NORTH FLATBUSH BID CONNECTING COMMUNITIES FOR OVER 30 YEARS Visit us at: NORTHFLATBUSHBID.NYC 282 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn New York 11217 718-783-1685 ·
[email protected] Design by AGD Studio · Stay connected with us: #NFBIDlovesBIZ #STOPBYSHOPBUY @NORTHFLATBUSHBK @NFBID NFBID: OUR BACKGROUND NFBID: DISTRICT MAP & BOARD MEMBERS N Take a further look: Scale of map: NFBID.COM/SHOP 1 in = 250 ft NORTH FLATBUSH BID Greetings! B45 B67 CLASS A: PROPERTY OWNERS A little over 35 years ago, a group of committed citizens joined BAM BAM ATLANTIC AVE & forces to improve the area known as North Flatbush Avenue. These 3RD AVENUE SHARP HARVEY BARCLAYS CENTER committed citizens, along with the assistance of elected officials B D N R Q WILLIAMSBURGH FULTON STREET President, Ms. Regina Cahill and city agencies, brought renewal to Flatbush Avenue beginning SAVINGS BANK with the “Triangle Parks Commission” and the North Flatbush Avenue TOWER Vice President, Mr. Michael Pintchik Betterment Committee that ultimately gave rise to the North Flatbush B37 Secretary & Treasurer, Ms. Diane Allison Business Improvement District (NFBID). This corridor along Flatbush B65 B45 ATLANTIC AVE & BARCLAYS CENTER Avenue from Atlantic Avenue towards Prospect Park connects NORTH B103 FLATBUSH 2 3 4 5 Mr. Abed Awad residential communities like Park Slope, Prospect Heights, Pacific Park BID B63 and bustling Downtown to the peaceful Prospect Park and beyond Mr. Scott Domansky 4TH AVENUE B41 with a slew of transportation links and the Avenue traveling from the B65 BARCLAYS Mr. Chris King Manhattan Bridge to the bay. B67 CENTER Mr. Matthew Pintchik Over the years, the members of the NFBID Board of Directors, BERGEN ST ATLANTIC AVENUE Mr.