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Clerk Hollman: "House Perfunctory Session will come to order. Committee Reports. Representative Barbara Flynn Currie, Chairperson from the Committee on Rules reports the following committee action taken on June 29, 2016: recommends be adopted, referred to the floor is Floor Amendment #2 to Senate Bill 2047; approved for consideration, referred to Second Reading is House Bill 4168, House Bill 4170; recommends be adopted is a Motion to Concur with Senate Amendment #1 to House Bill 4515." Speaker Lang: "The House will be in order. Welcome to Springfield. We shall be led in prayer today by Lee Crawford, the Pastor of the Cathedral of Praise Christian Center in Springfield. Members and guests are asked to refrain from starting their laptops, turn off cell phones and rise for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Lee Crawford." Pastor Crawford: "Let us pray. Gracious and the most sovereign God, we humbly approach your throne of love and grace. We ask Your blessings to be upon this august assembly, upon the Speaker of this House, its Leaders and all of its Members. Father, You are the author and the finisher of our faith and You are the giver of our life. So, today, we turn our hearts and our minds to You for help. Your word says that You, Oh God, are our very present help in the time of our need. Help us today to do what You have called us to do, that we may do it in grace, with integrity; that we may do it in love, with mercy; that we may do it in compassion with unselfish hearts; that we may do it with wisdom and understanding; that we may do it in fear and with reverence. Help us today to do our


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jobs in a way that we hear You say, well done, my good and faithful servant. This we pray in Your Son's name, Amen." Speaker Lang: "Be led in the Pledge by Mr. Brady." Brady - et al: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Speaker Lang: "Roll Call for Attendance. Leader Currie." Currie: "Thank you, Speaker. Please let the record show that Representative Monique Davis is excused today." Speaker Lang: "Mr. Brown." Brown: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Please let the record reflect that Representatives Hays, Leitch, Pritchard, Stewart and Wehrli are excused this afternoon. Thank you." Speaker Lang: "Mr. Clerk, please take the record. We have 111 Members present and we do have quorum. Chair recognizes the Clerk." Clerk Hollman: "Committee Reports. Representative Barbara Flynn Currie, Chairperson from the Committee on Rules reports the following committee action taken on June 29, 2016: recommends be adopted, referred to the floor is Floor Amendment #1 to House Bill 4168, Floor Amendment #1 to House Bill 4170. Introduction and First Reading of House Bills. House Bill 6584, offered by Representative Bryant, a Bill for an Act concerning State government. House Bill 6585, offered by Representative Durkin, a Bill for an Act concerning appropriations. House Bill 6586, offered by Representative Drury, a Bill for an Act concerning criminal law. House Bill 6587, offered by Representative Sullivan, a Bill for an Act


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concerning criminal law. House Bill 6588, offered by Representative Harris, Greg, a Bill for an Act concerning safety. House Bill 6589, offered by Representative Thapedi, a Bill for an Act concerning State Government. House Bill 6590, offered by Representative Durkin, a Bill for an Act concerning appropriations. House Bill 6591, offered by Representative Durkin, a Bill for an Act concerning appropriations. House Bill 6592, offered by Representative Durkin, a Bill for an Act in relation to budget implementation. House Bill 6593, offered by Representative Bennett, a Bill for an Act concerning public aid. First Reading of these House Bills. Introduction of Resolutions. House Resolution 1310, offered by Representative Walsh. House Resolution 1316, offered by Representative Keith Wheeler. House Resolution 1317, offered by Representative Ford. House Resolution 1319, offered by Representative Ford. House Joint Resolution 156, offered by Representative Bennett. And House Joint Resolution 157, offered by Representative Ford. These are referred to the Rules Committee." Speaker Lang: "Chair recognizes Mr. Brady." Brady: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Point of personal privilege." Speaker Lang: "Please proceed, Sir." Brady: "Thank you very much. Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, please give a nice warm Springfield welcome to three visitors today. First off, my son Tom Brady up in the gallery, his intern Michael Wambacher and all the way… my Page for the day all the way from Paris, France, Louis Ducamp down there. Thank you very much for being here."


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Speaker Lang: "Welcome to the House chamber and thank you. Could I hear you repeat that name again, Sir?" Brady: "Lou… like Lou Ducamp." Speaker Lang: "That's really good." Brady: "It's very close." Speaker Lang: "Thank you. Mr. Wheeler is recognized." Wheeler, K.: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Point of personal privilege." Speaker Lang: "Go right ahead, Sir." Wheeler, K.: "I'd like to introduce my House Page for the day. Please welcome Alina Michaels from Yorkville. She's going to be a senior at Benet Academy. She's a competitive swimmer who’s interested in engineering and has her sights set on the Naval Academy. So, please give her a big Springfield welcome this morning." Speaker Lang: "Welcome. Thanks for joining us on the House Floor today. Mr. Welch." Welch: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Point of personal privilege." Speaker Lang: "Please proceed." Welch: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Members of the House. I'd like you to welcome my Page for the day. She's my summer legislative intern as well who just completed her first semester of law school at the Thurgood Marshall Law School. Please welcome Ms. Brianna Davis from Maywood." Speaker Lang: "Welcome. Another lawyer, right, Sir? Representative Jesiel." Jesiel: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Point of personal privilege." Speaker Lang: "Please proceed." Jesiel: "Thank you. It’s a privilege to introduce important people when we're down here on the floor. And today, I'd like to


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introduce an important person in my life, my dad, Bill Rymer, is up in the gallery. Help me welcome him to Springfield today." Speaker Lang: "Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Why is he over there? Mr. Sullivan is recognized." Sullivan: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. For an announcement. Many of you know that my office is in the back there and many of you have come through over the years. Kristin Milligan is the person that works back there and works for me and has for the last four years that I've been in the Capitol. Today is her last day working at the Capitol. She's going to be taking a new job for Leader Bellock, I believe actually, up in the district office. So, go back if you want to and say good luck and wish her all the best in the world. I would appreciate it. Thank you." Speaker Lang: "Thank you. And definitely good luck and good wishes. Representative Gordon-Booth." Gordon-Booth: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I, too, would like to introduce my interns that I have with me today. Mrs. Sanaa Khan who is a student at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, as well as Ms. Synclaire Gilkesson who was also a college student at Hampton University. Both Peoria residents. Please give them a big General Assembly welcome today." Speaker Lang: "Welcome. Thank you for being here. Mr. Phelps." Phelps: "Point of personal privilege." Speaker Lang: "Go right ahead, Sir." Phelps: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House. I also, too, want to say… follow up with Representative Sullivan about Kristin. We all knew her when Skip was here


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and the things that she's done for all of us. I consider her a good friend. I'm going to terribly miss her. I think sometimes she claims me, sometimes she doesn't, but most of the time she does. But Kristin, if you can hear this, we love you and you're going to be truly missed. God bless you." Speaker Lang: "Thank you, Representative. House Resolution 1314, Mr. Butler." Butler: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It's truly a great honor for me today to help welcome… welcome the two-time defending champion girls soccer team from Rochester High School. The Rochester Rockets Girls Soccer Team, last year, won the Class 1A title. And this year, as the smallest school in Class 2A by one student, they were in Class 2A. They won the State Title again this year defeating Deerfield in the Championship game. Deerfield, a high school that is twice their size, defeated them in the Championship Game 4-0. I've gotten to know these young ladies over the past year very well. It's a tremendous group of… of women who have a tremendously bright future. You've got 7 future college soccer players among this team that will be playing next year. And they are just a great, great asset and a great gem for the community of Rochester. The 22 women on the team and the coaches are… are just great people. I'd like to recognize especially Coach Chad Kutscher, Coaches Brent Stuckey, Lauren Bushkill and Megan DeBarr as well, and all the girls for this team. They're just wonderful young ladies and I'm glad they brought their nice little trophy here today. Last year the trophy was called Susan. This year the trophy is called Demi. So, thank you


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ladies for what you do. Thank you for being here today, and congratulations." Speaker Lang: "Representative Cassidy on the Resolution. Representative Cassidy, we'll get back to you. Those in favor of the Resolution will vote 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it and the Resolution is adopted. Thank you and congratulations. Representative Cassidy is now recognized." Cassidy: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Point of personal privilege." Speaker Lang: "Proceed please." Cassidy: "I missed the recognizing people train. So, I'm jumping on at the last minute. I want to recognize Patty Laden, a student at Marquette, who is interning with the fabulous and talented Heather Weir-Vaught on our staff. She's a poly-sci student entering her sophomore year and picked a great summer to be interning with us. So, welcome." Speaker Lang: "Welcome aboard. Thank you. Chair recognizes Representative Greg Harris." Harris, G.: "Point of personal privilege." Speaker Lang: "Will the Members please rise. Please proceed, Sir." Harris, G.: "Ladies and Gentlemen, you know, we've celebrated some joyous things today and now we have to sadly recognize some somber events also. In the last few weeks in America we've seen the worst of hate and terrorism and the best of our people's responses. On July (sic-June) 12 the deadliest mass shooting by a single gunman, the deadliest incident of violence against LGBT people in the United States, and the deadliest attack in the U.S. since the September attack in 2001, took place in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Forty-nine people were killed and 53 injured who were simply


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out enjoying an evening at a club, they became victims of hate. But across America, the good people of this country rose up with one voice to stand with Orlando and to stand against hate. Millions of dollars have been raised to help the victims and their families. This weekend in Chicago and in cities across the country there were gay pride parades. Millions and millions of people came out and lined our streets in a spirit of solidarity with the victims and the people of Orlando and to show the strength and resolve against those who would try to threaten or intimidate us. This is the best of America. Just as Americans have stood against violence and hate after San Bernardino, after Mother Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, after Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, after the Planned Parenthood attack in Colorado Springs, and after the Cole Hall attack here in Illinois in DeKalb, sadly, we stand once again and honor the memory of lives lost. And we stand together as one people to say that hate always wins… always loses and that love always wins. And sadly, today, you know, Illinois always has a special connections to the Republic of Turkey, with the consulate here in Chicago, and many people of Turkish heritage living throughout this state. This chamber has been honored many times by the President… Consul General of Turkey, Umut Acar. In the wake of the terrible terrorist attack last night at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport, I know I join with all my colleagues in sending our deepest condolences to the people of Turkey and to Consul General Acar. I ask us all to pause and remember the lives that have been lost and to honor their families and friends who still mourn. Thank you."


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Speaker Lang: "Thank you, Representative. Members, please be seated. House Resolution 1327, Mr. Welch." Welch: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I stand…" Speaker Lang: "Mr. Clerk… excuse me. We'll have the Clerk read a portion of the Resolution. Thank you." Clerk Hollman: "House Resolution 1312 (sic-House Resolution 1327), offered by Representative Welch. WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of Representatives are saddened to learn of the death of former Illinois State Representative Eugene "Gene" Moore; and WHEREAS, Eugene Moore began his political career in 1989, when he was elected to serve as trustee for Proviso Township; he later went on to become the first African-American elected to represent the 7th District in the Illinois House of Representatives, where he served for three terms and was elected to a fourth term; in 1999, he was elected to serve as Cook County Recorder of Deeds, where he served until 2012; and WHEREAS, Following his service as Cook County Recorder of Deeds, Eugene Moore remained in political circles, where he talked passionately about community affairs, backed local candidates, and mentored rising political figures like Maywood Trustee Isiah Brandon; and WHEREAS, Eugene Moore was a member of the Second Baptist Church in Maywood; he was a football and basketball coach and mentor to youths in Proviso Township; he also served on numerous boards, including those of the Boys and Girls Club of West Cook County, the Proviso-Leyden Council on Community Action,


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John C. Vaughns Scholarship Fund, Inc., and the Community Economic Development Association; and WHEREAS, Eugene Moore was the loving father of three children, Dowanna, Natalie, and Eric; therefore, be it RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE NINETY-NINTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we, along with his family and friends, mourn the passing of former Illinois State Representative Eugene "Gene" Moore; and be it further RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Eugene Moore as an expression of our sympathy." Speaker Lang: "Mr. Welch." Welch: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Members of the House. I stand today truly to honor a legend in the Proviso community. Gene Moore was the first African American elected from our community to serve in this great Body. I am honored that it was him who reached out to me and said, you're a young man that needs to serve our community. He got me started in this political business. He served as our State Representative and went on to become our Cook County Recorder of Deeds. But he also served our… our community as the first African-American Democratic Committeeman where he made it his point to reach out to our young people and get them involved in student… in government. Gene Moore was a worker bee. Everyone loved the guy. He passed on June 14, but his legacy lives on. His funeral services were just amazing because of the legacy that he left on our community. And whenever he would call me, the call always went the same way. Phone would ring and he would


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say, Gene Moore, Gene Moore. And I’d say, Gene Moore. I will always remember Gene's phone calls. And on June 14 he made another phone call to the man above and he said, Gene Moore, Gene Moore. Gene Moore has arrived in heaven. And I ask after a few other Members speak that we give a moment of silence in honor of Gene Moore, Gene Moore." Speaker Lang: "Mr. Riley." Riley: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. How… how apt. How pressing. Gene Moore. That's… that's how he used to answer the phone. I had the pleasure of knowing Gene, you know, for 35 years. And when you look at some of these… these folks, and we all know these kinds of people that are… that are larger than life, it is clear what his legacy has been in terms of public service. But there are other parts of it too. I used to kid with him all the time. I said, you know, when I grow up, you know, I want to have a name with quotations around it just like you, Gene, and he would laugh. But Gene was a lion. He was a lion of Cook County and Illinois politics. He was a throwback and the kinds of people who you really won't see that like again. One of the hallmarks of people like that though, that are these larger than life figures, is that they helped everybody. Gene was a staunch Democrat, but he helped everybody. If you went to any of the celebrations and parties and so on and so forth, you see people from both sides of the aisle. That's the way it was. That's the way it was. Gene tried to help everyone. He came out to the south suburbs many, many times and represented, you know, his office very well and, again, trying to help everyone in any way that they needed help. So, when you… when you look at a person like Gene Moore, you look


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at someone that had a big heart. You look at someone who reached out to everyone. That's exactly what he did. And that's how he will always be remembered. So, I would echo my colleague and say that we should all be like and all remember the legacy of Gene Moore, Gene Moore." Speaker Lang: "Mr. Moffitt." Moffitt: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Having been here for a number of terms, I'm certainly as honored that I got to serve a term or two with Representative Moore. Some wonderful things have been said. I just want to add, he was truly a class act. He was a gentleman. He was friendly to everyone. He was a man of the people. He served with honesty and integrity. And I truly believe we're a better state, a better Legislative Body because of the example that he set and the way he served. As a freshman here and in the Minority that first term, he extended to me courtesies that weren't required. It's just because it's the kind of decent and wonderful guy he was. And so, I always thought he set a high standard of what we should be. It's no surprise to me that a couple prior speakers now serving here indicated that he was a mentor to them, sought them out, because the two that spoke and mentioned that, you and others, I think are carrying on those traditions, those high standards, the integrity, the reason of being here for the right reasons that Gene Moore set. So, I'm just thankful that I had the privilege of serving with him. I join with you in honoring him this way and certainly continue to extend condolences to his family and to his friends. We're a better people because of him. Thank you." Speaker Lang: "Representative Flowers."


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Flowers: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I, too, had the privilege of serving with Representative Gene Moore. And I must say, Ladies, he was very dapper in his dress. You know, he wore his nice suits and wore a big hat and you could tell when he would walk in because he had this swagger about him. And he was always a gentleman, always a gentleman. So, his presence truly will be missed because you don't see too many men nowadays dressing the way Gene Moore dressed and he truly was a throwback that needs to come back. But Gene Moore will not be coming back, but his style and his way of walking and talking should return very soon. So, once again, it was my pleasure to serve with him and I wish him and his family well, but I am honored that we had the… or I had the opportunity to be in his presence. Thank you." Speaker Lang: "Representative Lilly." Lilly: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I, too, rise… I, too, rise to say it was a joy knowing Gene. I've known Gene for many years in high school. He was one of the many adults who chose to spend time with young people, to shape our minds and our bodies. In dance, I was… I was a cotillion… I was a bo… I was a lady of the future, and he worked with the men and the young ladies to make sure we were shaped for our great America. I never really understood all the work he did on behalf of the State of Illinois and the community of Maywood until I became a Legislator. His commitment and his drive to make things better was his purpose. And he did it with style and grace. He always was looking good. I just knew one day I would meet a young man similar to Gene Moore. He set the stage for many young people on the west side of Chicago and he reflected or he


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represented what family really is and should be in our great state. He will be missed. He's going to always be loved and he is a legacy that each and every one of us should resemble. I thank you, Representative Welch, for bringing forth this Resolution and I thank each of you for taking the time to recognize such a great man who served in the Body of the General Assembly here in the State of Illinois. God bless you all. And Gene, we're… we're going to miss you." Speaker Lang: "Mr. Welch moves that all Members of the House be added as cosponsors to the Resolution. Is there leave? Leave is granted and all Members will be added. We'll take a moment of silence. Those in favor of the Resolution will say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. Thank you, Members. Mr. Clerk, Agreed Resolutions." Clerk Hollman: "Agreed Resolutions. House Resolution 1308, offered by Representative Phillips. House Resolution 1309, offered by Representative Durkin. House Resolution 1311, offered by Representative Hays. House Resolution 1312, offered by Representative Verschoore. House Resolution 1313, offered by Representative Unes. House Resolution 1315, offered by Representative Moeller. House Resolution 1318, offered by Representative Jones. House Resolution 1320, offered by Representative Ford. House Resolution 1321, offered by Representative Sims. House Resolution 1322, offered by Representative Unes. House Resolution 1323, offered by Representative Acevedo. House Resolution 1324, offered by Representative Mayfield. House Resolution 1325, offered by Representative Mayfield. House Resolution 1326, offered by Representative Moeller. House Resolution 1328,


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offered by Representative Feigenholtz. House Resolution 1329, offered by Representative Phelps. House Resolution 1330, offered by Representative Reis. House Resolution 1331, offered by Representative Phelps. House Resolution 1332, offered by Representative Demmer. House Resolution 1333, offered by Representative Davidsmeyer. House Resolution 1334, offered by Representative Davidsmeyer. House Resolution 1335, offered by Representative Davidsmeyer. House Resolution 1336, offered by Representative Willis. House Resolution 1337, offered by Representative Thapedi. House Resolution 1338, offered by Representative McAuliffe. House Resolution 1339, offered by Representative Durkin. House Resolution 1340, offered by Representative Bill Mitchell. House Resolution 1341, offered by Representative David Harris. House Resolution 1342, offered by Representative Cavaletto. House Resolution 1343, offered by Representative DeLuca. House Resolution 1344, offered by Representative Bourne. House Resolution 1345, offered by Representative Walsh. House Resolution 1346, offered by Representative Walsh. House Resolution 1347, offered by Representative Phelps. And House Resolution 1348, offered by Representative Meier." Speaker Lang: "Leader Currie moves for the adoption of the Agreed Resolutions. Those in favor say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Agreed Resolutions are adopted. On the Order of Concurrence, there appears House Bill 4515, Representative Lilly. Representative Lilly." Lilly: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to ask the Body to concur with House Bill… with the Senate for House Bill 4515. And it basically changes the start date from June 30 to January 1.


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This Bill passed the House and went over to the Senate and with the support of the Governor's Office, they needed extended time to implement the piece of legislation. So, it's just a Concurrence to… in order to implement the policies." Speaker Lang: "Mr. Sullivan." Sullivan: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Will the Sponsor yield?" Speaker Lang: "Sponsor yields." Sullivan: "Representative, I think there was some confusion the last time that this Bill came up and some of the offenses that people thought were still included. Can you expand upon that that this is a low-level offenses that we're talking about and all the higher level offenses are disqualifying factors? I think there was some confusion on my side in regard to that." Lilly: "That is correct. There are disqualifying offenses that are eliminated from this particular Bill. I just spoke with a couple of… rape, murder, both are disqualifying factors in this particular legislation." Sullivan: "So, what we're talking about is an 18-year-old that might have shoplifted once when they were young and now they're trying to put their life back together; and they want to be a nurse or some type of health care worker. We're saying this is a good piece of legislation to get people's lives back on track, in essence, is what this does?" Lilly: "That is correct. We are looking to get people back to work." Sullivan: "Okay. And it's my understanding that the Governor has worked with you and that he is in favor of this legislation


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to try and help people with this very type of legislation. Is that correct?" Lilly: "That is correct." Sullivan: "Thank you. I certainly encourage an 'aye' vote from my side of the aisle, especially." Speaker Lang: "Representative Bellock." Bellock: "Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Will the Sponsor yield?" Speaker Lang: "Sponsor yields." Bellock: "Thank you, Representative Lilly. Can you just tell me in reading on the analysis… So, in order for this person to be able to proceed, and they go back to public health, what is involved… is it the Department of Public Health giving them a waiver?" Lilly: "Correct. Yes." Bellock: "Okay. And so, how does that waiver work? How do they get the waiver through Public Health?" Lilly: "The… it's in… it's on the second page in your analysis. However, it's the general practice. What the registry change would be it is now, once that waiver is granted the registry will now have a green flag that they have a waiver and that allows employers to move forward and interview with it… to interview. It does not require any employer to hire any individual on the registry." Bellock: "I know. My question is more… like one of the other Bills that we had, and some major changes like this, it went be… back before the Department of Regulation and they had a group that would oversee allowing the change in these people and their history on the registry or whatever. So in this, I'm


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wondering what is the waiver process? What… what does the Department of Public Health do to give these people a waiver? Do they have like a… a council of three or five people that review everything? Or what is the waiver process itself? I think that that's what's really important as to how this person is cleared to get their name off the registry. I mean, do they just say we're giving this person a waiver?" Lilly: "It… first, thank you for the questions, Representative. The process as is will remain the same. So, we're not making any changes to the process for granting waivers. And there's a committee that the Department of Public Health…" Bellock: "Okay." Lilly: "…goes through to approve all the waivers for the reentry population. But I would… would like to note that there is no changes in the current process in granting waivers." Bellock: "Okay. So, there is some committee in that process now already that's doing that and that these people that are applying for this will be added to that that they will go before that?" Lilly: "That is correct, Representative." Bellock: "Thank you very much. I appreciate that." Lilly: "You're welcome." Bellock: "Thank you." Speaker Lang: "Representative Lilly to close." Lilly: "Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen, for your questions. I ask for an 'aye' vote to concur with the Senate Bill (sic- House Bill) 4515 I thank you." Speaker Lang: "Ladies and Gentlemen, this Bill has an immediate effective date and therefore, requires 71 votes. Those in


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favor of the Lady's Motion to Concur will vote 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The voting is open. Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Please record yourselves, Members. Have all voted who wish? Mr. Clerk, please take the record. On this question, there are 71 voting 'yes', 38 voting 'no'. And the House concurs with Senate Amendment #1 to House Bill 4515. And this Bill, having received the Constitutional Majority, is hereby declared passed. Representative Soto is recognized." Soto: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to… a point… I just want to mention that my mother's here today. Mom, stand up and say hello to all our colleagues here." Speaker Lang: "Welcome. We're happy to have you here. She didn't want to Page for the day? No. Mr. Jackson is recognized." Jackson: "Yes, Mr. Speaker. May my vote reflect on 4515 'yes'?" Speaker Lang: "Your… your wishes will be reflected in the record, Sir." Jackson: "Thank you." Clerk Hollman: “Attention, Members of the House. The House will convene in five minutes at 4:30. The House will convene in five minutes.” Speaker Lang: "The House will be in order. Members, there will be an announcement forthcoming shortly regarding our plans regarding the next hours of your lives. Page 15 of the Calendar, under Resolutions, Senate Joint Resolution 30. Representative Gordon-Booth. Please proceed, Representative." Gordon-Booth: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Senate Joint Resolution 30 is a Resolution honoring a man from Peoria, Jim Thome. You


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may all be familiar with Jim Thome. Jim Thome had a historic career not only with the Cleveland Indians, but he ended his career with the Chicago White Sox. Jim Thome is a very strong philanthropist throughout the Peoria community. And what we are looking to do is to name a portion of the community in which he grew up in… we're looking to name a portion of that street after him because we want the children of that community to know that no matter where they live, no matter what they do in their life, if they give to their community, not necessarily go to the Major Leagues and play baseball, but if they continue to give of themselves in service to others that they may be honored in some way at some point in their life as well. I ask for an 'aye' vote." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Lady's Resolution will vote 'yes'; opposed vote 'no'. The voting is open. Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Please record yourselves. Mr. Clerk, please take the record. On this question, there are 108 voting 'yes', 0 voting 'no'. And the House adopts Senate Joint Resolution 30. Chair recognizes Representative Bellock.” Bellock: "Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Senator Nybo and I have two young ladies visiting us today and I'd like to introduce them to the Legislature. One is Amanda Nero; she's attending the University of Missouri. And we have Meredith and she is here from Indiana University. And I just would like to ask everybody to welcome them today to learn about the budget of the State of Illinois. Thank you very much." Speaker Lang: "Welcome. Maybe you can help us bring some closure to this problem. Chair recognizes Leader Currie for a Motion."


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Currie: "Thank you, Speaker and Members of the House. I move that we suspend the license… the posting requirements so that Senate Bill 242 can be heard this evening in Elementary & Secondary Education: Licensing Committee; the Amendment 2 to Senate Bill 318, Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 1810, Amendment 2 to Senate Bill 2562 and Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 2822 can be heard this evening in the Executive Committee. I know of no opposition. I'd be grateful for your support." Speaker Lang: "You heard the Lady's Motion. Is there leave? Leave is granted. And the Lady's Motion is adopted. I have an announcement for Members. It is the intention of the Chair to do the following: a few Bills off this Calendar; you have a committee schedule: Elementary & Secondary at 5, Exec at 6 and then we would be adjourned until 8:30 in the morning. At 8:30 in the morning, both Parties will have their caucuses: the Republicans in 118, the Democrats in Room 114. Once those caucuses are completed, we will come to the floor and attempt to complete our work tomorrow. Page 10 of the Calendar, House Joint Resolution 97, Representative Lilly. Out of the record. HJR152, Mr. Butler. Mr. Butler. Out of the record. HR759, Representative Mussman. Please proceed." Mussman: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Members of the House. This Resolution basically encourages the State of Illinois to recognize September as Children's Cancer Awareness Month. And I want to give special recognition to my constituents, Heather and… Oh goodness, I don't have it in front of me. They… they are advocating for a specific type of cancer called Retinoblastoma, which can be incredibly lethal and it’s


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generally diagnosed very early on in childhood. So, again, I just encourage an 'aye' vote." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Lady's Resolution vote… say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR926, Mr. Davidsmeyer. Out of the record. HR960, Mr. McAuliffe. Mr. McAuliffe. Out of the record. HR9… HR1010, Mr. Bennett. Please proceed, Sir." Bennett: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This is a… a Bill in which we actually had last year to do that, to recognize the road, but the numbers of the people that had passed away in the different wars needed to be updated. And so, that's why we're bringing this back today, to have the Resolution passed with the correct numbers that reflects the current situation. So, I move for an 'aye' vote, please." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Resolution will vote 'yes'; opposed vote 'no'. The voting is open. Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Mr. Clerk, please take the record. There are 108 voting 'yes', 0 voting 'no'. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1017, Representative Williams. Representative Williams. Please proceed, Representative." Williams: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This Bill just acknowledges, I believe, a week in February… I can't get my analysis up… or March as Eating Disorder Awareness Week." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1109, Mr. Bennett. Please proceed, Sir." Bennett: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This House Resolution has to do with Fibromuscular Dysplasia. It's a disease that causes


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abnormal cell growth of the arterial wall and it can lead to areas of narrowing, beading, aneurysms and dissections of the arterial wall. Ninety percent of the patients… we went back… I’ll come back to you. Four to five percent of the population may be affected by this disease, but the point I want to note here is 90 percent at that 4 or 5 percent of the population are infected by FMD are women. Both… both men and children are also afflicted, but the large percentage of this is… it actually impacts the women. So, there's much need for awareness and research. And what we'd like to do is ask permission that we designate March of 2016 as the Fibromuscular Dysplasia Awareness Month in the State of Illinois, if you would, please. I move for an 'aye' vote." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Gentleman's Resolution will say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1115, Mr. Davis. Please proceed, Sir." Davis, W.: "Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen, House Resolution 1115 reaffirms and celebrates the relationship that Illinois has as a sister state and sister city with Taiwan and expresses continued support for Taiwan's efforts to contribute to greater regional integration through economic cooperation in the Asian-Pacific region and the signing of a bilateral investment agreement between Taiwan and the United States. Also to promote Taiwan's bilateral investment and trade relationships with the United States and the State of Illinois and extends support for Taiwan's participation in international organizations." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution will say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is


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adopted. HR1129, Representative Gordon-Booth. Representative Gordon-Booth. Please proceed." Gordon-Booth: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. House Resolution 1129 is a very simple Resolution. It would codify… it would institute Positive Youth Development Day throughout the entire State of Illinois. The… the objective of this Resolution is simply to encourage children to do the right thing, live a life of character and integrity. I ask for your 'aye' vote." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1135, Mr. Kay. Please proceed." Kay: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have an Amendment to the Resolution I need to adopt." Speaker Lang: "Mr. Clerk." Clerk Hollman: "Floor Amendment #2, offered by Representative Kay, has been approved for consideration." Speaker Lang: "Mr. Kay." Kay: "On the Amendment?" Speaker Lang: "Proceed, Sir." Kay: "Yes. The Amendment essentially, on page 2 line 14, replaces new addiction protocols with the term evidence based practices for medication assistance and treatment services." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Amendment say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Amendment is adopted. Mr. Kay on the Resolution." Kay: "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This House Resolution goes to the heart of a problem in the State of Illinois and that's heroin addiction. And this suggests to the Department of Health and Human Services that we look at protocols that are


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based on behavioral science as opposed to what we're doing now in the state to address heroin addiction. And I'd ask for an 'aye' vote." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. House Resolution 1138, Mr. Hoffman. Mr. Hoffman. Out of the record. House Resolution 1144, Mr. Phelps. Please proceed." Phelps: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House. I'd like to ask for the adoption of House Resolution 1144, proudly recognizes May 1, 2016, as National Purebred Dog Day in celebration of purebred dogs and the many services and companion benefits they provide. And I'd like to dedicate it to little Willy, Molly and Lola. I ask for its adoption." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution will say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1161, Representative Chapa LaVia. Please proceed." Chapa LaVia: "Thank you, Speaker. The Resolution deals with celebrating June 27, 2016, as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day in Illinois. I'll take any additional questions. Ask for its adoption." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1162, Representative Fine. Please proceed." Fine: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This Resolution encourages all teams to install protective netting from the first and third base lines from the dugout to protect fans from flying bats and balls. And this Resolution came to me from a constituent whose family member was by a bat during a game."


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Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1169, Representative Mayfield. Representative Mayfield. Out of the record. HR1176, Representative Bellock. Please proceed." Bellock: "Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. And House Resolution 1176 recognizes April 2016 as Organ Donor Registration Month in the State of Illinois. And this was brought to me by a wonderful, wonderful group in my district called The Recycled Life Warriors, which is led by a young woman who had cancer and then a door… double organ donation and is leading the charge throughout the rest of Illinois. Thank you." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1182, Mr. Sandack." Sandack: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. HR1182 congratulates Margaret Sartore on the occasion of her retirement and designates April 29, 2016 as Margaret Sartore Day in the State of Illinois. I ask for its passage." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution will say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1183, Mr. Sims. Mr. Sims. Out of the record. HR1199, Representative Fine. Please proceed." Fine: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This designates December 11 through 17 as Random Acts of Kindness Week in Illinois. The Key Club of Glenbrook South High School began this at the school a few years ago and it has grown into a very successful communitywide event. And it because it has been so successful, we want to take it statewide. It's a week where you encourage


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people to do something nice for someone every day. It could be as simple as opening the door for somebody or buying the coffee for the person standing behind you in line. It reminds us all about the importance of kindness, compassion and respect." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1202, Representative Chapa LaVia." Chapa LaVia: "Thank you, Speaker. 1202 recognizes the plight of non-citizen veterans and urges United State Congress and the President of the United States to provide these veterans and their family the honors and the benefits in which they have earned. I ask for its adoption." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1205, Representative Bryant. Please proceed." Bryant: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. HR1205 recognizes the first full week of May as being National Correctional Officers’ Week to honor the efforts of correctional officers across the state. I urge an 'aye' vote." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1206, Representative Bryant. Go right ahead." Bryant: "Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 1206 honors John A. Logan who was the founder of Memorial Day by urging the United States Postal Service to commemorate the life of John A. Logan with a postage stamp to be issued in time for the 150th anniversary of Memorial Day becoming a National Holiday in 2018. I urge an 'aye' vote."


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Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1217, Representative Chapa LaVia." Chapa LaVia: "Thank you, Speaker. HR1217, which was brought to me through Representative Soto's district. It brings attention to the cases of legal permanent veterans who have been deported from the United States to the attention of the Members of Congress and to the President of the United States and determine efforts to win the return of these veterans to their family, children and communities in the United States. Ask for its adoption." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution will say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. House Resolution 1222, Mr. Phillips. Please proceed." Phillips: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. House Resolution 22 (sic-1222) congratulates the City of Neoga on its successful efforts to build a veterans memorial and declares May 25, 2016 as the Neoga Veterans Memorial Committee Day. Thank you." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1223, Representative Kelly Burke. Kelly Burke. Out of the record. HR1225, Representative Jimenez. Please read… please proceed." Jimenez: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. House Resolution 1225 designates May of 2016 as Skin Cancer Awareness Month in the State of Illinois. I encourage everybody's support."


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Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1226, Mr. Davis. Please proceed." Davis, W.: "Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. House Resolution 1226 declares the month of November in 2016 as COPD Awareness Month in the State of Illinois. And as we know, COPD is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and it recognizes the month of November of this year as that month." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. SJR33, Representative Bourne. Please proceed." Bourne: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Senate Joint Resolution 33 designates a portion of Illinois Route 16 along School Street from South Main Street to the corner of 22nd Street in Hillsboro as Army Specialist Charles Irby Memorial Highway, who passed away at the young age of 19 in Vietnam. I ask for its adoption." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor the Resolution will vote 'yes'; opposed vote 'no'. The voting is open. Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Please record yourselves. Please record yourselves. Mr. Clerk, please take the record. On this question, there are 105 voting 'yes', 0 voting 'no'. And the Resolution is adopted. SJR34, Representative Bourne. Please proceed." Bourne: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Again, it's a humbling privilege to represent Senate Joint Resolution 34 which honors the life of Marine Lance Corporal Larry D. Claybrook who passed away in Vietnam at the young age of 23. This designates a portion of Route 16 from Illinois Route 127 at School Street to its


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Junction at Illinois Route 185. Again, these men and women didn't necessarily get the recognition they deserved 50 years ago, so we're happy to remember them now. I ask for its adoption." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor… Excuse me, Representative. Those in favor the Resolution will vote 'yes'; opposed vote 'no'. The voting is open. Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Please record yourselves. Mr. Clerk, please take the record. There are 105 voting 'yes', 0 voting 'no'. And the Resolution is adopted. SJR45, Representative Hammond. Please proceed." Hammond: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. SJR45 recognizes the importance of encouraging Illinois residents to understand their cholesterol testing results and to coordinate with their health care provider. In addition, it designates September 1 of 2016 as Hyperlipidemia Awareness Day. I'd appreciate an 'aye' vote." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Resolution will say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. SJR48, Mr. Skoog. Please proceed, Sir." Skoog: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. SJ (sic-SJR) 48 is an adoption to designate a portion of Route 251 as the Witczak Brothers Memorial Highway. There were seven brothers from LaSalle County that were in the Armed Forces at the same time. Five of them served in World War II and the other two served in Korea… in the Korean War. They were all lucky to come back and be safe. The last one that is still alive is 92… 92 years old and lives in Peru. And I hope for your adoption."


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Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Resolution will vote 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The voting is open. Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Please record yourselves. Please record yourselves. Mr. Clerk, please take the record. There are 107 voting 'yes', 0 voting 'no'. And the Resolution is adopted. SJR51, Mr. Smiddy. Out of the record. SJR54, Representative Bellock. Please proceed." Bellock: "Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. SJR54 designates that the last week of October in 2016 as Dyslexia Awareness Week in the State of Illinois. And I want to thank all the Members of the General Assembly this year for voting for the other Bills for dyslexia to raise the awareness of that issue throughout the State of Illinois for the thousands of children that need more attention in our… all state schools in Illinois. Thank you very much." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Resolution…" Bellock: "I appreciate your vote." Speaker Lang: "Sorry, Representative. Those in favor of the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. SJR55, Mr. Beiser. Please proceed." Beiser: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Senate Joint Resolution 55 designates a portion of Illinois Route 140 from North Bellwood Drive in… to Prairie Street in Bethalto as Lance Corporal Kenneth Corzine Memorial Drive. He passed away on Christmas Eve 2010 as a result of some wounds he suffered earlier that month in Afghanistan. I'd ask for its adoption."


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Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Resolution will vote 'yes'; opposed vote 'no'. The voting is open. Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Record yourselves, please. Please record yourselves. Please take the record, Mr. Clerk. 106 voting 'yes', 0 voting 'no'. And the Resolution is adopted. HR1183, Mr. Sims. Please proceed, Sir." Sims: "Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House. House Resolution 1183 recognizes and names May 4, 2016 as Alpha Phi Alpha Day here in the State of Illinois. We… the men of Alpha Phi Alpha have been doing some wonderful work since 1906 and this day recognizes the wonderful work and welcome them to Springfield. I ask for its adoption." Speaker Lang: "Those in favor of the Resolution say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the Resolution is adopted. To… an announcement to Members on the Executive Committee. Members. To the Members of the Executive Committee and to those who have Bills before the Executive Committee, the Committee is posted for 6:00. It may not meet at exactly 6:00. Members are asked, admonished and urged to be available at 6:00 and be prepared to meet whenever the Bills are sent to that committee by the Rules Committee. Page 7 of the Calendar, Senate Bills-Second Reading, Senate Bill 2562. Mr. Clerk, please read the Bill." Clerk Hollman: "Senate Bill 2562, a Bill for an Act concerning local government. Second Reading of this Senate Bill. Amendment 1 was adopted in committee. Floor Amendment… Floor Amendment #2 has not been approved for consideration. No further Amendments. No Motions are filed."


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Speaker Lang: "Please hold this Bill on the Order of Second Reading. Mr. Clerk for a committee announcement." Clerk Hollman: "Elementary & Secondary Education: Licensing Oversight will be meeting immediately in Room 118." Speaker Lang: "And now, leaving perfunctory time for the Clerk, Leader Currie moves that the House stand adjourned until tomorrow, Thursday, June 30 at the hour of 8:30 a.m. Those in favor say 'yes'; opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. And the House stands adjourned." Clerk Hollman: "House Perfunctory Session will come to order. Committee Reports. Representative Mayfield, Chairperson from the Committee on Elementary & Secondary Education: Licensing Oversight reports the following committee action taken on June 29, 2016: do pass Short Debate is Senate Bill 242. Second Reading of Senate Bills. Senate Bill 242, a Bill for an Act concerning education. Second Reading of this Senate Bill. This will be held on the Order of Second Reading. Introduction and First Reading of Senate Bills. Senate Bill 325, offered by Representative Ammons, a Bill for an Act concerning government. Senate Bill 550, offered by Representative Harper, a Bill for an Act concerning safety. First Reading of these Senate Bills. Introduction of Resolutions. Senate Joint Resolution 50, offered by Representative Riley. Senate Joint Resolution 53, offered by Representative Feigenholtz. Senate Joint Resolution 57, offered by Representative Butler. These are referred to the Rules Committee. There being no further business, the House Perfunctory Session will stand adjourned."

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