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Created before Nov 2016 Last update: Sep 17 2021

About Ecobank Transnational was established in 1985. Ecobank, based in Togo, is a commercial bank operating in 36 African countries. The bank provides wholesale, retail, and investment banking services to governments, financial institutions, multinationals, SMEs and individuals. These services are delivered by three business segments: Corporate Bank, Domestic Bank and Ecobank Capital. Ecobank became a signatory to the Equator Principles in January 2012, and is profiled as part of BankTrack's Tracking the Equator Principles campaign.


Headquarters 2365 Boulevard du Mono B.P. 3261 Lomé Togo

CEO/chair Ade Ayeyemi Group CEO

Supervisor Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest

Annual Annual report 2020 reports CSR report 2019

Ownership listed on BRVM Stock Exchange, Stock Exchange & Stock Exchange Ecobank Transnational's largest shareholders are (28.6%) and Qatar National Bank (27.1%), date listed September 17 2021. The bank's complete shareholder structure can be accessed here.

Complaints Ecobank has a Grievance Procedure in place that "allows the public to make enquiries or express concerns related to the and bank’s environmental and social policy and/or projects that it finances". The procedure can be accessed here. grievances


Voluntary initiatives Ecobank has committed itself to the following voluntary standards: Equator Principles Nigerian Sustainable Banking Principles Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) UNEP Finance Initiative United Nations Global Compact

Investment policies Ecobank's webpage on corporate social responsibility can be accessed here.

Sustainable finance framework May 31 2021 | Ecobank

Sustainable finance framework - eligibility assessment May 28 2021 | Ecobank

Anti-money laundering policy Sep 29 2020 | Ecobank Ecobank Grievance Procedure Jun 12 2017 | Ecobank

BankTrack campaigns and Ecobank

Equator Principles

Implementation and reporting The Equator Principles require that adopting banks publicly report on the implementation of the principles. You can find the reporting requirements for EPFIs here.

Ecobank is reporting on the implementation here.

Contact and complaints The Equator Principles currently lack a formal complaints mechanism. Should you have any concerns or complaints about how the Equator Principles are being applied in a specific project in which Ecobank is also involved, please get in touch with our Equator Principles team.

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