Conference, 2Gth March 200tJ· at tbc Dulwich Picture Gallery (The Centre is co-organising th is conference in association with the exhibition on in its Sydenham incarnation) The of 1851 and 's Crystal Palace in Hyde Park are well known and much discussed, but little attention has been given to the contents of the Crystal Palace in its incarnation at Sydenham. Pugin's Mediaeval Court at the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, with its 'blaze of gold and colour', helped revive Gothic primary colours and the stylisation of natural forms. Enco uraged by its success, but with a more academic, didactic intention, and intended in the Courts at Sydenham to refine the taste and knowledge of the people and to overcome their ignoraJlCe of colour and , by buildi ng, plastering and colouring ambitious reproductions of architectural styles, like film sets that one could lunugumtit>ll oftil<' Cr)'~l