Of the C&Ei Rr
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H^ PRELIMINARY HISTORICAL DIGEST OF THE C&EI RR Compiled from a History of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad and the Companies From Which it Grew, being written by hiarold R. Sampson, C&EI Senior Vice President Re- tired, Flossmoor, Illinois. '£.-1 ; ,j i^ iii^. y^s'^. This Digest has been prepared for those who have no affinity for books. It eniinw rates the events considered to be the most interesting or ii^>ortant in the span of history coTsred, without ouch of the extraneous material to be found in a detailed account. It is hoped that it will be of help to those >^o are seeking sooe pa2*ticular item of C&EI histsrj, but who may not have the tin* or patience to read through several hundred pages to find it. Harold R. Saa^sson Flossmoor, Illinois. Th« woodland and prairie vdldamets that waa to bacons C<S(£Iland waa peopled bj the mound bulldera, patticularlj that aection along the rivera of what we now deaignate aa "downatate" in Illinoia and Indiana. 1500 Indiana roamed the entire area, traTaling much in the direction the railroad now runa, but occasionally east and we at. 1673 French explorera reached what ia now Illinoia. 1679 Thi French had penetrated the Indiana wildemeaa. 1717 Fort Oxiiatenon built on the Wabash river at a point eaat of preaent daj Danville ^ Illinoia. 1720 F4rt de ChartiSea built on the Miaaiasippi river aome fifty milea down atream from preaent day Bast St.Louia, Illinoia. 1732 Fort Vincennea built on the Wabaah river near the aite of preaent day Vincennea, Indiana. 1763 The Britiah conquer the French, the winner taking the country east of the Miasiaaippi river. 1798 The George Rogera Clark eaqpodition moved from Kentucky across Southern Illinoia via preaent day Kamak on the Joppa brakch, and Goreville on the Southern Illinoia line. 1779 George Rogera Clark, and a force of leas than two hundred men, cross Illinois in midwinter and take Vincennea. 1790 Knox County (Indiana) formed, comprising most of the preaent area of the entire atate. St. Clair County (Illinois) created, covering the area between the Wabaah and Mississippi rivers. 1300 Indiana Territory organized including the area that is now Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. The capital was Vincennea. 1803 Fort Dearborn erected at the point >*iere the Chicago river then flowed into Lake Michigan. 1809 Indiana Territory divided, the western part extending from the C^io river to the Canadian border being called Illinois. 1816 Indiana arrived at Statehood, being the nineteenth state in the Union and taking its present area. 1818 Illinois adaitted as the twentj-first state, alse taking its present form. 1820 The first st§ge coach service was established over little more than a trail between Evansville, Indiana and PrLncet«n, Indiana. 1823 The Anerican Fur Coapany establi^ a trading post at the site of present day Danville, Illinois. Giirden S. Hubbard, an enpleyee of the fur company, laid out a trail froa Danville to Chicago. It was kno^n as Hubbard's Trace, and is followed closely by the present day C&EI right-of-way. State Street, Chicago is a continuation of the trail. 1830 The Lincoln fasiily, with Abe who was then twenty-two years of age, move from Soutkei*n Indiana to Central Illinois via Vincennes, Indiana and Sullivan, Illinois. 1832 Work started on the Wabash and Iris Canal, much of which was later to follow the Wabash river valley. 1833 The Illinois State Assembly authorized the Chieago- Vinoennes road to be located. N\abei*ed at one mile intervals, soos of the milestones may still be 8«en today. 1834 Indiana's first railroad, a horse drawn carriage moving on rails, began seirvice in Central Indiana. 1835 Illinois' first railroad, the Northern Cross chartei*ed with authority to build from the Mississippi river to the Indiana state line via Quiacy, Jacksonville, Springfield, Deeatur and Danville. The Internal Improvement Bill of 1835 provided for a railvoad running north from Evansville, Indiana but failure of the public works program caught it before it started. 1$36 The Hadison and Indianapolis R& authorized to be bviilt from the Ohio river at Madison, Indiana to Indianapolis. 1838 The Northern Cross RR began operation. The original locomotive was the eight and one-half ton engine named "Experiment". 18Z^ The Madison aad Indianapolis began ope rati (» of twenty-seven miles of four foot gaiige line. Later converted to standard gauge it has the steepedt grade in the United States. • 1848 December Indiana has eighty-six, and Illinois fifty-three ailes of railroad in operation. 1849 Januarj 2 The Eyansville and Illinois Railroad chartered to build and operate a railroad fr<»i ETansville, Indiana «a the Ohio river via Princeton , Indiana and on t* connect with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad (now the B&O) at, or near Olney, Illinois. August 16 Notices of orgaiization of the E&I were published. Satuel Hall of Princeton, Inc&ana elected president. October 25 First boat, the "Two Pollies", readied Terre Haute via the Wabash and Erie canal. 1850 jMuaiT 21 Charter of the Evans ville and Illinois RR aaended te authorize a change in route from Princeton, Indioia t« Vincennes, IndLaia in lieu of the original route te Olney, Illinois. February 20 Contract let for grading E&I Evansville to Princeton. May 14 First sod cut for grading on the S&I - aboii; cxie-half Bile of line in each segnsi^ of contract July Contract closed for iron rail to be shipped froa England via New Orleans and river boat. To be paid for ty bonds issued ]gy the city of Evansville. 1851 February 6 Wabash Railroad ineorporated to build a railroad froa Vincennes, Indiana to Terre Haute, Indiana, and if desired by the eoipany, on to Crawfordsville, Indana, and to extend south to connect with ths E&I RR. April 5 Stealer "Uncle Sa«" arrives Evansville froa New Orleans wLth 540 tons of iron rail for the EStl. May Steaaer "Fort Pitt" arrives Evansville with the first lecoaotive for the E&I. It weighed seventeen tons and was naaed the "VarUlerburgh". July 4 Excursion train operated all day between Evansville and Pigeon Creek. Passengers were carried c« construction cars. NoveM^r 8 Rail laid to within eight ailos of Pidnceton. Passenger oars have been receifsd and are ia service. Wood for fuel cost $2.00 per cord delivered to designate* locations along the line. 1852 January Evansville Illinois reaches Princeton, Indiana. 1869 April 22 Celebfation at Momence occasioned hy the ground breaking ceremony of the CD&V RR at the north edge of tovn. May 21 Track laying on the CD&V starts southward from Dolton, Illinois where connection was made with the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis RR for trackage into Chicago. June 2 Evansville, Terre Haufe arii Chicago Railroad chartered to build from Terre Haute, Indiana to the Illinois state line east of Danville, Illinois. John Ingle Jr. , who was serving as President and Superintendent of the E&C was also elected president of the new road Terre Haute north. September 11 Contract awarded for building the Wabash river bridge at Clinton, Indiana for the ETHSdC. Decision reached to use the E&C from Terre Haute to Otter Creek, thence the new line to be built. Grading of the CD&V progressing between Moaence and St* Anne Octob€b' 10 CD<ScV begin service between Moraence and Chicago. November 4 Ingle resigns as president of the ETH&C and was succeeded by Jesephus Collett Jr., of Newport, Indiaia. December 2 Three piers of the Clinton bridge in place and work proceeding rapidly. 1870 May 19 Union station at Vincennes, Indiana under construction. E&C purchases first coal burning locomotive, the "Shelburne". All previous locomotives had been woofll burners. ETHSeC and CD&V both niaking slow pregresa due to t.T5 effect of the Franco-Prussian war on the bond ^market. July 28 Danville and Rosodale Ry organized to build between the Indiana state line and Danville, Illinois for the ETli^. Axijuat 10 Timbers for the CD&V bridge over the Iroquois, ri^'er at Watseka begin arriving. 1871 April Union track built at Evansville, providing the E^^ ndth a connection with the L&N. Grading of the ETHiC completed and the CD&V nov« three miles south of Rossville, Illinois. Octobdr 8-11 CD&V general offices burn in the great Chicago fire. October 26 ETHScC begins service between Terre Haute and Danville. November 16 CD&V begins service between Chicago and Danville. First entry into downtown Danville was via the Toledo, Wabash and Western tracks from Danville Junction. Chicago station was located at Kinzie and Clintcm Streets. 1872 Jaiuary Survey being made for the Danville, Tuscola and Western RR to be built from Tuscola to Danville. Serfice now established between Evaasille, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois via the E&C to Terre Hau|e, the ETHStC to Danville, and the CD&V. March 4 The CD^V RR was consolidated with the Rossvil3e and Indiana RR. March 6 A further conaolidation was effected with the Attica and Terre Haute RR. March 9 A still further consolidation was effected vdth the Western Indiana RR. The consolidated company (in each case th» Chicago, Danville and Vincennes RR) was empowered to build and operate a railroad froa Warren County (Indiana) to Brazil, Indiana. Noaeof the three companies (R^I, kklH, and WI) built any lines. March C&SfV purchase $60C,CXX).O0 of Chicago real estate t© build a freight and passenger station on Halsted Street near Fulton. Also dock property on the south side of the south branch of tte Chicago river at Bridgeport.