“A Joyful Christmas” November 24, 2012 Contact: Jay Daniiells [email protected] / http://www.facebook.com/ajjoyfullchriistmas (434) 382-9527


“A Joyfull Chriistmas” Contiinues Giiviing Back

In iits second broadcast year, “A Joyfull Chriistmas” keeps on giiviing back. Host and executiive producer, Jay Daniiells, started “A Joyfull Chriistmas” llast year wiith iits iinaugurall broadcast on WTTX-FM (Joy FM) iin Lynchburg, Viirgiiniia. “We wanted to create a speciiall program that not onlly brought back Chriistmas memoriies but allso gave back to our communiity,” saiid Daniiells.” Thiis year, the program now has nearlly 35 affiilliiates serviing over 10 states.

A Joyfull Chriistmas” combiines the best iin Chriistmas standards wiith the storiies of those who trully make a diifference. “It iis my belliief that we shoulld giive to others,” Jay says, “jjust as God gave to us some 2,000 years ago.” Two of the organiizatiions hiighlliighted thiis year are Glleaniing for the Worlld (gftw.org) of Lynchburg, VA., and Duke Mediicall Center of Durham, N.C. (dukeheallth.org). “Whiille these organiizatiions do not llocalllly serve allll of our lliisteners, iit''s the storiies from these organiizatiions that we want peoplle to know about,” Daniiells saiid. In Viirgiiniia, teddy bear driives wiillll be helld iin partnershiip wiith Glleaniing to send new and used stuffed aniimalls to chiilldren throughout the worlld.

“A Joyfull Chriistmas” priides iitsellf as beiing a famiilly-friiendlly program wiith a tradiitiionall focus of Chriistmas. The 2- hour speciiall wiillll feature not onlly the hiighlliights of non-profiits but allso storiies from lliisteners'' Chriistmas memoriies. As the program comes to a cllose, Pastor Gary Stoots (a pastor iin Centrall Viirgiiniia) wiillll share the Chriistmas story from Luke 2. “Whether at home or travelliing to viisiit famiilly, we want our lliisteners to be a part of our famiilly thiis Chriistmas,” saiid Daniiells.

Featuriing the musiic of Nat Kiing Colle, Carpenters, Biing Crosby, and others, “A Joyfull Chriistmas” wiillll be heard on nearlly 35 affiilliiates serviing over 10 states and the Uniited Kiingdom. Many of the statiions wiillll aiir the program on Chriistmas Eve and Chriistmas Day, wiith others aiiriing at an earlliier date. Growth and expansiion contiinues iinto 2013, wiith further affiilliiates to be added for next year. “It has trully been a bllessiing to see the thiings that have happened thiis year,” saiid Jay. “Words cannot express my gratiitude to those who have hellped.”


About the Host: Jay Daniiells has been iinvollved wiith radiio broadcastiing for severall years. Hiis experiience iin radiio has taken hiim to many statiions iinclludiing WGRQ-FM iin Frederiicksburg, Viirgiiniia, and hiis current posiitiion at Joy FM iin Lynchburg, Viirgiiniia. Jay iis allso a professiionall musiiciian and vocalliist, wiith nearlly 20 years experiience.

Affiilliiate Liistiing for “A Joyfull Chriistmas”

ILLINOIS Chiicago, IL - AM 1240 WSBC - 10:00AM 12/25 (CST)

MICHIGAN Tawas Ciity, MI - AM 1480 WIOS - 2:00PM 12/22

NORTH CAROLINA Asheboro, NC - 89.5 WTJY - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Bellmont, NC - 98.7 WPIR - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Burlliington, NC - 102.9 WTJY - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Charllotte, NC - AM 1150 WAVO - TBD Harriisburg, NC - 91.3 WTJY - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Hiickory, NC - 88.1 WPIR - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Indiian Traiill, NC - 98.5 WTJY - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Kiings Mountaiin, NC - 100.1 WPIR - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Lexiington, NC - 91.1 WTJY - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Roxboro, NC - 96.7 WKRX - TBD Sanford, NC - 102.3 WTJY - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Wiinston-Sallem, NC - 91.3 WXRI - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM)

OHIO Miiddlleport, OH - 92.1 WYVK - 7:00PM 12/24 & TBD 12/25

SOUTH CAROLINA Chesterfiielld, SC - 89.3 WRFE - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Rock Hiillll, SC - AM 1150 - TBD

TENNESSEE Briistoll, TN - 101.9 WTJY - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Johnson Ciity, TN - 100.9 WTJY - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Kiingsport, TN - 89.9 WTJY - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM)

VIRGINIA Appomattox/Farmviilllle, VA - 107.1 WTTX - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Ashlland/Riichmond, VA - AM 1430 WHAN - 7:00PM 12/24 Ashlland/Riichmond, VA - 102.9 WHAN - 7:00PM 12/24 Broadway/Harriisonburg, VA - AM 1470 WBTX - 7:00PM 12/24 & 2:00PM 12/25 Danviilllle, VA - 100.5 WTTX - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Lynchburg, VA - 97.1 WTTX - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Martiinsviilllle, VA - 100.9 WCBX - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Martiinsviilllle, VA - AM 900 WCBX - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM) Onlley/Onancock, VA - 103.3 WESR - TBD Portsmouth, VA - AM 1650 WHKT - 7:00PM 12/24 & TBD 12/25 Waynesboro/Staunton, VA - 96.5 WTTX - 7:00PM 12/24 & 10:00AM 12/25 (Joy FM)

WISCONSIN Janesviilllle, WI - AM 1230 WCLO - TBD