers played the Washington Huskies in the Bridgepoint Education Holiday Bowl at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego.

Third place, sports, December: Corona Centennial’s Milo Jordan cries on the bench as he watches Palo Alto celebrate after pulling off the upset victory over Corona Centennial for the CIF Division I State Championship at Home Depot Center in Carson on Dec. 17, 2010. Palo Alto defeats Centennial 17-15. Terry Pierson/The Press-Enterprise Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 11 December contest photos

Christina House/freelance Third place, news, December: Family members of Douglas Zerby, who was shot and killed by Long Beach Police, react as the family’s lawyer shares the results of an independent investigation of Douglas Zerby’s body at McKenzie Mortuary Services in Long Beach on Dec. 17.

Hans Gutknecht/Los Angeles Daily News Second place, feature, December: Pet Orphans of Southern California founder Diane Scripps and Golden Retriever Rover smile for a photo at the Van Nuys non-profit shelter.

First Place, Sports, December: Glendale High School water polo player Milene Minassians battles for the ball while on defense vs. El Segundo High School’s Natalie Friedricks during Burbank Tournament game at Burbank High School on Dec. Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 11, 2010. Glendale High School lost 6-5 in sudden death. 12 Raul Roa/L.A. Times Community News INTRODUCING THE AMAZING NIKON D3S. AMAZING THE INTRODUCING YOU. LETS D-SLR ONE BARYSHNIKOVWHEN IS YOUR SUBJECT, YOU TO WANT DARK. SHOOT UNTIL Mikhail Baryshnikov was photographed at dusk at 1/50 s at f/4.0, ISO 12,800. f/4.0, at Mikhail Baryshnikov wasphotographedatdusk1/50 s lenses, and it gives Mark a whole new set of creative tools. creative of set new awhole Mark gives it and lenses, NIKKOR outstanding and capabilities HD video legendary Add sharpness. razor and precision in ultimate the for system AF a51-Point with coupled 9FPS, to up of speed ready-for-anything A sensor. CMOS FX-format a12.1 has D3S megapixel, The believed. be to seen be must that 102,400 ISO at performance and 200-12,800 of range ISO low-noise astonishing an With Center. Arts Baryshnikov the at D3S Nikon new versatile the of capabilities low-light and quality image extraordinary the uses Seliger Mark photographer celebrated how See CAPTURED WITHTHENEWNIKOND3S. THE HDVIDEO“BARYSHNIKOV BYSELIGER,” GO TOWWW.NIKONUSA.COM/D3S TOSEE

® Nikon® and D3S™ are registered trademarks of Nikon Corporation. ©2010 Nikon Inc. January contest photos

Eric Tom/Redlands Daily Facts Second place, news, January: Melissa Harris is struck with grief after viewing the remains of Quinn McCaleb at Cathedral of Praise in Rialto on Jan. 15, 2011. Hundreds of people showed up for services honoring him after he was killed on Jan. 5.

Honorable mention, portrait, January: Joe Czycyk is the chief executive officer of Mercury Air Group. Ringo H.W. Chiu/freelance

Mark Zaleski/The Press-Enterprise First place, news, January: Terrance James, 20, grieves for his friends Quinn McCaleb and Andrew Jackson during the “Heal the Land; Heal the City” prayer vigil and walk in Redlands. Redlands High School students McCaleb and Jackson were killed in gang- related shooting in Redlands. Two other Redlands High School were also hit by the gun

Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 fire but survived. 14 January contest photos

Danny Moloshok/freelance First place, feature, January: Actor Robert Duvall (2nd-L) gets some assistance putting his footprints in cement while being honored with a hand and footprint ceremony in the forecourt of the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood on Jan. 5, 2011.

Third place, news, January: Brittney Luck- ey, of Victor- ville, kisses the casket of her cousin, Andrew Jackson at his final resting spot at Hillside Memorial Park in Redlands on Jan. 19, 2011. Jackson was one of two teenagers killed in the Jan. 5 shooting at an apartment complex in Redlands. Stan Lim/ The Press-Enterprise Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 15 February contest photos

Will Lester/Inland Valley Daily Bulletin Third Place, Portrait, February: Funny car driver Robert Hight sits in his race car prior to the opening round of pro qualifying Feb. 24, 2011, at the 51st annual Kragen O’Reilly NHRA Winternationals at Pomona Raceway.

Thomas R. Cordova/Inland Valley Daily Bulletin Honorable Mention, Sports, February: Sultana’s Cortney Roberts dives to save a shot on goal during a game against Bonita in La Verne on Feb. 17, 2011. Bonita advances in CIF-SS Division 3 playoffs after defeating Sultana 3-1.

Second Place, News, February: Bonnie Davis, of Riverside, consoles her daughter Lynnsey, 15, as her son Bryant, 13, holds flowers at a makeshift memorial site for 15-year-old Alana Joy Kerr along Buchanan St. in Riverside Feb. 9, 2011. Kerr was Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 killed the day before after crossing the tracks. 16 Stan Lim/The Press-Enterprise February contest photos

Ringo H.W. Chiu/freelance Second place, Portrait, February: Bill Hooey is photographed at an empty studio behind his apartment building in Los Angeles on Feb. 9, 2011. Hooey was a long-time friend of Mike Ramirez and let him live in the studio during his final homeless period. Ramirez was an advertising genius who made a fortune, but he died last month homeless after losing his mind to cocaine and alcohol.

Raul Roa/Glendale News Press Honorable mention, feature, Febraury: Dancer from San Clemente High School performs for the crowds at the United Spirit Association (USA) Glendale Regional Compe- tition at Glendale High School on Feb. 19, 2011.

Terry Pierson/The Press-Enterprise First place, news, February: Driver Andrew Des Combes, 24, of Riverside looks over his Chevy Tracker after landing on a fence and trash bin. Des Combes says he was

avoiding a collision on the eastbound Hwy 91 and ended up in a Enterprise Car sales Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 lot in Riverside on Feb. 11, 2011. 17 March contest photos

Mark Zaleski/The Press-Enterprise Honorable mention, feature, march: Tim Keys removes several feet of snow off the Arrowhead Queen boat dock in Lake Arrowhead after a snow storm hit the San Bernardino mountains.

First place, news, march: Tootsie Crowley, left, and her grand- son Jake Crowley, 8, take cover under umbrel- las as hail falls on the parking lot of Trader Joe’s in Saugus Terry Pierson/The Press-Enterprise on April 8, First place, portrait, march: Redlands East Valley wrestler Chris Me- 2011. cate, 18, of Redlands is the 135 pound state champion and is heading to Jonathan the wrestling Nationals next week. Pobre/Santa Clarita Valley Signal Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 18 March contest photos

Karen Quincy Loberg/Ventura County Star Honorable mention, news, march: Grant Glover lifts his wife Mandi Glover off her feet after more than 8 months of being away from each other, while Kaden Glover looks at the airplane that delivered his father home. Behind them the Heinrich family is reunited, as Tim Dewitt, back left, and his wife Sayumi Dewitt walk together. The men were among the 166 members of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 40 that arrived from Afghanistan to Naval Base Ventura County.

Stan Lim/The Press-Enterprise Third place, sports, march: Novak Djokovic of Serbia keeps his eye on the ball against Rafael Nadal of Spain in their final match at the BNP Pari- bas Open tennis tournament on March 20, 2011, in Indian Wells.

Terry Pierson/The Press-Enterprise Second place, portrait, march: Dizzy Desserts Bakery Owner and baker Barbara Verile of Corona with three of her students cakes which won first or second place in the San Diego Cake Club 2011 Confec- Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 tions For a Cause contest at her bakery March 15, 2011. 19 April contest photos

Stan Lim/The Press-Enterprise First place, news, April: Robin Grant, right, of Cathedral City consoles her daughter Amber Marquez, as they mourn the loss of family member An- thony Marquez, 26, in picture, during the National Crime Victims Rights Week Candlelight Vigil at the Victim Memorial Courtyard in Downtown Riverside.

Thomas R. Cordova/Inland Valley Daily Bulletin Third place, news, April: Student Bianca Macias, left, 18, calls the chancellor and other Cal State University officials as students protest the state budget cuts to education that could lead to higher tuition, larger class sizes and lower enrollment, at the registrar’s office at Cal Poly Pomona on April 13, 2011.

First place, feature, April: Tom Willis, who was born with no arms, throws out the ceremonial first pitch with his foot prior to a Major League baseball game between the San Diego Padres and the Los Angeles Dodgers in Los Angeles on Saturday, April 30, 2011. Willis is trying to Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 help build awareness for the abilities of people with disabilities. 20 Keith Birmingham/Pasadena Star-News April contest photos

Thomas R. Cordova/Inland Valley Daily Bulletin Honorable mention, feature, April: A fan rides the crowd as Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer and Metallica make up The Big 4 festival at the Empire Polo Grounds in Indio on April 23, 2011.

Frank Bellino/The Press-Enterprise Third place, feature, April: Alban Douillet,32, struggles in the mud pit during the Warrior Dash.

Honorable Mention, News, April: Isaias Godoy pauses on stage as he receives his Bachelor of Arts degree in music at The Master’s College’s commencement ceremony at College of the Canyons in Valencia on May 13, 2011.

Jonathan Pobre/Santa Clarita Valley Signal Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 21 May contest photos

Terry Pierson/The Press-Enterprise Third place, sports, may: Newport Harbor's Clay Pinckney is silhouetted against a cloudy sky as he competes in the boys diving during the CIF Masters Meet at Williams Woollett Aquatic Center in Irvine on May 17, 2011.

Honorable mention, portrait, may: Daniela Macias, 29, of Pomona, performs with Copali- Copili Aztec Dancers at the Montclair Library as they host a Cinco de Mayo event in Montclair on May 5, 2011. Thomas R. Cor- dova/Inland Valley Daily Bulletin Raul Roa/Glendale News Press Honorable mention, news, may: A man is rescued by Burbank Fire Dept. personnel after removing the roof of the pickup truck with the jaws of life on Hol- lywood Way just south of Edison Blvd. in Burbank on May 25, 2011. Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 22 May Contest Photos

Mark Zaleski/The Press-Enterprise Third place, news, may: A Sendai fire department firefighter watches over the debris field to make sure a construction crane working in the area does not injure other firefighters searching for victims in the Arahama ward of Sendai in the Miyagi Prefecture after the 9.0 earthquake and tsunami hit Japan on March 11, 2011.

Jennifer Cappuccio Maher/Inland Valley Daily Bulletin First place, news, may: Amanda Mora cries as she hugs the casket carrying the body of her late husband, Pfc. Ramon Mora Jr., 19, of Ontario, on May 31, 2011, at LA/Ontario International Airport in Ontario. Mora was killed May 22 while serving in Iraq.

Thomas R. Cordova/Inland Valley Daily Bulletin First place, portrait, may: Javelin thrower Adam Bianchessi, of Mt. SAC, prepares for the state tourney Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 in Walnut May 4, 2011. 23 2011 Board of directors

Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles 3607 W. Magnolia Blvd., Suite 5, Burbank, CA 91505 Web site: www.ppagla.org E-mail: [email protected] OFFICERS President: Bob Riha, Jr., [email protected] Vice President: David Fernandez, [email protected] Secretary: Diandra Jay, [email protected] Treasurer: Edna Trunell-Simpson, [email protected] Chairman of the Board: John McCoy, [email protected] BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nick Ut, David Hume Kennerly, Paul Buck, Art Quezada, Gerard Burkhart, Scott Meadows, Alan Madden, Joel Lugavere, Jim Ober and Carlos Delgado. Alternate Board members include: Bob Bessolo, Mario Anzuoni and Louis Gabriele. CHAIRPERSONS Video/Multi-Media Committee Co-Chairs: David Fernandez ([email protected]) and Scott Meadows ([email protected]) Social Media Committee Co-Chairs: Jon Vidar ([email protected]) and Jim Ober ([email protected]) Sponsorships Committee Chair: Jim Ober Awards Dinner Committee Chair: Joel Lugavere ([email protected]) Contests Committee/JOM Chair: Joel Lugavere Memberships Committee Chair: Rick Meyer ([email protected]) Education Committee Chair: Gerard Burkhart Media Access Committee Co-Chairs: John McCoy and Scott Meadows Special Projects Chair: Franklin Smith e-JOM, Jr. Newsletter Editor: John McCoy, [email protected] Design: Denise Smaldino, [email protected] Webmaster Robert Douglas, [email protected] Copyright 2011 by the Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles (PPAGLA) Jus t One M o re, Jr. • August 2011 24