Shire of | Bike Plan | 2014


Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014

Version Date Author Details Contact Information Green Skills Inc 1 May 2014 Nicole Hodgson Draft Report ABN 68 989 519 966 Louise Duxbury

2 June 2014 Nicole Hodgson Final Draft Report PO Box 577 Louise Duxbury Denmark WA 6333

P | 08 9848 3310 F | 08 9848 3455 E | [email protected] W |

Disclaimer All information in this report was considered correct and current at the time of publication and any errors or omissions are unintentional. Green Skills Inc disclaims all and any liability to any person in respect of the consequences of any action or consequence for such persons in reliance, whether wholly or partially, on this report.

Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Table of Contents PART 1: BIKE PLAN CONTEXT PART 2: RECOMMENDATIONS

Executive Summary ………………………… 4 4. Proposed Bike Network Enhancements...47 4.1 Summary of Proposed Bike Network Enhancements 4.2 Recommendations: Denmark Townsite 1. Background ……………………………… 7 4.3 Recommendations: Outer Denmark 1.1 Bike Plan Brief 1.2 Bike Plan Development 1.3 Why is Shire of Denmark encouraging 5. Other Recommendations ……………… 81 1.4 Policy and Planning Context (Local) 5.1 Strategic Recommendations 1.5 Spatial Context 5.2 Overall Bike Network Recommendations 1.6 Demographic Profile 5.3 Promoting Cycle Tourism 1.7 Policy and Planning Context (Federal and State) 5.4 Promoting 1.8 Cycle Tourism 6. Costings and Implementation Schedule.. 91 2. Community Consultation ……………...… 17 2.1 Previous Community Consultation 2.2 Stakeholder Engagement ‐ Bike Plan 2014 References and Other Information………... 97 2.3 Community Survey 2014 ‐ Adults 2.4 Community Survey 2014 ‐ Children Appendices…...……………………………... 99 2. Review of existing Bike Network……… 31 3.1 Neighbourhood Connector 3.2 Community Consultation Outcomes 3.3 Review of Existing Bike Facilities 3.4 Review ‐ Promoting Cycling

Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Executive Summary Background Process Denmark Priority Bike Network Plan

The Shire of Denmark commissioned Green Skills to Key stakeholder groups including the Shire of The Shire’s Path Development Plan (PDP) has a develop a Bike Plan for the Shire. Denmark Paths and Trails Committee (PATAC) forward plan for shared use paths and footpaths The Department of Transport, through the Regional members, Chamber of Commerce, Visitor Centre, already in place, therefore the paths proposed in this Bicycle Network Local Government Grants Program, Denmark High School and Primary School as well as Bike Plan are mainly additional to the current PDP, and has provided part funding (of 50%) to the Shire of the general community were engaged through: focus on filling gaps in the network. Denmark to develop the Bike Plan.  Specific meetings; Longer term recommendations focus on sealing the The plan was developed around the objectives of:  Workshops; shoulders of main feeder roads, shared use paths on both sides of the within the township boundary  Further develop Denmark, Nornalup and Peaceful  Saddle surveying; Bay townsites as cycling friendly destinations for these roads, and a substantial upgrade (but  Paper based and online surveying.  Have an effective, interconnected, continuous and maintaining a permeable surface) of the Denmark well maintained bicycle network A large number of Denmark residents had input into Nornalup to provide a safe alternative to the Highway.  Walking and cycling are the first choice of transport the Bike Plan. A survey (both online and paper based) for Denmark, Nornalup and Peaceful Bay townsites was conducted with variations in the survey The Denmark Priority Bike Network Plan shows the

 The communities of Denmark, Nornalup and instrument to suit adults and children. The total major routes within a 2km radius, where cycling easily

Peaceful Bay appreciate the social, health, number of responses was: outperforms walking, or drive and park for short trips

economic and environmental benefits provided by  Adult ‐ 195 (predominately received online) to town. cycling  Children ‐ 79 (predominantly paper based as in‐ The network plan focuses on:  Raise/ heighten awareness of drivers by enabling a class exercises)  Creating Safe Routes to School safer cycling environment  Commuting and Transport Routes Draft versions of the Bike Plan were presented to a  Develop long term plans for settlement and tourist small community workshop, meetings of PATAC  Recreational and Cycle Tourism Routes nodes members and Councillors, the Shire CEO and Shire  Sports Cyclist Routes  Consult the community in planning activities President.  Denmark Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail  Incorporate cycling Eco Tourism opportunities into

bicycle planning The consultation outcomes provided detailed information about the cycling habits and cycling Cycle Tourism and Recreational Cycling A range of existing policy and planning documents routes of nearly 200 Denmark adult residents and within the Shire highlight the importance of providing With the Munda Biddi Trail, local trails and the planned nearly 80 children. The survey also provided rich a coherent, accessible and connected network for WOW trail, Denmark is well served by a variety of off‐ information about the motivators, barriers and cycling: road trails for recreation and cycle tourism. Ensuring opportunities for increasing cycling in Denmark. the end of trip facilities and other supporting facilities  Strategic Community Plan 2031 are in place, is important to serve these growing  Local Planning Strategy group of cyclists.  Settlement Strategy  Path Development Plan

Page 4 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Executive Summary Major Recommendations Strategic and Policy Recommendations

Construction of new paths Upgrade of existing paths 5.1.1 Town Planning Scheme 4 ‐ Incorporate High priority: High priority: requirement for bicycle path and  Fyfe St ‐ short connection between Highway and  Mokare Heritage Trail ‐ substantial upgrade of provision in relevant sections of the Town Morgan Rd eastern side, incorporating a ramp to the path Planning Scheme.  Wattle Way ‐ linking to Mt Shadforth Rd along South Coast Highway 5.1.2 Requirements for Provisions in  Thornton St ‐ short link to Buckley St  Hollings Rd ‐ between South Coast Highway and Town Planning Scheme ‐ Include provisions for  South Coast Highway (West) ‐ to Harpendene Rise Walker St, widen to safely allow for pedestrians the supply of bicycle parking as well as on‐site (Stage 1) then Cussons Rd (Stage 2) and bikes car parking.  South Coast Highway (East) ‐ to entrance of  Short St ‐ upgrade narrow footpath for route to 5.1.3 Continue to take regard of WAPC DC Policy 1.5 cemetery (Stage 1) and then to Country Club and Primary School entrance to Springdale Beach Estate (Stage 2)  Millar St ‐ upgrade to shared use path for route to Bicycle Planning ‐ requiring that new subdivisions provide for safe cycling conditions  Hardy St ‐ short link to South Coast Highway Primary School within the subdivision and linkages to the bike  Offer St ‐ between Primary School car park and Medium priority: plan network as outlined in this plan. fence  Kwoorabup Park ‐ widen path near Adventure  Lights Rd ‐ from Ocean Beach Rd to end of Playground 5.1.4 Develop a long‐term Integrated Transport residential area  Mokare Heritage Trail ‐ substantial upgrade of Strategy ‐ In the longer term, the Shire of  Riverside path under bridge ‐ extend path under western side Denmark should develop a more bridge, between upgraded Mokare Trail (at Walker  Mt Shadforth Rd ‐ widen path between Millar St comprehensive and integrated Sustainable St) and Research Station Ave (on Horsley Rd) and Hardy St Transport Strategy. The Shire’s status as a high  Traffic bridge ‐ construct a path on the north side On‐road Bike Lanes growth, coastal community means that the of the bridge High priority: whole range of future transport options, including bicycles, needs to be considered in an Medium priority:  Mitchell St ‐ between Offer St and Strickland St integrated way.  Traffic bridge ‐ shared use path on north side  Walker St ‐ between Strickland St and Hollings Rd  Ti Tree lane extension ‐ to Willow Creek Drive  Buckley St (East) ‐ between South Coast Highway 5.1.5 Providing for safe on‐road cycling ‐ the needs  Mt Shadforth Rd ‐ between Hardy St and Peace St and Ocean Beach Rd of on‐road cyclists should be incorporated into Low priority: Medium priority: regular road building and maintenance and into  Offer St to Ocean Beach Rd ‐ behind Masonic Lodge  Lights Rd ‐ Ocean Beach Rd to Lights Beach Rd the Local Planning Strategy.  Powley St to Scotsdale Rd ‐ construct a new short intersection path on the easement  Hollings Rd to Mt Shadforth Rd ‐ investigate A range of other recommendations regarding small options to integrate path into redeveloped Old amendments to existing paths and crossings, Hospital. improving signage and profile on paths and roads are  Honeymyrtle Close ‐ to Clarke Close, dependent on also contained in Section 4 of the Bike Plan. development of new lots in area

Page 5 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Executive Summary Overall Bike Network ‐ Promoting Cycle Tourism ‐ Promoting Cycling ‐ Recommendations Recommendations Recommendations

5.2.1 Path Signage ‐ Bicycle and pedestrian symbols 5.3.1 Support the development of Denmark as a 5.4.1 Launch Bike Plan with event ‐ in partnership should be marked on all shared paths at the Trail Hub ‐ partnering with Department of with Denmark Chamber of Commerce and beginning and end, and at road crossings in Sport and Recreation. Munda Biddi Foundation. preparation for the bike plan launch. 5.3.2 Assess and grade current cycling trails and 5.4.2 Develop electronic and hard copy maps ‐ 5.2.2 Crossings ‐ Crossings at major intersections routes ‐ partnering with Department of Sport update and reprint existing Trails Map for should be renewed with painted kerbs, painted and Recreation. Denmark. grab rails and on path stencilling. 5.3.3 Develop themed trails for cycle tourists ‐ 5.4.3 Information and awareness campaign ‐ 5.2.3 Road signage ‐ In recognition of the around sports cycling, food and wine, history, partnering with Denmark Bulletin to highlight importance of feeder roads as routes for discovery trails for children and so on. key aspects of Bike Plan and to correct existing sports cyclists and cycle tourists, ‘Share the misinformation. Road’ signage should be installed on these 5.3.4 Develop a regionally significant loop bicycle 5.4.4 Entry statement signage promoting a ’Cycle roads as a high (short term) priority. trail ‐ combining the proposed WOW trail, Munda Biddi and the Denmark Nornalup Rail Friendly Town’ ‐ as a reminder to residents and 5.2.4 Information hubs and signage ‐ Signage Trail. visitors to share the road. throughout the bike network should provide distance and directional information which will 5.3.5 Electronic and hardcopy trail maps ‐ of all 5.4.5 Partner with local groups to support cycling assist both pedestrians and cyclists, and be cycling trails and routes in local area. promotion events ‐ such as National Ride to Work Day or WA Bikeweek. available on paper, online and through 5.3.6 Market cycle trails ‐ through a range of websites such as Trails WA. marketing avenues. 5.4.6 Provide ’Slow Down to 50’ stickers ‐ for 5.2.5 Integrated End of Trip Facilities ‐ With the residents to place on rubbish bins. 5.3.7 Support completion of Rail Trail ‐ the missing upgrade of the Plane Tree precinct, there may link between Parker Rd and Peaceful Bay Rd. 5.4.7 Partner with local schools to support cycling ‐ be an opportunity to construct an integrated work with schools to target promotion efforts end of trip facility, featuring secure bike 5.3.8 Integrated bike facilities for cycle tourists ‐ for cycling to school. parking, showers and lockers. secure bike storage and other end of trip 5.4.8 TravelSmart School program ‐ encourage 5.2.6 Bike Racks ‐ Extra bike racks should be installed facilities in range of locations. Denmark schools to join Travelsmart School

in a range of locations throughout Denmark. 5.3.9 Support development of MTB Park/Trail ‐ program. planning support if local group is formed. 5.4.9 Support establishment of Bicycle User Group ‐ if there is interest in the community to 5.3.10 Secure bike racks ‐ at key locations through establish such a group. Denmark. Potential for a design competition in conjunction with Denmark Arts.

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1.1 Bike Plan Outline To achieve these aims, this Bike Plan requires: Acknowledging the already high participation rate and  Implementation of the Priority Network Plan growing levels of cycling by the community and outlined in Section 4; Local Planning Strategy (2011) tourists, the Shire of Denmark has commissioned the  Implementation of directional and distance signage Shire of Denmark’s four goals are: preparation of a Bike Plan with the following and road/path markings to delineate a safe cycling objectives: 1. Land Use and Town Planning operating space; and To devise and apply planning instruments which  Further develop Denmark, Nornalup and Peaceful minimise the negative impacts of development. Bay townsites as cycling friendly destinations  Clear routes from the tourist centres, local leisure loops and connections to and upgrades of long  Have an effective, interconnected, continuous and 2. Economic Development distance leisure routes. well maintained bicycle network To encourage economic activities, locally and in the region, which make appropriate use of  Walking and cycling are the first choice of transport Denmark's natural and human resources and its for Denmark, Nornalup and Peaceful Bay townsites Shire of Denmark Vision and Objectives primary produce.  The communities of Denmark, Nornalup and Peaceful Bay appreciate the social, health, Denmark in the year 2031 is a leading example of a 3. Environmental Management economic and environmental benefits provided by dynamic, connected, caring and cohesive To help conserve the natural environment of cycling community, in tune with its environment. Denmark and promote its responsible use.  Raise/ heighten awareness of drivers by enabling a The Shire of Denmark's objectives are: 4. Services to the Community safer cycling environment Social ‐ Denmark's communities, people and To support the provision of an equitable range of  Develop long term plans for settlement and tourist places are connected and creative, vibrant and services and facilities. nodes dynamic, healthy and safe.   Consult the community in planning activities Environmental ‐ Denmark's natural environment is regionally significant, wild and beautiful, yet  Incorporate cycling Eco Tourism opportunities into so inviting and fragile that its protection and bicycle planning

enhancement is carefully balanced in meeting In meeting the brief, the focus of this Bike Plan is on the needs of current and future generations' both commuting and recreational cyclists, providing lifestyle, development and tourism needs. infrastructure and facilities for end of trip which will: Economic ‐ Denmark's economy is diverse and  Encourage existing residents to be more active (i.e. vibrant ‐ its primary industries of tourism and links to schools, town centres) to assist further agriculture rely on and enjoy natural and other development of a cycling culture within Denmark; assets that are sensibly managed and promoted.  Encourage tourists to come to Denmark as a Governance ‐ The Shire of Denmark provides cycling destination. renowned leadership in sustainability, is Denmark has a wide range of excellent recreational effective with both its consultation with its cycling trails, and with more encouragement of people and its management of its assets, and provides transparent and fiscally responsible Development of this Bike Plan has been made recreational cycling, overall rates of cycling may be possible with part funding (50%) from the Department increased in future. decision making. of Transport’s Regional Bicycle Network program.

Page 8 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 1.2 Bike Plan Development

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1.3 Why is Shire of Denmark encouraging cycling?

Cycling has multiple benefits for Community Wide Benefits of Cycle individuals and the community Tourism Infrastructure Reduced Infrastructure Costs – reduced road and Local government investment in infrastructure for parking facility costs. Parking is a particular concern cycle tourists also provides a range of benefits to for Denmark, especially at peak periods. the whole community including; Increased health benefits – cycling combats physical Improved community health ‐ people who live in inactivity, a major contributor to ill‐health, and is also neighbourhoods which are cycling and walking effective in reducing depression and anxiety. A daily friendly are more likely to be more active and 30‐minute cycle halves an individual’s chance of physically active and enjoy a better quality of life; becoming obese or diabetic. Increased mobility ‐ an integrated network of Land Use Efficiency – where cycling is a significant shared paths and bicycle lanes leading to facilities transport mode, less land is needed for vehicle and services will increase residents’ mobility and infrastructure including roads and car parks and such decrease isolation; space savings can be used to increase community Supporting local businesses ‐ increasing facilities public spaces. for cycling can boost the viability of local small Access for All ‐ cycling facilities, particularly shared use businesses. People who can walk or cycle to shops paths, meet the requirements of people with are more likely to shop regularly; disabilities and, consequently, their construction improves accessibility for everyone including the Improve community safety ‐ cycling and walking friendly neighbourhoods encourage activity, Figure 1: Department of Transport (2014) WA Bicycle Network Plan elderly and children. Department of Transport (2014) WA Bicycle Network Plan foster social interactions and reduce the opportunities for crime and anti‐social behaviour; Restoring a sense of community ‐ communities Trends indicate cycling growth ‐ National Cycling Participation Survey (2013) which are cycling and walking friendly are also  From a survey of 884 households, comprising 2,128 individuals in Western Australia, the cycling participation communities where people are more likely to rate was greater than the Australian average. know each other and look out for each other.  Across most of the questions, the level of participation of respondents from regional Western Australia was Responding to climate change ‐ approximately higher than the Western Australian average. half of the greenhouse gas emissions produced by Increased bicycle sales the average household each year are from transport. Cycling is one way to significantly The Australian Bicycle Council states sales data show a very strong preference for buying bicycles over motor reduce pollution that causes climate change. vehicles. As environmental concerns, and petrol prices and cost of living increase, cycling becomes a more attractive option. In Australia bicycle purchases have substantially exceeded sales of motor vehicles since 2001. Munda Biddi Trail Foundation, 2013

Page 10 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 1.4 Policy and Planning Context Shire of Denmark

Local Planning Strategy Settlement Strategy (1998) Policy Implications The Denmark Local Planning Strategy provides the The Settlement Strategy establishes the Council’s Our ‐ A Strategic Framework for vision to guide the future growth of the Shire for the position for the provision of residential land to cater Cycling in WA (2013) makes the important point : next 20 years. for urban growth to the year 2020. “Key decision makers continue to underplay One of the Objectives in 4.10 Transport is: One of the Essential Criteria for Growth is to: the contribution that cycling makes to the  To provide a network of shared paths which are  Utilise reserves, foreshore reserves and public economy and in public policy areas such as safe, well constructed and maintained for cyclists open space to provide a comprehensive system of health, transport, community development, and pedestrians and link focal points in and near pedestrian/cycleways linking the town centre with environment and tourism.” the town centre. existing and proposed suburbs and facilities. Planning for bicycles as a form of transport, like Strategies: Section 13 ‐ Transportation: planning for all forms of transport, needs to be b. Plan for shared paths throughout the town to  Structure planning for the planning units and the from the present situation to a long horizon as provide better pedestrian and cycle connectivity nodal rural settlements must consider the need for part of Local Planning Strategies, The Town between places of interest throughout the town. cycle and pedestrian forms of movement. Planning Scheme and specific policies and plans. c. Ensure the planning process delivers shared paths If bicycles are not placed into long term planning and general purpose paths when new areas are they are likely to be omitted as a major future developed. Path Development Plan (2009) transport option for recreation, transport and Implementation: The main aim of the Shire of Denmark Path tourism. 3. Council secure appropriate contributions for road Development Plan (PDP) is to improve the Pedestrian, There are a few obvious gaps in the Shire of upgrading and construction of shared paths Cycling and Trail networks: Denmark’s policies, for example:  coherence; through the subdivision and planning approval  The Local Tourism Strategy, while mentioning process and the adoption of a Developer  directness; eco‐tourism, makes no mention of cycling as Contributions Infrastructure Plan.  safety; either a form of transport for tourists, or as a 4. Council review its overall policy for a network of  comfort; reason for visiting Denmark. shared paths and general purpose paths.  attractiveness; and In researching this Bike Plan it has become  equity of access. apparent that a more comprehensive and Strategic Community Plan – Denmark 2031 The plan also aims at providing guidance to Council integrated Sustainable Transport Strategy should “With the growing emphasis on healthy lifestyles, the and Staff in the funding, standards, priority and be developed for the Shire of Denmark. It’s status increasing price of petrol and on alternative energy construction of proposed path, shared use path and as a high growth, coastal community means that options, provision also needs to be made for cyclists, trail Infrastructure where identified. the whole range of future transport options, both within town with parking options, and around This Bike Plan is designed to work within the structure including bicycles, needs to be considered in an residential areas, to encourage cycling as exercise, of the Path Development Plan. integrated way. recreation and as a viable form of transport.”

Page 11 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 1.5 Spatial Context Future Growth

Local Planning Strategy The current town centre will intensify with the proposed infill south of Millers Creek, including potential relocation of the fire station, and expand with commercial development on South Coast Highway between the Denmark River and Ocean Beach Road. Structure Plans Current Structure Plans, highlighting areas of future growth, are mapped at the right. Current Council Policy It is currently the policy of the Shire of Denmark to require developers to contribute to the pedestrian and cycle network, under the WAPC Development Control Policy 1.5 Bicycle Planning, July 1998.

Figure 2: Map of future growth areas

Page 12 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 1.6 Demographic Profile

Denmark has an ageing population, especially in comparison with the rest of Travel to work on census day 2010 showed that just 3% of Denmark residents Regional Western Australia which could present both barriers (for example ill‐ travelled to work by bicycle. However, travel to work is generally just 20% of all health and physical capacity) and opportunities (healthy retirees with time for trips, and there are many opportunities to increase cycling for trips for other cycling). uses, such as access to recreational facilities, access to shopping, recreation and trips to education facilities. It is also worth noting that this was higher than the Regional WA figure of 1%. The proportion of residents who walked to work was also higher in Denmark than Regional WA. Current and potential cycling demographics in Denmark Prior to conducting community surveying, ABS community profile data was collated as part of analysis of the Denmark Community. The rapidly growing population, and ageing population are both well recognised and needs to be specifically addressed both in terms of facilities to meet an ageing population, as well as an overall increase in facilities to meet the needs of a growing population. While the 2010 ABS data indicated a low take‐up of cycling as a travel to work choice in Denmark, the figure was higher than the state average, the number of cyclists is on the increase generally and cycling for transport has not been the target for Shire paths and trails priorities to date.

Page 13 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 1.7 Policy and Planning Context Federal State Regional National Cycling Strategy – 2011 to 2016 WAPC Liveable Neighbourhood Design Code (2009) Lower Great Southern Regional Strategy (2007) The aim of the NCS is to double the number of people A planning framework for development control of Objective 3.7.4 of the strategy states: “improve public by 2016, based on the delivery of structure plans and the subdivision and development transport, walking and cycling opportunities in six key priorities: of new urban areas. communities”. 1. Cycling Promotion ‐ Promote cycling as both a “Liveable Neighbourhoods has 12 aims including: The strategy states: “The street network of new viable and safe mode of transport and an enjoyable  To provide for access generally via an residential areas also should be designed so as to be recreational activity. interconnected network of streets giving safe, conducive to walking and cycling, as per the WAPC’s 2. Infrastructure and Facilities ‐ Create a efficient and pleasant walking, cycling and driving. liveable neighbourhoods design code, with an comprehensive and continuous network of safe  To provide for clusters of walkable adequate provision of footpaths and cycle paths. and attractive cycle routes and end‐of‐trip facilities. neighbourhoods to reduce car dependence for Regional recreational trails... should be identified in 3. Integrated Planning ‐ Consider and address cycling travel to employment, retail and community local planning strategies and protected, given their needs in all relevant transport and land‐use facilities.” importance for regional tourism and recreation”. The policy recognizes that cycling is a critical part of planning activities. 4. Safety the movement network. Measures can include end‐of‐ trip facilities, slower vehicle speeds, lower traffic 5. Monitoring and Evaluation volumes, appropriate lane widths, on‐road facilities, 6. Guidance and Best Practice shared paths and routes parallel to arterial roads. Main Roads ‐ Policy for (2000) WA Planning Commission ‐ Development Control Sections of main roads and highways that are Policy 1.5 Bicycle Planning (1998) regularly used by more than 25 cyclists per day will comply with urban area guidelines, which requires This policy describes the planning considerations that: which should be taken into account in order to improve the safety and convenience of cycling.  New roads will be constructed with an edge‐ The policy measures outlined are: line separated shoulder in accordance with Austroads guidelines.  Bicycles and the Road Network  When this cannot be achieved a shared path  Cycling Facilities in New Subdivisions will be constructed adjacent to the road, or an  Bicycles in Local Area Traffic Management alternate route identified and signed. Schemes On existing highways and main roads, the facility  Bicycle Parking and End‐of‐Trip Facilities described above will only be provided in Source:  Dual‐mode Transport conjunction with any upgrades involving  Consideration of cycling in Planning Studies widening of the road.

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WA Bicycle Network Plan (2014) Our Bike Path ‐ A Strategic Framework for Cycling in WA (2013) VISION: To make WA a place where cycling is safe, connected, There is a growing cycling culture in WA supporting the State Bicycle convenient and a widely‐accepted form of transport. Network Plan. West Cycle Inc , a peak body for cycling in WA established in 2011, has developed a strategic framework to ‘plan for all forms of cycling TARGET: To double the number of cycling trips in WA within five years and for everyone associated with developing and supporting cycling in Objective 1: Build evidence and demonstrate the benefits of cycling for the Western Australia’. community; “We already know that over 400,000 Western Australians regularly ride. Objective 2: Encourage cycling to build active and healthy communities; We want to increase this figure to over 1 million by 2020. Why? Because we know that if more people were riding we’d all be Objective 3: Provide a high‐quality, interconnected bicycle network; better off. Less congestion, healthier and happier communities, fewer Objective 4: Improve the level of safety for people cycling; and sick days, longer life expectancy, less pollution and more money in our pockets are just some of the benefits of cycling.” Objective 5: Build and enhance relationships with advocacy groups and stakeholders. The framework outlines 5 key areas for action: Some of the initiatives of the WABN relevant in the Denmark context. 1. Grow a Cycling Culture The Regional Bicycle Network (RBN) Grants Program has been changed: To turn Western Australia into a place where cycling, no matter the reason  eligible project categories have been amalgamated into four new for riding, is widely supported, accepted, encouraged and celebrated. categories: 2. Create Bike Friendly Communities paths; Our streets, roads and local communities to become places for people; on‐road facilities (for example bicycle lanes); places where people aren’t afraid to ride or let their children do so. local bicycle plans; and 3. Build The Capability Of Our Community other infrastructure (including End Of Trip facilities) To build the capacity of our cycling organisations, clubs, volunteers and  larger‐scale projects of greater strategic significance have been advocates so that they can bring about the positive changes and cycling prioritised; and initiatives needed in our local communities.  the project funding cap has been removed. 4. Strengthen Our Sporting Pathway The RBN Grants program favours projects that provide connections To develop a collaborative and integrated cycling pathway that is focused to schools and generate cycle tourism. on both growing participation for the benefit of our community as well as Connecting Schools is a grant program aimed at improving bicycle access our sporting success. and End of Trip facilities for schools. The program aims to increase the 5. Develop a Cycling Economy number of students cycling to school (significantly reduced in recent The cycling community to partner with business, tourism and government decades) ‐ which would have many positive benefits, including improved agencies to maximize the economic benefits that cycling can bring to health, reducing school carpark congestion, and encouraging cycling as a Western Australia. viable transport option for other short trips.

Page 15 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 1.8 Cycle Tourism Mountain Bike Trail Overview A number of survey respondents to the survey MTB Trails and Parks highlighted the lack of challenging Mountain Bike The WA Mountain Bike Association (WAMBA) Denmark has a number of important cycling trails circuits in Denmark. highlights a number of MTB trails and parks readily available to tourists and residents, including throughout Western Australia. As pointed out by I firmly believe we need some challenging cross Wilson Inlet Heritage Trail, Kwoorabup Community a number of survey respondents, there is no MTB country mountain bike trails for cross country and Park, Denmark‐Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail, and trail between Pemberton and the Albany downhill downhill riders, ideally within riding distance of Munda Biddi Trail. However, there is a distinct lack of track. The development of the Mountain Bike signage to these trails, and within areas such as town. If of good standard and length they would be used by clubs for events which would attract a large Parks and Trails in Pemberton and Margaret River Kwoorabup Park. number of people into the town. were community led projects, with funding from a Consultation with the Denmark Visitors Centre variety of sources. suggests that: The Pemberton Mountain Bike Park  Anecdotally, the number of visitors with bikes, We desperately need some mountain bike specific The tracks have been built by Three Chillies ‐ Paul asking for trail maps and specifically off‐road trails somewhere within easy reach of town for kids Neve and are maintained by volunteers. Funding cycling trails, is increasing to ride and for serious mountain bike riders. There for the trails have come from various sources  Mountain biking is growing in popularity and some are NO challenging off road cycle routes… Denmark including: Lotterywest, South West Development visitors come expecting a mountain bike facility really needs to improve cycling facilities and can Commission, Federal Government Department of  There are opportunities for cycle tourism in cycling easily reap benefits in more active population Health and Ageing. especially kids and cycle tourism. routes to wineries (as seen in South Australia) The Margaret River Pines  Cycle tourists require more end of trip facilities Trails Hub Assessment This project is coordinated and managed by the such as bike racks, secure bike storage, showers Margaret River Off‐Road Cycling Association and lockers. The State Department of Sport and Recreation (MRORCA). The Association has received funding Munda Biddi Trail developed a ‘World Class Trails Hub Strategy for from Lotterywest ($100,000) with dollar matched WA’ (2012), to support the development of trail hubs contributions from partners, the Cape to Cape The 1,000 km Munda Biddi Trail from Mundaring to in WA rural towns. A trail hub is a town or destination MTB race, Department of Parks and Wildlife, the Albany was officially opened in April 2013. known for offering a network of high quality trails, Augusta Margaret River Tourism Association. Significant opportunities for cycle tourism have been well marketing, supported by services, facilities and The trails are located on DPaW managed land, and identified, particularly as cycle tourists travel light and businesses that provide for visitor needs. The are constructed at an estimated cost of $30 per are more reliant on local services than car based Department is offering opportunities for support to metre. tourists. It has been estimated that within 3 years towns willing to develop their capacity and resources to market themselves as trail hubs. The challenge for Denmark will be finding the 25,000 people will be using the Munda Biddi annually, right site that is not an important environmental injecting an estimated $13 million into the South West A Trails Hubs Assessment was conducted by the reserve. There may be opportunities to partner and Great Southern economies. Department in Denmark in May 2014. The consensus with private landholders to find an appropriate The Munda Biddi Foundation undertook a strategic was that Denmark already has sufficient product and site for a Mountain Bike Trail Park. planning process for cycle tourism in Denmark, with services to be a trails hub but needs a strategy to further develop product and to market it effectively. relevant recommendations highlighted in Section 5.3.

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Page 17 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 2.1 Previous Community Consultation 2008, 2012/13, 2013

Three previous community consultation exercises are  PATAC workshop in September 2013 to discuss The outcomes of all three consultation exercises have of particular importance for the Bike Plan: cycling and the Bike Plan. been combined and summarised below, with more complete summaries of each process available as  Shire of Denmark Customer Needs and Satisfaction  A cycling survey conducted in 2008 by Shire of Appendix 1. Denmark Paths and Trails Committee (PATAC) Survey 2012/13, which featured a large number of member Andi Adams, with 50 responses via email. suggestions about cycling and bike paths.

Positives Route suggestions Overall improvements Visions for cycling in Denmark

 Cycling for recreation more popular  Scotsdale Rd, especially to Steiner  Dedicated bike paths ‐ especially  Planned, well developed ,diverse than commuting School (this is under construction) north of South Coast Highway networks which influence user  Well designed Heritage Trail but South Coast Highway, east and west Dedicated bicycle lanes on all choice of transport needs some maintenance (sandy Upgrade Mokare Heritage Trail (a arterial roads  More awareness from drivers about sections, barbed wire etc) new cycle way adjacent to Inlet  Encourage more cycling to school safely sharing the road with cyclists Drive is under construction)  Ocean Beach Rd cycle path but with good, safe bike paths Ensure cycling is planned for each needs some maintenance  Upgrade Rail Trail from Ocean provided to all schools and new housing subdivision Beach Rd to Mt McLeod Rd, to link enforcing 50km/hr along Ocean  Better information ‐ downloadable  South of the Highway has a with William Bay Rd Beach Rd at school times reasonable level of recreational bike map apps, podcasts for future cycle paths/trails with connections  Peace St between Mt Shadforth Rd  Signage on South Coast Highway tourism routes and Jamieson Heights for driver awareness and to  Campbell Rd to Rivermouth Caravan  Long term planning for cyclists–  Cycle path on Mt Shadforth Rd promote Denmark as ‘cycle‐ especially in future nodes Park via Inlet Drive friendly’  Upgrade of Poison Point track  Bike share schemes  Signage on roads connecting bike  Shared use path to Lights Beach users to CBD  Building cycle tourism with MTB  Shared use path to Agricultural trails, walk trails, connected cycle  Secure bike racks / lockers at key tourism routes, linking attractions College locations ‐ Denmark Visitors Centre Maintenance of existing paths and  Linkage of shared paths and on‐ trails road bike lanes  More connections to tourist  Bicycle logos on CBD streets to venues such as wineries, Treetop connect Munda Biddi and shared Walk, Peaceful Bay, Scotsdale paths to destinations. circuit  Concerns with safety and unsuitable on‐road riding conditions

Page 18 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 2.2 Stakeholder Engagement ‐ Bike Plan 2014 Key stakeholder groups including the Shire of Denmark Paths and Trails Committee (PATAC) Denmark Visitor Centre Paths and Trails Committee members, Chamber of Commerce, Visitor Centre, Lenore Lyons, Coordinator – 14 March 2014 members Denmark High School and Primary School as well as the general community were engaged through: Bike hire well utilised over peak periods, with a Andi Adams – 2 March 2014  Specific meetings; 20% increase in the last year. Obviously weather  Biggest hurdle is reversing the dominance of dependent.  Workshops ; motor vehicles over bikes  Saddle surveying; More visitors with bicycles, asking for trail maps,  Suggest signs around the edge of town that with off road cycling very popular.  Paper based and online surveying. Denmark is a bike friendly town Some perceived gaps :  Planning for cycling can be incorporated into Final drafts of the Bike Plan were presented to:  Having accessible drinking water, especially TPS / Strategies  A small community meeting on 22 May; out of town  There are a number of short interconnections  A PATAC and Councilor meeting on 23 May;  Safety issues with road crossings and road and links that will make cycling easier  A meting with CEO Dale Stewart, Shire President sections of existing trails (like Munda Biddi)  Need to encourage cycling consciousness / Ross Thornton and Councilor John Sampson on 6  The decision by the Shire not to keep printing safety – with road markings at intersections of June; and the Trails Map brochure bike paths  PATAC meeting on 9 June.  There has been a noticeable increase in  Specifications of road shoulders to include a popularity of mountain biking, but Denmark bike lane Denmark Chamber of Commerce has no specific challenging mountain biking  South Coast Highway / Main Roads – identify route. Visitors come expecting that there will upgrade of roads for inclusion of bike lane Liz Jack, Manager – 4 March 2014 be a facility.  Concentrate on town centre – linkages Possibilities for ongoing promotion of cycling in Majority of cycling by tourists is done for  Any way to give better priority to riding bikes? Denmark: recreation not for transport.  Is riding on footpaths legal or not?  Could promote cycle‐friendly businesses in the In terms of cycling infrastructure more broadly: Community Directory, as well as including  Shire has done a good job in many areas, such some messages on cycling throughout the as the Inlet Drive path PATAC Members Roger Seeney, Donald Clarke Directory and John Schindler also assisted in the Saddle  Lack of infrastructure along William Bay Rd  There could be more information to promote Surveying process. and Scotsdale Rd cycling on the map prepared by Chamber of Commerce  Another opportunity for cycle tourism is a cycling route to wineries (popular in South Liz Jack also provided comments on a final draft of Australia wine growing regions) the report.

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2.2 Stakeholder Engagement ‐ Bike Plan 2014 (continued)

Denmark Senior High School Denmark Primary School Denmark Mountain Bike Club Diane Cole, Principal – 29 January 2014 Jenni Harrison, Teacher ‐ 30 April 2014 Graham Mason, 12 March 2014 Estimate that less than 6 students cycle to school. Jenni has regularly held bike education classes The lack of a challenging Mountain Bike Trail in Total enrolment in 2014 ‐ 335 students. and class rides with her year 6 and 7 classes. the Denmark area was highlighted by Graham, Suggests it is years 5, 6 and 7 we should be who pointed out that there is nothing for Barriers to increasing level of cycling: targeting. mountain bikers between Pemberton and  Wearing helmets – not cool, some students In terms of making the school more bike friendly, Albany’s short downhill. will cycle with helmets in hand suggests extra bike parking near the music room. The experience of places like Pemberton and  Safety of road crossing and cycleway along Wouldn’t recommend upgrading the Brazier St Margaret River suggests that the tourist market highway entrance for bikes as it is already so busy with cars for mountain biking is growing substantially, and  Alternative cycleway along the river requires and pedestrians. provides a significant tourism boost to those going under the bridge, which is subject to Some ideas on promoting cycling to school: towns. flooding and also perceptions of ‘randoms’ in  Group riding to school schemes. Currently Proposals for Mountain Bike Trail have been bush there is a teacher’s aide who meets a group of presented to PATAC previously, based in the Karri  Bicycle storage not secure – experience of bike kids at points along Ocean Beach Rd. This kind Walk Trail area or the foot of Mt Hallowell. theft in past of scheme could be expanded, but would require parent / community volunteers to make happen.  Might also require a parent’s education campaign ‐ riding with kids on weekend, talks at assembly, items in newsletters.  Cycling clubs after school to encourage more cycling involvement. Might be funding available through Be Active programs.  BMX/MTB track to get more kids enthused. Staff would be keen to promote cycling if we can come up with good ways of doing it. Target families living on south side of South Coast Highway (because of concerns about safely crossing the highway). Survey parents about what it would take to get kids riding.

Page 20 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 2.3 Community Cycling Survey 2014 ‐ Adults A survey (both online and paper based) was conducted with variations in the survey instrument to suit adults and children. Information was circulated via email lists, local media articles, Facebook and via the Shire of Denmark website. See Appendix 1 for the full survey.

The total number of responses was:  Adult ‐ 195 (predominately received online)  Children ‐ 79 (predominantly paper based as in‐ class exercises)

Demographic details of the adult survey respondents are outlined in the figures on this page.

Survey Results

While the surveying is not a random or representative sample, due to the self selecting nature of the survey respondents, the results do provide rich insights into the barriers and benefits of cycling in the current Denmark context. The survey also provides specific feedback about the usage of particular parts of the bike network, and recommendations on its enhancement and upgrading.

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Survey results

Just over half of the survey respondents were regular cyclists (about weekly or daily), and just over 10% of respondents answered never or almost never to the question ‘How often do you ride a bike’?

As anticipated, recreational cycling is more common in Denmark that commuting or transport, with 46% of respondents only cycling for transport purposes every few months or less, with 26% of respondents saying they never or almost never cycle for transport purposes. Current bicycle paths are predominantly designed for recreational use. As the table on the following page highlights, meeting the needs of the wide variety of different cyclists requires quite specific approaches. The different categories of cyclist are quite evident in Denmark, ranging from the sports cyclists who cycle long distances most days, to the weekly recreational cyclists, to the slightly smaller number of people who cycle regularly for transport purposes.

Page 22 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Recreational Transport About Daily About Daily Of 27 respondents: Of 14 respondents:  Slightly more males (56%) than female (44%)  More females (57%) than male  Almost all aged between 40 and 69  60% in the 40 to 49 age group alone  Majority living within 10km of the CBD, with  64% living within 2km of the CBD , 28% living 40% within 2km and 22% within 5km of the within 5km and just 1 respondent more than CBD 10km from CBD Close proximity to the Denmark CBD is clearly a very important factor in regular transport cycling. About Weekly About Weekly Of 41 respondents: Of 35 respondents:  Slightly more males (54%) than  More males (63%) than females female  Majority (83%) between 40 and 69,  A spread of ages, with most in 40 to with most in the 40 to 49 age group 49 age group (31%) (37%)  Majority living within 10km of the  Majority living within 10km of the CBD, with 32% within 2km and 29% CBD, with 34% within 2km and 29% within 5km of the CBD within 5km of the CBD

About Monthly About Monthly Of 20 respondents: Of 15 respondents:  Many more women (70%) than men  More females (60%) than male  65% between 40 and 59  40% in the 40 to 49 and 40% in 50 to 59 age  Majority living 5 to 10km of the CBD, with group 25% further than 10km from CBD  33% within 5 to 10km of CBD, with 47% under With more women reporting less regular 5km from CBD recreational cycling, there is an opportunity to focus on what women might need to cycle more often.

Page 23 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Types of cyclists and meeting their needs

Page 24 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 2.3 Community Cycling Survey 2014 ‐ Adults Responses to the question: What are the major benefits you get from cycling? I work off my "Flab" to get Fresh air, beautiful scenery, Good for the environment "Ab". My stress levels go exercise and the (emissions) , good for the down. I get a sense of opportunity to stop and talk economy (back pocket / relaxation when I am to friends along the way. wallet) and good for your outside. health. Exercise, fitness, physical health (91 % of responses)

Time with my kids ‐ we Exercise, fun, being in Mental health, chance to commute together, a sense nature, feeling alive, cheap take in my community and of freedom, better mental transport, a way to join in its happenings, fresh air, health, better physical with family and friends. quiet, quicker than driving. Transport, saving fuel, saving money health. (34 %)

Fun, enjoyment, recreation (31 %)

Fresh air, outdoors, scenery (29 %)

Community, social connection (16 %)

Mental health & wellbeing (12 %)

Page 25 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 2.3 Community Cycling Survey 2014 ‐ Adults

Responses to the question: What stops Absence of cycle paths. Busy roads ‐ dangerous, fast Children and time poverty, you from riding a bike more often? More driver awareness of driving cars, unaware of and laziness and lack of cyclists needed. Cars with cyclists. cycle paths, and hills. caravans need to give Personal constraints ‐ work, time, age, cyclists more room.

Lack of cycle paths and other cycling infrastructure (31 %) Fear of falling, inclement Indirect or unsafe route. Poor surfaces on trails and weather‐ too hot, too windy, Also: size of load, rain or busy traffic conditions on too wet. wind‐factor, or perceived highway with no cycle lane. Traffic, driver behavior, safety (21 %) lack of time.

Topography, distance (19 %)

Weather (12 %)

Logistics of using a bike (8 %)

Other (13 %)

Not having more bike tracks ‐ ie on Scotsdale and Mt Shadforth roads I find it too stressful to ride on the road with speed limits more than 60km/hr. I'd love to ride to Green's Pool and generally to use my bike for more functional purposes.

Page 26 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 2.3 Community Cycling Survey 2014 ‐ Adults

Responses to the question: What would Greater choice of bike paths Safe access by bike to A sense of safety i.e. better help you to ride a bike more often in the or at least a safe road Munda Biddi trail i.e. link awareness by car drivers. future? shoulder width. paths to avoid having to Also more bike paths. transport bikes to trail by car. Bike paths and off‐road bike trails (46 % of responses)

A cycle path maintenance On‐road cycle lanes and If socially bike riding was Personal ‐ attitude, company, time, (and creation) regime that shared paths. Improved more popular, paths for motivation (25 %) pays close attention to the maps and signage. bikes only, designed to details that assist safe commute faster and On‐road bike lanes and sharing roads (13 %) cycling. connect between housing developments... Other cycle infrastructure (12 %)

Other ‐ driver education, MTB trail (18 %)

Feeling that as a cyclist I am catered to as much as roads for cars and paths for pedestrians are ‐ i.e. increased infrastructure ‐ connectors, signage, line demarcations to name some.

A dedicated Mountain bike track catering to all levels of ability such as that in Pemberton. I drive there just to ride their track.

Page 27 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 2.4 Community Survey 2014 ‐ Children Similarly to the respondents of the adult survey, nearly 50% of the A survey, similar to the adults survey, was created for children answering the survey live children, and was posted online, which received just 4 within 5km of the centre of responses from High School students at the Denmark, meaning it is quite an Agricultural College. A paper version of the survey easy distance to cycle. was completed in class, by Year 6 and 7 students at the Denmark Primary School.

What do you like about riding a bike?

The results show that cycling to school is much less common that cycling for fun or for transport. Like the adult survey survey respondents, a majority of children highlighted the The number of students claiming to ride to school about daily (11) or about weekly exercise and fitness benefit of cycling. (12) was not borne out by a number of audits of number of bicycles in the bike racks at both the Denmark Primary School and Denmark High School. On various The fun aspect of riding a bike was the most popular answer, along with varieties of (fine) days between February and April 2014, the number of bikes at each school ‘liking to go fast’ or ‘getting places more quickly’. ranged between 11 and 14, a small percentage of overall staff and students at each Interestingly, like the adult survey respondents, the ‘fresh air’ and ‘wind in the hair’ school. theme emerged again.

Page 28 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 2.4 Community Survey 2014 ‐ Children What stops you from riding a bike more often? Overall comments

Maybe if we could get more Maybe from the Denmark Ag people riding it would really College they should put more help our future cycle paths for those who like a smooth ride or have a racer that needs to be on the road or a path.

Bike races in Denmark / footpaths for safety It’s a great place to ride a bike

What could you help you to ride a bike more often in future? Bike paths, kids racing through Denmark on bikes... More people should ride their bikes

Its just really peaceful and its More people should have to great to go riding with friends ride bikes because its good exercise

More bike paths and a group on Saturday afternoon riding Be careful to all cyclists places

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Page 31 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 3.1 Neighbourhood Connector Roads

Section 6.13 of the Local Planning Strategy outlines the Traffic and Movement Network, identifying a number of neighbourhood connector roads. The status of the current bike network facilities for those roads are outlined here. Peaceful Bay Ring Rd The Shire of Denmark is currently completing (by next financial year) a shared use path in conjunction with the Peaceful Bay Ring Rd. Neighbourhood Connector Road Review of Cycling facility Ocean Beach Road Good quality and well used bicycle path along the length of Ocean ‐ The new Munda Biddi Trail and the Denmark Beach Rd. In future, when Ocean Beach Rd is upgraded, a shared Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail provide off‐road links use path on the other side of the road should be constructed. to Hollings Rd / Inlet Drive / Campbell Rd New cycle paths on Inlet Drive and being constructed on Hollings Denmark‐Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail Rd. In future, when Inlet Drive is upgraded, a shared use path on In addition, Denmark has an important off‐road the other side of the road should be constructed. cycling route in the Denmark‐Nornalup Heritage Hollings Road/Scotsdale Road (in the vicinity New Scotsdale Rd path but narrow intermittent paths on Hollings Rail Trail. It provides significant recreational of the Denmark townsite) Rd in the township vicinity. opportunities for residents and visitors. Also emerging from the community consultation was Mt Shadforth Road (in the vicinity of the Narrow intermittent paths in the township and narrow winding Denmark townsite) roads make cycling difficult. the number of people also using the Rail Trail as a commuting route. However, with some seasonal Cussons Road Limited cycling facility but with a steep incline, the opportunities inundation and some sandy patches, its use as an for increasing cycling is limited. year‐round commuting route is currently limited. Any upgrades to the Rail Trail do need to McLean Road / Kearsley Road / Horsley New growth areas, with currently limited road and cycling facilities, acknowledge and plan for the shared use Road / Scotsdale Rd but opportunities with new developer contributions. However, (bicycles and horses) of the trail. with steep inclines, the opportunities for increasing cycling in this area is fairly limited. Riverbend Lane and East River Road from Without a current road, opportunities for increasing the cycling Denmark‐Mt Barker Road to the Denmark facility along this road are limited. River The proposed roads associated with the Supports the need for an extension of the shared use path along development of Lot 5 South Coast Highway South Coast Highway and an upgrade of the Rail Trail. that link South Coast Highway to Ocean Beach Road

Page 32 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014

OCEAN BEACH 3.2 Community Consultation Outcomes Community Consultation Outcomes ‐ Lights Road Maintaining Connecting surface of Positives Negatives Suggestions missing links existing path  Scenery, surface good  Having to ride on Lights  Cycle path along Lights Rd in most places Rd where there is no Bike track on Lights Rd  Flattish, nice bush, road track not too busy, some  Lights Rd has no cycle cycle tracks path  Sharing Lights Rd with car traffic Heritage Rail Trail West Positives Negatives Suggestions  No traffic  Sandy (especially in  More access points from South Lights Rd ‐ local and  Scenery / summer) and not well Coast Highway cycle tourism picturesque maintained  Improve surface condition / more  Beautiful safe  Patches are sandy, grit? Compacted gravel on sandy and flat others are rough and rough sections. Are all the especially McLeod to gates necessary? Wentworth Road.  More gravel, funding for bitumen Gates to open and would make it a fantastic tourist close. attraction  Very sandy and wet in  Signage places / Needs a bit  If the Denmark ‐Nornalup Trail was more hard surfacing in better condition I would  Surface rutted in winter definitely use it regularly as from tractors and utes transport by cycle route into  I'm really keen to go Denmark. The trail west of riding with the kids Wentworth Road has not been along rail trail. Be good suitable for walking or cycling this is cycling info and signs summer because the grass has were really clear and grown so high that it is a definite obvious.... snake hazard, especially as the trail runs between two swampy areas.

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Community Consultation Outcomes ‐ Ocean Beach Road

Positives Negatives Suggestions  Great safe bike path  Roughness of track in some parts / some of path in poor  Improve surface condition in some parts / Maintenance on  Easy ride off the road condition / path can be treacherous without a mountain bike Ocean Beach Rd path/ Resurface path as far as Campbell Rd  Mostly on designated  Overhanging branches & trees sometimes block view when cycle paths, therefore safe crossing roads  More regular tree pruning along Ocean Beach Rd bike path , especially near Prawn Rock channel  Picturesque, good air  Poor drainage near Gum Grove cottages makes surface slippery quality  Bike path intersection at Weedon Hill Rd needs improving  Make road at Prawn Rock channel one way—tourists using that bridge forget to look for cyclists. Extra signage.  Beautiful scenery  Poor surface on cycle way and lack of ramps when crossing roads  Right of way to cyclists at intersections. Commuting lane  Riding next to the water on side of road lanes required.  Not really any loops  Relaxing—great to have a  Lack of logically placed cutouts / ramps from path to road / cycle path to the beach  Concrete path southwest of Weedon Hill Rd needs to be kept Handrails at all major crossings clear of debris especially during winter / drainage / honky nuts  Beautiful inlet vista  Fix drainage issues on path near Gum Grove Cottages  Uneven surface, pot holes, path is more pedestrian than cycle Dedicated cycle path, or mark existing path with keep left  We (sports cyclists) ride on the road as our bikes have narrow painted markings tires and we go 30 to 40 km/h. Can’t get off the road between  Clearing surface of honky nuts and gravel a) Weedon Hill Rd and Little River Rd and b) Greenbury Cl to Ocean Beach Caravan Park as shoulder is raised.  Keep the kerbs same height as road with lane marked by reflector markers which can flatten and pop up as on Inlet  No dedicated cycle lane. The pedestrian path is a raised path Drive. that provides no possibility for cyclists to mount from the road in case of dangerous vehicle traffic. The recreational path does  Make all bike paths wide enough for bike trailers and not provide right of way to cyclists at intersections. double prams.

Page 34 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Existing Cycling Network


Missing link to Some missing links Agricultural College in path network

Premature end to path on Highway

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Community Consultation Outcomes ‐ Central Business District Positives Negatives Suggestions  Its quick and easy  No cycle paths through town , from bridge onwards  Create cycle paths through town  Bike path to bridge (from  Brazier street ‐ with its recent street works is not a great  Possibly a bike path along Mt Shadforth Rd Beveridge Rd), Mt Shadforth pathway to ride down as it's often wet and with gravel from  Bike path along south coast highway through town Rd is lovely with its Karri the road works would be great trees  No bike path up the hill in town (south coast Highway)  Construct path on small area near Riverside Club and  Visually pleasing where the bike gets real slow Morgan Rd unsurfaced  Little to no traffic. Quick and  Bumpy open ground between Morgan Rd and  Install bike lanes on Zimmerman St easy. Scenery.  No bike lanes on Zimmerman St  More signage around the school? Something is needed as  Little traffic  All around the Primary School we've noticed that people we've witnessed some very close calls. tend to drive WAY too fast. Especially Buckley & Brazier. Mokare River Trail

Positives Negatives Suggestions  Beauty / scenic  Uneven surface, flooded in winter, over grown  Re‐ surface track, or build it up on to a boardwalk similiar to the one at Moore  Scenic, quiet shrubs and fallen trees. River ‐ where you can actually walk and ride around SAFELY and without incident.  Location and  Uneven/broken levels of pathway also a little too scenic narrow in areas  Mend broken paths  Crossing Drainage channels  Drainage, upgrade path, mark separate lanes for bikes and walkers  Quite often flooded or overgrown in parts  Place foot bridges over drainage channels in two places  Bumpy connection from Beveridge Rd to Mokare;  Maintenance Mokare under water in winter  Lift sections of Mokare that are under water in winter: there are several starting near the Dragon Boat site and continuing to the old rail bridge Kwoorabup Trail

Positives Negatives Suggestions  A little bit bumpy ‐ good fun, plenty of places to stop  No signage or track  Perhaps if it gets busy to remind people to treat it with respect and ponder. Not busy. maintenance  No passing sections as its a shared use walk/bike track. Dog  Great scenery / a beautiful link between East River Rd  Stony track ‐ muddy at times walkers use it also! and town.  Grade or level track  Scenic on the river bank

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Community Consultation Outcomes ‐ Scotsdale Rd to Steiner School Positives Negatives Suggestions  Easy distance and gradient  Narrow road (in the past) and roadworks (presently)  Cycle path‐ under construction for commuting with children  Passing timber trucks drive too close when they come along  When the bike path finally gets finished it will be a relief  Take kids to school  Roadworks where no cycle path is available makes it  The whole family is waiting for a bike track to get us from  Most of it is away from traffic dangerous town to the Steiner school ‐ we would use it often to get  Good distance  Continual roadworks since May 2013 has made this to work/school impassable  More cycle paths  Scotsdale Rd ‐ dangerous! Pathway along river ‐ Mokare Trail  Make a dedicated bike path like Ocean Beach Rd overgrown  Cycle path along Scotsdale Rd, improve width and clear  Bike path not ready yet along Mokare route / trail  The down hill is easy  Bike path

Denbarker Rd / East River Rd

Positives Negatives Suggestions  Little traffic  Dust from gravel road  Surface on McIntosh Rd  Pleasant  Traffic along South Coast Highway  Cycle path along South Coast Highway to Denbarker Rd  No traffic  Bike paths  Good distance  I'd like to see the Kwoorabup Walk Trail that connects the western end of East River Road to the pedestrian bridge between the Hospital site to the High School surfaced so that it is more bike friendly. Lower Denmark Rd

Positives Negatives Suggestions  Fairly flat, not too much traffic  Trucks sometimes  Surface hideous where resurfaced in chunky blue metal, signage  Less traffic on Lower Denmark  Cars very dangerous on the highway ‐ overtake on "share the road" rather than just a picture of a bike, bike lanes Rd double white lines near top of road near Boston  Add a cycle path alongside the road with a smooth surface.  Good road surface, less traffic Brewery volume  First 17 Kms to turn off is busy and rough with no cycle lane.

Page 37 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Existing Cycling Network


Ongoing maintenance of the Heritage Rail Trail Some missing links in path network to access rail trail

Some missing links in path network to access rail trail

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Community Consultation ‐ Heritage Rail Trail East

Positives Negatives Suggestions  Good condition track (mostly), no  Not useful for commuting  Perhaps maintenance to improve drainage of traffic so safe for kids  Sometimes gets too sandy (not good for my lack of water off the track during wet months  No need to travel on road or foot confidence)  If nothing else raise up the path so it doesn't get paths  Floods in winter so only passable during a few months of flooded  Easy ride and off road summer  More gravel / Add gravel to all sandy sections  No need to travel on road or foot  Some of path next to busy road or cars traveling at high during routine maintenance paths speed  Oh how lovely if it could be sealed…. otherwise  Beautiful and very safe for children  Trail a little overgrown in part (snakes) surface and compact with limestone rubble  Scenic, good path, close to nature,  Gravel is lumpy, sandy pot holes. Need to get off bike and  Keep up maintenance convenient push. Dangerous if new to track  Some gravel? or drainage?  Lovely peaceful landscape to be in  Track sometimes sandy and rough  Some improvement in signage possible  It’s fantastic  Lack of signage, poor (narrow) pathway into town from  Regular pruning & maintenance of track during  Love cycling through the trees, also bridge winter enjoy the wide gravel track from  Some trees and shrubs need more regular pruning to Keep  Like the variable surfaces, don't change Rivermouth Bridge to Crusoe Bch track clear Rivermouth to Crusoe beach please!  Gets very waterlogged/boggy in winter, and overgrown

South Coast Highway East

Positives Negatives Suggestions  Direct, fitness  Lack of any safe bike path/lane  On‐road lane delineation and associated signage, possibly link up with existing generated by hills  No bike lanes, therefore dangerous Wilson inlet rail trail  Well paved  No cycleway on left hand side of the road from  Install bike lanes, or at least a one meter bitumen strip outside the solid white line the bridge.  It would be good to have a cycle way that goes on the left hand side of the road  Major traffic route to TAFE round the back of the former CSL building  It's better with the recent addition of paths near  Bicycle lane on South Coast Hwy and pedestrian crossings signs. Berridge Park. Mum worries about the big Karri  Check out that Karri in the property opposite tafe. It's broken the fence twice in that keeps dropping branches on the fence close the last year or two. Bit of a worry with kids riding and walking under it so to the high school. regularly.

Page 39 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Existing Cycling Network


Management of stormwater on paths

Maintenance of Rail Trail

Management of stormwater on paths

Page 40 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014

Community Consultation – Weedon Hill, Inlet Drive, Hollings Rd

Positives Negatives Suggestions  Pleasure riding, fitness, stress reduction, spiritual  Traffic and associated air pollution, inadequately  On‐road demarcated lanes where bike path is freedom and meditation smooth surfaces, garbage, risk of branch fall inadequate or incomplete  Great, River Trail sometimes a bit overgrown and from stressed karri trees  Build a cycle way along Hollings road to connect plants whip your face  No cycle way on Hollings Rd so must cycle on the with the shared use path along Inlet Drive (NB  Beautiful scenery road (NB under construction) under construction)  A circle, a nice mix of bushland  Inlet drive bike path road crossing poor traffic  Keep vegetation trimmed and surface clear visibility  Resurface bike track so not slippery with tarmac  Absolutely no commuting shoulders. The path is impervious to fungus! not consistent, and requires crossings over the  Commuting cycle shoulders. Rights of way for road. recreational cyclists across Inlet Drive and  From Rivermouth to town ‐ poor quality paths Hollings Road where applicable, via zebra although lovely to cycle thru the trees. crossings, or something like that.  The track from Redgum Lane to Campbell St has  Signage ‐ I’m not sure if I should be riding on the been torn up by 4wds :( paths.  Widen path near Berridge Park.  Please fix the ugly 4WD holes near Redgum Lane.

Page 41 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014

Community Consultation Outcomes ‐ South Coast Highway West

Positives Negatives Suggestions  Parry’ beach road is  Crossing the major highway and cars tend not to stick to the  Signage for vehicles to slow down especially its close to the relatively quiet speed limit school bus stop  Beautiful scenery,  No cycle lane  Add a marked cycle lane, 1‐1.5 m wide generally quiet traffic.  Very scary when there is lots of traffic and trucks, not safe  Cycle path or at least a sealed shoulder along the highway  Direct and an easy enough to take children. from Kwoorabup Tavern west, ideally to William Bay Rd distance and gradient for  High speeds on highway, vehicles overtake without sufficient  Cycle lane/path at side of South Coast Highway commuting space and ignore white lines  Implement signage in relation to "A Metre Matters"  Beautiful scenery. Good  Risk of being hit by traffic.  More access points to Rail Trail network road surface.  High speeds on highway, vehicles overtake without sufficient  Create Path  Low traffic density space and ignore white lines  Educate drivers about how to safely overtake bikes ‐ or build compared to city riding.  No path nor shoulder on road out to Harpendene Rise a cycle path  Wide road, good surface  South Coast Hwy ‐ dangerous traffic overtaking bicycles  Signage would be helpful (Cyclists ahead, please slow down).  It's scary riding on the highway A cycle pathway would be tops.  No good path to cycle with kids into town, quite dangerous  Improve condition of foot paths along Hwy to make them along the Hwy bike friendly or have designated bike lane  No cycle lane shoulders on any part of the road. The  Cycling shoulders from Cussons Road to Denmark Mount pedestrian paths are not designed for cycle commuting. Barker Road.  Improve condition of foot paths along Hwy to make them bike friendly or have designated bike lane Other Off‐Road Trails and Routes Positives Negatives Suggestions  Beautiful and good  No designated single trail riding, mixed use with  Create a designated single‐trail technical mountain bike route surface pedestrians  Munda Biddi Section between McLeod Road and William Bay Road  Great scenery.  Munda Biddi Section between McLeod Road and William needs to be fixed Spectacular section Bay Road along the highway is almost unrideable. Easier  Signage of Madfish to Greens Pool section is cheapest option, more between Madfish to ride on the highway. attention to maintenance of road surface but accept it is a minor road and Lights Beach.  From Madfish to Greens Pool have to ride on gravel road and question whether cost effective. with traffic, undulating therefore cars see you at last  It would be great to have a 5 km loop somewhere that is mostly in the minute. Very corrugated. bush close to town so I can take the kids and wife. Most of the other loops are too long 15km or more and puts them off going out and back.

Page 42 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014

Community Consultation Outcomes ‐ William Bay Rd

Positives Negatives Suggestions  Nice scenery  William Bay Rd is a bit narrow and getting  Build Munda Biddi Trail next to road  Gets me there, not too much traffic busy  Reduce max speed on William Bay road to 60‐70k usually, extra shoulder on highway Bells  1 metre shoulder on South Coast Hwy/speed Rd to Greens Pool Rd restriction on William Bay road  Pleasant and direct  Max. speed on William Bay Road still too high  Traffic in summer

Community Consultation Outcomes ‐ Scotsdale Rd (outer Denmark)

Positives Negatives Suggestions  Scenic / Good hills and  Rough surface on Scotsdale Rd ‐ blue metal very coarse,  Dedicated bike paths (off road is fine doesn't have to be sealed) lovely views edges crumbly / Scotsdale road surface‐ highway is so also water stops  Long even surfaces. much better  Smoother surface especially on descent side  Elevation  Poor quality road / very rough surface  Make a bike track!  Beautiful scenery. Good  Risk of being hit by traffic  Install bike lanes road surface  No bike lanes, therefore dangerous  Share the Road signs like they have in Victoria would be great, or  Wide road, 80km speed  Road surface of Scotsdale is hideous to ride a road bike cycle lanes on the roads. They have those in a lot of Victoria also ‐ limit, generally good line of on. Drivers are less than courteous on the highway, particularly cycling friendly towns sight generally good on Scotsdale  There are no cycle paths on Peace St, and the down hill can be  Close to home, beautiful  Not enough room for bikes and cars at times dangerous as drivers cut corners. A bike 'shed' would be useful at the bottom of the hill to store bikes so we don't have to ride up the hill.  Create a cycle‐friendly path system on Scotsdale Road to promote cycle tourism with the wineries.

Page 43 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 3.3 Review of Existing End of Trip Bike Facilities Bike Racks and Bike Parking Secure Bike Storage Cycling support businesses

Research has also shown that secure bike storage is The Munda Biddi Tourism Strategic Plan highlighted very important for cycle tourists and Munda Biddi the existing cycling businesses in Denmark: cyclists, who may have expensive bikes, and be  Small number of bicycle repair supplies from carrying luggage. Ricketts & Co. Secure bike storage was mentioned in the survey by a  Gareth Stoakes bicycle repairs. small number of people.  Ian Sefton from Ian’s Bicycle Service repairs. Some bike racks with shelter from rain would also be beneficial, particularly at schools, and in the centre of Recent developments include: town.  Graham Mason from Blue Wren Travellers Rest YHA expanding his bicycle repair service. Showers  Great Southern Solar will be stocking electric bikes. A number of survey respondents were keen to have Older bicycle racks are located at Berridge Park, Ocean Few offices in the Denmark CBD have shower facilities more opportunities for purchasing bike equipment Beach, and the CRC. available for commuting cyclists. and repairs. Knowledge of what is available in terms This lack of showers in the Denmark CBD for Newer bike racks are located near the Supa IGA, with of bicycle parts and repairs seems fairly limited, and commuting cyclists was mentioned by a number of some individual bike locking structures on signposts should be part of the Council’s overall promotion of survey respondents and the Chamber of Commerce. on Strickland St. cycling. The lack of showers for cycle tourists, especially However, some of the older bike racks do not meet Australian Standards as they do not provide a two Munda Biddi cyclists, was also mentioned by the point connection between the rack and bike frame. Visitors Centre. This means that bicycles can fall over and become a trip hazard and they do not provide adequate security Loan or hire bicycles as the bicycle frame and both wheels are unable to be locked to the rack. Bikes can be hired at the Denmark Visitor Centre, Rivermouth Caravan Park and Blue Wren Travellers Rest YHA. There is an additional opportunity for accommodation businesses to loan or hire bikes to encourage more visitors to cycle as a form of transport. This has an added benefit of taking cars off the road in the CBD.

Page 44 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 End of Trip Facilities – Best Practice Bike Racks Secure Bike Storage Integrated End of Trip Facilities As mentioned in the Munda Biddi Cycle Tourism Secure bike storage was mentioned in the survey by x Strategy Plan, there is the potential to partner with people Denmark Arts, to combine art and functionality in the Also significant for cycle tourists and Munda Biddi design and construction of bike racks for town. cyclists. Some examples from elsewhere around the world below.


Curtin University has installed four Bike Pods on campus, each providing:  Space for 24 Bikes  Electric Charging Stations for Electric Bikes

Source:  24 Lockers  Dedicated male and female showers in each pod Source: Communication with Curtin University confirmed that each pod cost approximately $75,000 to construct, with an extra $25,000 in site costs and planning costs.

Source: Source:

Page 45 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 3.4 Review—Promoting Cycling Motivators Barriers Benefits from a Denmark perspective Denmark survey respondents echoes other Getting Australia Moving (2008) Getting Australia Moving (2008) research on individual perceived benefits of Research indicates that key facilitators to greater A number of substantial barriers exist for large cycling: participation in cycling by Australian adults are: segments of the population.  91% highlighted exercise, fitness and physical Individual barriers ‐ such as a lack of skills and Individual factors: motivations for cycling are focused health, with a smaller number specifically confidence. on individual concerns, such as health and fitness, mentioning mental health and wellbeing social interaction and the convenience and low cost of Social and cultural factors ‐ low income areas were  34% identified cycling as a form of transport, cycling for transport. found to have reduced opportunities for cycling and their residents make less short trips by either foot or saving fuel and money Bicycle infrastructure: bicycle infrastructure provision bicycle.  31% mentioned fun, enjoyment, recreation has a significant impact on cycling participation. Environmental factors ‐ urban design and bicycle POLICY RESPONSE Two particular themes emerged, which appear infrastructure are a major influence on levels of more specific to Denmark: Widespread adoption of bicycle friendly design, such cycling. Higher density development reduces trip  29% mentioned fresh air, being outdoors, as integrated, connected on and off road bicycle distance and this provides a major boost for cycling, as appreciating the environment, the scenery routes is essential. Secure bicycle parking and showers does the provision of on and off road bicycle routes. at workplaces were also found to help more people Safety concerns ‐ were consistently found to be  16% mentioned the sociability aspect and make the daily commute by bicycle. among the most significant barriers preventing people connection with the community or friends from cycling. It was even found to be a concern for Safety concerns ‐ fact or fiction? those that cycle regularly. Yet the perception of risk from cycle accidents is often disproportionate to the Our Bike Path—A Strategic Framework for Cycling Motivators from a Denmark perspective actual risk. (See box to the right). in WA identifies that: In response to the question about the what would Policy and regulatory factors ‐ governing key help them to cycle more in the future, Denmark  Lots of people don’t ride because they think it influences on cycling, such as congestion charging, survey results were: is unsafe to ride on our roads. urban density and motor vehicle speed limits have  The number of children riding to school is been identified as non‐health sector issues that  46% mentioned more cycle paths, better on the decline, mainly because of safety nonetheless have important outcomes for public maintenance of the existing network, and more concerns of parents. health through their effect on cycling. off‐road trails However, research shows that the risks from POLICY RESPONSE  25% mentioned overcoming personal barriers cycling can be overstated. E.g. the hospitalisation Together with physical infrastructure, developing a such as attitude, time, motivation, company rate from cycling is seven times lower than that of cycling culture, through social cycling opportunities  13% specifically mentioned provision of on‐road football, per 100,000 participants. (especially aimed at the less confident), engaging with bike lanes and better sharing of roads the range of cycling promotional events (such as POLICY RESPONSE  12% mentioned other cycle infrastructure and National Ride to Work Day). The more cyclists there are, the safer it becomes. supporting facilities

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Page 47 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 4.1 Summary of Proposed Bike Network Enhancements Denmark Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail The Rail Trail provides an 0ff‐road alternative to the The Shire of Denmark’s Bike Plan brief focused on Commuting Routes ‐ Figure 3 South Coast Highway, and should be progressively both commuting and recreational cyclists, and Given that schools in Denmark are major sources of upgraded (retaining the permeable gravel surface and/ providing infrastructure and end of trip facilities to: employment, or are adjacent to major sources of or a dual surface to accommodate horses as well) to  Encourage existing residents to be more active to employment, the emphasis on safe cycling routes to build on its current importance for commuting, assist further development of a cycling culture schools will also meet the needs of many current and recreational and tourism use. Together with the within Denmark; potential commuting cyclists. planned WOW Trail and the Munda Biddi, the off‐road  Encourage tourists to come to Denmark as a Future upgrades of major feeder or arterial roads trails provide significant recreation and cycle tourism cycling destination. should incorporate on‐road bike lanes for safer opportunities. The Path Development Plan (PDP) has a forward plan commuter cycling. for shared use paths and footpaths already in place, Categories therefore the paths proposed in this Bike Plan are Recreational and Cycle Tourism Routes ‐ Figure 4 Proposed changes to the bike network of Shire of mainly additional to the current PDP, and focus on With the Munda Biddi, local trails and the planned Denmark have been categorised as follows: filling gaps in the network. WOW trail, Denmark is well served by a variety of off‐ a. Construction of new link path Longer term recommendations focus on sealing the road trails for recreation and cycle tourism. Ensuring b. Development of on‐road bike lanes shoulders of main feeder roads, shared use paths on the end of trip facilities and other supporting facilities c. Upgrading (widening or renewing) existing path both sides of the road within the township boundary are in place, is important to serve these groups of d. Repairs or maintenance of existing paths and for these roads, and a substantial upgrade (but cyclists. There is also a keen group of mountain bikers crossings maintaining a permeable surface) of the Rail Trail to in Denmark, eager to see an established MTB trail or e. Improving signage and profile on paths & roads f. Bike racks and other end of trip facilities provide a safe alternative to the Highway. park, similar to Pemberton or Margaret River. This is The Denmark Priority Bike Network Plan outlined in discussed further in Section 5. Figure 6 shows the major routes within a 2km Sports Cyclist Routes Prioritisation radius, where cycling easily outperforms walking, or Prioritisation of the proposed changes has been drive and park for short trips to town. The Shire of Denmark will continue their medium to undertaken on the basis of: long term project of upgrading major feeder roads,  Connectivity ‐ filling in gaps in the existing Safe Routes to Schools—Figure 3 and widening the road shoulders on Scotsdale Rd, Mt network Shadforth Rd, McLeod Rd and Lights Rd. Main Roads  Future growth areas ‐ ensuring that cycling

Creating safe cycling routes to schools has been have advised the difficulties of doing the same on access to these areas are being planned for now emphasised in this Bike Plan for a number of reasons: South Coast Highway with roadside vegetation and  Routes to School ‐ creating safe routes to schools  Increasing rates of cycling to school has many drainage structures in place. However, the Shire of in Denmark benefits, including health and wellbeing, reducing Denmark should continue to negotiate with Main  Other safety concerns traffic congestion around schools, reducing Roads to enable on‐road cycling with appropriate transport costs for parents; shoulders and on‐road bike lanes on the Highway. Minor Repairs and Maintenance  As major sources of employment in Denmark, In the short term, ensuring these routes are Many comments received in the consultation survey these routes can also benefit commuting cyclists; signposted with ‘Share the Road’ signage is were for minor repairs and maintenance of the bike  The new guidelines for the Regional Bike Network recommended. Ongoing driver awareness and network. These been submitted separately to the funding program “favours projects that provide education can also lead to safer cycling conditions. Shire of Denmark Engineering Department. connections to schools”. Page 48 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Overall comments from Community Consultation Survey

I love the idea of developing Denmark into a Compared to many other countries there is a lack I think cycle tourism is a growing area and we family cycling holiday destination with great bike of rights of way for bicycles and walkers outside should be encouraging more of it. Unfortunately facilities, plentiful bike racks, great ideas for of the road network. Residential areas are poorly there are still a lot of cars who take risks families who want to explore Denmark via bike. served by interconnecting paths, cycle ways and overtaking cyclists. On roads like Scotsdale it is To keep encouraging a healthy fit alternative access routes to established cycling tracks. It not always possible to ride near the edge as there holiday immersed in nature. would be beneficial for new subdivisions, at the are often branches and debris there that would planning stage, to include additional access cause a road bike to crash. Maybe some driver routes (short‐cuts) for cyclists and walkers to education via the Bulletin that they should encourage and support alternatives to short overtake with at least a metre gap from the I only took up riding when the track went in from journeys in the motor car. cyclist. town to the beach ‐ it is a wonderful amenity. Now riding is one of my great pleasures ‐ the more tracks the better. There are many places in town that need The bike path to the beach has significantly relatively short connectors to make cycling increased the use for bikes and walkers to get to anywhere in town as a normal daily activity more the beach with out using a car increasing health Keep in mind possible options and keep attractive. and wellbeing of our community. expanding the network. Concentrate on creating safe paths for children.

Communal bike shelter and bike paths on main I would love to do more of it, but lack confidence arteries to Denmark for at least a 10km radius to limits my usage...perhaps if the cycle paths that I aid safe commuting & leisure riding. Providing and maintaining safe cycling and use were better maintained I would feel safer and pedestrian paths along major routes like South therefore use the cycle paths more. Coast Highway, Ocean Beach Road, Scotsdale Road and Mount Shadforth Road, to a distance of at least 5km from hubs such as the town centre I'd like to see bike lanes on the road rather than and all our schools, should be a high priority for having shared foot/bike paths. Making Denmark a cycle‐friendly town would our community. This will improve our safety, distinguish us from most other country towns in a health, and the resilience of our community in the powerful way. It would attract residents, tourists, face of rising fuel costs. Public education to assist and keep the population healthier and fitter. It is drivers to safely share roads with cyclists, Need central charge points for electric bikes. an important sustainability move. including children, would also be of benefit. More provision for parking.

Page 49 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Figure 3: Safe Cycle Routes to School and Commuting Routes

Develop new short link path between Scotsdale Rd & Powley St

Investigate options for a new Encourage usage of shared use path integrated paths through the into redevelopment of Old Kwoorabup Park Hospital

Investigate options for link paths between Wattle Way and Mt Shadforth Rd Extend path on Highway to Agricultural College (Stage 1) and Springdale Millar St as main route. Major new path along river Beach (Stage 2) New pedestrian refuge on and under bridge between Highway near Millar St. Kwoorabup Park entrance and Berridge Park.

Bicycle lanes on Walker St and Mitchell St, as route into town Bike and pedestrian and Primary School to avoid crossing of Ocean Beach South Coast Highway Rd at Buckley St East Range of path network upgrades around the Undertake a substantial Extension of shared use path Primary School upgrade of both sides of along South Coast Highway to the Mokare Trail, including Harpendene Rise (short term) under traffic bridge and Cussons Rd (long term)

Page 50 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Figure 4: Cycle Tourism Routes

“Share the Road” signage required on all major roads

Continue upgrade of road shoulders Entry statement along major routes signs ‐ “Denmark: A cycle friendly town”

“Share the Road” signage required on all major roads

Improved signage required at significant ‘Trail Hub’ at Rivermouth

Undertake a staged upgrade of the Denmark Heritage Rail Trail to provide a safe alternative to the South Coast Highway

Page 51 FigureShire of Denmark 5: Denmark | Bike Plan | Priority2014 Bike Network Plan (to 2km)

2km radius

Page 52 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Figure 6: Denmark Priority Bike Network Plan (to 5km)

5km radius

2km radius

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This page has been left blank intentionally

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4.2 Recommendations: Denmark Township

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Page 60 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 A. Construction of new link paths

Description Map Ref Notes Priority Estimated cost

South Coast Highway (East) 7 As a connector to a school and on a major Stage 1 ‐ Stage 1 to Ag College: Extension of shared use path along South highway it is a high priority even though the High $77,600 Coast Highway to Agricultural College, usage is low.

from Commuter car park to entrance of the This is Path number 15a in Path Development Cemetery (and past the Agricultural Stage 2 ‐ Stage 2 to Springdale Plan. College). Low Beach: $85,800 Stage 2 should extend the shared use path to the Country Club and Springdale Beach.

Fyfe St 1 Path Number 1a in Path Development Plan. High $6,040 Completion of shared use path from South With increased traffic expected with the Coast Highway up to Morgan Rd. upgrade of the Riverside Club, as well as this Connection between this path and the path being a major route to the High School, launch facility should be part of the this stretch of path is a very high priority. redevelopment Stage 2 of the Riverside Club.

Hollings Rd/Horsley Rd 10 Ensure a consistent link to the Kwoorabup High $24,583 When the bridge over the creek is Park is possible by bicycle on the east side of

upgraded, ensure that a shared use path is the road. This path will also link to the existing built on the east side of the road, linking to shared use path leading up to Scotsdale Rd. the entrance to the Kwoorabup Park.

Riverside path under bridge ‐ West 10 The stretch of Hollings Rd between South High See above Extend path to river side of car park, going Coast Highway and Scotsdale Rd is currently under the bridge on the west side of the difficult to navigate by bicycle, particularly with river to link up with proposed new riverside the parking at IGA Express. As a major link to path. the town centre and the paths through Kwoorabup Park, and a safe crossing of South Coast Highway this is high priority upgrade.

Page 61 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 A. Construction of new link paths (continued)

Description Map Ref Notes Priority Estimated cost

Riverside path ‐ Bridge to Walker St As a major linkage in the recreational river trails High $35,000 for path intersection (Mokare and Kwoorabup), Berridge and + Extra engineering Construct a new shared use path adjoining Kwoorabup Parks, and being a segment of the under bridge to the river that links to the proposed path Munda Biddi, a new riverside trail in this area enable the under the bridge, the upgraded Mokare would be an important addition to the construction of a walk trail (approx 300 metres), and a link recreational cycling opportunities in Denmark. shared use path on to the Walker St intersection (approx 50 In addition, it provides an important safe both sides of the metres) crossing of the Highway, and access to both the river? High School and Primary School (via Walker St and Mitchell St).

Traffic bridge 16 To enable safe negotiation of the river crossing Medium Main Roads Construct a shared use path on north side and South Coast Highway, and to meet up with responsibility of bridge, to link up to the riverside Heri‐ the riverside Heritage Trail a shared use path tage Trail should be constructed on the north side of the bridge. This could be part of any upgrades of the Hollings Rd / South Coast Highway intersection to be undertaken by Main Roads in the future.

Powley St to Scotsdale Rd 8 This link provides a less steep access to the Low Possible developer Construct a short new path on the Horsley Rd area, and some of the areas of contribution given easement between Powley St and future growth (potential for developer proximity to new Scotsdale Rd (near Glendale Close). Will contributions?). With the proximity of the new subdivisions? require barriers at Scotsdale Rd end to Scotsdale Rd path, and paths through the

ensure cycling traffic slows down at Kwoorabup Park, this provides an off‐road intersection. alternative route to access the centre of Denmark (in place of Rushton St or Horsley Rd).

Page 62 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 A. Construction of new link paths (continued)

Description Map Ref Notes Priority Estimated cost

Hollings Rd to Mt Shadforth Rd 11 This would provide a major link between Low $33,444 Investigate options to integrate a shared use northern and eastern precincts of the Denmark + Extra engineering path through the redeveloped Hospital and townsite, and would provide a significant off‐ costs with bridge Lodge, to link Mt Shadforth and Scotsdale Rds. road route option for accessing a number of over creek, and schools. This will require some extra engineering with steep bank at Mt the steep bank at the Mt Shadforth Rd end. As This is currently a low priority, however with Shadforth end part of Old Hospital redevelopment planning, future development in McLean/Kearsley Rd this will require negotiation with Denmark Arts areas, it could become more important. and Denmark Community Resource Centre.

Investigate options to develop a new 2.0m 2 Formalising this informal path provides an off‐ High $15, 163 shared use path to link Wattle Way and Mt road access to Mt Shadforth Rd / Millar St Shadforth Rd (pending the vesting of those lots (Primary School and CBD) from the Willow involved). Creek Drive area, and further beyond to the Horsley Rd precinct. There are potentially three private lots involved here, which would obviously require negotiation with those land‐ holders.

Extend existing path on Mt Shadforth Rd 3 Mt Shadforth Rd is narrow and winding, and an Medium $10,055 between Hardy St and Peace St. extension of the off‐road path would provide an option for Willow Creek Drive area (especially if linked to a path on Ti Tree lane) and beyond to Kearsley Rd. Use would in‐ crease with proposed shopping centre.

Investigate options to develop a new shared 14 Provides a safer option for residents along Medium Stage 1: to Willow use path on Ti‐Tree lane to Willow Creek Drive. Willow Creek Drive and Cherax Lane, with a Creek Drive long term possibility to extend to Kearsley Rd. $23,000 Use would increase with proposed shopping centre at the top of Hardy St.

Page 63 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 A. Construction of new link paths (continued)

Description Map Ref Notes Priority Estimated cost

Hardy St Path C18 in Path Development Plan, listed as High Developer Extend existing shared use path on Hardy St low priority. Developer contribution through contribution 12 between Amaroo Village and South Coast new shopping centre. Use of this path will Highway increase with this development.

Thornton St to Buckley St 4 Short link to Buckley St currently in the wrong High $1,000 Construct short new section of shared use place ‐ taking bikes and pedestrians straight path to link Buckley St and the existing path into the car‐park. on Thornton St.

Offer St 5 There may be some potential for reclaiming High $8,125 Construct, at minimum a footpath, and space from the carpark to allow a wider path preferably a shared use path, between the here. school fence and the carpark.

Page 64 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 A. Construction of new link paths (continued)

Description Map Ref Notes Priority Estimated cost

Ocean Beach Rd to Offer St 6 An informal path exists in this area, and would Low $7,230 Investigate possibilities of constructing a allow cyclists to avoid the intersection of Ocean shared use path behind the Masonic Lodge to Beach Rd and Offer St. link Ocean Beach Rd and Offer St, given that it With possible redevelopment of that site, there is currently a private lot. may be an opportunity to create an easement.

Honeymyrtle Close to Clarke Close 15 A longer term project that would provide Low $16,900 Upgrade the informal path that links another off‐road link to reach the Primary Honeymyrtle Close and Clarke Close. School. This will be dependent on future development of the lots in that area.

South Coast Highway (West) 13 With the existing residential demand, added to High TBC Extend the shared use path along South Coast the two pending areas of future growth of Den‐ Negotiation with Highway from the Denmark Tavern, to mark townsite, an extension of a shared use Main Roads Harpendene Rise (short term) and Cussons Rd path along South Coast Highway to (longer term). Path could be constructed on Harpendene Rise (short term) and Cussons Rd north side of the highway to link with current (longer term) is the minimum required. residential developments. Will require upgrade to drainage (Main Roads responsibility) and therefore negotiation with Main Roads WA. Currently Path 15a in Path Development Plan, marked as a Low Priority.

Page 65 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 B. On‐road bike lanes

Description Map Ref Notes Priority Estimated cost

South Coast Highway ‐ CBD Some survey respondents were keen to see High Main Roads Continue to negotiate with Main Roads bicycle lanes on South Coast Highway (East and WA regarding the creation of on‐road bike West). However, consultation with Main Roads lanes on South Coast Highway, in the CBD highlighted that the South Coast Highway area. through the Denmark townsite is too narrow to incorporate a bike lane and maintain the mini‐ mum lane width of 3.5m to accommodate trucks, and Main Roads are therefore unlikely to support this.

Walker St 35 Upgrades to Walker St footpaths are high High $2,000 Mark on‐road bicycle lanes on Walker St in priority in the Path Development Plan. Walker both directions. St and Mitchell St are an important route for bicycles to avoid South Coast Highway. However with current levels of traffic and lack of shared use paths, more visible signs will be required to alert drivers to the need to share the road equitably with cyclists.

Mitchell St 34 The path next to the Primary School is just 2.0m Medium $3,500 Mark on‐road bike lanes on Mitchell St. wide and has overgrown vegetation and trees ‐ to High This may require a one way traffic street difficult sight lines for cyclists. Propose to mark between Offer St and Brazier St. on‐road bike lanes on Mitchell St, with possible one way traffic?

Page 66 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 C. Upgrading existing paths or crossings

Description Map Ref Notes Priority Estimated cost

Mokare Trail ‐ Eastern side of river 21 As an important recreation and tourist route, High $235,000 Upgrade the Mokare River Trail on the the Mokare Trail requires a significant upgrade + Extra drainage eastern side of the river, between the on the Eastern side. With substantial winter works required. Heritage Bridge at the rivermouth, and the flooding and a very uneven path, a boardwalk Investigate board‐ Traffic Bridge. may be required. With the construction of the walk options? This will require a substantial upgrade and new shared use path along Hollings Rd, an up‐ possibly a ramp at the Riverside Club. grade of the western side is not required. ($150 / lin m)

Kwoorabup Park To ensure a continuous bike network through Medium $7,700 A small section of path requires the Kwoorabup Park, the stretch of path near upgrading near the toilet block in the the toilet block and Adventure Playground Community Park to make a more direct requires upgrading for consistency, and route. Widen the path next to the possibly widening. Adventure Playground to minimise conflict with pedestrians (especially children).

Mt Shadforth Rd 17 Current path is 1.6m wide, so not wide enough Medium $26,500 Upgrade footpath along Mt Shadforth Rd to for shared use path, or use by gophers from 2.5m shared use path. Lionsville and Amaroo.

Hollings Rd 18 Brickpaved footpath is narrow @ 2.1m, with High $11,400 Widen path between bridge Walker St heavy pedestrian traffic and parking opening intersection to potentially include a marked out onto the path. It is also marked as part of bicycle lane on the river side of the path. the Munda Biddi route. Upgrading is required in order to link up with the new path being constructed on Hollings Rd.

Page 67 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 C. Upgrading existing paths or crossings (continued)

Description Map Ref Notes Priority Estimated cost

Hollings Rd 25 Despite the path being marked as a Munda High TBC With the upgrade of the path on Hollings Rd, Biddi route, the intersection at the carpark is build new ramp crossing, incorporating stencil‐ impassable for bicycles and a confusing ling signage for cyclists to lead them across junction. the intersection of the carpark, and across the Modifications to the parking and crossings are road to the new shared use path. currently being developed by the Shire.

Hollings Rd (near Haire St) 24 The shared use paths on Hollings Rd currently High TBC Build an appropriate ramp crossing, under construction require clear and visible incorporating stencilling signage for crossings to lead cyclists across the road cyclists to lead them across the road safely. between the two new shared use paths.

Short St 19 With an appropriate crossing on South Coast High $11,500 Upgrade the narrow path on Short St to a Highway, Short St becomes an important 2.5m shared use path to link Millar St, South access point to the Primary School. Coast Highway to Mitchell St and the Primary School.

Mitchell St Linking to the crossing of South Coast High TBC Upgrade crossing at corner of Short St and Highway, the crossing of Mitchell St at this Mitchell St, to include grab rails and trimming point is an important route to the Primary vegetation. School.

Page 68 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 C. Upgrading existing paths or crossings (continued)

Description Map Ref Notes Priority Estimated cost

South Coast Highway (near Millar St) 28 A safe crossing with a centre lane refuge at this High TBC Investigate with Main Roads the option of point will create a route to the Primary School, Main Roads constructing a pedestrian refuge across South as well as a crossing point for wheelchairs and responsibility Coast Highway. gophers (with a number of retirement homes in the vicinity).

Millar St 37 With a possible crossing of South Coast High $11,000 Upgrade path to shared use path standard Highway at Millar St, and a direct link to the 2.5m proposed new path through the Old Hospital redevelopment, Millar St becomes an

important link in the cycling network.

Denmark High School 32 This route to the High School, through the Medium Undertake maintenance of the shared use Kwoorabup Park could be an important route path that ends at the back of the High School. to the High School, especially from areas of future growth in the Horsley Rd area.

Ongoing upgrade of paths in CBD There are limited options for including on‐road Medium With the width constraints of existing roads in cycle lanes on South Coast Highway through the CBD, ensure all footpaths are a minimum the CBD, so other options need to be created of 3.0m wide to allow less confident cyclists to for children and less confident cyclists. share the footpath with pedestrians.

Page 69 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 D. Amendments to existing paths/crossings

Description Map Ref Notes Priority

Morgan Rd 29 With increased traffic expected with the High At corner of Morgan Rd and Fyfe St the upgrade of the Riverside Club, managing the crossing is unclear and needs to link to a pedestrian and cycling interactions at this new short path going up Fyfe St. point will be important. It is a path used for school students.

South Coast Highway (near Fyfe St) 42 This is likely to be a more temporary measure High An upgraded crossing over South Coast until the Traffic Bridge is upgraded with a Highway is required to safely access the shared use path on the north side. However, Heritage Trail along the river. Incorporate as an important route to the High School it is a painted grab rails at each side of the road high priority. and consider marking a crossing on the road.

Brazier St 33 The shared use path along Brazier St is very High Amend the entrance to the Recreation good quality, but ends abruptly at a fence. An Centre where the path ends abruptly at a access through the fence for cyclists and fence. pedestrians is required. Extending the path as far as Haire St is listed in the Path Development Plan, as a low priority.

Page 70 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 E. Improving signage and profile on paths and roads

Description Map Ref Notes Priority

Trail Hub signage at Rivermouth 39 This junction is an important hub for a range of High Develop distance and direction signage trails, for both residents and tourists. Signage for the range of different trails (Mokare is currently almost non‐existent. Heritage Trail, Rail Trail/Munda Biddi, Bib‐ bulmun Track, Karri Walk Trail, Inlet Drive shared use path) available from this point.

Trail Hub signage Various The proposed development of Denmark as a High Develop distance and direction signage Trail Hub should include development of a net‐ for range of trails in a range of key work of shelters with maps and signage includ‐ locations throughout Denmark, such as ing this location which has been identified by Berridge Park, Visitors Centre, current PATAC in previous planning. Information Bays, new Plane Tree Physical signage should link to a paper Trails redevelopment area. map and an online Trail guide through website such as Trails WA.

Research Station Ave 37 With the new Scotsdale Rd shared use path High Improve signage with ’Share the Road’ nearly completed and some of the proposed signs of the lane/road into the Kwoorabup longer term upgrades to the network, the Park. paths through the Kwoorabup Park become very important transport linkages (not only routes into the park). Signage and maps will be required to raise community awareness of these routes.

Scotsdale Rd (entry to Kwoorabup Park) 41 The newly constructed entrance to the Medium Route signage required at this important Kwoorabup Park from Scotsdale Rd is an hub for cycling routes. important hub for a range of important cycling routes ‐ to the High School, into town via the Community Park and beyond to the Primary School.

Page 71 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 E. Improving signage (continued)

Description Map Ref Notes / Community Consultation Priority

Hollings Rd (new shared use path) 43 Clear signage of this path to avoid being used High Stencilling signage for shared use path as parking. Also clear signage of the crossing (possibly incorporating a centre line) is near the intersection into the carpark is required. required.

Millar St 37 With a possible crossing of South Coast High Install signage or stencilling to specify that Highway at Millar St, and link to substantial this path is dual use. new housing areas around Kearsley Rd, Millar St becomes an important link in the cycling


South Coast Highway (near Fyfe St) 42 As a major route to the Denmark High School High Shared use path across bridge requires and Agricultural College, and with a reasonable stencilling, and possibly a central line as a amount of pedestrian traffic, extra signage is reminder of use by both pedestrians and cy‐ required on the path to communicate the clists. shared use of the path.

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4.3 Recommendations: Outer Denmark

Page 73 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 A. Construction of new link paths

Description Notes / Community Consultation Priority Estimated cost

WOW Trail Continue to apply for top‐up funding to fully High TBC Construct the 7km ridgeline trail from the Wind Farm at fund the WOW Trail in future. Wilson Head to Lights Beach, joining the Munda Biddi Trail.

Lights Rd (to end of residential area) This is already in the Path Development Plan. High $35,000 Extend the shared use path past Yarimbah Rd, to the end of the residential area.

Ocean Beach Rd A medium term vision for the Shire of Denmark Medium In conjunction with With future upgrades of Ocean Beach Rd likely, ensure should be shared use path on both sides of the future upgrades of that the installation of a shared use path on the western road for major feeder / neighbourhood road side of the road is part of the upgrade process. connector roads, at least to the radius of the township boundary. Any proposed upgrades for these roads should incorporate the construction of shared use paths.

Inlet Drive A medium term vision for the Shire of Denmark Medium In conjunction with With future upgrades of Inlet Drive, ensure that the should be shared use paths on both sides of future upgrades of installation of a shared use path on both sides of the the road for major feeder / neighbourhood road road is part of the upgrade process. connector roads, at least to the radius of the township boundary. Any proposed upgrades for these roads should incorporate the construction of shared use paths.

Page 74 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 A. Construction of new link paths

Description Notes / Community Consultation Priority Estimated cost

Scotsdale Rd A medium term vision for the Shire of Denmark Low In conjunction with With future upgrades of Scotsdale Rd, ensure that the should be shared use paths on both sides of future upgrades of installation of a shared use path on both sides of the the road for major feeder / neighbourhood road road is part of the upgrade process. connector roads, at least to the radius of the township boundary. Any proposed upgrades Given the recent upgrade of this road, it is for these roads should incorporate the acknowledged this is a longer term priority. construction of shared use paths.

Page 75 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 B. On‐road Bike Lanes / Sealed Shoulders

Description Notes / Community Consultation Priority Estimated cost (@ $50 per lin m)

Lights Rd With the major attractor of Lights Beach, and High $175,000 Seal the road shoulder on Lights Rd, from the end of the as part of the Munda Biddi route, Lights Rd residential area to the intersection of Lights Beach Rd should have a sealed shoulder for safety of (approximately 3.5km). cyclists.

Scotsdale Rd As a popular sports cycling route, with Medium In conjunction with Continue with the sealing of the road shoulder, as a potential for cycle tourism, based around planned upgrades of designated bike lane, to at least a width of 1.0m, in wineries and natural attractions, this is an the road stages. important route.

Mt Shadforth Rd As a popular sports cycling route, with Medium In conjunction with Seal the road shoulder, as a designated bike lane, to at potential for cycle tourism, based around planned upgrades of least a width of 1.0m, in stages. wineries and natural attractions, this is an the road important route.

William Bay Rd As a popular recreational route, with potential Medium In conjunction with Seal the road shoulder, as a designated bike lane, to at for cycle tourism, and some important loop planned upgrades of least a width of 1.0m, in stages. trails in combination with the Munda Biddi and the road the Heritage Rail Trail this is an important route.

Page 76 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 B. On‐road Bike Lanes / Sealed Shoulders

Description Notes / Community Consultation Priority

South Coast Highway ‐ West In regards to creating sealed shoulders on High To meet the needs of cyclists continuing to use this South Coast Highway (West), Main Roads route (especially sports cyclists) the recommendation is advise that with a combination of large trees for extensive signage on these routes to ‘Share the along the route, and requirements for drainage Road’ and ‘A Metre Matters’ (see Section 5.2.3 for more works on the roadside, there is limited information). opportunities for a comprehensive upgrade of the road shoulders on South Coast Highway The Shire of Denmark should negotiate with Main Roads (West). to ensure this kind of signage is installed.

Page 77 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 C. Upgrade existing path and crossing

Description Notes / Community Consultation Priority Estimated cost

Denmark‐Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail As a multi use trail, incorporating a sandy trail Medium Developer With the challenges of creating sealed at the side for horses will be required. The Rail contribution (for link shoulders or on‐road bike lanes along South Coast Trail provides several good opportunities for between Ocean Highway, consider a long‐term, staged upgrade of the creation of loops for recreational cycling and Beach Rd and South Heritage Rail Trail to provide a safe cycling route cycle tourism. Coast Highway) alternative to the South Coast Highway. With the proposed subdivision for the area between Ocean Beach Rd and South Coast Highway, the section of Rail Trail between Ocean Beach and Cussons Road should be up‐ graded to share use path standard to provide an off‐road link into town

Regular maintenance of the Denmark‐Nornalup The community consultation highlighted the Heritage Rail Trail (East and West) importance of the Rail Trail as a recreational Annual audit ‐ cycling route, but also as a commuting cycle  conduct an annual audit of maintenance and upgrade approx $2,000 pa requirements of the Rail Trail in terms of vegetation route.

management, surface and drainage condition, signage However, many comments did point to the maintenance and interpretative information. need for ongoing maintenance, and areas  carry out regular (at least once per annum) slashing of where drainage and vegetation can be a Annual slashing ‐ vegetation along the Denmark Heritage Rail trail as hindrance. approx $6,000 pa part of maintaining this Trail in a safe and user friendly condition. The recommendation of this Bike Plan is that a regular annual budget be allocated for the  provide an annual budget allocation for upgrade of maintenance of this Rail Trail in recognition of General this trail, including improvements to drainage, its current importance and future potential. improvements ‐ signage, interpretation and surface management. approx $15,000 to $20,000 per annum

Page 78 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 C. Upgrade existing path and crossing

Description Notes / Community Consultation Priority

Denmark‐Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail Loop with Ocean The need for loop trails for local recreational Medium Beach Road shared use path use and cycle tourism has been raised in past A road reserve opposite Little River Road and current consultation. This connector leading north from Ocean Beach Road would would make a good length loop from town to provide a connector between the two trails. Weedon Hill and return via the Rail Trail.

Lake View Place An upgraded path leading down to the Low Upgrade existing informal path between Lake View Place Heritage Rail Trail could encourage more and Heritage Rail Trail. residents of Springdale Heights to cycle on the Rail Trail. The intersection at Springdale Beach is a good example.

Denmark‐Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail (East) Beyond the intersection of the Rail Trail with High Upgrade existing informal path between Lake View Place Randall Rd, the track becomes very sandy, and and Heritage Rail Trail. with recent vegetation trimmings still over the track. Regular maintenance of this important tourism and local use trail is needed to attract ongoing usage and for safety.

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Page 81 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 5.1 Strategic Recommendations

Ensuring that planning for cycling ‐ on the roads, on 5.1.4 Develop a long‐term Integrated shared use paths, and for end of trip facilities, should Transport Strategy be central to future planning within the Shire of Denmark. The current Local Planning Strategy does a In the longer term, the Shire of Denmark should reasonable job of providing for cycling facilities, develop a more comprehensive and integrated however in future upgrades of this document, this Sustainable Transport Strategy. The Shire’s status as a could be strengthened. The following is high growth, coastal community means that the recommended: whole range of future transport options, including bicycles, needs to be considered in an integrated way. 5.1.1 Town Planning Scheme 4 (TPS4) The WAPC DC Policy 1.5 on Bicycle Planning requires Incorporate requirement for shared use path and on‐ that “Local Governments undertaking local area traffic road bike lane provision in relevant sections of the management schemes give consideration to cycling.” Town Planning Scheme, for example, Section 5.4 Special Rural Zone Provisions, 5.4.1 (b). 5.1.5 Providing for safe on‐road cycling The Local Planning Strategy articulates policy for 5.1.2 Requirements for Bicycle Parking development of shared use paths, however it does not Provisions in TPS4 articulate a strategy for safe on‐road cycling for commuting cyclists, sports cyclists and cycle tourists. Within TPS4 include provisions for the supply of The needs of on‐road cyclists should be incorporated bicycle parking as well as on‐site car parking. into regular road building and maintenance.

Austroads provides guidelines as to the requirements As outlined in the WAPC DC Policy 1.5: for bicycle parking. Long term bicycle parking facilities should be designed in accordance with the “In view of cycling being a predominantly on‐ requirements of Australian Standard AS2890.3 road activity, road planning authorities should give adequate consideration to cyclists’ needs

and ensure that cycling is safely integrated with 5.1.3 Continue to take regard of WAPC other road users. Consideration and DC Policy 1.5 Bicycle Planning implementation of the AUSTROADS bicycle facility engineering guidelines.... will assist in This policy requires that new subdivisions provide for providing safer 0n‐road conditions for cyclists. safe cycling conditions within the subdivision and linkages to the bike plan network as outlined in this plan.

Page 82 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 5.2. Overall Bike Network Recommendations 5.2.1 Path Signage 5.2.3 Road signage 5.2.5 Integrated End of Trip Facilities

The Shire of Denmark has a medium to long term plan Australian Standards (AS 1742.9) require the to seal the shoulder of major feeder roads such as Mt appropriate signage, pavement and line marking on Shadforth Rd and Scotsdale Rd. In recognition of the shared paths for people to legally cycle on them. All importance of these routes for sports cyclists and pavement marking should be jade green in colour on cycle tourists, ‘Share the Road’ signage should be Source: concrete surfaces, and white on asphalt surfaces. installed on these roads as a high (short term) priority. With the upgrade of the Plane Tree precinct, there Bicycle and pedestrian symbols should be marked on 5.2.4 Information hubs and signage may be an opportunity to construct an integrated end all shared paths at the beginning and end, and at road of trip facility, featuring secure bike parking, showers crossings in preparation for the bike plan launch. This and lockers. signage educates residents and visitors on available cycle ways and is an effective and ongoing visual cue to promote cycling. 5.2.6 Bike Racks 5.2.2 Crossings

The junction of the Heritage Rail Trail at Springdale Beach is an excellent example of a trail junction. Through the Trail Hub initiative further hubs of this kind as focal points for maps and signage should be planned in key locations such as the Rivermouth, Berridge Park, Visitors Centre, Plane Tree precinct, Kwoorabup Park. Signage throughout the bike Source: network should provide distance and directional In line with this good example of a crossing at Buckley information which will assist both pedestrians and Extra bike racks should be installed in a range of St, all crossings at major intersections should be cyclists, and be available on paper, online and through locations throughout Denmark, outlined in detail on renewed with painted kerbs, painted grab rails and on websites such as Trails WA. the following page. path stencilling. Page 83 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 5.2.7 Bike racks and end of trip facilities

Description Notes Priority Estimated cost

New bike racks at Primary School New bike racks should be placed at the back of High Department of Include bike racks at the back of the High School the High School, near the end of the path Education through Kwoorabup Park. responsibility

Upgrade bike racks at Primary School The current bike racks at the primary school Medium Department of The current bike racks at the Primary School require have the potential to damage bicycles and Education updating. require upgrading. responsibility New bike racks should be placed near the music room on the other side of the grounds.

Integrated End of Trip Facilities—Horsley Rd More end of trip facilities are required in the Medium Seek specific Possible location for bike services hub (e.g. showers, shel‐ centre of Denmark for both commuting funding to upgrade tered bike racks, secure bike storage, water fountain etc) cyclists and cycle tourists. current facilities

Integrated End of Trip Facilities—Corner of Mitchell and More end of trip facilities are required in the Medium Seek specific fund‐ Strickland Streets centre of Denmark for both commuting ing for bike pod Possible location for bike services hub (e.g. showers, shel‐ cyclists and cycle tourists. This location would within redeveloped tered bike racks, secure bike storage, water fountain) make another ideal hub in a Denmark Trail Hub area plan, with its central location, access to all relevant facilities, and on the suggested major cycle route into town.

Page 84 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 5.2.7 Bike racks and end of trip facilities (continued)

Description Notes Priority Estimated cost

Shire of Denmark Administration Building There are currently no bike racks at the front High $2,000 Install bike racks at front of building of the building for visitors

Denmark Visitors Centre The Visitors Centre requires bike racks for the High $2,000 Install bike racks under cover increasing number of cycle tourists Figure x:

Kwoorabup Park There are currently no bike racks at High $2,000 Install bike racks close to the Adventure Playground Kwoorabup Park

Redeveloped Hospital and Old Lodge Bike parking also needs to be provided here High $2,000 Install bike racks under cover

Figure x:

Riverside Club redevelopment Ensure adequate bike parking is provided in High $2,000 Install bike racks the Riverside Club redevelopment

Hollings Rd There are currently limited bike parking High $2,000 Install bike racks close to the IGA Express options near IGA Express Figure x:

Page 85 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 5.3 Promoting Cycle Tourism ‐ Recommendations

Recommendations in this Plan related to Promoting Cycle Tourism are also informed by the Munda Biddi Trail Foundation Denmark Cycle Tourism Strategic Plan May 2013, and the Trail Hub consultation May 2014 and include: Recommendation Description Notes Priority Potential key partners

5.3.1 Support the development of Develop a Trail Hub strategy for Denmark with key partners and seek High DSR, Denmark Visitors Denmark as a Trail Hub support from the State Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) to implement Centre, Munda Biddi key elements of the strategy. and Bibbulmun Foundations 5.3.2 Assess and grade current Assess all cycling trails and routes to meet the standard grading system as part of Medium DSR cycling trails and routes the development of Denmark as a World Class Trails Hub. 5.3.3 Develop themed trails for cycle In conjunction with the development of a Trails Hub strategy, seek funding to Medium tourists develop further cycling related trails with possible themes around sports cycling, food and wine, history, discovery trails for children, geo‐caching and so on. 5.3.4 Develop a regionally Building on the proposed WOW trail, and the new Munda Biddi, the Shire of High Munda Biddi significant loop bicycle trail Denmark has an opportunity to develop a regionally significant loop bicycle trail Foundation, Denmark connecting Denmark with Greens Pool via Ocean Beach Road shared use path, the MTB Group, DPaW proposed WOW trail, the Munda Biddi trail between Lights Beach and McLeod Road, and the Denmark Rail Trail back into Denmark. This approximately 35km loop bicycle trail, if properly presented, marketed and maintained has the potential to be a major tourist attraction for Denmark. It is also recommended that the Shire of Denmark develop and maintain user friendly signage and recreation facilities to support this loop trail. 5.3.5 Electronic and hard copy trail Develop informative hard copy and electronic maps (that link to websites such as High Denmark Visitor maps Trails WA) of all cycling trails and routes in the local area that includes bicycle Centre, Munda Biddi friendly accommodation, attractions, bicycle repair, bicycle racks and toilets. This Foundation is a priority action in its own right and is part of the development of Denmark as a Trail Hub.

5.3.6 Market cycle trails Upload maps and information on Shire and Visitor Centre websites, Facebook and Medium Denmark Visitor on associated businesses to maximize access by cycle tourists. Make hardcopies of Centre, DSR, Trails WA maps and information available through the Visitor Centre and other central loca‐ tions.

Page 86 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 5.3 Promoting Cycle Tourism ‐ Recommendations (continued)

Recommendation Description Notes Priority Potential key partners

5.3.7 Support the completion of the Rail The Shire to support completion of the ‘missing link’ of the Denmark to High Green Skills Trail Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail between Parker Road and Peaceful Bay Road.

5.38 Integrated bike facilities for cycle Install bike racks at the Visitor Centre and other key locations ‐ e.g. Ocean Medium Local businesses, tourists Beach, Berridge Park, Kwoorabup Park and the proposed Plane Tree Denmark Visitors Precinct. Centre The Munda Biddi Trail Foundation Strategic Plan specifically mentions “If cycle tourists are to be encouraged to visit, then secure, enclosed cycle parking provision is required. Cycle stands are not sufficient due to the perceived danger of luggage being stolen off bikes.”

5.39 Support the development of a The Shire to provide planning support if a local group to develop a new High Denmark MTB Club (or Mountain Bike Park / Trail Mountain Bike Park, similar to Pemberton and Margaret River is formed. similar)

5.3.10 Secure, well located bike racks that Continue to design and install unique themed bike racks at key locations High Denmark Arts comply with Australian Standards in the CBD and outside businesses that want to become accredited cycle friendly business. A design competition could be developed in partnership with Denmark Arts.

Page 87 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 5.4 Promoting Cycling in Denmark ‐ Recommendations

Recommendation Description Notes Priority Potential key partners 5.4.1 Launch Bike Plan with a small In partnership with Denmark Chamber of Commerce and Munda Biddi High Chamber of Commerce, cycling event Foundation, have a public launch of the Denmark Bike Plan to feature the Denmark Bulletin, cycling businesses in town and new opportunities such as electric bikes. The Munda Biddi launch could feature any new maps and trails information available, as well as Foundation, community garner community support and involvement for other projects such as: a Bicycle groups such as Green User Group, a Mountain Bike Trail Group Skills 5.4.2 Develop hard copy and Update and reprint the Trails Map for Shire of Denmark, aimed at both residents High Denmark Visitor Centre, electronic maps and visitors, with all on‐road and off‐road trails (for walking and cycling). Map Chamber of Commerce could include and promote bicycle friendly accommodation, attractions, bicycle repair and bike racks. Make the map available online via websites. Investigate possible phone app map access. 5.4.3 Information & awareness Partner with the Denmark Bulletin, and utilise the Shire of Denmark website to High Denmark Bulletin, campaign highlight key aspects of the Bike Plan, and to correct misinformation such as: Chamber of Commerce  Safely sharing the road with cyclists,  Status of different paths in Denmark and legality of riding on footpaths.  Partner with Chamber of Commerce to include trails on their counter map, identify cycle friendly businesses and support new businesses to become cycle friendly, integrate bikes into the Spirit of Denmark Street Party ‐ for‐ mally Christmas parade. 5.4.4 Entry statement signage As a reminder to residents and visitors to share the road , install an entry High Main Roads promoting a ‘Cycle Friendly statement highlighting that Denmark is a Cycle Friendly town. Town’

5.4.5 Partner with local groups to There are a range of national and state organised events to promote High Green Skills, other local support cycling promotion cycling as a form of transport: community groups, events  National Ride to Work Day ‐ Wednesday 15th October. Chamber of Commerce  WA Cycle Instead in Spring ‐ incorporating the Bike to Work Challenge ‐ September and October  WA Bikeweek ‐ featuring a range of events ‐ mid March  National Ride to School Day ‐ during March Funding is available for some of these programs and could be sought by Council.

Page 88 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 5.4 Promoting Cycling in Denmark ‐ Recommendations

Recommendation Description Notes Priority Potential key partners 5.4.6 Provide ‘Slow Down to 50’ To create safe conditions for cycling on quiet neighbourhood roads, provide to High stickers all households within the Denmark township boundary, “Slow down to 50” stickers to be placed on rubbish bins.

5.4.7 Partner with local schools to Work with schools to target promotion efforts for cycling to school. For High All schools in Denmark promote cycling example:  Denmark Primary School. Survey parents of children living on the south side of South Coast Highway (in recognition of the current safety concerns regarding crossing the highway) regarding current travel to school behavior and opportunities to increase rates of cycling.  Denmark High School. Work with staff at the High School to promote the health and fitness benefits of cycling. Promote the path access through Kwoorabup Park. 5.4.8 TravelSmart School program Encourage Denmark schools to join the Travelsmart School Program to promote High Department of and increase rates of cycling to school. This will also enable the Shire of Transport Denmark to seek funding through the Connecting Schools funding program under the WA Bicycle Network Plan.

5.4.9 Support the establishment of a Community connection was identified as a possible motivator for increasing Medium Local community Bicycle User Group cycling in Denmark, and a Bicycle User Group that promotes cycling could assist groups in developing community events such as group rides, and events to increase cycling confidence.

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Page 95 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Costings and Implementation Schedule—Summary

Costing of the key projects of the Bike Plan include:  Construction of new paths (@ $100/ lin m)  Upgrade of new paths (@$100/lin m or $50/sq m) HIGH PRIORITY

 On‐road bike lanes (@ $10 / lin m) New path construction $197,766.00  Sealing road shoulders (@ $50 / lin m) Upgrade of path $191,517.66  End of trip facilities such as bike racks and the Integrated Bike Pod On‐road bike lanes & shoulder sealing $181,886.20

 An estimated annual maintenance budget of the End of Trip Infrastructure ‐ Bike racks $12,000.00 Denmark‐Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail Annual maintenance of Denmark‐Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail $30,000.00 The following have not been costed in this Bike Plan: TOTAL HIGH PRIORITY $613,169.87

 Path construction and upgrades that are the MEDIUM PRIORITY responsibility of either developers or Main Roads  Sealing road shoulders or constructing new shared New path construction $44,046.00 use paths that will be undertaken in conjunction with future road upgrades Upgrade of path $124,245.34  Minor amendments to existing paths and End of Trip Infrastructure ‐ Integrated Bike Pod $110,000.00 crossings TOTAL MEDIUM PRIORITY $278,291.34  Various signage of either bike paths or Trail Hub signage LOW PRIORITY

New path construction $154,030.00


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References Further Information

Australian Bicycle Council (2011) National Cycling Australia Bicycle Council Strategy – 2011 to 2016 (2013) National Cycling Bicycle Network Participation Survey Bikewest (2008) Local Government Bicycle Plans ‐ Bicycle Transport Alliance Guidelines for Preparing Bicycle Plans. Department of Sport and Recreation (2012) World West Cycle Class Trails Hub Strategy for WA Department of Transport (2014) WA Bicycle Network Munda Biddi Trail Foundation Plan Main Roads WA (2000) Policy for Cycling Infrastructure. Main Roads WA. Doc 37/09/01. Munda Biddi Trail Foundation (2013) Cycle Tourism Strategic Plan, Denmark Shire of Denmark (2011) Local Planning Strategy (2013) Strategic Community Plan – Denmark 2031 (1998) Settlement Strategy (2009)Path Development Plan West Cycle (2013) Our Bike Path ‐ A Strategic Framework for Cycling in WA Western Australian Planning Commission (1998) Development Control Policy 1.5 Bicycle Planning (2007) Lower Great Southern Regional Strategy (2009) Liveable Neighbourhood Design Code

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Page 100 8. Do you have any other comments or suggestions about cycling in Denmark? Shire of Denmark

Bike Plan

Green Skills is developing a Bike Plan for the Shire of Denmark.

We would like to hear from everyone: non-cyclists, occasional cyclists and 9. What stops you from riding a bike more often? regular cyclists! Help us with your ideas on how to improve cycling in Denmark, and information on how much you cycle.

This survey will take around 5 minutes to complete. All responses are confidential, and names will be removed from the data.

Thanks for taking the time to fill in this survey! 10. What would help you to ride a bike more often in the future?

1. How often do you ride a bike?

Never or almost never

Just a few times each year 11. Approximately how many km do 12. What is your gender? you live from the centre of Den- Every few months mark? Female Male

0 to 2 km 13. What is your age? About monthly

2 to 5 km 20 or younger 50 to 59 About weekly

5 to 10 km 21 to 29 60 to 69 About daily

10 km and over 30 to 39 70 to 79 If you answered Never or almost never—please turn to the last page of the 40 to 49 80 and over survey, answering from question 8 onwards

14 Please enter your contact information if you would like to be kept informed about the progress of the Denmark Bike Plan. (Please note that all names will be removed from the data). Contact Green Skills: Louise Duxbury & Nicole Hodgson [email protected] | Name Phone number P 08 9848 3310 | F 08 9848 3455 Email Page 101 2. On average, how often do you ride a bike for recreation/sport/fitness? 5. Please describe the route (roads, paths and trails) that you cycle most often within the Shire of Denmark. Never or almost never


Just a few times each year

Via Every few months

To About monthly

Purpose of Trip About weekly

About daily Positives about Route

Negatives about 3. On average, how often do you ride a bike for transport or commuting Route (e.g. travel to work, shops or school)? Suggestions to Never or almost never improve Route

Just a few times each year

6. If relevant, please describe the route (roads, paths and trails) that you

Every few months also cycle within the Shire of Denmark. From About monthly Via About weekly To About daily Purpose of Trip

4. What are the major benefits you get from cycling? Positives about Route

Negatives about Route

Suggestions to improve Route

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Page 103 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Previous Community Consultation 2008 Cycling Survey PATAC Workshop 2013

Shire of Denmark Paths and Trails Committee member The Shire of Denmark’s Paths and Trails Committee PATAC Vision for Cycling in Denmark Andi Adams conducted a cycling survey, with 50 held a workshop in September 2013 to discuss cycling  Electronic downloadable maps that are smart responses via email. phone compatible with GPS capacity. Bikes in Denmark ‐ Bikes in Denmark ‐ In response to whether they cycled for recreation,  All schools to have good, safe paths Positives: Negatives: commuting or both equally: connecting to town.  Heritage Trail‐ well Heritage Trail ‐ barbed  Recreation (18) designed wire, sandy section,  Eco Tourism‐ Mountain Bike Trails, Walk Trails.  Both equally (13)  Denmark to Mt missing sections, no Safe connected themed (tour de fork) on road McLeod circuit cycle tourism routes, with podcasts, linking  Commuting (8)  Denmark to Hay River Etiquette along shared attractions. Linkage of shared paths and on‐ road bike lanes. In response to ‘what don’t you like about cycling in  Ocean Beach use paths is not good Denmark’ the top 3 responses were:  South of Highway Lack of on road facilities  Data collection ‐ find out how many people are reasonable level of (Scotsdale Rd is a new currently cycling and establish goals eg: 20% of  Lack of appropriate bike paths / bike lanes (18) recreational bike paths/ facility) all trips by bike.  Safety concerns and unsuitable roads (12) trails with connection Not many paths north of  Prioritise transport: Walk ‐> Bike ‐> Public  Campbell Rd to South Coast Hwy  Driver behavior (5) Transport ‐> Car. Rivermouth Caravan Need strategic signage In response to where further bike lanes to be built the park‐ off road safety/ on roads & connecting  Bicycle logos on CBD streets to connect Munda top responses were: peaceful bike users to the CBD Biddi and shared paths to destinations.  Peaceful Bay circuit Cars parking on dual  Scotsdale Rd (mainly to Steiner School) (12)  Long term plan for nodes.  Clear shoulder marked paths  South Coast Highway (both east and west) (12) on Scotsdale Rd Need connections to  Provision of communal bikes – ie: racks of  Fire Access trail tourist venues eg; bikes at destinations ‐ grab a bike, ride to Other general comments of interest: network maintained wineries, Tree Top Walk, destination then leave, take another, great for  More awareness of drivers about sharing the road and useable Peaceful Bay, Scotsdale tourists and link it to credit card payment. Circuit. with cyclists safely  Mountain bike planning for Mt Lindesay and  Encourage more cycling to school, with bike paths Infrastructure: other locations.  provided to all schools Narrow along Strickland St  Planned well developed diverse networks  Signage along South Coast Hwy for driver  Ensure cycling is planned for each new housing which influence user choice of transport and awareness subdivision support the development of a non‐seasonal  Denmark cyclist friendly signage on border of Shire affected tourism sub‐sector related to cycling.  Secure bike racks / lockers at key points  Bike racks at DVC (responsibility of DVC to supply)  Safety on the highway to raise/ heighten  End of trip facilities – not to take away income from awareness of drivers. local camping grounds/ caravan parks.

Page 104 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Previous Community Consultation Shire of Denmark Customer Needs & Satisfaction Survey 2012/13


 Shared use paths at top end Hardy Street The Shire of Denmark Customer Needs and Satisfaction  “Dual Use paths are not suitable for riding for Survey 2012/13 featured two relevant questions. As the fitness. Safer cycling would encourage more  Shared use path on Peace Street between Mt chart above demonstrates, there was strong support people to ride into town” Shadforth Road and Jamieson Heights Roundabout from respondents to the statements:  Strong support for more shared use paths  Cycle path on Mt Shadforth Rd “There should be more and better quality shared use paths around the Shire of Denmark.”  Managing storm water on some paths ‐ Inlet Drive,  Upgrade / maintenance of Poison Point track Ocean Beach Rd, Zimmerman St, Community Park “Council should provide more cycling paths/  Shared use path to Lights Beach tracks.” Specific Route Suggestions  Maintain surface of Ocean Beach Rd path to Recurring themes in the comments included:  Very strong support for upgrading Mokare Weedon Hill  Support for existing facilities, such as the Ocean Heritage Trail around the river  Shared use path to Agricultural College Beach Rd and Inlet Drive paths  Very strong support for shared use path to Hospital  Minsterly Rd loop to Ocean Beach Rd  Strong support for more ongoing maintenance of and Golden Hill Steiner School existing paths and trails, including surfaces  Invest in Rail Trail from Ocean Beach Rd to Mt  Marking dedicated bicycle lanes on all arterial McLeod Rd to link with William Bay Road

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Page 106 Shire of Denmark | Bike Plan | 2014 Design Features On‐road bike lanes

Good practice guidelines suggest that painted bike lanes should be used sparingly ‐ notably at intersections or other areas where bikes could come into conflict with cars.

Good practice guidelines suggest that painted bike lanes should be used sparingly ‐ notably at intersections or other areas where bikes could come into conflict with cars.

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