Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

AUSTRALIAN SYSTEMATIC BOTANY SOCIETY INCORPORATED Council President Vice President John Clarkson Darren Crayn Centre for Tropical Agriculture Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney PO Box 1054 Mrs Macquaries Road Mareeba, Queensland 4880 Sydney NSW 2000 tel: (07) 4048 4745 tel: (02) 9231 8111 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Secretary Treasurer Kirsten Cowley Anna Monro Centre for Biodiversity Research Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research Australian National Herbarium Australian National Herbarium GPO Box 1600, Canberra ACT 2601 GPO Box 1600 tel: (02) 6246 5024 Canberra ACT 2601 email: [email protected] tel: (02) 6246 5472 email: [email protected] Councillor Dale Dixon Councillor Northern Territory Herbarium Marco Duretto Parks & Wildlife Commission of the NT Tasmanian Herbarium PO Box 496 Private Bag 4 Palmerston, NT 0831 Hobart, Tasmania 7001 tel.: (08) 8999 4512 tel.: (03) 6226 1806 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Other Constitutional Bodies Public Officer Hansjörg Eichler Research Committee Kirsten Cowley Barbara Briggs Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research Rod Henderson Australian National Herbarium Betsy Jackes (Contact details above) Tom May Chris Quinn Chair: Darren Crayn, Vice President (ex officio) Grant applications close: 14th Mar/Sep annually Affiliate Society Papua New Guinea Botanical Society

ASBS Web site Webmaster: Murray Fagg Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research Australian National Herbarium Email: [email protected]

Loose inclusions with this issue

● Nominations for positions on ASBS Council Publication dates of previous issue Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr 129 (December 2006 issue) Hardcopy: 9th February 2007; ASBS Web site: 12th February 2007 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

From the President In March 2005, a letter was sent to the then Federal landscape (i.e. their distribution) and, to some extent, Minister for the Environment and Heritage, their ecology. It is a modern science, informed by molecular analyses and careful study of organisms in Senator the Hon. Ian Campbell, to solicit his the field and in museum and herbarium collections, support for a scheme to enhance the funding base enabling rapid and predictive biological diagnostic for the Australian Biological Resources Study to work to be undertaken when needed by industry, enable more research grants and post-graduate public health, water resource organisations, quarantine, scholarships to be awarded per annum (Austral. Landcare, marine science and conservation. Syst. Bot. Soc. Nsltr 122: 3–4). The letter was Australia’s Biodiversity co-signed by Mark Harvey (then President of Nearly 500,000 species are thought to exist in Australia, of which only a small fraction are currently named. The the Society of Australian Systematic Biologists), following table outlines our current estimates of the Ian Naumann (then President of the Australian extent of most of the biota. Entomological Society), Stephen Hopper (then Importance of Taxonomic/Systematic Research President of the Australian Systematic Botany There are numerous examples of enormous increases in Society) and Andy Austin (Director of the Centre previously unknown species that represent significant for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity, biological challenges. The discovery of 300 new species University of Adelaide). The letter was copied of Australian gum trees (eucalypts) in the last 20 years shows that even large organisms are still being found. to ABRS and used within the Department of The discovery of large numbers of insects and other Environment and Heritage to garner support invertebrate animals living in underground caverns and for an application to the Federal Government to water bodies in arid central Australia has astounded increase the funding base for ABRS. Face-to-face the biological community. This so-called ‘stygofauna’ (organisms living in underground water) includes whole meetings were held with various ministers and groups of blind beetles and small crustaceans that were assistant ministers, as well as a phone hook-up completely unknown only a few years ago. Many of between the presidents, the Chair of the ABRS these species have very small natural distributions. The Advisory Committee and the then Assistant discovery of stygofauna in areas of resource exploration Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Mr and mining development has triggered a response from State and Federal agencies to ensure that no species is Greg Hunt. likely to become extinct as a result of any mining or related activity. In a similar way, the documentation Whilst the push for additional funds for ABRS of the Australian biota and the development of a sound received a sympathetic hearing, the latest cabinet taxonomic knowledge base are of critical importance reshuffle has meant that the department has a to identifying insect pests in agriculture, species that can contaminate food exports, identifying our marine new Minister, the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull. It now resources, and recognising biosecurity threats to our seems opportune to acquaint Mr Turnbull with continent. Taxonomic information is also crucial in our arguments, as that knowledge has likely not understanding the processes that govern the sustainable passed to him from the previous minister. The use of Australia’s water resources, including the numerous microorganisms that live in our waterways following is a transcript of the letter sent. and deliver crucial ecosystem services. Dear Minister Essentially, all these areas form key components of the Re: Australian Biological Resources Study Australian Government’s National Research Priority The task of identifying, naming and understanding area - An Environmentally Sustainable Australia. the Australian biota is an immense and important one We believe that the increasing skills shortage and that is currently suffering from a significant skills diminished research capacity in can be solved shortage. We believe this shortage, without government at relatively modest cost by implementing or enhancing intervention, will become serious to the point where it three programs. will jeopardise the conservation of Australia’s biological 1. New ABRS Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme. diversity and key areas of several natural resource This would be a new initiative modelled on industries. We strongly believe that the solution to this the Australian Research Council postdoctoral impending crisis is best tackled through an enhanced training program and additional research funding to the Australian Table 1. The table included in the letter to the Minister on diversity and extent of taxonomic Biological Resources Study that knowledge of Australia’s major biotic gropus will expedite the next generation of scientific expertise in this area and % Described % Undescribed Estimated # Spp. the delivery of taxonomic names Terrestrial Vertebrates 98 2 2,500 and their associated biological information. Vascular 70 30 25,000 The science of taxonomy and Marine Invertebrates 30 70 80,000 systematics are interrelated biological disciplines. Taxonomy Terrestrial Arthropods 25 75 255,000 is the process of naming and Other Terrestrial describing new species. Systematics Invertebrates 15 85 60,000 is the science of determining how Fungi 15 85 50,000 these species are related to each other, where they occur in the Total 472,500

 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

scheme. It would fund two Fellows per year for on government policy and national need. However, a period of three years, selected on the basis of without such increases, it is clear that the current limited excellence. Each Fellowship would be awarded administered funds for ABRS will soon start to fail in $90,000 (salary, on-costs and research funding) delivering on its core role as the provider of high-quality to pursue taxonomic research within a university knowledge on the taxonomy of the Australian biota. or government research laboratory. These early We thank you for your interest in this matter, and we career researchers would represent the next wave of request that you meet with a small group of us to discuss systematist scientists ready to fill the skills shortage this matter further. Total cost $600,000 per annum. 2. Expanded ABRS PhD Scholarship program. The On behalf of the 2,600 members of our scientific ABRS currently funds only one new PhD scholarship societies/organisations, per year, each of which runs for three years, at a total cost of approximately $85,000 per year. This The letter was co-signed by Chris Lambkin, program should be immediately expanded to fund President of the Society of Australian Systematic two additional PhD students per year. These students Biologists, Jonathan Majer, President of the would be based at universities around the country Australian Entomological Society, Peter and sometimes affiliated with other key research Fairweather, President of the Ecological organisations (e.g. State herbaria, museums, CSIRO). Total Additional cost: $200,000 per annum. Society of Australia and myself of behalf of the 3. Enhanced ABRS Research Grants Scheme. The Australian Systematic Botany Society. The letter ABRS Research Grants Scheme currently distributes was also signed by Bob Hill, Convenor of the $1,875,000 towards the study of the systematics of ARC Environmental Future’s Network and Andy the Australian biota. Some 30 projects are funded Austin, Director of the Australian Centre for each year on the basis of excellence and relevance to ABRS and National Research Priorities. Although Evolutionary Biology & Biodiversity. Copies of this scheme has received slight increases over the letter were sent to Merilyn Sleigh, Chair of the the last few years the current level of funding Australian Biological Resources Study Advisory is significantly less than 12–14 years ago, even Committee and Cameron Slatyer, Director of the though the cost of doing this research has increased Australian Biological Resources Study. on average by more than 70%. An enhanced scheme should see a doubling of available funds. Total Additional cost: $1.9 million per annum. We would like to think that we have a good chance to successfully promote our case to the To effectively develop and administer the above schemes, they should be phased in over three years so new Minister (or his Assistant Minister), and that the additional funding would build up from $1.25 lead to an increase in the funding base for an million in Year 1 to $2.7 million in Year 3. organisation that has delivered much good to The provision of the above training opportunities environmental science over the past 25 years, but for postgraduates and early career researchers would is struggling due to the lack of any real increases significantly address the skills shortage that is so clearly in funding since the early 1990s. I’ll keep you evident in this area of biology. The requested additional posted on any developments. funds are, in reality, modest, but would have an enormous effect on the capacity of the nation to deliver John Clarkson ASBS Inc. business New members Gardens, Edge Hill, Qld. ● Mr Trevor Wilson, School of Biological Council is pleased to welcome the following new Sciences, University of Sydney, N.S.W. members for 2007 to the Society: ● Miss Melita Baum, School of Botany & Hansjörg Eichler Research Zoology, Australian National University, Fund Committee report Canberra, A.C.T. A bumper crop of ten applications was received ● Prof. David Cantrill, Royal Botanic Gardens, for the current (March 2007) round. On behalf of Melbourne, Vic. the Eichler Committee I am pleased to announce ● Mr Matthew Donnon, Environmental Biology, the successful March 2007 grantees: University of Adelaide, S.A. ● Margaret Heslewood (RBG Sydney/Univ. ● Mr Andrew Ford, CSIRO Sustainable Adelaide). Phylogeography and bio-geography Ecosystems, Atherton, Qld. of genera in the family Cunoniaceae in ● Ms Margaret Heslewood, National Herbarium Australasia ($2000). of N.S.W., Sydney. ● Jacinta Burke (Univ. Melb.) Systematics and ● Mrs Helen Jolley, Royal Botanic Gardens, taxonomy of Subtribe Dendrobiinae ($2000). Melbourne, Vic. ● Melita Baum (ANU) Variation within the ● Bronwen Keighery, Department of monotypic Howittia using morphological Environment and Conservation, Perth, W.A. and molecular data ($1000). ● Dr Pina Milne, Royal Botanic Gardens, ● Trisha Downing (Univ. Melb.) Investigating Melbourne, Vic. genetic and morphological variability in ● Mr David Warmington, Flecker Botanic

 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

the holly grevillea, Grevillea aquifolium pains me to reject applications for being one day (Proteaceae) ($1000). late but rules are rules and must be applied fairly This round attracted an extremely competitive and consistently. After all, I like to think one of field of ten applications and choosing the winners the most important roles of the Eichler grants is was tough. We wish the successful applicants the in providing an effective training opportunity best of luck with their projects in grant application writing. If rules are applied flexibly here we would be doing our students a That so many applications were received in this disservice by rewarding lax standards which round is very encouraging in light of the total of would be mercilessly punished in the real world five applications that were received in the pre- of research grant writing. vious two rounds combined. It is unclear at this stage what is behind the sudden increase in inter- The closing dates for applications remain March est. The propaganda was unchanged from previ- 14 and September 14 each year. Reports by Claire ous rounds: there was no media blitz or product Marks and Tony Roberts, Eichler recipients in placement or celebrity testimonials. It is possible 2005, follow in this issue. As always, the ex- that the increase in the maximum value of grants pertise and enthusiasm of the Eichler committee from $1000 to $2000 is a factor, yet this was so (Barbara Briggs, Rod Henderson, Betsy Jackes, for the previous two rounds as well. Perhaps the Tom May, Chris Quinn) in reviewing grant pro- much-lamented decline in numbers of taxonomy posals is greatly appreciated. students has been reversed – could it really be Application guidelines and form are available true? Whatever the reasons, the Eichler com- from the Society’s website ( mittee has an uncommonly arduous task ahead asbs). in reviewing this round. On a less positive note, Darren Crayn several applications could not be accepted be- Chair cause they failed to meet the submission rules. It Australian Systematic Botany Society Inc. Notice of Annual Conference Darwin, 24th–28th September 2007 ● two days of seminars: papers invited on taxonomic botany and flora conservation ● two days of workshops ● one day field trip Website to be advised by email to members. Contact: [email protected] Notice of Annual General Meeting Darwin, Monday 24th September 2007 In accordance with Section 25 of the Society’s Rules notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Systematic Botany Society Inc. will be held on Monday 24th September 2007 at Cazaly’s, Palmerston (the same venue as the ASBS Conference), commencing at 5.00 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to: ● confirm the minutes of the AGM held on 14th November 2006, ● receive reports from Council, ● receive and consider the statement of accounts for the 2006 financial year and ● to declare results of the vote for membership of Council. Nominations for Council office Please see notice included with this Newsletter. Reminder on payment of annual Membership Fees Your 2007 membership fees were due at the beginning of this calendar year. Under the Rules of the Society you cannot hold office, nor do you have the right to vote, if you are unfinancial. Refer to the envelope containing this issue of the Newsletter for what you owe.

 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Eichler Research Fund reports Evolution of Nicotiana L. () in Australia Claire Marks School of Botany, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 [email protected] Introduction alternatively that they are a more ancient group Nicotiana contains 86 species worldwide, that has undergone little genetic change. including commercial tobacco and its progenitors. The genus also includes 26 native Australian Project aims taxa, all in section Suaveolentes, which also The primary aims of my PhD project are to contains South Pacific and one African taxa. I am confirm terminal taxa (species and subspecies) studying the morphology of all taxa, and making and to create a morphological phylogeny of new field collections, to investigate relationships, Nicotiana section Suaveolentes. I aim to discover taxonomy, biogeography and evolutionary history new morphological characters for this analysis to within this group. My results will be compared create the phylogeny. Methods used include: to published molecular DNA analysis. All 1. Growing all taxa from seed in the glasshouse to Australian and related taxa are being surveyed discover new seedling and juvenile characters, for chromosome numbers, which are known to be and to allow comparison of adult characters variable within the group. from plants grown under the same conditions. There have been a number of revisions of the 2. Electron Microscopy (SEM) of seeds and section since the publication of the first Australian trichomes. species, Nicotiana suaveolens Lehm., in 1818 3. Cytology – chromosome counts of all species. (Wheeler 1935; Goodspeed 1954; Burbidge 1960; Chromosome numbers in the section are known Horton 1981). David Symon (AD) has published to be variable with n=16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and described four new species since the last revision as well as identifying several possible Fig. 1. Nicotiana new species requiring further investigation. velutina H.-M. Australian Nicotiana are still relatively poorly Wheeler growing collected and known. One of the main barriers to in red sand at Bundooma, Old understanding has been their distribution Ghan Railway throughout arid central Australia and their track, Northern ephemeral habit (Fig. 1). Terriitory. Molecular phylogenies have been successful at placing the genus Nicotiana within its family context, including identifying the Australian endemic tribe Anthocercidae (including Cyphanthera, Duboisia, Anthocercis and Symonanthus) as the sister group to the genus Nicotiana (Olmstead, Sweere et al. 1999; Garcia and Olmstead 2003). Molecular data also show that Nicotiana is monophyletic, and that within it the Australian section Suaveolentes is also monophyletic (Aoki and Ito 2000; Chase, Knapp et al. 2003; Clarkson, Knapp et al. 2004). However, these studies have failed to resolve relationships within the section Suaveolentes with any degree of statistical support. DNA sequences of the nhF and matK chloroplast genes, other chloroplast loci (trnL intron, trnL-F spacer and trnS-G spacer), and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA, have all been found to be too similar between species to illuminate relationships among them. The fact that the Australian species of Nicotiana are so genetically similar suggests that they may have radiated and differentiated fairly recently or

 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

24, and the whole section is of amphidiploid Having located these two key species, I then origin (Chase, Knapp et al. 2003). focused on finding as many as possible of the 4. Field work to collect rare and poorly known six other Nicotiana species found in the vicinity taxa so that they can be included in the growth of Alice Springs. I found many plants growing trial, SEM and cytology. on red sand dunes along the Old Ghan Railway 5. Study of herbarium specimens. line, in what seemed to me as very difficult conditions (Fig. 1). Needless to say, they looked Field work quite different from those I had been growing in the glasshouse. Many thanks to the Rangers In October 2005 I undertook field work in the at Watarrka National Park who guided me to an Northern Territory and South Australia assisted amazing population of Nicotiana gossei Domin by the Eichler Research Fund. I am very growing in a spring-fed creek. David Albrecht pleased to report that I was successful in finding at the Alice Springs Herbarium was also very Nicotiana truncata Symon, which is only found helpful in explaining the ecological niches of in the Gibber desert between Coober Pedy and species that I had not been able to deduce from Oodnadatta, SA. I feared that my trip may have the literature, and for suggesting collection sites been too long since rain after I unsuccessfully that were much more likely to have plants than scoured every dry creek line that crossed the road the sites noted from herbarium records. for what felt like several hundred kilometres. However, plants were eventually found a few Overall the trip was very successful and I returned hundred metres from the type locality at Fish Hole with presses at least as full as I anticipated. Creek. This small population along the roadside Collecting in central Australia was an amazing was the only one I found. experience and I was certainly impressed with the desert plants and landscapes, despite other I was also able to find Nicotiana burbidgeae adventures such as heatstroke and getting bogged Symon at Witjira National Park, SA, on the edge in sand. of the Simpson Desert. Many thanks to Denise Noack, University of Adelaide, for directions to a Other work known population (Fig. 2), which prevented what could have been days of fruitless searching across I have successfully used my field collections, the vast plains. The plants were starting to senesce as well as seed from seed banks, to grow plants but had lots of seed and just a few flowers left. for morphological analysis. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of trichomes (Fig. 3) has been particularly interesting and several new hair Fig. 2. The author collecting Nicotiana burbidgeae Symon at Witjira National types have been identified. Surveying all taxa Park, South Australia. (The Nicotiana plants are in the left foreground). for hair types using preserved plant material is still underway. SEM of seeds has also been useful; however, seed size, shape and to a lesser degree ornamentation have been found to vary within species as well as between species. A number of flower characters have been measured and analysed phenetically to determine terminal taxa. When I first started this project I was convinced that many species were impossible to tell apart, and very difficult to key out. My current understanding is that many species are very similar, but separable, although there are few clear cut vegetative characters. I am still investigating flower size and shape. I was fortunate to be able to attend the VI International Solanaceae Conference in Madison Wisconsin in July 2006, and afterwards to be able to visit the New York Botanic Garden. I also spent some time working at Kew and the Natural History Museum, London, using their collections to sort out some taxonomic problems, particularly involving the three South Pacific taxa.

 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

the Solanaceae Conference and visit overseas herbaria last year. Many thanks to my supervisors Professor Pauline Ladiges and Dr Ed Newbigin for all their help and support. References Aoki, S. and M. Ito (2000). Molecular phylogeny of Nicotiana (Solanaceae) based on the nucleotide sequence of the matK gene. Plant Biology 2: 316-324. Burbidge, N. T. (1960). The Australian species of Nicotiana L. (Solanaceae). Australian Journal of Botany 8: 342-378. Chase, M. W., S. Knapp, et al. (2003). Molecular Systematics, GISH and the origin of hybrid taxa in Nicotiana (Solanaceae). Annals of Botany 92: 107- 127. Clarkson, J. J., S. Knapp, et al. (2004). Phylogenetic Fig. 3. Nicotiana burbidgeae Symon glandular trichomes from the lower relationships in Nicotiana (Solanaceae) inferred from leaf surface (SEM image). multiple plastid DNA regions. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 33: 75-90. I started working on chromosome counts late last Garcia, V. F. and R. G. Olmstead (2003). Phylogenetics of year and met with some difficulties in preparing the tribe Anthocercideae (Solanaceae) based on ndhF root tip squashes. However Associate Professor and trnL/F sequence data. Systematic Botany 28(3): Brian Murray, University of Auckland, recently 609-615. ran a workshop in Melbourne on chromosome Goodspeed, T. H. (1954). The Genus Nicotiana: Origins, relationships and evolution of its species in the light techniques and I hope to have much better success of their distribution, morphology and cytokinetics. in the near future. My morphological work also Waltham, Mass., Chronica Botanica Company. continues but is not ready to report as yet. Horton, P. (1981). A taxonomic revision of Nicotiana (Solanaceae) in Australia. Journal of the Adelaide Acknowledgements Botanic Gardens 3: 1-56. Olmstead, R. G., J. A. Sweere, et al. (1999). Phylogeny I would like to sincerely thank the Australian and provisional classification of the Solanaceae based Systematic Botany Foundation for awarding me on chloroplast DNA. Solanaceae IV. M. Nee, D. E. the Eichler Research Award that made my field Symon, R. N. Lester and J. P. Jessop. London, Royal work possible. Thanks also to the Australian Botanic Gardens, Kew. Biological Resources Study (ABRS), School Wheeler, H.-M. (1935). Studies in Nicotiana II. A of Botany and the University of Melbourne taxonomic survey of the Australasian species. University of California Publications in Botany 18(4): whose travel grants also allowed me to attend 45-68.

An investigation into the molecular phylogenetics of Jedda multicaulis () Tony Roberts James Cook University, Cairns

This project explores the phylogenetic position of Enkleia occur from the Andaman Islands of Jedda multicaulis within the Thymelaeaceae through South East Asia and Malesia (Mabberley using molecular techniques. 1997). According to Clarkson (1986) the genera Linostoma and Jedda are difficult to separate Background on floral morphology alone, but he regarded the Jedda multicaulis J. Clarkson is a shrub endemic traditionally narrow generic limits within the to the tropical savanna of Cape York Peninsula. Thymelaeaceae justified the erection of the new When he first described it in 1986, Clarkson genus (Clarkson 1986). erected the new genus Jedda, in the family Thymelaeaceae to accommodate it. Jedda was The latest revision of the Thymelaeaceae (Herber placed in the subtribe Linostomatinae Domke, 2003) reflects recent investigations into the suggesting an affinity with Lophostoma, Enkleia phylogeny of the family, which have included and Linostoma (Clarkson 1986). There are the use of molecular, morphological, anatomical, no other Australian endemics in the subtribe. biochemical and fossil data. Jedda, Lophostoma, The genus Lophostoma contains four species, Enkleia and Linostoma were again placed all found in northern tropical South America, together in the Linostoma group of the tribe Linostoma contains six species which occur Daphneae, sub family Thymelaeoideae, along from India to New Guinea and the three species with the tropical African genera Dicranolepis,

 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Synaptolepis and Craterosiphon. A review of the the rbcL gene in two overlapping pieces. Success literature failed to reveal the use of any molecular was achieved for only three specimens, Linostoma data to support the placement of Jedda multicaulis pauciflorum, L. persimile and Dicranolepis in this group. Pollen morphology (Herber 2002) grandiflora, and only the first half of the rbcL supports the placement of Jedda in the subfamily gene from those species could be sequenced. Thymelaeoideae. As a preliminary check, the resultant sequences Aims were compared to sequences in the GenBank This study attempted to determine firstly if database using Basic Local Alignment Search Tool Herber’s (2003) placement of Jedda multicaulis (BLAST) (National Center for Biotechnology in the Linostoma group is supported by a Information). The results indicated that the phylogenetic analysis of molecular data, and sequences of L. pauciflorum and D. grandiflora secondly to assess its monotypic generic status.. were most similar to sequences of other members of the Linostoma group of the tribe Daphneae, This investigation is part of a larger research sub family Thymelaeoideae. The sequence of project currently being undertaken toward the L. persimile was most similar to sequences of degree, Master of Science (MSc). The title of the members of the Fabaceae. research is “An investigation into the causes of rarity of an environmentally hardy, savanna plant: The amplification and sequencing of the rbcL Jedda multicaulis”. The project investigates gene of L. persimile was repeated from scratch, to the apparent paradox of natural rarity combined minimise the chance that the result was caused by with environmental hardiness by investigating local contamination. The result was the same. the taxonomic, geographical, ecological and A preliminary analysis of the rbcL sequences evolutionary parameters of Jedda multicaulis, a of Jedda multicaulis, Linostoma pauciflorum, species that is currently listed as ‘vulnerable’. Dicranolepis grandiflora and those of van der Bank et al. (2002) using parsimony and Methods Bayesian methods indicated moderate support rbcL sequences were initially selected to (BS>75%; PP> 0.95) for a clade comprising investigate Jedda’s phylogenetic position within Jedda multicaulis, Synaptolepis alternifolia, the Thymelaeaceae because they had been Craterosiphon scandens and Enkleia siamensis successfully used by van der Bank et al. (2002) with Linostoma pauciflorum and Dicranolepis to explore the phylogenetic relationships of the grandiflora forming a weakly supported sister African and Australian genera of Thymelaeaceae clade. These results lend support to Herber’s (excluding Jedda). Additionally, the authors (2003) classification and placement of Jedda used the rbcL sequences of 27 genera within the multicaulis in the Linostoma group. Thymelaeaceae, which they lodged with GenBank allowing them to be used in this investigation, Future significantly reducing the cost of obtaining the The failure of most of the RBG Kew DNA Bank required data. Three members of the Linostoma specimens to amplify may have been the result of group were sequenced in that study, Synaptolepis degraded DNA extracted from dried herbarium alternifolia, Craterosiphon scandens and Enkleia specimens. The next step in this study is to attempt siamensis. to acquire fresh vegetative material of species within the six genera placed in the Linostoma The DNA of ten species from five of the six group by Herber (2003) in an attempt to obtain genera placed in the Linostoma group with Jedda useable DNA, and thus complete rbcL sequences. by Herber (2003) were procured from the RBG Other regions will subsequently be sequenced Kew DNA Bank. This avenue was chosen in an to better assess Jedda’s monotypic status. The effort to expedite the research and maximise the extraction, amplification and sequencing of fresh effectiveness of the allocated project budget. specimens should pose fewer difficulties than the DNA was extracted from fresh leaf material RBG Kew DNA Bank specimens based on the of Jedda multicaulis, and the rbcL gene was success experienced with the fresh vegetative amplified and sequenced. material of Jedda multicaulis. rbcL amplification of the DNA of specimens Acknowledgments procured from the RBG Kew DNA Bank I would like to thank the Australian Systematic however proved difficult. An attempt at PCR Botany Society for financial support provided amplification of the entire rbcL gene failed to through the Hansjörg Eichler Scientific Research produce any useable product. A second attempt Fund. The funding permitted me to explore the after amplification using GenomiPhi (a whole various techniques used in molecular phylogenetic genome amplification kit that uses bacteriophage research and has provided me with a sound base Phi29 DNA polymerase from GE Healthcare) on which to continue my investigation. I would also failed. A third attempt was made to amplify also like to thank my supervisors, Prof. Paul

 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Gadek and John Clarkson, for their invaluable Caryophyllales, Vol. 5 (Eds Kubitzki, K. and Bayer, guidance. C.). Springer-Verlag, Hamburg, pp. 373-396. Mabberley, D.J. (1997) The plant-book: a portable dictionary of the vascular plants. Cambridge University References Press, Cambridge. Clarkson, J.R. (1986) Jedda, a new genus of Van der Bank, M., Fay, M.F. and Chase, M.W. (2002) Thymelaeaceae (subtribe Linostomatinae) from Molecular phylogenetics of Thymelaeaceae with Australia, Austrobaileya 2, 203-210. particular reference to African and Australian genera, Herber, B.E. (2002) Pollen morphology of the Taxon 51, 329-339. Thymelaeaceae in relation to its taxonomy, Plant National Center for Biotechnology Information. Basic Systematics & Evolution 232, 107-121. Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST). www.ncbi. Herber, B.E. (2003) Thymelaeaceae, In Flowering plants: dicotyledons: , Capparales and non-betalain Articles Life Science Identifiers (LSIDs) in the global and Australasian biodiversity communities Kevin Thiele Western Australian Herbarium ([email protected]) Information and database managers from the So what are LSIDs? They are small, lightweight, combined Australasian herbarium and museum globally unique digital tags that can be attached to community met in Canberra in April (see p. 16), any digital object. Objects that carry an LSID can to consider and respond to a recommendation be uniquely identified and attributed, even when from the Global Biodiversity Information the object is shared, merged into other objects, or Facility (GBIF) and Biodiversity Information moved from its local context. Three properties of Standards (TDWG) organizations that all major LSIDs contribute to their flexibility and utility. Australian biological collections adopt and deploy Life Science Identifiers (LSIDs). The Think global, then everything’s local recommendation was endorsed by the group, and Databases use unique identifiers to manage all institutions have been urged to support LSIDs records. For example, specimen records in a and develop implementation plans and strategies specimen database are often identified using for their deployment. The purpose of this article accession numbers, and names databases generally is to explain what on earth this is all about, by assign nameIDs or other numbers for each name. providing a background on LSIDs and their The uniqueness of the identifier allows a record to significance. be unambiguously identified – clearly important The World Wide Web revolutionized the way in managing, using and maintaining the data. in which we broadcast and access digital However, identifiers are almost always local information. The next revolution will come from to the particular database in which they are new technologies that allow us to synthesize, assigned. If data from two or more databases are manage and integrate the web’s vast quantities combined in some way, it is likely that uniqueness of information – the so-called semantic web. of the combined identifiers will no longer be These technologies will evolve the Web from an guaranteed. It may then no longer be possible to electronic notice board into a truly connected, unambiguously refer to any given record, and all dynamic and flexible knowledge collaboration. records will need to be cumbersomely renumbered Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) are a after which many broken processes and links will critical building block in this new revolution. One need to be fixed. type of GUID – Life Science Identifiers (LSIDs) Imagine if every database record in every – have been chosen as an agreed standard in database in the world had an identifier that the global biodiversity community, supported could be guaranteed to be globally unique. Then internationally by GBIF and TDWG. LSIDs are when two databases are merged or share data it decentralized, collaborative and free. Individual would be immediately possible to use the newly institutions - the custodians of data - manage the accessible records with no possibility of identity deployment of LSIDs for their own shareable data clashes or ambiguity. assets rather than relying on a centralized issuing authority. This provides LSIDs with much-needed LSIDs provide just such a way of tagging records flexibility in the fast-evolving web. The risks of in databases with globally unique identifiers. An implementing LSIDs are considered to be low, LSID is a string of text of the form urn:lsid: and the risks of not implementing them high. authority:namespace:identifier

 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

An example would be: urn:lsid:herbarium.PERTH. be used by the client to update its copy of the 02344759 record. If the authority ( is a If all records carry LSIDs, one process attached unique address, and the authority can guarantee to the client’s database can be used to update that the record 02344759 in its specimen table is records from all sources, and one process at the unique, then the LSID is globally unique and can client databases can be used to supply updates for identify that record and that record only. all clients. Substantial time and cost savings are Further, LSIDs may be applied not only to records available at both ends using LSID technology. in databases but to any type of digital object that may at some time be shared. LSIDs in exactly the Carry meaning, not just data same form can be applied to specimen records, Over time, the ability of LSIDs to recover names, descriptions, characters and character information about digital objects from their states, documents, images, spreadsheets, custodians will establish the true power of LSIDs, phylogenies – to any digital object of any kind. and play a part in the evolution of the World Applying LSIDs to objects is cost-free, and Wide Web into the Semantic Web – a flexible and LSIDs are assigned by custodians of data with no intelligent web of knowledge. This is because the requirement for a centralized issuing authority. information returned when the LSID of a digital For these reasons, LSIDs have been adopted by object is queried can be made meaningful to the international biodiversity community as the machines as well as humans. principal system of globally unique identifiers for use in the life sciences domain. LSIDs are seen as Consider, as an example, Google Images. When an enabling technology for the next generation of this was new a few years ago it was considered web applications, processes and operations. pretty cool. But it is simply an early and somewhat primitive example of a data aggregator which Have calling card, will travel suffers from the lack of LSIDs. LSIDs are more than just unique identifiers for Google Images is powered by web robots which records and other digital objects. They also act trawl the web for image objects embedded in as calling-home cards for the objects they are web pages. When an image is found, the robot attached to. This means that objects with LSIDs returns to Google a thumbnail of the image and can never get lost on the web, and can always be an extract of the html page text that surrounds ascribed back to their custodian or owner using it. From this text, Google Images makes a guess simple protocols for communication. at the meaning of the image – is it an image of Consider a database (the client) which aggregates Copacabana Beach or of a funnel-web spider? records from several source databases. The The thumbnail image, a link to the original image owner of the client database may need to query and the inferred meaning is then databased ready the source databases at intervals for updates to for querying. The weak link is the inference part their records. To do this the client would need to – these days any query using Google Images maintain systems for identifying each record in will return some images that correctly match the its source database, and for querying each source query but many that are simply wrong – a funnel- database for the updates. The updating would web spider image returned from a query about almost certainly be a cumbersome and expensive Copacabana Beach is ample evidence of a failed operation. inference. If, however, the records carry LSIDs and the As, however, images are progressively tagged source databases establish simple resolving with LSIDs it will become possible to build vastly services, a straightforward mechanism for more accurate inference engines. If the funnel- updates can be established. Part of an LSID is web spider image is tagged with an LSID it will be possible to directly query the original custodian the address (e.g. of the authority which maintains the resolving of the image to ask for information about it. The service of the source database. Free web tools query will return tagged, machine-readable, are available which will accept an LSID and find information using standard and well-structured from this address the source’s LSID resolver. formats. One tag may say “This image is of an The tool sends the LSID as a query to the source, organism” while another may say “The name of which recovers from it the pointer to the original the organism is Atrax robustus”. Immediately, an inference engine like Google Images will be record in its database (e.g. specimen:02344759). The resolving service then returns information able to identify the image much more accurately, about the original record in a standard format. because it has real information from the custodian The returned information will normally include of the image rather than simply the context of the essential data about the record, and this can image on its page.

 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

A system of LSIDs becomes more powerful still success of initiatives such as the Atlas of Living when LSIDs point to other LSIDs. For example, Australia and the ePedia of Life depend on LSIDs if the name of the funnel-web spider changes, being used extensively by our community’s inference will become more difficult, as it will information systems. It’s likely, further, that the be hard for a machine to determine that the name next generation will use LSIDs in reasoning and has changed and what it has changed to. In the inference engines to create information structures above example, however, if the “name” tag of the that can hardly be imagined today. funnel-web spider image said “the name of this organism can be found at All Australian herbaria have been asked to urn:lsid:museum.NSW. implement LSIDs as quickly as possible with then the current name can be retrieved by the same process, through a available resources. Early benefits expected query to another authority. In this way, whenever to flow include more effective management the name changes, the image will be automatically of specimen records between herbaria, better referred to its correct name rather than to an out- handling of taxon names and concepts, and of-date name. more (and more flexible) electronic floras and identification keys. You may not see the Simple examples like these show the power that LSIDs in the background, but they may soon be LSIDs are bringing to the World Wide Web. The everywhere. global biodiversity community has a real and Web ref.: immediate need for LSID technology; indeed, the

Environment (and agriculture) the big loser in closure of CRCs Rachel McFadyen & Jenny Barker CRC for Australian Weed Management Climate change is now firmly on Australia’s difficult for ‘public good’ CRCs to meet. In the political agenda, and among its predicted wake of the decision not to renew the Tropical environmental impacts scientists warn of a fresh Savannas and Weeds CRCs, the CEO of the invasion of pest plants and animals and more Bushfire CRC, Kevin O’Loughlin stated his intense and frequent bushfires. Yet against this concern that the CRC will fail to meet the tough backdrop of increasing environmental change new commercialisation criterion when it bids and uncertainty, two of Australia’s Cooperative for its second term in 2008 (Canberra Times Research Centres (CRCs) – the CRC for 6/1/07). Such is his concern that O’Loughlin Australian Weed Management (Weeds CRC) and has foreshadowed the possibility of foregoing the Tropical Savannas CRC – are set to close the lengthy rebid process to concentrate efforts in 2008 and the future of the Bushfire CRC is on establishing a permanent national research uncertain. Their closure follows the wind-up in institute in fire ecology and forest research funded 2006 of the CRC for the Great Barrier Reef World by universities and state governments. Heritage Area, CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management and the CRC for The closure of these CRCs is not just a blow to the Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management. environment. The Weeds and Tropical Savannas The Weeds and Tropical Savannas CRCs recently CRCs also conduct important research for failed in their bids for a third, seven year term Australia’s broadacre and grazing industries. And largely because they could not meet the CRC Australia’s agricultural industries have suffered Programme’s strict commercialisation criterion. a further setback with the CRC for Innovative Dairy Products also failing to secure a new term The Australian Government announced a change in the latest round of funding. The Productivity in focus for the CRC Programme in 2004, Commission, the Australian Government body restating its objective as ‘enhancing economic that reports on science and innovation, has been growth through user-driven, co-operative public- critical of the CRC Programme’s move towards private research centres that achieve high rates commercialisation and away from ‘public good’ of commercialisation.’ In other words, the CRC research. In a report (Productivity Commission Programme placed greater emphasis on direct 2007) released in March 2007, the Commission commercialisation processes such as spin-off recommended that: companies and licensing products, a condition The original objectives of the program — the  This article is modified from an item originally translation of research outputs into economic, social requested by the Australian Network for Plant and environmental benefits — should be reinstated. Conservation published in Australasian Plant This is likely to produce greater community benefits Conservation 15(4). than focusing public support on the commercialisation Rachel McFadyen is CEO of the CRC for Australian of industrial research. Weed Management.

10 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Unfortunately, these findings have probably nationally. come too late to resurrect the failed CRCs and ● Indigenous lands. Worked closely with the they must look to alternative funding sources to Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service in survive beyond their current term. a project to raise weed awareness on indigenous lands in Northern Territory and Cape York, Qld, Weeds CRC achievements employing two Aboriginal Liaison Officers to With the impending closure of the Weeds CRC help coastal communities identify and respond in little more than 12 months, it is fitting to look to potential invasive plants. back at some of its achievements and initiatives, ● Environmental weed management. Packaged particularly in the environment sector. and delivered a range of weed management information, working with the Commonwealth The Weeds CRC has: Department of Environment and Heritage ● National partnerships Established partnerships to produce management guides for the with key environmental research organisations Weeds of National Significance and Alert including Adelaide University, CSIRO List for Environmental Weeds, as well as an Entomology, Qld Department of Natural Introductory Weed Management Manual. Resources & Water, CSIRO Plant Industry, The Weeds CRC has also produced a series CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, SA of Best Practice Management Guides for key Department of Water, Land & Biodiversity environmental weeds. A further eight new Conservation, NT Dept of Infrastructure, management guides are in production and will Planning & Environment, University of New be available before the Weeds CRC’s closure. England and the University of Queensland. ● Reducing chemical reliance. Researched and ● Nationwide expertise. Developed a world- promoted integrated weed management tactics class, nationwide network of researchers in the environmental and agricultural sectors including internationally recognised leaders in to reduce costs, lessen chemical reliance and weed management. avoid herbicide resistance. ● National Weeds Advisory Group. Representation ● Biocontrol. Contributed to the successful on the National Weeds Advisory Group which release of biological control agents such as advises the Australian Government on weeds blackberry, bridal creeper and mimosa and research and development. conducted world-leading research into the ● Biosecurity. Exposed a loophole in Australia’s science of biocontrol, with the results published quarantine laws that would allow the in international scientific journals. The Weeds importation of 125,000 plant species into CRC also reviewed over a century of biological Australia – amongst them 4000 known weeds control in Australia, finding clear evidence – without any screening (Spafford et al. 2004). of its cost-effectiveness in weed management The Weeds CRC worked with Biosecurity (Page and Lacey 2006). Australia and the loophole was finally closed ● Nursery/landscape industries. Worked with late last year. the nursery/landscape industry and gardening ● Weed Spotters. Detected new weeds through media to inform them of the damage caused the establishment and training of a network of by invasive garden plants and the existence of individuals with botanical expertise. To date, state and federal laws regulating the sale and about 200 Weed Spotters have been trained and distribution of noxious weeds. over 700 specimens have been submitted to the ● Bushland Friendly Gardens. Helped Australians Queensland Herbarium. choose environmentally friendly plants for ● Early Warning System. An arrangement with parks and gardens through its Bushland Australian herbaria to develop an early warning Friendly Gardens website. system to alert weed managers to the first ● School programs. Led the national development indication of plant spread in a region/state. The of Weed Warriors, an education and awareness system will integrate with data from Australia’s program that introduces school students to Virtual Herbarium. weed science. The Weeds CRC also developed ● Weed risk assessment. Developed decision- Lord of the Weeds, a national competition support tools for managing new weed incursions for high school students to design a weed and strenghtened weed risk assessment systems management strategy for their school or local used in Australia. area. Teaching resources and activities aimed ● Biodiversity. Produced the first report in at raising weed awareness amongst upper Australia that quantifies the impact of alien primary school students are available through plants on Australian biodiversity (Coutts-Smith the Weeds CRC’s Ghastly Guests initiative. and Downey 2006). The New South Wales- ● VET sector. Prepared and delivered a range of based report found that invasive plants are the resources needed by the Vocational Education biggest threat to the survival of native species and Training (VET) sector for competency after land clearing. The Weeds CRC is also based training in weed related areas. reviewing the impact of weeds on threatened ● Media campaigns. Raised community and endangered species and ecosystems awareness via regular media releases and

11 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

through established relationships with key farmers. Furthermore, many of the Weeds CRC’s journalists. Recent environmental press initiatives and the momentum and skills it has releases include ‘Make your garden waterwise built up over the last 12 years will be lost. The – but don’t plant weeds!’, ‘Garden plant threat proposal for the new centre is available on the to native species’, ‘Weeds a catchment priority’ Weeds CRC website (Web ref. 1) and is currently and ‘Prepare for climate change invaders’. before the Australian Government. New national weeds centre proposed References The Weeds CRC has been invited by the Canberra Times 6/1/07 ‘Threat to bushfire research’. Australian Government to submit an alternative Coutts-Smith, A. and Downey, P. (2006) Impact of weeds model for a new national weeds organisation. on threatened biodiversity in New South Wales. CRC Major partners in the Weeds CRC have for Australian Weed Management. Technical Series 11. expressed their willingness to remain engaged html and are backing the proposed new Centre. If the Page, A.R. and Lacey, K.L (2006) Economic impact proposal is successful, the Australian Centre for assessment of Australian weed biological control. CRC Weed Research will enable core collaborative for Australian Weed Management. Technical Series 10. research and delivery capacity to continue in the Productivity Commission. (March 2007) Public Support long term. If it fails, Australia will be without a for Science and Innovation (Research Report). Australian Government. national organisation to coordinate weed research Spafford Jacob, H., Randall, R. and Lloyd, S. (2004) and to package and deliver these results across Front door wide open to weeds: an examination of the the full range of private and public land use, weed species permitted for import without weed risk including park managers, bushcare and landcare assessment. WWF Australia, Sydney. groups, local government, regional Natural Web ref. 1. Resource Management (NRM) bodies and end.html Database of Robert Brown’s Australian Botanical Specimens available online in FloraBase Alex R. Chapman Western Australian Herbarium, Department of Environment and Conservation, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Western Australia 6983 During my term as ABLO in 1998–99 I spent plants he collected were new and unpublished. many days at the British Museum of Natural Correlation of these manuscript names with the History (BM) photographing material and published names is aided by the database, but retrieving literature requests from various it also has much value in listing taxa by genus, departmental libraries. On one of these occasions family, locality or state. The database on the I had the good fortune to meet David Moore, a website has a simple structure, containing just long-time associate of the BM. He was busily five fields. More detail is available in Chapman capturing data from Robert Brown sheets into a et al. (2001). The five fields are: small laptop – and so began a discussion on the 1. Bennett Number: Assigned in the mid 1870s Brown collections and the merits of databasing. when Robert Brown’s collection of dried The then upcoming bicentenary of the Flinder’s Australian plants dating from 1801–05 was expedition, on which Robert Brown made several first catalogued at the BM. thousand biological and geological collections, 2. Last Determined Name: The most recent served to reinforce David’s determination to determination on the sheet in the BM. 3. Family: The family name is that under which the make as much of the valuable information he had BM herbarium was arranged in the nineteenth collected available widely. century following the move from the British To this end we arranged with the management Museum at Bloomsbury. The order today is of the BM’s Botany Department for David’s a modification of that used by Bentham and database to be made available on the Western Hooker (1862–83). Australian Herbarium’s web server. The work to 4. State: The is the present-day Australian State. do this was completed in time for the bicentenary 5. Label data: This field contains an unedited Investigator 200 symposium held in Albany in transcription of Brown’s original label data December 2001 (see Wege et al. 2005), which of specimens in his herbarium. It contains the also saw the launch of ‘Nature’s Investigator: The manuscript name which the plant was given Diary of Robert Brown in Australia’ (Vallance et on collection as well as any other manuscript al. 2001). names; some basic ecological data, e.g. “... In paludosis ad radices collium Bay I ora australis As readers will know, Brown often used temporary Nova Hollandia Jany 11 1802 desc ...”; and manuscript names for his gatherings because the Flinders’s original chart nomenclature where

12 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

appropriate, e.g. “Island y2” [= Astells Island, currently available data in the Brown database Northern Territory] and the few geographical will be housed, maintained and accessed there. names that were published in 1801–05. It In the interim, the Western Australian Herbarium should be remembered that this field is, for the has now formally added the Brown database to most part, a transcription and contains Brown’s its FloraBase web site (Web ref. 1), providing a 18th century abbreviations and spellings. service to the Australian botanical taxonomic The website presents all the detailed collection community. label details available in the database (see also Groves & Moore 1986). However, these data References Chapman, A.R., Moore, D.T., Rees, R.G. & Groves, represent the state of knowledge on Brown’s plant E.W. (2001). Robert Brown’s Australian Botanical collections in mid-2001 and are almost certainly Specimens, 1801–1805 at the BM. Western Australian incomplete. Herbarium: Groves, E.W. & Moore, D.T. (1986). Preparation of a first David Moore continues to update the database at listing of the plants collected in Australia by Robert the BM and has made some structural changes Brown (1773–1858) during the Flinders voyage of to the database subsequently. The aim has been 1801–1805. Australian Systematic Botany Society to allow the data in the website to be updated Newsletter 49 (December 1986). regularly, however, impediments remain. Not Vallance, T.G., Moore, D.T. & Groves, E.W. (2001). the least is devising a simple system to capture Nature’s investigator: the diary of Robert Brown in Australia, 1801-1805. ABRS, Canberra. any new determinations applied to the Brown Web ref. 1. sheets either at the BM itself or when specimens Wege, J., George, A.S., Gathe, J., Lemson, K., & Napier, K. return from loan. The ABLO may have some role (2005). Matthew Flinders and his scientific gentlemen : in effecting this; or perhaps in maintaining the the expedition of HMS Investigator to Australia, 1801- database directly in coming years. 05. Western Australian Museum, Welshpool. Ultimately, I expect the BM’s Botany Department will database all their collections and then all the Deaths Ed Cross (1977–2007) Southcott and John Womersley. Many of them bear the annotation “Larval food plant of ...”. Australian plant systematists have become aware over the last couple of weeks that Ed lost his A profile can be seen on the Butterfly Conservation battle with cancer on Good Friday 6th April. He South Australia site (Web ref. 1). was widely recognised as one of our rising young stars. Ed, who began his studies in systematics at References the University of New South Wales, was based Fisher, R. H. (1978). Butterflies of South Australia. at the Australian National Herbarium. He was an (Government Printer, Adelaide). Eichler Award recipient in 1998. Web ref. 1. 1.htm An obituary is anticipated in a coming issue of the Newsletter. New Zealand phycologist and South Australian butterfly expert botanical artist Nancy Adams Robert Hilson Fisher OAM (1926–2007) (1923–2007) Murray Parsons has informed us that: Bob Fisher was an Honorary Research Associate The phycologist and wonderful botanical artist Nancy in the Entomology Section of the SA Museum Adams died last night, 26 March 2007. She was in for 20 years. During this time he reorganised Huntleigh which is a rest home in Karori, Wellington. the butterfly collection and incorporated his Nancy who has been ill for some time would have been own collection of butterflies. He was author of 81 on 19 May 2007. Butterflies of South Australia (Fisher 1978), Obituaries can be found on the websites of the a Handbooks Committee of South Australia New Zealand Herald (Web ref. 1) and on the NZ publication now out of print. His extensive Plant conservation Network (Web ref. 2) collection of photographs of Australian butterflies is held by the Museum. The plants on which References the butterflies feed were also collected for this Web ref. 1. study. These 300 collections are held in the State id=65&objectid=10431737 Herbarium of South Australia. They were made Web ref. 2. between 1964 and 1987, the earlier ones with R.V. asp?newsid=150

13 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

News News from the Western Indiana University, to take up a joint position shared between DEC and the University of Australian Herbarium Western Australia. Michael has experience in Two pieces of good news from PERTH – we the systematics and ecology of aquatic plants, will have a new building at last, and we have a particularly Haloragaceae, and has worked with number of new botanist appointments. If good a number of Australian botanists for several things come in threes, maybe we should vote for years. He brings much-needed molecular world peace for the third. phylogenetic skills to our group. While based at The announcement in late March that the the Herbarium, Michael will also take on teaching Biodiversity Science Centre will go ahead Jenny Chappill’s systematics courses at UWA, as brings to a successful conclusion several years well as supervising students and research. John of planning work by many people, and provides Huisman has accepted a joint position shared a welcome relief after several months of recent between DEC and Murdoch University. Its great uncertainty while Treasury deliberated the final to have John as a formal part of the Herbarium approval and staff at PERTH held their collective after many years of close association with us breath. while supported by ABRS and other short- term contracts. John will curate our growing The Centre is the first stage of a consolidation phycological collections, continue his basic of the Department of Environment and taxonomic research into Western Australia’s rich Conservation’s Science Division staff and marine flora, and help develop a marine survey functions into one location. Currently we are capacity in DEC to match our existing terrestrial scattered over three main sites – the Herbarium in survey group. Marine survey is shaping up as South Perth, the conservation and genetics groups a major issue in Western Australia, with the in Kensington, and the biodiversity survey branch continued development of massive onshore and at Woodvale. This lack of geographic focus has offshore natural gas and other developments, made collaboration somewhat difficult in the past. particularly in the phycologically poorly-known All these groups will start to come together in the Kimberley region new building, with final co-location to follow in a second stage. The closer linkage between DEC and the Around half of the new building will comprise universities through joint appointments like this is the new PERTH Herbarium. The architects have a welcome, and we hope a fruitful, development. visited several other new herbaria in Australia So – world peace? – to be announced. and overseas to learn from others’ experiences, Kevin Thiele and have worked closely with PERTH staff to develop a facility that looks fantastic compared And from Canberra with our current grossly overcrowded building. No more boxes of specimens stacked on top of From a recent visit to Canberra we report the each other on the compactuses, or ever-spreading following: constellation of demountables and shipping ● Randy Bayer has left to take up a post in the containers to handle overflow specimens and United States staff (at least for a few years until the cycle starts ● David Jones is winding his work up for a again). The collection halls in the new building planned retirement later this year will be climate-controlled at 17°C and low ● Lyn Craven and Helen Hewson are having humidity for insect control, so maybe our recent battles with serious illnesses. We wish them Easter fumigation – the whole methyl bromide well. thing – will be our last. And the ground floor will have a delightful open-space including a large AM for Wal Whalley atrium, cafeteria, exhibition areas and public- Dr Ralph Derwyn (Wal) Whalley of the access Reference Herbarium. University of New England, previously Associate As anyone who has tried moving a herbarium will Professor of Botany, now Honorary Research attest, the next few years will see regular planning Fellow in Botany, was awarded an AM (Member meetings and much work as we put together a in the General Division of Order of Australia) strategy for effecting the move with a minimum in the Australia Day Honours list for services to of angst and down-time. Any advice and stories conservation and the environment, particularly of success (and heartbreak) from others will be through research into Australian native grasses most welcome during this time. and the promotion of their use for pasture, lawn Our other news as noted above are a couple of and revegetation of degraded natural landscapes. appointments. Michael Moody is joining us from Jeremy Bruhl

14 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Life Science Identifiers: Attending the workshop were two representatives of GBIF, Lee Belbin and Ricardo Pereira of the a computing workshop TDWG Infrastructure Project, many members of global significance of HISCOM and of the parallel Museum’s group Apologies for the stack of acronyms. Computing OZCAM, the developers of ABIF (the Australian is full of them, and they proliferate in pace with node of GBIF hosted by ABRS), a member of new organisations and developments. the South Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing, and a number of observers. New Kevin Thiele in this issue (p. 8) has given an Zealand HISCOM members, Kevin Richards account of the globally unique identifier (GUID) and Aaron Wilton, were able to relate their for biodiversity data, the Life Science Identifier experiences with implementation of LSIDs at the (LSID). Allan Herbarium (CHR). Canberra was the location on April 1–3 for a By the end of the workshop participants were workshop charged with investigating the value of convinced of the value of LSIDs to their LSIDs for Australian biosystematics institutions individual information systems and federated and requirements for their implementation. national systems such as the AVH and the Atlas The Global Biodiversity Information Facility of Living Australia (Barker 2007) as well as (GBIF), based in Europe, funded the workshop, global systems. Kevin Thiele’s account gives an organised by Greg Whitbread, Convener of excellent rendition of the benefits. It was agreed CHAH’s Herbarium Information Systems that HISCOM and OZCAM should seek support Committee (HISCOM). GBIF and its associated from CHAH and CHAFC and their individual data standards group TDWG (the Taxonomic institutional heads to install LSIDs in their data Databases Working Group) saw developments of records of specimens, names, taxon concepts and such systems as the Australia’s Virtual Herbarium taxon factsheets in the first instance. as a potential test-bed and proofing facility for global IT developments. References Barker W.R. Funding for an Atlas of Living Australia. The outcomes of the workshop (Web ref. 1; Austral. Syst. Bot. Soc. Nsltr 129: 15–16. Thiele p. 8) were: Web ref. 1. Meeting Minutes -- An LSID Policy ● the roadmap for implementation; for the Australasian Biodiversity Federation. At ● the technical aspects of the implementation in AbfLsidMeetingMinutes an Australian context; Bill Barker ● an executive summary to utilise when seeking support for implementation. Miscellanea Bean, A. (2007). A new system for determining which Honouring 300 years since plant species are indigenous to Australia. Australian Linnaeus’s birth Systematic Botany 20; 1-43. Want to honour Linnaeus? His actual birthday Daws, M.I., Hall, J., Flynn, S. & Pritchard, H.W. (2007). th Do invasive species have bigger seeds? Evidence from was 13 May 1778. We’ve played a part with a intra- and inter-specific comparisons. South African J. special illustration on the front cover (see p. 38). Botany 73: 138-143. Pillon, Y. & Chase, M.W. Taxonomic exaggeration and its Want to learn more about effect on orchid conservation. Conservation Biology Linnaeus? 21: 263-5 (2007). An internet-based course is being offered for Those bumblebees again part time study from September 2007 to January An ABC news story (Web ref. 1). Andrew 2008. All teaching is in English and all lectures Hingston from the University of Tasmania has and teaching are done through the internet. The studied the effect of the bumblebee invasion on last date for applications is April 15 but there the spread of South African Agapanthus in bush is an indication that late applications may be surrounding Hobart. considered if there are still vacancies on the course after the regular admission procedure. His research shows bumblebees are major pollinators of Agapanthus and may be increasing the plant’s seed set since they contact the reproductive organs of the flowers more often than Food for thought do honeybees and they carry more Agapanthus Three papers of interest: pollen grains on their bodies than do honeybees.

15 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Web ref. 1: The following is taken from their press release s1829006.htm (Web ref. 2) While several excellent plant identification guides What you have to do to raise currently exist, they are not aggregated into any sort of money for science: management ‘kit’ for identifying the particular species the new look Bob Hill that grow on saline land … You may not recognise a newly shorn Bob In addition, almost all identification aids until now have been very ‘botanical’ in nature and focus on the Hill next time you see him. He sacrificed his fine detail that is often required to differentiate closely- diagnostic pony tail for the Brain Foundation. related species. SALTDeck is different. It recognises that if microscopes and text books are required to differentiate between species then farmers and advisors probably won’t bother! For example there are several A plea for employment of more samphire species but SALTDeck has just one card for samphire to provide farmers and advisers with the systematists essential information about this plant and its role in Again a little out of date but the article by Richard – and value to – a more productive saltland pasture Rowe in The Australian on Jan 17th 2007 Wanted: system. more biodetectives is the sort of item we need to see more of References Web ref. 1: Web ref. 2: story/0,20867,21069793-12332,00.html asp?news=50 Margaret Flockton Award 2007 Science and Innovation Exhibition 2007 Awards Red Box Gallery, Mrs Macquaries Road, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney These awards are for 18–35-year olds in The Exhibition is open from 10am to 4pm Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Winners will Monday to Friday until the 15th June. This free receive up to $10,000 to undertake their project that will benefit themselves and their industry. exhibition showcases the winner and selected th entries for this prestigious botanical illustration Closing date is 15 June 2007. award and selected works are for sale. herbarium_and_services/botanical_illustration/ margaret_flockton_award Australian Museum Eureka Prizes for 2007 Australian Solanum species Nominations are called for the Australian Museum a weed in London Eureka Prizes for outstanding science. Presented The news is a bit old now, but an Australian annually by the Australian Museum, the prizes Solanum species was reported on the BBC News reward excellence in the fields of: (Web ref. 1) as a weed in Westminster in London ● research and innovation in July 2006. The Natural History Museum ● science leadership identified the plant as the kangaroo apple, ● school science Solanum laciniatum Ait. You can see a little more ● science journalism and communication. about it on the Natural History Museum site (Web th ref. 2). Entries close on 4 May 2007. Web ref. 1: london/5194188.stm Web ref. 2: news_9061.html Want to nominate your favourite nursery for its weed Simplifying systematics – awareness? why didn’t we think of this? The Council of Australasian Weed Societies SALTDeck is a set of 50 individual species offers you the chance to nominate your local identification cards; it aims to take the guesswork “Weed-Wise” nursery for an award. For further out of saltland plant species identification information go to the CAWS website and click on and selection. It can be downloaded from the Awards. Closing date: May 1st 2007. Australian Government, Land & Water site at Web ref. 1.

16 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Conference report 5th International Southern Connection Conference University of Adelaide, 21st–25th January 2007 David Cantrill1, Amy Hahs2 and Dan Murphy1 1National Herbarium of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne 2Australian Centre for Urban Ecology, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne The fifth meeting of the Southern Connection was continental fragmentation (80 Ma) indicating they as noticeable for the focus on New Zealand as it must be dispersed. The nature of the debate and was by the absence of delegates from key regions the contrasting use of data was best highlighted such as Africa. Previous meetings have had a by two juxtaposed talks on geological history good representation of participants from other of the New Zealand region. Craw asserted that southern continents, along with those from the the Oligocene record is equivocal, poorly dated, Northern Hemisphere that are interested in and with all localities having evidence for marine southern lands. It was therefore somewhat submergence. This was perfectly contradicted disappointing that this meeting did not attract the by Daphne Lee who pointed out that extensive full range of delegates from regions that form the sequence of coal bearing and non marine southern connection. Despite this the meeting sediments of Oligocene age occurred over the was well attended with over 200 delegates from New Zealand landmass pointing to emergent land 10 countries, and talks that covered a wide range in Oligocene times. This was just one of the many of topics grouped around eight key symposia. polarized debates that surround the argument. The The symposia ranged from southern urban talk by Ladiges and Cantrill highlighted the need ecosystems to invasive species, quaternary to explain the patterns seen but also that a strong palaeoclimates to megafaunal extinctions, and understanding of the geology is required. At the some fascinating areas such as subterranean end I was uncertain as to where Gondwana had communities. The diversity of topics available is gone as there still seemed to be ample evidence one of the great attractions to this meeting for it that Gondwana was alive, and that parts of eastern allows participants to be exposed to a range of Gondwana (ie New Zealand, New Caledonia) had research approaches and topics outside their own not drowned in the Oligocene but were alive and subdiscipline. It is through this sort of cross well. fertilization that new research directions can be developed. One fascinating session was on the stygofaunas of the calcrete aquifers in Western Australia and The meeting started with a lively session in the artesian springs of the Great Artesian Basin. The symposium entitled “Goodbye Gondwana”, a onset of aridity seemingly forced a number of symposium that dominated the meeting with 5 of organisms to colonize unique environments, such the 24 sessions being devoted to this subject. The as pore spaces in the aquifers, or left organisms dichotomy between dispersal versus vicariance in stranded in wet environments such as springs biogeography in the Great has dogged Artesian Basin. debate on the The ability of origin of austral life to adapt biotas. Recent to a changing advances and world was a key uncritical use of message but the data (biological evolutionary and geological) history of these has seen resurgence in dispersalist arguments taxa and the phylogeogra-phic relation-ships such as recent papers by McGlone entitled between regions was also interesting. Although “Goodbye Gondwana” (Journal of Biogeography a separate session, the stygofauna topic nicely 32 (5): 739–740) and Trewick et al “Hello New linked to the symposium on the above ground Zealand” (Journal of Biogeography 34: 1–6). The biota presented in “Aridification of the Four contention is that as New Zealand was submerged Southern Continents”, which focused mainly in the Oligocene the flora and fauna must be the on the Australian arid zone, but did provide a result of recent immigration since re-emergence broader snapshot of the arid biota in the southern in the Miocene. This is purportedly supported hemisphere. Unfortunately, there were few by molecular dating that shows the age of clades arid-zone plant examples, perhaps highlighting in New Zealand is younger than the time of an area requiring further research. As issues of

17 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007) contemporary climate change draw increasing woodland biotopes and Matt Beaty presenting attention, arid zone biotas have the potential to a framework for integrating social-ecological provide rich sources of evidence for examining systems to better understand the relationship biotic responses to climatic fluctuations. Plant between urban landscape heterogeneity and taxa have the potential to provide excellent biodiversity in Sydney. The other recurrent theme examples to test hypotheses at a variety of was the importance of spatial context, with Jenni different timescales. In talks by herpetologists, Garden demonstrating the importance of landscape Melville and Shoo, these different evolutionary context on the composition of reptile and mammal timescales, underlying the patterns of evolution species within remnant fragments and Amy Hahs in the arid zone biome, were well illustrated. demonstrating how quantitative measures of Congruence of patterns between different taxa urbanisation can be used to investigate changes provides compelling evidence for general in plant species richness within urban areas. The mechanisms affecting biotas and may allow the talks demonstrated the breadth of urban ecological ability to track the timing of the development research being undertaken in Australian and New of aridity across the southern hemisphere. A Zealand cities, and highlighted the similarities and somewhat controversial talk by Norman et al. differences between research being undertaken in suggested the possibility that many of the older the northern and southern hemispheres. (basal) lineages of Australian birds are from the arid zone, which raises the possibility of pre- The session on invasive species focused largely adaptation in arid lineages. However, in general on the role that environmental modifications the symposium highlighted how little is currently by plants played in the invasion process. The known about the timing of the onset of aridity, session started with an overview of this topic and the later biotic responses during Pleistocene by José Facelli, and this theme was revisited by climatic oscillations. several of the subsequent speakers. The session did not produce any specific generalisations, Environmental change in deep time has highlighting that there is still a large area of clearly influenced the present day biota and ecological understanding that would benefit understanding these processes is central to any from increased research attention. Based on the integrated knowledge of the origins of the Austral presentations at the symposium, there is evidence Biota. Two further symposia added to this deeper that the interactions between native plants, exotic time perspective: “Quaternary Palaeoclimates” plants and the local soil conditions are complex and “Megafaunal Extinctions”. The later dealt and depend on the species involved as well as the with the record of extinction and decline in ecological process of interest. This idea was well the megafauna of New Zealand (Moas), New illustrated by Ramiro Bustamante’s work in Chile, Caledonia, and Australia (Diprotodontidae), who found that regeneration of two native trees in the latter being combined with a picture of the Central Chile was increased or decreased by the changes in vegetation. The role of man in these presence of two exotic tree species, depending changes was discussed. The Quaternary Climate on whether the germination requirements of the session was a much larger event with numerous native species were met. Several of the talks pollen diagrams. It is clear that although we have during this session focused on the role of Buddleja a good understanding of broad patterns of change davidii on the successional processes of the in climate and vegetation, that detailed work floodplains in New Zealand, and also the patterns is required to examine the history of processes of spread for Pinus radiata, and the consequences such as El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) a of Pinus invasions on native ecosystems in the pattern that drives short term climate variability southern hemisphere. The session concluded in Australia and South America. with the results of a nine year study examining the effects of Hieracium spp. suppression on the The symposium on “Southern Urban Ecosystems” vegetation of New Zealand’s modified tussock was chaired by Glenn Stewart, from Lincoln grasslands. The talks demonstrated that studies of University, New Zealand. It started off with invasive species provide interesting opportunities an overview of the historic and future trends for enhancing our knowledge of general plant in urban ecology methods by Maria Igantieva community processes. Research into invasive and Colin Meurk, followed by four different species also has the additional benefit of lending examples of the methods being used to investigate itself to manipulation experiments, and our populations of plants and animals in urban areas improved understanding of the processes of across Australia and New Zealand. One of the invasion will provide opportunities for more recurrent themes was the importance of social specific mediation and control efforts to reduce components in influencing the ecological patterns the effects of invasive species. observed within urban areas, with Glenn Stewart highlighting the role of garden management For the systematic botanist there was much on decisions on the composition of lawn and urban offer throughout the meeting but the meeting also

18 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007) included a symposium devoted to Systematics the life history characteristics were used to in southern hemisphere plant groups. A tour de interpret population genetic structure explaining force was the paper presented by Hervé Sauquet the distribution of two co-occurring rainforest (Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney and soon to be trees. This type of phylogeographic study is Royal Botanic Gardens Kew) on the Proteaceae, widespread amongst animal researchers but has and new approaches to scoring character states been rarely applied to plants. It is a powerful that enable exploration of character evolution method to predict and understand patterns of within the Proteaceae. Here observational data plant distribution. is recorded into a database which then has masks overlaid to reduce information to manageable One thing that is emerging from many studies character suites. By recording the data in this is the importance of being able to integrate the way it is easy to change the masks without record of life and climate into our studies. The having to rescore the data set enabling multiple use of fossils for calibrating phylogenetic trees hypotheses to be examined for phylogenetic and in understanding the evolution of southern signal. This approach signals a way forward biotas was one common theme that ran through a for reintegrating morphology into phylogenetic number of the sessions in this meeting. analyses. Ulf Swenson presented new analyses of Australasian (largely Australian and New We would recommend future meetings of the Caledonian) Sapotaceae that illustrated some Southern Connection to all those people interested of the problems with the traditional taxonomic in southern hemisphere biology. The diversity of approaches in this family. Other groups presented topics presented offered great opportunities to included phylogenetic and biogeographic studies broaden one’s horizons outside the small areas of in the Annonaceae, Acacia, and Asteraceae. The research that we are usually engaged in. session was rounded out with an elegant study on the Elaeocarpus by Maurizio Rossetto where ABRS report Change of email and WWW addresses for Staffing ABRS Amy Jarrott, part of the Graduate program for DEW, is working with us until May, with special The Department of Environment and Heritage, responsibility for creating a poster celebrating the of which ABRS is a part, has changed its name Tercentenary of Linnaeus’ birth in 1707. to the Department of the Environment and Water Resources, using the acronym DEW because David Levy, who was working on ABIF (the there is already a DEWR (the Department of Australian Biodiversity Information Facility), has Employment and Workplace Relations). also found another position, but we welcome back Rob Beardow to work on the Australian Faunal Our email addresses have changed to the form: Directory (AFD) upgrade. [email protected]. Publications Our website is now found at: volume 2 - Winteraceae to Platanaceae. Published on 28 Feb. 2007. B5, Emails addressed to people using the old address xviii + 486 p, hardcover $140, softcover $120. of continue to be forwarded, but I do Algae of Australia - Introduction. Published not know how long this will last. The older address on 1 March 2007. 250 x 176 mm, 744 p, is no longer used, and emails sent to it hardcover $180. will disappear without a warning message being returned. Both books are available from CSIRO publishing. Advisory Committee Algae of Australia: Batrachospermales, Thoreales, Oedogoniales and Zygnemaceae As I write this the Advisory Committee is meeting (Entwisle, Skinner, Lewis & Foard) . to discuss the grant applications for 2007–2008. Applicants can expect to hear the results some This book is in press and we expect it to be time after the Federal Budget is brought down in published in April. It also will be available from May. The number of applications for botanical CSIRO publishing. projects was disappointingly low and I urge you Annette Wilson all to consider applying next year. Editor - Flora of Australia

19 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

ABLO report Winter has been a non-event this season with Correspondence Project – Regardfully Yours temperatures averaging double figures in January – at the Australian Embassy. Whilst in Berlin, I and only two days of snow. Living as close as I was also able to take care of a few requests and do to the gardens I was able to visit that muffled so had the privilege of working in the herbarium and white world rather early, and delighted in of the Botanical Gardens and Museum at Berlin- skimming the paths knowing my footsteps were Dahlem. One of the requests required me to the first to christen the snow with human tread. find type materials of a number of grass genera. Despite warnings to the contrary, my Melbournian I was dubious as to the prospect of success, as origins have stood me in good stead and the brief I was aware of the devastation the gardens and chilly days have been mere blips on the horizon. herbarium had suffered during WWII and thought The days are now lengthening appreciably, and like so many others, that the collection had been the gardens an unseemly riot of bulbous activity. completely destroyed. Happily, I was able to The Galanthus have finished, the daffodil walk provide some relevant information and resolve a slash of yellow between the Orangery and the some aspects of the quest for grass types, but also Palm House, the hyacinths are making a play during that process was made aware of just how for the tourists attention and ever so quietly the much had survived the fire bombing, especially bluebells are emerging to steal the show. Victoria the types. Shortly after the war a report was Gate is overtaken by the colourful, creeping commissioned by the Allies, and this enumerated carpet of cultivars of Crocus vernus - a curious a number of the groups in which the types had phenomenon dressing the ground in mauve, been saved (Alston 1946). Alston reported that purple and a shocking, brilliant white, all eerily about 400,000 sheets in 1100 boxes and 20,000 stalking the commercial outlets of Kew. And in books were saved or acquired subsequently between this horticultural mayhem, the ducks and and eventually evacuated to Bleicherode in geese waddle with unconcerned aplomb. Thuringia. The fern collection, part of the palms, ascomycetes and fungi imperfecta, plus random Despite the absence of real bone-cracking chill, vascular families survived the fire-bombing, but London again found itself littered with outdoor for details of what actually survived, see Sleumer skating rinks at Christmas. Both Kew and (1948). I would recommend this to all who work the Natural History Museum provided these on groups known to have type material at B. I entertainments for the public, and it was indeed think most of us assume that the types no longer an unusual sight to behold as I wandered about survive at B, but as I have found, this may not the gardens or visited the BM. necessarily be the case. But I digress, England has experienced the fourth warmest Winter since 1659, and on the plus side Construction at Kew has also enjoyed an overall increase in rainfall with I neglected to mention in my last report that the southeast in particular, experiencing a 20% the foundation stone for the Shirley Sherwood increase on last year ... and this deeply Australian Gallery has been laid and work proceeds apace, ABLO still finds walking in the rain one of the being expected to be completed for the anticipated greatest and most delicious of novelties. Things opening in Spring 2008. The new gallery is are certainly looking up for Spring and Summer. located adjacent to the Marianne North Gallery, and will offer Kew the opportunity to display And on to the news ... some of its precious collection of botanical art and illustrations as well as items from the Kew’s new mission statement world-renown Shirley Sherwood collection of The process in developing a new mission statement contemporary botanical art. I however, continue for Kew involved predictably, workshops and to find solace in the works of Marianne North ‘drafting’ group meetings, but culminated in and her gallery, which displays some rather an internet survey of staff, ‘Friends’ and other comforting images of the Black Spur, and the stakeholders in order to canvass for opinion and mighty cathedral forest of Eucalyptus regnans ideas. By February, it was agreed that the new just above Fernshaw in the central highlands of mission statement would be: Victoria. Of course much of her other Australian To inspire and deliver science-based plant conservation work I also appreciate and consider quietly worldwide, enhancing the quality of life. beautiful ... Monies are being gathered at present to renovate the gallery, but as yet, no dates have Berlin been set. Towards the end of November I was fortunate enough to visit Berlin in order to attend the launch The Australian section in the rock garden is slowly of the third and final volume of the Mueller being reconstructed, but despite best endeavours

20 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007) of the staff, the work has yet to be completed. Earlier that day I attended the 8th Young Two of Kew’s horticultural staff, Annette Dalton Systematist’s Forum at the Natural History and Joanne Everson, are hoping to obtain funding Museum. There were 11 talks and these for a plant collecting reccee timed for later in the ranged across the plant world featuring a year, with the official collecting trip scheduled for phylogeny of the Juncaginaceae, elements of the the Summer of 2007–08. The newly renovated Fabales, Myrtales, and also included red algae areas will display and highlight the sub-alpine (Acrochaetium), and ‘taxonomic escapades’ of flora of Australia’s south east. Macromitrium. Although botany outnumbered the zoological presentations, the Mexican black After much delay, the ‘sod’ has finally been spiny tailed iguana as well as marine crocodilians turned for the new herbarium and library represented Zoological endeavours, and a extension. This will be the fifth extension for the single presentation discussing the functional current herbarium building, the first having been reproductive morphology of longhorn beetles constructed under the aegis of Sir Joseph Hooker represented entomological studies. The day was in 1876–77 (Wing C) after much wrangling with great and the standard of presentation high. All in royal and parliamentary opposition. The second all, the seventh day of December was a very good was built in 1902 (Wing B), the third in 1932 day indeed. (Wing A) and the most recent, Wing D, in 1968. The site is a four-year-old boy’s dream sporting Housekeeping and email difficulties as it does, diggers, backhoes, mini-cranes and pile-drivers and so many steel girders that BHP- Since the commencement of my term as ABLO, Billiton should consider a takeover. So powerful email difficulties at Kew have increased and has been the work on foundations that the ABLO seriously disrupted ABLO email correspondence. office in Hunter House has been shaking with the So great have been the difficulties experienced by pile driver’s effort. the organization at large, that a new server was commissioned in December. Unfortunately, this Loans has not been the cure to all ills as it was hoped. Problems persist, and during March the server Just a quick note for those of you dealing with was again reloaded. If any of you have tried to herbarium to K, new AQIS Import Conditions th contact me electronically and not heard from me, (ICON) have been launched (11 March 2007). please persist or use conventional mail options or fax facilities. The ABLO website should now Visits, Visitors’ Exhibits and Seminars reflect the new contact numbers. There has been only one scientific visit during this Winter ABLO term. Gavin Duley visited K to I also ask those of you who require information review the Australian Xerochrysum in preparation on taxa and collections to provide the ABLO of his Honours year with Jeremy Bruhl at the with full protologue details and synonymy with University of New England, Armidale. Although your initial request. I have found as have other the scientific visits have been few in number, ABLOs before me, that when requests come in quite a number of others have visited Kew for which are fully documented, they are quick and herbarium and garden tours. easy to service. I have wasted a great deal of time th completing the required research before I get to On 7 December, the Linnean Society hosted the look in the cupboards. Also, Annette Wilson has launch of the Linnean Tercentenary marking a kindly taken the time to update the ABLO website year celebrating of the birth of Carl Linneaus. It with the current protocols for library requests. I presages twelve months of conferences, meetings would ask you to refresh your memories about and seminars, each dealing with the various these protocols – this would also save me a lot of aspects of his contribution to natural history. The time in servicing the library requests. Society’s meeting room had been refurbished, but was not adequate to hold all those who attended the celebrations. The meeting overflowed with a Displays at Kew – Kew Magazine and the large number of delegates viewing the occasion Tropical Display via cable link in the library. Drinks followed Since the beginning of February, a selection and a number of ‘Linnean’ initiatives’ were of photographic work commissioned for Kew displayed in the Society’s other rooms. One of Magazine has been on display in the Nash the more exciting of these initiatives is Charlie Conservatory. The photographs have been taken Jarvis’s Order out of Chaos due out this May. by commissioned photographers as well as Kew This exhaustingly comprehensive catalogue lists staff, and the breadth of images represented range each Linnaean name including place and date of from whimsical images of sleeping dormice at publication, information about the type specimen Wakehurst Place, to the iconic Amorphophallus and place of typification, and the current name, titanum, as well as glorious images of rather far- all of which are tidily supported with explanatory flung and remote localities known to Kew’s plant notes. hunters, botanists and ecologists. It’s fabulous and

21 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007) you can catch a glimpse of these stunning images controlled storage facility will keep the collections in Kew’s web pages (Web ref. 1): between 12 – 16ºC., and should ensure longevity for the newly restored materials. The Princess of Wales Conservatory has been host to a tropical extravaganza this Winter. The New publications emphasis of this year’s display has been Kew’s work in the tropics with rainforest being the To complete this report I would like to make a background for tropical flowers and orchids. It plug for the recently revised was certainly impressive. Families of the World (ISBN: 978-1-84246-165- 5). It currently retails for £27 and covers 506 Mycological news flowering plant families with fully revised text, taking into account the new relationships between Good news to report for the mycological spirit plants revealed by DNA studies. Dick Brummit collection. It has taken Mark Powell, a volunteer, has made great improvements on the quality of nine months to restore the collection (c. 1200 the maps as well as, of course, the text. specimens), which involved cleaning storage jars and topping up the fluid to ensure that all parts References of the fungus are submerged. Some of the oldest Alston, A.H.G. (1946) Taxonomic botany and botanical material dates back to 1886. Even better, Mark collections in Germany. p 4. BIOS Final Report No. has data-based these collections so ensuring the 152, Item No. 22, British Intelligence Objectives Sub- information is more readily accessible to other committee: London, H.M. Stationery Office. mycologists. However, although the Mycological Sleumer, H. (1948) The Botanical Gardens and Museum at herbarium is now stored in the Wolfson Wing of Berlin-Dahlem. Kew Bulletin, 4:172-175. the Jodrell, the spirit collection is housed in the Web ref. 1. Herbarium spirit collection. This environmentally themes/index.html Book reviews Identification of Eucalypts in south-eastern Australia made easier Review by Marco Duretto Tasmanian Herbarium

Field Guide to Eucalypts: Volume 1 South- most authoritative reference for anyone interested eastern Australia. 3rd Edition. By M.I.H. in trees …’ Brooker & D.A. Kleinig. 2006. Bloomings Books: Melbourne. 356 pp. hard Nicolle’s is the first publication of an account cover. ISBN 1 876473 52 5 (v 1). $129.95 of the Victorian and Tasmanian Eucalypts (Angophora, Corymbia & Eucalyptus) following & his 1997 account of South Australian Eucalypts. Eucalypts of Victoria and Tasmania. By D. It includes almost 600 colour photographs, Nicolle. 2006. accurate maps and descriptions of 141 species Bloomings Books: Melbourne. 310 pp. soft (40% of these endemic to the area). cover: flexibind. ISBN 1 876473 60 6. $49.95 The two texts overlap in areas covered, though Publishers website: the area covered by Brooker & Kleinig is substantially larger, and both have descriptions, In 2006 Bloomings Books published two new distribution maps, information on classification, identification guides for the Eucalypts in south- keys, key characters etc. Excellent (usually) eastern Australia. colour photographs illustrate habit, and key rd features of most taxa covered in both books. They Brooker & Kleinig’s is the 3 edition [and differ, apart from the precise area covered, in the apparently fully revised and updated!] of the first amount and type of information they offer. volume of an existing series covering virtually all species of Eucalyptus and Corymbia found in Brooker & Kleinig provide an excellent overview Australia. Volume 1 covers south-eastern Australia of characters used in the identification and (New South Wales less the north-west, Victoria, classification of the Eucalypts. They discuss south-east South Australia and Tasmania). The variation in the size of the plants, bark types, volume describes c. 300 species and includes phases of the leaves, and the types of inflorescence, maps and over 1500 colour photographs. The flier buds, flower, fruit, seeds etc. The descriptions are boldly states that ‘This book provides the world’s accompanied by useful photographs and line

22 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007) drawings. These proved useful when using the a quick check of descriptions, photographs, maps keys. Both books provide glossaries. etc is required to help the user make a decision at a couplet. This can occur on a regular basis I have to admit that I am not very good at with Eucalypts as the organs required for an easy identifying eucalypts as anyone who has asked identification are invariably not all present. me to collect species for them can attest to. Will the ‘Isla Gorge fiasco’ ever be forgotten? This is The circumscription of Eucalyptus has been said so that the reader will look at my comments the subject of quite a lot of research by many research groups over the last few years. Brooker & Kleinig provide a much abridged outline of the taxonomic history of Eucalyptus though they omit to mention much of the recent work [last 10–15 years] published on Angophora, Corymbia and Eucalyptus (see review by West, 2006). Nicolle does not provide any detailed taxonomic history of the genera though does say he ‘generally’ and ‘mostly’ follows Brooker (2000). Brooker (2000) delegates both Angophora and Corymbia to subgenera of Eucalyptus though Nicolle treats them as separate genera. A few sentences explaining this sort of departure from the classification published by Brooker (2000) would be of assistance to the reader.

regarding the keys with a pinch of chaff. The keys are easy to use and the names I got when keying out several specimens matched what the material was said to be. When using keys to Eucalypts it quickly becomes apparent how many organs, and these often in varying degrees of maturity, that you need to identify most taxa. It also makes you acutely aware of how inadequate most herbarium specimens are: that is, most are single branches with next to no notes. Invariably bark is not included or discussed etc, and the person lodging the specimen does not include both fruit, buds or juvenile foliage. To identify anything both alternatives at a couplet regularly need to be checked. An ideal group for an interactive key (see Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research 2006). Both books use indented keys, which do work well I have to admit I was disappointed that neither with larger groups and are probably less prone to book referred to, and/or directed the reader to, editorial errors. Brooker & Kleinig provide keys some of the exciting research that has recently for each State, which is more manageable for the occurred in Eucalypt systematics. A few lines user. They also add the page number where the and references would have sufficed. This species is found in the text. Nicolle’s account information is particularly important in Eucalypts would have benefited greatly from doing the as it is one of the few groups where the problems same and/or by numbering the species. When of changing classifications has been noted by the species are not in alphabetical order, as in both mainstream media and has affected a wide variety books, then it is onerous to have to go to the index of professions and non-professionals outside to find where a species is in the book. Often in systematic botany. It also indicates to the reader large and difficult groups, such as the Eucalypts, that what is in the text is not the only classification

23 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007) currently in use and so could reduce some of the Brooker & Kleinig provide some information on confusion and angst that often surrounds Eucalypt the key characters (apomorphies?, meaning of systematics. the name?) of some of the subgeneric taxa but are inconsistent. A page is dedicated to each of The issue boils down to whether to recognise the subgenera where some text describing some Corymbia and Angophora as distinct genera characters of the taxon and usually a photograph (as in Nicolle) or to delegate them to subgenera of a leaf is presented. The amount of information of Eucalyptus (as in Brooker & Kleinig). The varies greatly. For the subgenera Blakella, fact that each of these texts adopt a different Corymbia and Eudesmia, for example, only circumscription of Eucalyptus illustrates that the meaning of the name is described. For the different points of view are presently being subgenera Symphyomyrtus and Eucalyptus more discussed. information is provided. A consistent approach to these pages would be useful, that is, the product Brooker & Kleinig indicate, of Corymbia: and a general understanding of the classification We have retained the name Eucalyptus for them in of Eucalyptus would be greatly enhanced if the conformity with the earlier edition of [the] Field Guide. same information were provided for each of the I must admit that I find this line a bit of a ‘cop subgenera. It would have added no extra pages to out’. The value of new [and, as stated on the dust include the species number, distribution, a map, cover, fully revised and updated!] editions is to and a brief description of all the subgenera. As include and/or discuss new developments in a it stands some of the pages are virtually empty. particular field. The taxa in this volume are in Under Symphyomyrtus similar pages are included phyletic order and so the species widely accepted for the sections but with similar inconsistencies. to be of the genus Corymbia [in Brooker & Under subgenus Corymbia the sections have Kleinig under subgenera Blakella and Corymbia] distributional data only but this information are placed at the beginning of the species is lacking elsewhere. On page 239 there is an accounts. There is no reason why these could not account for what appears to be series Rhodoxylon be under the genus Corymbia instead – users will but without a heading. It looks like an afterthought have no trouble interpreting this. If the authors or a work in progress: what have I missed? do not agree with the separation of Corymbia from Eucalyptus then why not just be a bold and Both books list species with their authorities say so. It is for the good for all, professionals though Nicolle, under the heading of ‘Authority’, and non-professionals alike, to see that there are also includes the place of publication, typification differences of opinion. In fact, the differences of details and some synonyms, and these with their opinion in the taxonomy of Eucalypts over the last authorities and places of publication. Nicolle is few decades has generated some very interesting commended for including obvious synonomies, and useful debates in systematic circles. It is especially in Angophora and Corymbia, unfortunate that Angophora is omitted from thus indicating to the reader that alternative Brooker & Kleinig’s account altogether as the classifications, some of which are recent, do exist. senior author does include it under Eucalyptus in Brooker & Kleinig provide very few synonyms his recent classification of Eucalyptus (Brooker and these seem to indicate recent changes in their 2000). circumscription of taxa. Brooker & Kleinig provide descriptions Both Brooker & Kleinig and Nicolle place species and distributional data for each species or in some sort of phyletic sequence keeping closely subspecies. Diagnostic characters are in bold related taxa together. This is highly commended which is extremely useful for a quick check. and is useful for the user as closely related Each species or subspecies has a distribution taxa can be compared easily and adds interest map, a photograph of its habit as well as close- when reading about specific taxa. Both include ups of bark, fruits, flower buds, and sometimes information about how species are classified in other features. Some of the photographs are the genera by listing subgeneric taxa. In accounts looking a little tired, possibly because we are of large genera I find the addition of this sort so familiar with the format, but they do provide of formal classification extremely useful and it the information needed. The descriptions vary does add much to any account. Neither account in content significantly and some are, as with E. summarizes the classification in one place, which angulosa and E. psammitica, worryingly brief. is a shame. For these species only how they differ from a related taxon is described, and so they can not be Nicolle includes a single line indicating what easily compared with other taxa. The same brief subgenus, section and series a species is classified descriptions are used for non-typical subspecific in though he does omit subsections and subseries. taxa. It would be more appropriate to describe He provides no additional information on these the same characters for each taxon of the same taxa. rank throughout which allows easy comparison.

24 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Flowering times are listed for only a few taxa and Nicolle’s book is lovely and easy to use inside or bizarrely recorded as ‘unknown’ for some taxa in the field. I am sure it will become an essential such as E. malacoxylon and E. psammitica. These reference for everyone in Victoria or Tasmania species are some of those that have only very or just interested in Australian plants and/or brief descriptions based on how they differ from Eucalypts. I am very pleased to have a copy of it other species. Curiously, in both cases the species and I am sure I will be using it regularly. they are compared to are some of the many species that have no ‘Flowering Time’ headings. Some would wonder if two more identification Another case of an inconsistent approach to the guides for Eucalypts in south-eastern Australia is presentation of data. getting excessive with the large number of other guides and various state floras available. This is Nicolle presents significantly more information especially apparent as two book reviews in the last under a number of headings that cover the issue of the ASBS Newsletter dealt with the third meaning of the epithets, good descriptions, edition of Euclid (Centre for Plant Biodiversity distribution and habitat, cultivation and uses, as Research 2006; reviewed by Clarkson 2006) and well as extra notes. Also included are distribution also the Forest Trees of Australia (Boland et al. maps and photographs of the plant habit, flower 2006; reviewed by Harden 2006). Both guides buds, fruit and sometime juvenile foliage, bark were produced by CSIRO Publishing. and other useful features. Each taxon has two pages. I expected to see more photographs of Eucalypts can be a very difficult group to identify the juvenile foliage and bark, as these are so and as far as I am concerned any help can’t hurt. important in determining species. The quality of The areas covered by both books are dominated photographs, especially of the fruit and buds, is by Eucalypts and contain significant diversity. generally high. Here the descriptions are directly In addition, there are numerous documented comparable. Nicolle also provides information of hybrids, clines, etc. confusing specialists and where the habit shots were taken, which is good, non-specialists alike. There are also a significant though he should keep better notes: I suspect E. number of Eucalypt systematists in the area. coccifera was photographed on Mt Wellington Having greater than one source of information and not Mt William. (or 10 or 12) is invaluable. So in all honesty, the more guides the merrier. One thing that did annoy me with both books, and to some this would be trivial, is that when there Identification guides on such an economically are subspecies then a description of the species important group that is known by most is not provided. That is descriptions are provided professional and non-professionals helps to get a for the subspecific taxa only. No comparison of simple message across to the wider community. the species with other species is allowed and so The message is that Australia is a mega–diverse the subspecific taxa are treated as if they are the country with many rare and restricted species. same rank as species. Wouldn’t it be lovely if a large number of guides were produced on other groups as well … Brooker & Kleinig sometimes confuse subspecies a little more by not keeping all subspecies References together. For example, E. lacrimans is listed Boland, D.J., Brooker, M.I.H., Chippendale, G.M., Hall, within the subspecies of E. pauciflora and its N., Hyland, B.P.M., Johnstone, R.D., Kleinig, DA, description covers a number of subspecies of E. McDonald, M.W. & Turner, J.D. (2006). Forest Trees of pauciflora. All very confusing but I am sure they Australia 5th edition. (CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne). know what they are talking about. Brooker, M.I.H. (2000). A new classification of the genus Eucalyptus L’Her. (Myrtaceae). Australian Systematic You do have to admire Brooker & Kleinig for Botany 13: 79–148. producing an identification guide to an incredibly Centre for Plant Biodiveristy Research (2006). EUCLID diverse group, and across an entire continent. Eucalypts of Australia 3rd edition. (CSIRO Publishing: All this information, photographs and expertise Melbourne). synthesised into a single work: a remarkable Clarkson, J. (2006). A third edition of Australia’s achievement. I can not agree with the line on the Eucalyptus Identification tool. Australian Systematic flier that it is the ‘most authoritative reference Botany Society Newsletter 129: 25–27. for anyone interested in trees’ and I do believe Harden, G (2006). A fifth Edition of the classic Forest Trees of Australia. Australian Systematic Botany some serious work is required to standardise the Society Newsletter 129: 27–29. accounts given. That aside, the fact that it is in rd Nicolle, D. (1997). Eucalypts of South Australia. (D. its 3 edition and selling remarkably well (earlier Nicolle: Adelaide). additions have sold over 10,000 copies!) is a West, J. (2006). Evolutionary relationships in Eucalyptus testament to its suitability for the end user. The sens. lat. – a synopsis. In Centre for Plant Biodiveristy three volumes of the series are a manageable size Research. EUCLID Eucalypts of Australia 3rd edition. and can easily be taken into the field. (CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne).

25 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

A new South Australian Grass flora Review by Bryan Simon Queensland Herbarium, Brisbane Botanic Garden Mt. Coot-tha, Mt Coot-tha Road, Toowong Qld 4066, Grasses of South Australia. By John Jessop. Australian botanical publications (Black 1978, Illustrated by Gilbert R.M. Dashorst & Dashorst & Jessop 1990, Jessop 1981, Jessop Fiona M. James. 2006. & Toelken 1986, Jessop 1993). His interest in Wakefield Press, South Australia, b&w grasses commenced on his move to Adelaide in illustrations and colour plates, hard cover 1974 and he has a very good understanding of the 554 pp. Price A$49.95, plus $10 postage intricacies of this family, which to a large extent is within Australia. avoided by most botanists. However, his editorial skills and dedication to Of all the Australian getting large publications states, South Australia, started, managed, written with the four editions and completed are well of its flora, stands alone known, as manifested as the state with more by the cited publications published editions of its above. Unfortunately this flora than any other state. characteristic of tenacity The publication of this and single-mindedness book has taken the level to accomplish such of knowledge of grasses publications, particularly for this state to a new floras and handbooks, is level of professionalism in becoming a rarity these terms of data, quantity and days as current tertiary quality of illustrations and level taxonomic training ecological information. becomes depleted, both in The impetus for the project Australia and overseas, at stemmed from a proposal a time when biodiversity from members of the monitoring needs more Native Grass Resources people like John Jessop to Group of South Australia document it. and their desire to expand the grass treatment in the Of particular note in this 4th edition of the Flora of book are the very appealing South Australia (Jessop & full-page illustrations Toelken 1986) into a more of Gilbert Dashorst and definitive treatment. South quarter-page illustrations Australia is well known for of Fiona James and a few its enthusiastic and mostly of Dashorst’s. All parts amateur agrostologists and of all the 426 species of is the only Australian state that has a publication South Australian grass are illustrated, with every (Native Grass South Australia) dedicated to its genus having one full-page illustration and the native grasses; hopefully this trend will expand remaining species and/or varieties, where more to other states with richer grass floras than South than one, a quarter-page illustration. Although Australia. The interest in the South Australian it appears to have been an editorial decision to grass flora has resulted in an increase in the represent the drawings in this way, perhaps some search for and collection of specimens in the 20 of the genera with many species could have years since the last published edition of the flora benefited from having more than one full-page (Jessop & Toelken 1986); this, together with illustration. Furthermore the depiction of the habit corrections to classification and nomenclature, of each grass in a silhouette form is in my view has resulted in a 36% increase in grass species for not a good idea and blurs the detail that could South Australia in that time. Further changes to have been better shown in a non-silhouetted habit grass classifications and resulting name changes drawing. Regarding the decision not to attach are likely as a result of current work in grass scales to the drawings, I feel this is regrettable as phylogeny and classification worldwide. it would have been beneficial to have the scales strategically placed next to the illustrations, John Jessop has been the moving force, editor especially when comparing full-page drawings and main author for a number of noteworthy with quarter plate ones for related species; this

26 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007) would not have involved a cross checking to The fact that these groups cut across the formal measurements in the descriptions. classification of the family is a reflection that contemporary classifications often depends more In addition to the black and white illustrations on cryptic characters that are not mirrored by of all species are 20 colour plates, each one overall morphology. Under the family description representing a grass tribe. While these are of a figure of about 10,000 species is mentioned very good quality as works of botanical art, in my as the number of species of grasses worldwide. opinion they do not add much more information This number is a commonly cited figure that has to that provided in the black and white drawings. been around for more than 50 years (Hubbard I feel maybe some colour photos of habit, such 1954); a more correct estimate for present times as those as depicted in the Flora of Australia would bring the figure up to about 12,500 from grass volumes, may have been a better option the current data contained in GrassWorld (Simon as a contrast to the black and white illustrations. 2007). However these are only what I regard as could be small points of improvement to a collection The general layout and typesetting of the text of the best complete set of grass illustrations that is well done, with little wasted space and the has been published for an Australian State, and effective use of bold type. I could find few should set the standard for other Australian States typographic errors; the only two that I noticed to follow. were the caption of Fig. 58 has not been placed in italics and there was an outdated spelling for the The main body of the book is arranged in what caption of Fig. 238 for the species Monachather appears to be a phylogenetic sequence that is paradoxus. The taxonomic treatments that are followed in contemporary books on grasses. followed are mostly that of AusGrass (Sharp & However while the genera are grouped into tribes Simon 2002), one notable exception being the there is no mention of the subfamily rank where adherence to Webster’s placement of Paspalidium the tribes are placed. There is general consensus with Setaria (Webster 1995). To my knowledge among current workers as to the subfamilial this nomenclatural transfer has not been followed composition of the grass family (GPWG 2001), in other parts of Australia, and is taken up in this although refinements are continually being book rather surprisingly, especially as the author made to the more unknown parts of the family states that the combination of Paspalidium with (Sanchez-Ken & Clark 2007). A short mention Setaria by Webster “is followed here although of the classification of South Australian grasses its level of acceptance in Australia has yet to be under their subfamilies, similar to that in gauged.” Both genera belong to the bristle clade AusGrass (Sharp & Simon 2002) would not have of the tribe Paniceae, along with 22 other genera been out of place. (Kellogg, Penly & Doust 2007). Preliminary The ecological notes are more complete than indications are that both Paspalidium and Setaria, usually found in a work of this nature. This is a as presently constituted, are polyphyletic. More reflection of the field experience of numerous investigation needs to be done before new people in South Australia. In addition to the nomenclatural labels can be assigned to the information provide by people listed in the groupings resulting from this early work. introduction as those having good field experience, there is another ecological section (BS), I was pleased to see that a mistake in AusGrass summarising spreadsheets from the Biological was picked up in the account of Eriochloa at the Survey of South Australia. Distribution maps top of page 451 and the authors are quite correct to are excluded, probably a good idea in terms of notice a contradiction between information in the the space they would have occupied, and that on- AusGrass dichotomous key to and the description the-fly maps can be readily obtained through the of Eriochloa australiensis in relation to spikelet Australian Virtual Herbarium (Web ref. 1). The length. The AusGrass key has the spikelets as glossary is very well put together and illustrated 6–9.4 mm long, whereas the description has the and appears to cover all the descriptive terms length as 5–15 mm long. This is due to the data used in the book. The map showing the botanical source for the descriptions being different from regions of South Australia has the necessary that of the key, although most were checked regions shown as well as the artistic creation against each other. This was one that slipped by Gilbert Dashorst, with a parchment-like through the net, with the correct figure being appearance and a dolphin and whale thrown in 6–9.4. This allows for specimens with spikelets for light relief. 9.5 to 15 mm long, being accommodated within Eriochloa longiflora, not recognized in this Following the trend of some other Australian book. grass books (Tothill & Hacker 1983, Wheeler, Jacobs and Whalley 2002) genera are first keyed Overall this is one if the finest grass books of a out in a number of informal groups, which are particular geographic region that has appeared illustrated, to assist in the identification process. in recent times and should serve as a benchmark

27 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007) for similar publications for other regions. Porter, M.A., Prince, L.M. and Simpson, M.G. (eds). The dedication and patience of the authors in Monocots: Comparative Biology and Evolution commencing, writing and completing such a fine (). Rancho Santa Anna Botanic Garden. publication is to be highly commended. Hubbard (1954). Grasses. Penguin. Sanchez-Ken, G.J. & Clark, L.G. (2007, in press) References Phylogenetic relationships within the Centothecoideae + Panicoideae clade. in Columbus, J.T., Friar, E.A., Black, J.M., revised & edited by John. P. Jessop (1978). rd Porter, M.A., Prince, L.M. and Simpson, M.G. (eds). Flora of South Australia, Part 1, 3 edn. Lypopodiaceae Monocots: Comparative Biology and Evolution – Orchidaceae. Government Printer, South Australia. (Poales). Rancho Santa Anna Botanic Garden. Dashorst, Gilbert R.M. & Dashorst, John, P. Plants of the Adelaide Plains and Hills. Kangaroo Press. Tothill, J.C. & Hacker, J.B. (1983). The Grasses of Southern Queensland. University of Queensland GPWG (Grass Phylogeny Working Group) (2001). Press. Phylogeny and subfamilial classification of the grasses (). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Webster, R.D. (1995). Nomenclatural changes in Setaria 88: 373-457. and Paspalidium (Poaceae: Paniceae). Sida 16: 439- Jessop, J.P. (ed.). (1993). A List of the Vascular Plants of 446. South Australia (Edition IV). The Botanic Gardens of Wheeler,D.J.B., Jacobs, S.W.L. & Whalley, R.D.B. Adelaide and State Herbarium. (2002). Grasses of New South Wales. Third Edition. Jessop, J.P. (ed). (1981). Flora of Central Australia. The University of New England Australian Systematic Botany Society; Reed. Sharp, D. & Simon, B.K. (2002). AusGrass. Grasses of Jessop, J.P. & Toelken, H.R. (1986). Flora of South Australia. CD-Rom Version 1.0. (Australian Biological Australia, Parts I- IV. Alismataceae-Orchidaceae. Resources Study, Canberra and Environmental South Australia Government Printer, Adelaide. Protection Authority Queensland. CSIRO Publishing. Kellogg, E.A., Penly, A., Doust, A. (2007, in press). Simon, B.K. (2007, in press). GrassWorld - interactive key Phylogenetic relationships in the Setaria/Pennisetum and information system of world grasses. Kew Bulletin clade (Panicoideae) in Columbus, J.T., Friar, E.A., Web ref. 1. Tasmania’s rich botanical history Review by Robyn Barker State Herbarium of South Australia Janet Somerville’s Botanical History of Bay as Tasman’s landing place. This conclusion Tasmania 1642–1820. Foreword by Winifred was arrived at by comparison with Tasman’s Curtis. Edited by Brad Potts, Gintaras description of the locality and the list of plants Kantvilas and Jean Jarman. 2006. given in his journal. University of Tasmania and Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery. 233 pp. $45 plus Centenaries aside, the origins of this project lie in postage and handling. ISBN 1 86295 342 2 . a different era; Janet Somerville’s major research Order form downloadable at was conducted at the University of Tasmania between 1958 and the year of her death, 1969. A copy of her manuscript work was found in the Centenaries are good for increasing an interest in papers of the late Professor William Jackson and history. The ASBS 1988 bicentennial symposium has been reproduced along with a foreword in Melbourne led to an extremely valuable written 20 years ago by another doyen of collection of botanical history papers still Tasmanian botany, Winifred Curtis. Much of the much used today (Short 1990) and the present freely available material we take for granted tercentenary of the birth of Linnaeus (Web refs. today would have only been available to 1, 2) is leading to further exposure of Linnaeus, Somerville through either visits to libraries in even though we have only recently celebrated 250 other states or through interlibrary loans or by years since the publication of his major botanical painstaking trawls through Government records. work Species Plantarum in 1753. While the sources quoted may not have changed many of them are now much more freely available Certainly there is a lot more information on the web or as facsimile editions. Indeed, as the around since the bicentenary of the Flinders editors acknowledge, some of the work and Baudin voyages and it would appear that reproduced here has to some extent been it may have been the tercentenary of Tasman’s superseded by, amongst others, the Duyker (2003) visit to Tasmania (1942) that precipitated Janet publication on Labillardière and the Vallance et Somerville’s interest in the early botanical history al. (2001) publication on Robert Brown. But even of Tasmania; Winifred Curtis describes in her here there are interpretations that are not found in foreword their mapping between 1942 and 1946 these more modern treatments e.g. for of salt-marshes in the area where Tasman landed Labillardière’s visit to the island his comments and the identification by Somerville of Boomer are reported chronologically and plants mentioned Creek salt-marsh on the shores of Blackman in his diary are given by name making them much

28 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007) easier for botanists to search than the Duyker involved considerable research on their parts. It essay on the topic. The editors have brought is they who have compiled the references and botanical names up to date in the extensive they who have assembled 58 present day black footnotes. and white photographs of sites visited by these early expeditions and 19 maps from various In a state with a much earlier European contact than early sources. They have brought plant names most Australian states, this account is extremely up to date and they have supplied an index to useful in bringing together botanical information these; it is unfortunate that they did not also from these early primary sources. Somerville supply an index to people since this would have has concentrated on botanical information and been extremely useful. The only comment with observations within the which I could find fault journals and woven these was the Editor’s Note (p. into background accounts 190) where it gives the of the voyages. She impression that Brown’s clearly had an interest in (1810) Prodromus was the possible introduction extremely well received of plants to Tasmania on publication, which of by early visitors such course it was not. That as du Fresne (1772), only the first part of the Furneaux (1773), Cook Prodromus was ever (1777), Bligh (1788 and published was precisely 1792), D’Entrecasteaux because it was not viewed (1792–93) and Baudin with any interest at this (1802–03). At the end of time and it was left to the treatment of each of time to reveal just how the visitors there is a brief valuable a publication it discussion of the role was – in the meantime they may have played in many of the species the introduction of alien described by Brown plants to Tasmania and remained as manuscript there is a whole section on names ready for his the ports and refreshment unpublished second stations which might volume. Incidentally have been the source Tasmanians should now of any introductions. be able to compile a list Overwhelmingly the of plants collected from answer seems to be that Tasmania by Robert there were no species Brown by accessing the introduced and naturalised Brown database (see p. by these early visitors, a 12 or Web ref. 3). conclusion which could possibly be challenged by others. This volume might also now allow, through the work of the editors, the development of historical The book also provides a background for another trails and markers celebrating the activities of area where there is presently considerable interest these early naturalists. Finding such information in and argument: the first established “garden” by on my one brief trip to Tasmania a few years the French in the now delightfully known Pigsties ago was not easy and it seems a shame that Bay area. Debate continues on this matter but here information about these early activities is not there are a number of photographs of the disputed more readily available to the casual tourist. area placed in the context of the activities of the naturalists on board the Recherche and Esperance in 1792 and 1793. Just one word of warning – the review copy supplied has not been stapled effectively and the Browsing the contents of the volume I was first few pages have already escaped the staple reminded that in his relatively short life-time but the glue is still holding them in. Matthew Flinders (1774–1814) paid at least 3 visits to the island; when reading of his exploits If you have to deal with older herbarium on the Investigator one forgets just how familiar specimens collected from Tasmania this modest with the area he must have already been. book will be extremely helpful as a first stop in interpretation of collecting localities, but buy The editors have done a remarkable job in it too for a one-stop coverage of the topic up to bringing this volume up to date and it must have 1820 or to read before your next visit.

29 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

References Vallance, T.G., Moore, D.M. & Groves, E.W. (2001). Duyker, E. & M. (ed). (2003). Citizen Labillardière: Nature’s Investigator. The diary of Robert Brown in a naturalist’s life in revolution and exploration. Australia 1801-1805. (ABRS, Canberra). (Miegunyah Press, Melbourne). Web ref. 1: Short, P.S. (ed.) (1990). History of systematic botany in Web ref. 2: Australasia. (Australian Systematic Botany Society, nean%20Tercentenary%20Conference.htm Canberra) Web ref. 3: An illustrated history of Adelaide Botanic Garden Review by Tony Orchard PO Box 3427, Weston Creek ACT 2611 Seeds of Change. An Illustrated History of Shortly after Governor Gawler replaced Governor Adelaide Botanic Garden. By Richard Aitken. Hindmarsh in 1838, a new appointment of Bloomings Books, 2006. 224 pp., Page size Government Botanist was made: John Bailey, 280 x 215 mm. RRP A$49.94. who had qualifications as a horticulturist gained ISBN 9780646461373. through working at the famous London nursery of Loddiges & Son. One of his sons, Frederick This is the most ambitious and significant book ever produced on a botanic garden in Australia. Manson Bailey later became Government So goes the publisher’s blurb. And, when the Botanist in Brisbane, and his grandson, John obligatory pinch of salt has been applied, this Frederick Bailey also became Queensland statement is probably not too far from reality: Government Botanist before moving to Adelaide this is indeed a well-produced and attractive in 1917 as Director of the Botanic Garden. At book. The jacket features a picture of the about this time (c. 1839) the Botanic Garden flower of Victoria amazonica, taken from Louis was moved to a new situation north-east of Van Houtte’s Flore des Serres et des Jardins de Adelaide, on a site straddling the River Torrens, l’Europe (1850–51), and the saga of the giant just east of the present zoo. The new gardens amazon water lily occupies a prominent place consisted largely of beds of ornamentals and in this history. So imagine my surprise when some economic plants, but, unfortunately for visiting the Adelaide Botanic Garden recently, to Bailey, he had arrived at a time when the colony find the Victoria amazonica pool cruelly exposed was almost bankrupt. Bailey’s salary became a to the elements in the middle of a building site. small gratuity, and by 1841 his appointment was Gone was the 1868 Victoria House (see photo terminated by agreement. He went on to become on p. 83 of this book) built especially to house a pioneer of the South Australian nursery trade. it. The house to replace it is discussed on the last two pages of the book, with an illustration of the For a few years the site was leased, until, in new house on p. 198. But I should not have been 1855, George Francis, a London-born botanist, surprised: the history of the Adelaide Botanic was appointed Superintendent of a new Botanic Garden is one of constant change and renewal, Garden situated near the corner of Frome Road hence the title of this book, and let’s face it, the and North Terrace, in “40 acres of the Police old house was getting a wee bit creaky. Paddock”, on a site very closely matching its The idea of a botanic garden for Adelaide was present one. Among the first purchases were a set proposed in England even while the colony was of ornate semicircular gates at the North Terrace being planned. Thomas Allen was appointed end, leading into a main north-south main path. ‘Gardener and Ground-workman’ to Governor Both of these features still survive essentially Hindmarsh, and accompanied him on the initial unchanged. Francis designed elaborate arabesque voyage of the Buffalo. William Light’s 1836 parterres near the main gate, and planted plan for the new settlement at Adelaide envisaged Araucarias which still dominate several parts of formal streets on a grid plan, but surrounded the garden. Francis was Superintendent for only by wide parklands. Within these parklands 10 years (1855–65), but in that time he laid out were several Government Reserves, including a the backbone of the garden and established many Botanic Garden. of its major features. One of his triumphs was This initial Botanic Garden was situated on what a large domed conservatory on the western side, has been described as low-lying boggy ground on sadly later demolished as the hospital expanded. the banks of (almost on an island of) the Torrens He planned the series of lakes formed from a River, north-west of the city square mile, in an small creek on the site, and began buying plants, area that is still parkland, just east of Thebarton. both exotic and native. The gardens were opened For the first 2–3 years this area was apparently to the public in 1857, and soon became very farmed by Allen, who grew melons and other popular. By 1860 reticulated water was available, vegetables in abundance, and sold them in the and fountains joined other attractions, such as city. aviaries.

30 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Worn out, Francis resigned in 1865, and died 4 Holtze’s strengths was in pome fruits, and he days later. His replacement was Richard was successful in acquiring a block of land near Schomburgk, a German immigrant. Schomburgk Mylor to establish the Mylor Type Orchard of took on his new responsibilities with vigour, one fruit trees. of his first plantings being the avenue of Moreton Bay figs near North Lodge. Shortly afterwards Upon Holtze’s retirement the Directorship cages were built either side of this avenue, to passed to John Frederick Bailey, (Queensland’s house a menagerie that at one time included government botanist) in the period 1917–32, Bengal tigers, bears and “plebeian wombats, and then to Harold Greaves (1932–48). Greaves opossums and wild dogs”. Schomburgk expanded Directorship saw the penultimate expansion of Francis’ flower beds, adopting the latest “ribbon the Botanic Gardens. In 1908–09 the Muni-cipal or Mosaic style”. Tramways Trust had Many of his designs been given a large were based on German block of land between sources, in books the Botanic Gardens which he had brought and Frome road for with him from Europe. a headquarters and Schomburgk’s regard depot. The former for books and learning Lunatic Asylum led him to establish a on the corner of botanical library and North Terrace and herbarium for the Frome Road had Gardens, as well as become an Infectious laying out Class Diseases Hospital grounds and building a soon afterwards. In Museum of Economic the late 1930s it was Botany. He was also decided to expand the responsible for pur- Adelaide Hospital, chase and construction and a major land swap of the Palm House, was orchestrated. now one of Adelaide’s The Gardens gained architectural treasures. the old asylum site, However, perhaps his but lost a strip of most famous work was land on the western the building of the side to the Hospital. Victoria House in 1868 This strip included to provide a suitable two of the Gardens habitat for the Victoria iconic buildings, the lily. Francis had first suggested cultivation of this Director’s residence and the domed conservatory. horticultural prize in 1856, but it was left to Greaves also lost most of the botanical library Schomburgk to deliver it. Schomburgk had a built up by Schomburgk and Holtze, when it was particular attachment to the plant as it was his transferred to the Public Library. brother Robert who had collected the specimens and prepared illustrations for Lindley’s In 1948 Noel Lothian was appointed Director, description. In 1882, an area north of the Botanic a position he was to hold until 1980. His Gardens was excised for a zoo, and the Botanic achievements were substantial, and too numerous Gardens lost its animals and some land, but to enumerate here. He was responsible, among gained additional territory extending to the River other things, for re-establishment of the herbarium Torrens, an area now forming Botanic Park. as a major research institute, retrieving and expanding the botanical library, and instituting When Schomburgk died in office in 1891, his an agricultural and horticultural extension replacement was Maurice Holtze, who had been service. He revitalised plantings, introduced in charge of the Port Darwin botanic garden. new landscaping ideas, and established satellite Like Francis, Holtze was unfortunate to arrive as gardens at Wittunga and Mt Lofty. the colony struck hard times, and his Directorship from 1891–1917 was marked by stringent Later Directors (Brian Morley, 1981–2000; financial circumstances. Nevertheless he Stephen Forbes since 2000) have continued managed to renovate many of the older plantings, the tradition of change, improvement and removing over-mature trees and opening up modernisation. The MTT depot was eventually new vistas. He continued to build the scientific added to the Gardens, and the distinctive tropical base of the gardens, expanding the library that house provided new opportunities. On the debit Francis and Schomburgk had started. One of side, the gardens lost a prime site by the ill-

31 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007) advised construction of the Wine Museum, which stalks unsheathed, inflorescences glistened and glowed, resulted in demolition of the purpose-built State and blossoms enjoyed their moment of adulation until spent they sank gently to the stage awaiting their Herbarium. inevitable replacement by fresh young shoots and buds. This summary is all too long, but I hope serves to Such flights of fancy are rare, and in general the provide a sample of the intricate and fascinating book is a joy to read. The publishers have done a history of one of the most beautiful botanic magnificent job, using a very good quality paper gardens in Australia. The author is an architect, and spacious layout, numerous well-reproduced curator and garden historian. He brought to historical photos, and excellent editing (I noted the task an obvious wide knowledge of garden only a couple of very minor typos which it would design and history which has resulted in a very be churlish to mention). The book is solidly case- detailed, erudite, but still eminently readable bound, with a very substantial dust cover. book. Throughout there is careful attention to the interweaving of politics, fashion, horticulture, I thoroughly recommend this book to anyone finance and public support which form the with an interest in colonial history, garden history, real background of all such public institutions. garden design or horticulture in general, and even He has captured the spirit of the times in the to those with an interest in the interplay between language he has used to describe events, although politics and public administration – nothing much just occasionally he gets a little carried away. For there has changed in 150 years. The scientific example (caption on p. 95) side of the Adelaide Botanical Garden is acknowledged, but this was not the purpose of the Schomburgk thoroughly refurbished the hothouses at book. It is all about the gardens, the plants, and Adelaide Botanic Garden, bringing new heat to their moist interiors, and greatly extending the offerings those who planned and tended them. A bargain at available for public gratification. Swelling spathes and the price. Book notices Books on Western Australian 1950, the Austin expedition of 1854–55 and the and global exploration von Sommer expedition of 1847–48. Western Australian Exploration volume 1 Encyclopedia of Exploration. By Raymond 1826–1835: The Letters, Reports & Journals John Howgego. of Exploration and Discovery in Western Hordern House, Potts Point Australia. Hesperian Press, Carlisle. 2005. Three volumes of this exceptional series have The Western Australian Explorers’ Diaries now been published. The first volume (published Project, incorporating the Historical Records of 2003) covers the period to 1800, the second Western Australia, is an ambitious undertaking (2004) 1800 to 1850, and the third (2006) 1850 to locate and publish the surviving diaries etc. of to 1940 (The Oceans, Islands and Polar Regions). early explorers and settlers in Western Australia. One more is in preparation. They provide ‘a Most of these are various repositories in Perth. comprehensive guide to the history and literature A group of interested people has set themselves of world exploration, travel and colonization’ to this task, and the first volume appeared in (cover blurb). Excerpts from two of a number 2005. Transcribing and editing these papers is of highly complimentary reviews sum them up: a massive task. Original spelling, punctuation ‘a marvellously rich, punctiliously researched, and paragraphing are retained as far as possible, ambitiously wide-reaching reference work, and sketches from the diaries are included. unrivalled in accuracy and scope’ (A.Manguel, Explanatory footnotes are given. The contents list The Spectator); ‘it resembles less a book than a the 130 entries in vol. I in chronological order; topographical feature, something so compelling they include some of botanical interest such that you cannot help looking at it, again and as Charles Fraser, James Drummond, Thomas again, just to confirm that it is there’ F.Fleming, Braidwood Wilson, Alexander Collie, John The Times Literary Supplement). Septimus Roe and Karl von Hügel. Appendices The French Reconnaissance … By Frank include biographical notes and a list of the modern Horner. scientific names of fauna that can be identified Melbourne University Press. 1987. from the diaries. A similar interpretation of the This has now been issued in French with the title flora, originally planned for volume I, will appear La Reconnaissance Française: L’Expédition in volume II (the index contains entries for the Baudin en Australie (1801–1803). It has been plants as mentioned in the diaries. translated by Martine Marin, president of Les Volumes in preparation include pre settlement, Amis de Nicolas Baudin, and published by the period 1836–45, The Kimberley c. 1850– L’Harmattan, Paris (2006). It is useful in having

32 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

French text such as Baudin’s journal in the Hakeas of Western Australia. A field and original language and includes a list of the main identification guide. By J.A. Young publications since 1987 about relevant French Available from J. Young, PO Box 576, West and English voyages of the period (though not Perth, WA 6872. Soft cover, 140 pp, 210 X The Encounter 1802 from the Art Gallery of 280 mm. Price $20. plus handling costs $8 South Australia). (WA), $12 (rest of Australia). Alex George Tel. (08) 9242 2207. ‘Four Gables’, 18 Barclay Road, [email protected] Kardinya, Western Australia 6163 [email protected] A field and identification guide to all Western Australian Hakeas. Each species with a line Australian exploration and drawing and colour photographs, brief descriptive notes, distribution map and notes on uses and taxonomic, popular and propagation. There is no key. Jennifer has indigenous botany previously published three small books on Hakea species to be found in different botanical regions Voyages to the South Seas: In Search of Terres of Western Australia. Australes. By Danielle Clode. The Miegunyah Press, 315pp, $32.95 Sturt pea : a most splendid plant. By David For a review see Web ref. 1. Symon & Manfred Jusaitis. Adelaide: Board Web ref. 1. of the Botanic Gardens & State Herbarium story/0,20867,21142638-5003900,00.html and Dept for Environment & Heritage. 2007. Beyond Capricorn. By Peter Trickett. This richly illustrated and attractively designed Price: $35. book covers many aspects of a plant that has captured the imgination of many. Included are Did the Portuguese beat the English to map the the history of discovery, botanical nomenclature southern coastline? It is claimed by journalist and taxonomy, cultivation, and the attainment of Trickett that in the 1520s the Portuguese iconic status in our modern culture – in literature, (Christopher de Mendonca) sailed past Fraser art, trappings of commerce and tourist ephemera. Island and into Botany Bay, around Wilson’s Promontory, and as far as Kangaroo Island before As well as the hard- and soft-cover editions returning to their base in Malacca via the North available from book shops, there is a quarter Island of New Zealand. The website above has leather-bound limited edition of 200 copies signed details on how to obtain the book and a list of by the authors that is available from the Botanic interviews that have already been conducted by Gardens of Adelaide. the author. Eremophila and allied genera. A monograph A Complete Guide to Native Orchids of of the Myoporaceae. By R.J. Chinnock Australia (Including the Island Territories). Rosenberg Publishing. 2007. Hardcover By David Jones. 290 x 210 mm, 704 pages, 335 colour New Holland. 2006 ISBN: 1877069124 . plates, 300 maps, 325 line drawings. ISBN AU$75.00. 9781877058165, $99.95. David Jones’ impressive new account of the Australian orchids, although presented in coffee asp?id=63&catid=7 table glossiness, is much more than that. Almost The long-awaited testament to Bob Chinnock’s all of the 1300 taxa is illustrated with a superb decades of work on Myoporaceae in a massive colour photograph and each has a description, work at an attractive price. distribution, ecological notes, hints on recognition and conservation status and comments on Birrajakoo. Bush plants of Nyikina country, hybridisation if applicable. Each genus has a Western Australia. Order form at line drawing of the main parts and the genera are grouped into alliances such as the Onion Orchid alliance and the Helmet Orchid alliance. For those Nyikina people from Derby in Western who have not kept up with the major changes in Australia have decided to make the generic delimitation of orchids many of the resources that can be sold so that familiar names no longer exist. There is no key they can raise the funds to keep their and no synonymy cited for each species but you language program going. Over the past few years can usually find the old name cited in the index they have collected photos and information about with its new equivalent. There are 496 pages bush plants and now it is available on a CD. packed into this solid hardback book. Robyn and Bill Barker

33 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

From TAXACOM Archives at version of the ICBN is being developed and being pipermail/taxacom/ reviewed by the Editorial Committee (Web ref. 1) note the warning that it is still under construction Taxacom celebrates 20 years and it is better to consult the hard copy. Taxacom celebrated 20 years of existence on 12th January 2007. Launched initially by Dr. Public release and announcement of the site will Richard Zander, Taxacom began its existence on occur later in the year. the night of January 12, 1987 as a dial-up BBS Web ref. 1: at the Buffalo Museum of Science (Buffalo, New 0000Viennatitle.htm York). It has been going long enough to have Message posted by John McNeill been examined sociologically by Dr. Christine Hine, University of Surrey (Web ref. 1). Croizat For those interested in the history and philosophy Web ref. 1: htm of science an English version (Suppression at the Message posted by James Beach. frontiers of evolutionary biology: Leon Croizat’s case) of Colacino & Grehan’s (2003) paper can Tools for checking nomenclature be accessed on the Web (Web ref. 1). Software now can be downloaded and used to Colacino, C. & J.R. Grehan. (2003). Ostracismo check your botanical name against some of the alle frontiere della biologia evoluzionistica: il more general requirements of the ICBN (not yet caso Léon Croizat. In: M.M. Capria (ed.) Scienza e updated to the 2006 version of the code) (Web Democrazìa. (Liguori, Naples). pp. 195-220. ref. 1). Web ref 1: Web ref. 1: Message posted by Kehan Harman Who uses biodiversity data and why? A thread on Who uses biodiversity data and why? You can also try the Nomenclatural Filter. It has is archived through the November and December been published in various places – apparently 2006 contributions. Arguments for whether one for the first time by Jeffrey (1973). It can also be should work locally or globally were debated found as Figure 1 (and pages 14–15) in Biology and when the subject started to wander there was International Special Issue No. 30 (1994) (Web finally a four-part response on behalf of GBIF ref. 2). addressing the following questions: Jeffrey, C. 1973. Biological Nomenclature. London: ● Are primary data on species localities in fact Edward Arnold used to make better global conservation policy Web ref. 2: bioint/BioInt%20PDF1/BI%20Special%20Issues/ and resource management choices? SPECIAL%20ISSUE%2030a.pdf ● Are "global" primary species occurrence data Message posted by John McNeill. useful for a "local" conservation policy or resource management choices? Vienna Code - a caution ● Why should so many people work so hard Should you be looking for the new Vienna Code to achieve universal access to universal on the web and come across the site where the web biodiversity data? Websites of interest Aquarium and pond plants of the world still browse the copiously illustrated generic fact sheets for information. Need to identify an aquatic plant used in the aquarium industry. Shaun L. Winterton’s site is opening_page.html a good starting point. It includes those species Another good site for aquatics is the University of regularly included on price lists of wholesalers or Florida’s Centre for Aquatic and Invasive Plants retailers of aquarium and pond plants world-wide. page with images of many plants as well as some There is a Lucid key, fact sheets, lists of Federal teaching resources e.g. this information on our (USA) noxious weeds, terrestrial plants used in own Melaleuca species which has been a pest for aquaria and a glossary. The Lucid key opened many years. quite happily on my computer which already has In the past, some species were purposefully spread in Lucid installed, but on another machine without order to “improve” our natural areas. For example, it, nothing seemed to happen. Even so, you can melaleuca tree were introduced to Florida from

34 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Australia by spreading their seeds from airplanes over are provided) and the placement of familiar species the Everglades. The idea was that the trees would in the plethora of new genera in Orchidaceae. Or suck up the water and make the Everglades better for human use. The plan resulted in millions of invasive if you want hard copy you can also make use of melaleuca trees which are now known to be destructive David Jones copiously illustrated new work A to Florida’s environment and animals. Melaleuca trees complete guide to Native Orchids of Australia now are being removed at huge expense. (including the Island Territories), published by New Holland (see p. 33) The Botanical Art Society of Australia Orchid%20Key%20for%20web/html/ The Botanical Art Society of Australia (BASA) AustralianOrchidNameIndex.pdf has been formed to promote the development U.S. interactive key web sites of botanical art nationwide and to bring together people who have a love of plants and There are two new American interactive key sites of the botanical art form. Its website has lots on the web utilising different software. of information for botanical artists including One is to Wetland Monocots of the United States details of exhibitions and workshops (so far all on the United States Dept of Agriculture site in the eastern states of Australia) and examples (Web ref. 1) with grasses, legumes, gymnosperms of member’s artwork. They produce a quarterly and Ericaceae of the United States to follow in the newsletter and membership details are given next year. Grasses of Louisiana and Missouri are on their site. A week of intensive botanical art already on the site. This system uses SLIKS (Web tuition, Botanical Painting in Paradise, was being ref. 2), free software requiring no installation. undertaken in Fiji at the end of April. There were no problems using the on-line version of the keys available – identification is achieved Australasian Quaternary Association by the user ticking characteristics from a long list of characters which best represent the material The Newcastle pollen images of Australian taxa by being identified. Feli Hopf, Peter Shimeld and Stuart Pearson from the School of Environmental and Life Sciences For those who are interested in the software at the University of Newcastle, Australia can be driving this site, Dallwitz has provided a list of accessed through this page. Added recently is a comments, rebutted by Stinger, in the November collection of pollen images from Southern Chile 2006 Taxacom pages (Web ref. 3) by Dr Simon Haberle and Prof Keith Bennett. Access to voucher information supporting each The other developing site is the Utah State image was not immediately obvious. University herbarium site where interactive keys have been made available for some grass and sedge genera (Web ref. 4). These keys have been Environmental Online Mapping Site for built using either Lucid 3 or Phoenix (Web ref. 5) South Australia and they apparently work on both PCs and Macs. Planning some field work in South Australia? Java Virtual Machine (JVM) version 1.4.2 is Access to South Australian environmental required to run these keys and a link is provided information is available through NatureMaps for downloading this free software. Unfortunately via the web. The site provides an easy to use my network-linked machine requires permission web mapping tool, enabling users to view, query, for such a downloading and I have yet to test the display and print data sets relating to the South site. Australian landscape and environment. Web ref. 1: wetland_mono.html Information has been grouped based on themes Web ref. 2: and includes datasets relating to fauna and Web ref. 3: flora sites, vegetation, protected areas, fire, taxacom/2006-November/subject.html management and administrative boundaries, as Web ref. 4: well as base topographic and aerial photography. Web ref. 5: Australian Orchid Name Index South African plants This is the list accessed by the Australian Orchid The Biodiversity Explorer site on the Iziko: Genera key reviewed in Newsletter 128. Museums of South Africa web page (Web. ref. 1) is the gateway to some fascinating information on The Australian Orchid Name Index by Mark natural history in South Africa. However for links Clements and David Jones provides the currently to plants see Web ref. 2, 3. accepted scientific names, together with their Web. ref. 1: synonyms, of all Australian orchids including Web. ref. 2: those in external territories. Extremely useful for angiospermae-alphab.htm checking censuses (state distributions and regions Web. ref. 3:

35 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Historical Australian periodical availability of The Tasmanian journal of natural publications 1840–45 science, agriculture, statistics, &c. in which there A digital library of Australian journals and were items by J.D. Hooker on the Huon Pine, newspapers that began publication between 1840 Leichhardt’s lectures on the geology, botany, and 1845. Far too much to summarise here, but if natural history, and capabilities of the country you are interested in early accounts of topics in between Moreton Bay and Port Essington, newspapers which are not readily accessible you Milligan on some fossil plants found near Hobart might find them here. Titles include The South Town and Launceston, and items by Mitchell and Australian Magazine (1841–43), The Swan River Sturt on their expeditions. Many of the items are news and Western Australian chronicle (1844– reprinted from other early newspapers. 49) and The Port Phillip magazine (1843). Philip Short drew my attention to this site by noting the The war on weeds If a species from within a previously permitted genus Changes to Australia’s [see list at Web ref. 3] is not included on the revised Permitted Seeds List list, and is later found to be present in Australia, it will be added to the permitted seeds list without the Major changes to the list detailing those plant need for a formal Weed Risk Assessment. species whose seeds are allowed into Australia I have not looked exhaustively at this list but I were referred to in an item on the Enviroweeds can see a number of areas of concern, particularly discussion group maintained by the CRC for in light of the final paragraph highlighted above. Australian Weed Management. The list now Amongst the species whose seed is now allowed targets individual species rather than genera free entry into Australia are at least three species and came into effect on 20 December 2006. included in the Declared Plants list for Australia Reproduced below are selected passages from the (Navie 2004) – Rubus chloocladus (= R. information given on the AQIS site (Web ref. 1) anglocandicans), Peganum harmala and Oxalis – highlighting is mine pes-caprae. Changes to the Quarantine Proclamation 1998 Physalis viscosa is not permitted entry but all Schedule 5 section 63 – ‘Permitted seeds list’ Physalis species that are considered to have naturalised in Australia (Bean 2006) are now all Effective from 20th December 2006, the Quarantine Proclamation 1998 Schedule 5 section 63 – ‘permitted given free entry. Ruellia tweediana (syn. R. aff. seeds list’ has been amended to reflect the results malacosperma) is not listed but on the basis of of Biosecurity Australia’s review of the list of plant the final paragraph cited in bold above, would species that are permitted entry to Australia. The review be added to the list without a formal Weed Risk involved replacing 2,913 genus-level listings that were Assessment. Yet this is a weed which is spreading on the permitted seeds list with the species within those genera that are already present in Australia. The in Queensland. revised Schedule 5 ‘permitted seeds list’ now contains Opuntia and Orobanche species seeds continue approximately 34,000 individual species listings. not to be permitted entry into Australia, which is The revised Schedule 5 ‘permitted seeds list’ can be in line with the previous “permitted genera” list. found on the ComLaw website [Web ref. 2]. It seems that there might still be some fine-tuning ICON is currently being updated to reflect these needed. changes. In the interim, until these changes are completed, importers are encouraged to check Schedule References 5 to determine whether the species they wish to import Bean, A. (2006). Physalis (Solanaceae) in Australia. are listed on the ‘permitted seeds list’. Any seed species Austral. Syst. Bot. Soc. Nsltr 127: 6–9. listed on this Schedule may be imported without an Import Permit. Navie, S. (2004). Declared Plants of Australia: an identification and information system. CD Rom. Any species not listed on the Schedule are prohibited (Centre for Biological Information Technology, entry to Australia and will require assessing to determine Queensland). their weed risk. Web ref. 1: asp?TopicType=Quarantine+Alert&TopicID=17860 The removal of genus-level entries is not a permanent exclusion of species not currently included on the Web ref. 2: permitted seeds list. Importers can apply to AQIS Legislation/LegislativeInstrument1.nsf/0/ Plant Programs to have a weed risk assessment on any 51A908BB356E2A6CCA25724700824426/$file/ plant species to determine its weed risk to Australia’s 0618884A061128Z.pdf agriculture and/or the environment. If the assessment Web ref. 3: concludes that the weed potential is low and there are pdf/biosecurityaustralia/plant/2006/permittedgenera. no other quarantine concerns, the species will be added pdf to the permitted seeds list. Robyn Barker

36 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

From the Weeds CRC Hybridising Lomandra species Scott Watson of VicRoads expressed concern Several recent press releases from the CRC about introduced New South Wales forms of for Australian Weed Management or their Lomandra being commonly planted in Melbourne Enviroweeds discussion group are of interest. All instead of the local form – he has documented press releases are available from their web site that hybrids now appear to be forming and that (Web ref. 1) the emergence of intermediate plants has meant they have had to remove some recent plantings Weeds CRC to end in mid-2008 in conservation reserves. Such happenings are The Weeds CRC’s application for a third, seven something that need to be borne in mind by the year term has been rejected (Web ref. 2) and the systematist of today. current Weeds CRC will finish in mid-2008. See From Enviroweeds 26th March 2007 p. 10 for further details A new way of getting rid of inaccessible Prepare for climate change invaders weeds Australia should take urgent steps to prepare for Weeds – you can dig them up, spray them, cut fresh invasions of pests under climate change them to pieces or burn them. Or you can shoot (web ref. 3). [A paper suggesting that quick- them! growing plants such as weeds may cope better An employee of the New Zealand Conservation with global warming than slower-growing plants Department is having great success shooting has just been published in the Proceedings of the inaccessible pest plants on Mana Island using a National Academy of Sciences. The paper by Weis, paintball gun according to an article (Web. ref. 7) Franks and Sim is referred to on the University of in The Dominion Post, Tuesday, 6 March 2007. California, Irvine site (Web ref. 4) – sourced from Enviroweeds mailing list 11th Jan. 2007] From Enviroweeds March 2007 Media release November 2006 References Enviroweeds web server: Massive foreign takeover bid foiled mailman/listinfo/enviroweeds.crcawm-v Keller, R.P., Lodge, D.M. and Finnoff, D.C. (2007). CEO of the Weeds Cooperative Research Centre, Risk assessment for invasive species produces net Dr Rachel McFadyen, said that the completion bioeconomic benefits. Proc. National Acad. Sciences of the ‘permitted seeds list review’ by the U.S.A. 104: 203-7; Commonwealth agency Biosecurity Australia pnas.0605787104 was a major breakthrough for biosecurity in this Web ref. 1: country (Web ref. 5). See also comments on p. media.html 36. Web ref. 2: crc_to_end.html Dr McFadyen also pointed to a new paper Web ref. 3: published in the US Proceedings of the National climate%20change_081006.pdf Academy of Sciences that holds up the Australian Web ref. 4: plant quarantine system as a model the US might asp?key=1559 Web ref. 5: consider adopting. The paper (Keller et al. 2007) foreign%20takeover_211206.pdf reviewed the Australian system, noted that it had Web ref. 6: an accuracy of nearly 90%, and that it produced a turf-with-your-surf-come-off-the-grass-1291 real net economic benefit to Australia. Web ref. 7: Media release 21 December 2006 3982842a10.html

Watering your lawn with sea- water Book reviewer wanted: Concern was expressed over an item in The Sydney Flora of Australia volume 2 Morning Herald hailing the use of Paspalum vaginatum, a well known salt tolerant grass species, native to many tropical and subtropical We have a review copy of this available coastal regions, including Australia. Developed in for anyone who wishes to volunteer to the United States, Sea Isle is a paspalum that its produce a review for the next issue of the backers claim will be the most environmentally newsletter. friendly turf grass of the 21st century. The original item is no longer freely available on the web but Please contact the editors if you are it is reproduced in its entirety at Web ref. 6. interested. From Enviroweeds 28th March 2007

37 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Coming conferences Tercentenary of the Birth of Carl ● Conservation science and the community (non- Linnaeus. A festival of systematics and government organisations, indigenous people) history! Web site: 25–27 June 2007, Sydney. See notice in Austral. Syst. Bot Soc. Nsltr 128, p. Society for Australian Systematic 42. Biologists The conference is hosted by the Linnean Society 3–7 December 2007, Brisbane. of New South Wales with Botanic Gardens Trust The next Society of Australian Systematic and the University of Sydney. Biologists Conference will be combined with Contact: Dr Elizabeth May the 8th Invertebrate Biodiversity & Conservation [email protected] Conference and held in Brisbane at the Queensland Museum. See web site for further details. Biodiversity Extinction Crisis Conference Contact: Dr Christine Lambkin – A Pacific Response Biodiversity Curator (Entomology) 10–12 July 2007, Sydney. Queensland Museum Inaugural regional conference by the Society for Web site: Conservation Biology, Australasia Section The 4th International Conference: There are five major themes: The Comparative Biology of the ● Regional Challenges (particular issues for the & world) The 5th International Symposium: Grass ● Managing threatening processes of universal Systematics and Evolution importance 11-15 August 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark. ● Case studies of conservation in action, including biodiversity monitoring and assessment The first circular is available. ● Conservation science and policy Web site: Requests for assistance Material wanted: pallidus Chance to get your naturalised lavender and allies species identified by the expert An amateur botanist in Britain, Mike Wilcox, is Susyn Andrews (Consultant Horticultural interested in receiving material of Juncus pallidus, Taxonomist), previously of Kew, and author J. effusus and J. inflexus. All three species (and of the book on Lavender (Andrews & Upson hybrids between them) have apparently turned up 2004) will be revisiting Adelaide to work in the Botanic Gardens Library between 22nd May and in Britain. Mike is interested in the anatomy of the th species and their hybrids. Herbarium specimens 4 June after speaking at a Lavender conference with enough culms that some could be removed in Healesville. She has indicated that she will be for sections would be ideal. happy to identify pressed specimens of naturalised Lavandula species during that time. If you have If you have these species locally and could help a problem species then forward you specimen to out, please contact: the State Herbarium of South Australia, clearly Mike Wilcox marked as Lavandula and for the attention of 32 Shawbridge St. Clitheroe, BB7 1LZ, Susyn Andrews. Lancashire, England [email protected] Reference Andrews S & Upson, T. (2004). The genus Lavandula. Kevin Thiele (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew). The front cover illustration The front cover of this issue celebrates the to 24 classes based on reproductive structures, tercentenary of Linnaeus’s birth (see p. 15). We particularly the stamens. For a simplified feature Georg Dionysius Ehret’s famous 1736 or explanation of the classes see Web ref. 1. 1737 depiction of Linnaeus’s sexual system for Web ref. 1. classifying plants. This system assigned plants B_How/307b1Linn.html

38 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

Chapter Conveners Adelaide Darwin Robyn Barker Philip Short State Herbarium of South Australia Northern Territory Herbarium Dept for Environment & Heritage Parks & Wildlife Commission of the NT P.O. Box 2732 PO Box 496 Kent Town, SA 5071 Palmerston, NT 0831 Email: [email protected] Tel: (08) 8999 4512 Tel: (08) 8222 9348 Hobart Armidale Andrew Rozefelds Jeremy Bruhl Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Department of Botany GPO Box 1164 University of New England Hobart, Tasmania 7001 Armidale, NSW 2351 Email: [email protected] Tel: (02) 6773 2429 Tel.: (03) 6211 4148 Brisbane Melbourne Laurie Jessup Frank Udovicic Queensland Herbarium Royal BotanicGardensMelbourne Mt Coottha Road BirdwoodAvenue, SouthYarra Vic 3141 Toowong, Qld 4066 Email: [email protected]/Tel: (03) 9252 2313 Tel: (07) 3896 9320 Perth Canberra Kristina Lemson Vacant Plant Systematics and Conservation Centre for Ecosystem Management and School of Natural Sciences Edith Cowan University, Joondalup WA 6027 Email. [email protected] / Tel.: (08) 6304 5369 Sydney Cairns Hannah McPherson Mark Harrington National Herbarium of NSW James Cook University Mrs Macquaries Road Cairns, Qld Sydney, NSW 2000 Further details to come Tel: (02) 9231 8111

Contacting Major Australian Herbaria and Systematics Institutions From outside Australia: add the country code 61 and omit the leading zero of the area code

AD HO MEL NSW tel: (08) 8222 9307 tel: (03) 6226 2635 tel: (03) 9252 2300 tel: (02) 9231 8111 fax: (08) 8222 9353 fax: (03) 6226 7865 fax: (03) 9252 2350 fax: (02) 9251 7231 barium/ biodiversity/ _research/herbarium_&_services Herbarium2.htm CANB BRI DNA PERTH tel: (02) 6246 5108 tel: (07) 3896 9321 tel: (08) 8999 4516 tel: (08) 9334 0500 fax: (02) 6246 5249 fax: (07) 3896 9624 fax: (08) 8999 4527 fax: (08) 9334 0515 conservation/plants/ herbarium/ queensland_herbarium QRS MBA NT Australian University Herbaria tel: (07) 4091 8800 tel: (07) 4048 4745/4743 tel. (08) 8951 8791 Contact CHAH representative: fax: (07) 4091 8888 fax: (07) 4092 3593 fax: (08) 8951 8790 Murray Henwood, Univerwity of Sydney Council of Heads of Austral- ABRS Australian Botanical Liaison Officer (ABLO) asian Herbaria (CHAH) tel: (02) 6250 9554 Jenny Tonkin Chair: Dr Brett Summerell fax: (02) 6250 9555 Herbarium (NSW) brett.summerell@ email: abrs@environment. Royal Botanic Gardens, tel: 44-20-8332 5270 Kew fax: 44-20-8332 5278 Richmond, Surrey email: ablo@rbgkew. biodiversity/abrs/ TW9 3AB England

These listings are published in each issue. Please inform the Editors of any change

39 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

ASBS Publications History of Systematic Botany in Australia Edited by P.S. Short. A4, case bound, 326pp. ASBS, 1990. $10; plus $10 p. & p. For all those people interested in the 1988 ASBS symposium in Melbourne, here are the proceedings. It is a very nicely presented volume, containing 36 papers on: the botanical exploration of our region; the role of horticulturists, collectors and artists in the early documentation of the flora; the renowned (Mueller, Cunningham), and those whose contribution is sometimes overlooked (Buchanan, Wilhelmi).

Systematic Status of Large Flowering Plant Genera Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr 53, edited by Helen Hewson. 1987. $5 + $1.10 postage. This Newsletter issue includes the reports from the February 1986 Boden Conference on the “Systematic Status of Large Flowering Plant Genera”. The reports cover: the genus concept; the role of cladistics in generic delimitation; geographic range and the genus concepts; the value of chemical characters, pollination syndromes, and breeding systems as generic determinants; and generic concepts in the Asteraceae, Chenopodiaceae, Epacridaceae, Cassia, Acacia, and Eucalyptus.

Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter Back issues of the Newsletter are available from from Number 27 (May 1981) onwards, excluding Numbers 29, 31, 60-62, 66, 84, 89, 90, 99, 100 and 103. Here is the chance to complete your set. Cover prices are $3.50 (Numbers 27-59, excluding Number 53) and $5.00 (Number 53, and 60 onwards). Postage $1.10 per issue, apart from $1.75 for the Large Genera issue (Number 53).

Evolution of the Flora and Fauna of Arid Australia Edited by W.R. Barker & P.J.M. Greenslade. Peacock Publications, ASBS & ANZAAS, 1982. $20 + $8.50 postage. This collection of more than 40 papers will interest all people concerned with Australia’s dry inland, or the evolutionary history of its flora and fauna. It is of value to those studying both arid lands and evolution in general. Six sections cover: ecological and historical background; ecological and reproductive adaptations in plants; vertebrate animals; invertebrate animals; individual plant groups; and concluding remarks. Also available from. Peacock Publications, 38 Sydenham Road, Norwood, SA 5069, Australia. (To obtain this discounted price, post a photocopy of this page with remittance).

Ecology of the Southern Conifers (Now out of print) Edited by Neal Enright and Robert Hill. ASBS members: $60 plus $12 p&p non-members $79.95. Proceedings of a symposium at the ASBS conference in Hobart in 1993. Twenty-eight scholars from across the hemisphere examine the history and ecology of the southern conifers, and emphasise their importance in understanding the evolution and ecological dynamics of southern vegetation.

Postage rates: Those quoted apply only within Australia. Please e-mail for prices to other locations. Send orders and remittances (payable to “ASBS Inc.”) to: Helen Thompson ASBS Sales ABRS GPO Box 787 Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia Or fax credit card details to: Helen Thompson Fax: 02 6250 9448 Contact details. Email: [email protected] . Ph. 02 6250 9445. Fax. 02 6250 9448

40 Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

AUSTRALIAN SYSTEMATIC BOTANY SOCIETY INCORPORATED The Society The Australian Systematic Botany Society is an incorporated association of over 300 people with professional or amateur interest in botany. The aim of the Society is to promote the study of plant systematics. Membership Membership is open to all those interested in plant systematics. Membership entitles the member to attend general meetings and chapter meetings, and to receive the Newsletter. Any person may apply for membership by filling in a Membership“ Application” form, available on the Society website, and forwarding it, with the appropriate subscription, to the Treasurer. Subscriptions become due on January 1 each year. The ASBS annual membership subscription is $45(Aust.); full-time students $25. Payment may be by credit card or by cheques made out to Australian Systematic Botany Society Inc., and remitted to the Treasurer. All changes of address should be sent directly to the Treasurer as well. The Newsletter The Newsletter is sent quarterly to members and appears simultaneously on the ASBS Web site. It keeps members informed of Society events and news, and provides a vehicle for debate and discussion. In addition, original articles, notes and letters (not exceeding ten published pages in length) will be considered. Citation: abbreviate as Austral. Syst. Bot. Soc. Nsltr Contributions Send to the Editors at the address given below. They preferably should be submitted as: (1) an MS-DOS file in the form of a text file (.txt extension), (2) an MS-Word.doc file, (3) a Rich-text-format orrtf . file in an email message or attachment or on an MS-DOS disk or CD-ROM. Non-preferred media such as handwritten or typescripts by letter or fax are acceptable, but may cause delay in publication in view of the extra workload involved. Formatting of submitted copy. Please use Word in formatting indents, bullets, etc. in paragraphs and for tables. Do not format primitively with tabs, which change with the Normal style sheet. If embedding tables or references or other Objects from other software (Excel, bibliographic software, etc.) ensure that these are converted to Word tables or paragraphs. Letters in abbreviations of Australian States (SA, WA etc., but Vic.) and organisations (e.g ASBS, ABRS) should not be separated by full-stops, but initials should be (e.g. W.R. Smith, not WR Smith). Images: their inclusion may depend on space being available. Improve scanned resolution if printing your image is pixellated at a width of at least 7 cm (up to a 15 cm full page). Contact the Editors for further clari- fication. The deadline for contributions is the last day of February, May, August and November. All items incorporated in the Newsletter will be duly acknowledged. Any unsigned articles are attributable to the Editors. Authors alone are responsible for the views expressed, and statements made by the authors do not necessarily represent the views of the Australian Systematic Botany Society Inc. Newsletter items should not be repro- duced without the permission of the author of the material. Advertising Advertising space is available for products or services of interest to ASBS members. The current fee is $100 per full page, $50 per half-page or less. Flyers may be approved for inclusion in the envelope for products or services of interest to ASBS members. The current fee is $100 per flyer, plus the cost of inserting them (usually roughly $25-30). Flyers are not part of the Newsletter and do not appear with the Newsletter on the ASBS Web site. A 20% discount applies for second and subsequent entries of the same advertisement. Advertisements from ASBS members are usually exempt from fees but not the insertion costs in the case of a flier. Contact the Newsletter Editors for further information. Editors Robyn Barker W.R.(Bill) Barker State Herbarium of South Australia State Herbarium of South Australia Dept for Environment & Heritage Dept for Environment & Heritage Hackney Rd, Adelaide SA 5000 Hackney Rd, Adelaide SA 5000 tel: (08) 8222 9348 tel: (08) 8222 9303 fax: (08) 8222 9353 fax: (08) 8222 9353 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Please address correspondence to Robyn Barker Contents Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 130 (March 2007)

From the President ...... 1 ASBS Inc. business New members ...... 2 Hansjörg Eichler Research Fund Committee report ...... 2 Notice of Annual ConferenceDarwin, 24th–28th September 2007 ...... 3 Notice of Annual General Meeting Darwin, Monday 24th September 2007 ...... 3 Nominations for Council office ...... 3 Reminder on payment of annual Membership Fees ...... 3 Eichler Research Fund reports ...... 4 Evolution of Nicotiana L. (Solanaceae) in Australia ...... 4 An investigation into the molecular phylogenetics of Jedda multicaulis (Thymelaeaceae) . . . . 6 Articles Life Science Identifiers (LSIDs) in the global and Australasian biodiversity communities . .8 Environment (and agriculture) the big loser in closure of CRCs ...... 10 Database of Robert Brown’s Australian Botanical Specimens available online in FloraBase .12 Deaths Ed Cross (1977–2007) ...... 13 South Australian butterfly expert Robert Hilson Fisher OAM (1923–2007) ...... 13 New Zealand phycologist and botanical artist Nancy Adams(1926–2007) ...... 13 News News from the Western Australian Herbarium ...... 14 And from Canberra ...... 14 AM for Wal Whalley ...... 14 Life Science Identifiers: a computing workshop of global significance ...... 15 Miscellanea Honouring 300 years since Linnaeus’s birth ...... 15 Want to learn more about Linnaeus? ...... 15 Those bumblebees again ...... 15 Food for thought ...... 15 What you have to do to raise money for science: the new look Bob Hill ...... 16 A plea for employment of more systematists ...... 16 Margaret Flockton Award Exhibition 2007 ...... 16 Australian Solanum species a weed in London ...... 16 Simplifying systematics – why didn’t we think of this? ...... 16 2007 Science and Innovation Awards ...... 16 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes for 2007 ...... 16 Want to nominate your favourite nursery for its weed awareness? ...... 16 Conference report 5th International Southern Connection Conference University of Adelaide, 21st–25th January 2007 ...... 17 ABRS report ...... 19 ABLO report ...... 20 Book reviews Identification of Eucalypts in south-eastern Australia made easier ...... 22 A new South Australian Grass flora ...... 26 Tasmania’s rich botanical history ...... 28 An illustrated history of Adelaide Botanic Garden ...... 30 Book notices Books on Western Australian and global exploration ...... 32 Australian exploration and taxonomic, popular and indigenous botany ...... 33 From TAXACOM ...... 34 Websites of interest ...... 34 The war on weeds Changes to Australia’s Permitted Seeds List ...... 36 From the Weeds CRC ...... 37 Notice: Book reviewer wanted:Flora of Australia volume 2 ...... 37 Coming conferences Tercentenary of the Birth of Carl Linnaeus. A festival of systematics and history! . . . 38 Biodiversity Extinction Crisis Conference – A Pacific Response ...... 38 Society for Australian Systematic Biologists ...... 38 The 4th International Conference: The Comparative Biology of the Monocotyledons & The 5th International Symposium: Grass Systematics and Evolution ...... 38 Requests for assistance Material wanted: Juncus pallidus and allies ...... 38 Chance to get your naturalised lavender species identified by the expert ...... 38 The front cover illustration ...... 38