Michael W. Beck, Robert D. Brumbaugh, Laura Airoldi Alvar Carranza, Loren D
Michael W. Beck, Robert D. Brumbaugh, Laura Airoldi Alvar Carranza, Loren D. Coen, Christine Crawford, Omar Defeo, Graham J. Edgar, Boze Hancock, M atthew Kay, Hunter Lenihan, Mark W. Luckenbach, Caitlyn L. Toropova, Guofan Zhang Results. Condition of Oyster Reefs Globally Across Bays and Ecoregions. Regional Summaries of the Condition of Shellfish Reefs Overview of Threats and Causes of Decline. Recommendations for Conservation, Restoration and Management Conclusions References Appendix 1 Michael W. Beck“, Robert D. Brumbaughb, Laura AiroldL, Alvar Carranzad, Loren D. Coen*, Christine Crawfordi Omar Defeod, Graham J. Edgarf, Boze Hancock®, Matthew Kayh, Hunter Lenihan11, Mark W. Luckenbach', Caitlyn L. Toropova“, Guofan Zhang “ The Nature Conservancy, Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, 95060 b b The Nature Conservancy; PO Box 420237, Summerland Key, FL 33042 * Dipartimento di Biología Evoluziomstica Sperimentale, Université di Bologna, Via S. Alberto 163,1-48100 Ravenna, Italy d d Marine Science Unit, Ecology Department, Faculty of Sciences, Montevideo, Uruguay * Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, 9 0 0 A Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel, FL 33957 f Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia ® The Nature Conservancy; University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, Rl 028882 h Bren School, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5131 ' Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Wachapreague, VA 23480 i Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, Shandong 266071, China Cover photo: Oyster reets at Virginia Coastal Reserve. © Barry T ru itt/T N C © Barry T ru itt/T N C Many colleagues contributed to this assessment by The authors in particular thank Christine Shepard, Zach providing access to data sets ranging from local to global Ferdaña, Jeff Vincent, Antonella Fatone, Ximing Guo, and scales, helping to find important and often obscure Bill Arnold for help with the data, figures and maps.
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