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QNADA NATIONAL LIBRARY BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE <>> H I STORY OF THK MONTREAL PRISON KROM A. D. 1784 TO A.D. 1556 CUMAIN1N<; A Complete Recofil of Ihe Troubles of 1fl3/-li3B, Surning of llie Parllamenl Boiliiings, in 1849. THE ST. ALBAN'S RAIDERS, 1864. THE TWO FENIAN RAIDS OF 1866 AND 1870. AND A Chronolo'^ical Digest of all the principal events for the past hundred years. Valuable statistical tables from the Police and Recorder s Courts. Cu ions Proclamations, Warrants and other docu- ments ncier before printed, relating to the Patriots of '37, and the administration of justice from the commenccvtent of the Courts in 17 84. Willi descriptions of Brasdmsioii tbe hand, standing on tbe Pillory, tlie Stocks, wmpping, &c. REV'D J. DOUGLAS BORTHWICK IWi'.NI V YKAK> (11 Al'l AIN tliilliot v-ij '*v?i)ctopa6ui ."Vijtoiil ^ini'' v:^,v-o.j:viplii|, 'vHi-l.^: ij J>v.otli,>l'i *v<ii.j. -^f ..-^f MONJKEAL A, FERIARO, BcoAseller, Publisher i\(h lipporler, 23 l\ James Street «• f<54*5 40500 60^ 1 ^ c^ ?oaTv(u\cK,^^^P Entered according to Act of rr.rliament of Canada l)y John Douglas BORTHWICK, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. DEDICATION TO THE HONBLE SIR A. A. DORION Chief yuitice, Court of Queen' s Bench, Province of Quebec, Canada. SIR, I have very nuich pleasure in being able to dedicate this xvork THE HISTORY OF THE MONTREAI PRISON, to you. * The high position to which yon liave attained by your o^cn sterling worth and perseverance, commends itself to every right minded man in the Province of Quebec, of whatever religious denomination or political sect, and should be an in- centive to tlie younger members of the Bar to follow in your illustrious footsteps.
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