AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY to 1861 History 357C, African American Studies 357C, American Studies 321E Fall 2014—11:00-12:30
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UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS at AUSTIN AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY TO 1861 History 357C, African American Studies 357C, American Studies 321E Fall 2014—11:00-12:30
Professor Juliet E.K. Walker Office Hours Office: Garrison 2-136 TTH, 10:00-11:00 512-471-5581 TTH 12:30--2:00 PM [email protected] .W By appointment
"This course may be used to fulfill three hours of the U.S. history component of the university core curriculum and addresses the following four core objectives established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board: communication skills, critical thinking skills, personal responsibility, and social responsibility."
This upper division course examines the history of African Americans in the United States from the West African Heritage to the Civil War and provides a critical examination on central issues under scholarly debate in the reconstruction of the Black experience in America. The course thus engages the debate on the evolution of African-American slavery as a social, economic and political institution, wit special focus on antebellum slavery, including plantation slavery, industrial slavery, and urban slavery in addition to slave culture.
Also, the course assesses the institutional development of the free black community, during the age of slavery, with emphasis on free black protest activities, organizations, and leaders. Equally important, information is provided on the business and entrepreneurial activities of both slave and free blacks before the Civil War to underscore the long historic tradition of black economic self-help. Invariably, those slaves who purchased their freedom were slaves involved in various business enterprises. Also emphasized in the course are the various ways in which slave and free black women responded to slavery and racism before the Civil War, giving consideration to gender issues within the intersection of the dynamics of race, class, and sex.
The course format is primarily lecture, with informal class discussion, utilizing in part the Socratic method of teaching/pedagogy (especially useful for students who are pre-law), as we examine topics that broaden historical consciousness and critical thinking skills, such as: the role Africans played in the Atlantic slave trade; the historical forces that contributed to the origin of racism in Colonial America; the anomaly of black plantation slave owners in a race-based slave society; how white economic disparities and hegemonic masculinities were played out in class subordination and racial oppression; why race takes precedence over class in assessing the black historical experience; the extent to which judicial cases provide a pragmatic assessment of the realities of slave life; the extent to which American law supported the racial subordination of slave and free blacks; whether or not the economic and political imperatives that prompted antebellum African American settlement in West Africa can be considered colonialist in design and intent.
These and other questions will bring to the forefront the central issue of the agency of African Americans in their attempts to survive racism and slavery in attempts forge their own political and economic liberation. This course, consequently, emphasizes both the deconstruction of prevailing assessments and interpretations of the African American experience as well as provides information for a new reconstruction of the Black Experience from slavery to freedom. In each instance, emphasis will be on exploring different historical interpretations of the Black Experience.
African American slaves did not lead a monolithic slave experience. They shared life-time, hereditary, involuntary servitude, racial oppression and subordination. But many manipulated the institution and slave codes in attempts to mitigate that oppression. Others, such as Nat Turner and Dred Scott used other means to bring about an end to their servitude, while free blacks also fought to end slavery as well as improve their economic, societal and legal status.
The primary purposes of this course, then, are 1) to develop an understanding of the nature of historical inquiry; 2). to heighten historical consciousness 3), encourage critical thinking and analysis of historical material; and. 4) to recognizing the difference between what might have happened and what actually happened to blacks, both slave and free blacks during the age of slavery to the Civil War.
Franklin, John Hope and Higginbotham, E. From Slavery to Freedom: A History of African Americans
Holt, Thomas, Barkely-Brown, E. and Patterson, T. Major Problems in African American History, Vol 1
Owens, Leslie, This Species of Property: Slave Life and Culture in the Old South
Smithers, Gregory D., Slave Breeding: Sex,Violence, and Memory in African American History
Walker, Juliet E. K., The History of Black Business in America: Capitalism, Race, Entrepreneurship, Vol 1
EXAM I (take-home) OCT 24 30%
EXAM 2 (Take-Home) DEC 4 30%
Class lecture outlines include “consider” questions, some of which will be on the exams. Students are strongly encouraged to prepare for the exams by answering the “consider” questions at the end of each week’s lectures. Students are also encouraged, but not required, to discuss their answers with me for information on whether answers are correct. Also, each exam will include questions on the video documentaries shown in class. .
Your research papers, due Nov 29. NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED The Second Exam is a take-home exam, distributed Thursday, Dec 1 ; due by Saturday, Dec.3 11:00AM-2:00 PM.
Up to ten (10) points on the following assignment.
Assignment—From your perspective, based on the assigned readings on slaves and free blacks, write a three-four page comparative critical review assessment of the extent to which the movie did or did not expand your knowledge of the historical conditions of both slave and free blacks in the three decades before the Civil War including: one page summarizing the movie; the second page and third page critiquing it from the perspective of: a) how the movie broadened your knowledge of the topic; and, b) how, from your assigned readings, class lectures and the movie, the combination of historical information from these various sources strengthened your intellectual assessment of historical information on the historical reality of African Americans, both slave and free before the Civil War. Finally,, in the movie. .
The research paper (TOPICS TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLASS AND DURING OFFICE HOURS) will be based on both primary and secondary source materials. .
A Research Paper Guide will be provided with specified dates that must be met in researching and writing term paper. You will have ten weeks to research and write your paper. Research topics can be on issues regarding slavery as well as topics regarding comparative slavery. Also, antebellum newspapers, both black and white can be used as primary sources, comparing the difference in information on particular historic events. Research papers can include topics on free blacks, including information on the goals of black leaders, both men and women, organizations to which they belonged, if any, their various kinds of protest activities, supporters, opposition, including a discussion of their successes and/or failures. Also, the paper will assess the realities of their protest within the historic conditions of the times and whether or not their protest made a difference. Other research paper topics that can be considered are: Causes of Civil War; White or/and Black Attitudes Towards Slavery; Blacks and International Issues, Emigration/Colonization; Abolitionism; Dred Scott Decision; John Brown's Raid; Lincoln's Election; Black/Native American relationships, Free Blacks in the South/West/North/Texas. Or, students can compare the economic conditions of blacks before the Civil War with those of Mexicans in Texas and California and Chinese in California. Also, students can compare 19th century conditions of slaves and free blacks in USA with those in Latin America. Another comparison can be that of the conditions of fugitive slaves to those of undocumented immigrants as well as a comparison of fugitive slave laws with today’s immigrant laws. Also, students can make comparisons or show parallel conditions of blacks during age of slavery with blacks in 21st century, such as in kinds of business participation...
Students are encouraged to use the resources of the Undergraduate Writing Center (UWC).
The research paper will include endnotes. Additional information will be provided. Also, students are required to discuss their paper with me for approval of the student’s topic. Also, students are encouraged to provide a finished draft of the paper for comments. Successful research papers will include both primary and secondary sources. The research paper must be a minimum of seven double-spaced pages in addition to the endnotes page/s, at the end of the paper, rather than placing footnotes in the main body of the paper. For appropriate documentation, quotations, footnote/endnote and bibliographic forms, see, Kate L. Turabian, A MANUAL FOR WRITERS OF TERM PAPERS, THESES AND DISSERTATIONS
As Frederick Douglass said:
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning. ….
People might not get all they work for in this world, but they must certainly work for all they get."
Sept 4 “ANCESTRAL AFRICA” Franklin, chap. 1
Sept 9, 11 West and West Central African Political Economy and Culture Franklin, chap. 2 Walker, pp. 1-20
Sept 16, 18 Transatlantic Slave Trade/Africans and Atlantic World Franklin, chaps. 3, Holt/ Barkley-Brown, E. MAJOR PROBLEMS, 36-81 “Ship of Slaves : The Middle Passage”
Sept 23, 25 African Survivalisms, Slaves and Free Blacks in Colonial America
Franklin, chap. 4 Holt/ Barkley-Brown, E. MAJOR PROBLEMS, 83-155 Walker,. Chap. 2
Sept 30, Oct 2 Revolutionary War America, Blacks and Slavery
Franklin/, chap.5 Holt/ Barkley-Brown, E. MAJOR PROBLEMS, 158-193
Oct 7, 9 The USA Constitution, Slavery, Masters and Property
Freehling, “Founding Fathers and Slavery, on reserve/Blackboard “Slavery and the making of America. 1740s-1830s” Videorecording
Oct 14, 16 African Americas, the New Nation, and Westward Movement
Franklin/ chaps. 6,
Oct 21 MIDTERM EXAM DUE (exam distributed Oct 16, due Oct 21. NO LATE EXAM ACCEPTED. Only 75 minute - in class exam make-up accepted)
Oct 21, 23 Antebellum Slavery and, Plantation Life
Franklin, chap. 7 Holt/ Barkley-Brown, E. MAJOR PROBLEMS 195-244 Owens, THIS SPECIES OF PROPERTY: SLAVE LIFE AND CULTURE
Oct 28, 30 Slave Women, Children, Health
Smithers, Gregory, Slave Breeding: Sex,Violence, and Memory in African American History
Nov 4, 6 Slave Realities/Economic Resistance/Activism
Holt/ Barkley-Brown, E. MAJOR PROBLEMS, 246-291 Walker, History of Blk Bus. Chap. 3 “Slavery and the making of America. Volume 3, Seeds of destruction”
Nov 11, 13 Antebellum Free Blacks and Protest Activism
Franklin, chap. 9 Holt/ Barkley-Brown, E. MAJOR PROBLEMS , chap 8
Nov 18, 20, 25 Antebellum Free Blacks Economic Self-Help Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Walker, History of Blk Bus. Chaps. 4 and 5
Nov 27 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY Dec 2, 4, Blacks, The Decade of Crisis and Civil War
Franklin, chap. 10 Walker, chap. 6
Dec 4 Take-Home EXAMINATION Distributed
DUE Dec 8 11:00 AM-2:00 PM (no late exams accepted; if exigencies prevent completion, arrangements can be made to take the three-hour in-class final exam
Dec 13 Saturday, December 13, 9:00-12:00 noon
The course is designed so that each student will get an A grade, but only if one attends all classes and studies diligently and consistently.
Most helpful will be to answer the “consider” questions each week provided on the class lecture outline and have your answers reviewed by me.
University regulations state a student who is absent more than three times must fail the course,
University regulations mandate that students with more than three unexcused absences must be given an F grade. There are occasions when a student will miss class due to illness, personal problems and/or university commitments. If illness or personal problems require you to miss more than three classes, you must present verification of these circumstances from your Physician, Dean or funeral director. If your circumstances prevent you from meeting class attendance requirements, please discuss with your Dean the necessity of dropping the course. If absence is due to university obligations, arrangements must be made in advance to make up any missed work. When absent, it is your responsibility to get the class lecture notes from a classmate. Once this is done and, if you have questions on the lecture notes, please see me. . The New Grading System: C 2.0 72-76 A 4.0 92-100 C- 1.67 69-71 A- 3.67 89-91 D+ 1.33 67-68 B+ 3.33 88-90 D 1.0 62-66 B 3.0 82-87 D- 0.67 59-61 B- 2.67 79-81 F 0.0 0-58 C+ 2.33 77-78
SPECIAL NEEDS The University of Texas at Austin provides, upon request, academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. To determine if you qualify, please contact the Dean of Students at 471-6259; 471-4641 TTY to certify your needs, which will allow me to make appropriate arrangements
Co-op CFO textbook rental program Apr 28, 2010 ... The book can either be returned at the Co-op buy back counter or purchased at a discount of the rental price. If needed the rental period ...Also, Kindle books
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Up to ten (10) points on the following assignment.
Assignment—From your perspective, based on the assigned readings on slaves and free blacks, write a three-four page comparative critical review assessment of the extent to which the movie did or did not expand your knowledge of the historical conditions of both slave and free blacks in the three decades before the Civil War including: one page summarizing the movie; the second page and third page critiquing it from the perspective of: a) how the movie broadened your knowledge of the topic; and, b) how, from your assigned readings, class lectures and the movie, the combination of historical information from these various sources strengthened your intellectual assessment of historical information on the historical reality of African Americans, both slave and free before the Civil War. Finally,, in the movie. Also, this can be a group project.
The following films and documentaries featuring slavery are listed alphabetically.
Film Year Description The film is based on the true story of Solomon Northup, a free black man
12 Years a Slave 2013 who was kidnapped in Washington, D.C. in 1841 and sold into slavery.[6] Documentary covering the onset of slavery, its subsequent colonialism,
500 Years Later 2005 and how Africans are still struggling for basic freedom. Mark Twain's title character befriends and takes a raft down the The Adventures of Mississippi River with Jim, an escaped slave hoping to win his freedom. 1939
Huckleberry Finn Later films of the book were also made in 1960, 1973 (Soviet Union film Hopelessly Lost), 1974, 1975, 1976 (Japanese anime series), and 1993. Based on the life of Queen Jackson Haley, Alex Haley's paternal
Alex Haley's Queen 1993 grandmother. Amazing Grace is a biographical movie about the Abolitionist William Wilberforce's campaign against the slave trade in the British Empire,[7] and
Amazing Grace 2006 features the role of John Newton, the writer of the hymn Amazing Grace, in Wilberforce's campaign. In 1839 a slave revolt takes place on the Spanish ship La Amistad which is heading to Cuba. Two white survivors are ordered to navigate the ship
Amistad 1997 back to Africa, but navigate the ship to the United States instead. The slaves then have to fight for their freedom in court, where they are eventually defended by ex-U.S. president John Quincy Adams.[8] In the 1700s, a mixed-race girl falls in love with a man fighting for slave
Belle 2013 emancipation.[6] [8]
Beloved 1998 A former slave experiences flashbacks to her past as a slave. 1925
Ben-Hur & A first century Jewish prince is forced to become a galley slave. 1959 The film portrays blacks in a racist manner. The Root magazine wrote, "The film dramatizes the rise of the Ku Klux Klan as "saviors" of a civil
The Birth of a Nation 1915 society, and the main black characters are played by whites in blackface."[8] An exposé of child labor. Children entrapped in peonage strike for better
Boy Slaves 1939 food, try to alert the government, but fail in these attempts. Film Year Description Brother Future is a science fiction movie. A street kid from Detroit, Michigan, is hit by a car, and when he awakes he finds himself a slave in
Brother Future 1991 South Carolina in 1822. The boy then has to help his fellow slaves so that he can return to his own time. An agent provocateur is sent to the fictional island of Queimada, a Portuguese colony in the Caribbean to replace the Portuguese
Burn! 1969 administration by a formally sovereign state controlled by white latifundists friendly to Great Britain. To realize this project, the agent persuades the black slaves to fight for their liberation from slavery. A faux British documentary of today reviewing American history, C.S.A.: The operating under the counter-historical premise that the Confederate States Confederate States of 2004 of America won the American Civil War, annexed all of the United States
America in the process, and thereby preserved and expanded slavery throughout the nation. In the American South in 1858 a slave is purchased by a German dentist turned bounty hunter, and then agrees to help him track down a small
Django Unchained 2012 group of dangerous outlaws in exchange for his freedom and the rescuing of his wife from a cruel plantation owner. The film, a sequel to Mandingo, features a black slave who falls in love
Drum 1976 with a plantation owner's daughter. When the owner threatens castration, the slave plans a revolt.[8] Based on the life of Marcos Xiorro who conspired and planned a slave
El Cimarron 2007 revolt in Puerto Rico in 1821. The film depicts the story of British actress and abolitionist Fanny Enslavement: The Kemble, who becomes horrified by the treatment of her husband's True Story of Fanny 2000 enslaved people. Fanny later publishes her journals and their first-hand
Kemble accounts of slavery, helping influence the British government's decision to withhold support of the Confederacy during the American Civil War.[9][10] Covering approximately the years 1827-1837, an illegitimate son of an Irish aristocratic family comes to America. He is a gambler and scoundrel
The Foxes of Harrow 1947 who acquires a large plantation with many slaves, and builds an empire in antebellum New Orleans. The movie was the first based upon a book written by an African-American writer.[8] A documentary telling the story of ex-slave, abolitionist, writer and Frederick Douglass 2008 politician Frederick Douglass and his escape to Ireland from America in and the White Negro the 1840s. Not released until 1972 because of a military coup in Brazil, the film
Ganga Zumba 1963 highlights Ganga Zumba, a 17th-century slave revolutionary. A Roman general in the 2nd century A.D. is turned into a slave who must
Gladiator 2000 fight for his life, and his country, as a gladiator. During the American Civil War an escaped slave joins an all-black
Glory 1989 fighting unit of the Union Army.[8] Addio Zio Tom is a pseudo-documentary in which the filmmakers go back
Goodbye Uncle Tom 1971 in time and visit antebellum America, using period documents to examine, in graphic detail, the racist ideology and degrading conditions faced by Film Year Description Africans under slavery.[8] The film features a slave nursemaid as a prominent supporting character;
Gone with the Wind 1939 the actor Hattie McDaniel made history with an Academy Award win of her portrayal.[8] A U.K. television story of one woman's fight for freedom from modern-
I Am Slave 2010 day slavery, based on the experience of Mende Nazer, a British author, human rights activist, and a former slave in Sudan. The film shows the relationship between Thomas Jefferson, who was one
Jefferson in Paris 1995 of the Founding Fathers of the United States and a slave owner, and Sally Hemings, a black slave.[8] The biblical story of Joseph and his brothers. Joseph is an Egyptian slave
Joseph 1995 who earns a reputation as an interpreter of dreams. Joseph and the Joseph's biblical story, portrayed in a musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Amazing Technicolor 1999 starred Donny Osmond as Joseph.
Dreamcoat The film takes place during the American Civil War. Three women in the
The Keeping Room 2014 South have to protect their home against soldiers of the Union Army.[6] A plantation owner duringSpanish colonial times recreates the last supper
The Last Supper 1976 using slaves, in order to teach them about Christianity. The Legend of Nigger The blaxploitation film takes place in America in the Antebellum South. It 1972 [11]
Charley follows three slaves seeking their freedom. Near the end of the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln 2012 pushes to abolish slavery in the U.S. by urging Congress to pass the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.[8] Set in the early 1930s, the film tells the story of Grace, an idealist who
Manderlay 2005 attempts to oust the owners of a plantation in Alabama and free the slaves living there. On a plantation in 19th-century United States, the owner sleeps with a
Mandingo 1975 young slave. Another slave sleeps with the owner's wife in payback, and things escalate.[8] Three people with precognitive abilities—Agatha, Arthur, and Dashiell,
Minority Report 2002 who are referred to as “Precogs” in the film—are enslaved by the state, forced to sleep constantly and dream of murders yet to come.[12] Documentary sequel to 500 Years Later, the film gives an overview of the
Motherland 2010 history of the African continent and its people from Ancient Egypt to the present. 1985- A TV miniseries outlining the period leading to and during the American
North and South 1994 civil war. The film is based on "the true story of Big Ben Jones, a slave who escaped
The North Star 2013 from a Southern plantation in 1848 and is helped by local Quakers".[6] Docudrama about a trans-Atlantic slave ship voyage of black slaves from
Passage du milieu 1999 the West Coast of Africa to the Caribbean, a part of the triangular slave trade route called the Middle Passage. Film Year Description a PBS historical documentary about the life of Abdulrahman Ibrahim Ibn Sori, a prince from West Africa who was made a slave in the United States
Prince Among Slaves 2006 and freed 40 years later on orders of the American president, John Quincy Adams.
The Prince of Egypt 1998 Prince Moses frees the Hebrew slaves from the Pharaoh of Egypt. account of Quilombo dos Palmares, a 17th-century Brazilian community
Quilombo 1984 of escaped slaves. Features its one-time leader, Zumbi. An acclaimed eight-episode TV mini-series based on Alex Haley's
Roots 1977 biography about his family moving from slavery to liberation.[8] A film portraying events occurring between the second and third episodes
Roots: The Gift 1988 of the first miniseries. In the supernatural film, a black American model travels to Ghana and is
Sankofa 1993 transported back in time by a local mystic. The model finds herself a slave in the past.[8] Western centered around abolitionist John Brown, his attacks on slavery as
Santa Fe Trail 1940 a prelude to the Civil War, and the attempt to find his hideout and stop his violent campaign. Loosely based on the book Ducks, Dogs and Friends, the film is about a
Savannah 2013 white hunter who befriends a freed slave.[6] Slave hunter goes after an escaped General-turned-slave in this South
The Slave Hunters 2010 Korean 24-episode television series.
Slaves 1969 Follows the life of two slaves in the American South of the 1850s. Solomon Northup's The film is based on the true story of Solomon Northup, a free black man 1984 [13]
Odyssey who was kidnapped in Washington, DC in 1841 and sold into slavery. In the United States in the 1850s, a black man attempts to free his family
Something Whispered 2013 from a tobacco plantation.[6] 1960 In Spartacus, a film that stays close to the historical record,[14] a Thracian
Spartacus & enslaved as a gladiator by the Roman Republic leads a slave revolt that 2004 engulfs much of the Italian peninsula. A slave ship crosses the Atlantic, and the slaves rebel. A film by
Tamango 1958 Hollywood blacklisted director John Berry starring Dorothy Dandridge and Curd Jürgens. The Ten Biblical story of the life of Moses, an adopted Egyptian prince who 1956
Commandments becomes the deliverer of his real brethren, the enslaved Hebrews. [6]
Tula 2013 In 1795 on Curaçao, then a Dutch colony, a slave uprising takes place. An HBO documentary featuring the stories of former slaves interviewed during the 1930s as part of the Federal Writers' Project. It compiles slave
Unchained Memories 2003 narratives which are narrated by actors emulating the original conversation with the interviewer. Many film adaptations of Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel have been made,
Uncle Tom's Cabin 1903 nine from the silent era (including those of 1918 and 1927) and a German version in 1965. Source: List of films featuring slavery - Wikipedia, the free ...
Also see: Slave Movies | List of the Best Films About Slavery - Ranker › Film › Films Items 1 - 33 of 33 - A list of slave movies, ranked by their quality and storytelling. These are the top movies that deal with the issue of slaves, the slave trade, including:,
Roots 2008 Released: 1977 BUY @ AMAZON
Amistad 1997 “ Released: 1997 BUY @ AMAZON
Django Unchained 2012 BUY @ AMAZON
Mandingo 1975 “ Released: 1975 BUY @ AMAZON
Uncle Tom's Cabin 1927 “ Released: 1927 „ BUY @ AMAZON
Gone with the Wind 1939
The Harry Ransom Center presents Cultural Life During Wartime, 1861–1865 the eleventh biennial Fleur Cowles Flair Symposium September 18-20, 2014
During the sesquicentennial of the American Civil War, the Harry Ransom Center's exhibition The Making of Gone With The Wind will tell the compelling and controversial story of the production of David O. Selznick's 1939 film. In the 75 years since its release, Gone With The Wind and the novel that inspired it have helped shape the way many Americans understand and remember the Civil War. This is in keeping with a broader trend: Twentieth-century depictions of the war have become so powerful and pervasive that they have obscured the representations of artists and writers who lived through the war itself.
For information on the conference see:
Please check schedule and if there is any panel presentation you want to see, please let me know and I will try to get you in free to this one session since there is a student fee to attend the conference. Registration is limited and closes on September 10 or when full.
Registration provides access to all events on the schedule. Registrants will receive reserved seating at the keynote address; remaining seats will be open to the general public.
The registration fee is $100. A limited number of $40 registrations are available for students and K-12 educators. Members of the Ransom Center receive a 25% discount on the regular registration fee; faculty and staff of The University of Texas at Austin receive a 20% discount. To obtain a discount code, email [email protected]. All registrants who claim a discount should be prepared to present an ID card as proof of their status upon check-in at the symposium.
There is no single-day registration. Canceled registrations cannot be refunded.