15168 Hon. Robert E. Andrews Hon. Sam Graves Hon
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15168 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 11 July 19, 2006 rights organization. Dr. Hooks and his wife Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in chael Layman—who worked in a bipartisan handled the NAACP’s business and helped to commending Sean Alexander Burns-Sprung way to make this a reality and really to realize plan for its future for more than 15 years. He for his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts this dream for many, many people. told the New York Times that a ‘‘sense of duty of America and for his efforts put forth in The Government Reform Committee, Chair- and responsibility’’ to the NAACP compelled achieving the highest distinction of Eagle man TOM DAVIS, and our Ranking Member him to stay in office through the 1990s. In Scout. HENRY WAXMAN applauded the passage of this February of 1992, at the age of 67, he an- f resolution last year and were instrumental in nounced his resignation from the post after its passage. many years of faithful and dedicated service. CARIBBEAN-AMERICAN HERITAGE And, of course, in the final weeks before the The service of this great leader will never go MONTH proclamation was issued by the White House, unforgotten. a coalition was formed that was very instru- Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to honor the HON. BARBARA LEE mental in urging the White House to officially life, legacy, and leadership of Benjamin L. OF CALIFORNIA declare June National Caribbean-American Hooks. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Heritage Month. This coalition included Sen- f ator MEL MARTINEZ from Florida, Ambassador Wednesday, July 19, 2006 Tom Shannon, State Department’s Assistant HONORING JEANNE SANITATE ON Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay Secretary for the Western Hemisphere, and HER ACHIEVEMENTS AT THE tribute to the Caribbean American community Brian Nichols of his staff. VETERANS ANNUAL WHEEL- in honor of the first-ever National Caribbean And the Caribbean American community CHAIR GAMES American Heritage Month. was very active around this effort. It could not On June 27, 2005, the House unanimously have been done without them. From Glenn Jo- HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS adopted H. Con. Res. 71, my resolution to de- seph and John Felix in Florida; to Jean Alex- OF NEW JERSEY clare June National Caribbean American Herit- ander, Horace Morancie, and Anthony Carter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES age Month. On February 14, 2006, the Senate in New York; to Shorron Levy in California and so many others across the country, this be- Wednesday, July 19, 2006 followed suit, thanks to the work of Senator SCHUMER of New York and Arielle Goren on came, quite frankly, an international grass- Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to his staff. roots effort. honor Jeanne Sanitate, a disabled Air Force And let me begin by recognizing the many So I am pleased that on June 5, the Presi- veteran from Medford, New Jersey on her people who helped realize this 2-year bipar- dent responded by officially declaring June three gold medals and one bronze medal in tisan, bicameral effort, because this was quite National Caribbean American Heritage Month. We have some phenomenal spokespersons the 26th Annual Veterans Wheelchair Games a feat. First, I want to recognize our colleague, Sheryl Lee Ralph and basketball legend Rick in Alaska. a great leader on so many issues and espe- The 26th Annual Wheelchair Games took Fox, who are traveling throughout the country. cially on health care, Congresswoman DONNA place July 3–8, 2006 and is the largest annual Sheryl Lee Ralph is a woman of Caribbean CHRISTENSEN from the Caribbean, who has descent from Jamaica actually, and is a great wheelchair sports event in the world. This been tremendous in terms of bringing us to- actress as well. Her voice on HIV and AIDS, event is committed to improving the quality of gether to address the issues of health dispari- as well as promoting and spreading the word life for veterans with disabilities and fostering ties throughout our country and throughout the about Caribbean American Heritage Month, better health through sports competition. world. will be very valuable in terms of making sure Jeanne Sanitate joined more than 500 people, Also, I would like to thank the Institute of that our entire country knows about the phe- both novices and experienced athletes, for a Caribbean Studies, especially Dr. Claire Nel- nomenal contributions of Caribbean Ameri- week of competition in more than 15 events. son and her team, for joining us in this effort cans. Jeanne Sanitate won her gold medals in bowl- from the very beginning. ing, Air-Gun Para, and table tennis. She also On a very personal level, my relationship And we must recognize our friends from the with persons of Caribbean descent began with collected a bronze in softball. This was her Caribbean diplomatic corps, who worked so first time competing in the games, and she the late great former member of this body, the hard to spread the word about this effort both first African American woman elected to Con- competed as a Class IV in the novice division. at home in the Caribbean and in their embas- Mr. Speaker, I celebrate the accomplish- gress, Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm. I sies and consulates across the country. ments of Jeanne Sanitate at the 26th Annual worked as a volunteer in her historic 1972 There are many Members of Congress who Veterans Wheelchair Games. I applaud her Presidential campaign. As a woman of Barba- supported this effort. In addition to early sup- past service to this country as a veteran and dian and Guyanese descent, Congresswoman port from my colleagues in the Congressional her remarkable athletic abilities and personal Chisholm never forgot her roots and connec- Black Caucus and Friends of the Caribbean achievements. tions to the Caribbean. Her work, whether it Task Force, the former chair of the Western f was fighting for equal access to education in Hemisphere Subcommittee, Representative the United States Congress or Haitian refu- RECOGNIZING SEAN ALEXANDER Cass Ballenger, was the first Republican to gees in detention camps, her commitment al- BURNS-SPRUNG FOR ACHIEVING endorse this bill, and his successor, Chairman ways stemmed from her faith and her strong THE RANK OF EAGLE SCOUT DAN BURTON, was one of the first to help urge Caribbean values. the President to issue an official proclamation. When the United States-Caribbean relations HON. SAM GRAVES This was truly a bipartisan effort, with, of began to deteriorate over the war in Iraq, the course, our chairman Mr. HYDE of the Inter- OF MISSOURI coups in Haiti, and the Cuban embargo, I national Relations Committee and our ranking IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES knew that we needed to go back and really member Mr. LANTOS, who lent their very Wednesday, July 19, 2006 recognize our deep and strong relations with strong support. the Caribbean. So we need to send a mes- Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause And, of course, we never would have done sage of goodwill to the Caribbean American to recognize Sean Alexander Burns-Sprung a any of this without our staff. First, let me com- community. very special young man who has exemplified mend and thank my staff person Jamila Soon I will be introducing the Shirley Chis- the finest qualities of citizenship and leader- Thompson for her leadership and for her com- holm Caribbean Educational Exchange Act of ship by taking an active part in the Boy Scouts mitment to not only this issue and this bill, but 2006 to provide existing and expanded edu- of America, Troop 395, and in earning the for so many of the efforts that she mounts. cational exchanges between our country and most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. She has roots in the Bahamas, and she un- the Caribbean. Sean has been very active with his troop, derstands the importance of recognizing Car- This legislation has two components: participating in many scout activities. Over the ibbean Americans and their proper role and First it supports and expands existing pri- many years Sean has been involved with proper recognition in our country. mary and secondary training programs cur- scouting, he has not only earned numerous Also, we had many other House staff mem- rently operating in the Caribbean. merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- bers—Ted Brennan, Jack Scharfen, Paul And second it establishes the Shirley Chis- ily, peers, and community. Oostburg, Dan Getz, Mark Walker, and Mi- holm Educational Exchange program structure VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:27 May 03, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00275 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR19JY06.DAT BR19JY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD July 19, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 11 15169 for U.S. and Caribbean high school, under- Floridian Association, Inc. (CAFA); Guyanese Belizean Information & Services International, graduate and graduate students, and profes- American Cultural Association of Central Flor- NY; St. Vincent and the Grenadines Nationals sional scholars. ida; Orlando Carnival Association, Inc.; Alli- Association of Washington, DC; eCaroh Carib- I would like to close by reminding those ance of Guyanese Expatriates of Central Flor- bean Emporium, MA; Caribbean American here in Congress and others watching at ida; Caribbean Students’ Association at the Weekly (CAW), NY; Council of St. Vincent and home that during Caribbean-American Herit- University of Central Florida; Jamaican/Amer- the Grenadines Organizations U.S.A., Inc., age Month, each of us should look to the past ican Partners in Education, GA; Central Flor- NY; St. Vincent Benevolent Association; and to the future in recognizing the strong role ida Cricket League; Caribbean Bar Association Bequia United Progressive Organization, Inc.; of the Caribbean and the Caribbean-American (Central Florida Chapter); Antigua and Bar- Chateaubelair Development Organization; community in United States history.