
Yo! We're back and bladder than ever, ou iss ants ... 20 September What's shakin' : unzip your, er, lip 1990 - Dr. Sex is back!

Vol. II No.1 ofind out what's Op:... p. 4 oColumns! We got columns... p. 5+ MSU's alternative oRock with the Provoc .. . p. 5 o uR-1 Fun Page is back.. . p. 8 and truly Ofind Out what's About.. . p. 9 inde endent voice o Geek of the Week.. p. 11

Police use ·old law in E.L. to students: new carnpa1gn• Blind pigs won't fly


More than The beer half a century stops here. ago, Prohibi­ Students tion-era police are irate that in big cities the under- began using a ·cover blind new state pig operations statute to raid that rolled underground large parties clubs, blind to a halt last pigs and year will speakeasies continue this where the key fall .. to the door "Any was often a opportunity password we have to whispered in identify such smokey activities will rooms by be utilized, close ac­ and that's quaintances. (the under- Today, cover opera­ police in some tions) pretty coUege towns much the only are using that way we samelaw­ have," said now 57 years Tom Dority, old - to East Lansing break up large city manager. student ~ · However, parties where ELPD clears a student from MSU kicker John Langeloh's post-football party Oct. 21. He was one of some stu- $2 or $3 several people arrested and charged for operating a blind pig. uR-1photo/LEWIS GEYER 11 opens the door to all the beer you Hedman was the ninth time in the dents are an"gered by the under- anything happens (at the party), to can drink. 1989-90 school year that a cover operations. go in hunting for them, is wrong," Last spring's arraignment of student had been charged for a "I think for police to treat says packaging major Greg 20-year-old MSU student Bron See OLD LAW, p. 10 students like criminals before See NOPE, ~ - 2 fjif@j·1fllliii§§J.ltj•ii;(.]tili@ji·ZllltiJi'itHi'j·lilQ@Mj<·Jii·>«l(f:i!@@it@il~fi·lfll@WUft'iM11f&!iit·lil 2 • university Reporter-Intelligencer 20 September 1990 From NOPE, p. 1 Fomasiero said that although Fomasiero. it's ridiculous for people to go "With the problem we have around having parties and not with people selling drugs all over know who's coming in, people campus, I don't think selling should still pretty much be able to alcohol is as serious a problem; do what they want. He also said he added. that he wasn't sure that the felony "They don't need to come In charge is appropriate to the crime. here undercover; said business Said Van Dam: "We're college major Heather Van Dam, who students. These are our last fun lives on Charles Street, one of the days - we're not hurting any­ primary areas targeted for en­ body: the uR-I is looking for a few forcement. 'What the hell else are we "Our house is private: . supposed to do; we're bored," good men (and women) - and Dority said the operations are said Leisa Thompson, an interdici­ justified by rampant underage plinary humanities major. we won't even send you drinking and large, often violent "My life has been hell for the parties. last few months," said Amy Allen, "last October, at the party a 23-year-old from Grand Blanc anywhere sand will get in your where blind pig violations were who spent time in jail on a blind issued at a house on Spartan pig conviction this summer after undies ... WE NEED: Street, there were people all over graduating from MSU. the streets and complaints from Allen said that enforcement of several blocks away; Dority said. the statute means a whole new •news and entertainment cor­ "There's nothing wrong with ballgame in East Lansing. parties - in a college town you "I don't think partying in respondents; expect that - but when you get general is going to decrease, but I 400, 500 students, it gets out of think people are going to think hand," Capt. Richard Murray said. twice before holding a big bash •photographers and artists; Dority also said that students that they charge money for," she attending blind pigs can receive a said. "There's not going to be any •advertising account execs. misdemeanor attendance ticket, more of this good old-fashioned though no such citations were charging at the door stuff like given out last year. there used to be." call 353-0040 or 372-6562 "If people were to obstruct or Police Chief Tom Hendricks give officers trouble, those indi­ was unavailable for comment on ACT NOW, GRUNT! viduals would certainly be particu­ the undercover operations or . to enlist. lar! vulnerable " Dori said. violence at the arties. the university Reporter-Intelligencer ·Page Three The Second Front Page

Police clear students from Cedar Village Oct. 14. The following weekend, the first blind pig arrests were made. - uR-1photo/MATTHEW GOEBEL

The Purple Gang and Black Hand moved on to a deserted spot in Nevada - which eventually rose from the dust to be crowned Las Vegas - and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's country thought that the days of blind pigs were a thing of the past. For decades, they were in fact right. But as police in college towns sought to control the excesses of the 60s and 70s, the blind pig law niade a comeback. In the 1980's, Kalamazoo and Mt. Pleasant police began to crack down on their respective Lafayette Street and End of the World parties, with some success. Until recently, though, East Lansing's semi-annual Cedarfest remained a blight in the college town of more than 53,000. Enter the blind pig statute. To wipe out the party, city ordinances were passed and police patrols beefed up. Last fall, after a one-year Cedarfest lull, East Lansing and state police staged a massive mobilization to prevent a recurrance of the destruction and violence which caused about $5,000 in damage when 3,000 people rampaged after the MSU-U of M football game. Hoping to stop such mass / partying, which often spills over into residential areas where loud noise, Blind pig law is gone, but not littering and trespassing have caused residents to complain, Ingham county prosecutors found forgotten and now back again - and East Lansing police invoked - the blind pig law. Last spring, like in many Bv GREG GILLESPIE Act became the 18th Amendment calling for its repeal. By the late college towns, large parties were AND M.L ELRICK to the U.S. Constitution. 1920s, organized crime had moved conspicuously absent in East uR-1 CORRESPONDENTS A proponent of Prohibition, into Detroit and was contributing to Ford was worried that thousands of the lawlessness and corruption Lansing, Capt. Richard Murray From Prohibitions roots, the immigrant workers flooding into already tearing the city apart. says, in part due to city efforts to blind pig statute has come a long Detroit would fall prey to the Detroit's notorious Purple Gang inform students that big parties will way. demons of tobacco and liquor. He was the first mob to move into the be broken up. Police are also using Originally used with laws formed a Department of Sociology illegal liquor trade. Led by the undercover officers to break up the designed to halt the illegal liquor within the Ford Motor Company to Bernstein brothers; they murdered big parties that do occur, he said. trade across the Detroit River, the check his employees' homes and and bribed their way to being nearly Trombley said Mt. Pleasant has statute has been brought out of the awarded bonuses for clean living. the exclusive supplier of illegal seen large-scale partying decrease, closet to prosecute students in However, the "noble experi­ liquor. They were eventually and students are accepting the college towns. ment" backfired. Rum-running overthrown by the Black Hand, a philosophy that bigger is not better. When the statute was passed, across the Detroit river became group of Sicilian immigrants linked Kalamazoo has also seen it is almost cerain that legistators rampant and hundreds of saloons, to Mafia families in Chicago and partying fall off, and DoHman said didn't envision its use against coined blind pigs and speakeasies, New York. the Lafayette Street party is college students. Rather, the blind sprung up throughout the city of Ironically, Michigan, the first basically a thing of the past. pig law was the offspring of Prohibi­ D.etroit. The illegal liquor trade state to enact Prohibition, in 1933 In Ann Arbor, partying "seems tion, brought about in Michigan in employed an estimated 50,000 became the first state to repeal it. to be on the downturn - if not, at 1918 by a combination of a growing people in Michigan alone, making it Repeal proponents said that least it's controlled at an acceptable nationwide temperance movement one of the state's largest employers legalizing the liquor industry would tolerance," Conn Said. and the influence of tea-totaller - second only to Ford Motor pull the country out of the 1929 "I credit that with the students," Henry Ford. Michigan was the first Company. Depression. Legitimate saloons · he said. state to ban all production and sale This caused a dramatic about­ reopened; and the most popular However~ all agreed partying would of.liquor. face. Prohibitionists who actively song of the times became "Happy continue - even if on a smaller, more­ Two years later, the Prohibition campaigned for the law were now Days Are Here Again." controlled scale. the university Reporter-Intelligencer

?O September 1990 E.L. officials blind to reason those pigs! street. Book 'em, So, you want Dano. to have a party. -·-I 1 Underage Call some friends ------,- --· drinking? Are they and tell them to f ,_.,.:;...;. __..; ·:.-..-.:.A. serious? Dear invite some . l -- ;- -· ---·- .'1l,-Arr 1le. ·, ,, .l Police: This summer friends. You'll rLcn'>c; {Ttc..r · 1 students from want to buy a keg A It} --- c· : · Okemos and East for sixty bucks at 1'~''1A#r-£.1£fJ ' Lansing High the local party C /v v' v - ·· L- School held 200 to store and to ~ PCUCJ --r,.· . 500 person blind defray the cost, pigs practically · of course you'll · - - -~---.!! -.- EVERY NIGHT at a ask that partiers I___ __ J .. . l place called The pay 3 bucks to -I .. --, Trestle. It is in East drink all they I ,- · ;_ ~ 1 Lansing and if you want. After all, l didn't know about it, you're putting feeldum~ your house up for ,. '· because you are. Or . . . ·>:-: <.: ·· · .·. ·.·. ·.·. ·.·.-:-:.:-:··· ···:::-:···· grabs for a are you just inter­ ...... :::.::::::::::::://'.:::;:;--::::::::::::::):;:\ ::::::::::· - --::i---I night- you --;Jr · ested in roaming shouldn't have to around in your civis < pay for beer too, ~~~~~11~1:: >::>:::::::: . . ::::::::::::: ::::;::::::· ...... right? Well, that ..------.....- ...... - .....,,..,,,,,======-_J ------mark.looking These for an are easy alldepends on uR-1 artwork/JACK WHEATLEY felOnies you're •' :'. ' :¥~«~@~ · :::-: ·· © · ~~~n~;~ ""< whether you 've town, largely as the result of large, handing out here, guys, so shouldn't / :.:/ '." , ~~, ~· ·· Kesey. . . ·· always wanted an all-expenses paid trip you at least prioritize them? ...... ·. ·. ·.·.·.·.· ::::: :::::::;:: to Dewitt's fabulous 1,000 bar hotel, the uncontrollable pay-for-drink parties. The first problem is that the ELPD Okay, back to the Edtorial. Officials Ingham County Sheratime. Oh, and in East Lansing and elsewhere have don't forget your bail money. hasn't established that violence is directly related to blind pigs in particu­ admitted that the crack-down's primary Jail? Yes, that's the price several effect is to make parties smaller and ~1r~~;1~11~r~i lar. What abqut other large parties :::::::::::::::;::::-:-··· . .·. ·. ·.·. ·.·.·. ·. ·. ·.·.·.·.·. ·. ·.· ·.· .< <·. <: :::::::::::::·:: MSU students paid last school year for more numerous. Well, would they rather being the menaces to society that they where the beer is free? What law would :· @~n~~ ...... cover those? Under the current laws, a have drinking in a nice big social were by hosting this type of party. setting, or people sitting around alone in Regular convict material, those two peaceful blind pig would put students in '(§i~ · ~(§)Mij& \ ~~~~~~,~~~. ii ! jail while a violent party with free their rooms getting drunk. Because for meek girls who visited Ingham County's one thing, large parties don't cause most popular trade school this summer. drinks.... well, the 'ol wrist slap-unless you are a repeat nuisance, which is a massive alcohol consumption-bore­ •::::••••• • ., .,.; , r~i'? • : ':•: gavis ·· · · · ··· · · · ·· One of them, Amy Allen, declined to be dom does. Low self-esteem does. interviewed except to say that her life $1,000 fine and an extra hard wrist­ slap. Stress does also. By stifling the only has been hell for the last few months. outlets available to young people for But wait, isn't hell for eternity? Well, had Besides that, eyewitnesses report that at least three of the five or six release of these pressures, officials are Allen wanted to even think about this only perpetuating the problem. How nightmare anymore, undoubtably she parties broken. up were peaceful, ordinary college parties. In fact, the only about exploring positive alternatives to would have brought up the fact that this boredom, low self-esteem and stress? FELONY CONVICTION will follow her roughing around was reportedly done by the cops themselves. ls.this starting Hell, before, we were drunk and a little for the rest of her life. Well, maybe if it rambunctous, but now we're just keeps her from getting a job, she can to sound more and more like a war on peaceful, ordinary college parties, or listless, bored and stressed. Out of the go into one of the many trades she bottle and into the gutter, so to speak. may have learned informally at the what? While we're at it, maybe this is a good place to mention that the cops But watch out, this just might be the house 'o doors. year that the students take back this Anyway, Amy didn't kill anybody for failed to return, say, a hundred zillion calls we made over the last three weeks town. This is our campus. This is our their gym shoes. Didn't steal from an city. Our numbers say so, our dollars old lady to feed her crack habit, either. while we were just trying to get their side of the story. Since when is EL.Vice say so and we will say so. Heck, there weren't even any fights at And to the people who file noise so flinchy? Since when is Chief Tom ::::::::::::::::::: :. .. ·. · ·.· :::::::::/ :}}}:: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ·.·.·.·.·.· .· .. . her party, nobody hurt. All Amy did was ...... ·.·.·.·.· ...... ·.·.· .·. ·.·.· .- .·.·.·.· -: -:-: -.·:-:-:- :-:-:::- :- :.. . Hendricks only the public servant of complaints on Saturday night from five sell cups to undercover police at the blocks away from these parties­ door of her shin-dig. Clink. people he wants to deal with? City man­ ager Tom Dority painted a pretty nobody made you buy a house in a .. The reasons that the East Lansing college town, dipshit. Move someplace Pohce Department give for their under­ gruesome picture of the E.L. party scene, though. Dority said that one like Dewitt; rumour has it that there's cover campaign to end blind pigs are plenty of peace and quiet that alcohol drivenviolence and under­ party that was busted on Spartan Ave. there ... especially in jail. age drinking have run rampant through actually had people standing in the 20 September 1990 university Reporter-Intelligencer ·5 been to, how tanked up we used to undergrad that making people angry What is it about my boyfriend that get before a game, and how great makes them more likely to engage in makes him fall asleep after we have football games used to look through sex. None of my friends at Yale c:Ould sex? I love to talk or cuddle afterward the bleary haze that comes over the understand why my dates always and it seems like no sooner do I have eyes after two or three six-packs. appeared to be so angry. Simple, I an orgasm when he is out like a light. Watch any beer commercial and it is would always tell them the rotten What can I do to keep him awake obvious that football and beer go things other women in their dorms had longer after we have made love? together. said about them. It was better than · -Dorrie Dr.Andrew What really bums me out, though, sending them flowers or a funny, Barclay is how beer has been replaced by huggy greeting card. Of course, they Dear Dorrie, steroids these days-real men don't were pretty angry on the way home This happens because men's first tarik up on beer before, during and W:t.er the date too. orgasm during sex comes from after the game-they go to the gym Be that as it may, I have always tension held in their muscles. The and get huge. I understand the been into sex since I discovered it orgasm releases the tens.ion and, season ticket people are having to about the age of two (at least that's once the muscles are relaxed, it is Watch out for assign two seats per peson to some when I remember discovering it. My easy to drop right off. Many men learn fraternities whose names I will not aunt says she met me when I was 14 to fall asleep as a youth by master­ dr. sex's drool publish here since such illegal drug months old . .I laid my head in her lap bating to relieve the tensions of the use would probably bring down a raid and tried to hit on her). But let me be day and it becomes a habit. Even - he's back to from that most dreaded police agency: the first to point out that most men are when we are involved in a more East Lansing Vice. Way to go guys-­ like this, we discover sex early and serious relationship, this habit may go out there and get really HUGE> spend the rest of our lives trying to persist. school (wicki But I digress. Twenty-three years figure out what the hell to do with it. Break the habit by rubbing his of football and starting classes in the I don't know why, but since I was muscles (let him rub you too) to relax wicki wicki) fall. When I first came here from the a youngster (I was going to say when you want to go to sleep. Save University of Minnesota (where I "small" but I don't like using that word sex play for times when you are going earned my Ph.D.), I was shocked by in the same sentence with "I" or "me,") to stay awake. Try doing it earlier in I always love coming back to how warm it was in October. Shoot, by people always came up to me and the day like first thing in the morning school in the fall, maybe because it's October at the U (as we called it) we began conversations having to do with or a nooner. Many people find daytime football season and I get a chance to already had 30 cm of snow and the . sex or their sex problems so I figured: sex energizing rather than enervating. watch big guys knocking the crap out temperatures were already pushing -8 Hey, why not write a newspaper Interestingly enough, women's of each other. If I had been born in at night. It wasn't until I had lived in column or teach a class about the muscle tension often blocks an Roman times, I know I would have Minnesota for a year that I realized things that most interested me and orgasm while men's enhances been a regular at teh Arena to watch there wasn't even one single tree that is when DR. SEX was born. For a theirs ... another interesting and often the lions eat Christians or slaves between Minneapolis and the damned while the ITV people even had a conflict-producing difference between trying to kill each other for a top spot Arctic Circle. Those winds would videotape that showed DR. SEX the sexes. Actually, you are very lucky by the Emperor's right hand. Of come howling down Hennepin Avenue emerging full blown, as it were, from he stays awake long enough for you course, that's what football is really all and across the bridge linking the East my head a lot like Athena coming out td have an orgasm yourself. Zzzzzz. about, isn't it, the chance to sit by and West Bank campus. We have of the head of Zeus, but I think the George's right hand at the Awards nothing' like that here (Unless you are Provost's Office made them burn it. Questions for the good doc can be Banquet and get your name in the waiting for a bus on Michigan Avenue Thank God in his, her, or it's miracu­ sent through campus mail to his office paper. Nothing has changed all that .just east of the Capitol or standing lous wisdom for small favors . at 454 Baker, do Vickie and Cheri. Dr. much in 2,000 years, especially when outside the. East IM waiting to pump Which leads me to one of several Barclay's column shows up here each it Gomes to men. up). letters I recieved last year but couldn't and every week during the term- and It is hard to believe that I have I was into science in a big way answer because of a lack of space only in the UR-I! done 23 fall football seasons at MSU when I came here, especially the and time to wit: · but I have. I was thinking the other science of sex and aggression, day of all the tailgate parties I have because I had discovered as a Yale Dear Dr. Sex, Hocus Pocus ... rhymes with mucus! Horror Transvestite Show is about to be re­ Hear about the shanties coming down? Appar­ leased on home video. Sounds good to me, ~ntly they were detracting from the beauty of let's keep all the weirdoes indoors, like, say, Wells Hall. those geeks at The State We're-Really-An­ Yeah, right. That's like detracting lndependent-Paper,-Really!-lgnore-The-MSU­ from the beauty of Sean "Glass Nose" Penn. Tax News. Nice job in Shanghai Surprise, though.

Cheap shot you say? Not at nearly a half­ What's with the Breslin Center anyway? First million a year, it ain't, chuckleheads. Diana Ross, then Milli Vanilli, next The New Kids? Good news, dudes! Forget the Ninja Turtles, I could kick Donnie's ass with one arm tied Speed Racer is out on home video. behind my back. Greetings, blister-lickers! Got my first cartoonal rise watching Trixie lube 'Course, that's if I'm not strapped into my plane So you see it's a new year and I've already Speed's Mach 5. seat. snuck mucus into a headline - it's going to Vroom! Hangin' tough (just like one of them dried up be a great year, I can feel it in my diapers! rock snots you always pull all your nose hairs But you missed the ole Provoc, didn't you? In case you missed it over the summer, tuition out trying to pick}. Without me watching and persecuting you, went up again. Yeech. life was pretty dull, I'm sure. So what else is new? Definitely not DiB's Enough of this snivelling, though; MSU's hairdo .... still looks like Granpa Munster to me. Guess what my mom gave me for my birthday? already not-won a football game and there's Don't even think about coming over and doing · A clue to her identity. Ouch. lots of George Per/es bashing to be done, anything about it either, Drac, er, ah, Mr. right brudder? President - I sleep in a garlic New Kids on the At the end of newspaper stories we usually put so LErs DO THE TIME WARPed AGAIN! Block nightshirt. the rough equivalent of a football player's IQ. But if you wanna come over for some stake, We type "30.' Which brings me to our first item ... Yep, Rocky just phone ahead, willya? Hey, who let that bat Ok, so we estimated a bit on the high end ... in!?! 6 • university Reporter-Intelligencer 20 September 1990 For those who need permission to rock (V\Je salute you) My roommate, somewhere to the Enemy played England, Professor that people instinctively fear what right of Genghis Khan: "Bring your gun. Griff will be allowed into the country, they don't understand, but reaching I heard on the radio there might be so we can assume he's along for the for the chastity best will hardly solve violence •.and the tube station will ride. A~ the tour becan this week in our problems. Ralph probably be closed: (Of course, you've Birmingham (March 21 ), council If those 12 state leg islatures Heibutzki got a finance degree, and you support authorities there tried gently "persuad­ really wish to do more for American the Republican Party, which basically ing" the club owner to call the show teenagers, as they claim, why not convinced voters last November that it's off. Manchester councilors attempted allow them such options as contra­ I 11•,1~m;~' I all right to electrocute and poison the same stunt. ception, better education, and blacks, even while aid to the inner cities The end result? well, as far as I funding for local arts? The same know, Birmingham and Manchester Wednesday issue of USA Today BRIXTON, England - As I write is non-existent, so what would YOU know, you pinstriped stormtrooper?) are still standing, and we're all tells me that an American chi ld is this week, USA Today tells me that 12 The manager of my hostel: "I'd unscathed. five times more likely to die by states may pass laws which would avoid that area if I were you, and I've not seen this kind of hyseria violence than a European child. require record companies to slap ! since the Sex Pistols toured America. This is a sad statistic, and warn ing labels on their . Record wouldn't bring my tape recorder there .. it's going to be too heavy: (But Whether it's in Arizona or Manchester, somehow, I'm not sure that dayglo covers in Arizona, Florida; and Missouri the fact remains: I don't care if Charles authorities overreact whenever a warning labels will dent it. (to name three of the states) would band says mor than "Darlin', I love Meanwhile, I intend to go to carry yellow stickers, glowing like Bronson's playing Brixton Academy and ya till the day I die: In England, this Brixton Academy, and see what the radioactive waste, warning you if little machine-gunning the audience, as long leads to ludicrous consequences. As fuss is all about. When I've seen Johnny's idol enjoys straddling sheep as I get a good quality bootleg tape out of the experience!) part of a local government bill last shows there, I'm amazed at the and goats. A University of London co-worker: "I year, Mrs. Thatcher's minions scene: policemen every couple feet, Now all you New Kids On The heard there'll be a big Jewish demon­ rammed Clause 28 through parliment, metal barracades facing the front Block fans should sleep easier tonight! steps, an ambulance parked nearby, Here in England, we all await what stration: (Fine. As long as I can step which prohibits coun~ils from funding projects which "promote homosexual­ and a sign on the door: " ANYONE happens when rap's reigning gods, over their pickets and wave my ticket to Public Enemy, play Brixton Academy get inside.) ity: Is this done by passing out "BE CAUGHT DEALING DRUGS TO­ After all this hysteria, I must ask GAY TODAY- leaflets? I would like to NIGHT WILL BE HANDED OVER tonight. For those unfamiliar with the area, Brixton is a heavily ,black district myself, has the Ayatollah taken over. know! TO THE POLICE: Mrs. Thatcher's job from beyond the When conniving career politi­ Yet, I've seen no violence, no in south London whose image prob­ lems are comparable to Detroit's. I've grave? cians decide what's good or bad for drugs (except pot) being dealt, and Still, Public Enemy have shot them­ the rest of us, we slide down a slope the ambulance driver has been left seen four shows since I came over here, and I've never had any problems, selves in the foot lately. For those who from which no recovery is possible. to peacefully og le his favorite Page don't know, here's a crash course. Isn't it strange when paranoid ex­ Three Girl. but nobody's believed me--ever since I bought my ticket. Public Enemy contain a notorious Communists actually trust their Either Brixton's inhabitants are "Minister of Information· in their ranks, a citizens a little more, while American Here's what everyone's been far more peaceable than anyone mild-mannered fellow named Professor and English political hacks trust us telling me ever since: imagined, or else the police simply Griff. Last summer, he caused an quite a bit less? A ticket agent down at the Univer­ fear blacks more than they admit. sity of London: "Oh, man, you're going uproar by telling a Washington Post I don't like Professor Griff or what As for those unfortunate enough reporter that Jews "were the source of he purports to stand for, nor do I to Brixton? Better bring a knife!· to live in Arizona, of Florida, or (Whether he's ever been to Brixton, I'm wickedness in the world," and that ldi approve of Public Enemy's indecisive Missouri, I only say: Amin "was a great leader: The group handling of him. But no council au­ For those who need permission not sure, but the only knife I could bring is from the hostel kitchen ... and I doubt fired him, then reinstated him in a minor thority in Birmingham or Manchester to rock ... we salute you. role, where he has since remained. if that'll do me much good.) should decide my right to see them. Unlike last year, when Public My own experience has taught me Shanty vet: Police need charm school! beauty of the hallowed environs of the MSU campus. Approximately seven a.m. of this Deb portentous morning I was awakened to the sound of voic~s outside the Miller CELA (Committee for Education on Latin America) shanty protesting · military aid to El Salvador in which I had been sleeping. A disembodied arm reached through the blanket About 20 assorted Michigan State serving as a door to the shanty, University administrators, Department ominously flourishing a silver DPS of Public Safety officials and grounds badge. A voice from beyond the people must have had a good time the blanket intoned, "Time to get up folks. morning of June 12. They must have Get your things packed up and come gotten up early. Th~y must have on out." eaten well-rounded breakfasts - the Groaning to myself incredulously, flavors further accentuated by their I rolled over for a more comfortable gleeful anticipation of the morning's position and tried to go back to sleep. agenda Finally. they were going to It had not been an easy night due to had a cold and wanted my sleep. l

Page, Vol. v . AUTHENTIC. u~,,I {reS~rr"AN AR

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; 20 September 1990 . university Reporter-Intelligencer • 9

and ®®®®©@®®®®G@OG®G@@O®®©@@OUT ABOUT A.EAST LANSING 25-30:SheerThreat 26: Extreme ctMiDOm~mio 20 Sept.: Steve Gornall & the Blue li'l!!h7w li'l!®O~IJilcaU Collar Blues Band 20 Sept.: I-Tai 20-23 Sept.: Uptown Band 20 Sept.: Big Red 21 -22: Mimi Harris & the Snakes 24: Blue Avenue Delegates 21" We Be Cats ~ l!lljp !:(Dim lliJ@IJil ·2s: Capitol City Band 22: Born Naked 16&11Dllil @:!IJm~IJ' 21 Sept.: Junior Valentine 26-30: Uptown Band . 23: Crosstalk 20 Sept.: world Party with Jellyfish 22: Sugar Blue 22: Circle Jerks 25: Acoustic Night 11 25: The Hummingbirds ~oow·= !Ml©IJ'D~IJ'UW ~ 26: Electric Rain 20 Sept.: Kenny Neal with Lucky 21 Sept.: Brian McAllister llJ®imJ l!))lt'clJ.t•o Peterson and Silent Partners 22: Not Afraid Trio 21 Sept.: Urbations 21 : Tinsley Ellis 22: The Butler Twins 22: Joanna Connor lruO@lk10 /AilQDo IPllJIDl!o•it• 20 Sept.: Hannibal's 20 Sept.: Vavoom with the Beat 21 : Duke Tomatoe 20 Sept.: Troubleshooters 21 : Joe Acuff Machine · 21 : Gr:anfalloon with Trust Fund and 22: Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band 22: Unde Jesse White & the 29th 23: Freeman and the Chasers Street Blues Band Happy Tom 24: Satta 23: Louisana Heat 22: The Gear with Laughing Hick & Big Richard 25:Skor 26: Goober and the Peas lmd.t•ir"• CC•Jlb>4Mlnl loao~• 21 -22 Sept.: Straight Ahead 1l'1ba 1Rill1lli 21 Sept.: Warrior Soul $00\¥J@IJ' ©©00~11 $~0©©11il fez 22: D.C. Drive 20-23 Sept.: Axel Brice 21 Sept. : Sam Kinison 23: Doro

to celebrate FREE SPEECH behind Wells Hall and International Center Featuring: The Hannibals w/ gu_est: Pickle Brown Betty Sunday,Sept.23,1990 1 pm to 6 pm admission: FREE chec~ us out at Mariah Productions if ~ou'd li~e to ~et involved in live alternative music production/promotion no experience• necessary r! 318 Union Bldg. 3~3-46~4 ,A.~~~~~ 1 1O. university Reporter-Intelligencer 20 September 1 From OLD LAW, p. 1 Mt. Pleasant, Kalamazoo and that drew about 400 people doing is going to parties that Ypsilanti police routinely send Oct. 21 await sentencing this are advertised as open to the blind pig in Ingham County as undercover officers to investi­ month. Representing Lange­ public, then purchasing alcohol East Lansing police cracked gate suspected blind pigs. loh and Butland is Lansing - and since it's illegal to sell down on keg parties at MSU. "We've been investigating attorney Fred Abood, who alcohol without a license, I Looking for a way to bust blind pig arrests since I came argues the pair were not ar­ don't see any constitutional up large, often destructive here in 1980," said Martin rested for a blind pig, but for barrier," she said. parties, East Lansing police Trombley, Mt. Pleasant direc­ holding a postgame celebra­ Koenig, who as an ACLU turned to the 57-year-old tor of Public Safety. He esti­ tion no different than those for attorney successfully fought statute: mated that his officers make fraternities and organizations East Lansing's Cedarfest Capt. Richard Murray said. roughly a dozen arrests each announced over the loud­ · ordinance and a court injunc­ "We checked with the year on blind pig charges. speakers at Spartan Stadium tion setting guidelines for prosecuter's office and they Kalamazoo police Capt. during football games. sealing off the party's site, said said 'let's go with the blind pig Scott Dolfman said his <;fepart­ "To turn that event into a she didn't think the blind pig rule'." ment started to crack down on blind pig is absolutely absurd," laws could be fought unless The 1933 law prohibits the heavy partying in 1984, charg­ he said. Although food and police start breaking up small, sale of alcohol without a liquor ing partiers with sale of liquor beer were provided and contri­ private parties. license, which must be issued without a license. butions accepted, Abood says "It's a difficult cine to de­ by the Michigan Liquor Control Similarly, Ypsilanti police no one was denied entrance to fend against," she said. Commission. The statute was have sent undercover police 'the party if they didn't pay. Both Koenig and Eddie amended in 1980 to prohibit into Eastern Michigan Univer­ Abood said police - finding no said entrapment charges cover charges and other con­ sity parties, but haven't had money, no drugs and no against undercover police who sideration, said Kim Eddie, problems with excessive contraband - may have go into parties to buy beer Ingham County chief assistant partying, said crime prevention decided to make an example don't hold water because the prosecutor. It is a felony, unit Officer Joe Eberle. of Langeloh, a high-profile parties are open to the public, carrying a maximum sentence In neighboring Ann Arbor, student. and police don't encourage or of one year in jail and a $1,000 police haven't had trouble with He said the presence of a aid in the partying. fine. large parties at all, according large media contingent at Of unsuccessful appellate Amended, the statute to Capt. Robert Conn. Langeloh's arraignment is court challenges to the blind covers parties common around Ann Arbor hasn't explored proof that someone wanted the pig statute, Prosecutor Eddie college campuses. It forbids the blind pig law, Conn said, case to get a lot of publicity. said: " It's been tested for a the sale of beer in package because students have coop­ Notifying the press "was number of years and it's fairly deals, such as free beer in erated with police in controlling done in advance by those tight." exchange for money paid for their parties. connected with t.he govern­ Much to the chagrin of stu­ · raffles, donations or cups, Since East Lansing police ment," he said. dents, police vow to continue Eddie said. began using the statute last Abood said the blind pig using the statute. Murray said police gave school year, Hedman has charges are part of a city effort been very successful using the ~~~~~~~~i- been arraigned on blind pig to reduce the use and abuse of dlai4/l MeM? """' law. charges and four other stu­ alcoholic beverages. East Lansing also isn't the Let Us Help You Out-Corne To dents have pied guilty to mis­ "I agree with that objective, 1 only college town armed with GARY'S CAMPUS demeanor charges. Of the but I don't agree with the pro­ the statute to eliminate large remaining four, two spent cedure," he said. , HAIRSALON "Animal House" style parties - weekends in the Ingham But Doreen Koenig, a $9.00 Uni-sex Hair Styling . characterized by numerous County Jail. Thomas Cooley Law School "4Cut11~ '!feL PW:ed ~" kegs, mass beer consumption The other two, MSU professor and former chair of 351 -6511 • 549 E. Grand River and rampant destruction. placekicker John Langeloh, the ACLU's Lansing branch, (next to Confection Connection) Although East Lansing's and Paul Butland, brother of said Abood may be fighting an M-F 8am-7pm •Sat 9am-2pin nine cases are the city's first in MSU punter Josh Butland, who uphill battle." What the city of years using the blind pig law, were arrested for a keg party East Lansing seems to be EAT CHEAP the uR-1 i STUDIO 241.-J ----FREEDOG.------, looking for I 1 1 24 IEast Saginaw•East Lansing I w I purchase of an equally I advertising lower lcvd 241 Building I priced coney, kraut, corn or I SPRESSO I plain dog. Untill 11 p.m. thru I account hair/nail care for women/ men,chlldren ROY ALE L----2Lll----.J executives! All You Can Eat Coneys -bcardlmustachc trims CAFFE Every Tuesday 12-9 p.m. you don't need •foil higbli&htin& $2.49 plus pop purchase -spiral peons Featuring fine Cappuccino experience, •facial wuin& Excellent service and ~lc:lcmil Cln: just a pulse maaicuresJpcdicurca -sculpcured nails/nail lips &enthusiasm. -silt nail wrapslrcpeirs •French manicurcl call angie at ~ •Frcnchbnidin& --,-...,---,-/~~,) 353-0040 0 351-9330 - 8-8 Mon-Fri 8-4 Sat , ::'6 UBOT ROAD ''E.U: IEGCU'S Cft:N l.1'11"TU. MIDNJGKT 20 September 1990 university Reporter-Intelligencer • 11 From MILLER, p. 6 Later we returned to the site to erect at least a temporary shelter - what we "Get your things together now. I need called a "Peace Tent". Again our guests to see identification. I need to see your went wild - this time not only ripping down identification now." and confiscating our structure, but also After pulling my pants on in a daze I arresting four more of our People's Park found my driver's license and began to denizens as well as arresting the first one

pack up my things. I respond to orders again. This time I wasn't the only one I . '.. { betterfirst thing in the morning when I recording the memories - it seemed local .; i can't think. As I picked up my camera to television stations and newspapers also \ /, .\ I stash it in my bag I realized that I would thought it would make good popcorn and want to record this great moment in free video material someday. One of my speech for my grandchildren - or at least favorites will surely be the shot of one ~L~--...~- my friend's grandchildren - so that they male DPS official with his hand up the could perceive how open, caring and back of the shirt of handcuffed Michelle democratic my alma mater really was. , Tinti - some sort of strange display of af­ As I appeared out of the CELA shanty. fection, I suppose - while she screamed snapping photos of our assembled callers, in pain from the cuffs. their rather derisive smiles turned to looks Well, I guess they sure showed us of dismay. Apparently they didn't appreci­ radical peace-mongers. They showed us What do you get the man who has everything (except brains)? ate pictures at this time of the morning any that MSU administrators and DPS officers Kuwait? mor than we liked rude company. Appar­ are the last ones we would want to invite Nope, Geek o' the Week dishonors! ently, that was why they had paid this visit to a free-speech party. I feel that perhaps Congrats, Saddam Hussein, or is it Madman Insane? so early. Talk about camera-shy. they would fit in better at a CedarFest. The fellah who couldn't keep his country out of a war for ten min­ From here the occasion went downhill Perhaps a little charm school ... ? even further as our guests seemed to utes. Wow! What a resume! Maybe someday they'll make you a have rather strange ideas of fun. They -Afller i1111 member of the garbage man In South Africa. You folks oughtta get along fine. proceeded to tear down our shanties Committee for Education on Latin In the meantime, the toughest man In the worid - next to Hulk expressing free speech in Peoples's Park. America. Hogan and Donatello the Ninja Turtle - George Bush, has finally One brave soul crawled up on top of one found a way to get the army drinking bottled water. of the structures hoping to dissuade these rude people from their rather brutal behavi­ Afterall, if Evian's good enough for the Kennebunkport posse, why our - to no avail. He was arrested. not the military? At least you accomplished SOMETHING, Nutball ••• ''I go to the Silver ollar because ... drink specials present an excellent cost benefit ratio for even the most aggressive consumer!"

@®!fil()lt · fMJ~®® the 2 1/2-hour presentation of 1l!ii1@ \WJ@OO to­ night, starting at 7 pm, with our !ID®ffillt ltrJil® ©O®©fk specials!

Attractions: 9-20 Axel Brice - Toledo, Oh. 10-2 Avalanche - Raleigh, NC. 9-25 Shear Threat - Dallas, TX. 10-9 Dub eel - Ridgefield, CT.



' ' : I ~ ' • ·, ' ' • • • ~ i ~ i 'l' • • 'If • :;. • • • • ' i • 'i ; • '. '· • •. • • • .. • ; • ~ • • •. ~ • • '"•. ~ ~ Entertainment

Dead music lives £D®l1il Dead Can Dance most. It is rich in harmony and full in sound. Dead Can Dance dive into the "Radharc," the last track on the ancient roots of all music on their LP, i's the most elaborate and · latest 4AD release, Aion. perhaps the best song on the LP. Dead Can Dance have never It seems to encompass the rest of been known as a cover band. But the tracks on the . If each on Aion, they cover an Italian 14th song is one idea, then "Radharc" century instrumental danse (Sal­ is all of these ideas put into one tarello), and a 16th century Catalo­ song. nian traditional piece (The Song of Aion is the history of all music the Sibyl). today, and the future. Dead Can • Now, picture if you will, the Dance have taken the Music of the days of King Arthur with the ancients and made it timeless. minstrel playing happily in the background. Add a Middle East- - Angie Csrozzo ern touch. "Saltarello" is this song. • It takes a drum beat that is reminiscent of the Middle East and blends it with the minstrel's pipe to create an upbeat traditional dance piece. Another outstanding track is "The Song of the Sibyl [prophet­ ess]." As a prophecy it seems bleak though. Lisa Gerrard portrays the sibyl who knows what's going to hap­ pen. _But as her voice floats along effortlessly, you can feel her pain at knowing what's going to hap­ pen. Gerrard truly shows the range of her talents on "As the Bell Rings the Maypole Spins." A Middle Eastern melody is played on the bagpipes and Gerrard's yoice shrills along with them. "The End of Words" sounds like a traditional church hymn with a Gerrard's voice standing out the Toss your popcorn during The song rolls along with a soft guitar and an emotional keyboard line. After being this awful Toy Matinee beaten on the head with the first four songs, 'iT®W OOtt1.UDl1il~ Toy Matinee But the lyrics tell a story of a girl's loneli­ "Toy Matinee" is both a breath of fresh air and ness and pain. So where's the connection? a good song to relax and think to. Toy Matinee's debut album of the same Toy matinee does briefly step out of this With the seasoned talent that appears on name burns with the sounds of Peter Gabriel genre though. "Things She Said" starts out this LP - Pat Leonard, and and Squeeze. But it sounds more like a rip-off promising with more of a folk influence, but producer - it would seem that they than an influence. when the chorus comes in, they dive back into could have come up with something more origi­ "Queen of Misery" is the epitome of their the ocean of mediocrity. nal. inconsistencies. The song contradicts itself By far, the most outstanding song is the One song, "Toy Matinee,'' is not worth with Squeeze-style funk music with a good title track. The guitar floats along in the vein of buying this album for. beat (you can dance to it) and bass sounds like . Surprisingly enough, this isn't a a Peter Gabriel rip-off: rip:.off though. -Angie Carozza ac wee , every wee , t 1s wee , next wee , we re ere. e re t e u - .