All Saints’ Church Parish Magazine

LEEK WOOTTON LINK | Guy’s Cliffe | Hill Wootton | Chesford | Goodrest | Wedgnock | North & Middle Woodloes LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 attending stayed loyal to buy a little more EDITORIAL and to watch the country dancing by Welcome to the July / August edition of pupils from All Saints’ Academy. The Link. Headteacher, Andrew Morris spoke for To comment on the weather we have us all when he wrote in the school been experiencing seems almost newsletter “Everybody was astounded at obligatory, but we are British! the attitude of the children as they The Two Castles Run and the start of the danced in the rain and entertained one fourth stage of the OVO Energy and all!!” Women's Tour were both a little damp, As we approach the traditional holiday but the rain on the afternoon of the period we do hope that readers will enjoy Summer Fête had to be experienced to at least a little more pleasant weather be believed! Stall holders continued to and good breaks from the routine. man their posts and many who were Helen & Lesley Eldridge The Editorial Team Cover Image: Cornflower

All Saints’ Church WHO’S WHO? Priest in Charge Readers Jim Perryman t : 850610 Audrey Rowberry t : 851498 The Vicarage, 4 Hill Wootton Road 7a The Meadows e : [email protected] Nigel Stallard (see left for contact) Church Wardens Secretary to the PCC Jonathan Kingston t : 851181 Eileen Clayton t : 855124 32 Hill Wootton Road 2 The Hamlet Nigel Stallard t : 850548 Treasurer to the PCC Reading Room Cottage Vacancy Church Lane

Articles for The Link: If there is anything you would like to include, please email [email protected] The deadline for editorial submissions for the SEPTEMBER issue is: MONDAY, 19 AUGUST Advertisements for The Link or for www.leekwoottonchurch.co.uk: 1 WEEK IN ADVANCE OF THE MAIN SUBMISSION DEADLINE Via email to [email protected] or call Jim Perryman on 01926 850610 Would you like to receive The Link by email? Please email [email protected] and request your email copy

Back issues of The Link are available to view online at: https://express.yudu.com/library/82141/LeekWootton-amp-GuysCliffe-s-Library 2 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 FROM THE VICARAGE ‘The Tail Tale of the Dog’ I know what sensitive souls we have in the community of Leek Wootton and how the thought of a poor little lost dog would cause great anxiety, so when last month’s edition of The Link was published showing the photo of the lonely dog from the Teddy Bear Parachuting, sitting on a gravestone and waiting to be collected, I realised that some of you would want to know the full story (sorry to the rest of you!). Now those of you who know me fairly well, will know that I have a phobia when it comes to real dogs, but I’m quite comfortable around toy ones. The dog in question belongs to me. His name is βασιλευς. My then fiancée, now wife of 34 years, gave him to me while I was at Bible college – where my studies included New Testament Greek. ‘Basileus’ was (and probably still is) the Greek word for King – and the equivalent word in Latin is ‘Rex’, once a common name for a dog – so… Bazzy joined the Perryman family and sits, along with my old Teddy Bear, Ernest, in the wardrobe in the bedroom. They were joined, seven or eight years ago, by Ringo the Elephant, whom I won at the Leek Wootton School Christmas Fayre (he has a star under one foot just visible as a dot in the picture on the right – so those old enough to remember the Beatles should get the tenuous connection). These three have their one real afternoon of excitement each year when they come to jump from the tower in Katie and Jonathan’s wonderful parachutes. But what happened to Bazzy this year? Just before he was due to jump, the drama of the toy that got stuck on the ledge unfolded. In my role as Senior Toy- Rescuer, I quickly went to the top of the tower – armed with string and tent peg – and, together with Jonathan, we managed to bring the poor toy safely back to earth. But Bazzy jumped when I was on my way up the tower and some kind person picked him up and left him on the gravestone to await his absent owner. It was a lonely time for poor Bazzy – not knowing why he had been deserted – but once Ernest and Ringo had made their jumps, he was reunited with his family and was able to enjoy a second jump later in the afternoon. Now safely back in the wardrobe, and fully recovered from the trauma, he is looking forward to next May’s event and hopes that you are too. Jim Perryman

ADVANCE NOTICE: Harvest Supper Saturday, 5 October, 7:30pm at the Village Hall Details to follow...

3 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 www.leekwoottonchurch.co.uk ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH www.leekwoottonchurch.co.uk CHURCH SERVICES / EVENTS FOR JULY/AUGUST 2019 Charity Prayer Focus for these months: July: Akany Avoko – www.tiny.cc/lw-akany August: Agapé France (Violleau family) - https://violleau.blogspot.com Sunday, 30 June Prayer Focus: Charity: www.dioceseofcoventry.org Street: The Hamlet 9:30am All Age Worship with Holy Communion 3:00pm MESSY CHURCH 6:30pm CTKD Taizé-style worship at St. John’s, Wednesday, 3 July 10:30am Holy Communion Saturday, 6 July 6:30pm Kenilworth Youth for Christ “Inspire and Intercede” event at Kenilworth Methodist Church (see notice on Page 8) Sunday, 7 July Prayer Focus: The Meadows 8:00am Holy Communion (CW) 9:30am Parade Service – Celebration of Scouting and Guiding 2:30pm Church Summer Teas (provided by Leek Wootton Scout Group) with Cherishing Churchyards activities (see notice on Page 17) Sunday, 14 July Prayer Focus: Tidmarsh Road 9:30am Holy Communion 5:00pm Trekkers group (Y6 – Y11) at the Vicarage Sunday, 21 July Prayer Focus: Croft Road 8:00am Holy Communion (BCP) 9:30am All Age Worship – Faith and Life 10:45am PCC Meeting Wednesday, 24 July (Date change due to School Assembly in Church on 17 July) 10:30am Holy Communion Friday, 26 July Wedding of Chris Hambridge and Nicola Highton at 1:00pm

4 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 Sunday, 28 July Prayer Focus: Woodcote Lane 9:30am All Age Holy Communion Sunday, 4 August Prayer Focus: Woodcote Drive and Police Headquarters 8:00am Holy Communion (CW) 9:30am All Age Worship 3:00pm Church Summer Teas Wednesday, 7 August 10:30am Holy Communion Sunday, 11 August Prayer Focus: Quarry Close 9:30am Holy Communion Sunday, 18 August Prayer Focus: Quarry Fields 8:00am Holy Communion (BCP) 9:30am All Age Worship – Faith and Life Wednesday, 21 August 10:30am Holy Communion Sunday, 25 August Prayer Focus: Waller Close 9:30am All Age Holy Communion

* CTKD is the abbreviation for Churches Together in Kenilworth and District, which is the grouping of Anglican, Roman Catholic, Methodist and, United Reformed churches in the town of Kenilworth and the villages of , Leek Wootton and Stoneleigh. CTKD also operates under the name ‘Love Kenilworth’. For more information on the ecumenical events and links to the individual fellowships, see www.lovekenilworth.org.uk. www.mothersunion.org LEEK WOOTTON MU Contact : Janet Jackson t : 258264

COMING UP: Wednesday, 3 July Summer Meal hosted by St John’s at Hazel and Chris Jackson’s home; £10 to include Pimm’s and a prize draw with proceeds going to the work of MU. Contact Felicity Hawke 0773 079447 for more information or to book tickets. Wednesday, 17 July 1:30pm - Leek Wootton Group meeting at Guy’s Cliffe Walled Garden CV34 5FJ, for tour and refreshments. 5 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 Saturday and Sunday, 3 and 4 August - Exhibition at St John’s Church celebrating 100 Years of Mothers’ Union in Coventry Diocese. This fascinating exhibition includes photographs, newspaper cuttings, certificates and leaflets of MU members’ ministry to families and communities. Sunday, 4 August 6:00pm - Mary Sumner Day Service at St John’s. Tea served beforehand. Wednesday, 7 August Summer Walk and Meal. Meet in The Clarendon Arms Car Park at 6:20pm to start walking at 6:30 pm. Walk the Millennium Way and return for the meal at 7:30 pm. Please go to www.clarendonarmspub.co.uk and decide on your meal, then ring Hazel Jackson at 01926 855344 with your choices. If you don’t want to walk you are welcome to join for the meal. August date and time TBA - Leek Wootton Group bring and share meal at Janet’s, including fundraising for Summer of Hope Appeal. Summer of Hope Appeal 2019 Mothers’ Union is encouraging members and supporters to raise funds for the work of MU over the summer. Look out for local events/www.mothersunion.org/summer- appeal to help make this summer a Summer of Hope for mums being educated in Burundi, family bonding in Northern Ireland and uniting communities in South Sudan. Hope combats anxiety, reduces stress and boosts happiness in our homes, but for many families and individuals across the Globe, hope is survival. Such people find themselves in serious need of generosity and kindness: Aziza in Burundi is a mother who lives in a culture where women aren’t schooled. Aziza has been missing out on all the benefits education brings, so earning is difficult and puts a strain on relationships and means only her husband can pay for her children’s education. Mothers’ Union’s literacy groups in Aziza’s community are teaching her basic skills. At the Hydebank women’s prison in Northern Ireland, Mothers’ Union members from the Diocese of Down and Dromore initiated the Read Together project and work with staff from the prison library. The scheme gives mothers, sisters and grandmothers and their children and grandchildren, the same books to read. It enriches reading for children’s A Prayer for Summertime early years and helps bond relationships by giving Long warm days... something in common to talk about on the next The pace of life slows... family visit and during home phone calls. A time for picnics and rest in the The South Sudan conflict may be out of the shade... headlines, but not our hearts. Mothers’ Union is Lord, help me to rest awhile in trying to bring peace by bridging divided the cooling shade of your communities in a civil war that has torn families presence. apart and brought much violence. Hundreds of Slow down my restless heart and women from conflicting communities come fill me with gentle compassion for together so a way forward can be found by all your people. Amen. focussing on what divides and what unites. From Prayers by Campus Life


Sunday, 30 June, 3:00pm to 5:00pm

At All Saints’ Church, Leek Wootton Moses (Part 2) At Messy Church in February, we started to think about the life of Moses. We will continue with the journey of the Israelites through the desert, and activities will include making sand pictures, pitching tents, and following a trail. Fun, food, faith and friendship. Hope to see you there! Messy Church values Messy Church values are about being: ❖ Christ-centred, ❖ for all ages, ❖ based on creativity, ❖ hospitality and ❖ celebration


Inspire & Intercede

What will the evening look like?

Where and when will it happen?

Let’s see lives changed by Jesus!

8 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 www.coventrycathedral.org.uk COVENTRY CATHEDRAL MATTERS Parish Partner : Mary Robins t : 512643 I am always intrigued by the number of activities that are carried out at Coventry Cathedral. In this week’s newsletter I see listed a ‘Bring & Buy’ lunch; news of generous donations to the ‘Foodbank Warehouse’; a ‘Healthy Churches’ survey in which we are invited to take part; a wedding; ‘Reconciliation’ evenings conducted by Dean John; a ‘Good Neighbours Coventry’ Service in the Chapel of Unity; Gospel singers at Evensong; two more schools in Coventry presented with a ‘Cross of Nails’, and the monthly Organ Recitals: Monday, 1 July at 1:00pm Hans Uwe Hielscher (Organist at the Marktkirche, Wiesbaden) Monday, 8 July at 1:00pm Alessandro Bianchi (St Edward’s Anglican Church, Lugano) Monday, 15 July at 1:00pm Rick Elliott (Principal Organist, Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City) Monday, 22 July at 1:00pm Jeremy Filsell (St Thomas’ Church, New York City) Monday, 29 July at 1:00pm George Herbert (Oundle Prize Winner) plus … Until Friday, 5 July – the Jacob Böhme exhibition. Philosopher, 1575-1624. His vision of a harmonious world and his creative language inspired many English poets and artists, including John Milton, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Blake. Friday, 19 July – Friday, 2 August - The Myton Hospice’s Butterfly Effect. An installation of 1,000 locally crafted metal Myton butterflies on display around the Ruins. Each butterfly costs £30 and can be purchased as a tribute to a loved one. Summer Screens: Wednesday, 24 July at 7:00pm – A Star is Born Thursday, 25 and Friday 26 July at 7:00pm – Bohemian Rhapsody Saturday, 27 July at 7:00pm – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and in August… Organ Recitals: Monday, 5 August at 1:00pm John Paul Farahat (Director of Music and Principal Organist, St Basil’s Church, Toronto) Monday, 12 August at 1:00pm Paul Carr (Birmingham) Monday, 19 August at 1:00pm Ashley Wagner (Assistant Head of Music, Birmingham Cathedral) Monday, 26 August at 1:00pm Rachel Mahon (Assistant Director of Music, Coventry Cathedral) Saturday, 3 – Monday, 26 August – NUIDO – The Way of Embroidery Exhibition, presenting examples of traditional Japanese embroidery. Friday, 9 August from 7:00 - 10:00pm – MACBETH. Five actors present an inventive musical take on Shakespeare’s Macbeth in the Ruins. Book tickets at £17.63 on the Cathedral website; picnic from 6:00pm. Friday, 23 August from 8:00 – 10:30pm – INTERSTELLAR. “A spectacular and unique show celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing. Secret Symphony’s 50-piece Limelight Orchestra perform all things space, stars and interstellar. Book your tickets to enjoy a soundtrack that includes such stellar tracks.” 9 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019

10 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 www.leekwootton.org.uk LEEK WOOTTON & GUY’S CLIFFE PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Parish Council : Helen Eldridge t : 853841 e : [email protected] ANNUAL PARISH ASSEMBLY The Annual Parish Assembly (APA) was held on Tuesday, 28 May 2019. There was a good turnout to listen to the Chairman, Cllr Richard Coates, sum up the previous year of the Parish Council and the speaker, Mr Philip Seccombe, Police & Crime Commissioner for , talk about the future plans for Woodcote and its estate now that the Police have announced that it will be re-designated as Police Headquarters. There was robust questioning of the speaker about development plans, the potential increase in traffic and proposals for mitigating this, as well as the future of the woodland and greenspaces. The DRAFT minutes of the APA are available to view on the Parish Council website at http://www.leekwootton.org.uk/your-parish/annual-parish-assembly/, along with reports for 2018/19 from community organisations throughout the parish. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING The Parish Council met on Tuesday, 4 June 2019, at Leek Wootton Village Hall. Discussion included the following: THE FUTURE OF WOODCOTE (POLICE HQ) A group of Parish Councillors have now met with District Council Development Services to discuss the announcement from that it will be returning to take up residence at Woodcote again as its Headquarters. The Local Plan and Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe Neighbourhood Plan included 115 new homes being built on the Woodcote site, including conversion of the 1861 listed building and on the site of the ancillary office buildings. With its reversion to Police use, this will no longer be possible and the PC wished to discuss any implications that this may have on the Neighbourhood Plan. WDC Planning stated that there is no Masterplan from the Police or their agents at this time, but this is a legal requirement of the planning process, so nothing can happen until this is in place. Also, until this is in place, they cannot comment on numbers of new homes. However, they did reassure the PC that it will not be required to accept new homes elsewhere in the village to make up for those lost on the Woodcote site; contingency housing adjustments are already factored into the Local Plan so our reduction in numbers is not significant. CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND The PC’s decision to disable the zipline while it arranged for a solution to the

11 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 clanging noise every time it is used has, apparently been unpopular with users. The ties preventing its use were cut and notices torn down. The Children’s playground land and equipment are the property of the Parish Council and its maintenance and the safety of its users are of paramount importance. If anyone has any issue with decisions made by the PC in respect of this, they are asked to contact the Clerk to discuss this. The PC is working to provide a noise reduction solution as soon as possible and it hopes to have this resolved by the start of the school summer holidays. HOUSING NEEDS SURVEY The response to the Housing Needs Survey, circulated with the April issue of The Link, was disappointing, but analysis reinforces the housing requirements identified in the Neighbourhood Plan and it will serve as a good supporting document. It is now available to view at: http://www.leekwootton.org.uk/parish-council- business/parish-council-publications/ NEXT MEETING The next meeting is at 7:30pm on Tuesday, 2 July 2019, at Leek Wootton Village Hall. Minutes of all Parish Council meetings, when signed, are published on the website at www.leekwootton.org.uk. Any local issues can always be raised at meetings under Public Question Time or by contacting any of the Parish Councillors or the Clerk, details of whom are listed on all noticeboards, the Parish Council website, in the Parish Directory and the Bulletin. LEEK WOOTTON LINK Donation Appeal 2019 - UPDATE Following the annual donation appeal, when envelopes were sent out with the February issue of The Link, we have had an excellent response, due in no small part to the efforts of Mark Sayers, Treasurer to the PCC, who gave his time to knock on doors around Leek Wootton. Donations are by invitation and confidential, but we can say that donations received were up by 22% and the average donation has increased from £9.06 in 2018 to £10.79 in 2019. This, together with the GiftAid that we will be able to claim, will give us a healthy balance with which to work and continue producing a vibrant and informative magazine for all. As stated in February, all donations received are used exclusively for production of The Link and do not go into general Church funds. Mark enjoyed meeting people on the doorstep and hearing what you think about the magazine. He has fed back both positive and some negative comments. We promise we will continue to strive to maintain the balance of interest for the whole community. The Editorial Team

12 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 OBITUARIES We publish here brief obituaries for members of the community who have died recently. We send condolences to their relatives, and to all who have recently been bereaved. -fashioned; open to new ideas and, although forceful in his own opinions and ideas, always willing to listen to others. When Fred and Edna came to their cottage on Hill Wootton Road they had no garden to the rear and Fred cultivated a patch of land adjacent to Frederick William Wilson the old Pound across the road, but 1927-2019 went on to create his own very Fred Wilson was born into a large productive back garden and soon family from Thurlaston near Rugby, became interested in the Leek with two brothers and eight sisters and Wootton Horticultural Society as well his family, including his nieces and as becoming one of the first to join the nephews, were very important to him newly formed Midland Dahlia Society throughout his life. He married Edna in 1958. He raised his own varieties in 1951 and they moved to Leek of dahlias, including Cryfield Bryn and Wootton in 1954 when Fred was Cryfield Max, and exhibited in local employed by the Edgars as Head shows and the National Dahlia Show Cowman to the dairy herd at Elms in Westminster. Farm. At that time there was also a Fred served on the Committee of the shepherd, a waggoner, a stockman, Leek Wootton & District Horticultural grooms and a horseman, but it was Society for several years and was Fred who stayed throughout very made a Life Vice President. He also changing times in agriculture until served for many years on the Council retirement in 1992 and then part-time of the Midland Dahlia Society and was until December 2018, just five months its Patron. Fred made many friends before his death. He was a leading through his horticultural interests and stockman in Warwickshire, always he will be greatly missed by them, his supportive of students and he won family and all those who saw him as many cattle prizes for the Edgars. an ‘integral’ part of the village Fred was a traditional man, but not old community. Thank you Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated the life of Fred Wilson. A total of £977.50 was donated in his memory and will be divided equally between Myton Hospice, The Shakespeare Hospice and Zoë's Place Baby Hospice (Fred’s chosen charity). He would have been very proud. Thank you. Edna Wilson 13 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 LEEK WOOTTON & GUY’S CLIFFE NEWS f LWandGC c LWandGC_Community ‘The Car Worker’ Gets a Gong Ian Callum, Director of Design at Jaguar Cars and a regular at The Anchor had announced his impending retirement from the position at the end of June and it was with great expectation that the Queen's Birthday Honours List 2019 was awaited. For the last few years bets have been placed that he would get a gong, mostly of the ‘Sir’ variety, and indeed among the Anchor regulars he has been called ‘Sir Ian’ for some time now, rather than ‘The Car Worker’ as previously, except when he's slow to buy a drink, when ‘Tight Jock’ comes into play. So, it was great joy all round when Ian was awarded a CBE for his services to the British Car Industry. This magazine has recorded his achievements of late and his talk at the Sports Club in January was something special for all to remember. Ian modestly took the honour in his stride, as usual, and is now looking forward to a well-earned rest from flying all over the world, but not for too long as he is setting up a Design Consultancy in Warwick to keep his hand and eye in. He can’t get too far away from affairs at JLR however as his partner, Fiona Pargeter, Customer Experience Director at JLR (which incorporates responsibility for Marketing and Communications), will no doubt keep him up to date with the latest Jaguar news over the breakfast table. Congratulations to the man Jeremy Clarkson described as “The best Car Designer in the World”.

From the Parish Registers

Friday, 21 June Marriage of Simon James Pitchford and Victoria Anne Epplestone

14 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 www.leekwoottonhorticulturalsociety.co.uk LEEK WOOTTON & DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Secretary : Steph Jones e : [email protected]

Saturday, 17 August 2019 Annual Horticultural Show We are very pleased to enclose a copy of the Show Schedule and entry form for this year’s Annual show, which will be held on Saturday, 17 August in the Village Hall at 2:30pm. We hope that by including the Schedule you may find a category you would like to enter. The Show is open to all and there are 61 classes to choose from. An additional category has been added again this year for the Clubs and Societies of the parish. We consider this to be a truly community style of show that attracts floral and vegetable entries from enthusiastic gardeners, cooks, household artists, crafters, children and photographers. The exhibits are displayed in the Village Hall and draw visitors from the local area. Judges award certificates for first, second and third position for each category and we have 13 special awards and cups, including a RHS Banksian medal. Entries into the Show can be brought to the Village Hall by 11:00am on Saturday, 17 August and the Show will open to the public at 2:30pm. We truly hope that you will find some inspiration from the variety of classes available, enter and join the garden party atmosphere that develops with the available tea and cakes plus a variety of stalls. Visit to Spetchley Park Gardens The 2019 annual Horticultural Society outing was to Spetchley Park Gardens, Worcestershire on Saturday, 8 June. We all boarded a very smart grey Ridleys coach bought for their 10th Anniversary and found Spetchley Gardens to be something of an unusual garden for us to visit. From an initial exploration of the 30- acre site, it was quickly obvious that the grounds are not as pristine or manicured as some gardens we have visited previously. At 2:00pm the Head Gardener took us on a tour and gave us a detailed insight into the history and development of the site from its

15 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 Tudor origins, through the 1800’s, to the present day. He explained that it was originally the Berkley Family’s’ private garden. They were avid plant collectors from all over the world and brought them back to plant at Spetchley. As successive generations added to the collection, the plants were progressively added to the site, even spilling over into the kitchen garden. Up until the last few years, trees were being planted in close proximity, which represents a problem for the future. He explained that the family had amassed over 6000 species of plant, but that they were not garden designers. Now, with only four gardeners to manage the grounds and care for the huge and important collection he sees the garden as something of “a romantic ruin”. The latest head of the Berkeley family has started to take steps to improve the garden for public viewing. He and the gardeners would like to move plants to give them adequate space to thrive but want to maintain the original spirit. Horticulturally this garden is rich with rare trees and plants and well worth a visit if you’re in the area.

www.guyscliffewalledgarden.org.uk GUY’S CLIFFE WALLED GARDEN TRUST e : [email protected] Access & parking via Hintons Nursery, Coventry Road, Warwick Opening for the National Open Garden Scheme Saturday, 20 July, 10:00am – 3:30pm A Grade II listed garden of special historic interest, having been the kitchen garden for Guy’s Cliffe House. The garden dates to the mid-1700s and restoration work started 5 years ago. Using plans from the early C19, the garden layout has already been reinstated and the beds, once more, planted with fruit, flowers and vegetables including many heritage varieties. Refreshments: Home- made teas. Refreshments in aid of another charity. Adult: £3.00 Child: Free


All Saints' Church, Leek Wootton

Sunday, 7 July 2:30-5:00pm Cherishing Churchyards Churchyard Activities to include Sensory Trail, Minibeast Hunting, Moth Display, Tree bingo, Children's Crafts and Games Refreshments in aid of Leek Wootton Scout Group

Sunday, 4 August 3:00-5:00pm Church Teas Hopefully to include an organ recital Come along and enjoy a drink, cake, chat and music

Sunday, 1 September 3:00-5:00pm Walking Treasure Hunt around the Village and Teas in Church in aid of Cancer Research UK Explore the village, answer the clues and then be refreshed with tea and cake!

17 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 www.leekwoottonwi.co.uk LEEK WOOTTON WI President : Genny Wilson t : 690701 Mary Quant - A Fashion Icon! From miniskirts and hot pants, to vibrant tights and makeup, Mary Quant launched a fashion revolution on the British high streets in the 1960s. Our speaker this month was Ruth Lowe, a delightful lady from Birmingham who has a unique collection of over 2000 Mary Quant branded items securely stored at her home in Birmingham. Ruth gave us a fascinating overview of the fashionista Mary Quant, who was born on the 11 February 1934, in Blackheath, London, to Welsh teachers Jack and Mary Quant, who were originally from mining families. Mary went to Blackheath High School before studying illustration at Goldsmiths College. Quant achieved a diploma in Art Education from Goldsmiths and went on to become an apprentice couture milliner, at which point she began designing and manufacturing clothes. She met her future husband and business partner, Alexander Plunkett-Greene, at Goldsmiths. The couple wed in 1957 and had a son together, Orlando. The two were happily married until Plunkett-Greene's death in 1990. Quant had one distinct advantage over previous designers: she was a contemporary of her clients, rather than of an older generation. Convinced that fashion needed to be affordable - and to be accessible to the young - she opened her own retail boutique. Her boutique ‘Bazaar’, opened on the Kings Road in 1955, with the help of Plunkett-Greene and former solicitor, Archie McNair, introducing the "mod" era and the "Chelsea look.". Following on the success of the first Chelsea store, a second ‘Bazaar ‘opened in Knightsbridge in 1961. By 1963, Quant was exporting to the United States, going into mass-production to keep up with the demand, and the Mary Quant worldwide brand was born. The mid-1960s saw Quant at the height of her fame, when she created the micro-mini and the ‘paint box’ makeup of 1966, and added the shiny, plastic raincoats and little grey pinafore dresses that came to epitomize the 1960s fashion era. She expanded her brand further into a range of original patterned tights, a range of cosmetics, and other fashion accessories.

18 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 Ruth shared many personal stories relating to her collection, not least how the V&A chose and collected some of the items from her home for their current Quant Exhibition at the museum, and her many TV appearances. It was a trip back in time, to an age when fashion and makeup were becoming brighter, bolder and more daring. We were captivated by Ruth’s knowledge and love of all things Mary Quant, but we only had time in our meeting for Part One, and Ruth ended her talk answering questions, and inviting us to view some of her valuable collection. So, like reaching the end of an episode of ‘Killing Eve’, we were left eagerly wanting more… so I think we will be seeing Ruth next year, for Part Two! KENILWORTH PROBUS CLUB Chairman : Roger Cragg Hon Secretary : Mike Cheeseman t : 852976 There was no report from the Probus Club in the June edition of the Link due to the early copy date for the magazine, so this month we have two reports. The meeting on 21 May heard a very professional talk by Dr David Bott on the development and work of the Warwick Manufacturing Group at Warwick University, which was founded by the late Baron Kumar Bhattacharyya. WMG is an academic department of the University, which provides research, education and knowledge transfer in engineering, manufacturing and technology. The meeting on 18 June heard a very interesting and personal talk by the immediate Past Chairman of the Club, Rodney Perry, about his first posting at the Department of Building and Public Works to Libya in March 1969 to be the Depot Superintendent at El Adem, an RAF airfield south of Tobruk. He told of his time there and the tasks the job involved for the year he was there. His tour of duty was ended by the 1969 Libyan coup d'état led by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, which resulted in the camp having to be vacated by the British at the end of March 1970. 19 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019


The ‘Wet One’ As I sit here writing this, ‘What a difference a week makes.’ We all knew the weather may well play its part in the event; as it was, we started and thank you to Dennis and Iris for the opening. My weather guru told me that we should be OK until 3:00pm and then we’d have a little downpour! ... Well, It was one of those Titanic moments as the band played on! The school children, although being offered a delay, gave a great stoic display of country dancing (next year we will go for synchronized swimming) in torrential rain. What was really great was seeing everyone come out from the shelter of the gazebos to encourage them. As usual, there are so many people to say thank you to: for the effort in setting up, making teas, helping tidy-up and, somewhere in between, supporting the event. Come on Katie, we have more gazebos to dry out! Again, thank you Jonathan Kingston Please see centre pages for colour photos, with thanks to Mary Murdoch and Genny Klasinski for sending their photos in… (Eds.) Cycling Challenge Results The results of the 200m Stationary Sprint Cycle Challenge at the fête were: Men: Matt Woods – 14.25 secs. Ladies: Alex Hayes – 19.63 secs. Under 15s: Tommy Allison – 20.28secs. Parasport: Adam Smith – 15.60 secs The prizes were all genuine souvenirs from the 2016 Tour de France. 21 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 JUNE IN PICTURES… The Two Castles Run

The OVO Energy At ➔ Women’s Tour Wootton Grange, Much like the men’s race last approaching KM0: the September, the highlights on ITV4 official race start skipped from Warwick to Kenilworth, (Image: Genny Klasinski) but we hope to get seen on the live coverage of this year’s men’s race Image: www.chrismaher.co.uk on 13 September!

22 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 The “Summer” Fête 2019 Dennis ➔ Eassom, who opened the fête and judged the dog show, meets the contestants Waggiest Tail? 

 Ever-popular: the WI’s sweetie jar tombola

 And the band played  The Brownies’ Human Fruit Machine

 ‘Best of British’: Stallholders manfully keep to their posts as the deluge starts!

Mr Morris, Head Teacher: “I can’t write today without mentioning the AMAZING country dancers who took part in the fête on the weekend. Everybody was astounded at the attitude of the children as they danced in the rain and entertained one and all!!” from School Newsletter 2019/709 23 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019


VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES If you think Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe is a lovely place to live because you enjoy the countryside around us, or the space and peacefulness with convenience of towns and travel networks close by, have you stopped to think about the benefits of the community around you? Below are just some opportunities to get involved for the benefit of yourself as well as the community: VOLUNTEER TASK FORCE The Task Force, coordinated by the Parish Council, undertakes occasional odd maintenance jobs around the parish. Currently it is compiling an email contact list of people who will volunteer to join in with projects as and when they happen. If you are able to help at odd times, with NO regular commitment, please send your email address to the Clerk to the Parish Council (e: [email protected]). COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH – expressions of interest At the Annual Parish Assembly in May, Philip Seccombe, Police & Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire, talked about Community Speed Watch (CSW) schemes that have been set up in rural communities with the support of Warwickshire Police. CSW schemes are coordinated by the Safer Roads team but managed and run by volunteers in the community. The scheme enables local people to take an active role in road safety and make their community safer. A scheme requires at least 6 volunteers, who must be aged 18 or over, and will only be accepted onto a scheme once appropriate checks have been carried out. Volunteers must be able to make a regular commitment to carry out activity and must adhere to the scheme's safety rules at all times. Find out more here: https://www.warwickshire.police.uk/article/39649/Community-speed-watch Please let the Clerk to the Parish Council (e: [email protected]) know of this is something you would like to volunteer for; if there is sufficient interest in CSW in this parish, the PC will look into setting a scheme up. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Sonia Scrimshire, the Neighbourhood Watch (NW) Coordinator based in Hill Wootton has decided that in order to be more effective, she will be handling the coordination of ‘Hill Wootton NW’ only in future. After discussion with the Parish Council, it is agreed that more coordinators are needed to make an effective NW scheme. The more residents there are who want to get involved, the more successful a scheme will be, but not everyone in a street or neighbourhood needs to join a scheme for it to work. It will work as long as there are enough residents to keep an eye out for each other’s properties and to liaise with the police. Therefore, we are appealing to anyone who may be interested in joining a NW 25 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 Scheme and taking on a coordination role in their street. Ideally a small committee that can share information and liaise with myself as the Hill Wootton representative so we can all in turn keep all our residents informed of SNT Newsletters/alerts or if anyone locally reports anything of concern or interest. Find out more at: www.ourwatch.org.uk/knowledge/setting-up-a-neighbourhood-watch-scheme/ Please let the Clerk to the Parish Council ([email protected]) know if you are interested in joining the scheme. Sonia Scrimshire (m: 077 7066 4790) If you’re interested in NW, you may be interested in the Citizen’s Academy course at Police HQ, see pages 40 & 41. Love Where You Live: Above are just some of the current volunteering opportunities – if you are looking for other opportunities to volunteer or have a group that is looking for volunteers, please contact [email protected] www.tourofbritain.co.uk OVO ENERGY TOUR OF BRITAIN Tour to return to Warwickshire Warwickshire will welcome Britain’s biggest professional cycle race for the second successive year when the Ovo Energy Tour of Britain returns to the county. Stage Seven of the race will see the world’s top teams and riders race from Warwick town centre to a hill-top finish at Burton Dassett Country Park over a 186.5km route on Friday, 13 September. More than 100,000 spectators spilled out onto streets across the county last year to watch the peloton pass through the country in Warwickshire’s debut as stage host. Currently the route is subject to change; the final race route being confirmed in August, but at present it shows that, similarly to Stage 4 of the Women’s Tour (on 13 June), the riders will start from Warwick town centre and travel north through Guy’s Cliffe and Leek Wootton, with the start proper being in Kenilworth. ITV4 will once again screen live free- to-air coverage of the stage, along with a nightly highlights programme of the best of the day’s action. Extracted from The Stratford Herald and www.tourofbritain.co.uk

26 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 http://leekwoottonsports.club [email protected] LEEK WOOTTON SPORTS CLUB Club Steward : Nigel Rodgers t : 852231 Summer opening times (1 Apr - 30 Sep): Monday Closed Tuesday 6:00pm - 10:30pm Wednesday 6:00pm - 10:00pm Thursday 6:00pm - 10:00pm Friday 5:30pm - 11:00pm Saturday 4:00pm - 9:00pm Sunday 1:00pm - 10:00pm Bank Holidays - Times may vary LEEK WOOTTON DISCUSSION GROUP The Leek Wootton Discussion Group will start its winter programme with a talk on Edward II by local historian Stephen Spinks on Wednesday, 18 September. The King had a tumultuous reign and there is a significant link to the parish, since his favourite, Piers Gaveston was executed on Blacklow Hill in 1312. The Gaveston monument, and an inscription in the rock below, now mark the spot. We are sure that there will be plenty of discussion during this evening and tickets are for sale at £10 each, to include a fish’n’chip supper. The Discussion Group evenings have been very popular so it’s advisable to get your ticket from the bar as soon as possible. BINGO! Our Bingo sessions will continue during the summer, with the next events being held on Wednesday, 10 and Wednesday, 24 July. Doors open at 7:30pm and the first game starts at 8.00pm.

If you are looking for a venue to hold a party, fundraising or social event, the Leek Wootton Sports Club, which has skittle alley, large patio, BBQ, kitchen and bar facilities is available for hire. Please call Sue Whitehouse (t: 496694) for further information or call into the Club and speak to Steward, Nigel Rodgers.


28 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 http://leekwoottonsports.club/sports-clubs/football LEEK WOOTTON FOOTBALL CLUB Chairman : Paul Baigent t : 07535 736556

Time for a break but a little bit of silverware before we go … All of our teams are now putting their boots away for the summer after a series of tournaments where we have had some success. The Under 11s won the Kenilworth Wardens tournament in May and the Under 9s also acquired some silverware with success at the Bloxam event and then they followed it up on their tour with victory at the Selby tournament in Yorkshire. Unfortunately, the Awards Day was postponed due to the weather, but we hope to hold it soon and will report the winners of the Club awards in the next edition of The Link. We are looking for new players for the forthcoming season in all age groups so, if you know of a young player who would like to join the Football Club please contact the Chairman, Paul Baigent on 07535 736556 and he will put you in touch with the right age group manager. For younger players we offer training from the age of 4 with our partner, DF Sports Academy. If your child would like to have a go, please contact Dan Fagan on 07931 641540 who will be able to provide further details.



LEEK WOOTTON VILLAGE HALL Booking Clerk : Sigrun Fewtrill e : [email protected] t : 409641 after 4:00pm

Hiring Charges Village Main Hall Non-Village Organisations / Other Village Users Users Events

Mon-Fri Category 1 9:00-6:00pm £7.50 / hour £11.50 / hour £16.00 / hour

Mon-Thu Category 2 £7.50 / hour £12.50 / hour £17.00 / hour 6:00-11:00pm Fri, 6:00-11:00pm Category 3 By arrangement £14.50 / hour £20.00 / hour Sat & Sun Committee Room Maximum 20 Persons Village Users: £7.00 / hour Non-Village Users: £9.00 / hour Full day rates at Committee’s discretion. 30 min setting-up charge, plus 30 min clearing-up charge is added to ALL bookings (except for regular village users). Entry or use of the Hall is for the hired period only. Hire of the Main Hall or the Committee Room is for that room only. An additional charge of £15 is payable for use of the cooker, dishwasher and heated cabinet. We are very proud of our Village Hall and would appreciate your help in maintaining it in its present condition; all users should leave the hall, kitchen and toilets clean and tidy. ALL litter must be taken home. Please do not leave bags of rubbish in, or outside, the hall. BOOKING INQUIRIES TO MRS S FEWTRILL (e : [email protected] | t : 01926 409641 after 4:00pm) SMOKING IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE HALL Charges effective from 1 May 2019


TODDLERS AT LEEK WOOTTON VILLAGE HALL Contact : Janet Jackson t : 258264 We meet on Thursdays, term-time 10:00am - 11:30am For Babies to Pre-schoolers £1.50 per family A warm welcome is extended for Parents, Grandparents and Carers Baby area, craft, mat and ride on toys, snack-time and singing. Also, fun outdoors in our woodland play area. Just turn up and join us for a friendly and relaxed morning.



32 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 NORMAN’S QUIZ OF THE MONTH Its Holiday time so, Where in the World would you be if… 1. You were shopping in the 14th Century narrow lanes of ‘The Shambles’? 2. You were having a great night out in Temple Bar, probably sampling ‘the black stuff’? 3. You were shopping in the markets and drinking and eating along the tree lined avenue called ‘La Rambla’? 4. You were being ripped off by the extortionate prices of the food and jewellery in the shops and restaurants of St. Mark's Square? 5. You were buying the local exotic leather ware, ceramics, jewellery, carpets, etc in a totally covered market built in 1461 and aptly named The Grand Bazaar, consisting of 61 streets, 4,000 shops and an area of 30,700 square metres? 6. You were looking at a small bronze statue first erected in 1618 of a small, naked boy urinating into a fountain known locally as the ‘Manneken Pis’? 7. You were crossing the River Arno over The Ponte Vecchio with its plethora of goldsmith’s shops on the way to The Uffizi Museum? 8. You were crossing the Vltava River over the 13th Century half kilometre long Charles Bridge adorned with its 30 Baroque statues? 9. You were in The Rocks area eating and drinking whilst admiring the views of a famous Bridge and an even more famous Opera House in this beautiful harbour city? [But I'm biased!!] 10. You were watching Test Match Cricket at the Newlands Ground which dates to 1888, probably eating steak grilled on a braai and drinking Castle Lager? Answers on page 35 ADVERTISING


34 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 www.pawsitivevetcare.co.uk PAWSITIVE VET CARE m : 07410411461 Paws for Thought By Helen Perryman Did you know that 80% of dogs over the age of 8 suffer from osteoarthritis, approximately 20% of ALL dogs and probably a similar number of cats? Osteoarthritis is a common cause of chronic pain in people and pets. Chronic pain causes physical and emotional problems which in our pets often manifest as behaviour changes. If your pet is showing any of the following signs, they may well be suffering from chronic pain, possibly caused by arthritis: • Lameness/limping • Stiffness when getting up, particularly after resting after exercise • Aggression or simply becoming more ‘grumpy’ • Loss of toilet training • Sleeping more than normal • Taking longer to jump onto things, or climb stairs • Not interacting with other family members as much • Poor sleep quality • Licking areas of the body • Changes in the way they sit, stand or lie down If you notice any of the above, you should get them seen by a vet as soon as possible. If caught early, chronic pain is much easier to treat than if left. None of us like to think that our pet might be in pain, but recognising it is key to being able to do something about it and improve their quality of life. There are lots of different pain relief options available now, so your pet does not have to suffer in silence.


From page 33

Town Cape 10. | Sydney 9. | Prague 8. | Florence 7.

| Brussels 6. | Istanbul 5. | Venice 4. | Barcelona 3. | Dublin 2. | York 1.


36 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 www.ecochurch.org.uk ECO CHURCH What are the problems of single use plastic water bottles? • According to the Environmental Audit Committee consumption of bottled water has doubled over the last 15 years, with over 7 billion plastic water bottles used each year in the UK. • Around the world, one million plastic bottles are bought every minute. This figure is expected to increase by 20% by 2021 • Plastic bottles are the most commonly found item in our rivers, and are in the top 10 most commonly found items on beaches across Europe. There are now over 159 plastic bottles for every mile of beach in the UK. • Once plastics enter our oceans they breakdown into tiny pieces called microplastics. These microplastics are found throughout our oceans. They are a result of natural water erosion and sunlight breaking down the plastic into tiny particles. A single plastic microbead can be one million times more toxic than the water around it. • The impact on our wildlife has become catastrophic. 100,000 marine mammals and turtles and 1 million sea birds are killed by plastic pollution every year! • Ingested plastic has turned up in almost 92% of animal-meets-marine debris reports. Microplastics affect their metabolism and reproduction system. And ultimately contributes to the potential for species extinction. What can be done? Refill is a campaign to establish a network of places that people can refill water bottles for free. Shops, restaurants and other businesses and public places can register as places that people can refill bottles. The refill symbol can be displayed for passers by to see and people can download an app on their phone which can show where the nearby refill places are. These places can be asked to refill bottles without feeling embarrassed. Some large companies are part of the scheme – locally Starbucks, Greggs and Costa. All Saints’ Church has signed up as, when the church is open, people can help themselves to water in the kitchen. What can you do? • Use a reusable water bottle and take it with you on all trips. • Sign up for the Refill App and make use of it yourself. • Tell others about this scheme and encourage them to offer refill places and to use the app.


38 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 All in the month of JULY 200 years ago, on 2 July 1819, the Cotton 75 years ago, on 20 July 1944, the July Mills and Factories Act 1819 was passed plot took place. The German Resistance in Britain. It placed restrictions on the movement attempted to assassinate Adolf number of hours children could work in Hitler in Berlin and remove the Nazi Party cotton mills. from power in a coup. The attempt failed, 175 years ago, on 22 July 1844, William and the movement’s central figure, Claus Archibald Spooner, British clergyman and von Stauffenberg, was executed the educator, was born. Known for his absent following day. -mindedness, he often accidentally mixed 65 years ago, on 5 July 1954, the BBC up the syllables of words, to comic effect. launched the first daily TV news These are now known as spoonerisms. programme in the UK. Many of those attributed to him are undoubtedly apocryphal, but it is fairly certain that in 1879 he gave out from the pulpit the first line of a hymn as “Kinkering Kongs their titles take”. 100 years ago, on 20 July 1919, Sir Edmund Hillary was born. This New Zealand mountaineer and Antarctic explorer, along with the Sherpa 50 years ago, on 1 July 1969, Prince Charles was invested as the Prince of mountaineer Tenzing Norgay, were the Wales. first two people to conquer Mount Everest. Also 50 years ago, on 21 July 1969, the 90 years ago, on 3 July 1929, foam rubber American astronauts Neil Armstrong and was invented by British scientist E.A. Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin became the first Murphy at Dunlop Latex Development people to walk on the surface of the Moon. Laboratories. 25 years ago, on 21 July 1994, Tony Blair 80 years ago, on 9 July 1939, Winston was elected leader of Britain’s Labour Churchill urged the governments of Britain Party. He became Prime Minister in 1997. and France to form a military alliance with the Soviet Union. Walking on the moon American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin became the first people to walk on the surface of the Moon 50 years ago, on 21 July 1969. There had been some dispute over who would step first on to the Moon’s surface, but Apollo 11 commander Armstrong was given the privilege partly for technical reasons. Lunar module pilot Aldrin followed him almost 20 minutes later. The two men spent 21.5 hours on the lunar surface before rejoining the command module Columbia in lunar orbit. Armstrong’s first step onto the lunar surface was broadcast on live TV to a worldwide audience. He described it as “one small step for a man – one giant leap for mankind”. 39 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019

40 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 South Warwickshire Citizens' Academy Warwickshire Police is offering people in South Warwickshire an exciting opportunity to learn about and experience the day-to-day workings of their local police force as part of the Citizens' Academy. 10 September 2019 - 20 November 2019 This programme provides local people over the age of 16 with a unique insight into Warwickshire Police's work to protect people from harm and improve residents' quality of life. Members of the public can support the work of the police and their partner agencies by enrolling in the ten-week Citizens' Academy programme, to be held at Warwickshire Police Head Quarters Leek Wootton where police officers, police staff and supporting agencies/organisations will deliver presentations on key subjects. What will you get from the course? Students completing the programme will graduate from the Citizens' Academy and their participation will be recognised with a formal ceremony. It is hoped that students will pass on their experiences and increased knowledge to the rest of the community, or become special constables or volunteers with the police or other agencies. The course will cover a range of policing functions/roles including crime prevention and detection, recording crimes and incidents, road safety, forensic investigation, police use of firearms, internet safety, and the role of Safer Neighbourhood Teams as well as other key departments. There may be opportunities for students to experience ride-alongs with police officers and to visit a police station. Participants will also be encouraged to request subjects of specific interest to them to ensure they get the best possible benefit from the time they invest. How to apply for the South Warwickshire Citizens' Academy If you live in South Warwickshire, are at least 16 years of age and would like to apply to be part of this exciting new venture, see details opposite for how to apply. Criteria will be applied to the selection process and successful applicants will be subject to security checks. The eligibility criteria include: • Your age (minimum age 16 years) • Preferably that you have no previous links/employment with the police or the criminal justice system • If you have any previous convictions • Whether you are a malicious or persistent complainant • The reason for your application • Whether you are in relevant policing/force area Applicants who have been invited to join the course will be asked to bring proof of identity along to the first session for checking when they register on to the course. Academy attendees must sign Official Secrets Act forms to cover their involvement on ride-alongs. They will also be asked to give permission for their photographs to be used in any publicity. Lack of consent from a student to use photographs of them in publicity is not a reason to bar them from joining the course. The final date for applications to be received is 27 August 2019 41 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019

42 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY/AUGUST 2019 OUT & ABOUT IN LEEK WOOTTON & GUY’S CLIFFE See main articles for further details or visit the Parish Calendars at www.leekwoottonandguyscliffe.org.uk Saturday, 29 June Wednesday, 17 July Leek Wootton MU 13:30 at Guy’s Cliffe Walled Garden Sunday, 21 July PCC Meeting 10:45am in All Saints’ Church www.kenilworthcarnival.org.uk Kenilworth Food Festival Sunday, 30 June Warwick Road, Kenilworth Race For Life www.localfoodfestivals.co.uk/kenilworth Coventry & Warwickshire 5K Wednesday, 24 July www.raceforlife.cancerresearchuk.org LWSC: Club Bingo Night Warwick Myton Hospice at the Sports Club Summer Fête Thursday, 25 July www.mytonhospice.org Teddy Bear’s Picnic Tuesday, 2 July Hill Close Gardens, Warwick Parish Council Meeting www.hillclosegardens.com/events 19:30 in the Village Hall 25 – 28 July 5-7 July Tom Kerridge presents

www.warwickfolkfestival.co.uk www.pubintheparkuk.com Sunday, 4 August Church Teas 15:00 at All Saints’ Church Sunday, 11 August RetroWarwick

www.godivafestival.com Classic Car Show Market Place, Warwick Leamington Poetry Festival www.warwick-courtleet.co.uk www.leamingtonpoetryfestival.org Saturday, 17 August Sunday, 7 July LW&D Horticultural Society Show Church Teas with Cherishing 14:30 at the Village Hall Churchyards www.leekwoottonhorticulturalsociety.co.uk 14:30 at All Saints’ Church Warwickshire Pride Wednesday, 10 July Pump Room Gardens, www.warwickshirepride.co.uk LWSC: Club Bingo Night at the Sports Club Warwick Regatta St Nicholas Park and Myton Fields Saturday, 13 July www.warwickboatclub.co.uk Leamington Carnival www.leamingtoncarnival.org.uk Tuesday, 20 August Probus Club Meeting Leek Wootton WI 10:30 at the Sports Club 19:45 at the Village Hall


JUNE IN PICTURES (Continued)...

44 Services Printing by LeekYouTree Link Wootton printed is