THE ORDER of REQUIEM MASS During the Mass We Say Together Words in Bold Type. This Service Sheet Indicates When to Sit, to Stand, Or to Kneel
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THE ORDER OF REQUIEM MASS During the Mass we say together words in bold type. This service sheet indicates when to sit, to stand, or to kneel. If you cannot kneel, please, feel free to sit. We stand when the bell rings. to you must vows be fulfilled in Jerusalem. Hear my prayer: to In the name of the Father, + and you all flesh must come. Rest of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. eternal grant unto them, O Lord, All (A) answer: Amen. and let light perpetual shine upon them. We kneel for the Confession. Then we say: P. Almighty God. P. Lord, have mercy. A. Our heavenly Father, we A. Lord, have mercy. have sinned against you and P. Lord, have mercy. against our neighbour in thought and word and deed, A. Christ, have mercy. through negligence, through P. Christ, have mercy. weakness, through our own A. Christ, have mercy. deliberate fault. We are truly P. Lord, have mercy. sorry and repent of all our sins. A. Lord, have mercy. For the sake of your Son Jesus P. Lord, have mercy. Christ, who died for us, forgive us all that is past and grant that P. The Lord be with you. we may serve you in newness of A. And with your spirit. life to the glory of your name. Amen. P. Let us pray. Then follows the Collect. At the end of the Collect The Priest gives absolution, goes we say: Amen. Then we sit for the up to the Altar, reads the Introit: reading. At the end of the reading: Rest eternal grant unto them, O This is the word of the Lord. Lord, and let light perpetual shine A. Thanks be to God. upon them. To you we owe our hymn of praise, O God, in Sion; We remain seated for the Gradual and Tract: Rest eternal grant unto them, O not, nor they fall into darkness, but Lord; and let light perpetual shine that Michael, the holy standard- upon them. The just man shall be bearer, bring them into the holy in everlasting remembrance; an light which You once promised to evil report he shall not fear. Abraham and his seed. We offer You, O Lord, sacrifices and prayers O Lord, absolve the souls of all of praise; accept them for those the faithful departed from every souls whom we this day bond of sin. V. And by the help of commemorate; grant them, O Your grace may they be worthy to Lord, to pass from death to the life escape the sentence of vengeance. which You once promised to V. And to enjoy all the beatitude Abraham and his seed. of the light eternal. The offertory prayers follow in We stand for the Gospel. silence. At the end of these P. The Lord be with you. prayers we stand: A. And with your spirit. P. Pray, brethren: that my sacrifice P. A reading from the Holy and yours may be acceptable to Gospel according to N. God the Father almighty. A. Glory to you, O Lord. A. May the Lord accept the At the end of the Gospel: sacrifice at your hands, for the P. This is the Gospel of the Lord. praise and glory of his Name, A. Praise to you, O Christ! for our good, and the good of all his Holy Church. There is no peace in requiem Masses. After the Gospel: The Offertory Prayer follows. We answer: Amen. Then: P. The Lord be with you. A. And with your spirit. P. The Lord be with you. P. Let us pray. A. And with your spirit. We sit, and the Priest says: P. Lift up your hearts. A. We lift them up to the Lord. O Lord, Jesus Christ, King of glory, deliver the souls of all the faithful P. Let us give thanks to the Lord departed from the pains of hell and our God. the deep pit; deliver them from the A. It is right and just so to do. lion’s mouth, that hell engulf them At the end of the preface we say: We remain kneeling, and say Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, God of together: power and might. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Lamb of God, you take away Hosanna in the highest. (We sign the sins of the world: grant ourselves.) Blessed + is he who them rest. comes in the name of the Lord. Lamb of God, you take away Hosanna in the highest. the sins of the world: grant them rest. We kneel during the Eucharistic Lamb of God, you take away Prayer when our Lord’s Sacrifice the sins of the world: grant is offered to God for the dead. them rest eternal. At the end of the Eucharistic P. Behold the Lamb of God, Prayer: behold him who takes away the P. … for ever and ever. sins of the world. Blessed are A. Amen. those called to his supper. We remain kneeling for the Lord’s A. Lord, I am not worthy that Prayer: you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my P. Let us pray. Admonished by soul shall be healed. saving precepts, and taught by divine institution, we are bold to Holy Communion is distributed. say: Our Father. After the Holy Communion, the priest reads the Communion A. Who art in heaven, hallowed Antiphon, then we kneel for the be thy name; thy kingdom Post Communion. come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this P. The Lord be with you. day our daily bread; and A. And with your spirit. forgive us our trespasses as we P. Let us pray. forgive those who trespass At the end of the prayer: Amen. against us; and lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from P. The Lord be with you. evil. For thine is the kingdom, A. And with your spirit. the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. P. May they rest in peace. A. Amen. PRAYERS TO BE RECITED AFTER LOW MASS The Hail Mary is said three times. down with mercy upon the people who cry to you; and by the P. Hail Mary, full of grace, the intercession of the glorious and Lord is with thee; blessed art immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother thou amongst women, and blessed of God, of Saint Joseph her is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. spouse, of the blessed Apostles A. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Peter and Paul, and of all the pray for us sinners, now and at saints, in your mercy and the hour of our death. Amen. goodness hear our prayers for P. Hail, Holy Queen, the conversion of sinners, and M. Mother of Mercy, our life, for the liberty and exaltation of the our sweetness, and our hope. Holy Mother Church. Through the To thee do we cry, poor same Christ our Lord. banished children of Eve. To A. Amen. thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this P. Saint Michael the Archangel, valley of tears. Turn then, A. defend us in battle; be our most gracious advocate, thine protection against the eyes of mercy toward us, and wickedness and snares of the after this exile, show unto us devil. May God rebuke him, the blessed Fruit of thy womb, we humbly pray: and do thou, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O O Prince of the heavenly host, sweet Virgin Mary. by the power of God, thrust P. Pray for us, O holy Mother of into hell satan and all the evil God. spirits who prowl about the A. That we may be made world seeking the ruin of worthy of the promises of souls. Amen. Christ. Three times: P. Let us pray. O God, our P. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. refuge and our strength, look M. Have mercy on us. .